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MightyBFan25 Blog

This Blog Shall Be Written In The Third Person... :P

Yeah...the title is true. MightyBFan25 will be writing this entire blog in the third person because she has nothing else to do with herself at the moment and it'll be AWETHUM because that's the way Julius Caesar would make a blog. :D :P So...hopefully you won't mind that MightyBFan25 is writing this blog in the third person and if you do...well...just don't kill her...she wouldn't appreciate that at all. :lol: :P Just ignore MightyBFan25 writing this blog in the third person. :P let's get on with this blog before MightyBFan25 bores you all to death. :P far MightyBFan25's day has been pretty unproductive and all that she's done so far is go online, watch TV, and practice the flute. :PAt the moment MightyBFan25 is very tired and has felt this way for the past few days...I think she's either coming down with something or it's part of something else that she'd rather not talk about. :P Anyways...later MightyBFan25's gonna pack up her stuff and get ready to go to her dad's place which she can't wait for. Other than that MightyBFan25 doesn't plan to do much with herself today...she's very tired at the moment even though it's only noon and she woke up at 10 in the morning. :P

By the way...MightyBFan25's evil plan for productive troublemaking hasn't been going so well. :P She can't think of anything to get her mom to stop acting all snobby and uptight. :P Well...hopefully something will come to her eventually. If you have any ideas feel free to tell MightyBFan25 when you leave a comment in this blog...she'd really appreciate that. :P Well...maybe MightyBFan25 hasn't come up with anything yet because she's been too tired to think about anything. :P MightyBFan25 hopes something comes to her eventually... If not she'll get very annoyed and then she'll haveta annoy everyone online even more. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P MightyBFan25 loves doing evil laughs. :lol: :P

Over the weekendMightyBFan25 also plans to go to Wal-Mart and get some new Bakugan which she will brag about in one of her blogs. And if she doesn't buy some new Bakugan this weekend it'll be next weekend for sure. :P MightyBFan25 also can't wait to get her two AWETHUM Bronze Attack Bakugan in the mail that she won at an ebay auction! :D MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P When MightyBFan25 gets those Bronze Attack out if you ever have a Bakugan battle brawl with'll be so screwed! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P She just can't wait to get some new Bakugan. :D

By the way...MightyBFan25 wants to mention something AWETHUM about the Mighty B!. :D Well...MightyBFan25 found out on The Mighty B! forums that The Mighty B! is gonna have a premier week! :D On every day from August 30th to September 3rd at 4:30 P.M. a new episode of The Mighty B! will air! :DAWETHUM, huh?! :D MightyBFan25 can't believe this actually! :D She thinks it's AWETHUM!!!!! :D 5 new Mighty B! episodes are gonna air in one week at the end of her Summer Break! :D Now MightyBFan25 actually can't wait for her Summer Break to be almost over. :D :P So...if you love the Mighty B! and think it's AWETHUM...MightyBFan25 suggests that you watch Nick when those episodes premier. :D And if you don't...MightyBFan25 will be very angry and she'll play an epic prank on you! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...she already did that to everyone a little while ago...she's good with the epic online pranks for a while. :P

MightyBFan25 doesn't have much else to talk about in this blog. :P She's realized that it's very wierd to make a blog in the third person though. :P MightyBFan25 guesses she'd never be able to act like Julius Caesar. :lol: :P Well...MightyBFan25 should end this blog and in her next blog it will be written in the first person again. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (who's now getting sick of typing her username so much. :P )

If There's Such A Thing As Productive Troublemaking I Plan To Do It Now... :P

Well...before you ask me a bajillion questions I should explain the title before I get to anything else. :P So...first of all...I don't think that troublemaking is really productive ever. :P But...if there is such a thing as productive troublemaking...I'm gonna do it now for a while. :P And's nothing major. I just wanna see if I can use my troublemaking to do something productive and that productive thing is to try to get my mom to stop acting so uptight and snobby. :twisted: :P He he he! This will be interesting. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P To be honest...I have no idea how the heck I'm gonna manage to do that...but I'll figure out something...usually random thoughts for stuff that involves troublemaking just randomly pops into my head and I do it on impulse. :P So uh...I'm gonna start that today and I'll tell you whenever I make another blog what the heck I did if you actually care. :lol: :P I doubt it'll work but I just might and if it mom won't be as uptight and snobby and that would make MightyBFan25 very happy. :P (You know...I should write a whole blog in the third person...that's how Julius Caesar would make a blog. :P Well...not today though...some other time. :P ) And you know...I have noticed that my mom hasn't talked to any of her stupid snobby friends lately after what I did last time some of them came over. :twisted: :P So...hopefully not being around them will help her. :P Anyways...I hope that this works and I'll keep you updated with it if you actually care...and if it doesn't least I got some enjoyment out of it. :P

So far my day's been pretty unproductive. :P All I've done is watch TV, go online, play video games, and practice the flute. :P Just to let you know I am done with all those self-taught summer flute lessons and I'm really happy about that. :D I finished the exercise book which is AWETHUM!!! :D But you know...that doesn't mean that I'm done with practicing the flute for the summer. :P I finished my assignment but I still need to practice almost every day for a fair amount of time in order to maintain my skills...but that's not a problem...playing the flute is fun and relaxing. :D So uh...that's about all I haveta say about my day. :P I think that later today I'm just gonna take a nap and of course I haveta start my productive troublemaking evil plan. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P And if no idea comes to me I'll just play in the mud. :P

One last thing that I wanna say before I end this blog is that I won a few ebay auctions yesterday and I have some special Bakugan coming to me in the mail in about a week or so. :D They're AWETHUM but I'm not gonna talk all about them until I get them. :P So uh...I just wanted to say that and I can't wait to get them. :D :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P This'll make my Bakugan deck even more powerful! :P So jealous of my AWETHUM Bakugan! :lol: :P Kidding. :P And I do plan to get some more Bakugan sometime in the near future. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I'm sure you hate me for making my blogs so long, huh? :P Well...I'm not sorry. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Seriously...I am sorry that they're wicked long but ah...I can't help it. :P doesn't take me that long to type these long blogs cuz this site has made me a wicked fast typer. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

If I Wasn't Being Lazy This Blog Woulda Been Made About A Week Ago... :P

Yeah...I shoulda made this blog about a week ago but I mean...come's the Summer...I have a right to be lazy. :P Anyways...I got my report card in the mail about a week ago but I was too lazy to bother making a blog and mention my grades. :P might be thinking that I shoulda got my report card on the last day of school but school's retarded with certain things. :P So...anyways...before I talk about my day I just haveta brag about my grades. :P First will be my fifth term grades and then my final, overall grades for the year.

