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MightyBFan25 Blog

Okay...So Far My Day's Been Pretty Wierd... :P

Yeah...the title's correct. :P My day so far has been kinda wierd...but it hasn't been my entire was just my morning. So uh...sorry but I just wanna talk about how my day's been so far. So...I woke up at about 9:30 or sometime around there. So everything was nice and normal...I got dressed, made my bed, I had breakfast and all that sorta stuff. Then at around 10 (by the way...not at the this is 10 case you don't know. :P ) VD (you must remember me mentioning her before...she's that evil mean prissy girl who was always mean to me at my old school ever since she knew me and then she eventually apologized to me earlier this year.) called me (don't ask why but she knows my house phone number and has ever since the third grade. :P ) and asked me to help her with some math stuff because she had no clue what she was doing apparently. So since her house is pretty close to my dad's place my dad said that I could walk over there and help her. I honestly thought it was a trick though because she doesn't care about school. :P So I went to her place and helped her out a little bit and after about 30 minutes she knew what she was doing and then I said: "So uh...I guess you understand what you're doing now so I can leave now, right?". Then she said that yes, I could leave now (and I didn't even get beat up. :D :P ) so Iwas just about to leave and go homebut then she asked me what I was gonna be doing with the rest of my day for some reason (I honestly thought that she wanted to do something with me cuz she seemed bored and I didn't want that at all to be honest with you. :P ) so then I said that I'm just gonna go home and then I might go to the park later. After that she seemed a little surprised that I wasn't doing anything that special today for some reason and then she just said bye and I left. :P I honestly thought that all that was kinda wierd...I mean...when I was helping her with some math stuff I was being a bit of a smart *** if you know what I mean. :P I can't help it though...I get that way sometimes because well...I'm smart and I can get really cocky with that sorta stuff...and I mean...VD didn't even tell me to shut up or anything. And I mean...I was saying stuff like: "Well...if you think this is hard...just wait until Algebra One. I mean...I think it's easy but if you can't do this right you're gonna have a hard time next year." and like: "Aw come on! How can you NOT get this right?! This is easy stuff...I learned this last year!". :P Now I'll talk about the rest of my day. I just wanted to talk a lot abou that pretty wierd morning that I least I thought that it was wierd...but least I didn't get beat up! :D :P

The rest of my day so far has been pretty normal though. It was just a normal unproductive Sunday and all that I really did was go online, watch TV, and practice my flute and that's about it. Oh...and my dad took me to some store (I forget what it was though. :P ) so I could get some new headphones for my ipod because the ones that I had were okay but ah...I needed some new ones. So I got some new ones using that 25 bucks that I found on Friday. So...I didn't even haveta spend any of my money...and TRUST ME...even if I did honestly isn't a big deal for me. I mean...I still have like 80 bucks from x-mas and birthday money. And I don't think I've ever mentioned this but I have a bank account and I have money in the stock market (Not kidding...I seriously do...and I'm only 14. The reason I have a bank account though is because one got started for me by my dad when I was really little and I've always put money in there. It was my idea to put some in the stock market though. And by the bank account and all that stuff is not just under my's under my dad's name cuz I'm considered a minor cuz I'm only 14.) and I mean...I put 5,000 bucks in the stock market and my dad helps me with that stuff and right now I'm doing pretty good with all that stuff...and I still have about 2,000 bucks in my bank account. So uh...yeah...I'm fine with all that stuff. :P getting back to my day. :P So I didn't do much else with the rest of my day so far and I don't plan on it either. I'm probably just gonna continue to do nothing with my day. :P Now that I think about it...when I go back to my mom's place today I haveta go play in the mud and get filthy again. I mean...COME ON...I haven't done that for like a week because I've been too busy studying for finals and doing homework and all that sorta stuff. So...since I have nothing to do tonight...I'm gonna go play in the mud when I get back to my mom's place and unpack all my stuff. And I don't even haveta go to the park either....remember...the mud pit that I set up in my mom's backyard...he he he! :twisted: :P So uh...yeah...I'm probably gonna do that later and that's probably the only somewhat productive thing that I'll do for the rest of my day...if that even counts as a productive thing. :lol: :P So uh...yeah...I don't have much else to say about today aside from the fact that I wanna take a nap right now but I can't cuz I'm typing a blog. :P

I just wanna talk about one more thing before I end this blog. :P So uh...I had this really wierd dream last night and I felt that I might as well talk about it. was the day before the History final and I had just finished all my written homework so then I got out my history book and I went into my room and I planned to finish my studying because I pace myself when I study for finals...and with any test for that matter that I actually need to study for...which only seems to be History cuz I suck at it. :P So I went into my room and I opened up my History textbook. But then there was a knock at the door. So I went to the door and opened it and it was VD (who in my dreams is still evil for some odd reason. :P ) and she knew that I had to finish my studying for the History final but decided to bother me anyways. And I remember that she said that she just wanted to talk to me about Pokemon and she had a Nintendo DS with her and it had a Pokemon game in it...I'm pretty sure that it was Heartgold or Soulsilver. Anyways...she asked me if I could play it for her for a while and then she left. So then I became absolutely addicted to the game and I forgot all about studying and I went into my room, threw my History textbook on the ground, and started playing. Then on the next day I failed the History final and then I woke up. I'm not sure if this dream is a bad omen or if it's my brain telling me to study more or something like that. :P I really wanna know though... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry that it's so long. :P I wish I could restrain myself from making these things so long but I can't help myself. I mean...even when I just randomly decide to make a blog and I don't think that I have anything to say I always think of something. :P Ah well...I guess I'm just a very talkative person. Bye! -MightyBFan25

