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MightyBFan25 Blog

Two More New Mighty B! Episodes Aired Today!!!!! :D

Yep...these new episodes are finally airing and I'm so glad about that because even though the show's cancelled on Nick because it only airs on least I'm finally getting to see these new episodes. :D I enjoyed watching both of them...I actually can't choose which one I like better though...they were both equally AWETHUM in my opinion. :P But I won't say what happened in those episodes unless you ask...but even then...why bother me...just go on The Mighty B! forums and bother me there. :lol: :P And two more new episodes are gonna air next Saturday as well and I can't wait for those. :D Now I'm gonna get on with the rest of this blog and I'm hoping that it won't be too long. :P

So far my day's been pretty good and unproductive. I haven't done anything too special aside from seeing those new Mighty B! episodes. :P I mean...I slept until about 9 (which for me is sleeping in because I wake up at around 6 every morning. :P ), watched some TV, went online, went on a walk, and after I saw those new episodes...I just went to the park and did what I'd usually do there. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P Then I went back home and took a shower and went back to being unproductive and now I'm making this blog. :P Not much else to say about my day really. :P Oh, and school's been going good lately...I told you about my grades in my last blog and my overall GPA was about 3.95 which is about a 4 which is equivalent to an A. :D But I didn't get Approbation with Distinction...only Approbation...I missed it by a B+ in History. :P But since I'm doing so good in school...I know that next year I'll be able to juggle a little more along with school so I have a few clubs in mind that I wanna join. And now I know for a fact that I can juggle two instruments and still do good because I have some spare time on my hands every day. So I can learn the flute and the piccolo if I wish to do so. :P And that is why I will buy a piccolo using my Christmas and birthday money. And I don't even need any lessons...I play the flute and if you can play the can play the piccolo no problem. :D That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph. :P

I don't have that much else to say in this blog but I just wanna mention that lately it seems that I've been thinking about how AWETHUM my life's gonna be when I grow up if everything goes somewhat according to plan. :P I guess it's a good thing's a really good motivator. :D But I won't say my "wild fantasies" unless someone asks because I don't wanna bore you with any of it. :P And I'm somewhat tired and will probably take a nap when I'm done typing this blog. :P

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

First Ninth Grade Report Card... I got my report card at school...and since I'm a's technically my first high-school report card...but I don't really care because I've already been at BLS for two years so it's not too special. :P But...anyways...I'll probably just talk about my day in this blog and then I'll get to my grades. :D So...might as well get started with that and stop rambling on and on about nothing. :P enjoy reading that, right? :twisted: :P I bet you do, huh?! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

Today was pretty good. :D Nothing too special really happened and all I had for homework when I got home today was was a pretty laid back day actually so I used my extra time to get ahead in my reading for English. Oh, and I have this Thursday off because of Veterans' Day which should be nice...I needs a break and a day to just do absolutely nothing...but I actually will be doing some work...I'll take the day to work on this Latin project that I have, read a book, practice the flute, and study for this huge Geography test in History next week. So...uh...yeah...not much else to say about my day. :P I do just wanna mention one thing though before I end this paragraph. I finally realized that stereotype of all flute players today. (I'm in Band at my school and I play the flute in case you've forgotten. :P And I'm hoping to start playing the piccolo soon as well. ) You know...that stereotype that all flute players are girly-girls. might think that that stereotype is true...but I beg to differ. :P I completely ruined that stereotype...I play the flute and I can't stand girly-girls...I find them quite irritating...I'm a tomboy. So...if you've heard that stereotype...don't ever mention it around me or I'll probably be somewhat ticked off. :lol: :P Now onto my grades...

Physical Education: A ( does a nerd get an A in PE?! :P Geez...that just...isn't supposed to happen...okay! :P But...basically at my school all you haveta do to get an A in PE is just show up. Yeah...that takes a lot of work! :P )

Conduct: A (Wow...I'm always shocked when I see an A in Conduct on my report card...I can be so horribly behaved at's awonder that I can manage to behave myself at school...but ah...I guess I save all my troublemaking for home. :P )

Band: A- (Okay...I know it's only an A- but honestly...Ms. Dougherty hates us woodwind players and I guess we're good enough that no matter how much she hated us she felt that we deserve an A-! :D Pretty much everyone else in Band except for the second and third clarinet players got A-'s. So...I guess she considers us flute players at the same level as the brass section...and wether I should take that as a complement or an insult...I dunno and I don't least I got a good grade. :P )

History: B+ (Come on! A's in everything else and then this eyesore! A B+ in History! :P I's a good grade and I'm glad that I at least managed a B+ in my absolute worst subject but I KNOW that I can manage an A- with more work and if I can do that...I'll get Approbation with Distinction next term! :D )

English: A- (Pretty good grade...I wouldn't say that I'm necessarily proud of it...but I'll take it. I'm gonna haveta keep an eye out to make sure that this grade doesn't drop at all while trying to bring up my History grade. :P )

Italian: A (Hahahah! :P And they said Mr. Forina's class was gonna be ridiculously hard! :P As long as you do all the work and study and pay can get an A easily! :D But I am proud of this might not show that I'm an absolute genius like a few of my other grades...but it shows that I'm dedicated,a hard-worker, and above all,a good student and I feel like I truly earned this grade. :D )

