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MightyBFan25 Blog

Something Random Because I'm Bored Right Now / The Random Game Two Continues... far today's been WICKED AWETHUM but I'll get to that later. :D :P At the moment I'm kinda sorta bored and Speckledorfed did this on one of her blogs and I thought it was kinda interesting and I figure I might as well do this. :P So...if youcomment on this blog MightyBFan25 (Yay...third person talking again. :P ) will:

1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you which colour you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
6. Tell you my favourite thing about you.
7. Tell you my least favourite thing about you.
8. Challenge you to post this on your blog.

Just do's interesting if you ask me. :P So...before I actually talk about my day I was playing this random game yesterday and it was AWETHUM!!!!! :D :P And I was saying to myself: "Okay...Millie and Chester Turtleton would HATE me if they saw me playing this game but ah...who cares?!". :P's the link for it because I have nothing better to talk about: uh...yeah...just play's fun and you get to blow up turtles or whatever. :lol: :P So...whenever I'm feeling sadistic and I can't watch any of the Saw movies...this is the next best thing. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...NOW I'll talk about my day. :P's only like noon where I live but so far today me, my dad, and my little brother went to the zoo and it was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...there was a fair amount of walking involved but ah...I don't really care about that. :P There were a bunch of different animals there but my favorite two were the Snow Leopard and the Mexican Gray Wolves. They were AWETHUM!!!!! :D It was a lot of fun...we were there for about two hours... :P You know...I was really tempted to bring my flute to the zoo though and be like the pied piper but ah...I'm sure I woulda gotten a fine for something. :P The only part that I didn't like was the petting zoo because it's just kinda boring if you ask me and my little brother wanted to stay there for a while but while he was doing that I was watching the Snow least that was fascinating. :P But know...I kinda feel bad for the animals there because in some exhibits there was only one of whatever animal they had so some animals didn't have a mate or anyone to play with and I know for a fact that some animals didn't have NEARLY enough space to do what they wanted to do. I mean...they seemed happy and nicely taken care of and all...but I just kinda feel that there's a better life for them...but they're being deprived of that and if they were released back into the wild now they wouldn't know how to take care of themselves and they would die probably. Well...I shouldn't rant about blogs are long enough as it is. :P The rest of my day will probably be unproductive. :P I've been feeling a lot better today actually which is good though. :D The only thing that's bugging me is my right leg for some reason...probably because I slept in an awkward position last night or something like that...oh well. :P I'll probably go outside to do something stupid later on today...or I might just go on a walk... :P It depends upon wether or not I'm in an evil, troublemaking mood. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...I think I am. :lol: :P Okay...that settles that matter. :P let's get on with the rest of this blog... :P

Okay...before I get on with the stuff for the Random Game Two I just wanted to mention the wierdest trip to this ice-cream place yesterday. :P dad took me and my little brother to some ice-cream place nearby and that was good and all and when we were done we just kinda stuck around in the place for a while and just talked about stuff and there were a bunch of wierd peoples in there. :P I mean...I'm wierd but c' lady looked like a witch, some guy looked like egor or whatever, and there was this couple that came in and they seemed like they were high (You know...on drugs. :P ) and the lady that seemed like she was high looked like such a drag queen. :P Yeah...I don't think I'm going back there for a while...and this is why East Boston sucks! :D :P YAY!!!!! :D :P Okay...enough of this...let's get on with the Random Game Two... let's get on with the RANDOM GAME TWO!!!!! Here's the answer to the last question:

A.) Well...I can beat that nerd but I dunno...I think I'll let her win because I know she's going easy on me. (Okay...this answer is wrong because that's just a stupid decision to be honest. :P I don't just let someone win a Bakugan battle.....that's just stupid! :P )

B.) I know I can beat MightyBFan25 but I'll let her win because I know she still has that stupid revolver. (Uh...would I ever shoot you with a revolver? :P I don't think so. :P And losing on purpose is I said this answer is wrong. :P )

C.) I'm not gonna battle anyone! I quit! This whole thing is stupid! I'd rather sit around and do nothing and die! (Please don't. :P ) (This answer is for Ms. Gibbons, my mom, VD, Brittany Spears, and anyone else who's a moron like them so it's wrong! :P )

D.) I know I can beat MightyBFan25 and even though she's going easy on me with her backup Pyrus deck...I'm gonna do everything in my power to win! (Although it might seem kinda mean...this is the correct answer...obviously...the others were stupid. :P )

So the correct answer was D. :P And now here's an update of the scoreboard as of right now:

Girlygirl24: 5 points

FZeroBoyo: 3 points

Spongegirl1029: 2 points

katywishing100: 1 point one's reading my mind anymore! :D :P Kidding. :P So's the next part of the story:

So you decide to do everything in your power to defeat MightyBFan25 in the Bakugan battle brawl even though she's going easy on you. In the end it was a close battle but you win. She continues training you for another month and then you're ready to take down Apollonir and the Evil Wizard in the most epic Bakugan battle brawl ever! MightyBFan25 let's you borrow all of her Bakugan stuff that you need and you are about to leave but before you do, she says: "Oh yeah, by the way, after you defeat Apollonir and the evil wizard, please come back here and return my Bakugan stuff. And haveta go to Planet Namek afterwards and uh...I can help you out with that. You'll be going by yourself and all so I just want you to wish for one thing for me...but we'll talk about that later. For right now just defeat Apollonir and The Evil Wizard and come back here to return the stuff you're borrowing. Good luck!". You leave where MightyBFan25 was and begin walking back to the location where you found Apollonir and The Evil Wizard with your Bakugan stuff and new-found brawling skillz. The sun begins to set and you finally reach that location again. You turn around and see Apollonir being controlled by the Evil Wizard. You challenge The Evil Wizard and Apollonir to a Bakugan battle brawl! Apollonir turns back into ball form and The Evil Wizard grabs him. You put on your goggles, gloves, gauntlet, and wrist launcher. You get your deck ready and put your Bakugan in the Bakuclip. Then you open the field and the battle is about to begin! What do you do? Well...what do you do?

A.) Do everything in your power to win the battle!

B.) Close the field and run away.

C.) Ride on your Dragonoid's'll be fun!

D.) Grab Ms. Gibbons and throw her at the Evil Wizard. :P (Yeah...that sounds like a good idea! :D :P Kidding. :P )

So uh...yeah...just post the correct answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P That's about it... :P Sorry this blog's so long...AGAIN! :lol: :P You know...I should count how many times I've said this... :P Ah...maybe some other time. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

FINALLY!!!!! The Weather Cleared Up! / The Random Game Two Continues...

Well...I'll get to the title later on but I just wanna tell you right now that this blog's probably gonna be ridiculously long so uh...READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!!! :lol: :P Yeah...I warned you right off the bat so if you read the whole thing don't get ticked off at me because I'll just say I told you so. :P Okay...let's get on with this blog... :P

Well...yesterday the weather finally cleared up and it's a lot better outside and I can finally go outside and do some stuff and act stupid but the sucky thing is that yesterday...and today for that matter...I've felt absolutely horrible. I feel like I'm getting kinda sick but I dunno how I coulda possibly gotten sick. And to make matters even worse...there's something else going on at the moment that just makes things a hell of a lot worse butI just shouldn't mention. :P So...I'm probably not gonna go outside today because I still feel horrible and if I do go outside it'll probably be for just like a 30 minute walk or something. :P Oh well...hopefully I'll feel better soon. Later today I'm going back to my dad's place which should be good. I don't have much else to say about my day...nothing special's happened and nothing special's gonna happen. :P