Term grades:

Physical Education: A (Ah...I don't really care about this grade...I mean...come get an easy A just for actually participating because if we were graded on our preformances...well...we're all a bunch of nerds and we'd all fail. :P )

Conduct: A (Yeah...I managed to behave myself in class and pull off an A...surprisingly. :P I'm glad that I managed to do that and I didn't get on any of my teachers' nerves this year like I did last year. :P )

Band: A (I'm proud of this grade. I mean...I've gotten A's in band all year but still...Band is actually hard. Fun and relaxing but hard and time-consuming. And you know...all those hours of practicing paid off I guess. And I'm gonna be even better next year and I'm even practicing over the summer! So...look out Junior and all the other flute players are gonna be there bext year and I'm gonna be so wicked AWETHUM...more AWETHUM than anyone else who's played the flute for only two years! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :P )

ELA: A (This class was easy so I knew I was getting an A. :P But still...I'm proud of this grade as well. )

History: A (This grade is so AWETHUM!!!!! :D This is my best grade in History for the entire year! :D And I mean...I suck at History and I hate it and my grades were kinda all over the place in this subject all year but I'm glad I worked by butt off and I pulled this off. :D )

Latin: B (Darn it! This is the only grade that I was never satisfied with! I wanted an A so bad and this is the only subject that held be off of Approbation With Distinction. Well...either way...I'll take it...I know a lot of people failed Mr. Chavero's class and never even passed one of his test cuz they're Latin morons and lack love of the Latin language. :P )

Italian: A+ ( A+...but I'm not too proud of this class cuz I didn't even really try and Mr. Mummolo's class was the easiest class that I've taken in my two years at BLS. :P So...I'm glad I got it but I don't feel that I really earned it. :P )

Math: A- ('s still an A but's only an A- and I know that I coulda done better...I guess it went down a little though cuz I was trying to focus more on History and Latin. )

Now here's my overall grades for the year:

Physical Education: A

Declamation: A

Conduct: A

Band: A


History A-

Latin: B

Italian: A

Math: A

Not bad, huh? Especially considering that I'm going to a super-hard advanced school for nerds called Boston Latin School. :P ovreall GPA for the year not including Band, PE, Declamation, and Conduct (so only my five major subjects) was 3.74 which is about a 3.7 which is equivalent to an A- so my overall average for the year was an A-. Not bad, huh? :P Well...anyways...enough bragging before someone wants to kill me. :P I'll just get on with my day. :P

So uh...I haven't really done much today. I watched some TV, went online, practiced the flute, and then I was tinkering around with some of my Bakugan to find which attribute deck that I have is the most powerful and including traps and battle gear and gate/ability cards my Pyrus deck (surprisingly...I thought is was my Haos deck but I guess not. :P ) is the most powerful with a total power of 3,600 G's. AWETHUM, huh?! :D :P Well...for those of you who have no clue about Bakugan that's wicked powerful. :P Next time I get some Bakugan I'm gonna haveta focus on helping out my Aquos, Ventus, Darkus, and Sub-Terra decks. My Pyrus and Haos ones are in pretty good shape. :P So...anyways...I don't have much else to say about my day. :P The rest of my day's gonna probably be pretty unproductive. Now...I would go outside and do something stupid but ah...I'm really tired right now for some reason and I wanna take a nap when I'm done typing this blog. :P I do wanna mention something else about something but might think that I'm absolutely crazy or mentally insane so uh...if you wanna know you'll haveta ask me through a PM. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry about all the bragging about my grades and sorry that it's wicked long. :P Just be glad I haven't mentioned anything about some of the wierd dreams that I've been having lately involving The Mighty B! and peoples from my old school...cuz those dreams were long. :P Well...I guess I should end this blog now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

I Probably Shoulda Typed This Blog Yesterday... :P

Yeah...I probably shoulda typed this blog yesterday. :P But ah...I didn't really feel like it...I was too busy doing nothing. :P So anyways...I just wanna talk about what's been going on in the last few days and if you actually care you can read it and if not...don't really bother because all you'll be doing is absent-reading it and then you'll be complaining about how long it is. :P

Well...First of all...before I get to my life I just wanna say that soon Massachusetts is gonna become stupid (as if it hasn't already. :P ). I forget where I heard this (probably in the Sunday paper) but it was from a reliable source and they said that in MA (by the way...I live in MA. :P Ugh! Why me?! :P ) the standards for education are gonna be lowered and the MCAS is gonna be made even easier and blah blah blah. So I mean...I just think that this is stupid and I wanna go on such an angry rant about this. I mean...come on...why do smarticle peoples need to suffer because of the morons who can't add and subtract in the third grade?! I mean seriously...if there are stupid peoples...they should get put in a special class with other stupid peoples so they don't hold the smarticle peoples back! Ugh...I hate the idea of this. Before this turns into an angry rant I'm gonna end this right now. I'm just glad that I go to BLS and everyone there is smarticle and I won't be held back and become stupid like everyone else in MA is soon gonna. :P And at least now the MCAS will be even more of a joke. :P I just find it stupid that our president won't do anything about this from what I've heard. I mean...this is probably more of a states' rights thing but come on...does he WANT America to become stupid?! I know that eventually it will (as if it hasn't already. :P ) and this stupidity of lowering educational standards will spread to all of the other states and then America will be full of morons and then we'll get bombed by some random country and we'll all die. :P You know...I'm done with this state...when I grow up I'm leaving MA...I'm tempted to say that I'll leave this country and never come back. :P But ah...enough of this...maybe this is all a lie that the government came up with. :P Sorry for talking about all this junk. :P

