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MightyBFan25 Blog

Okay...This Is The First Time I've Ever Hated Band With A Passion...

Yeah...the title's correct...for the past few days I've begun to hate Band with a passion. But I'll get to that in a little while...right now I just wanna talk about my day. And no...I'm not procrastinating on doing some huge project that's due tomorrow or anything like that either...I seriously didn't have that much homework for one day this year finally. :P I didn't get any Italian or English homework, I did my History and Math in the library after school, and I did my Biology and Latin homework when I got home.'s about 7 where I live and I have two hours to myself and I have no clue what to do in that time. :P So I'm making this blog. :P And I don't procrastinate...I mightdo a lot of stupid things and I might be lazy at times...but school's one of the few things I don't mess around's one of the few things that I actually seriously care about and take seriously actually. :P I can't even name another thing like that off the top of my head...besides Bakugan and The Mighty B!... :P Anyways...I should get on with this blog.....

School's been going pretty good for the past few days. Nothing crazy or stupid or even mildly interesting has happened though for the most part. The only exciting thing about today was that in Biology my class got to go to one of the Science labs and look at different kinds of organisms under a was AWETHUM!!!!! :D My favorite one to look at was this thing called a Hydra (No...not the seven-headed dragon thing in mythology either. :P )...I dunno just looked really cool and to be looked kinda inapproperiate in a school environment so it was funny. :P Anyways...the only other interesting thing that happened was I saw one of my mortal enemies at BLS, LC (those are her initials), when I was walking down the hallway after R5 and she had a black eye. I dunno how she got it...but she did...I think it might be because she plays some sports at BLS and that's how she got it...either that or some fight occurred that no one knew about. So...since she's not mortally wounded or anything and it's just a minor injury...that just kinda made my day. :P Not to be mean or anything...but she was kinda a jerk to me and my friends last year...that's Karma for her! :twisted: :P And no...I didn't have anything to do with it either... Besides...I could never inflict that kinda damage on anyone...I'm a nerd! And even if I could do it physically...I doubt I'd have the guts to do it because I used to get bullied at my old school and I could never do it to anyone else. Other than that the rest of my day was pretty normal. Oh, and that cell project that I did yesterday...I got an A+ on it and Ms. Stone liked my model so AWETHUM that she took a picture of it and is posting it up on her teacherweb. :D That's about to rant about Band...

Okay...for the past few days I've HATED Band! I mean...I like taking the flute and I like all my friends in Band and I love the song we're playing but I just can't stand my Music teacher! I mean...first of all...she CLEARLY favors the Brass Section! And it's like: "Really...? You like them more than us...? We all work just has hard as the Brass section! Why do you like them better?! If anyone should get praised it should be the Woodwinds because we work harder than any other peoples in Band!" and I'm just annoyed by that first of all. The only thing that I would praise the brass section for is their consistancy in Band and for lugging home those gigantic instruments... But I mean...I honestly think that the Woodwind section works harder because we have higher-pitched notes, more complicated rhythms, harder fingerings, etc... If anything though...I think everyone in Band should be equally valued. Music teacher also seems to have a favoritism to her first part instrument players. So...she likes the first flutes, first clarinets, first trumpets, etc... much better than everyone else. And that annoyed me because I'm a second flute and it's like: "Okay...I might be a second flute...but that doesn't mean that I don't work my a** off just like everyone else in Band! I practice for 30 minutes to an hour every night...even if I have a ton of homework! And on nights when I don't have as much work...I practice a little longer than usual." and you know what else...if I was playing any other instrument...I'd probably have a first part. It seems like EVERY flute player at BLS with the exception of me and two other people played before they came to BLS or are a grade ahead of me so they have more experience so whaddya expect? I'll end this rant now. It's not that I hate my teacher, or my friends, or the flute, or the songs, or Band...I just hate the way my teacher runs the class. That feels better now that I've ranted about that. :P But I still wanna hit Ms. Dougherty over the head with my flute! :twisted: :P But I won't...I get expelled for that and even I know better than to act like that...and I have barely any common sense. :P

Okay...that's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P (looks at the clock...) Whoa! It only took me 15 minutes to type all this. This site's definately improved my typing skills. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

First Day Off From School In Five Weeks... :P

I'm sure you're annoyed that I'm making another blog and you're saying to yourself: "Come on! Enough with the blogs already! You just made one yesterday!"...but...ah...I just felt like making a blog for the sole purpose of annoying you today. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm seriously just kidding...I'm just making this blog because I can for once because I have the day off from school. :P And even though I now despise Christopher Columbus...I'm glad that I have the day off from school because this is the first day that I've had off from school (not counting weekends. :P ) that I've had in five weeks! :P That might not seem like a long time but is to me especially when I've been tired lately or I've felt sick or I'm just ridiculously busy and stressed today was a nice little break from that. :P So I'm gonna get on with this blog. :P