Now I wanna talk about this really wierd but AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM dream I had last night. :D :P At least one good thing happened yesterday. :P's all of that dream that I can remember: So...I remember I had my own television was channel 25 because 25 is my favorite number. (I wish I really did have a TV channel...that'd be AWETHUM!!! :D :P ) And my TV channel would air for 12 hours and the other 12 hours of the day would just be repeats of the stuff that aired earlier that day in case you missed it. So...for those 12 hours I remember I had 5 hours of cartoons and it would be one hour of five of my favorite cartoons airing. One hour of Bakugan, one hour of Dragonball Z Kai, one hour of Adventure Time, one hour of Making Fiends, and one hour of the AWETHUMEST cartoon ever: The Mighty B!. I also had my own talk show that aired for an hour and had a bunch of different segments and that was the show on my channel that got the best ratings. I would air a movie for two hours...just some random movie that I either loved or hated. I had a game show that aired for an hour...I forget what it was called though... Another hour was dedicated to some radio show/TV show that I had. Another hour was showed a bunch of battles from a Bakugan tournament that I organized every week and I would give some Bakugan brawling tips at the end of the episode. And the final hour was where I would be an absolute nerd and talk about a ton of school one liked that show...but ah...I liked it. :P channel was AWETHUM...ESPECIALLY my talk show...that was my best show on the whole channel! But then VD made her own TV channel and it was channel 36 and I knew that she was doing this just to mess with me in the dream! But I was like: Ah...whatever...her channel will never be as good as mine. :P But then in the dream I remember she was stealing all my AWETHUM ideas and making them better...and in the place of the hour where I would talk about school stuff...she'd use her hour at the time to make fun of me! But other than that she was doing everything that I was doing and even acting like me to get better ratings and crap and I knew that she was faking it and stealing my thunder so one night I called her on her radio show and challenged herto a series of challenges to show everyone that she was lying and faking the whole thing. And of course the next day my evil plan worked, her TV channel got cancelled, and everything was back to normal. least for once I finally had a nice dream that didn't involve the end of the world. :D :P Then I woke up. :P I'm glad I at least had one nice dream that I can rememeber this summer that didn't involve the end of the world or getting beat up for once. :D :P So...uh...yeah...that's all I haveta say about that dream. :P Why are you still reading this crap...? :P

Now...before I get on with the Random Game Two...I haveta post something because I commented on Speckledorfed's last blog. :P It was kinda interesting actually and since I'm kinda bored I think I might as well do that in my next blog...not this blog's WAY too long...but my next one. :P was the stuff Speckledorfed would do if I commented on that blog...which I did:

1. Respond with something random about you.
2. Tell you which colour you remind me of.
3. Tell you my first memory of you.
4. Tell you what animal you remind me of.
5. Ask you something I've always wondered about you.
6. Tell you my favourite thing about you.
7. Tell you my least favourite thing about you.
8. Challenge you to post this on your blog.

And here's what she said: 1. You Like the Mighty B! (ZOMGWUTISTHIS) 2. Red, for some reason. 3. You posted a helluvalot on the MF forums (you stil do.) 4. CHICKEN. Iunno why. 5. Subs or Dubs? 6. Your semi-evilness 7. VENDETTA IS BETTER THAN CHARLOTTE ALWAYS. 8. Do it nao!

By the way...with that question you asked me...that's easy. :P I can't stand reading subtitles with anything because I'll be too busy reading the subtitles that I won't even be watching whatever I'm supposed to be watching so I'd rather go with dubs. It might not be the original thing but I HATE reading subtitles. :P I really should do this in my next blog to get rid of my absolute boredom. :P

RANDOM QUESTION: I'm just wondering but what's your favorite emoticon? :P Mines is the one that looks like a devil. :twisted: And the goofy face...but I use that one ALL THE TIME so's not as special. :P

Okay...let's finally get back to the RANDOM GAME TWO!!!!! :D MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P's the correct answer to the last question I asked:

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

Okay...guess what? :P There is no right or wrong answer to this question because it's really just a personal preference! :D :P YAY!!!!! :P So...basically...if you just answered this gets a point. :P By the way...if you chose Pyrus...that's my favorite attribute of Bakugan to battle with...the attribute of fire. :twisted: :PItactually suits my personality perfectly. :D :P So...if you chose Pyrus...back off the red Bakugan unless you're as the same brawling level as me, King Zenoheld (Or as I like to call him: King Zerohead. :P ), Spectra, Chan Lee, and of course,Dan Kuso. :P Kidding...I don't really care.'s an update of the scoreboard as of right now:

Girlygirl24: 5 points

FZeroBoyo: 2 points

Spongegirl1029: 2 points

By the way...two other peoples did comment on that blog but didn't answer my question and they really shoulda. :P Oh well...hopefully the evil wizard won't win. :lol: :P Kidding. :P's the next part of the story:

So you choose your attribute of Bakugan to battle with. MightyBFan25 gives you a jacket that matches the color of the attribute of Bakugan you chose to battle with. Then she begins to teach you everything there is to know about Bakugan for the next month. She teaches you the story of how the Bakugan came to earth in the first place and of Vestroia and all that sorta stuff. Then she spends some time teaching you about each and every attribute of Bakugan and how to battle with each one. She shows you how Pyrus and Sub-Terra Bakugan like to rely on shutting down their opponents and then relying on sheer power and frontal assault to win, how Haos and Darkus Bakugan combine strategy along with power, and how Aquos and Ventus rely more on tricks and ability card boosts than just raw power. Then MightyBFan25 teaches you all the ways to win with your attribute of Bakugan that you chose. Now you know about the origins of Bakugan and just how strategic Bakugan is and all the strategies that go along with your attribute. Then she shows you all of her Bakugan stuff and hands you a gauntlet and wrist launcher and Bakuclip that are the same color of the attribute of Bakugan you are using and tells you to design the Bakugan deck for your attribute that will be able to defeat Apollonir and The Evil Wizard. A few hours later, you are finally done and show MightyBFan25 the Bakugan deck you made and explain how it works and all your strategies and combos. MightyBFan25 thinks that your deck is ready and lets you borrow all her Bakugan stuff that's now part of your deck. Then she hands you some gloves and a pair of goggles and decides to have a battle with you to test how good your deck is. You deck is strong enough to beat MightyBFan25. So you get all your Bakugan stuff and get ready for battle. The battle is about to begin and you know everything there is to know about Bakugan now. So...what are you gonna do in battle?

A.) Well...I can beat that nerd but I dunno...I think I'll let her win because I know she's going easy on me.

B.) I know I can beat MightyBFan25 but I'll let her win because I know she still has that stupid revolver.

C.) I'm not gonna battle anyone! I quit! This whole thing is stupid! I'd rather sit around and do nothing and die! (Please don't. :P )

D.) I know I can beat MightyBFan25 and even though she's going easy on me with her backup Pyrus deck...I'm gonna do everything in my power to win!

So...just post the correct answer to this question when you leave a comment on this blog. :P I don't have much else to talk about. :P Sorry this blog is so long and useless. :lol: :P Bye...wait...forget that...I haveta say farewell in's better...Vale. :P -MightyBFan25

Will This Terrible Weather Ever Let Up?! / The Random Game Two Continues...

Sorry about the title...but I can't stand this terrible weather! It's been raining where I live for three days straight and I haven't been able to go outside at all during those three days...I mean...I probably could go outside but I don't wanna. The weather just sucks! It's times like this when I really hate New England and it's retarded weather patterns. :P Oh well...I'll live...I just hope it stops raining soon...and if not...I'm gonna go absolutely crazy because I can't go outside! :lol: :P Well...I might as well end this little rant and get on with the rest of my blog... :P little brother decided to stay at my dad's place for another day so I have the house to myself again today which is AWETHUM!!! :D :P The weather sucks though so I can't go outside and do anything stupid or crazy like I'd love to do right now but least I can just stay online all day or take a nap for five hours. :P So I'm probably not gonna be doing anything productive all day and that'll be the case until the weather outside is actually somewhat decent. :P So...I don't have much to say about my day...later today I might go on a walk just to get some fresh air but that's about it. :P Now I wanna talk about yesterday... :P He he he! :twisted: :P