Latin: A+ (Thank you Mr. Chavero! Honestly...last year I could only manage a B in Latin because my teacher was so hard and this year I'm like a Latin genius compared to everyone else in my class and I got an A+ and I'm just so proud of this grade...all my hard work this term and all of last year in Latin class finally payed off. :D )

Biology: A (Ah...I'm not pleased with anything but an A+...not even at a science class. It's a good grade...but I know that I can do much better in Biology...well...maybe not much better...but I know that I can get an A+...but that's not gonna be my main's gonna be getting up that dreaded History grade of mine for this term. :P )

Math: A+ (You know...a lot of peoples have told me that Algebra 2 is pretty much the hardest math course that you'll ever take aside from Calculus...but uh...I don't think so. :P An A+ just kinda speaks for itself and although I SHOULD be proud of this grade...ah...I'm just indifferent to it...I've always been good at math and I know that for a knew I'd get this grade before the year even started and before I even knew who the heck my teacher was. :P )

So...those are all my grades and not counting Physical Education, Conduct, and Band, my overall GPA was a 3.95 which is pretty much equivalent to an A which I personally think is AWETHUM!!!!! :D And I KNOW that I'm gonna get Approbation With Distinction next term (I only got Approbation this term)!!! :D I'm more motivated than ever now because it just barely eluded me and I know that it's within reach. I will get it next term. :D And I will learn how to play the piccolo soon hopefully...I really wanna... :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. Just don't ever stereotype me when it comes to me playing the flute! :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Okay...Right Now I Feel Really Stupid... :P

Yeah...I do right now but I won't explain why until later. :P You might not think that I ever feel stupid though...considering that I'm a genius and all...but at times I do because I lack common sense. :P But before I explain the title...I'm just gonna talk about my day and hopefully this blog won't be ridiculously long. :P But...even if it must really enjoy reading these blogs, huh? :twisted: :P Kidding...I know it's probably really annoying to read these ridiculously long blogs of mine. :lol: :P

So far my day's been pretty good. All I've done is sleep until 10 (it woulda been 11 but it was only until 10 because of Daylight Savings Time. :P ), watch TV, go online, and tinker around with my Bakugan to make an ultimate Sub-Terra deck because I assumed that since I'm good with Pyrus Bakugan I'd be good with Sub-Terra Bakugan but it's not going too well. :P After that epic fail with trying to design a new Bakugan deck I went into my room to listen to some music and do a little writing about whatever I was it was pretty random and I seem to do this a lot...I've just never really mentioned it because I don't wanna mention what I write about. :P And then I decided to come back on this site and write a blog. :P I'm not going back to my mom's place until about 5 so I still have 3 more hours to spend at my dad's place doing absolutely nothing productive. :D Then I'm gonna haveta go back to my mom's place...andshe told me on Friday before I left that her "friends" would be over on Sunday night (I put friends in quotation marks because I don't think her "friends" are real friends...they make fun of my mom and each other behind their backs like a bunch of teenage girls...and I should know...I AM a teenage girl...even though I don't act like one I know how they stereotypically act. :P ). And when I get back to my mom's place I'm gonna torture them! :twisted: :P Yeah...that's right...I'm gonna epicly torture them! :twisted: :P I've been doing that a lot lately whenever they come over...hoping that they'll finally get the message that if they don't come to my mom's place they won't haveta put up with a crazy tomboy like me. :P But they'll never get that message because they're stupid. :P And I'm not gonna tell you what I'm gonna do to them...if you wanna know you can ask and I'll put an EDIT in this blog and tell you what I did...if they even come over...I coulda misinterpreted what my mom said...I do tend to tune out whatever she says because I find it useless. :P And aside from that I probably won't do anything interesting for the rest of the day. :P

Now getting to why I feel very stupid right now.'s because of some of the things my stupid mom's friends say behind my back (I've mentioned this they say that I'm gonna be a lesbian and they've even asked me that before to my face.) and for the past few days I was actually thinking about what they said in the past and I was actually kinda sorta letting it get to me and thinking about that possibility. And I do feel really stupid for actually letting what they said get to me...that shouldn't happen...I honestly think that only happens to weak-minded peoples...and I am not a weak-minded person in my opinion. So...I actually realized that I was being stupid thinking this when I was in my room writing after I finished some of my homework (writing helps my clear my mind when it's a jumbled mess like it's been for the past few days) and one of the things I wrote down was basically that I shouldn't haveta worry about that because I'm just a kid. So...yeah...I might be 14 years old...but I'm technically just a kid (and ridiculously immature for that matter. :P ) so I shouldn't worry about any of that stuff. I shouldn't let what they say get to me because it never has before so why the heck should it now?! So...I feel a lot better about that...and I'm not gonna worry about that at all until I'm WAY older and until then I'm just gonna enjoy not having to worry about that. :P I just feel stupid for letting that get to shouldn't've. But at least my mind's cleared about that...that makes me feel a lot better. :D

Other than that I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can't wait to torture my mom's friends though...and it's not just because of what they say to me or about me either...I just can't stand them and even though I don't like my mom I hate the way they treat her. So...they're gonna get it! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Two New Mighty B! Episodes Aired Today!!!!! :D