Anyways...I did really get it on Saturday. :P When my dad and little brother came back earlier that morning...uh...hehe...well...I got what I deserved for the epic prank. :lol: :P After I got a pie slammed in my face...of course I had to take a bath though. :P Luckily since I was at my dad's place I could kinda slack off with my bath a little...and put it off for a while. :P Other than that nothing special really happened on Saturday. :P Except I got beat with a shovel but a certain person who shall not be named. :P

On Sunday I came back to my mom's place and day was kinda unproductive and boring. But when I came back to my mom's place I unpacked my stuff...messed up my room again...and basically reversed everything that I did during my epic prank. And I took up on my mom's bribe. Apparently now my mom's gonna ease up on some of her stupid annoying rules...I doubt it but it's worth a shot. Anyways...a little while later, at around 6 my mom's stupid friends came over for coffee or whatever. I was in the room with them but I wasn't bothering with them...I was just playing some video games on my Nintendo DS and half-listening to what they were saying. You know...whenever they came over I never listened to any of their conversations...I either went in my room or went outside to do something stupid. :P Then while they were talking about something one of my mom's friends asked my mom if she knows if I'm gonna be gay when I grow up because I'm a tom-boy. You know...they've mentioned this before to be jerks and I've just ignored it but I was sick of putting up with them or ignoring one of you said...I should stand up for myself. :twisted: :P So of course then I stopped playing my game and I had something to say about that. :twisted: :P And of course I wanted tomess with them (because they think it's the end of the world if someone's gay To be's not. They really need to wake up. But of course...they won't. :P ) and I was playing along with that and eventually they seemed really freaked out. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P After that they stopped with that (they probably actually think that I'm gay :P Haha! I'm too young to know that. :P And just cuz I'm a tom-boy doesn't mean crap. :P ) and my mom was like: "That's it! Gosomewhere else!" (probably didn't want me to torture them anymore. :P) andthen I left the room...but I was still listening in on their conversation and it seemed like after that they were making fun of my mom cuz of me. You that point I just had enough of them. I mean...I hate my mom but come on! They can't treat her badly just cuz of me! So then I asked my mom to make me some coffee so she'd be busy for a while and not notice what I planned to do next. :twisted: :P So while my mom was making me some coffee (which I honestly didn't want. :P Too much caffine makes me even more crazy than I already am I honestly don't need that. :lol: :P ) I asked one of my mom's friends (the one who seemed to control most of the conversations and who was the "leader".) to come outside with my for a sec and she unwillingly did after a little persuading. So while she was outside and complaining and wanting to kill me I climbed up kinda high up a tree in my mom's backyard and she wanted to kill me and wanted me to come down, obviously. :P So...then I said that I wouldn't come down until she promised to actually be nice to my mom and stop picking on her. (TRUST ME...I hate my mom but she needed to learn to be nicer and stop being a bully and she did that because of me so I felt that I owed my mom something. I still hate her though. :P ) She at first refused to do anything for me so then I was saying how I might fall and then it'd me all her fault because I'd get hurt because I didn't come down cuz of her. Eventually she agreed and I climbed back down. (Glad that worked. :P By the way...I'm pretty good at climbing trees. :P I used to do that when I was little WAY more but ah...I still have my mad tree-climbing skills. :P ) Then I went inside and it seemed like she and everyone else was a little nicer to my mom. I still don't know why she's friends with them though. :P Then my mom gave me that coffee that I asked for and I just left the room and dumped it in the bathroom sink. :P Then after that I went to go play in the mud in the backyard and then I took a bath a little while later. :P You know...I don't think that my mom even noticed what I did...but I didn't want her that at least worked out. :P A little while later I went to bed and that was that. :P

Yesterday I didn't do anything too special. :P It was kinda boring and unproductive. :P I don't have much to really say about it. :P

Today's been the same for the most part. :P For the rest of the day I'm probably just gonna do unproductive things, practice the flute, and I might go outside to play in the mud. :P I might not though because I don't feel like going outside today...I'm in a lazy mood. :P Probably because I didn't get that much sleep last night. :P Ah well. I don't have anything to really say about today. :P

I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog so I guess I can just end it now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

EDIT: Okay...I just wanna say one more random thing. :P I was just randomly looking around this site for a while cuz I was bored and then I clicked the word "Forums" underneath "" and they had all this random crap( :P ) but then off to the side the page listed the top 5 most popular boards or something like that and The Mighty B! was ranked #4! :D Now...I have no idea if this seriously is true...but I think it is and I honestly don't believe that because there's only like 7 of us (including myself) that have gone on The Mighty B! forums recently. :P But ah...maybe it is true and if it is...that'd make be wicked happy. :D :P Actually...maybe it is true...we actually do have a fair amount of activity all the time on the forums. :P know what...true or not I've actually seen that before and that makes me happy so that just made my day. :D Just wondering but do any of you actually believe that? :P Anyways...maybe some Weekly Mighty B! Discussion sometime in the near future will be some sorta forum party to celebrate that. :D You's kinda cool...what we've actually accomplished on the forums. And it's really cool especially to be because when I first made an account on impulse for this site all The Mighty B! forums' most recent posts were from months ago and as I kept going on more and more people came and more forums were made and's not an epic wicked popular thing...but it's WAY AWETHUMER than it was when I first came on! :D And I've gotten to see it all happen. :D Well...anyways...enough of this before I begin to sound all sappy and emotional. :P Vale...interum. (Which basically means "farewell...again" in Latin. :P ) -MightyBFan25