Well...I've been kinda thinking about this for a while...ever since my mom was acting a lot nicer and stuff after my productive troublemaking evil plan finally worked...and I decided that even though I like my mom being all nice and not all snobby and uptight...for some odd reason I just want to hate her again and to have her wanna kill me everytime she sees me...I dunno why...I guess I'm just wierd and I'm kinda used to her being that way. :P So...yesterday my mom took the day off from work and we went to the main part of Boston (yeah...Boston's a pretty big city and there's so many different parts of the city actually. :P Of course though...I'm from East Boston...the worst part of Boston aside from Roxbury and Dorchester. :lol: :P I'm just kidding. :P But I's most of the parts of Boston: Roxbury, West Roxbury, Dorchester, Jamaica Plain, East Boston, the South End, Charlestown, etc... The list goes on forever...wait...why am I even talking about this? :P If you wanna know about Boston go to MA and maybe you can meet me. :P Yeah...I doubt you'd wanna...who would?! :P Okay...let's get on with this blog. :P ) because I had to get some new sneakers for school and my mom since we were there just had to go into some clothing store and get some more stupid clothes. :P Of course since we were in a stupid clothing store (I forget which one...I wasn't really paying attention. :P ) my mom made me get some new clothes for school as well. I HATED THAT!!!!! And even though we were only in the store for about an felt like FOREVER and I hated that so much!!! But at least that's over and done with and now I have pretty much everything that I'm gonna need for my first day back to school aside from those stupid, random, special supplies that you never thought you'd need but apparently you do or you'll get a misdemeanor mark and you never end up using them. :P The only interesting thing about being in the store though was that since we were in a public place...I had to try to get my mom to hate me again! :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P So of course I did everything there that I could to embarrass her in front of everyone there! :twisted: :P might be thinking that I'd be a little embarrassed of doing all that stuff to try and embarrass my mom but ah...I hardly ever get embarrassed...I mean...after getting picked on so much at my old school and just kinda get used to it and you don't get embarrassed anymore which I think is a good thing because that makes me more willing to do stupid stuff and not care about what other people think. :D :P And when we got home and I put away all my mom wanted to kill me! :twisted: :P Hahahah! :P It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D :P I'm hoping my mom hates me again! :twisted: :P But I know she does. :D :P Now I feel WAY better than I did when she liked me for that short period of time. :D :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog so I'll just get on with all the crap for the Random Game Two. :P I just hope this sucky weather lets up soon...the only good thing though is that with all this rain...the park's gonna be so muddy for a while so even though I can play in the mud in the backyard of my mom's place...ah...I'll be going to the park for a few days in a row after this. :twisted: :P I'm sure my mom will wanna kill me...but it'll be so worth it. :D :P's all the stuff for the RANDOM GAME TWO...starting off with the correct answer to the last question I asked:

A.) Well...I don't wanna do any of this crap but I will...I mean...she's got a loaded gun...she could kill me if I don't do whatever she wants! (This answer is wrong. :P I shouldn't do all that crap just so you don't get needs to do it to save the world! And...according to what MightyBFan25 was thinking to herself...the whole thing is a test and she WANTS you to have the guts to actually stand up to her and do something! woulda failed her test if you did this one and you're doing this stuff for all the wrong reasons. )

B.) I'll do all this stupid crap...but only to possibly save the world. Besides...MightyBFan25 said that if I did it all she'd take on the Evil Wizard and Apollonir for me! (This answer is also wrong. :P It's better than A because at least you're doing it for the right reasons but you still woulda failed MightyBFan25's test if you did this. )

C.) You know what...I'm not doing any of this crap! She even said it herself that it's all just humiliating and pointless so why should I do it?! Besides...she unloaded that gun...I saw her do it! She can't do anything to me now! I'm just gonna throw that stupid list on the ground and beat her up! (Althought this seems like a very mean thing to do this was the only answer that woulda shown MightyBFan25 that you have the guts to actually stand up to her which shows her that you have the guts to play Bakugan! MightyBFan25 can teach you how to play and help you get mad Bakugan playing skillz...but if you don't have the guts to'll never be good! So...this is the correct answer. )

D.) You know...this is all just so stupid! I'm gonna leave this stupid place and just go back to that place where I found that tree and sit there until I die! Yeah...that's better than any of this crap! ( it isn't...and that's why this answer's obviously wrong.:P It seriously is...and I'm seriously trying to help you out...just like with the last question. :P ) (I already said this one is wrong because it is so get over it. :P Besides...if you did this the whole story would be ruined and that's not supposed to happen! :P )

So...the correct answer to the last question was C. And now even though I don't think anyone got it's an update of the scoreboard:

Girlygirl24: 5 points (Since you got that question wrong...I guess you're not reading my mind anymore. :P And now...MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P You finally got one of my questions wrong! :twisted: :P I'm sorry but come on...I'm evil...I can't help it. :P )

FZeroBoyo: 1 point (Come on...I know you can do way AWETHUMER with answering my questions! :D can't let the wizard win! :P )

Spongegirl1029: 1 point here's the next part of the RANDOM STORY for the RANDOM GAME TWO:

So you realize that doing all those stupid, pointless, humiliating tasks for MightyBFan25 is just stupid and you decide to stand up to her. You throw the list of tasks that she gave to you on the ground and, tell her that you're not gonna do any of that crap, and then you beat her up. After you're done with that MightyBFan25 stands up again but this time she seems a little dizzy and doesn't seem like much of a threat at all. After a little while when she's finally feeling alittle better she begins to clap and says: "Very impressive...". You seem a little confused and don't know why she has this evil little smirk on her face. You ask her what's going on and she answers: " see...this whole thing was a little test. I didn't want you to do any of that crap and I wanted to see if you'd have the guts to do anything about it...and apparently you do...which means that you have the potential to be an AWETHUM Bakugan Battle brawler! I can teach you how to play and give you all the skills you need to battle...but if you don't have the guts or the heart to're not gonna win!". Then you ask: "But...didn't you say that YOU were gonna battle Apollonir and The Evil Wizard for me...?". MightyBFan25's response is: "Haha! Yeah right! That was part of my test! You're the one that has to defeat the Evil Wizard and Apollonir...not's your battle...not mine. got the whole world into this mess...and you're gonna get us out of it! And...that battle's gonna be dangerous...I could die if I lost! But don't worry...I'll teach you how to play Bakugan so you can defeat them!". Then you say: "Sounds good...when do we get started?". MightyBFan25's response is: "'s getting late tonight. Right now you should just get into some clean clothes, have some food and water, and sleep in the spare room down in the basement.". You do as she says and then the next morning you wake up at 4:30 A.M. to the sound of a whistle. You see MightyBFan25 in what you think is a ridiculous Bakugan battling outfit and try not to laugh. She hands you some clothes that look like the same sorta Bakugan battling clothes that she has and then five minutes later when you're dressed in that outfit she comes back with a ton of Bakugan stuff. The first thing she asks you is: "What Bakugan attribute are you gonna use?". Well...what attribute are you gonna use?

A.) Pyrus.

B.) Sub-Terra.

C.) Haos.

D.) Darkus.

E.) Aquos.

F.) Ventus.

That's about it. :P Just leave your answer to this question when you comment on this blog. :P I don't have much else to talk about... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

I Guess I'm Not Going Outside Today / The Random Game Two Continues...

Yeah...the title's correct. The weather outside where I live is kinda sucky today so even though I could still go outside and do some stuff...I don't really wanna. Outside it's just rainy, humid, cold, and cloudy and even though I'm more ofa cold-weather person...ah...the rest of the stuff to describe the weather today I'm not too big a fan of. :P So...yeah...I'm probably just gonna kinda stay inside all day and do nothing. :P

So far today I haven't done anything that'd interest any of you. :P The only good thing about today is that I have the house to myself until 5 because that's when my mom gets home...and that'll be the case for tomorrow too because my little brother's staying at my dad's place until Tuesday night. I woulda stayed there too but I thought it would be nice to get some alone time and have the house to myself for a little while. :P Then I'll have more time to be an evil mastermind! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So my day's been pretty good so far. :D :P I think later today one of my mom's friends is coming over for coffee or whatever. And know...lately my mom's snobby evil friends haven't come over here...they haven't visited my mom at all that I know of ever since what I did to them the last time they came over. :twisted: :P Yep...I think I took care of them.:P And lately whenever one of my mom's friends have come over they haven't been all uptight and snobby and actually don't seem to hate my mom's stopped talking to them and made some better friends at work or something. :D :P But...I'll never ask her if that's the case...I don't want her to know what I did to her friends because she might not know and ah...I don't want her to know that I actually give a crap about what she's doing with herself. :P Besides...she probably wouldn't even answer my question. :PYeah...not much else to say about my day. :P

By the way...I did all my back-to-school shopping yesterday and it was ABSOLUTE TORTURE!!! I HATED IT!!!!! But ah...I lived or how else would I be typing this blog :P I got all my supplies that I know I'm gonna need anda new backpack and even though I didn't want any new clothes my mom made me get some new clothes. That was the worst part of the whole ordeal...but at least it's over and done with. :P And for once my mom didn't make me get something to wear that was all pink and prissy and girly that I'll never wear...THANK GOD!!! Because I'll never wear that crap so it's just a waste of money if you ask me. :P least that's over and done with and I'm ready for my first day back to school which is about two weeks from now. :D I don't wanna go back but ah...I guess I haveta...besides...I'm a nerd...when I get back in the swing of things I'll be back in love with Latin, Italian, Algebra 2, Biology, Bandand English...but not History...I never really liked History too much. :P And it's my worst subject. :P I just hope I get some good teachers and not all the evil or terrible ones. :P So now I just haveta wait for the first day back to school and I'll get my schedule and all that crap and then on the first weekend after my first few days back I'll haveta get all my binders and random special supplies that you never thought you'd need. :P I would wanna get my binders right now but the teachers who make you keep a binder want them to be specific sizes and colors and all that crap which I find annoying. :P Oh school's retarded...advanced and full of nerdy, smarticle peoples...but retarded. :P