EDIT: Sorry...I just wanted to say that now there's this huge thunderstorm where I live. much for going outside to play in the mud and get filthy today. :P I hate this. I mean...come I haveta stay inside and that kinda makes me feel disconnected from the outside world (I'm not a freak like that but that's just how I feel.) and I feel really bad because before the thunderstorm happened I was just looking out the window and I saw some birdies singing and I don't know what's gonna happen to them now cuz they flew away. I hope they're okay...I like birdies...they sing and their singing sounds like the flute almost. :P Ah...I think they'll be okay...their wings might be wet and they might not be able to fly for a while but I think they'll be okay. That's all I wanted to say. I just wish it'd stop raining and thundering and lightning-ing...if that's even a word. :P Bye...again! :P -MightyBFan25

SECOND EDIT: Sorry about all the edits in this blog...he he. :P But uh...I just wanted to say that I'm really glad now because the thunderstorm was really short and all the birdies that I've seen outside seem okay...and now I can go play in the mud later. I actually think that I will after I'm done typing this edit...he he he! :twisted: :P Anyways...sorry about all these annoying edits...I just wanted to say that. :P Bye...again again.! :lol: :P -MightyBFan25

You Will Not Believe What's Gonna Happen At BLS On Monday... won't...unless you for some strange reason know everything about my school...and of'd know if you went to BLS. :P Anyways...I'm gonna tell you what'll be happening Monday morning nead BLS. So...there's this kinda sorta famous hate group who hate lesbian, gay bisexual, and transgender people. They also hate Roman Catholics, Muslims, and Jewish people. And...they hate Swedes, Canadians, Irish, British, Mexican, and of course...American people. They think that 9/11 was a gift from God and that God hates America. Now...who are these sick, twisted-minded may ask. They call themselves the Westboro Baptist Church. All the members are mostly part of the same family that consists of about 70 people. I personally disagree with everything that these people think and I'm sure all of you do too...and if not...hey...that's what you think...everyone has their opinion...mine is just that those kinda thoughts are just plain wrong...everyone should be able to do what they wanna as long as it's not harming others. Anyways...the WBC (Westboro Baptist Church) makes all their money because they go and picket neat random places with signs saying how they hate America and how God hates America and how 9/11 was a great thing and all this completely stupid crap...and what the WBC wants you to do is get ticked off at them and try to attack them so then they can sue you and get aton of money...and that's how they get their money. And the aweful thing is that no one can do anything because they're protected by the first amendment...freedom of speech. Anyways...they're gonna be picketing near Boston Latin School (my school) on this upcoming Monday from 7:15 to 7:45 A.M. So...basically all us BLS students are gonna do is ignore them and just continue on with our mornings. No big deal...just some stupid people protesting outside. :P And the only reason that they're doing this is because BLS is such a diverse school and these people hate diversity and because BLS is pretty famous and very historic because it's the first school ever established in 1635 to be exact...and they just wanna get all sorts of attention from the media. :P So uh...yeah...if anything stupid happens on Monday I'll tell you. :P

By the way...if you actually give a crap about these stupid peopleor just wanna learn a little more about themhere's the link for their Wikipedia page:

Oh yeah...and those stupid people have their own website too...but I'm not giving you the link cuz there's a semi-bad word in it and because if you go on their website it's full of stupid crap and every time someone goes on their site they make I'm not helping them in any way, shape, or form. :twisted: :P

Now I'm gonna talk about my day. day was pretty good. That stupid city-wide testing was easy...and boring...but that was because it was easy. :P The English one was easy but the Math one was the EASIEST THING EVER! I mean shoulda seen the questions! It was stuff from the beginning to middle of this year and stuff from the seventh grade! Aw was just so least for me. :P But then again...I is pretty darn smarticle. :lol: :P The rest of my day was pretty normal and when I got home I only had Latin homework which wasn't that surprisingly only took me about an hour to do...and the stories were actually kinda long...and even more translation was nearly perfect! :D So uh...then I got my stuff together and then my dad picked me at about 5:30. Oh...and I forgot to say this but I just wanna say two more things: lunch time today me and my friends were actually talking about the war in Iraq and then just war in general and how pointless it is and then we were talking about the WBC coming on Monday...and after lunch time one of my friends, ES, gave me another one of those bracelet thingys that's a guitar and it's three different colors and it's really cool. And last thing: So...when I got off of the train at Suffolk stop...I was walking home and I legit found 25 bucks just lying around and I had no idea who it belonged to because I wasn't on a very crowded train and I was the only one who got off at my stop and I mean...normally I'd try to find out who it belonged to...but no one was around so I figured...ah...I don't need it but hey...25 more dollars is always nice...kinda wierd though...25 bucks...25 is my favorite number and it's in my username...haha. :P

So uh...I just wanna say one more thing and then I'll end this blog. So...uh...when I was walking home from school...after I had found the 25 buckaroos ( :P ), I continued walking home and when I was just a few houses away from my mom's place...I was EM...she's this girl who was a complete jerk to me ever since the beginning of the second term at St. Mary's in the fifth grade...but when the beginning of the sixth grade came she apologized and stopped picking on me. I still hate her (by the way...she's the one who got caught with CK drinking alcohol and was expelled but now has a tutor) but ah...I'm kinda almost over that now...almost. :twisted: :P So anyways...we had not seen each other since the end of the sixth grade and we were just kinda randomly talking to each other for about 45 minutes about stupid crap and how St. Mary's was and all that sorta stuff...and also how life's been...but don't get me wrong...I didn't mind talking to her but I still don't like her at all. And uh...after a while we just kinda said good-bye and then we went our separate ways. :P After that I went to this store right near where I live and I got a Dr. Pepper. :P Then I did my Latin homework and that's about it...then you know what happened if you haven't been absent-reading my blog. :P