Haha! I Just Epic Pranked All Of You! :P

That's right...I just epic pranked all of you! :twisted: :P Haha! And you all fell for it! :P I guess I can be really convincing when I wanna be, huh? By the way...since I probably gave you guys all a heart attack over this...just do whatever the heck you want to me. :P And this will be a good opportunity for a certain wizard that I happen to know to finally do something evil. :twisted: :P Anyways...for the past few days I also have been playing this trick on my family as well. :twisted: :P And that was actually my only idea when I was thinking about this prank...but then I decided...why the heck should I spare the people that I talk to online?! :twisted: :P're all AWETHUM but come on! :P I haveta do a few evil things to you every once in a while! Besides...if I didn't...I'd probably go crazy...if I haven't already. :lol: :P Anyways...playing this prank on everyone was actually enough to drive me crazy after the first day...but I mean...I'll do pretty much almost anything to play a prank on someone...and I'm even more motivated to do it if I'm playing that epic prank on everyone! :twisted: :P (By the way...have you noticed that in the past few days I haven't used any emoticons in any of my blogs and I haven't said the word AWETHUM even once and I haven't laughed evilly? If you haven't...well...maybe you should stop absent-reading all my blogs...but then again...I doubt anyone reads the entire thing because they're ridiculously long because I have the urge to say stupid crap like this...wait...what was I talking about...? :P Oh yeah...and if you don't read my blogs...I'd appreciate it if you at least absent-read them. :P ) But was hard for me to pull off this prank because I was doing it to my family and everyone that's been reading any of my blogs recently. :P But I managed to do it...of now I'm gonna act like an absolute retard to make up for the three days that I didn't act like an absolute retard :lol: :P You know...the whole faking quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy was pretty easy...kinda like acting...and even though I don't wanna be an actress when I grow up (I wanna be a doctor)...I am pretty good at acting...I just wish that I wasn't so good though because when I do a Declamation I always go overboard to a certain degree and it looks like I'm kinda acting. :P But I still get good grades...but that's probably where I've lost a fair amount of points as well. :P Anyways...there still is a lot of stuff that I haveta say in this keep reading it. :P're in my world now! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...I've been dying to do an evil laugh for three days...I just had to do that. :P

Well...I actually was planning on continuing this prank for a few days...actually a full week to be exact. But I mean...I got everything out of this prank that I wanted...which was mainly the reaction from my mom. :twisted: :P Remember...I mentioned before that she tried to bribe me into acting like my former self again. :P Well she did...because she's a moron and I'm so darn smarticle. :lol: :P She didn't haveta do anything to get me to act like my former self...but she tried to bribe me into it by promising to ease up on her rules for me being a tom-boy. (She has had those in place for the longest time...or at least the longest time that I can remember...and to be honest...aside from maybe like 2 or 3 of them...I've broken all of them. :P ) So I suppose that I'll take that bribe...even though I don't need it. :P And another reason...I was kinda getting sick of my little brother bothering me about it. :P And another reason...well...a certain few of you were starting to kinda annoy me with all the stupid sappy speeches. :P I don't need that. :P I'm sorry about that...but I'll get to my apologies in the next paragraph.

Well...I do wanna say that I'm sorry about the prank because I know that I was pretty convincing and I fooled all of you and you really thought that I quit being a troublemaking tom-boy forever. And I'm especially sorry Girlygirl24 and Speckledorfed because you fell for that too and it seems that you wouldn't ever wanna put up with me acting all uptight and snobby like that...and you wasted all your time typing all those sappy speeches. ( :P ) I mean...I appreciate that you cared a lot about that...and I know that you'd never wanna put up withsomeonewhoacts the way that I was...which means that you like me acting all crazy and wierd and you like my screwed-uppersonality...or at'd take that over the way I was acting...and that counts for something, right...? :PSo...I just hope that I didn't majorly screw up when I decided to play this epic prank on everyone and you won't wanna kill me. :P And I can do whatever you want to me now except kill me...if you kill me...well...who knows...I'll probably get to see Pluto in the Underworld with the way that I am. :lol: :P Yeah...I'd probably go to the Underworld when I go bye-bye. :P And uh...I don't wanna go there right now...I'm more of a cold-weather person anyways. :P

By the way...everything that I mentioned that were reasons as to why I quit being a troublemaking tom-boy I know are true...but I don't really care about them...I've managed to work my way around all the stuff that I used as excuses for that frequently. :P And by the way...anything mean or offensive that I said...I didn't mean it really. It's just that I wasn't gonna cave in and ruin my epic prank because I wanted to be nice. :P I was hard for me to actually say some mean things to my friends...and get in a few verbal fights with a few of them...but...I'm sorry for that...I didn't mean any of what I said...and it was all part of my prank to make it all the more realistic. So...I hope you actually forgive me and if not...I guess I went a little too far with this prank and majorly screwed up. I hope I didn't do that...because I have done that before in real life and TRUST didn't go too well. :P