The only thing that's kinda been bothering me lately is that I've noticed that my mom's seemed to change a little after my productive troublemaking and I don't hate her anymore...well...I still hate her...but not as much as I used to. :? I mean...I guess it's a good thing but I mean...I's just kinda wierd that now I don't hate her with a passion like I used to. :? Ah...I guess it's a good thing's not good to hate people...ESPECIALLY if you see them almost every day of the week. :P And it's not good to be filled with hatred and to always be this is a good thing...I just hope that this doesn't turn out to be a bad thing. But then again...I doubt it could...besides...I'm hardly ever angry at anyone so maybe almost never being angry at anyone would be even better. Besides...I have enough stress with school-work as it is...I don't need it to be any worse. :P Well...I'll see what just kinda sucks that I almost feel like a traitor to myself but ah...I'm not really a traitor to myself...the only way I could be is if I started acting like how I did during my epic prank for really reals...but ha! :P Like that'll ever happen! :P

I don't have much else to talk about in this blog so now I should get on with all the stuff for the RANDOM GAME TWO.'s the correct answer to the last question and an explanation as to why each possible answer choice is right or wrong:

A.) I'm not telling that nerd anything! I'll just slap that gun outta her hand and beat her up! (This isn't the right answer because even though it's the end of the world...violence isn't the answer to anything...except in cartoons...and even then. :P're trying to get MightyBFan25 to teach you how to play Bakugan so you can save the world again and beating her up isn't gonna make her wanna help you. :P I should know...I'm MightyBFan25. :P )

B.) Explain to her everything that's been happening and that she needs to teach you how to play Bakugan. (This is the correct answer because even though MightyBFan25 might not believe's better than any of the other choices and it'll actually possibly get you what you want...unlike all the others. :P )

C.) Take the shotgun, kill her, and take her Bakugan stuff and try to figure out for yourself how to play. (PLEASE don't choose this one. :P seriously isn't right and I'm not using reverse psychology or anything like that...I'm trying to seriously help you out here. :P ) (Uh...I think you know why this one's wrong. :P Even though after killing MightyBFan25 you might have all her Bakugan're not gonna be able to teach yourself how to play Bakugan! :P's a complex game involving strategy and skill that can only be taught to you by a nerd. :P )

D.) Demand to have her teach you how to play Bakugan. Besides...she's a nerd...what can she do...kill me?! She only has a loaded gun! I can take her! (Uh...this one's wrong too. :P If you demand something from MightyBFan25...uh...she has a loaded gun...she'll probably kill you. :P Think for more than three seconds if you chose this answer! Either that or read a book...PLEASE!!! :P Thank god no one chose this answer. :lol: :P )

So the correct answer was B...pretty obvious, huh? :P's an update of the scoreboard:

Girlygirl24: 5 points (I told you to stop reading my mind! :P that too much to ask?! :P Kidding. :P )

Spongegirl1029: 1 point

FZeroBoyo: 1 point least three peoples won't rot in the Doom Dimension for all of eternity! :D :P Kidding. :P So...let's get on with the next part of the story:

So you decide to explain everything that's been happening for the past two months and why you're here to MightyBFan25. Then you ask her to teach you how to play Bakugan so you can defeat the Evil Wizard and Apollonir which is the first step to saving the world once more. Then you begin to get nervous, thinking that MightyBFan25 might not believe you. After you're done explaining everything to her and asking her to teach you how to play Bakugan...she immediately unloads the gun and puts it away. MightyBFan25 says: "You know...I'm actually surprised that you had the guts to tell me what's really going on. I believe your story and now that I think about all makes perfect sense. Thanks for coming here and heck...I'll teach you how to play Bakugan! You know...if you wanted I'd take on the Evil Wizard and Apollonir myself!" Your response is: "You'd really do that...? Thanks. So...when are you gonna have a Bakugan battle brawl or whatever it's called against those two?" MightyBFan25 answers: "Ah...I'll do it soon...but before I help you out...first you must do a series of humiliating, pointless tasks for me. He he he!". MightyBFan25 begins thinking to herself: "You know...this is the perfect way to see if this person has any guts. I know that I'm not the person who needs to save the's this person who came to me for part in this whole thing is just to give the hero in this story all the knowledge of Bakugan brawling that I can possibly pass along so they can defeat the Evil Wizard and Apollonir in the battle that's meant to be. I don't really want this person to do any of those tasks for me...I'm testing you to see if you have the guts to stand up to me and refuse to do those tasks...the first thing a Bakugan Brawler needs is guts...the rest of it all comes with practice. And it this hero fails my test...I'll haveta push you until you pass. And if that doesn't least I woulda got a good laugh from watching you do all that stupid stuff. Ha ha ha!". You have no clue what MightyBFan25 has been thinking to herself for the past five minutes. Then MightyBFan25 hands you a list of all those humiliating, pointless tasks that she wants you to do. Well...what are you gonna go? (Think about what MightyBFan25's been thinking to herself in the story. :P )

A.) Well...I don't wanna do any of this crap but I will...I mean...she's got a loaded gun...she could kill me if I don't do whatever she wants!

B.) I'll do all this stupid crap...but only to possibly save the world. Besides...MightyBFan25 said that if I did it all she'd take on the Evil Wizard and Apollonir for me!

C.) You know what...I'm not doing any of this crap! She even said it herself that it's all just humiliating and pointless so why should I do it?! Besides...she unloaded that gun...I saw her do it! She can't do anything to me now! I'm just gonna throw that stupid list on the ground and beat her up!

D.) You know...this is all just so stupid! I'm gonna leave this stupid place and just go back to that place where I found that tree and sit there until I die! Yeah...that's better than any of this crap! ( it isn't...and that's why this answer's obviously wrong. :P It seriously is...and I'm seriously trying to help you out...just like with the last question. :P )

I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog so thanks if you actually read the whole thing and if not...ah...I wouldn't know anyways. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

This Blog's Probably Gonna be Wicked Long / The Random Game Two Continues...

Yeah...this blog's probably be kinda long because I have a lot to talk about and then all the Random Game Two stuff. :P So...just read the parts of it that are actually important and hopefully you won't wanna kill me after reading the whole thing. :lol: :P So...might as well get started: far my weekend's been pretty good. :D It's been just like every other weekend during my Summer Break so far. :D :P So...nothing special. :P It just kinda sucks that I'm going back to my mom's place later today. And I think we're gonna go back to school shopping which I hate so much!!! Ugh! I haveta get all my supplies and crap and then my mom's gonna make me get some clothes which I don't want! I might be a girl but I hate shopping for clothes and I don't want any new clothes. Besides...within a week half the clothes I get will be ruined from me playing in the mud in them. :P Oh well...I'll live...I'm just gonna be unhappy for a few hours today. I'm not going back to school for about two more weeks luckily. :D I'm just sorta nervous about starting the ninth grade because even though I'm not changing school because BLS covers grades 7 to's gonna be really hard and I'm gonna be really busy. long as I try hard and focus I'll be fine probably. :D I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself later today. :P I have a feeling that I'm gonna be pranked later on today so I'm a little paranoid but ah...I don't really care. :P No one can epic prank like me so I'll be fine. :P And then I'm gonna haveta go back to my mom's place, do that stupid back to school shopping, and then I might go outside and do something...but I dunno...the weather outside where I live is kinda crappy right now so maybe not. :P Uh...that's all I haveta say about my day. :P

I might as well mention that the next evil thing I wanna do is I wanna try to get my mom to stop being such a neat-freak. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...I mean...for now she's not as snobby and uptight but ah...she's still a neat-freak and that needs to change. :P Hopefully eventually I'll get her to play in the mud...and if not that at least mess up the house a little and quit cleaning so much. :P Hopefully my evil plan will last one did! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