Anyways...that's all I haveta say in this blog. I'm not busy tonight and I'd love to go play in the mud...but I don't's too hot outside...I'm just gonna lie down in front of the air conditioner at my dad's place and take a nap. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

The End Of The School Year Should Be Relaxing But It Hasn't Been So Far... :P

Okay...just to let you know...that's how things have been at my school lately. :P I dunno why but the end of the year is supposed to be all nice and relaxing and stuff but to be hasn't been so far and I don't think it's gonna be. :P The last term at my school's pretty stressful with finals and final projects and trying to end the year with a big bang by getting AWETHUM grades and trying to get ready for next year. And then I also have summer reading to worry about. :P I haveta read five books and write reports on them. :P But...that's not that bad. By the way...I don't get out of school until June 28th. :P So uh...basically...I just want the school year to end. :P I mean...even after finals I know that my teachers are gonna assign us some projects and stuff like that. So...I'm not gonna be stress-free until the end of the school year. And I want it to end...I mean...I'm in the eigth grade...but guess BLS you start your "career" there in the seventh grade, and you finish it by the end of senior year. So...I'm not going anywhere. :D :P I'm staying at BLS for four more stressful years of academics before I go off to college. :P Preferably Harvard or Boston College. :P So uh...basically...the point is that I'm gonna be kinda busy until I get out of school so if I'm not online too much during the week don't panic...I'm just at home studying for a final test or something like that. :P day was okay. I just hate that it was wicked hot and humid today...but I can't do anything about that...I don't control the weather...but I know a certain wizard that probably could. :P day was pretty normal aside from the weather being ridiculously horrible. :P I had all my normal classes and two studies today because it was Day Four at BLS. So...since I had two studies I managed to get most of my homework done. There wasn't any Latin homework because we just took a WICKED HARD Latin test today. In Italian we basically did nothing so we didn't have any homework in that either. :P I did my ELA and Math homewotk in my studies and I did my History homework when I got home. And the History homework only took me about 30 minutes. :D I just wanna say one other thing about today. Even though it was really hot and humid today...I didn't notice it until R7. I my first four classes it wasn't that hot yet so I was fine. At lunch time it was AWETHUM because the table that I sit at with my friends it right near one of those industrial fans so it was just really nice. Inmy R5 classI didn't notice anything because I was just so focused on the test. In my R6 class it was a study and the teacher has a few fans in the room which was nice. But my R7 class was teacher didn't have any was really hot outside...and it was my last class...and I was trying to learn how to add and subtract rational expressions with unlike denominators. :P I mean...COME ON! :P I'm not gonna learn anything when I can't think can I?! :P Luckily I had already taught myself the lesson in the R2 study. :P Anyways...when I got home and finished my homework I just did's too hot to do anything. :P I don't plan on doing much tonight. :P And besides...I think there's supposed to be a huge thunderstorm tonight where I live. Hopefully the rain will cool off the area where I live...and if not...ah...I'm not gonna be that happy. :P Anyways...I should shut up...the rest of my day's been useless and unproductive. :P

Tomorrow shouldn't be that bad...hopefully. :P In my Algebra and ELA classes we're gonna be taking some stupid city-wide testing thing that's probably just like the MCAS and is gonna take me like twenty minutes to do and then I'm just gonna take a nap. :P I hate those tests...they're SO EASY and since they're easy...I find them boring. :P But...ah well...I haveta take that stupid test I guess. :P Uh...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

I Just Wanna Talk About My Day In This Blog... :P

Yeah...that's pretty much the only thing that I wanna do in this blog is talk about my day. :P So uh...I doubt anyone really cares but my day was pretty good. So...I got to get a decent amount of sleep again which I liked. After a few hours my dad's girlfriend came to visit (No...he's not cheating on my mom or anything...he and my mom divorced a few years ago.) and I got to meet her and her mom. We talked for a while and had dinner and it all went pretty good if you ask me. It was kinda wierd but my dad's girlfriend, named Maria, is really into music and she knows Italian, Greek, Latin, and Engilsh (obviously). I thought that that was kinda cool...I don't know anyone outside of my school that's into classical instrumental music and knows Latin and Italian aside from her. And she is Greek and does go to visit her relatives in Greece sometimes and I thought that that was wicked cool...I mean...I've only learned about Greece through translations of the Publius and Furianus stories in Latin class. was just AWETHUM if you ask me. :D After a while my dad drove them home and I just kinda came along for the ride because I love riding in cars (don't ask why...cuz I dunno why I do either. :P ) and I wanted to see where they live. So then they went inside and let us see their place and it was AWETHUM. I wasn't this big fancy place but I thought it seemed very nice. And they have this bird called Emma, who's a conjure, and I got to see her and she had a gray head and on the rest of her body were red, green, and blue feathers. Anyways...Maria let me try to hold the bird and I think Emma actually liked me because she stood right on my hand...and apparently she doesn't do that with most people. I dunno why but animals always seem to like me for some reason. :P I kinda like it. :P And it seems like most animals hate my mom. :P Anyways...after that ordeal the rest of my day's been unproductive. I'm not going back to my mom's place today because I get to stay at my dad's place until Monday afternoon cuz of Memorial Day Weekend. :D I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself with the rest of today... :P Ah...I'll probably take a nap and practice the flute. I might go to the park... :twisted: :P But I depends on what I feel like doing with myself. :P

Oh...and this is random but my Nana is gonna be getting a kitten soon that's black and has a white stomach and white paws and she's gonna name it Oreo. :P I can't wait to see it...I love seeing animals...especially baby animals. I dunno why though...I'm just a sucker for baby animals and I can't help it. :P And it seems like I don't just like seems like most animals actually like me back for some reason...and I don't do anything special either...maybe I just give off good vibes or something. :P I have no idea why animals hate some people and love others...but I'm glad that I'm on the good side of the spectrum. :P Anyways...I can't wait to see that kitten and I bet it's so cute.