Yeah...two new Mighty B! episodes aired today and they were AWETHUM and I hope that if you're obsessed with the show too and you have NN you saw it. :D But I'll get to my thoughts about that soon...I have other stuff to talk about first. :P And I haven't really been on this site for the past few days doing anything because I've been pretty busy with school work...just a ton of homework and this one Italian project is taking up a lot of my time. But...I'm online and I'm making a blog right now so I don't think I'm too busy...I's Saturday...I'm never busy on Saturday...or Sunday for that matter. :P But uh...enough talking about nothing...I'll just get on with this blog. :P

Today was pretty good actually. All I did was usual unproductive stuff. And then I went to the park (Gee...I wonder what I possibly did there... :twisted: :P ). It was nice just to relax for a day...I've been pretty busy all week. I don't have much else to really say about what I did today. I saw those new Mighty B! episodes which were AWETHUM!!!!! :D Sleepless In San Francisco and Rinx! aired. I kinda liked Rinx! better...both were AWETHUM...but I really appreciated all the trouble that the creators of the show went through to come up with those tactics that Bessie and Happy used to jinx each other...they had to be well thought out so they'd actually work and be believable but also childish because Bessie's only 9 years old (and three quarters...when's she gonna have her tenth birthday?! :P ) and Happy's a dog. :P And the episode was pretty funny. I won't say what happened though...if you wanna know you can check out the Mighty B! forums. :P That's about it...nothing too special happened today besides the new Mighty B! episodes. :P Oh...and I had this wierd dream last night that I wanna tell you about.

Before I talk about it though just keep in mind that I at times think of myself as an evil mastermind and since I saw Saw 7 last week that's all I've been thinking about aside from school and The Mighty B!. :P the dream I was at the movies and I had just finished seeing Saw 7...and the credits were rolling. I was the only one left in the movie theater and then the credits stopped and this video played...and that wierd doll thingy that Jigsaw had was in it (what a surprise. :P ) and was saying that he needed my help...he wouldn't harm me in any way and I didn't haveta help him. I agreed to it though. So then I left the movie theater and saw Amanda and she handed me some note. I went home and read the note and it was the address to Jigsaw's headquarters so I went there that night. Apparently they were going to have those mean prissy girls at my old school "play a game" and Jigsaw needed my help because some of the machines that he needed to use had to be calibrated in a certain way and stuff like that and I had to do all this math to figure everything out. When that was done I looked at the wall and saw the pictures of VD, DD, and LC (these three really mean girls from my old school who made my life miserable) and I said: "Why are these jerks gonna be tested? What did they do?" and then Jigsaw explained that they were doing drugs and committing small robberies and were wasting the gift of life. Then Amanda asked me if I knew any of them and of course I said yes...and that they were my personal tormentors for 8 years of my life. Then Jigsaw told me to get any more information that I could about them that would be useful so I would sneak into their houses and do that and then I came back with a ton of information. And then Jigsaw said that if I wanted to...I could organize this "game". So of course I would...and I set up everything...and the "game" would take place in a few days. Then, that night I went home and I heard a knock at the door so I answered it. It was none other than VD, DD, and LC and apparently they needed my help for something. They wanted to play this really mean prank on some of my nerdy friends during a JCL meeting and needed to know when it was gonna take place (wierd...they're not the pranking type if you ask me. :P They're too girly and would be afraid to get their hands dirty. :P ). And I just looked at them and said: "Well well need MY help?! This is seek help from me...that nerd you always picked on...and beat up...and outcasted...and now you want me to help you. Hahahah! Why on earth would I help the likes of you?!" Then VD looked at me in a very evil way and pulled a knife out of her pocket, threw me against the wall, and put the knife to my throat. I just laughed and said: "You wouldn't really kill me, would you?". Then VD put the knife even closer to my throat. I held up this piece of paper that had everything they needed to know...but it was coded and only I knew how to solve it. VD looked at me and put the knife down. Then I laughed and said: "Yeah...that's right. I have what you need...but I won't tell you what you need to hear right now...I won't tell you until a few days from now." Then VD, who was now holding me up, threw me on the ground and her and her little friends left. Then a few days later the "game" took place...and they were all separated. I can't get into too much detail...I never got to see the "game" for myself in the dream. But I remember that they all lost and the warehouse that it was in became their tomb. I knocked them out with some wierd chemical thing and then dragged them into a room and locked them in there forever. Of course I had to say: "Game over."...everyone ALWAYS says "game over" in the Saw movies! :P That was the end of my dream...and I remember so much because I had it just last night and I always seem to have such realistic dreams.

And uh...before I end this blog...I have two random questions that I wanna ask you:

FIRST RANDOM QUESTION: If you did see those new Mighty B! episodes today...which one did you like better? I liked Rinx! better personally...I'm just kinda curious as to which one you think is better.

SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: Well...if you've read any of my blogs you probably know that I'm a tomboy and even though that's not "normal" I know that people like my mom's friends think it's a bad thing. So...I honestly don't care because this doesn't make any difference to me but do any of you think that's a bad thing for a girl to act very boyish at times? (You already probably can guess what I think. :P I don't think so. :P )

That's about it. I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P The only thing is my hair's getting kinda sorta long again...I wanna get it cut because it's bothering me. I actually think it's way more confortable to have my hair cut short. Hopefully my mom will agree...but she probably won' I'll haveta make a persuasive argument...but I mom hasn't been too much of a jerk to me lately...and she is a former tomboy. Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

This Blog Will Have An Angry Rant About My Band Conductor... will...because right now I HATE HATE HATE stupid Ms. Dougherty!!! But I'll get to that later...I don't wanna be angry right now...I'm already angry enough as it is without worrying about Band. I just wanna apologize for seeming very p***ed off as I'm writing this blog...I'm not usually this way...I just can't help it right now and I needs to vent. Of and my friends in Band who are also woodwind players vented enough about this already on the train ride home but that still didn't do it for me...I haveta make a blog about it to. But...anyways...just don't think I'm taking anything out on anyone on this're all AWETHUM (aside from the Mighty B! Bashers and the peoples who try to get my friends banned and stuff)...I just need to vent right now.....

.....But before I do that...let's talk about my day for a little while...or about my week so far. :P Yeah...I'm gonna do that. But nothing really special's happened for the past few days. The only interesting thing was that Ms. Stone(my Biology teacher) was out for three days because she had to go to NASA for some climate convention thing along with a few other teachers from BLS and we had Ms. Craven as our substitute teacher and she was a such a jerk. I hated her. And Ms. Stone does too now. :P Oh, and Ms. Craven has this fake tan that makes her skin look orange. :P I think I know what she was on Halloween! :lol: :P Anyone wanna take a guess...? (I think she was an Oompa Loompa...she didn't even haveta dress up...she already has the orange skin. :P ) Nothing much really to say about the past few days.

Today was okay...I'm just really ticked off about Band...that's the only reason why I'm angry. And the only reason I used more happy emoticons in the last paragraph was because I temporarily made myself forget about it. :P And I don't wanna let Band get me upset...that'd me letting Ms. Dougherty win...and I don't want her win and have the satisfaction of seeing me and all the other woodwind players feel upset and stuff...because I know that's what she wants. But History Ms. Baker was out so we has a sustitute and all we did in class was annotate this article about the Cyrus Cylinder and then did nothing. :P In English we had a discussion about chapters five and six of "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens. It's a really good book and I'm enjoying reading it and I'm only about eight chapters in. :D In Italian we worked in groups and made this dailogue thing that we're gonna present to the class tomorrow...and it does haveta be memorized...and it's in Italian. It's not that hard though. And I'm working on this weather forecast project that's not due until like a month from now but it's gonna be hard so I should start working on it right away because we needs to remember an entire three-day weather forecast in Italian and present it to the class using this map of Italy hanging up in the classroom. In Latin we did group translating stuff which was really easy. :P In Math we're learning about matrices now which is really easy right now as well...I dunno's either that it's really easy, or that I'm just good at math and it comes to me...I can never tell...I've just always been good in math so my opinion of what's easy and what isn't doesn't count I guess. :P And in Biology we're learning about photosynthesis and cellular respiration. That's about it... Then I came home and finished all my homework in about two hours (Thank Tuesday I was doing homework from 3 until 9:30...and I only took a 30 minute break in between all of that to have dinner. ) and now I'm online making this blog. :P Now onto that wonderful woodwind Band sectional thingy... :P this isn't even entirely about Band TODAY...just Band in general over the course of the past few days that I've had Band (We only have it three times every six days).'s my angry rant about Ms. Dougherty: First of all...Ms. Dougherty doesn't even care at all about the woodwind players...she could care less about us! Like in Band a few days ago...we were playing The First Noel...when we got to measure 33 the woodwinds all have this complex and difficult to play rhythm that goes pretty fast and involves going up and down random scales and stuff in sixteenth notes. So...pretty hard, right? Well...we did that pretty good...but it still is a bit of a trouble area for us woodwind players and she could have beared to stop and help us out with that part...just us woodwinds. That would have been much appreciated. we progessed in the song...the trumpets had this wicked easy rhythm that consisted mainly of quarter notes, QUARTER NOTES (REALLY EASY!!!!!) and they f***ed it up!!! Then...Ms. Dougherty took TEN MINUTES out of Band time to individually tune each of the trumpet players and slowed the rhythm down for them and worked with them individually for a in total ended up being ten minutes of pure nonsense and it was NOT a good use of our time!!! But point is that she took ten minutes of our Band period to help out the trumpet players get this wicked easy part right...but she couldn't even spare two minutes or our Band period to help out the woodwinds with this wicked hard part. I honestly think that that is biased and she obviously loves the brass section, hates the woodwinds, hates percussion, is indifferent to saxophone players, and loves her french horn players who can't even do anything right for that matter. Second of all...she hasn't even really taught us anything (at least...she hasn't taught us woodwind players anything). I far this year she hasn't taught us any new notes or new rhythms or anything! She just gave us a fingering chart and is making us figure it out for ourselves. And yeah...she might want us to be proactive in our learning...but honestly...she's out music TEACHER...and she's supposed to TEACH US!!!!!'s like she's getting paid to hate flute, clarinet, and oboe players! I think she deserves to be fired in all seriousness. That's all I have against her that you don't already know I think. But still...this has happened more than once. And in the music sectional today us flute players practiced so hard earlier that week and we nailed it today and Ms. Dougherty didn't even bother to say anything like: "Nice job, flutes, you really stepped it up this week."...nothing at all like that! Nothing encouraging...after all that work and getting it perfectly...nothing! And yet when the Bass Clarinet players try something and epicly screw up...she'll say something encouraging. And now she hates the second and third clarinet players because they can't play that complex part with all the sixteenth notes that even I admit is really hard. And next sectional she's gonna make all of them play it individually and grade them based on their preformance. But shouldn't be that way...Ms. Dougherty should think that it's not their fault that they can't get it my's HER fault for not taking the time to teach them! SHE'S the one that's at fault in my opinion...the second and third clarinets try REALLY hard...they just can't get it...and Ms. Dougherty should go outta her way to help them! That just really annoys me...especially because a lot of my friends are second and third clarinet players. Anyways...that's all I haveta say about Ms. Dougherty. I guess us woodwinds will never be good enough for the likes of her!'s like she hates me BECAUSE I play the flute...when I got the music form during the summer three years ago and I put down that I wanted to be in Band and play the flute...I didn't know that I'd be hated for playing the flute...that's not what I asked for...I asked to be taught how to play the flute...a musical instrument just like all the rest in Band...and me and all the woodwind players get hated for that...based on one knowing that that would happen to us. I just think it's really unfair. Me and ALL the other Woodwind players are gonna get together soon and report Ms. Dougherty! She's so biased! I HATE HER!!!!! epic rant is over. :P