THIS IS IMPORTANT AND YOU MUST READ THIS: This is actually the last blog that I will ever be making on I will be leaving this site for good and never come back. I know yesterday I mentioned that I was thinking about leaving but decided against it...well...I decided against that decision. I'm just too busy to come on this site anymore. I'd rather focus on my school work. So...before I leave...I just wanted to let you know this... And this will officially be the last blog I ever make on

CONTINUE TO READ THIS: Yeah...I had you going there for a second...I'm seriously leaving...there's nothing anyone can say or do to make me change my mind. Haha...probably the last little prank that I'll play on you on this site before I leave... I just suggest that you continue to read this entire blog before you comment let the though of me leaving sink into your mind for a little while and stuff...

I just wanna talk about my day now... Everything went pretty good. And I didn't just sit around all day and play computer games and stuff. :P I actually did some reasearch for this Latin project thingy that isn't due until about January but it's a big project and I don't want it to cut into my time for almost-due-and-must-seriously-focus-on projects...and I don't want it to cut into the time that I'd be using to do my homework or practice the flute so I decided that I'll work on that project a little but whenever I have a day off from school and by the time January comes around...I'll be all set! :D I started my reasearch for it. Then I just spent the rest of my day online, taking a nap, watching TV, or outside for a walk. I woulda went to the park but I'm still a little sick and I wanna get better. And even though the weather's nice outside...I don't wanna risk being sick again...I can't stand being sick and I've gotten sick twice in the past month. That never happens to me. But the second I get better I know what I'm doing in my spare time. :twisted: :P day was pretty good and I really enjoyed having the day off. I had this really wierd dream last night too. I don't wanna get into too many details but basically what happened was I was at school and while I was in the music wing, assembling my flute for Band...the fire alarm went off and BLS was legit on fire! And it wasn't a stupid little fire in the Chem lab was a huge fire on the second floor! So then me and all my friends left the music wing and tried to get outta the building but all the exits were blocked by the flames...and then I randomly saw this evil wizard who said that he set the school on fire and then I woke up. I HATED that dream so much! I'm just glad it never happened! :P That would be HORRIBLE!!!!! And even if I did live...the music wing would get burnt and then Junior Band would probably be cut! And that would suck because I love band and it's like my little 45 minute escape from the stress and work of Boston Latin School. So uh...yeah...that's all I haveta say about my day...

YOU BETTER STILL BE READING THIS BLOG: And you wanna know why.....? I just pranked you! :twisted: :P Ha ha ha! :P I'm sure you fell for it! :P I'm sorry but I HAD to do this...I haven't been able to go outside and do anything evil for about a week cuz I've been sick so to not go crazy I've been keeping myself busy by pranking pretty much everyone I know. No epic pranks...but just a few minor ones so I don't go insane. :P So...uh...yeah...I'm NOT sorry for that! :twisted: :P I'm kidding. :P To make it up to you I'll give you the link for this random game that I've wasted two hours playing... :P

Here's the link for the game:

I hope you play this game when you have the time. :P It's somewhat addicting but if you ever have about two hours that you just wanna waste doing nothing productive...I suggest you spend it playing this game. :P You might not like it...but to's AWETHUM and addicting. :P I'm probably gonna play it when I'm done typing this blog. :P

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Sorry about the prank again...hehe. Uh...yeah...that's about it. :P And PLAY THAT GAME so you can waste two hours of your life. :lol: :P And just to clarify...I'm NOT leaving this site...I already mentally sorted that out a few days ago and I'm staying until I get banned again...and even then...if I wanna I can just make another account with a different email address of mine! :twisted: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

An Angry Rant About Christopher Columbus...

Okay...I know that Christopher Columbus Day isn't until tomorrow (which is why I have Monday off from school)...but today is the day when the Christopher Columbus Day Parade thingy takes place. My dad and little brother are going to it but I refuse to go. And now I'mgonna rant angrily about him in the rest of this paragraph. Okay...I'm sure at least some of you know this already (if not everyone) but Christopher Columbus didn't discover America...I mean...he technically did but that wasn't what he was looking for. He was really looking for an all-water route to Asia or something like that (I'm not that good at History...I'm like a genius with every other subject...just not History. :P ) and he got lost and found America. And when he got there...he wasn't nice. Christopher Columbus and his men ended up killing 99.9% of the Arawak Indians! So he's basically a murderer...actually...he IS a murderer! And he couldn't even pay for his own trip...and he wasn't even funded by his own country! So basically he was just wasting another country's money! Anyways...I have more that I could say about this guy but I'm gonna end this rant so you actually have time to read the rest of this blog. :P So...that's why I'm not going to the parade today...I'm not gonna go to some event that honors a murderer! I don't care what you say or do...I'm not going! Now let's get on with this blog... :P