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry for annoying you with all of this stupid random crap. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Surprisingly This Is The First Blog I've Made All Week... :P

Yeah...I'm a little shocked that I haven't made a blog all week but ah...I've been really busy with school work and I've been busy working on my final ELA paper and some other stuff. Anyways...sorry about that. And aside from being busy I've been kinda tired and lazy all weekand to be honest...I haven't really had anything to write about during this week. :P Ah well...I doubt anyone really cares, right? :P So uh...yeah...I'm not gonna write about my week...I'm just gonna talk about today. :P My week was nothing special. :P

Today was pretty good. I feel much better than I did during the week. Probably cuz I actually got some sleep so I'm not tired...and I'm not busy doing any work at the moment. :P I didn't really do much besides sleep, practice the flute for a while cuz we got a new song called Blaze Of Glory...hehe...I've never even heard of it. :P And I watched some TV, went online, and then I went to the park and got filthy...and obviously after that I needed a at the moment...I'm all cleaned up...which I don't like...but ah...I don't care too much. :P I just wanna say why I went to the park now. It was for my own amusment...but also for something else. my dad was kinda acting like a neat-freak...I mean...not as bad as my mom...but still kinda sorta bad if you ask me...and I think it's because his girlfriend ( he has a girlfriend because I think he's kinda lonely during the week when me and my little brother are at my mom's place and he's home alone. And he met her on one of those stupid online dating sites...but this one actually works for some strange reason. :P ) is gonna be visiting our place tomorrow. I mean...I know he's nervous and me dad's AWETHUM but come on...he needed to lighten up a little. :P After that little ordeal at the park when I came home he didn't seem to care at much about the house being perfect. I'm glad about that...but still...I took a bath and I helped him clean the house a little. After that I continued doing nothing with my day. :P

A little later I went on a walk andI ran into my former arch enemy, VD, once again. I still hate her even though she apologized to me a while ago. But...when I saw her I did apologize for acting like a jerk the last time I saw her when she was trying to apologize to me for being mean to me for a long time when we went to school together. Then we just started talking for a little while...which was kinda awkward...and then I went back home. :P That was about it though. Nothing else really happened with that. And that's the only other thing that happened today. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. Just one last thing though: The Celtics are moving onto the NBA championship! :D AWETHUM, huh? :D Sorry...I can't help it though...I'm from Boston. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

Today's My Dad's Birthday... :D may or may not know this but today is my dad's birthday. :D He's 44 years old now but ah...that's no big deal...he's still the AWETHUMEST dad I could ever ask for and that's all that counts. :D And don't worry...I got him a card, a good birthday gift...and I also got him a few stupid birthday gifts if you know what I mean...and no...I don't mean a poisonous snake...I just mean something stupid. :P So uh...yeah. My dad's AWETHUM...unlike my feel free to wish him a happy birthday. I'd appreciate that and I'm sure my dad will as well. :D So uh...yeah. :P

Today's also my one-year anniversary on if you've known me since I first came on this site as MightyBFan2500. Of course...then I got banned and I made this account. :P So...yeah...I've officially been on this site for a full 365.25 days! :D Yeah...I'm SO AWETHUM...aren't I?! :D :P better say happy anniversary or else I might do something...I dunno what...but it won't be pretty. :twisted: :P Seriously...I'm just kidding. :P I'm not doing anything special for this anniversary either...I'm only gonna have blog parties when I get to a certain number of blogs...probably every hundred with the exception of 250 because I love that number cuz it's a multiple of 25. :P So uh...yeah...I should shut up now. :P

Now to talk about today. :P So day was pretty good. It was nice and unproductive and my family isn't gonna be celebrating my dad's birthday until tomorrow because tomorrow's more convenient. I didn't really do much today. I just slept in, watched TV, went online...and that's about it. I WOULDA went to the park but come's my dad's birthday...I should just calm down for today and refrain myself from going to the park to get filthy for one day. :P So I did that. :P This is completely random but wouldn't it be AWETHUM if I just randomly brought my flute to the zoo one day and played all this random flute music which all the animals loved and broke out of their cages to come and follow me out of the zoo? :P I think that'd be cool...I'd be like the Pied Piper or something. :P Yeah...that'd be AWETHUM! :D :P

Now...I think I mentioned this in my last blog but on one of BLS's websites they have all the music from the Spring Concert...which is known as BLS Music Night. So uh...since no one seemed to in my last blog...I'd like it if at least one or two peoples listened to some music from the concert. So uh...I found a way to get the links so here they are: (just click them and listen to the might take a little while to load but just be patient...I'd really appreciate that. :P )

So...first I'll give you the links to the three songs that the band that I play in played.

Here's the one for the first song that we played, called "Black Is The Color..." :

Well...the link for the second song that we played isn't working for some reason so just go on go to the list of music under Friday, April 30, 2010, and click the second song listed under the Class V Band.