And I have something else that I wanna say. (You probably by now have already forgiven me...and you wanna hug but kill me at the same time and you just want me to shut the heck up so you can get on with it...but can wait. :twisted: :P ) Remember I mentioned that I wasn't supposed to be born? Well...I mentioned that...and I won't get into too much detail but that is the case...and that was on my mom's part because she never took good care of herself. Well...anyways...even if I wasn't supposed to be born...I was and I'm gonna make the most of it! Besides...when I grow up and become some sorta doctor (I dunno which kind yet...but I know that I want some career in the medical field...I just hope that I don't ever screw up a patient who isn't one of my mom's stupid friends. :P If that were the case...I'd just leave my mom's friend on the operating table and play video games and say: " need a blood transfusion? Well...just wait another two hours...I'm in the middle of my Pokemon video game! patients are so needy!" and then when the patient flat-lines...I'll just run away and move to Wyoming. :P At least the buffalo won't know what I did. :lol: :P Anyways...seriously...since I was born...wether it was a freak accident or something of that sort...since I was given the opportunity to be born...if while being a doctor if I could manage to give someone...even if it's just one person...a chance at life again...I think I've proven that me being born wasn't a mistake and I do have a purpose in life and even if I wasn't supposed to...I made up for it by letting another person have another chance at life. So...maybe It's always been my destiny to be a doctor all along...I have wanted to be one ever since I've been a little kid and it still really interests me. Besides...being a doctor means that you get to take a lot of Biology classes and that means that you get to dissect random stuff and make a mess. :P That's perfect for someone like me to be doing. :P Anyways...before I begin so sound all sappy with this sorta stupid speech...(as if I haven't already. :P )...I'm gonna end it and get on to the next paragraph. :P

Anyways...those jerks who are always mean to me and disapprove of everything that I do...they didn't win. :P And I actually can't wait until I see my mom's stupid friends again! :twisted: :P I'm gonna let them have it! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Anyways...I'm not gonna punch them (seriously...come on know that I'm a nerd and nerds can't punch hard. :P ) but I'm not gonna ignore them either. I'm just gonna do what I'd normally do and if they don't like's time for me to be a smart a** and tell them off! :twisted: :P TRUST ME...when I'm really angry and I wanna...I can be such a smart a** and I'll win every argument against someone unless it's something stupid that I'm just sticking up for to be stupid and annoy everyone. :P So...they're gonna get it! And after that...they're probably gonna leave me alone...and if not...that makes it even more fun cuz I can do it again...and again...and again! :twisted: :P Eventually they'll get sick of me and my stupidity...everyone does at one point. :P

And one other thing...some of my mom's friends have actually been jerks before and asked me if I'm gonna be gay when I grow up. You know what...being a tom-boy doesn't mean that I'm gonna be gay when I grow up first of all...and second...even if I were to become gay when I grow up...why the heck should they care?! If I did wanna be gay when I grow up that's my decision! And you know what...I honestly have no idea about that...but I don't care if I'm gay when I grow up! But I still have no idea about that yet...I'm not interested in any guys yet (even though I'm 14) and more importantly...I'm not interested in any girls. :P Besides...I'm only 14...I shouldn't be thinking about that. :P But you know what...that would be the ultimate way to spite my mom. He he he! :twisted: :P Kidding...I have no idea what I'll do about that. :P

Now of real life my family's gonna kill me soon as well. :lol: :P When I woke up at like 6 in the morning (trust me...during the summer after a few weeks I begin to get insomnia or something like that. :P And of course being all hyped up from the thought of epicly pranking everyone that I know doesn't help either. :P ) and my dad and little brother were already awake...I told them that it was all a prank and they were so relieved and glad and they forgive me for epicly pranking them. Of the moment they left and they're going grocery shopping (I hardly ever go because I wanna sleep or do nothing. :P ) and I know that they're gonna get something to do something evil to me. :lol: :P I can't wait for that...I deserve it! :P And when I get back to my mom's place...I'm gonna take up on her bribe...and I'm not gonna tell her about the epic prank for a few days. :P Not until I have gotten to play in the mud without being yelled at for a few days and a few other things. :twisted: :P Then I might admit what I did. :P And even then...perhaps I won't! :P My mom doesn't deserve to know anything! :P So...I know I'm gonna get it in real life in a few hours...and when I get back to my mom's place...ah...I'm not gonna get it...but I will be taking up on a bribe. :P And don't call me corrupt either! :P I'm about half-Italian and Italians are known for being corrupt! :P

By the way...I'm gonna pretty much reverse everything that I've done in the past three days in the next two days. :P And when I said that I was gonna sell all my Bakugan online...I was actually faking that and looking for some ones to buy online. :P When I get back to my mom's place I'm gonna mess up my room so it's so messy that it looks like a tornado came. :twisted: :P I'm gonna bring all my pranking equipment back in my room. All the clothes that I've ever played in the mud while wearing will stay in my bottom two drawers's easy access if you ask me. (I keep some clothes aside for when I go to play in the mud...well...actually...a lot of clothes...but I use some for that and the rest are clothes that I'd wear to school or something like that. I might be crazy but I'm not that stupid. I don't need to be playing in the mud in my Declamation outfit. :lol: :P ) After I'm done typing this blog I'm gonna mess up my hair. Actually...I can do that right now. *messes up my hair* Okay...that's better...I can't stand looking nice. :P And I'm gonna continue playing in the mud right after I'm done typing this blog. He he he! :twisted: :P You mom's probably gonna wanna kill me in a few days...but I like seeing my mom all angry and wanting to kill me...that's the only way I've seen her like for years. :P I don't know what I'm gonna do for the most part. :P Probably nothing productive. :P And aside from all the usual unproductive stuff and reversing everything that I've done in the past three days...I'm gonna be outside for a while. I mean...come on...I haveta go on a walk at least...I need to go's been driving me crazy that I haven't been able to do so for the past few days. :P Anyways...I also just haveta go play in the mud. :twisted: :P I'm gonna do that right after I'm done typing this blog. :P I's only like 9 in the morning but I can play in the mud...and if I somehow get a fine for disturbing the peace (which I've probably deserved for a few years now. :P ) mom can pay it. :P And you know...since I'm gonna be outside for a while today...I know that I'm probably gonna get hurt in some way. :P But I don't care...I'd consider that kind of a badge of courage...or my case. :lol: :P Anyways...if you want I'll EDIT this blog later and tell you how everything went and what happened to me and all that stuff...if you actually care. :P Besides...that'll make this blog even longer. :P I wonder if there's a world record for the longest blog ever... :P I bet there is. :P Maybe I broke it. :P Ah...I doubt it. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Just remember...the MightyBFan25 that you've known for the longest time is back and she just played the most epic prank on you! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Now it's time for me to say farewell in Latin to you again. :P And if you want me to EDIT my blog and tell you how my day's been...just ask. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

This Keeps Getting Easier And Easier...