By the way...I wanna mention this wierd dream that I had a few nights ago and I forgot to mention. :P I have a lot of wierd dreams all the time...ESPECIALLY during the summer for some odd reason but I don't mention all of them because well...most of them are pretty much the same. :P But this one was really wierd so here's everything that I can remember about it: So...I remember at the beginning of the dream I was just doing some blogging on this site actually. The only thing was in the dream I still had my Bessie icon...not my Bakugan icon. So I was just blogging on this site and then I remember when I was checking some of my blogs that girl from my old school, EM, the one who got expelled from EBCCS for drinking with CK, was commenting on some of my blogs. I forget her username but she had an icon that was a picture of herself so I knew it was her and she was reading my blogs and commenting on them. Now...that's not a good thing because she knows where I live (I swear she like used to stalk me in the fifth grade. :P I dunno why though. :P ) and I never mention to any of my friends in real life all the stupid, evil stuff I do at home in my spare time. :P I mean...they know the way I am and that I do some stupid, evil stuff...but ah...I don't mention it that much. :P The only peoples who know everything that I do at home are my family members and the peoples on this site as of right now...if I mentioned it at school...ah...I'd never hear the end of it. :P So I don't mention it. :P And uh...anyways...she read my blogs and at first she was just commenting and saying that she knows who I am and she remembers me and then she was calling me all these mean things and being a jerk but then she kinda stopped that after I called her some mean things back and then she wanted to go play in the mud with me for some odd reason. I said sure so then EM came over to me house and then we went to the other side of town to play in the mud...which is wierd because I have a mud pit in my backyard...and all you haveta do is just take the hose and get it wet again when it dries up. :P So I remember after we finally got there I was playing in the mud but then EM just called me a loser and left. And I remember that the stuff I was playing it seemed like mud but I know it wasn't was more like I wet clay or something like that. And then when I was done and I put my glasses back on I noticed that my mom and everyone else in the city had pitchforks and torches and were chanting: "Take a bath. Take a bath." and I refused to so then they threw me off a cliff and then I woke up. It was really wierd. But luckily that'll never happen...besides...if I'm covered in mud no neat-freak would wanna pick me up to throw me off a cliff. :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that. :P

FIRST RANDOM QUESTION: I know I asked this in my last blog but everyone that commented on it answered "yes" and I want you to reconsider and think about what you'd be getting yourself into. :P So...if I went bye bye and you needed to be my replacement of the world would go boom...would you do it? Think about it.'d haveta be evil, play pranks on people, play in the mud, be a troublemaker, learn to play Bakugan and be the AWETHUMEST Pyrus brawler ever, learn to play the flute, learn Latin and Italian and a ton of advanced stuff at my school, etc... :P So...think about it...would you REALLY wanna take my place? :P haveta put up with my mom and get pranked by your family sometimes as well. :P Like what's probably gonna happen to me later. :P So...think about it...I love acting like myself and I love my life but I doubt anyone else would so just reconsider. :P

SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: By the way...just wondering but do you like my Bakugan icon? I don't really care if you like it or not though because I like it and I'm gonna keep it for a while but I'm just curious. :P And that I'm on the topic of Bakugan...I'm still stuck on the Sub-Terra drawing...I dunno how I want that person to look... :P

Now I'll get to the RANDOM GAME TWO!!! :D's the answer to the last question and why each choice was right or wrong:

A.) Ah...I can't see in the dark but I'll travel by night. (This is a good answer but I think it's not as good as two others. I the dark you can't see and you might get lost and lose your sense of direction. You might be moving but I think it's too risky and could use some rest if you ask me. :P )

B.) Spend the night under the tree and get some sleep. Then in the morning I'll begin travelling to the location stated by Apollonir. (This is the correct answer...well...this one and D. :P I think it's best that you get some sleep. The only thing is if some survivor came by and you were on the ground in plain sight you might get hurt. But answer's perfect. :P )

C.) Screw Apollonir and this planet! I'd rather die than do all that stupid crap! (Uh...this one's the worst one. :P If you don't do all this "stupid crap" then the story's meaningless and I did all this typing for nothing! :P )

D.) Climb up the tree and sleep up there for the night. Then in the morning I'll go to that place that Apollonir told me to go to. (This is the correct answer along with B. I woulda accepted either actually. They're pretty much the same but with each place you sleep there's a flaw. You might get attacked on the ground but you could fall outta the tree if you're up there. )

So I woulda accepted B or D. :P They're the correct answers. By the way...the answer to the bonus question in my last blog was yours truly. :P Come on...who else do you know who plays the flute, is a Pyrus brawler in Bakugan, and lives in East Boston? :P This was easy if you ask's myself. :P that that's taken care's the scoreboard as of right now:

Girlygirl24: 4 points (Okay...I know you're an evil wizard and all but I'll ask you nicely to please stop reading my mind and getting all the answers right. :P Seriously...glad you've gotten all the answers right so far but I'm waiting for you to screw offense. :P )

Spongegirl1029: 1 point

Uh...that's about it. :P I hope someone who ISN'T an evil wizard wins this thing though. :P Kidding. :P's the next part of the story:

So you decide that before you begin the first part of your quest that you will spend the night sleeping near the tree. The next morning you wake up and you're feeling better and well-rested. You begin your journey eastward to East Boston, where this dork you're supposed to meet will be. You travel all day and just as the sun is about to go down you see a ventalation shaft with smoke coming out of it sticking out among the piles and piles of ashes from the recent wildfires. You walk near the ventalation shaft and find a door that leads to the basement where this person is living. You hear a lot of screaming and banging and some faint flute playing. You knock on the door and all of a sudden the screaming, banging, and flute-playing stops. The door opens and a 14 year old girl comes out. You notice that she has a loaded gun in her back pocket and she probably thinks that you're up to something. Then you say: "You seem very much like someone I talk to online...did you have a account by any chance...?". She answers yes. Then you ask: "I'm just wondering but what was your username?". She says: "MightyBFan25". Then you realize that you're meeting the person who's writing the story in the story which is a little wierd but you don't question it too much. MightyBFan25 takes out the loaded gun and then says: "You seem very friendly and all considering that it's the end of the world...but before I can completely trust you...why are you here? And give me one good reason why I shouldn't blow off your head with this gun? It's not a threat...I just wanna know what you're up to...". Well...what are you gonna tell this nerd so she doesn't blow off your head with a revolver? :P

A.) I'm not telling that nerd anything! I'll just slap that gun outta her hand and beat her up!

B.) Explain to her everything that's been happening and that she needs to teach you how to play Bakugan.

C.) Take the shotgun, kill her, and take her Bakugan stuff and try to figure out for yourself how to play. (PLEASE don't choose this one. :P seriously isn't right and I'm not using reverse psychology or anything like that...I'm trying to seriously help you out here. :P )

D.) Demand to have her teach you how to play Bakugan. Besides...she's a nerd...what can she do...kill me?! She only has a loaded gun! I can take her!

So...just post the correct answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Good luck. :D Sorry this blog's so long by the way. :P I just had a lot of crap to mention. :P So uh...I guess I'll end this blog. :P And hopefully I'll get pranked soon just to get it over with. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

The Random Game Two Continues...

Well...before I start all the stuff for the Random Game Two again I wanna talk about my life. :P Who knows...someone might actually read about it. :lol: :P So...I don't have that much to say about my day but ah...I haveta type at least one paragraph with a quick update of my life, right...? :P

Today's been thesame as every other unproductive day of the summer so far. :P I don't have much to really say about my day. :P The only wierd thing was that last night I had a pretty wierd dream. I don't remember too many details about it so it's not gonna be a long story but in the dream I was basically getting paid money to play in the mud and there was no catch or anything bad about it at all. :P And that dream kinda made me remember that I haven't played in the mud for a few days so I'm gonna do that after I'm done typing this blog! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P My Bakugan drawings are still doing pretty good...I did the Haos one last night and it's AWETHUM!!! :D It's my favorite one yet! :D Now all I have left is the Sub-Terra one and then I might wanna redo the Ventus one and I'll be all done with those. :D Then I'll write a little bit about each character and hang up the drawings on my bedroom walls. :D :P I'm going back to my dad's place later today which is AWETHUM and I'm sure that'll be a lot of fun. :D And uh...other than that...I don't have anything else to really say about my day. :P Well...why are you still reading this crap? :P Aren't you bored out of your mind yet...? :lol: :P

Now before I get to the Random Game Two...I just have one random question:

RANDOM QUESTION: Well...I'm just wondering but if for some odd reason I went bye-bye and the world needed a replacement for me or the world would blow up...would you be the replacement for me...or would you rather have the world blow up cuz you don't wanna play in the mud and put up with my mom? :P So...I don't care about the answer to this one...I'm just kinda wondering. :P If you say yes...I don't really care...and if you say no...I don't really care...I'll probably just laugh though and then go play in the mud. :P

Now let's get back to THE RANDOM GAME TWO:

Here's why each answer to the last question is right or wrong and then the correct answer:

A.) Shoot 'em with the shotgun! (Even thought this MIGHT seem like a good really isn't because first of're wasting the little shotgun ammunition that you have and you should save it for something that you can actually hit. And I mean...come're not gonna kill an evil wizard and one of the Six Legendary Soldiers Of Vestroia with a shotgun. :P )

B.) Climb up the tree and hide. (This seems like a good idea but think about it...the evil wizard and Apollonir are already in front of you and are staring at you. If you climb up the tree they'll know that you're up there and kill you for being sneaky probably. )

C.) Get up and talk to them...maybe they want something. (This is the correct answer. It might seem strange and unsafe but if you get up and talk to them you won't seem like a threat to the evil wizard and Apollonir so they probably won't wanna kill you. )

D.) Shoot the evil wizard with the shotgun and then tackle Apollonir and take his wallet. (Uh...I think you know why this one's wrong. :P You're not gonna kill an evil wizard with a shotgun and if you try to tackle Apollonir he's gonna burn your face off or something. :P And's the end of the world...taking his wallet is pointless because currency is now meaningless...besides...Bakugan don't have wallets! :P )

So...the correct answer is C. And here's the scoreboard as of right now. Once again...if your username's not up here...that means that you haven't gotten a point yet. By the helps if you read the store two or three times so you don't make a stupid guess. :P's the scoreboard as of right now:

Girlygirl24: 2 points (By the way...either you're learning how to read my mind or those two were lucky guesses. :P )

Spongegirl1029: 1 point

Now let's get on with the next part of the story for the RANDOM GAME TWO:

So after thinking for a little while you decide to get up and talk to the Evil Wizard and Apollonir, thinking that they might want something and you can help them out. As soon as you stand up, the Evil Wizard remembers you! According to him you were: "That evil little demon child who ruined my evil plan!". He remembers how you drained his powers by making him watch the movie Twilight. Somehow he was floating and seems to have gained all his powers back. He does not want to risk losing his powers again so he teleports somewhere else. Then you walk up to Apollonir and talk to him. You notice that when he was around the evil wizard his eyes were red, but now they're black, like they usually are. You ask him what's going on and he gives you the full explanation of everything that happened and this is what he said: "After you had that battle with the wizard and defeated him, in those three years he managed to gain back all his powers somehow. He wanted to get revenge on everyone on this planet, especially you for draining all his powers temporarily. So he came up with a plan to destroy this planet forever without even getting his hands dirty. He used his mind-control on me and the other five Legendary Bakugan: Sub-Terra Clayf, Haos Lars Lion, Darkus Exedra, Aquos Frosch, and Ventus Oberus. He pitted us against each other and made us use our powers against each other in a battle royal taking place across the planet, and that made us destroy it. All across the planet were wildfires, earthquakes, thunder storms, blackouts, tsunamis, and tornados, all because of us being controlled by him. The fight raged on for about two months but in the end I won and wildfired charred the earth to a crisp. Now, there's only one way to save the planet. You, my friend, must defeat me in a Bakugan Battle Brawl and then drain the evil wizard of his powers once more, but this time, you must do it and make sure that he stays that way forever. And then you must go to planet Namek, find all seven Dragonballs, summon Porunga, and use your wishes to restore this planet back to it's former state." Then after a few minutes of absorbing all this overwhelming information you finally answer: "But I can't even do the first thing! I can't defeat you in a Bakugan Battle Brawl! I don't even know how to play Bakugan!" Then Apollonir answers: "I thought you might say that. And that is why you need to travel to East Boston, Massachusetts. There you will find someone who will teach you how to play Bakugan and defeat me." You answer: "But I don't know where this person lives, why can't you give me an address?!" Appolonir says: "Because this person can't say anyone's address...the person's online writing this story as we speak! But don't worry, the person will be down in the basement of her house and she'll be battling with some Pyrus Bakugan so you'll see smoke coming out of the ventalation shaft above ground and you'll hear a lot of banging and screaming because now the Bakugan can be in their true forms on this planet for some odd reason. And you might hear some faint flute playing...the person you're looking for plays the flute and wants to get her Bakugan to battle in sync with her flute-playing or something like that. I think it's stupid but don't tell her that. Well, young warrior, are you going to begin your quest now?" You say that you are and then Apollonir's eyes glow red again and he flies off somewhere. It's getting late outside and the sun is beginning to set. So...what do you plan to do?

A.) Ah...I can't see in the dark but I'll travel by night.

B.) Spend the night under the tree and get some sleep. Then in the morning I'llbegin travelling to the location stated by Apollonir.

C.) Screw Apollonir and this planet! I'd rather die than do all that stupid crap!

D.) Climb up the tree and sleep up there for the night. Then in the morning I'll go to that place that Apollonir told me to go to.

So...just leave your answer when you comment on this blog. :D Hopefully you pick the right answer. :P Just think about it for a while and don't just randomly guess cuz I want all the peoples participating in this to do good. :P Ah...maybe not! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P But I'd rather get you with a trick question than have you get a wrong answer because you just randomly guessed. :P

Ooh...I actually came up with an idea for this one right now. I'll give you a bonus question in this blog. :P It's not multiple choice but it shouldn't be that hard and if you get it right you'll get another point. :D :P

BONUS QUESTION: Do you know who this person that you're supposed to meet to teach you how to play Bakugan is? If so, tell me when you comment on this blog along with your answer to the other question. :P Come on! :P This shouldn't be too hard! :P

I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog. :P Sorry that this blog is so long butI can't help it because all the Random Game Two stuff takes up a lot of space on this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Finally Reached 10,000 Posts!!! / The Random Game Two Continues...

Yep...the title's correct. :D I finally reached 10,000 posts which is just AWETHUM!!! :D I's so wierd though...I've managed to do this in less than a year. :P But ah...who cares?! :P I got to 10,000 posts between all my blogging and forum-posting and what-not so I'm really happy about that! :D Quintuple digits in my post count...hehe...that's AWETHUM!!! :D :P Five and any multiple of five are my favorite numbers anyway...but I especially like multiples of 25 cuz they're AWETHUM! :D :P Anyways...enough of this...I just wanted to mention that. :P My next goal is to get to Level 22 as quickly as possible because I like that level even though I haven't gotten to it I wanna get there now. :P

One other thing that I forgot to do in my last blog was thank everyone for posting on my DWTHYW blog. :D So uh...yeah...thanks. :P I never really regretted making that blog though...some of you ( I won't use names. :P ) did kinda annoy me on that blog...but ah...I don't really care...I annoy peoples all the time and it was fun. :D :P So...yeah...that's about it. :P Why are you still reading this crap?! :lol: :P Aren't you supposed to be absent reading this and looking for when the Random Game Two part of this blog begins?! :P Kidding. :P

So far my day's been pretty AWETHUM actually! :D First of all though...I wanna say that I've been feeling a lot better...I've been trying to do some fun stuff to keep my mind off of my Nana's cat and so far I haven't felt that bad about it anymore which is good. :) I mean...I'll remember her cat...but I shouldn't be upset about it. :) So...I feel a lot you can probably tell by my emoticons in this blog. :D :P So uh...those Bakugan drawings that I've been doing are looking pretty good. I did the Darkus one last night so now all I have left are the Haos and Sub-Terra ones...but then again...I'm kinda thinking of redoing the Ventus's not my best work. :P Ah...maybe some other time. :P And today's been AWETHUM so far! :D My mom took the day off from work so she could take us to see a movie which was AWETHUM!!! :D Me, my little brother, and my mom went to see that movie Dinner For Schmucks and it was really funny and I enjoyed seeing it. :D :P You know...I think my productive troublemaking finally got my message across to my mom. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P But uh...the next step in my evil mission is to get my mom to play in the mud. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P But ha! :P Like that'll ever happen! :lol: :P

I don't have much else to talk about for now so I should get on with The Random Game Two now. :P's everything involving that if you actually give a crap about it:

So...if I remember right the last question was which gun and ammunition do you take's all the possible answers and why each one is wrong...and why one of them is right:

A.) A shotgun and some normal ammunition for it. (This answer's the correct one actually. First of all...I remember saying that all the guns were NORMAL guns...not high-pressure guns so you needs to have normal ammunition for it. And second...I said that you know how to handle and take care of a gun and how to load one...but you DON'T know how to aim a gun...and you don't aim a point a shotgun which is why it's only used at close range. So...yeah...that's why this answer's right. :P )

