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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #235 / The Best Dream I've Had In Months... :D

This is blog that means that I'm getting closer to blog #249 which will be a blog where you can ask me whatever you wanna or just do whatever you wanna. :P And then blog #250 will be a blog party so don't forget about either of those things...and if you do when I make those blogs...just pretend that you did remember...that's what I do with some stuff. :lol: :P And I just took a nap at around 2 and woke up at 4...then I went online for a while and then I decided to go on this site and make a blog. :P And while I was taking that nap...I had one of the most vividdreams I've had in a long was definately a lucid dream...and it was AWETHUM!!! :D I was so happy when I woke up because the dream was over and didn't get cut off and it was the best dream that I've had in months. :P There isn't much of a story to the dream but basically I was ticked off at my family and got into this massive fight with my mom so then just to get away I decided that me and some of my friends would meet up at Government Center and take the green line to some amusment park that was there. So we got there and all my friends went but I saw some strange tunnel and decided to go in there...and I found this completely AWETHUM was like another world or another dimension but it was still like Earth. And I went there and some of the people there were shocked that I was there and I thought that I did something wrong. :P But it turns out that the people there were waiting for someone like me to arrive there and it was some kinda prophecy...but before they could be sure they had to test me...and I fit the prophecy perfectly. So then they made me their leader...and it was AWETHUM!!! :D The place was already perfect without me changing was like a place that I could only dream about ( was a dream. :P ). I mean...everyone was happy and there was no fighting or violence or crime or anything. All the people there played instruments as well and occasionally all of us would get together and play...and I would be their conductor. And all the people were into Bakugan as well. And then I remember that I heard my parents calling for me one day while I was having a Bakugan battle with one of my friends in this new world. And I didn't wanna go back...and the people said that I could go if I wanted to but I didn't wanna leave...I had everything I wanted there and I was really happy with everything I closed off the doorway to the regular world and we went back to doing whatever we were doing. Overall it was just an AWETHUM dream...even better than the one with me teaming up with Super Flute and Magiccolo to fight crime and defeat evil music monsters! :P I hope I continue to have nice dreams like this...I'm really enjoying it. :P And like I mentioned before...having lucid dreams like this are a sign of creativity and intelligence...and people like to call me creative and I consider myself to be very much smarticle. :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Sorry...I haven't done one of these in a while and I am kinda curious. :P any of you have lucid dreams and just crazy, random dreams like the ones I have? Just curious. And do any of you ever do what I call "Dream-bending" which is like when you're half-asleep/ half-awake and you try to alter your dreams in some way? That's all I wanted to ask. :P

SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: Do you like the idea of me having my 249th blog be a blog where you can ask or tell me anything and having my 250th blog be a blog party? :P I'm just curious...because if no one likes that idea I'll change it. :P

Now getting onto my day. :P Well...I haven't done anything too special today. :P All I've done is take a nap and have an AWETHUM dream, watch TV, go online, play the piccolo, listen to some music, tinker with some of my Bakugan...trying to make an AWETHUM Ventus deck...I have Pyrus and Darkus down...probably because I'm just AWETHUM with Pyrus Bakugan and I'm evil so I should be good with Darkus Bakugan. :P But I'm thinking that I should be good with Ventus Bakugan as well because I'm smarticle. :P It's going pretty well's just hard to find a good Copper Gate Card. :P All Copper Gate Cards have special abilities to completely alter a battle but I don't need that because I already have powerful Ventus Bakugan and cards. :P Oh well... :P And Jenna apparently called be while I was asleep like three I'll probably call her later and apologize for not picking up the phone. :P But I mean...I'm sure it won't be a big dealbecause I mean...I can't come to the phone if I'm asleep. :P And then we'll probably end up talking with each other for a while. :P And after that I dunno what I'll do with myself for the rest of the day. :P

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P The only other thing that I haveta mention is that I won this ebay auction and let's just say that I have a ton of Bakugan coming to me in the main very shortly. :P That's about it... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #234...

