Yeah...the title's correct. :P I dunno if I'm a genius but I will eventually take an IQ test to determine wether or not I really am a genius...but I bet I am. :P But uh...anyways...I think I just did one of the stupidest things that I've ever done earlier today. :P So...earlier today I woke up kinda early and my mom was already at work so I got dressed and went outside and climbed the tree in the backyard cuz I just kinda wanted to and my mom wouldn't notice. :P And after a while I began climbing down the tree and everything was fine until I got to the lowest branch on the tree cuz I lost my footing and well...I fell. Yeah...not good. I'm just glad it was only from the lowest branch...any higher and I probably coulda gotten seriously hurt. But don't worry...I'm fine...just a little banged up...I have some cuts on my arms and legs...but other than that...I'm okay. :) But I know that my mom's gonna know that I did something stupid and that's how I got banged up. This is probably gonna ruin my productive troublemaking... Wait a sec...I actually just thought of something just mom won't know that I got banged up if she doesn't see that I've gotten I guess until my cuts on my arms and legs get all better I'm gonna haveta wear my sweatpants and long-sleve shirts that I actually don't mind wearing. Oh well...I don't really care...doing that is better than blowing my evil plan. :P So...hopefully I didn't ruin my evil plan...but I don't think I will now. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P
Now that I've just shown you how stupid I am for falling from the tree in the backyard...I might as well get on with the rest of this blog. :lol: :P far other than falling out of the tree in the backyard my day's been pretty nice and unproductive. :P All I've done is watched some TV, go online, practice the flute, etc... :P My productive troublemaking's still going pretty good...same as ever. :P I still can't wait for those new Mighty B! episodes or for my productive troublemaking to be over so I can take up on my mom's bribe...mainly because I want my hair cut wicked short. :P By the way...if you didn't read the EDIT in my last's what my mom had in store for me yesterday...and this is the whole, wicked long story...the same one that's in my EDIT cuz I'm too lazy to type it again. :P it is: Well...if you're reading this you probably actually give a crap about what my mom had in store for me. :P Well...instead of wasting my time rambling on and on about nothing I'll just say what she did. :P So...after I got back to my mom's place I just unpacked my stuff, re-organized my Bakugan (so the attributes would go in this order as oppose to my screwed-up, previous order that didn't really make sense: Pyrus, Sub-Terra, Haos, Darkus, Aquos, Ventus. ) and then went online for a little while. Then at around 7:30 if I remember correctly my mom wanted me and my little brother to come outside for something. So then I saw that my mom had all these water balloons and water guns outside (I was somewhat annoyed cuz most of those water guns belong to me so I knew she went in my room...and she used most of my special balloons to make water balloons with which I was planning on using to fill with water and throw at people passing by the house. :twisted: :P Yeah...this is why I'm annoying. :lol: :P ) and my mom actually wanted to have a water war with us (quite impressive...but she didn't get my message. :P ) and I REALLY wanted to participate in it but of course since I knew right then and there that she didn't get my message so I couldn't participate in it cuz then I wouldn't be acting snobby and uptight around her which would ruin my evil plan. So I just said that it was stupid (can't believe I's seriously wicked fun. ) and I went inside. You have no idea how tempted I was to take all those water balloons, climb up the tree in the backyard, and drop them all on my mom's head! :twisted: :P But I didn't. :P So...that's what my mom was quite impressive...but she didn't get my message so I'm still gonna haveta keep up everything that I'm doing. :P
Now with that over and done with I just wanna remind you to come to my DWTHYW blog to do whatever the heck you wanna. :D So...if I get enough people to come and a fair amount of comments I'm sure it'll be AWETHUM!!! :D I just hope more people take up on my challenge to do something evil to make me regret making that blog when I make it. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So...just remember to read that blog and comment on it or you will perish! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P
