Yeah...the title is true. MightyBFan25 will be writing this entire blog in the third person because she has nothing else to do with herself at the moment and it'll be AWETHUM because that's the way Julius Caesar would make a blog. :D :P So...hopefully you won't mind that MightyBFan25 is writing this blog in the third person and if you do...well...just don't kill her...she wouldn't appreciate that at all. :lol: :P Just ignore MightyBFan25 writing this blog in the third person. :P let's get on with this blog before MightyBFan25 bores you all to death. :P far MightyBFan25's day has been pretty unproductive and all that she's done so far is go online, watch TV, and practice the flute. :PAt the moment MightyBFan25 is very tired and has felt this way for the past few days...I think she's either coming down with something or it's part of something else that she'd rather not talk about. :P Anyways...later MightyBFan25's gonna pack up her stuff and get ready to go to her dad's place which she can't wait for. Other than that MightyBFan25 doesn't plan to do much with herself today...she's very tired at the moment even though it's only noon and she woke up at 10 in the morning. :P
By the way...MightyBFan25's evil plan for productive troublemaking hasn't been going so well. :P She can't think of anything to get her mom to stop acting all snobby and uptight. :P Well...hopefully something will come to her eventually. If you have any ideas feel free to tell MightyBFan25 when you leave a comment in this blog...she'd really appreciate that. :P Well...maybe MightyBFan25 hasn't come up with anything yet because she's been too tired to think about anything. :P MightyBFan25 hopes something comes to her eventually... If not she'll get very annoyed and then she'll haveta annoy everyone online even more. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P MightyBFan25 loves doing evil laughs. :lol: :P
Over the weekendMightyBFan25 also plans to go to Wal-Mart and get some new Bakugan which she will brag about in one of her blogs. And if she doesn't buy some new Bakugan this weekend it'll be next weekend for sure. :P MightyBFan25 also can't wait to get her two AWETHUM Bronze Attack Bakugan in the mail that she won at an ebay auction! :D MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P When MightyBFan25 gets those Bronze Attack out if you ever have a Bakugan battle brawl with'll be so screwed! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P She just can't wait to get some new Bakugan. :D
By the way...MightyBFan25 wants to mention something AWETHUM about the Mighty B!. :D Well...MightyBFan25 found out on The Mighty B! forums that The Mighty B! is gonna have a premier week! :D On every day from August 30th to September 3rd at 4:30 P.M. a new episode of The Mighty B! will air! :DAWETHUM, huh?! :D MightyBFan25 can't believe this actually! :D She thinks it's AWETHUM!!!!! :D 5 new Mighty B! episodes are gonna air in one week at the end of her Summer Break! :D Now MightyBFan25 actually can't wait for her Summer Break to be almost over. :D :P So...if you love the Mighty B! and think it's AWETHUM...MightyBFan25 suggests that you watch Nick when those episodes premier. :D And if you don't...MightyBFan25 will be very angry and she'll play an epic prank on you! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...she already did that to everyone a little while ago...she's good with the epic online pranks for a while. :P
MightyBFan25 doesn't have much else to talk about in this blog. :P She's realized that it's very wierd to make a blog in the third person though. :P MightyBFan25 guesses she'd never be able to act like Julius Caesar. :lol: :P Well...MightyBFan25 should end this blog and in her next blog it will be written in the first person again. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (who's now getting sick of typing her username so much. :P )
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