Yeah...sorry about the title...I couldn't really come up with anything. :P Well...nothing special has happened since the last time I made a blog...which was two days ago. :P Yesterday I finally went back to school and it wasn't that bad. :P Everything was pretty normal and I didn't have that much homework when I got home. :P Now I'm glad because I only have a Latin presentation and another Italian dialogue to focus on which isn't that bad at all really. :P The only special things that really happened were that in Band we were working on a Yorkshire Ballad (A new song that we're probably gonna play for the Spring Concert) and it's supposed to sound all nice and stuff. And...FINALLY...Ms. Dougherty gave us Woodwind players the credit that we deserve...FINALLY!!! :D The brass section was suckish (and they are that way sometimes because they just don't practice anymore because they think they can get away with it because Ms. Dougherty likes them a lot) and the woodwind players were AWETHUM (Go Woodwinds! :P ) and Ms. Dougherty said and I quote: "Brass section, you better step it up because right now the Woodwinds are kicking your butts.". That just made my day. :P And I stayed after school to help Jenna with some more Algebra 2 stuff. (I don't think I mentioned this but she's not that good at math and she knows that Math is my best subject...she's better at History and English.) Then we took the train home and I got home at around 4 and did my homework and then my dad came to pick me up. Then I just kinda did nothing for the rest of the day and went to bed at around 10. :P

Oh, and before I start talking about today I just wanna mention that blog #249 will be a blog where you can do whatever you want and just ask me anything within reason. And blog #250 will be a blog party. So...don't forget about that. :P

Now getting onto today. :P So far nothing special's really happened today. :P I've just been being unproductive so basically that means that all day I've just been sleeping, watching TV, going online, or playing the piccolo. :P I practiced the flute yesterday...and I actually came up with a song on flute...I didn't write it...I just started playing whatever I felt like for about 30 minutes and it just turned into a song. :P It sounded good to. :P That's about all I've done so far today. :P Later today I'll probably play the piccolo a little more, do some writing and drawing, listen to some music, take a nap...and Jenna's gonna call me at around if I'm not on this site at around 7 EST and I'm still not on until 2 hours after know what I've been up to. :lol: :P That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P I didn't have any wierd dreams last night...thank god too...I was getting sick of typing or writing about all my crazy dreams...and just having them was getting to be annoying too. :P Oh well...I've heard that having crazy dreams and just crazy thoughts in general is a sign of intelligence and creativity...because only someone who is smart and creative can have those kinda lucid dreams that are completely random and insane. :P AndI don't need any crazy dreams at the mind's kinda all over the place right now. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #233 / Another Snow Day!!! :D

Yeah...I already mentioned it in my last blog but I do have no school today...I had another snow day for some odd reason but I don't really care because it's the perfect opportunity to relax and actually get some rest. :P So far my day's been pretty good. I haven't done anything too special though...I've just been watching TV, or playing computer games or playing the piccolo (I was playing the flute yesterday. :P ). So...nothing special really happened today. :P The only thing was that my mom went to work today so I haveta babysit my little brother so I couldn't visit Jenna which was annoying...but she was fine with coming over my place for a little while so we just kinda hung out for a few hours and I helped her out with some Algebra 2 stuff and she just left a few minutes ago. So...that's pretty much all that I've done today...nothing special other than that really happened today. :P For the rest of my day I'm probably just gonna do nothing...I'll probably just be in my room writing, drawing, listening to music, playing the piccolo, or reading some comic books. :P Mainly because I'm still somewhat annoyed with my family...everything's fine...I just know that if I spend too much time around them I'm gonna havea hard time controlling my anger and I don't wanna haveta worry about that...especially because I wasn't able to control my anger a few days ago and I usually can. :P Oh well...I'll probably feel better when I get to go to school tomorrow and be with intellectual peoples again. :P