B.) A sniper rifle and some normal ammunition for it. (This answer's wrong because even though you're using normal need to know how to aim a sniper rifle and according to the don't know how to aim a gun. :P )

C.) A revolver and some normal ammunition for it. (This answer's wrong for the same reason that answer B is wrong...only this answer's even worse because a revolver is a type of pistol and pistols are the hardest type of gun to shoot from what I've been told. :P )

D.) A machine gun and some normal ammunition for it. (This answer's also wrong. I dunno if you aim a machine gun but I don't think you do. :P And even if you didn't...a machine gun fires really fast and you'd waste ammunition really fast and you can only carry some ammunition with you and you should use it wisely. )

E.) Screw that! I'm taking all those guns! Lock and load the +P+ ammunition! I dunno what it is but it should be better! (Now...if you see all those guns lying around you probably should take all of them but according to the question you can only take one. :P And all the guns are normal guns, NOT high-pressure guns and you can only use +P+ ammunition with a high-pressure gun or it could cause the gun to malfunction or backfire or something like that and it just isn't's stupid. :P )

So...the correct answer was A.) A shotgun and some normal ammuntion for it. (By the way...I know all this crap about guns because I had to read a book about it cuz my dad's gonna teach me how to shoot a gun later this summer. :P So...don't worry...I'm not a bad person who blows peoples' heads off. :P I'm just a dork who you happen to talk to online. :P ) And after I say the correct answer to the last question I'll give you an update on the scores to see who wins by the time the Random Game Two's over. :D :P By the win ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! :D :P Isn't that AWETHUM?! :D :P Kidding. :P So...if your name's not up here that means you didn't get a point...I'm not gonna put your name up on the scoreboard thingy until you get a point. :P That'll make less work for me. :lol: :P And better get at least one point or you'll be doomed to rot in the Doom Dimension for all of eternity! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Yeah...I've been watching Bakugan a little too much lately. :P's the scoreboard thingy:

Spongegirl1029: 1 point

Girlygirl24: 1 point

(Lucky guess by the way! :P I'm sure you just guessed when you picked A! :P doesn't matter cuz if you guessed you guessed correctly and you already gots a point. :P )

Now here's the next part of the story:

So you take a shotgun and some normal ammunition for it. You load some shotgun ammunition into the shotgun and put the rest in your pockets. Then you continue your journey for nothing in particular. You continue walking for miles and miles, with the sun beating down on you, and no trees are there to provide you with any shade because they have all been burnt and all that remains of them are piles and piles of ashes stretching for miles and miles. You begin feeling very tired but you press on, hoping that eventually you'll see something besides the burnt remains of what used to be the place where you lived a comfortable, happy life. Eventually you see a small grassy area up ahead. You question how it survived and how it managed to survive all the wildfires but immediately forget about it and run to that area. You sit under the tree and relax in the shade. Then you find some food and water there and begin to eat and drink. Then you're just about ready to take a nap but all of a sudden, the evil wizard and Apollonir come out of no where. You stare at them for a few seconds, thinking of something to do about this. So...what do you do?

A.) Shoot 'em with the shotgun!

B.) Climb up the tree and hide.

C.) Get up and talk to them...maybe they want something.

D.) Shoot the evil wizard with the shotgun and then tackle Apollonir and take his wallet.

So...yeah...that's pretty much it. :P Just leave your answer when you comment on this blog and uh...that's about it. :P I don't have much else to talk about in this blog so I guess I'm gonna end this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

My Nana's Cat Just Died / The Random Game Two Begins...

Yeah...the title's correct. My Nana's cat just died. :( I found out about this last night and well...I was crying like mad for a while. I'm really upset about this and I loved my Nana's cat. (And no...not Oreo, the one that I met on the 4th of July...her other one that I may or may not have mentioned before. ) I'm really upset about this though because I remember when I was really little I would go over to my Nana's place all the time and I'd always see her cat and I loved playing with it. And then I found out last night that her cat had a tumor in it's throat and the vetscouldn't operate on it...and my Nana's cat had to be...put to sleep...forever. :( I'm really upset about this and I'm kinda depressed now but I'm okay. I might seem to be in a horrible, pessimistic mood for the next few days but hopefully I'll get over it. Until then just try to tolerate me in this horrible, pessimistic mood that I'm usually not in. I can only imagine how upset my Nana is though. But at least her cat is in a better place now. Anyways...I'm okay...just in a terrible mood...hopefully I'll get over it soon.

One thing that really sucks now is that I'm feeling kinda depressed. And it's not just about my Nana's cat dying. I'm also getting upset about the fact that I'm actually getting used to my parents' divorce. Like I said should be a good thing but it's not to me because it just shouldn't be one of those things that you just get used to. And there's a few other things as well but I'd rather not get into those. Well...hopefully I'll be fine soon. I just hate being depressed. least I know that I'm still in touch with all my emotions. I was beginning to think that I was getting immune to being sad or something like that because I wasn't upset about my parents' divorce anymore. I might be getting used to it but at least I'm not immune to being upset about something.

Now I should get on with this blog. So far I haven't done anything productive...and to be honest...I don't wanna do anything. I don't even wanna be awake. I just wanna sleep all day...then I won't be upset. Well...don't worry about parents will probably help me out with this one. Anyways...I don't plan to do anything today for the most part. I'm gonna get my new Bakugan icon after I'm done typing this blog. And the random game's gonna begin in this blog as well so just keep reading.I don't have much else to say about my day. I just hopeI get get over being depressed and maybe I'll go play in the mud later. I know one of my mom's friends is coming over later today and well...if the lady's an absolute snob I'm just gonna haveta humiliate my mom in front of her. My mom shouldn't be around people like that but she will unless I do something about it. One last thing that I wanna mention about my day is that I'm probably gonna continue with my Bakugan drawings. As of right now I have the Pyrus, Ventus, and Aquos ones done and they look pretty good in my opinion. I've been working on the Darkus one already and that one should be done by tonight. Then I have no clue of how long the Haos and Sub-Terra ones will take me. That's about it. Yeah...nothing else to say about my day.


Here's everything that you need to know about the random game before we begin though: It is pretty much a sequel to the last random game I made. There will be part of a story and then when that part of the story's over you will be asked a question...usually multiple choice. If you get the question right you will get a point (sometimes perhaps 2 or 3...I dunno. ) and I'll keep track of how many points everyone has in my blogs. If you have the most points by the time the random game's over you win ABSOLUTELY NOTHING...except maybe bragging rights. And if you fail to get even one point you will rot in the Doom Dimension forever! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...uh...yeah...all you haveta do when you leave a comment on this blog is also say your answer. The question will be based on the latest part of the story by the way. If it seems like I left something out just ask because I probably mind's all over the place today. So uh...yeah...that's about all I haveta say about the random game for now. Get your Nerd To English Dictionary ready (if one exists. :P ) and get ready to answer some of my questions. Here we go:

The year is 2065. Exactly three years after you defeated the evil wizard and saved the world in the Random Game One. Everything's been going perfectly for the past few years and there's been world peace. You've saved the world and you're a hero to all. Then one day you're watching the news and you notice that a series of natural disasters have been happening around the globe. You believe that it's the end of the world and get some supplies and live in your basement for the next few weeks to be on the safe side. You listen to the news reports through your battery-powered radio and notice that all across the globe, there's been wildfires, earthquakes, thunderstorms, blackouts, tsunamis, and tornados everywhere! Everyone on the planet is dying! Then the news reports stop coming through on the radio and you lose communication with the outside world. You have enough supplies to last you about two months in your basement. Eventually, about two months later, you run out of supplies and climb out of the basement and into the outside world for the first time in months. You notice that everyone seems to be dead, and you're the only one alive. The natural disasters have stopped and everything that you see for miles and miles has been engulfed in flames and charred to a crisp. All that remains are piles of ashes for miles and miles ahead. You begin walking, not knowing where you're going or what you're doing. You try to look for some food and water but find nothing, everything has been burnt. Then you continue walking and along the way you seefour normal ( *hint* ) guns with the correct size ammunition for each one. Some of the ammunition for each gunis regular ammunition, and some of the ammunition for each gun is +P+ ammunition. You only have enough strength to carry one gun along with some ammunition for it. You have some knowledge of guns and know how to load and take care of them but you don't know how to aima gun. So...which gun do you take?

A.) A shotgun and some normal ammunition for it.

B.) A sniper rifle and some normal ammunition for it.

C.) A revolver and some normal ammunition for it.