And this is the link for the last song that we played, called "Normandy Beach" :

So that's all the music that the Class V (five) Band played...I'm in that band as a band geek and member of Class V. :P When you listen to these songs try to listen for the flute part because I'm a flute player and come on...we're AWETHUM...just admit it. :P So's okay if you can't hear us but I hope you do...and at the very least you better hear us at the beginning and end of "Normandy Beach" and if must have hearing issues. :P Kidding. :P

And this is a link for a song that the Junior Band (which I will be in next year) played and I love it because the flute part is AWETHUM if you ask me, and the name of itis "Battle Hymn OfThe Republic":

Uh...that's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

This Blog Is Completely Useless And All I'm Gonna Do Is Brag About School... :P

Yeah...seriously...I just wanna talk about my day a little and then I haveta brag about school a little bit. :P Sorry...but I just haveta. I forgot to in my last blog...too tired to remember anything I guess. We got out report cards on Tuesday and I already passed it in and everything but I remember all my grades.'s my fourth term grades:

Algebra: A+ (Yeah...I'm SO proud of this grade...I mean...math's always been one of my best subjects which if wierd because I'm a girl and the stereotype is that girls are better in English and History and that sorta stuff...but my strengths are in math and science and that sorta stuff. Anyways...I worked really hard to get this grade up and I'm proud of it! :D )

Italian: A ( used to be an A+ but the class has been getting a little harder and the grammar's getting more complex but's still an A and I think it's AWETHUM!!! :D )

ELA: A (I'm really glad about this grade because it didn't go up or stayed the same. And come's an A...and English isn't really my best subject. :P So...I'm wicked glad about this grade and I was a little shocked because I was expecting an A- because I didn't do that well on one of the tests that term. :P )

Latin: B+ ( just kinda stayed the same which is disappointing because I really wanna get an A- in Latin at least once. But hey...most people are failing Latin and I have a who's complaining? :P My goal for this term though is to get at least an A- and I will get it because I believe that I can and that's half the battle! :D )

History: B+ (Like I said...History's never really been my best subject and the class is wicked boring but least it's a B+. :P I've been on that B+/A- cusp in History all year...I hope that I can work hard enough and do well enough so that I can get on that A- side of the cusp for term five and I know I can and I will! :D )

Band: A...duh! :P (Sorry about that but come on...we nailed the Spring Concert and I might not be the best flute player...but I'm the best out of everyone that never played before they came to BLS and that I think says a lot about my committment. :D Besides...I'm almost as good as the first least...I like to think I am...hehe. :P So anyways...I'm SO glad I got an A...I'm so AWETHUM, aren't I? :D :P )

PE: A (Now...I know what you're thinking. How can a wimpy dorky nerd like me possibly get an A in PE? :P BLS wejust get graded on participation and effort so uh...yeah...I participate always and even though I suck at half the sports we play least I try. :P )

Declamation: A ( (sarcastically) Gee...what a surprise. :P An Declamation? :P Wow...I NEVER woulda guessed that! :P I'm only an excellent declaimer who always gets A's on all her declamations. :P Seriously...sorry for sounding so cocky...but I can get this way sometimes when it comes to mom tells me that I shouldn't and I admit that I am being somewhat cocky...but ah...don't you think that I've earned this bragging rights for getting all A's and B's at BLS? :P )

Conduct: A ( might be thinking how a troublemaker like me cound manage an A in conduct but the thing is that I behave in all my classes...I just cause some trouble and act crazy with my friends at school in the hallways oron the train ride home or something like that. In my classes I'm well behaves because I have enough common sense to realize that I should. :P )

Overall...I'm pretty happy with all my grades. But I'm not satisfied. I've proven that I can get Approbation. But this term...I WILL get straight A's! :D I mean...all I really need to focus on is History and Latin because they're my worst letter grade subjects. It'll be a little hard and I might be too busy to come on some days but school comes first and I wanna end the second year at BLS with a big bang and get Approbation With Distinction! :D So uh...yeah...I will do that. :P This is kinda awkward...I'll just end this paragraph... :P

Now I just wanna say one thing and then I'll get to my actual day. :P So uh...if you've read most of my blogs then you should remember something about my playing in Band at the Spring Concert and how the Class V (five) Band did AWETHUM, right? Well if you didn't know that now you do. :P So uh...on one of my school's websites (we have two that I know of) which focuses on the arts (music, visual arts, you know...all that kinda stuff) they have all the music from Music Night at BLS. So uh...the music's on in case you're wondering. For some reason I can't get the links on my dad's computer but I was able to get them on my mom's computer so I'll just give you this link: I'd like you to do with it if you actually care is click on this link and then you'll see this link for all the music from our most recentMusic Night at BLS. Then scroll down the list of music until you find the list of music that the Class V Band played. It'll be the first band listed under April 30, 2010. So uh...then I'd appreciate it if you'd listen to "Black Is The Color", "Amazing Grace", and "Normandy Beach". Those are the songs that the band at my school that I'm in played. We might not be as good as the Junior and Symphonic band but hey...most of us have only been playing for about two years. :P After that you don't haveta do this my my favorite song that the Junior Band played was "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" because the flute part was AWETHUM!!! :D If you choose to listen to's the third band listed under Friday, April 30, 2010. If you choose to listen to it...try to pick up on the flute part that I love so much. :P And in all the songs that my band played...try to listen to us flute players (or to get all technical on flautists...yeah...the technical term for a flute player isn't a a's a flautist. :P ) So don't haveta waste your time for the fine arts but I'd appreciate it if you did. And feel free to listen to the songs by any other bands...except sixie band...the sixies suck. :P No offense. :P