I also wanna mention that last night I had a really wierd dream but it wasn't a bad was an AWETHUM dream...for once. :P I haven't had a good dream in a while actually... :P the dream I remember that it started off a few years ago when I was still at my old school (I think the sixth grade) and I was getting bullied (Gee...what a surprise. :P That happened ALL THE TIME at my old mom didn't really care though...which is another reason as to why I hate her...if it was my decision I woulda went to a different school. ) as usual and them I got home and I was very angry and I felt that someone had to put those stupid bullies in their place. But there was obviously nothing I could do...being a wimpy nerd and all. :P But then I remember that I took out my flute and was about to play it (wierd...I never played the flute before I came to BLS. :P ) but then...the flute talked to me and said basically that he could help me take care of those bullies. And then I heard a banging on the case of my piccolo so I opened it and he also offered to help me. So...of course I said yes but I wanted to know how we could take care of them. Then we worked together to create a plan to get back at them. We were gonna give them a taste of their own medicine! So...we got these AWETHUM superhero costumes and my flute and piccolo even wore capes. :P And I have them superhero names...the flute was called Super Flute and the piccolo was called (you guessed it) Magiccolo. And I didn't need a name...Super Flute and Magiccolo referred to me as their master or the musician or something like that usually. So...then the next day after school I got changed into my costume and took out my flute and piccolo and we went up to those bullies (of course I was wearing a mask) and we beat them up and tortured them with the high-pitchedness of the flute and ESPECIALLY the piccolo! It was AWETHUM...and then we left and we were so happy. And we actually flew home...we could somehow alter radio waves and fly on them somehow I think. And then we went home and I was talking to Super Flute and Magiccolo and we decided that we could use our AWETHUM powers to fight crime and stuff so we began to do that and it was really nice...and our identities were a secret. But then one day an evil music monster came and was going to destroy all of East Boston and we needed to do something., Super Flute, and Magiccolo flew around the monster and were trying to read it and then we realized that the song it embodied was the Magiccolo kept the Maelstrom monster distracted while Super Flute went back to being a normal flute and I flew around playing the flute part of the Maelstrom and we did get kinda banged up but we defeated it and the monster disappeared and all of East Boston was saved! But I remember feeling kinda dizzy and the first thing I did was put away my flute and piccolo and then I passed out in the dream. Then I woke up and I was in the hospital and my flute and piccolo were in their cases safe and sound. But my mask was taken off and now EVERYONE knew my secret identity. Most people wanted to just say thanks for everything that I had done up to that point but some wanted to kill me for some reason. And then I woke up. I wish the dream lasted longer was the best dream I've had in a while. :P I wish I could have more dreams like that and less dreams involving that twin that I was supposed to have but wasn't born and doomsday. :P Oh well... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Just remember that blog #250 will be a blog party. :P And I'm thinking that I also want Blog #249 to be a blog where you can ask me anything you want as long as it isn't too personal or anything and to just do whatever you want. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #232 / Snow Day!!! :D / Term Two Report Card...

Getting closer to blog #250...not that close yet...but I soon will be and then blog #250 will be a blog I already mentioned. :P So...just remember that...and if not just pretend that you remembered when I reach blog #250. :P And today I didn't have school so I just got to relax and do nothing. :P My mom went to work so me and my little brother were home alone which was good...I mean...I can't stand my little brother lately but least my mom and her friends weren't over for a while...and I just spent the entire day either sleeping, watching TV, going online, reading some more of the Odyssey, or practicing the flute/piccolo. And since I obviously couldn't visit Jenna today...I called her and we ended up talking on the phone for about an hour which was was nice to talk to someone intellectual again because for the past 24 hours I had not talked to anyone smart for an entire 24 hours and I was ready to go insane by that point. :P day was pretty good...and now that my mom's home everything's fine...I'm still ignoring them for the most part though because I'm still kinda sorta ticked off at them. I do want to apologize though for coming on this site and coming off at completely p*ssed off two days ago...I was just really angry and I needed to vent but that was kinda immature (I know I'm immature but that was immature in a bad sense is what I mean. ) and I shouldn't have done that. So...hopefully none of you really minded that if you read that blog and if you did I hope you accept my apology for that.

On a happier note...on Tuesday I got my report card and guess what...? I FINALLY GOT APPROBATION WITH DISTINCTION!!!!!!!!!! :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D That's the first time I've ever gotten Distinction at BLS!!! :D I'm so happy because I had to work so hard to get that. :D And in case you don't know...Approbation With Distinction is when you get all A's on your report card. :P And now that I've done next goal is to get a report card with all A's and A+' A-'s. :P's my grades:

Physical Education: A (Haha...take that you stupid PE teacher from my old school! :P A nerd can get an A in PE! :P Kidding...I don't care about this my school PE is a joke and all you haveta do is show up and get an A. :P )