D.) A machine gun and some normal ammunition for it.

E.) Screw that! I'm taking all those guns! Lock and load the +P+ ammunition! I dunno what it is but it should be better!

So...just leave your answer when you comment on this blog. In the next blog I'll give you the answer to this question and give you an update on the scores. Usually there's only four choices but ah...I needed five for this one. :P Let's see if anyone knows anything about guns...hopefully not. :P Haha...kidding. :P So...yeah...that's about it. I don't have anything else to talk about in this blog.Good luck with the random game two! Vale.-MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Today's The Last Day To Post On The DWTHYW Blog... :P's the last day to post on the DWTHYW blog. :P can still post on that blog...all you gotta do is go to my profile page and it'll be my third most recent blog now. But after today...that blog's over and done with and the random game will begin...and I'll explain all the rules (there's really only like two or three...if even that much. :P ) and the story will begin and blah blah blah... :P So...anyways...just keep that in mind and if you actually wanna participate in the random game you haveta keep up with it and if you don't get at least one question right you'll get sent to the Doom Dimension! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

I don't have much to really say about my day. :P I haven't done anything productive for a while... :P I'm just getting kinda nervous about going back to school. I mean...I don't go back until after Labor Day but I'm just getting kinda nervous because I know that the ninth grade is gonna be WAY harder than the eigth grade was. I'll probably be worse than the seventh grade...the eigth grade was actually pretty much a walk in the park for me. :P I mean...I'm not going to a new school because BLS covers grades 7 to 12 cuz it's wierd. :P But it'll be my first year with six major subjects, my first year not being in a cluster, and I'm gonna have barely anystudies. I know it'll probably be hard. I mean...I know that if I try hard and focus on my work I'll do fine but I know that I'm gonna be wicked busy and I'm probably not gonna be able to go on this site as much as I have been lately. Well...I know I'll do'll be hard and time-consuming but ah...I know that I'll do fine and I got accepted into BLS for a reason. :D :P

One thing that's been kinda bothering me lately is that I've noticed that I haven't been that upset anymore about my parents' divorce. I should be a good thing that I'm getting used to it and all and I've been waiting for that to happen but now that I think about just seems wierd that I'm finally used to least for now anyways. I should get used to it just like you should get used to anything after a while but having your parents being divorced isn't a good thing and it shouldn't be one of those things that you just get used to after a few years. So...I's good that I'm finally used to it but it just seems kinda wrong. But don't comment about this part...I don't wanna talk about it...I just kinda wanted to mention it.

One last thing that I wanna mention is that I've been kinda bored lately and I wanted to make some drawings of peoples who would battle with the Bakugan who are the Six Legendary Soldiers Of Vestroia. :P Right now all I have is the Pyrus one who has Appolonir. I still haveta do the Sub-Terra one who has Clayf, the Haos one who has Lars Lion, the Darkus one who has Exedra, the Aquos one who has Frosch, and the Ventus one who has Oberus. least that'll probably keep be kinda busy for a while. :P And now that I'm on the topic of Bakugan...yesterday I was kinda bored and then I found some random quiz thingy that would help you figure out which attribute of Bakugan I'm best off to battle with and I actually got Pyrus. Wierd...that's kinda cool though...I already battle with Pyrus Bakugan so I guess I had the right attribute all along. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...but that's a good thing I guess. :D :P

I don't have much else to talk about in this blog. :P Just remember to do anything else that you wanna do on that DWTHYW blog by tonight because well...tomorrow I'm gonna make another blog that'll begin the random game and the DWTHYW blog will be over and done with so you can't torture me anymore. :P I could comment on it but I'd never read those comments so don't bother. :P Besides...then you'd haveta go to my blog archive and that's just kinda stupid. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

I Haven't Made A Blog For A Few Days So I Might As Well Make This One... :P

Okay...since you're reading this blog I might as well mention something about the DWTHYW blog. :P Well...first of all...just cuz I'm making this can still go on the DWTHYW blog and comment on just haveta go to my profile page and it'll be my second most recent blog. :P And that blog'll be over and done with on I'm almost done being tortured on that blog. :lol: :P So...anyways...thanks for commenting on that blog...I appreciate that...I just wanna know why the heck you think that blog's a party! :P It's not a's a do-whatever-the-heck-you-wanna blog. :P Well...anyways...enough of this...I should get on with my blog. :P

Well...for the past few days since I last wrote a blog nothing special's really happened...just the usual unproductiveness of the summer. :P The only thing that's special that really happened was the results of my AWETHUM productive troublemaking evil plan! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Well...I believe it was Tuesday when my mom had something in store for me. Well...when I told my mom that it was all an epic prank and that I fell outta the tree in the backyard and got kinda banged mom was too ticked off at me to do anything with me. :lol: :P But she said that she'd do whatever she had in store for me on Thursday instead. But on Wednesday morning when I woke up I saw that my mom wrote me a letter and it did have some more personal stuff in it that I'd rather not mention but the main thing was that I found out that when my mom was a kid she was a tom-boy (which I already knew from listening in on some of her adult conversations. :P ) and she liked to be a troublemaker and play pranks on people and play in the mud but she just kinda gave it all up when she became a teenager for some odd reason. (Luckily that's not my case. :P ) So...if anyone's been wondering where I got my screwed-up personality's from my mom...which is kinda strange cuz I thought that it would be from my dad. :P Oh well...guess I was wrong. :P And then last Thursday I took up on part of my mom's bribe and I finally got my hair cut way shorter than to my shoulders. :D :P (FINALLY!!!!! :P ) and then my mom took me and my little brother to some arcade place which was really fun. :D (Wierd...didn't think my mom would take us there. :P ) My mom mentioned that this Thursday we MIGHT go to see a movie or something but I dunno. :P next mission though is to try to get my mom to play in that mud pit in the backyard. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...I doubt that'll work but I can give it a shot starting today! :D :P Other than that everything's been pretty normal and I don't have much else to talk about. :P The weekend at my dad's place was pretty nice too...we didn't do anything that special but it was nice. And surprisingly my dad didn't seem too surprised when he saw that I finally got my hair cut wicked short. :P Ah well...I don't really care anyways. :P And to be honest...I like having my hair cut wicked makes it way easier to wash the mud outta my hair when I'm done playing in the mud. :P That and to be honest I don't think I look half bad.:D Anyways...not much else to talk about. :P

By the way...when the DWTHYW blog is over and done with on Wednesday...I'll start the second random game on my blogs. :P It'll kinda be like a sequel to the last one actually. :P It'll be the same thing...part of the story and then a multiple choice question...the only thing that'll change is that I won't keep track of'll just get a point if you get the question right (if you get it wrong nothing happens. :P ) and when the random game's over the person with the most points wins! :D :P And you know what you win...? :P ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!! :D :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...but you do win nothing...except maybe bragging rights. :P And I've already come up with a fair amount of questions...but this time they'll WAY more nerdy questions that only a nerd like me could answer! :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...better brush up on your Bakugan trivia I guess! :P And if're doomed to fall into the Doom Dimension! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

One other random thing that I wanna mention is that I'm really close to reaching 10,000 forum posts which is a personal goal that I've had on this site that I've never mentioned for some odd reason. :P Another is to get to 200 blogs by the end of the year. :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that and I'm gonna make sure that one of my blogs is my 10,000th post to make it all epic and stuff. :D :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that. :P

Now I just have three random questions and then I'll end this blog... :P

FIRST RANDOM QUESTION: I dunno but I'm thinking about getting a Bakugan icon. :P So you think I should? :P If not...ah...I'll still probably get a Bakugan icon soon...I'm just thinking about it and I wanna see if it actually matters to anyone. :P

SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: Just wondering but is anyone actually gonna participate in the random game if I start it again? :P Come on! :P You can win absolutely nothing...that makes it worth while...right...? :D :P

THIRD RANDOM QUESTION: (BE CAREFUL WHILE ANSWERING least...part one of it anyways. :twisted: :P ) Well...does anyone think that the DWTHYW blog is REALLY a party...? :P And this is the second you think I regret making the DWTHYW blog yet...? :P To be honest...I don't...but you can think whatever you wanna. :P

I don't have much else to talk about in this blog and I'm sorry that it's so wicked long. :P Or am I...?! :twisted: :P Yeah...I'm so NOT sorry! ESPECIALLY after some of you called my DWTHYW blog a party! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Okay...this blog's long enough. :P Vale. (In case you forgot that's Latin for "farewell" andin Latin theV's are pronounced as W's. :P )-MightyBFan25