So far everything with school's been going pretty good. I know that as of right now I have A's in all my classes (with the exception of History and Band. :P ) so that's pretty good. I really hope that I get an A in History this term and an A in Band so I can get Approbation With Distinction. I KNOW I can get Approbation at I'm trying for Approbation With Distinction. Anyways...I'm almost done with that giant wave of projects...well...technically...I AM done with that giant wave of projects. :P All I haveta do on Monday is print out my English paper, get my progress reports signed (I dunno why...they're all good. :P ), and then I'm gonna work a little bit on this Latin project that's not due until January. :P Yeah...that's about it. And everything aside from school has been going pretty good too...I haven't had any problems with my mom lately...probably because I'm too busy doing homework for five hours to bother her. :P The only bad thing is that lately I haven't had that much time to go outside and so stuff or go to the park or play any pranks on peoples or play in the mud because I've been busy with school... I'm not ever gonna quit that but I just wanted to mention that...the only time I can do any of that stuff now is during my spare time on the weekends. (It seems like the weekends have become the perfect time for me to take care of projects so I even have work then. :P )'s never gonna be abolished from my life. :P It's probably for the best that I'm not always doing that stuff anyways. :P

Before I end this blog I just wanna mention that I was actually thinking about leaving this site a few days ago but I it seems like there's a lot of activity on the forums (or at least...much more than before. :P ) and the most recent Mighty B! Discussion was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...even if I did leave I probably woulda only left for a few days or something but I just wanted to mention that. If you're ticked off at me for that...please feel free to do something to me. :P

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Later today when the Christopher Columbus Day Parade's over I'm probably gonna actually leave the house to go on a walk or go to the park. :P I wanna go play in the mud but I don't think I should because I'm kinda sick right now and I think that doing that would just make things worse and I wanna get better soon because I hate being sick. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

I Feel So Smarticle Right Now!!!!! :D

Don't I always feel smarticle...? :P Don't answer that...the answer's obviously yes because I'm a nerd. :P Anyways...I'll get to the title soon...I just wanted to apologize for not writing a blog for the past few days...I've just been really busy with all my school stuff but tonight I didn't have that much work and I actually have about three hours before I haveta go to bed and I'm using that time to do some stuff online...and this counts as doing stuff online. :P Okay...enough of rambling on and on...let's get on with this blog... :P

Today was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I was a normal day of school and all but it just seems like all my hard work lately is paying off...AGAIN!!! :D It just feels so AWETHUM and I feel so smarticle and I'm so proud of myself. :D I English...when we've been having class discussions about "Not Without Laughter" and I've been making such AWETHUM comments and really contributing to the discussions and I honestly think it's because I've really learned how to analyze literature from last year in ELA. :P In History nothing special's really happened. :P Italian I'm pretty happy because this year I actually feel like I can speak some Italian and I know all the vocab and grammar up to what we've learned so far which makes me really happy. :D In Biology I'm doing AWETHUM!!!!! :D My average in Biology up to this point is legit over 100%! :D It's like 102.7% or something like that and it's actually the third best average in my Biology class which is AWETHUM because in my Biology class there seems to be a ton of other really smarticle when it comes to Biology as of right now...I'm one of the smartest of the smart. :P's AWETHUM but this so proves that I'm a nerd. :P In Math I'm doing really good too and my teacher really likes me and thinks I'm a good student and I also have an average in that class above 100%...I believe it's a 101.5%. :P Yeah...I'm a math geek too... :lol: :P And Latin...Ms. Foley thinks that I'm an AWETHUM student too. :D I mean...she loves how I don't procrastinate on my projects and that I'm a good student and I'm really good at Latin and she loves my AWETHUMLY color-coded structure identification papers and wants me to print out a copy of one of them to keep on display. :D :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm SUCH an evil mastermind! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'm just a nerd. :P But far everything's been going pretty good. And I'm doing really good with that new song I got in Band...I can play everything pretty good aside from about 20 measures of pure insanity for woodwinds. :lol: :P I'm working on that... :P Uh...yeah...that's about it. :P