That is correct. It seems as though quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy keeps getting easier and easier for me. I still can not get over that but I am glad that so far it has been rather easy and keeps getting easier for me. Perhaps then all this time I was supposed to benormal and my stupid former self failed to realize this and fought against a life of being a normal person. I still can not believe that a few days ago I played in that horrible, goopy, disgusting mud. My former self was such an immature tom-boy. I am so much better this way. are the updates on how quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy is going so far today:

Well...for today I have decided to take a break from any more drastic changes. I am just continuing with everything that I have been doing for the past few days. I just do not understand the reason as to why everyone is making such a big deal out of me quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy. I mean...everyone realizes that I am so much better off this way, correct? Now my little brother really wants me to go back to my former self as well because I was apparently "more fun" to be around. If by "fun" he means wierd, crazy, annoying, and disgusting then he is correct. Surprisingly...even my mom is beginning to want me to act like my stupid former self as well. I am sure though that the only reason as to why my mom wants me to act like my former self again is because now she has no idea as to how to deal with me...which she did have before. My mom is even trying to bribe me into acting like my former self to a certain degree by saying that she would ease up on the very strict and specific rules that she had for me being a tom-boy. that will ever get me to act like my former self again! Like I said mind is already made up and nothing that anyone says or does will make my act like my former self ever again. Anyways...two things that I plan on doing some time in the near future are giving up on The Mighty B! and completely changing my profile page. But I will not do that until a few days from now...I actually do not plan to make any drastic changes for a few days...I should continue to get used to the ones that I have already made. That is how quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy has been going so far today. It is still very easy for me and I am never going to "snap".

Aside from this my day has been rather unproductive and all I have done is watch done television, go online, and practiced the flute for a fair amount of time. I have also packed up some of my belongings to take with me to my dad's apartment for the weekend. I am not too concerned but I wonder how my dad will react to this whole ordeal...

I also feel the need now to mention another...somewhat more personal reason as to why I am quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy. I will not get into too much detail but to be honest...I actually was not supposed to be born. Now I am finally sick of some of my mom's friends calling me stuff that basically means that I am "a screw-up child who was not even supposed to be born". So...perhaps that is another reason as to why I am quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy. Perhaps I am sick of being called that "screw-up child who was not even supposed to be born". From now on at least I won't be considered a "screw-up child". I wish I could also have done something about my birth but unfortunately I can not ever do that. So...perhaps that is another reason as to why I am quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy.

I do not have much else to say in this blog. Bye. -MightyBFan25

Quitting Being A Troublemaking Tom-Boy Is Easier Than I Thought...

Yeah...quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy is easier than I ever thought it would be. I actually find that rather odd because I thought that it would be much more difficult. Well...what can I say...I guess taht former crazy, wierd, troublemaking tom-boy side to me really was and is finally broken. Anyways...I am glad that this has been really easy for me so far...I do not even want to think about going back to my former self...I was crazy, weird, disgusting, annoying, etc... is what I have done so far today to help further eliminate that former troublemaking tom-boy side to me:

I am still continuing to dress up nicer than I normally would have. I finished cleaning up my room so now everything is neat and orderly. I am going to begin selling some of my Bakugan online soon because I have realized that it is such a nerdy and immature thing to do so I might as well just get rid of them. So I will do that soon...I am just picking out my best ones to sell online now. I just hate the fact that I feel like such an immature nerd just be tinkering aroung with them before they are sold online. I actually can not wait to get rid of all my Bakugan...they are stupid anyways. I also took my last ever heavy-duty bath today. (A heavy-duty bath is basically what my former self called the kind of bath that I had to take after doing something stupid and messy because that was the only way to actually get my cleaned up.) From now on since I am never going to do anything stupid and messy...I can just take a normal, relaxing bath finally. I am sure that from now on I will actually enjoy taking baths, unlike my former self. One last thing that I am doing is in the time that my former self would have wasted playing in that goopy, disgusting mud pit in the backyard...I am going to practice the flute. It is very enjoyable and relaxing to me. The only thing that I despise about playing the flute is having to clean my spit out of it afterwards. It you ask me it is rather disgusting. But other than that everything about it is fine. So...overall...I find quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy rather easy so far and I am perfectly fine with it.

Other than all this stuff and getting a day has been rather unproductive and all I have done is watched some television, went online, and practiced the flute. I actually just came back from getting my hair cuta little while ago and I really like the way that my hair looks now and I am going to try my best to keep it looking the way it is for a long time. You is rather strange...a few days ago my former self would have went to go play in that disgusting mud and ruined her hair and never bothered with how it looked for a long time.

I do not have much else to say in this blog. Bye. -MightyBFan25

I'm Quitting Being A Troublemaking Tom-Boy...

Yeah...that's right. I'm quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy forever. And no...this is not a prank...I'm serious about this and it would be stupid of me to play the same prank on you twice. Anyways...I'm sure you wanna hear my reasoning behind this decision now, correct?