Uh...I don't really have too much to say about my day. :P It was pretty good. We had a History test today and I think that I did AWETHUM on it! :D I mean...I usually think I did okay on it...but this time I KNOW that I did wicked AWETHUM on it! :D I had no homework when I got home and nothing too special took place. :P Uh...later my dad came to pick me up and now I'm at his place. The rest of my day's been unproductive... :P By the way...tomorrow's my dad's b-day and I'll dedicate the title of my next blog to that instead of all the random crap that I usually say in my titles. :lol: :P'll also be my one-year anniversary in if you've known me from when I was first on this site at MightyBFan2500 before I got banned for making off-topic forums and just being off-topic in general and apparently the mods were out to get me. :P's not my one year anniversary on this account but of tomorrow I woulda been on this site for a full 365.25 days! :D AWETHUM, huh? :D I think it is. :P I'm not gonna do anything special like a blog party or anything though...I don't feel the need to...I'll do that when I get to 200 blogs. And I'll do another one when I got to 250 because I love all numbers that are multiples of 5 and I ESPECIALLY love all numbers that are multiples of 25. :D :P I dunno why though... :P Easy numbers to do math with I guess... :P So uh...yeah. :P

I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P I'm just somewhat annoyed but kinda happy at the same time because I have the flute part of the song "Battle Hymn Of The Republic" stuck in my head. :P Ah well...bye! -MightyBFan25 (who is almost sorry for annoying you with all the bragging and random crap involving school...ALMOST. :twisted: :lol: :P )

Today's Been The First Non-Busy Day This Week... :P's been the first non-busy day all week for me...which is kinda wierd because the eigth grade's been a pretty laid back year in general compared to the seventh grade. So uh...sorry I haven't written a blog all week but school comes first and's been comsuming a lot of my time so far this week...but I'm not complaining...I know that at BLS I should expect a lot of work...and I mean A LOT of work. :P Anyways...I just wanna talk about how my week's been so far...

So uh...Monday and Tuesday were wicked busy days for me. I had a lot of homework on both nights and nothing really special happened in school. I was just as busy on Wednesday but something crazy happened at school so I wanna mention it but not my next paragraph though. So...I just wanna say why I'm wicked busy lately. Well...we've been getting assigned a lot of stuff in music so I've had to practice much more than usual, in math we've been getting the normal amount of assignments but we also have a take home quiz thingy that's due on Monday and I already did that, in ELA we're reading Sword In The Stone now and I loved the book so I couldn't stop reading it and I finished it yesterday and filled out all the charts and did all my notes and stuff already, in Italian we haven't been assigned anything at all ( :P ). I dunno why though...Mr. Mummolo can be like that sometimes though...but I like having no work in Italian. :P In Latin we've been doing a lot of translating lately and we had to study for this big quiz that was today on all the forms of the verb eo, ire, ivi, itus which means "to go". That was hard because it has a lot of irregular forms. And finally in History we have this test tomorrow on chapter 17 which involves the Mexican War and the gold rushand all that sorta stuff. Uh...that's about it though. :P So...yeah...a lot of stuff going on. :P

Now I wanna tell you all something crazy that happened in band yesterday...and TRUST will be shocked by this. ESPECIALLY considering that at BLS we're mostly all good little nerdy students who almost always behave outselves. of my friends, PV (those are her initials), apparently lost her clarinet on the train a few days ago (yes...she is in band) and one of the MBTA peoples found it and called the school because on all the BLS rental instruments on the cases they say Boston Latin School on one side and one of the school's phone numbers...probably for the music department...on the other. then Mr. Harper got this phone call and found out about this and got PV's clarinet back. So...on Wednesday...PV had to sit out in band because Mr. Harper wasn't going to give her back the clarinet unless she wrote a four page paper on why she is responsible and should get her clarinet back. So before the whole band started warming up, Mr. Harper gave this like 10 minute long lecture on how we should have the mindset of musicians because we are musicians and that mindset includes being mature when needed and always knowing where you instrument is and treating it with respect and all that stuff. Then he began mentioning what happened to PV and you could tell that she was getting a little ticked off (which I couldn't stand to watch because I'm not like best friends with PV...but I mean...if I see her in the hallway I'll talk to uh...yeah) and then Mr. Harper went over and talked to PV and he wasn't really talking...he was yelling (probably because he didn't want anyone to lose their instruments and pay a ton of money to buy a replacement) at PV and then she got really upset and stuff so then she asked to go to the bathroom but Mr. Harper said no so then PV started working on some homework but she was noticeably ticked off so then Mr. Harper mentioned something and the PV just started yelling at him and then they were verbally fighting and then PV just left to go to guidance without Mr. Harper's permission. I was so shocked when I saw that...and I think everyone else in band was too. Anyways...after that when I saw PV in math class she seemed okay I guess. And before we started actually playing and after PV left Mr. Harper told us to tell PV later that he's not angry with her...just disappointed...and I'm glad he said that. Afterwards when band was over her best friend told her that...and I think she was okay. I dunno if she'll be playing in band anymore though and if she does she'll probably be moved down toa second clarinet or something and her grade will obviously be least in conduct. Anyways...that's about it.