One thing that I've noticed lately though is that this week it's like this giant wave of projects has just randomly came and I've been so busy. :P I mean...for English we haveta make this conversation based on a chapter in the book that we're reading that we were assigned, for History we have this massive group work project that's due on Friday, for Latin we have this term project, for Italian we had to present this dialogue thing to the class a few days ago, for Biology we haveta make a 3D model of a eukaryotic cell, and for Math...uh...I dunno yet...I know it has something to do with scatter plots and statistics and stuff but we haven't been assigned it yet... :P Thank god I'm not a procrastinator though...I'd be so stressed out right now. :P I already have everything set up for my English conversation, me and my partner already presented our Italian dialogue, I already made that cell model for Biology, my group's ALMOST done with the group project for History, and my Latin project's a work in progress. So I only really haveta worry about Latin and History right now...everything else is all set for the most part. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P It just sucks because the weather outside is horrible so I can't go outside and I'm kinda sick now...nothing major...just a sore throat and a kinda sorta bad cough...but that's it. :P I still feel bad for my Bakugan though...they're still second to a bag of cough drops and they deserve better than that... :P Oh well... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Okay...The Blog Party Is Officially Over...

Yep...the title's correct...the blog party is officially over. *kicks everyone outta my house and locks the door* MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Seriously...I'd just like to thank everyone who actually came and for helping me reach 200 blogs on this site and even if you didn't're still all AWETHUM friends on this site. :D :P So uh...yeah...before I actually sound not so evil...I'm gonna end this paragraph and get back to talking about what I've been doing with myself this week. :P Sorry I haven't made that many blogs lately...I've just been kinda busy with school but I've been trying to check my blogs and the forums every day and I hope that I can make at least one blog every week. :D So uh...if you've been wondering what the hell I've been's A TON of homework every night...and the time aside from that when I'm not on this site is usually spent practicing the flute or working on some kinda project it seems like...I haven't had that much time for anything else lately. :P Anyways...time to talk about my week... :P

Saturday: (last Saturday...not this Saturday. :P ) Nothing special really happened that day except I got to go down to the shooting range with my dad again and I got to fire a .22 revolver which was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I saved all my targets and I actually did pretty good...I got a few X's and some 9's and 8's and it was pretty good for my first time with a handgun. I had only a little kick-back but's a start. :P I'm not going back there this weekend though...I dunno why...I think my dad's too busy with stuff this weekend to take me there... Oh well. :P

Sunday: Nothing special. :P All that happened was I went back to my mom's place and I watched The Amazing Race that night. :lol: :P That's about it. :P Then I went to bed. :P was just SO exciting, huh? :lol: :P

Monday: Yay...back to school for the week! :D :P It was a pretty normal day aside from my study with this crazy Greek teacher because it was Day 2. :P

Tuesday: Once again...pretty normal day...aside from my study with Ms. Miller...the crazed Latin teacher at my school who I'm SO GLAD I don't have for Latin 3 this year. :P Uh...yeah...that's about it. After school I stayed in the library to do some work because the night before I got into a little fight with my mom and she came home early from work that day and I just kinda procrastinated on coming home. :P When I got home my mom kinda yelled at me, then I finished my homework, and uh...that's about it. :P

Wednesday: That morning I kinda patched things up with my mom. I didn't wanna because I don't like my mom but I'm not the kinda person who likes to hold grudges against peoples...especially peoples who I see every day because I don't have the time for that crap. :P School was pretty band we finally got through that song, "An Irish Rhapsody" and it sounds AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...we DEFINATELY needs a lot more work on it but we can do it. :P And it's AWETHUMER because that song is actually really hard and is preformed usually by SYMPHONIC BANDS at normal schools...and I'm in Junior Band and I'm playing it. :P To be's not that bad though...the first three pages are pretty easy and will get better with practice and the beginning and end of the fourth page isn't that's just the middle part of the fourth page because it's like insanity for the woodwinds (flutes, clarinets, and oboes...and I play the flute. :P ) because it's basically like the last hoorah for the woodwinds and of course it has to be epic and fancy and a pain in the a** to play. :lol: :P So uh...yeah...other than that my day was pretty normal. :P And I'm getting better at that song by the way. :D

Thursday: Ah...this day was okay...good...but not great...I don't have much to really say about it. :P I didn't like my music sectional because all we did was play the insanity part of that song and that's the ONLY PART that I can't play yet...everything else is pretty good and will get better with practice...I'm still working on the insanity part...which is wierd because I should be good at it because I am insane. :lol: :P Oh well...I guess it doesn't work that way. :P

Friday: This day was AWETHUM because for one day in weeks...I haven't been doing homework past 6! :D :P So was pretty nice to get a break and my day at school was pretty good aside from having PE...I HATE PE!!!!! I'm a nerd!!!!! It's like the bane of my existence. :P But at least stations are over and we'll start playing games soon instead of just doing pushups and situps and stuff that makes nerdy peoples think of committing suicide because we'd rather be in AP math. :P Oh well...other than that it was fine...and then I went to my dad's place. :P That's about it... :P