Now here's a list of who's NOT permitted to come to the DWTHYW blog:
members of the Mafia
Russian spies
my mom
Ms. Gibbons
the kinda person who would wanna beat me up and snap my glasses in half
my evil math teacher from the seventh grade who hated me
my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade who also hated me
So uh...yeah...if you fall under any of those categories you can't come...but I doubt anyone on this site does so everyone can come. :D :P
Now before I end this blog I wanna talk about my ultimate Pyrus Bakugan deck. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P at your own risk :P The Bakugan that I use in my ultimate Pyrus Bakugan deck are: Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid at 550 G's, Pyrus Helix Dragonoid at 600 G's, and Pyrus Neo Dragonoid Vortex at 650 G's. The battle gear I use is Pyrus Jetkor at 60 G's and the trap I use is Pyrus Scorpion at 850 G's. My ability cards are: Neo Dragonoid Vortex (red), Pyrus 2 (green), and Copper Boost (blue). My gate cards are: Dragonoid (gold), Moonburn (silver), and Lockdown (copper/'s the same thing. :P ) And now...just because I have some AWETHUM cards and Bakugan doesn't mean anything. :P You haveta know how to use them for AWETHUM strategies and combos and now I'll list those...I only have three because with the power of my Bakugan and cards...that's all I'll need to win. So my first combo (this one needs to be first by the way...the last two are interchangeable. :P ) is Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid, Pyrus Scorpion, Moonburn, and Pyrus 2 which has a total combined power level of 1,570 G's which is AWETHUM!!! And this works because Hyper Dragonoid has 550 G's and then Scorpion gives it another 850 G's and then Moonburn gives it another 170 G's. So after I win that battle I play the ability card, Pyrus 2, which allows me to then during a battle take the highlighted gate bonus instead of the normal Pyrus gate bonus but only if I wish to do so, for every battle from then on which is just AWETHUM!!! :D My second combo is Pyrus Helix Dragonoid, Pyrus Jetkor, Dragonoid, and Neo Dragonoid Vortex (with usage of the highlighted gate bonus from Pyrus 2 ability card) whichhas a total G-power of 1,110 which is also pretty AWETHUM!!! :D This works because Helix Dragonoid has 600G's and then Jetkor gives it another 60 G's, and Dragonoid gives it 300 G's because due to Pyrus 2 I took the highlighted gate bonus which is Aquos which is 150 G's but since my Bakugan's a version of Dragonoid I get the gate bonus twice, and then Neo Dragonoid Vortex gives it another 150 G's, 50 for each different type of Dragonoid I'm using in battle, which is three. So that brings everything to 1,110 G's if I did my math correctly. :P And then my last combo is Pyrus Neo Dragonoid Vortex, Lockdown, and Copper Boost (without usage of the highlighted gate bonus from Pyrus 2.) has a total G-power of 1,160 which is AWETHUM too! :D And this works cuz Neo Dragonoid has 650 G's and then Lockdown gives it another 110 G's. But Lockdown has a catch...all bonuses given by ability cards during that battle are doubled! So...then I use my ability card, Copper Boost, which would in a normal battle give me another 100 G's. But...Copper Boost has a catch as well...if you use during a battle on a copper gate card (and Lockdown is a copper gate card) the G-power you get from it doubles so then it gives my Bakugan 200 G's instead of 100. But...Lockdown doubles my 200 G's from that ability card so Copper Boost really gives my Bakugan 400 G's! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...I'm SUCH a genius! :P So yeah...when you do the math it all adds up to 1,160 G's. :D :P So...that's my ultimate Pyrus Bakugan deck. :D And the total G-power for the entire deck is 3,840 G's in case anyone's wondering. :D :P
I don't have much else to talk about in this blog and sorry that it's so long but I couldn't help it...I enjoy making ridiculously long blogs for some odd reason I guess. :P Just one more blog after this one and then it'll be the DWTHYW blog! :D And in my next blog if I'm not too lazy I'm gonna make a giant list of all the Bakugan that I have in my collection. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So...that blog will have a quick update of everything and then after that all it will consist of is my nerdy Bakugan talk. :lol: :P that part at your own risk! :P Vale. -MightyBFan25
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