That's all I haveta say about my day. :P This is random but I wanna learn to play the piccolo as would be easy since I canplay the flute and I can play it pretty good too. But...I don't wanna rent a piccolo from school...they're only like $100 to $150 is I'm correct...I can definately use my Christmas and birthday money for that...I always end up getting like $200. :P And I don't wanna rent one of the piccolos from the school...because even though they're technically BLS property...I think of them as property of Ms. Dougherty and I don't want anything else from her besides my rental flute...I don't want anything else from that jerk! Besides...I want my own piccolo...I wanna be BLS's Junior Band's switch-off piccolo player...we do needs a piccolo player...and no flute player wants to accept that (in my opinion) great honor. :P I can play both...I know I can...and if I have my own piccolo she can't deny letting me play it in Band cuz it's mine and I bought it and I'll be good at it and I wanna play it. So...soon I'll have that great one in Band's interested in it...and only a flute player can do it because they're so similiar. No other type of instrument player could learn quickly enough. Anyways...that's it. :P I'll use my Christmas and birthday money for that ( birthday and Christmas are so close birthday's on December 23rd...and that's FZeroBoyo's birthday as well.). That's about it. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Finally Watched Saw 7 Today!!! :D

Yeah...the title's correct...I finally saw Saw 7 today and it was AWETHUM!!!!! :D But I'll get to that later. :P The past few days have been pretty good...and I just wanted to mention that term one has finally ended at my school so grades are closed and I think I did pretty good. I know I got an A in everything except History...I know I got a B in that which is disappointing...I REALLY wanna get Approbation With Distinction at least once this year. :P Oh, and Friday at my school we kinda sorta celebrated Halloween. A few peoples dressed up (I didn't...I don't dress up on Halloween anymore...I stopped in the sixth grade...I dunno why. :P ) and it was Sixie Rush Day...not as bad as it was in years past...teachers really are cracking down on that now... :P Too bad it wasn't on the year that I was a sixie!!!!! :lol: :P Well...other than that nothing too exciting happened for the past few days. Now onto today... :P

Today was pretty good. :D Uh...I had to go to the dentist though to get my teeth cleaned and stuff...that wasn't too bad...and for the first teeth haven't hurt after leaving the dentist's place. :D :P Wierd, huh? :P Oh well...I'm not complaining. :P And then later on I had to go to the clinic to get my flu shot (same goes for my dad and little brother)...and the wierd thing is that usually when I get the flu shot I feel kinda sick after a few hours but right now I feel fine...and my arm doesn't hurt either. :P I mean...I have no explanation as to why my arm doesn't feel stiff or anything but I know that I'm probably not sick because I either have a strong immune system OR I'm already kinda sorta immune to the flu because I already had it about two weeks ago. :P So...technically I should feel like crap right now but I don't cuz I'm AWETHUM and stuff. :D :P Later on today me, my dad, and my little brother went to see Saw 7 in 3D!!! :D It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I won't say what happened though just in case anyone else actually plans on seeing it. :P But it was really good in my opinion and it was in 3D so it's all the blood and guts you'd expect but in 3D which is AWETHUM!!! :P And even though they said it was the "final" Saw movie...they can make a few more movies if you ask me...the ending was open to interpretation but they can make more movies. I mean...that doctor guy from Saw 1 and his accomplices are still on the loose and a few of those envelopes containing plans that Jigsaw still had that he gave to Jill Tuck in his will still have not been fulfilled. Anyways...after that we went home and I've done pretty much nothing for the rest of the day. :P