Today: Yay...I'm finally at today. :lol: :P I didn't do anything that exciting today really. :P The thing that's annoying is that I'm starting to get a sore throat so I can't talk that much and that's REALLY ANNOYING to me because I love to talk a lot and I never seem to shut up so not being able to talk is like torture! Ugh! I hate it! And I haveta have a bag of coughdrops with me at all times and I don't wanna carry around coughdrops...I'd rather carry around my Bakugan...but no...I haveta carry around coughdrops and I haveta keep my Bakugan in a Bakuclip! :P My Bakugan are being unfairly treated! :P Especially Pyrus Hammer Gorem...he deserves better than being second to a bag of coughdrops. :P And Pyrus Helix Dragonoid...he has Bakugan DNA and he's a B3...a REAL B3...not a subset of B2 Bakugan... :P Anyways...I did this project for Biology today for about 4 hours. :P I had to make a 3D model of a Eukaryotic I chose a Plant Cell and I made this AWETHUM model of it! :D I's not due until next Tuesday but I know I'm probably not gonna be able to get to it at some later point in time because I have some projects for English and Latin coming around the corner soon and I wanna focus on those so I just wanted to get that project outta the way. :P looks AWETHUM and I can't wait to pass it in! :D I'm so gonna get an A+ cuz I'm a nerd! :P Yeah...that's how it works right...nerds get A+'s for wearing glasses, right...? :P Kidding. :P After that I just kinda did nothing for a while, then I was making little peoples outta some spare pipe cleaners that I had from my Bio project because I needed those to use as the endoplasmic reticulum of my plant cell. :P I should make a little city for the little peoples...bit I probably won't...I'll just probably put them in a cardboard box. :lol: :P Yeah...they'll be my prisoners! :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P Yeah...that's be fun! :P Kidding. :P Later today since I haven't been able to go outside for about a week since I've been busy with all my schoolwork and my Biology project...I'm gonna go to the park and play in the mud because I can now! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'll probably do that once I'm done typing this blog since the Weekly Mighty B! Discussion's dead right now. :P Yeah...I should go play in the mud when I end this blog...I haven't for a while... :P I'm gonna end this blog now because I'm crazy and impatient. :D :P

Yeah...that's about all I haveta say in this blog...mainly because I just wanna go to the park now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

Blog #200...BLOG PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D's finally here! :D Blog #200 and this is the second blog party that I'm hosting on this site. :D (Please feel free to congradulate me. :P ) And this is not a DWTHYW blog but you can basically do whatever the heck you wanna because the party will be at my mom's place and I don't care if you trash the place. :P as destructive as you want and cause as much chaos as you want. :D :P I want this to be a very interesting blog party. :lol: :P So...what are you waiting for...? :P Come in as long as you're not a wizard, vampire, cannibal, pirate, my evil math teacher from the seventh grade, my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade, a zombie,Satan, an evil mastermind who plans to destroy the world (I don't needs that...I'm already an evil mastermind. :P ), a Russian spy, VD, any of my other mortal enemies, Sissy Sullivan, Portia Gibbons, Gwen, Ms. Gibbons, Cherry, Hal, or any of the other antagonists from The Mighty B!...or my mom...she's not welcome. :twisted: :P But I doubt any of you fall under any of those categories so come in. This party will last for about a week (So it'll end next Saturday) and if you wanna listen to any special music...just ask and I'll play it...unless someone breaks the radio. :P's what I brought:

Cookies. (please don't steal can have as many as you want. :P )

A cake. (And I'm sure some people actually wanna eat it so don't throw it at anyone...well...ah...I guess you one's stopping you. :P But still... :P )


Dr. Pepper. (Please don't steal the Diet Dr. Pepper from the monkey. :P Just don't. :P )

Mountain Dew.

And root beer. (I personally hate the stuff...the only reason I bought it is to keep a certain evil wizard happy. :P )

Okay...that's it. :P Hope you enjoy the blog party. :D -MightyBFan25 (who wants you to leave the monkey alone...I don't even know how it got here. :lol: :P )

Wow...Right Now I Feel So Smarticle... / Last Blog Before The Blog Party...

Sorry it's been a few days since I last made a blog but I've been kinda busy with all my school work. Tonight wasn't that bad so I have enough time to come on here and actually make a blog. :P So...anyways...I just wanna remind you that my next blog will be my blog party and you can come as long as you are not an evil wizard, a vampire, a zombie, a pirate, a cannibal, a member of the Mafia, a Russian spy, my mom, Ms. Gibbons, Portia Gibbons, Sissy Sullival, my evil math teacher from the seventh grade, or my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade, a bully who wants to beat me up and snap my glasses in half, VD, or any of my other mortal enemies from school. :P Yeah...long list...but I doubt any of you fall under any of those categories. :lol: :P I'll get on with this blog... :P I actually wanna talk about all my classes again and tell you how everything's been going...