Well...there are a fair amount of things which helped me come to this decision. Before I explain my reasoning though...I just wanna say that this was a hard decision and it involved a lot of thinking. This is my final decision on this matter and no one can persuade me to change my mind. So there. All those adults who disapproved of everything that I ever did...I hope your spirit's finally broken and you won! is my reasoning: First...I know that this upcoming school-year is gonna be much harder and I'm gonna be much more busy than I ever was last year so there's not gonna be any time for me to be a troublemaker. I need to focus on my school-work. I'm beginning to realize that my mom has enough problems to deal with already and she doesn't need me acting stupid and crazy, troublemaking, and playing pranks on her on top of it all. Third...about a week ago my mom told me that she used to me a tom-boy but when she became a teenager she stopped being a tom-boy because she realized that she needed to act more mature and grow up a little so perhaps now it is my time to do the same. Better late than never I guess. that I think about how I used to behave...overall it was just stupid, immature, and ridiculous and I honestly can't believe that I did everything that I did. I mean really...who the heck plays in the mud to spite one of their parents who happens to be a neat-freak?! Apparently my former self did...but that won't be the case anymore. Anyways...that is why I have come to this final decision.

Now...I am aware that it will be rather difficult for me to quit troublemaking and stop being a tom-boy but it's for the best that I do it. It will be hard to act more normal than I usually do because that means that I will haveta start acting...ugh...more girly. Anyways...I have started with quitting being a troublemaking tom-boy already today. I am dressed up somewhat nicer than I normally used to. I put all my pranking equipment in a huge storage bin and out that down in the basement. All of my filthy, ruined, mud-stained clothes are now in the bottom two drawers of my dresser and they will never be used or worn ever again. I have cleaned up my room today as well so it actually looks somewhat neat. I will continue with everything tomorrow and throughout the rest of the day and hopefully by the end of the week I won't even remember my former self! I just wonder how everyone will react to this...

So aside from this my day has been unproductive and all I have done is watched some television and went online. Tomorrow I am getting a hair-cut and I can't wait for that. My hair will actually look somewhat nice again. Anyways...I normally would have went to go play in the mud today but that's not normal at all. Who the heck does that?! I will just spend that extra time reading a book... Besides...even if I went outside for a walk...I will see the mud pit in the backyard of my mom's placethat I foolishly made and then I might possibly give into my urge to play in the mud like I used to and I refuse to do so because that's not what a normal person would do. But...don't worry...I can live without mud and playing pranks on people.

I don't have much else to say in this blog. I will not say farewell in Latin anymore sounds very nerdy. Bye. -MightyBFan25

Finally Done With All My Summer Work...

First of all...I am pretty much done with all of my Summer work now and I've only been on my Summer Break for about three weeks. All I have left to do this Summer is practice the flute and that's about it...but I wouldn't consider that work...playing the flute is fun and relaxing in my opinion. So I have the rest of my Summer Break to do absolutely nothing productive if I wish to do so. :P Now I haven't written a blog for the past two days so I just wanna givea quick summary about what happened in those two days.

So on Sunday it was pretty good. Aside from one thing nothing stupid, crazy, or wierd happened and my day was pretty normal. One thing that I didn't like is that I felt like an epic prank was gonna be played on me all day butnothing happened...I was somewhat relieved but at the same time somewhat disappointed because for some reason I actually like getting pranks played on me...of's WAY more fun though to be the one playing the pranks on someone else...but ah...either way's fine with me. :P As long as something crazy and random's going on it's fine with me...unless I'm doing my Latin homework or something like that...then I need some quiet to focus and think. :P Anyways...the only thing that kept the day from being normal was since I was (and still am) upset that the tree near my backyard got cut down and now some flute birdies are homeless...I went over to the person's house who decided to cut down the tree once it was over and done with. (It was a big tree and it wasn't all cut down until Sunday at around noon.) So I went over to her house and although I'm not an environmental emotions were all over the place (and being a teenage girl doesn't help with that either. :P ) and I wanted to pound on the door and say: "Hey lady, why'd you cut down that tree you moron?!" but I obviously didn't say that...although I REALLY wanted to do that at the time! :twisted: :P But I did knock on the door and ask the woman who was the one who wanted to the tree cut down why she wanted it cut down and she said that she thought that she heard it crack and it was gonna fall over soon! When I heard that I was furious because that's the stupidest reason to cut down a tree that I've ever heard!!!!! After thatI said bye to her...and I know that it was an a rude way but I couldn't help it. After that I felt angry and somewhat depressed all day so I just sulked around my dad's place all day. Then I came back to my mom's place and I was the same way...I'm just glad that my mom wasn't nagging me...if she was I probably woulda just lost it there. That's pretty much all that happened on Sunday.

Yesterday was actually pretty productive for me. I returned all of my library books, I read this book that my dad gave me on how to shoot a pistol (I'm gonna learn how to shoot a gun over the Summer...and it was my idea...I was the one that wanted to learn how to because grandpa and dad know how to shoot a gun and they're wicked good at it and I bet I could be too with's a useful skill and considering that I'm a wimpy nerd...probably the only way that I could ever defend myself. :P And another'll probably get rid of some of my evil troublemaking energy because I'll be doing something that's violent...and that's good for everyone that has to put up with me. :lol: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P ) and I understood all that pretty good, and I also did the only science experiment thatI ever failed which was the Balloon-Rocket experiment in the sixth grade. I had the right design but I couldn't explain why it worked and it was poorly executed because it didn't travel that well. So I finally decided to re-do it to prove to myself that I can do it. So I did that and if you wanna know my design for it you may ask me and you can make your own Balloon-Rocket thingy. But I doubt you wanna. :P And after that I email-ed my sixth grade teacher and told her that I finally did that experiment correctly and explained why it works. And then I told her a little bit about how I've been doing at BLS. Other than that the rest of my day was pretty unproductive. I just kinda did nothing and then I watched Home-Run Derby and since I'm from Boston I'm so glad that the Red Sox player, David Ortiz, won! :D So there...if you're not from your face! He he he! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'll shut up about that...although there is a certain wizard who I just haveta torture about this! :twisted: :P Anyways...that's about it. :P

I have no clue what I'm gonna do with myself today since it's only 9 in the morning right now aside from playing the flute. I might go to the park to play in the mud but that's about it...ah well...when I get the urge to do something I'll probably do it and some random urge will come to me eventually. :P Oh yeah...I just remembered something...during the school-year I wanted to write a song to play on flute and I could probably get started on that today! Yeah...that's probably what I'll do! That's gonna take a long time though because I have a certain way that it has to sound and it just has to sound like how it does in my head. Anyways...I'll find something to do with myself. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. (Hopefully you know what that means by now. :P ) -MightyBFan25

I'm Back On This Site...