Conduct: A (Yeah...that's A in conduct! :P I guess an evil mastermind/ troublemaker can get an A in Conduct...and I can behave myself at school...for the most part anyways...he he he! :twisted: :P )

Declamation: A (This shoulda been an A+! :P but Mr. Hanley doesn't give A+'s for Declamation for some odd reason. :P Oh well...I'll take the A...I like Declamation and I'm good at it and it just comes to me so it wasn't a big deal...I wasn't even nervous when I declaimed. :P )

Band: A (WHAT?!?!?! :P An BAND?!?!?! :P I've never gotten an A in Band's always been an A- or B+...this is my best grade in band EVER! :P And Ms. Dougherty HATES don't get it...I guess we worked really hard and maybe she doesn't completely hate us. :P Well...I'm proud of this grade and I so deserved it because our band killed the Holiday Concert! :D WOO HOO!!! :D Go Junior Band! :D )

Italian: A ( Mr. Forina's class. :P I'm really that smart! :P Seriously...I'm so happy with this grade because I worked really hard in Italian class last term and I'm good at Italian and I felt like I deserved this grade. :P And I better get an A...I am about half Italian and I get A's in Latin. :P )

Latin: A (I'm a little disappointed with this grade...I got an A+ in Latin last term and my average dropped from a 99 in to a 96 in Latin...I's only 3 points but still...I'm kinda ticked off because Latin's one of my best subjects. :P But...ah...I'll take the A. At least I didn't fail like a lot of my friends. :P )

English: A- (Darn it! :P An A-?! :P Kidding...I'm happy with this grade because I know that English isn't one of my best subjects but still...this is the one grade that kept me away from that all A and A+ report card. :P Oh I have something else to aim for. :P )

History: A (WOO HOO!!!!! :D I spent SO MUCH TIME focusing on History this term and it finally paid off! :D I'm so happy...and now I can torture my friend who said that I couldn't manage an A in History. :P Haha...I showed her! :P So...anyways...I'm so happy about this and this is the first A that I've ever gotten in History at BLS...I've always gotten an A- or B+. :P )

Biology: A (Ah...I wanted an A+ but I'll settle for an A...I mean...I didn't really try hard in this class...Biology just kinda comes to me...I've always had one of those minds wired for math and science...but more for math. :P )

Math: A+ (Ah...I knew I'd get an A+ in this class. :P Math's my best subject and I got this grade without even trying or studying at all...I just show up for class, do my homework, and help all my other friends who don't get what the heck is going on. :P )

So...those are all my grades and I'm so happy and relieved that I got Approbation With Distinction finally. :D Please...feel free to congradulate me now. :lol: :P And to make things even better...I just found out a few minutes ago that I don't have school tomorrow either so when I'm done making this blogI'm probably gonna call Jenna so one of us can visit the other for a little while tomorrow because we both are from East it's not a big deal...and she does need a little help with some stuff in Algebra 2. :P That's about it...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. (Yeah...I'm switching back to saying farewell in Latin. :P ) -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #231 / Sorry If I Seem Ticked Off As I'm Making This Blog...

Yep...this is my 231st blog. the moment I'm EXTREMELY angry right have no idea how p*ssed off I am right now! I'm sorry...I just can't help it and I need to vent right now. I'm not usually this way...I'm usually in a pretty good mood but right now...I'm ticked off...and I mean REALLY ticked off. And I'll tell you why in this paragraph. Okay...first of all...I'm really tired right now because I had a ton of homework tonight and I'm just tired. flute playing today was suckish because I wasn't able to play until around 7 and by then I was tired and I couldn't even get my chromatic scale as legato sixteenth notes right. of my mom's friends is over today and she's really annoying and kept bugging me while I was trying to memorize something for Latin class. And I was just ready to say to her: "Okay...what the hell are you doing?! Just shut the hell up and leave me alone!!!" And memorizing Latin is harder than you think...I can memorize stuff in English and Italian word for word with no problem at all...but Latin's harder. And little brother keeps being such a kiss up to my mom tonight and the second I left my room because I was done with my work my mom was just yelling at me for like no reason and she wanted me to stop playing the flute and stuff and my little brother kept siding with her in this one sided argument (it was one sided because by that point I was too p*ssed off to bother arguing with anyone...I just wanted to punch someone by that point or throw something at the wall. ) and I honestly don't like him that much anymore because he's doing this a lot lately and it's just stupid...and then when my mom leaves the room he tries to act all nice to me and stuff and even though he's only 10...I can't stand him and he's being don't just yell at me one second and then try to be nice to me the next! Well...trying to vent did absolutely nothing...I still feel like taking a shotgun and blasting off the heads of everyone in the house at the moment!!! I'm not even kidding...and it really takes a lot to get me this really does...and they managed to do it.