Oh, and as of right now my mom probably wants to kill me because I "unintentionally" played a prank on her and she probably knows I did it on purpose now. :P I don't wanna get into any of the scientifical stuff but basically if you put an egg in vinegar for a few days you dissolve the shell off of it. Then if you put that same egg in soda for a few days, if you then try to pick up the egg, the slightest movement will cause it to explode. :twisted: :P So Itold my mom that this was for a Biology experiment and that she had to put them itin this other container tonight.He he he! :twisted: :P I'm gonna be in trouble when I get home...that is...if my mom is even smart enough to remember what the heck I did. :lol: :P But was worth it...I just wish I was there to see the look on her face! :twisted: :P Forget throwing eggs at my mom...I'll just make them explode in her face. :lol: :P I'm such a wonderful kid, huh? :P Kidding. :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P It's gonna suck that tomorrow's Halloween and I have school on Monday...that means that I can't stay up all night and watch movies and stuff. :P Oh well...they're trying to pass a law that Halloween will be the last Saturday in October I think... :P Hopefully that's in effect by next year. :D Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Band Was Actually Pretty Good Today... :P

Yeah...the title's correct...Band was pretty good today...not AWETHUM...but pretty good. :D But I'll get to that later. :P Since I made a blog yesterday I don't have nearly as much to talk about but I still have a fair amount of things to talk about. :P Or else why would I be making this blog...? :P Well...maybe just to put you through the torment of reading this ridiculously long thing that contains absolutely no useful information. :twisted: :P But who of all people would do that...? Me...? Certainly not! :lol: :P Kidding. :P I probably would do that...but not now...I actually have important things to do with my life...I just have some time to make this blog. :P was actually pretty good. :D In Band we practiced The First Noel and it sounds really nice and stuff and it wasn't too bad...I actually enjoyed Band for the first time in a while. :P Then in Math we learned about Linear Programming which was really easy...and I have no clue if it's just because it is easy or because I'm an absolute math geek but it was easy for me at least. :lol: :P In Latin we just translated part of the story of Romulus and Remus. In Biology Ms. Stone was out so we has a substitute and just did a worksheet. :P It was really easy and involved a little math and some knowledge of hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic solutions. In Italian Mr. Forina was out so we had this work packet thingy to do which was easy...just time consuming. :P In English we analyzed some poetry by Maya Angelou. And in History we learned about the kingdom of Aksum or something like that. :P When I got home I did all my homework which actually didn't take too long, then I did some other stuff and now I'm on here making a blog. :P That's about all I haveta say about my day in general. :P

Although in Biology one very interesting thing happened. :P I sit right next to one of my friends, MH, in Biology and when we first came into class she was reading some book about wizards and vampires and then we had this little conversation and then I said something like: "Please...if you're reading a book about vampires you must be a die-hard Twilight fan-girl!". :lol: :P Of course she got ticked off at me cuz she hates Twilight and then she beat me up with her History textbook. :lol: :P Oh well...I deserved that. :P And then we worked on that worksheet thingy and I finished before she did because it involved some Math and I'm really good at math and she's not as good as me in math...she's great at Biology (like myself) but has more of a mind for History and English. Then when we were done we got into this argument about wether History or Math was better. :P Of course I was arguing that Math was better...and she was arguing that History was better. But Math is the more AWETHUM subject, huh?! :D :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that. :P

I didn't have any wierd dreams last night though...I wish I did...I would've liked to mention one if I did. :P But before I end this blog I just wanna mention that lately I've noticed a few minor changes in the way I've been thinking about certain things. I'm fine and all and nothing's really changed and for all I know I could be wrong or I could be overreacting even though I'm not one to overreact but uh...I don't wanna mention it. It's more personal...and I don't wanna mention something that I don't even know is true...and don't bother asking me through a PM either...I doubt I'll give you an answer. :P Sorry...but uh...I just don't wanna mention anything until I know that what I'm thinking is for sure. Mi dispiace (basically "sorry" in Italian. ).

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Thanks for reading all this useless crap and wasting your life! :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P Kidding...sorry you had to read all that. :P When I'm done typing this blog I'll probably go on a walk or play in the mud or something...I have nothing to really do with myself for about an hour before I haveta go to bed. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

It's Been A While Since I've Made A Blog... :P really has's been like a week or so since I've made a blog...and for me that's a long time because I'm always making blogs and I never seem to shut up. :P Oh well...I've just been kinda busy or stressed out or tired or sick or something's come up that's prevented me from being able to go on here for long periods of time. :P So...uh...sorry about that...and if you refuse to accept that apology...uh...I dunno...but I won't be happy...and it's not in your best interests to keep an evil mastermind unhappy. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P I'm just kidding. :P Okay...let's get on with this blog... :P

I don't even know where to begin since it's been a while...but I might as well just give you a run-down of everything that's been going on in my life lately that's actually somewhat interesting. :P's my best job of that:

Lately school's been going pretty good. I've been busy with tests, quizzes, homework, and term projects and all that stuff but overall it hasn't been THAT bad I guess. :P Everything's seemed to calm down for now and I don't have much to really worry about right now. :P In Latin we're just translating and stuff. In Italian we're just learning Italian and a bunch of other random crap. :P In History we were learning about Jared Diamond's theory that geographic luck is what separated the world into haves and have-nots and now we're learning about ancient Africa. In English we're reading "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou. I already finished it and it's a really good book...I enjoyed reading it. In Math we're just solving systems of equations by Substitution, Graphing, and Elimination...for me it's just a review...and it's favorite way is Elimination's more fun. :P And in Biology we just finished up this lab experiment today that helped us learn about diffusion and osmosis across cellular membranes. Basically all we did was get some eggs, soak then in vinegar for a few days to dissolve their shells, and then put them in water, a salt solution, and karo syrup and today we got to see what happened to them and weigh them with a triple beam balance. It was really cool and I enjoyed that a lot. :D It was just annoying because there's a fair amount of girly-girls in my Biology class and they didn't wanna do anything and they were grossed out and blah blah blah... :P They were irritating me a lot...but at least me and my friends got to laugh to outselves and make fun of them since we chose to work together. :P least it wasn't completely irritating...I'm just glad they didn't hear some of the stuff we wasn't the nicest stuff in the world...and there were a few swear words thrown in here and there. :P Oh well... :P I just think it's wierd that they can get grossed out by stuff like that....I'll never understand's just wierd...I mean...I enjoyed doing that and it was fun. :P Oh...and in Band we're now playing The First Noel. :D It's REALLY REALLY REALLY easy!!!!!!!!!! And it sounds nice... :P That's about it. :P

Oh yeah...and in Band...after me and pretty much all the Second and Third Chair woodwind players came in after practicing like mad...we nailed it in Band and Ms. Dougherty was so impressed that she actually complemented us on our playing and said that we really stepped it up. :D WOO HOO!!!!! :D She finally appreciates our hard work!!!!! :D I still don't like her too much...but at least she actually finally noticed our hard work...and if we keep it up she might actually like us soon...she already doesn't hate us now. :lol: :P

And I also wanted to mention that lately my mom's actually been getting along pretty good with me for some odd reason...I dunno just seems like lately she's been acting more like a kinda person someone like me can get along with...which basically means she's not acting like she normally would. :P Oh well...for now I'm enjoying it. :P Besides...I was getting kinda sick of being nagged constantly. It gets annoying after a while. But the wierd thing is that lately even after I've been playing in the mud or playing some kinda prank on my mom or just doing something completely stupid...she hasn't been mad at me. :? Well...I'll take advantage of this and enjoy it while it lasts. :twisted: :P Isn't that so typical of me...? :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

I haven't had any really wierd or interesting dreams lately with the exception of two. But I'm not gonna get into too much detail. I had that dream where I met the anti-me in the mirror again and we had an argument again...but this time we were arguing about different stuff and that anti-me brought up different stuff than last time. I still don't wanna talk about any of it was more personal stuff and I don't wanna talk about it. :P Oh...and in the other dream I was Amanda from the Saw movies and I got to help Jigsaw torture peoples and stuff. :twisted: :P It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D :P That's about it...there wasn't much to it...just helping Jigsaw kill peoples... :lol: :P

This is random but I can't wait to see the new Saw movie!!! :D Aw's gonna be AWETHUM!!!!! :D And it'll be in 3D! :D I HAVETA see Saw (get it...get it...see it...I suck at this. :P ). :P And two new Mighty B! episodes called Rinx and Sleepless in San Francisco are gonna air on November 6th at 11 on NN! :D I can't wait for those either. :D

Okay...onto today. :P It was pretty good...nothing special or interesting really happened. :P I finished all my homework by 6 so I had three hours before I'm gonna go to bed and I'm using some of that time to go on here and make this blog. :P Yeah...I don't have much to say about this day... :P One thing that I do wanna mention though is one of my friends at BLS has gotten me into the habit of saying the word "dude" a lot now. :P I've kicked the habit of saying the word "like" ALL THE TIME now...but now I've picked up another habit...that always happens to me. :P Oh well...I personally think it's better because at least I can refrain from saying "dude" when I wanna and only those who I despise say the word "like" all the time. :P Kidding...I don't hate myself...and I know it's a bad habit so I don't care. :P Of course...when I first noticed this last week...I had to go over and hit my friend over the head with my Italian textbook. :lol: :P That's about it... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Finally...A Day To Do Absolutely Nothing!!!!! :D

Yep...I finally have one day to do absolutely nothing...which hasn't happened for a few weeks...lately even on the weekends I've had projects or diagrams or papers or somethng to work on. :P This blog probably won't have anything useful in it (do any of my blogs have anything useful in them anyways...? :P ) but at the end of it I'm gonna post a link to this game I've been playing on the computer all day. I'm pretty much addicted to it now. :P Anyways...let's get on with this blog so it doesn't take me forever to type and I can get back to playing computer games. :P

Like I said I haven't done anything productive really. :P I've spend most of my day sleeping, reading, practicing the flute, going online, and watching TV. :P That's probably what I'm gonna be doing for the rest of my day. I'm still practicing the flute more that I usually would because I have more time and I just wanna get so good that I can prove to Ms. Dougherty that us second flutes are just as good as the first flutes...and all my friends who are second or third chair woodwinds are doing the same! :D And ifshe STILL doesn't notice our hard work and dedication...we're all gonna file complaints against the Arts Department at BLS! :D Anyways...I've also been reading just to get ahead in English but I wouldn't consider it work because when I have the time I really like reading. In English we're gonna start reading "I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou and I already picked up a copy of the book from the library so I just went ahead and started reading ahead and I really like the book. Then I kinda got addicted to it and well...after three days I'm about half-way done with it and if I keep up that pace I'll be done with the book by Tuesday. :P When I really like a book I'm gonna read it really fast and I might even reread a few parts I like. :P When I go back to my mom's place later today I'm gonna prank her! :twisted: :P I'm not saying what I'm gonna do...if you care I'll put an EDIT in this blog but if'll never know! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