Yeah...I'm back from my two-day break from this site. :D And I'm almost certain that some of you didn't even notice my absense. :P Anyways...hopefully for those of you who did notice that I was didn't miss me too much and I doubt you did...the site was probably much more pleasant while I was gone and you didn't haveta read any more of my ridiculously long blogs that consist of absolutely nothing useful. :P But seriously...if anyone seriously did miss me...I'm sorry about that. to talk about what I did during my two-day break from this site... :P

So...during my two-day break from didn't really do anything special. :P I mean...I did all five of my Summer Reading reports so all that's over and done with. I mean...I still need to return the books back to the library but I'll do that on Monday because the library in my neighbourhood is closed on the weekend. Anyways...other than that I practiced my flute, did a lot of thinking about some stuff (and I'll get into detail about that later on in this blog) and then I just kinda slept and watched TV. :P So it was productive at times but unproductive at others. The only thing that I've hated for the past few days is that I've had problems falling asleep...and that always seems to happen to me during the's like I have insomnia during the Summer. :lol: :P But's probably just because I haven't done anything lately that's made me ridiculously tired. I mean...and it's not my's my mind that needs to be ridiculously tired...and usually school takes care of that ever since I've been at BLS...the work is hard enough to just make you shut off your brain when your done with all your work and just sleep for the rest of the day...luckily for me my eigth grade year was wicked easy because I am in Band and I was in Sigma which happens to be the Band Cluster and it was the easiest of the three eigth grade clusters. Anyways...I got some work done and that's about it for productiveness. :P Nothing else special. :P

Now...during that time when I was doing a lot of thinking about some stuff to just clear it out of my head and put it to rest. During that time I did realize a few things about how my mind is probably working and what it's thinking while I do some of the stupid and crazy stuff that I normally would. I don't wanna explain it all though because ah...I don't care if anyone knows it but it would take a while and I don't wanna type up all that stuff and's my screwed up mind...who the heck wants to know about how it works anyways?! :P I mean...if you actually do wanna know what I'm thinking feel free to ask but I doubt you care. :P And when my mom came home from work during the past few days I cleaned up the house to the best of my abilities so that she would have some free time and I could ask her some questions to also figure out if my mom really was a tom-boy when she was a kid because that's what I was getting at after hearing some stories about her on the Fourth Of July when me and a few adults were in the basement and the adults were just kinda talking and ignoring me because I was just trying to solve my Rubic's Cube...but I was half-listening to the conversation...which is probably why I screwed up my yellow side while trying to get the red one. :P And I did find out that my mom was a tom-boy when she was a kid but then when she became a teenager...according to her ( I don't know for really reals if she was telling the truth...she's lied to me before about taking the flute when she went to school and she also lied to me before about being a straight A student...probably just jealous of me and my superior intellectual abilities. :P ) she just kinda stopped because she realized that she was growing up and maturing and that she just should act more mature and put being a tom-boy aside. I personally find that very stupid...but mom is stupid and it was her own stupid decision...not mine. :P I just hope that I don't eventually follow in her footsteps and do the same...I mean...I know that I can be mature and responsible when I want to...I do that with all my school-work...but I don't haveta be that way 24/7...once all your work is done you can just kinda relax and have fun. So...none of this has changed anything about me...I just know a little more about some stuff than I did a few days ago and I can put this all to rest so my mind can be more at ease. :D So...don't worry...I'm still the same MightyBFan25 that I was a few days ago. :P I don't get why you'd think that I'd ever change that though...I love my screwed up personality. :D :P

Now to get on with my day. :P's been pretty good and unproductive so far but I'm really ticked off about something. There's this house right near my dad's place and some stupid person who lives in it wants this tree cut down in her backyard for no apparent reason! I'm so ticked off about this because I can just imagine how many animals lived and nested in that tree and now it's gone. What's gonna happen to the animals living in that tree? I have no idea but it's nothing nice...I'm sure of that. And it's even worse now that I think about it because I'm more fond of birds than I was before after finding out that the flute is referred to as the "song bird instrument" because the flute sorta sounds like a bird singing so whenever I am saying something about birds now I don't call them birds...I call them flute birdies...don't ask why though. :P I'm just so ticked off though!!! The tree is almost finished being cut down and I can still hear that stupid saw cutting it down because it's right near out backyard! I can't stand this anymore! I'm not an environmental nutcase (although now you may think that) but this is just wrong! And they also had to cut down part of this pine tree in our backyard as well! I hate's so stupid! I wish I could do something about it but I can't and I feel so helpless!!! This is gonna get on my nerves for a while and I bet I'm gonna have some sorta nightmare involving this tonight! I was gonna go outside for a walk later but I'm not gonna now because I don't even wanna look at that cut down tree! I'm so ticked off about this and don't mention anything about it to me...I wanna try to forget about it and talking about it won't help me in any way! I'm sorry about this angry rant but I feel very strongly about this! The only thing that could make me more ticked off at the moment is if the park that I usually go to to play in the mud got destroyed to replace it with a parking lot. I'm sure that'll eventually happen as well! I'm's just that this is enough to put me in a pessimistic mood...I'm usually an optimist but today...I'm in a very bad, pessimistic mood.

I don't have much else to talk about in this blog. I still have a ton of stuff to add to that angry rant but I probably should say it online because I'd get in a ton of trouble. :P And by the way...the only reason that I don't have any sad emoticons in this blog is because I hate using sad makes me feel even more upset and I don't need that. Vale. -MightyBFan25