Aside from having to put up with a bunch of IDIOTS at day at school was pretty good. Nothing special really happened. When I got home I had a ton of homework and other stuff. And now I have an Italian dialogue tomorrow, a Latin presentation on Wednesday and another one on Friday, and something for History that's due at the end of the week. So...this week's gonna be pretty stressful and having to deal with a bunch of irritating, stupid morons at home isn't gonna help! Honestly...sometimes I wish I was stupid...then I'd actually fit in with my stupid family...but no...I haveta be an intellectual and put up with all this crap. I's good to be smart but it's times like this where I wish I was dumb. Anyways...I had another dream about "Doomsday" last night but I don't feel like talking about was a scary dream and I just wanna forget about it as soon as possible. I'm probably gonna be outside for the rest of the day when I'm done making this I'll probably just go on a walk for about an hour and then go home and go to bed because I'm sick of these morons who I haveta put up with right now.

Now...before I end this blog I wanna mention something else. I don't feel like talking to my mom or little brother but I'm gonna go outta my way to make them know that I'm ticked off at them. There's a few signs to tell when I'm ticked off at someone and they are: Constantly blasting Metallica music in my spare time, ignoring peoples who I'm ticked off at, only talking to those peoples in Italian or Latin, being a complete smart a** jerk to those people if I do talk to them in English, and I'll usually only wear the colors gray, red, and black...just cuz I feel like it. There's a lot of others...but those are the main ones. I don't have much else to say in this blog so I guess I'll just end it and go on my walk now. Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #230...

Sorry about the title but I honestly was sitting at the computer for five minutes trying to come up with a title but I couldn't come up with anything. :P But this is the 230th blog that I've made and I'm really close to blog #250 now that I think about it. :P I think that I'm gonna try to make a blog every day until I get to blog #250 and then I'll have another blog party...mainly because I like the number 250. :P So...just keep that in mind. :P I haven't made a blog all week really because there hasn't been much to really talk about. :P I mean...I've just been busy with school again as usual and now the piccolo is another thing that I need to juggle. :P the flute and the piccolo and some other stuff might not seem like that much but it can seem that way at times but I don't really least it all keeps me busy. :P And I'm getting my report card this week on Tuesday probably and I think I finally got Approbation With Distinction at BLS which I'm really happy about and I want my report card so badly. :P That's about it really...nothing special's really going on in my life at the moment so there isn't much else to talk about. :P So now I'm gonna end this paragraph and get onto the next one in which I will talk about my day. :P