Now to talk about today. So uh...yeah...I was finally not that busy. Yays for me. :P My day was usual. :P When I got home I just had about 30 minutes of Latin homework and about 20 minutes in History homework. I'll study for the History test before I go to bed. I actually study best right before I go to bed...or at least I seem to remember information better when I do that...I dunno why though but it works for me so that's all that matters. :P After that I took a bath and then I did nothing productive up until now. :P I WOULD go to the park...but I think that I just need to relax right now...I would be wicked fun...but ah...I know that both my body and my mind need a break after three straight days of non-stop work. So uh...yeah...not much to say about today. :P

That's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Sorry that it's wicked long and there's nothing useful at all in it. :lol: :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Okay...I Have Absolutely No Idea For A Title For This Blog... :P

Yeah...I can't seem to come up with anything for a title so sorry about that. :P I guess I can't think too well today...sometimes that happens during a day when I don't have school. :P Anyways...I just wanna talk about my day and the remainder of yesterday which I never mentioned in my last blog because it was only like 1 in the afternoon or something when I made it. :P I said in my last blog...Saturday was wicked unproductive. When I finished making that blog my dad had to go somewhere so my grandparents on my dad's side of the family (who by the way are the only other people besides my dad on my dad's side of the family that I've ever met because everyone else is eitherjust a complete jerk who you don't wanna talk to, in rehab, or in uh...yeah...but I shouldn't get too into that if at all so I won't.) took us out for lunch which was good and we came back at around 3. Then I went to the park and did what I said I would and when I got back I obviously had to take a shower and then me and my little brother and my grandma (who came back to my dad's place with us because he wasn't gonna be home till like 8 and if she didn't I'd be stuck babysitting which I didn't wanna do) played this random game that I made up and it was wicked fun...but I never won it once. :P I'd tell you what it was but I'm too lazy to type that at the moment and if you wanna know I'll tell you if you happen to ask me very nicely and perhaps give me a Bakugan...or two...or three...or 2,500...which is my favorite number. :P Anyways...the rest of my day was okay, my dad came home at 8, and we just watched some TV and I went to bed at about 10 and that's about it. :P

Today's been pretty good so far. I've been feeling pretty good all weekend, which hasn't been the case for the past few days. The weather's wicked nice out today too. So...of course I just had to go back to the park. He he he! :twisted: :P It was wicked fun aside from having to take a bath when I got back. Hmmmmm.....maybe later today when I go back to my mom's place I should go and play in that mud pit in the backyard that I made... :twisted: :P mom got off WAY too easy this past week cuz I wasn't feeling too well. :twisted: :P And I wasn't sick and I don't get allergies or anything...I was just wicked tired all week and well...I'm sure that that involved something besides lack of sleep because I get at least 8 hours of sleep every night...I know it was something else and I don't mind saying it but I honestly shouldn't because well...I just shouldn't. :P day's been pretty unproductive. I just don't wanna go back to my mom's place later today. I think I'm leaving in about an hour or two. I don't wanna but ah...what can I do? Apparently nothing. :P You know...I don't even get why I call my mom "mom" though...I mean...there's a HUGE difference between having a mom and a mother and mom's not really a "mom"...she's just a "mother" to me if you ask me. Yeah...from now on I'm just calling her my mother...she's not a mom to me at all...just a mother...nothing more when I think about it. That might sound kinda harsh...but when I really think about it...she's never done anything nice for me...if anything all she's ever done is ruin everything. But anyways...enough of that before it turns into a rant. Now where was I...? :P Oh yeah...I'm going back to my mom's place soon and I'm going back to school on Monday. I really don't wanna but I haveta. I'm just hoping that tomorrow will be okay...

And this is something random that I wanna say but remember that wierd dream that I had a LONG time ago that I wrote about where there was this swarm of bugs that carried this disease that turned you into zombies that Satan controlled? Well...I had a dream like that. :P Anyways...I found out that there was a movie sorta like that called the Island Of The Dead. The only differences was that Satan wasn't involved in it, and it all took place on an my dream the whole world was effected by that. Anyways...the movie only got like one star. I was actually thinking about turning that dream into a book or something when I grew up but apparently now I can't which is annoying to a certain degree. :P Ah well...I'm sure I still could if I wanted to. :P

Now I wanna talk about this wierd dream that I had last night. was really wierd and random so don't ask any questions about it. :P So first I was at my dad's place and we were having some of those Italian cookies but then some really fat Italian guy named Guido came and ate them all. (Don't ask about this...please don't...because I won't have an answer for you. :P ) After that was over me and my little brother had to go to this gymnastics place in Winthrop to preform in the BLS Class V (five) Band. And there were some other preformances before us. Most were okay. Then my arch enemy at my old school, VD (those are her initials), was doing some solo preformance...I don't know what it was...but anyways, she got booed off the stage. :P So then our band came up. Of course I was playing the flute and my little brother was in our band as well for some reason and he was also playing the flute and sitting right next to me. We played 5 songs in this order: Black Is The Color..., Amazing Grace, Normandy Beach, The Pink Panther, and The Mission: Impossible Theme. We did AWETHUM and the audience was cheering for us and everything. Then I put away my flute and was about to leave but them I saw VD who was just acting like a jerk to me so I began to leave but them she told me to wait and said that she wanted me to teach her how to play the flute and I was saying, "Okay...but first...before we do need to play follow the leader with me and I'm gonna be the leader." VD just kinda rolled her eyes and wondered what the heck I wasdoing. :P At first I was okay...not too evil...but after a while...since she had to do whatever I did...I just had to eventually go and play in the mud and get filthy and she had to do the same and after that she wanted to kill me so I just grabbed my flute and ran home and then I woke up. :P Don't ask about the dream was really wierd and random. :P

I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry it's so long...but I like to have wicked long blogs to torture you all with. :twisted: :P Seriously...sorry...I can't help myself sometimes. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Sorry I Haven't Made A Blog All Week...

