Okay...so far today's been WICKED AWETHUM but I'll get to that later. :D :P At the moment I'm kinda sorta bored and Speckledorfed did this on one of her blogs and I thought it was kinda interesting and I figure I might as well do this. :P So...if youcomment on this blog MightyBFan25 (Yay...third person talking again. :P ) will:
1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you which colour you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
6. Tell you my favourite thing about you.
7. Tell you my least favourite thing about you.
8. Challenge you to post this on your blog.
Just do this...it's interesting if you ask me. :P So...before I actually talk about my day I was playing this random game yesterday and it was AWETHUM!!!!! :D :P And I was saying to myself: "Okay...Millie and Chester Turtleton would HATE me if they saw me playing this game but ah...who cares?!". :P So...here's the link for it because I have nothing better to talk about: http://www.onemorelevel.com/game/epic_comboSo uh...yeah...just play it...it's fun and you get to blow up turtles or whatever. :lol: :P So...whenever I'm feeling sadistic and I can't watch any of the Saw movies...this is the next best thing. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...NOW I'll talk about my day. :P
Well...it's only like noon where I live but so far today me, my dad, and my little brother went to the zoo and it was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...there was a fair amount of walking involved but ah...I don't really care about that. :P There were a bunch of different animals there but my favorite two were the Snow Leopard and the Mexican Gray Wolves. They were AWETHUM!!!!! :D It was a lot of fun...we were there for about two hours... :P You know...I was really tempted to bring my flute to the zoo though and be like the pied piper but ah...I'm sure I woulda gotten a fine for something. :P The only part that I didn't like was the petting zoo because it's just kinda boring if you ask me and my little brother wanted to stay there for a while but while he was doing that I was watching the Snow Leopard...at least that was fascinating. :P But uh...you know...I kinda feel bad for the animals there because in some exhibits there was only one of whatever animal they had so some animals didn't have a mate or anyone to play with and I know for a fact that some animals didn't have NEARLY enough space to do what they wanted to do. I mean...they seemed happy and nicely taken care of and all...but I just kinda feel that there's a better life for them...but they're being deprived of that and if they were released back into the wild now they wouldn't know how to take care of themselves and they would die probably. Well...I shouldn't rant about this...my blogs are long enough as it is. :P The rest of my day will probably be unproductive. :P I've been feeling a lot better today actually which is good though. :D The only thing that's bugging me is my right leg for some reason...probably because I slept in an awkward position last night or something like that...oh well. :P I'll probably go outside to do something stupid later on today...or I might just go on a walk... :P It depends upon wether or not I'm in an evil, troublemaking mood. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...I think I am. :lol: :P Okay...that settles that matter. :P Okay...now let's get on with the rest of this blog... :P
Okay...before I get on with the stuff for the Random Game Two I just wanted to mention the wierdest trip to this ice-cream place yesterday. :P So...my dad took me and my little brother to some ice-cream place nearby and that was good and all and when we were done we just kinda stuck around in the place for a while and just talked about stuff and there were a bunch of wierd peoples in there. :P I mean...I'm wierd but c'mon...one lady looked like a witch, some guy looked like egor or whatever, and there was this couple that came in and they seemed like they were high (You know...on drugs. :P ) and the lady that seemed like she was high looked like such a drag queen. :P Yeah...I don't think I'm going back there for a while...and this is why East Boston sucks! :D :P YAY!!!!! :D :P Okay...enough of this...let's get on with the Random Game Two...
Okay...now let's get on with the RANDOM GAME TWO!!!!! Here's the answer to the last question:
A.) Well...I can beat that nerd but I dunno...I think I'll let her win because I know she's going easy on me. (Okay...this answer is wrong because that's just a stupid decision to be honest. :P I mean...you don't just let someone win a Bakugan battle.....that's just stupid! :P )
B.) I know I can beat MightyBFan25 but I'll let her win because I know she still has that stupid revolver. (Uh...would I ever shoot you with a revolver? :P I don't think so. :P And losing on purpose is stupid...like I said before...so this answer is wrong. :P )
C.) I'm not gonna battle anyone! I quit! This whole thing is stupid! I'd rather sit around and do nothing and die! (Please don't. :P ) (This answer is for Ms. Gibbons, my mom, VD, Brittany Spears, and anyone else who's a moron like them so it's wrong! :P )
D.) I know I can beat MightyBFan25 and even though she's going easy on me with her backup Pyrus deck...I'm gonna do everything in my power to win! (Although it might seem kinda mean...this is the correct answer...obviously...the others were stupid. :P )
So the correct answer was D. :P And now here's an update of the scoreboard as of right now:
Girlygirl24: 5 points
FZeroBoyo: 3 points
Spongegirl1029: 2 points
katywishing100: 1 point
Yay...no one's reading my mind anymore! :D :P Kidding. :P So uh...yeah...here's the next part of the story:
So you decide to do everything in your power to defeat MightyBFan25 in the Bakugan battle brawl even though she's going easy on you. In the end it was a close battle but you win. She continues training you for another month and then you're ready to take down Apollonir and the Evil Wizard in the most epic Bakugan battle brawl ever! MightyBFan25 let's you borrow all of her Bakugan stuff that you need and you are about to leave but before you do, she says: "Oh yeah, by the way, after you defeat Apollonir and the evil wizard, please come back here and return my Bakugan stuff. And besides...you haveta go to Planet Namek afterwards and uh...I can help you out with that. You'll be going by yourself and all so I just want you to wish for one thing for me...but we'll talk about that later. For right now just defeat Apollonir and The Evil Wizard and come back here to return the stuff you're borrowing. Good luck!". You leave where MightyBFan25 was and begin walking back to the location where you found Apollonir and The Evil Wizard with your Bakugan stuff and new-found brawling skillz. The sun begins to set and you finally reach that location again. You turn around and see Apollonir being controlled by the Evil Wizard. You challenge The Evil Wizard and Apollonir to a Bakugan battle brawl! Apollonir turns back into ball form and The Evil Wizard grabs him. You put on your goggles, gloves, gauntlet, and wrist launcher. You get your deck ready and put your Bakugan in the Bakuclip. Then you open the field and the battle is about to begin! What do you do? Well...what do you do?
A.) Do everything in your power to win the battle!
B.) Close the field and run away.
C.) Ride on your Dragonoid's back...it'll be fun!
D.) Grab Ms. Gibbons and throw her at the Evil Wizard. :P (Yeah...that sounds like a good idea! :D :P Kidding. :P )
So uh...yeah...just post the correct answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P That's about it... :P Sorry this blog's so long...AGAIN! :lol: :P You know...I should count how many times I've said this... :P Ah...maybe some other time. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
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