So far today's been pretty good. I haven't done anything really special...I've just been at home watching TV, going online, and practicing the piccolo all day. :P I might go outside later today for a little while but I dunno...the weather outside still isn't the best in the world so if anything I'll probably just go for a walk. :P Later tonight I'll probably be online for a while because of an ebay auction. :P But uh...nothing special is planned for today. :P The only other thing that I haveta mention about today is that last night I had a really wierd dream and it involved the end of the world again...but it was kinda wierd and I didn't completely understand everything that was happening in the dream. :P the dream it was December 20th, 2012 (The day before "Doomsday". :P ) and I was at my dad's place and we were packing upsome stuff to take with us because all of the peoples in MA were being evacuated and we had to leave before "Doomsday". But we still had some time and were undecided about some things to take because we obviously couldn't take EVERYTHING with us. And while I was trying to figure out what stuff of mine I should take...I heard this beeping sound in my room and it was coming from one of the walls so I removed the pannel where the sound was coming from and whenever I did that I would always see the pipes...and I saw the pipes...but attatched to one of them was a bomb that would go off in an hour. So...I told my dad and he called the fire and police departments but they didn't know how to remove the bomb so we only had about 30 minutes by that point to get everything that we needed out of the house and we began working on that but I remember the timer counting down and I went back into the house when there was only about one minute left, thinking that I could get out of the house in time before the bomb went off and blew up everything but then I tripped and by the time I got up, there was only 5 seconds left and I was right near the bomb because I was in my room and then it counted down and when there was only one second left I woke up. It was a terrible dream but to ensure that it doesn't happen again I'm working on making a list of everything that I would take with me in a situation like that one. It isn't going very well but I haveta figure it out for peace of mind. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog so thanks if you actually read it and didn't skim read through it or absent read it. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Near The End Of Christmas Break...'s a little upsetting that Christmas Break is almost over...I still have today off and then Monday off as well but on Tuesday I'm going back too school. And later this afternoon I'm probably gonna be going back to my mom's place...I don't wanna but it won't be that bad and I've noticed that lately I don't dread going back there like I used to a few years ago. :P I don't have much to say about the past few days really...nothing special's really happened. :P I mean...I've just been playing the piccolo, going outside to do stuff, sleeping, going online, playing some games on my Nintendo DS, listening to music, etc... :P And over the break I have been calling Jenna occasionally just to talk about stuff...and she's probably gonna come over again on Monday if I get the okay from my mom but I probably won't. :P New Year's Eve was pretty good...I didn't make it until midnight though...I passed out at like 9:30 and woke up at 12:04 exactly. :lol: :P Missed it by four minutes!!! :P It's fine though...nothing special really happens at midnight. :P But I did make a New Year's resolution and you wanna know what it is...? Are you sure you wanna know what it is...? I don't think you do but New Year's resolution is.....

.....TO GET YOU ALL OUTTA MY HOUSE!!!!! :twisted: :P THE BLOG PARTY'S OVER!!!!! :twisted: :P *kicks you all outta my house* Thank you all for coming but you've overstayed your welcome. :P And my mom wants to kill me now because the house is a mess...thanks especially to a certain wizard that teleported away a little while ago! :P Okay...seriously...I don't have a New Year's resolution...I never make one because I know that I'll never follow up with it and I'll probably forget about it like a week later. :P I don't need one either...throughout the year I always set personal goals for myself wether it pertains to school or music or even some stupid computer game that I can't seem to win. :P Well...might as well get on with this blog because I have nothing else to say in this paragraph... :P

So far today nothing special's really happened. :P I've been doing pretty much everything I've done during my entire vacation...just going outside a little more because the weather outside isn't completely terrible now. :P And I've been occasionally going on ebay to keep an eye on something that I plan on getting with some of my birthday and Christmas money...I mean...I might as well...I was gonna use it to get my piccolo but I got that for Christmas. :P And I finally came up with a nickname for my piccolo...I've been trying to come up with one since Christmas morning but I haven't been able to or they're all just ridiculously stupid but now I have one. :P Well...I remember in my first flute instruction book the first "song" that we played was titled "The Magic Flute" and even though it was this stupid simple thing and all we did was play B Flat as whole notes throughout the "song" I remembered that and I was thinking that it can't be jsut the flute that gets that title...the piccolo should as well because it's a variation of the common transverse flute. :P And I thought it should be something like the Magic Piccolo but more catchy and then I came up with something and to you it might sound stupid but to me it's perfect and that name is "Magiccolo". :P That's about it. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog so I'm probably just gonna go in my room and play Magiccolo for a while. :P And I will continue to address my piccolo as that from now on so just remember that when I mention Magiccolo...I mean my red and gold colored piccolo. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Might As Well Just Make This Blog Because I'm Bored... :P

It's been a few days since I made a blog which is wierd because I thought that I would be making a blog every day during my Christmas Break but I've been kinda lazy and I haven't had much to really talk about. :P The past few days have been kinda boring...nothing really special has went on for the most part...just playing some games on my Nintendo DS, listening to music on my iPod, completely oblivious to everything around me, playing the piccolo and the flute and some other stuff like playing in the snow and whatnot. :P But today was pretty good and I actually have some stuff to talk about in this blog. :P Well...I might as well just get on with this blog because I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