Well...actually...I'm not too sorry because I'm evil and I don't feel bad about anything. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...seriously...sorry about that. I just haven't been feeling too well this week and I've been kinda busy and wicked tired and something else is going on again that I doubt anyone wants to know. :P Anyways...I'm just gonna quickly summarize my week...

Okay...on Monday I was wicked tired after going to the Red Sox game but I still went to school and when I got home I was wicked busy doing my outline for this ELA paper in which we need to state wether or not an environment can effect one and use three characters from any books that we've read this year. I did that and I had some other homework as well so I wasn't done working until about 6 or 7 I think. By then I was just tired so I took a shower, watched some TV, and then I just went to bed at like 8. I didn't do anything stupid or play any pranks on anyone or play in the mud either...I was too tired to.

On Tuesday we took the Math MCAS so I missed Band, Math, and Italian. I didn't have any homework for the most part when I got home but I was still wicked tired so I just spent the remainder of my day just watching some TV and I think I took a nap and that's about it. :P

Uhhh...oh yeah, on Wednesday it was okay I guess. My day at school was okay and when I got home I had about 3 or 4 hours worth of homework and then I had to practice the flute because we just got the sheet music for the Mission: Impossible Theme Song which is AWETHUM!!! I can already play it pretty good...and if you've ever heard it I'm sure you can easily recognize what part the flute players like me play. :P It's not the main melody but that thing where you play the two eigth notes followed by four beats of the same note. It's not that hard...only the counting is because I've never played anything in 5/4 time yet and this is my first piece of music that will be played in 5/4 time. Anyways...that's about it. :P After that I took a shower, and I went to bed early. Once pranks or anything. Same went for Tuesday as well

On Thursday my day was okay aside from having to take the Science and Technology/Engineering MCAS which is pretty much impossible because guess what: AT BLS WE DON'T TAKE SCIENCE IN THE EIGTH GRADE!!!!! WE TAKE HISTORY, LATIN, ALGEBRA, ELA, AND SOME MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGE!!! So...I dunno how I did on that. :P Probably horrible. :P But I don't care because that one doesn't count for anything. :P Besides...I KNOW that I did AWETHUM on the ELA and Math MCAS! :D When I got home I had no homework so that was pretty much my do nothing night but I was still tired so I just stayed at home for the rest of the night and watched TV...once again...I didn't go to the park or anything like that. :P

Finally it was Friday. My day was okay...boring and it took forever to end...but okay. :P When I got home all I had was ELA and Italian homework. My Italian homework was easy and took me like 30 minutes. :P My ELA homework was also was to just do a first draft of our final paper which was easy for me because when I did my outline I took the liberty of writing out every single sentence so basically all I had to do was copy and paste and after that I just had to edit some thing for about an hour and then I was good to print it out. :P Yeah...I am just so wicked AWETHUM! :P Anyways...I didn't have too much to edit but it was just a lot of mindless busy work if you know what I least mindless busy work to me...kinda like doing math homework when you get to use a calculator...of's still mindless busy work for the most part without the calculator for me because I'm pretty good with math. :P Anyways...on that day in ELA class we silently read and finished Evangeline which was a good book I guess...I personally wasn't too fond of it...the author took FOREVER to just describe the Acadian took him like a whole chapter and I was just saying to myself: Come on! Will this stupid epic poem ever pick up?! And while we were doing that...Ms. Wenz talked to each of us individually about our outlines and when it was my turn I took longer than most people because most people just threw down their basic, basic ideas on a one page piece of paper...that by the way...was double spaced (it had to be typed). :P Since I wrote out everything...mine was about 4 to 5 pages long if I remember right. Also...most people just sat there and didn't ask any questions. I was talking with Ms. Wenz and asking her a bunch of questions and telling her my main ideas and all that sorta stuff. Besides...I'm not afraid to talk to my ELA teacher...she likes me a lot because I'm one of her best students actually...I mean...I always participate and do all my work and I've been rocking a solid A- in her class ever since the first day of school. :D So uh yeah...I liked talking to her about that and she said that she loved my outline and really thinks that I have some interesting characters because I'm doing Juror #3 from Twelve Angry Men, Mildred from Farenheit 451, and Ms. Van Daan from Anne Frank. So...that's about all I wanted to say about yesterday. :P

Today's been pretty good so far. I actually got to sleep in and my day's been pretty unproductive because I did all my work last night. So far all I've done is watch some TV and go online and practice the flute a little. I'm feeling much better now...better than I have all week actually...maybe being away from my mom has something to do with it... :P Well...I dunno about that but I'm sure it does. :P And since I'm feeling so much better...I think I'm gonna go to the park soon because well...I do need a bath today, it's wicked nice out today, and it rained last night so...yeah...I think I'm gonna go and get filthy there. :twisted: :P Aw man...I know that'll be fun. :twisted: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog aisde from the fact that I think I'll be getting my report card for term four on Tuesday which I can't wait for...I already know some of my grades...but I'm not gonna tell you them until I get my report card. :P You'll just haveta wait and see how this nerd's been doing in school. :P all might get jealous. :P Seriously...I'm just kidding. :P But I'll tell you all the grades at once so I can combine it all in one useless blog in which I can brag about my grades. :lol: :P Yeah...when I do you can do whatever the heck you want to me. :P Anyways...that's all I haveta say. Bye! -MightyBFan25