Math: Okay...I love Algebra 2 right now. :D teacher's AWETHUM...the people in my class are AWETHUM...algebra is AWETHUM...and I know everything that we've done so far because it's all been review and I had one of the best math teachers in the building last year so I learned a ton and it's finally paying off. :D I've been participating in that class a lot and doing all my work and I KNOW I got 100% on my first real test of the year...and I got the Bonus Question right so I got above that I think... :D :P So uh...yeah...I'm really looking forward to that class every day and I never want it to end actually... :P

Bilology: Just like with Math...I love Bilology. :D Ms. Stone is the AWETHUMEST teacher that I have and I've always loved science and I'm really good at it because I've always had one of those minds that's wired for Math, Science, and Latin which is wierd because I'm a girl and girls are usually better at English and History and stuff like that. :P But I guess I'm screwed up. :lol: :P Anyways...I've been doing really good in that class and I've been doing all my work and participating a ton in class and I think Ms. Stone actually likes having me as a student (I think Mr. McQuaid does too) and her class is really fun. :D And that project that I did on the reproduction habits of tigers was AWETHUM!!!!! :D Ms. Stone liked my project so much that she hung it up on her back wall along with only like two other posters and I got a perfect score on it. :D I'm gonna go on Snap Grades later and check it out... :P

Latin: Just like the previous two...I'm in love with Latin once more. I had a really hard Latin teacher last year but I did really good and I learned a lot and it's finally paying off because I'm doing really good on all the homework and tests and quizzes and stuff. :D Oh...and my Latin class has Friday Funday and my idea for it wasn't one of the ideas on her suggestion list so I asked Ms. Foley after school about doing my day on ancient Roman board games and I could make a powerpoint about it and then for the rest of the period the class could play board games. And Ms. Foley really liked my idea and today when she asked my class if anyone was doing anything not on the suggestion list...I was the only one who raised my hand and said yes and she already knew and just kinda gave me a thumbs up. :P So...yeah...I think Ms. Foley kinda likes me too because I'm a good student.

Italian: Okay...I like Italian but I did not like Mr. Forina. But a few days ago my class finally told him that last year we didn't learn much of anything so now we're gonna haveta start learning everything from the beginning and basically learn Italian 1 and Italian 2 in one year.'s gonna be a lot of work but I'll definately manage...I mean...Italian's pretty easy actually. :P And I kinda like Mr. Forina now because he's somewhat understanding and he tells some jokes sometimes that are kinda funny. So...anyways...I think this class will be more of a love-hate relationship but right now I kinda like Italian. :P

History: I never thought I'd say this but as of right now I actually enjoy my History class. :D Ms. Baker gives a lot of work but she's a really good teacher and I think I'll actually learn a lot this year because we do a lot of group work and more interactive activities instead of just listening to her lecture which I honestly need because I'm more of a learn-by-doing person so more hands on stuff is best. So...the class is actually really fun and Ms. Baker doesn't really focus on details like exact dates and stuff...she just wants us to know about what's going on and how it impacts future events and the events of that specific time period which is better for me. I HATE remembering dates...I just can't. :PI dunno why...I just don't have a mind wired for HistoryI guess... :P

English: I don't hate this class anymore but I don't love's just an okay class. It's still kinda boring but we're having some interesting discussions and heated debates but ELA last year was WAY better with Ms. Wenz... :P Oh well... :P Oh...and on that class we were learning about ragtime music since we're reading "Not Without Laughter" by Langston Hughes and I answered this question about syncopation that no one else could answer. And the only reason I know what it is is because I'm in Band. :D Sometimes it pays to be a band geek I guess... :D :P

Music: Ah...I miss Mr. Harper but my new music teacher is okay I guess... :P I'm a little disappointed because I'm not a first flute this year but I guess it's due to my inexperience. All the flute players in Junior Band in my grade aside from two others knew how to play before they came to BLS and the rest of the flute players are a grade above me so I guess it makes sense. :P Oh well...I'll definately be a first flute next year. :D But I've been trying really hard and practicing a ton and working on my scales and I'm gonna try to be a first flute again in a few weeks and see what happens. :D I will not let my inexperience handicap me! :P And I finally got that part of "An Irish Rhapsody" with all the staccato eigth notes right and I can't wait to show one of my friends in band tomorrow...she's WAY better than me at playing the flute but we're rivals and I've been trying to outdo her for the past few years. :P I never will but it's good motivation. :D :P

So uh...yeah...that's how everything's been so far. :P As of right now I'm so happy and I'm pretty much on cloud nine. :P I HAVETA reward myself this weekend by playing in the mud and my going to the shooting range again. :D I so deserve it for being so smarticle. :D Yeah...that's about it. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Wow...First Shot And I Get An X... :D