Before I end this blog I just wanna also mention that last night I has this really wierd dream. So I was at my dad's place and it was about midnight so everyone except for my was asleep and I couldn't go to sleep so I decided to go online and I turned on the light in the room and there was this wierd looking mirror in the room that was never there before. And I looked in the mirror but I didn't see myself...I mean...I saw myself...but it was like the anti version of myself. And I knew it was the anti version of myself just be the way the person in the mirror was dressed and was acting and talking but I knew it was me...minus the glasses...obviously. :P And then I remember that anti version of myself in the mirror had a conversation with me and then we got into this huge argument and I'd rather not get into too many details about was kinda personal actually. Then after that anti version of myself got me ridiculously ticked off, I broke the mirror and then I went online like nothing happened. :P It was a really wierd dream and I personally didn't like it at all...mainly because of what that anti version of myself said to me...and I don't wanna mention any of that so don't ask or I'll get kinda ticked off. I wanna forget that dream and I dunno why but talking about stuff like that or writing it down just kinda helps get it off my mind. :P Anyways...I'll just end this blog now.

I don't have much else to say in this blog and as a reward for reading the whole's the link to that game that I'm now addicted to: This game is is to me. :P Just play it and I'm sure you'll soon realize why someone like me would be obsessed with it. :P By the way...I'm gonna switch my farewells in my blogs to Italian for a little while just to change things up a little. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Wow...After All This Insanity...Today I'm Not Busy At All... :P

Yeah...the title's correct...after that giant wave of tons of school-work and term projects and papers and all that crap...everything's finally calmed down and now I don't have that much work at all. :P I had already finished all my homework today before 3:00 P.M. today. :P That hasn't happened all year! :P But I'm not complaining...that's a good thing. :D I needs some time to just relax and do nothing every once in a while. :P So...let's get on with this blog and talk about my day... :P

Today was pretty good. Nothing that special really happened today. Math was good...we took a test but I'm a little annoyed. I know I got an A but it was only an A...I wanted an A+ and I know I didn't get it because I got this one question wrong because I made a stupid, STUPID mistake. :P I'm a little annoyed about that but ah...I know it won't change my grade too much...I'll just haveta work a little harder to get that A+ I'm aiming for in Algebra 2 this year. :D In Latin it was Friday Funday...and well...itwas fun...not much more to say. :P In Biology we just learned about cell membranes and their functions and all that stuff which was pretty easy and I understand it all. And now I'm beginning to realize that my Biology teacher's definately a tom-boy...and that's good...I honestly can't imagine a girly-girl trying to teach Biology. :P In English we had more conversations about the novel and it was my turn to present my planned conversation for Chapter 26 to the class and I did a really good job and Mr. Hanley wanted me to stay with him after class for a few minutes just to mention that and then we kinda sidetracked and had a conversation about random stuff. Then he wrote me up a pass so I wouldn't get in trouble for being late to my next class. :P In Italian we just did independent work because Mr. Forina's kinda sick. He's been out all week and finally came in today but he still seems really sick and I feel bad for him. He might be a hard teacher and all but he's a good teacher and I honestly feel like I'm actually learning Italian in his class (unline last year with Mr. Mummolo...watching world cup soccer being broadcasted in German in ITALIAN class! :P )...and I dunno...I've been actually liking his class lately and I just hope he's okay. Then in History we just watched a video for five minutes and then annotated a huge article from a National Geographic magazine on why we have limited knowledge of the Nubians and stuff. Then I had a study and then I went home and did nothing and now I'm at my dad's place typing this blog. But just because I don't have any homework doesn't mean I'm gonna spend this day doing nothing...I'm gonna get ahead in some of my work and practice my flute for an extra amount of time. Lately I've been REALLY motivated to practice that song in Band and get better just to stick it in Ms. Dougherty's face. Sometimes for me pure rage is the best motivation and it's that extra kick that I need to push myself even harder. :P I just hope that wasn't her plan all along though...because if it was I fell right into it and I don't wanna give her that satisfaction because I hate her. :P

Later today I'm probably just gonna be reading or practicing the flute in my room or something like that. :P Then I'll go to bed early...I'm kinda tired. :P I wanna go to the park but it's kinda cold outside where I live and even though I like cold weather I just got better from being sick and I don't wanna catch a cold AGAIN so quickly. :P Besides...I have a few pranks planned that I just haveta play on my family. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P I'll tell you how that goes. :P Not much else to say in this blog... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: Sorry about making this blog even longer but I also learned a little bit in Biology why some peoples have green eyes and some peoples have hazel eyes. It actually is very rare and only happens when you get the genes for a bunch of different shades of eye color or something like that and they combine to form those wierd eye colors. :P I'm glad I learned that because I wanted to know why my eyes are like two thirds green and one third hazel...I guess they're just screwed up. :P At least I havean explanation now...I just thought I was screwed up because no one else in my family has green eyes. :P But still...leave it to me to have a screwed up eye color! :lol: :P Oh well... :P Arrivederci. ( seems wierd to end it in Latin this time it's in Italian! :P ) -MightyBFan25 (Alicia