Okay...I'll explain the title right now. :P So...this morning was the first time that I went to that shooting range with my dad and I got to fire some guns. And just to let you was all safe and everything...all I was doing was shooting some paper targets at the shooting range upstairs. actually was AWETHUM!!! :D For a little while I was just firing a BB gun but afterthat I got to fire a real was some kinda rifle...I think a .22 caliber one... was pretty good and I enjoyed doing that. And on my first shot with the real gun I actually got an X on the paper target which is like dead center. Yeah...beginner's luck for sure. :lol: :P But it was still AWETHUM!!! :D I'll learn how ot use a pistol later...I guess a rifle's a little easier. So uh...yeah...I enjoyed it and it was pretty cool...all the guns and ammunition are now put safely away in the basement of my dad's place so that's fine. And we're gonna go there next weekend...I can't wait for that. So...that'll be something for me to look forward to. :D Okay...let's get on with the rest of this blog... :P

I just wanna remind you before I say anything else thatthis blog is my 198th blog I believe and my 200th blog will be my second blog party on this site and I hope all of you come and destroy my mom's place. :D :P Seriously...I'd love that. :P So uh...yeah...just remember to not forget about that. :P

The rest of my weekend's been pretty good and normal and that's good because I just wanted to relax. By the way...I finished that project on tiger reproduction on Saturday morning so I don't haveta worry about finishing it during the week. :D I'm so glad about that and it looks AWETHUM!!!!! :D It has tiger stripes for boarders. :lol: :P I can't wait to show Ms. Stone. :D I kinda don't wanna go back to school because I don't wanna go to English, History, or Italian class...but I do wanna go back tomorrow to go to Math, Latin, and Biology class. :P Later today I'm gonna go back to my mom's place and I can't wait to show her my paper targets with that .22 caliber rifle. She's either gonna be really happy or really p***ed off. :lol: :P Either way it'll be funny. :lol: :P I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself for the rest of the day...probably study some Italian vocabulary, try to get the flute part for "An Irish Rhapsody" right for band, take a nap, and watch some football games. Yeah...that's about it. :P I don't have the urge to do anything's like being violent by shooting paper targets has made me less evil. :lol: :P Seriously...I think that might be the case...that might've helped get rid of some of my energy so I'm not as crazy...either that or it's because I've been feeling a little sick since Saturday morning. I doubt I'm sick's probably just allergies...but I mean...I don't get allergies...I never have. Well...maybe I am a little sick... :P Oh well. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Just one last thing though...if you're shooting a BB gun...expect the BB pellets to bounce back. :P Okay...I doubt that'll ever help you. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

The End Of The First Full Week Of School!!!!! :D's the end of the first full week back to school for me. :D AWETHUM!!!!! :D Only 172 days of school left...we're already so close to the end! :D :P I'm kidding. :P But uh...seriously...sorry I haven't been on much all week...I've been ridiculously busy with all my school work and it's probably gonna be this way for most of this school year so I just want you to know that. I'll be on during the weekends for a while but during the week I'll probably only go on to check a few forums and some of my blogs. So...if I'm not too active on this site...don't worry...I'm not leaving...I'm probably just busy doing Latin homework or something. :P So I wanna talk about my day. :P

Well...I just wanna mention right off the bat that my first full week back to school was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...I was busy and I had a ton of work to do when I got home because now I only have two studies every six days because I take an instrument...but I honestly haven't minded doing a ton of work...I've actually been kinda looking forward to getting home and doing my Biology, Latin, and Math homework. :D :P History, English, and so much. :P Although...I do really like all my classes and teachers. :D I'm even beginning to like my Italian teacher better. He's hard...but we'll learn a lot and he only gets ticked off if you come to class unprepared and you don't try at all...but I'm not that kinda student...I'm a nerdy school-obsessed I don't think I haveta worry. :D I just HATE my English teacher!!!!! I mean...he's okay...but he's SO BORING!!!!! He speaks in a monotone throughout the entire class and just listening to him makes me wanna pass out but he's so irritating that I can't because I can never sleep when I'm angry. And even if I could sleep...I wouldn't because I'm not that kinda student. But still... I just hate him and his class because it's boring and I KNOW I'm gonna hate English. :P Oh well...there's always gonna be one horrible teacher. :P was pretty good. Nothing special happened. :P I just had one of my very few studies today and to be honest...I love that study because the teacher's like mentally insane and a bunch of my friends from last year are in it. :D's gonna be a very interesting study... :P

One last thing that I wanna say before I end this blog is that for Biology I have this decent-sized project involving the reproduction habits of a certain animal and I picked a tiger...I dunno why...probably cuz they're orange and have black stripes and go rawr. :P Anyways...I did all my research and rough drafts yesterday, today I typed and printed out everything, and tomorrow morning I'm gonna do all the formatting which is really just mindless busy work. :P It's not due until Wednesday but I dunno if I'd have the time to work on it on Monday or Tuesday so I'll just finish it uptomorrow. :P Anyways...I just wanna mention that last night I went on the computer and I was googling some stuff about the reproduction habits of tigers and then my mom came in the room and looked at the screen and she just had this look on her face like: "What the f*** are you doing?". :P And then I just said: "Oh...I'm researching the reproduction habits of tigers.". And my mom was just like: "Why?". And then of course I made a smart a** remark...but I'd rather not say what I said. :lol: :P And then I just said that it was seriously for a Biology project and she left. It was kinda awkward but awkward in a funny way. :P

I dunno what I'm gonna do with myself tomorrow. :P I'm probably just gonna finish my project, spend some time outside, watch TV, go online, etc... :P Oh...but I am doing something interesting on Sunday. :D I'm finally gonna start learning how to shoot a gun on Sunday and I'll tell you how that goes. :D Okay...not much else to say in this blog. :P Getting closer to blog #200... :D Vale. -MightyBFan25

I Shoulda Made This Blog Yesterday But I Was Busy Doing Nothing... :P

I'll get to the title in a little while. :P But before I do I just wanna remind you that you can still comment on my Ask Me Whatever The Heck You Wanna just need to go to my profile page and it'll be under Most Recent Blogs or something like that so don't worry if you still have stuff to ask long as it is NOT help with your math homework!!! :P And when I get to blog'll be my second blog party on this site so be sure to come to that. :D Uh...that's all I haveta remind you about. :P Now let's get on with my life. :P

It's been a little while since I really talked about how I've been so I'll tell you how the rest of my week at school was. :P I told you about how Wednesday was so I'll just start with Thursday. :P My second day back was pretty good...I was a little tired but I enjoyed my day. :D Nothing special really happened but I love my sixth period study on Day 2 because almost all my friends who I had studies with last year were in it which is AWETHUM because I don't have any classes with most of them and the only other time I can see them is after school and at lunch. I just hated getting home and doing homework for about four hours. I's the second day of school...that's stupid. :P Oh well. :P Friday was pretty good as well. Nothing special happened then either...except in Math...Mr. McQuade let us play games and stuff with some of our friends for about 15 minutes which was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I just hated doing homework for SIX HOURS when I got home but ah...not a big deal. :P This is what I meant by the way when I said BLS is ridiculously hard. :P And I HATE HATE HATE my study with Ms. Miller! She's a jerk! We have assigned seats and we can't talk! Ugh! It's so stupid! But my first few days back were overall pretty good and I enjoyed them. :D I already know that I'm gonna love Biology, Math, and Latin. :D But I KNOW that I'm probably gonna HATE English because Mr. Hanley's so stupid and all over the place and we don't even talk about the book in class which I hate. Ms. Wenz was WAY better...I wish I had her again... And Italian and History are gonna be hard but I dunno...I'll probably be kinda indifferent to them. :P And now I'll get on with my weekend. :P

Yesterday I was still tired from school so I just kinda stayed inside all day and did nothing productive. :P And I took a nap for like three hours. :P So...nothing special. :P But today I actually did something besides school work. :D :P Me, my dad, and my little brother went apple picking earlier today which was really fun. :D I enjoyed that a lot. We must have like a bajillion apples. :P Later today I'm probably gonna stay inside and watch some of the football games on TV. By the way...just because I'm from New England doesn't mean I like the Patriots. :P To be honest...I seriously don't like them. :P They're like the New York Yankees of football and they're not even good so it's like you're being hated for being a fan of them and it's not even worth it! :P I like the Bengals, Falcons, Chargers, Titans, and Saints WAY better. Yeah...I like a bunch of random teams...I dunno why though. :P Anyways...aside from that I might take a nap...I might go outside and play in the mud...I might go climb a tree in the backyard...I depends on what I wanna do. :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Now that I think about it...I probably should go play in the mud later...I haven't for a few days... :P brain needs a rest. :P It seems like ever since I've been back at school (so...since Wednesday. :P ) mind's been like a little supercomputer again which is wierd but cool. :P That's why I love being so smarticle...I mean...I kinda feel like a freak but I don't's AWETHUM to be able to rattle off so much random information and feel like an absolute nerd again. :D :P But my mind needs a rest. :P Anyways...sorry this blog's kinda long. :P Arrivederla. Wait a sec...I'm not talking to like the Italian president or something! I don't needs to be that formal! :P What happened to Latin?! :P Kidding. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)