Well...before I get to the events of today I just wanna mention a few things. :P Well...I can't get some songs by Metallica and Alice In Chains outta my head and it's kinda annoying me. :P Yeah yeah...I listen to that stuff occasionally. :P I's good music but still...I hate getting music stuck in my head so all day in my spare time I've been trying to listen to some of their songs to get it outta my head but it's not working. :P least it's not as bad as that time I had stupid Lady Gaga music stuck in my head for like a week. :lol: :P And last night I had that dream where I met anti-me in the mirror again but this time I found out that anti-me was really that twin sister I was supposed to have but wasn't born which makes a lot of sense...because with twin sisters one is usually a tomboy and the other is a girly-girl. that I know the secret behind that dream...I kinda feel bad for some reason but I'll try to forget about that. And yesterday my mom was being annoying about the way I dress, saying that I should actually dress up like a girl for once in my life. :lol: :P I mean...I will when I haveta but other than that...if you were to meet me I'd be wearing sneakers, a t-shirt, and shorts, sweatpants, or jeans..depending on the weather. :P And I'll only wear shorts that go down to my knees because otherwise I think it's stupid and revealing and whatnot and I can't stand girls who wear short shorts. :P And the pants that I wear are always loose-fitting because I personally find that more comfortable and I guess my mom doesn't like that. :P Oh well...that's her problem. :twisted: :P I mean...there's probably a lot of reasons as to why I ended up being so"screwed-up" but I don't care because there's a reason behind it that I probably can't even comprehend. :P I'll get on with today. :P I didn't do anything that interesting really aside from one thing. :P Well...yesterday that nice girl in my history class (her name's Jenna) called me and asked if she could come over my house the next day (which would be today) and I asked my mom and she said okay because my little brother was at my dad's place (I went back to my mom's place for a few days to get some alone time. :P ) and I wouldn't haveta babysit and if I had a friend over I probably wouldn't blow up the house...or something along those lines. :P Anyways...she came over today which was nice and we were just talking and goofing around and stuff which was fun. :P And then she wanted me to play her something on the piccolo so I did and I actually did a pretty good job. :P So...overall it was nice. Before she left though (she had to leave at 3) I just wanted to clear up something with her because I think I know now why she wanted to be "friends" with me in the first place and I just explained what I had to and we're just gonna be friends and later on if we're more sure about some know. But...I'm just glad that I don't haveta worry about that for now and we're just gonna be friends. :P Besides...she is really nice...and one thing that I noticed is that she can act ridiculously girly at times but very boyish at others...but it seems like around me she tries to act all level-headed and serious and girly and stuff but ah...I managed to ruin that. :P I'm good for that. :lol: :P And after she left I packed up my stuff and my dad came to pick me up at around 4 and now I'm at his place...making a blog. :P

One last thing that I wanna mention is that I hate it when peoples mispronounce my name. :P Okay...I know my name is in a lot of different languages and whatnot and there's different variations of it butpeople always pronounce my name (Alicia) like it would be said in Spanish or Italian but that's not how you say it. :P Anyways...I just wanted to mention that. :P And while I've been typing this blog I've been listening to Metallica music...but I don't think I have it outta my head. :P Oh well...I'll work on that... :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

The Day After Christmas...'s a day late but I hope you all had a great Christmas. :D I would have made this blog yesterday but I was too lazy and when I wasn't lazy I was caught up with something wether it was video games or Bakugan or flute/piccolo playing or just something so...uh...yeah...sorry about that. :P Anyways, my Christmas was really good aside from the fact that my little brother woke me up at 5 in the morning saying that Santa came (I know that Santa Claus isn't real...but my little brother doesn't know yet and I don't wanna be the person who breaks it to him that he isn't real so he doesn't know yet. :P ). I got some new games for my Nintendo DS, some Bakugan, headphones, and a music stand which was strange because I actually didn't ask for a music stand but it's AWETHUM because now I can stand up and play the flute or the piccolo (whichever one I feel like. :P ) and I personally prefer to stand up and play because I can walk around and stuff and I's just more fun. :P And then I went through my stocking and I saw candy and other stuff that would usually be in a stocking but at the bottom was this small black case and I opened it and it was..........(Yeah...the dots represent a long pause for dramatic-ness. :P )..........a piccolo. :D Yep...I got a piccolo for know...the small instrument that's basically like a small flute and is an octave highter. :P I didn't ask for that either and I was planning on using my Christmas and birthday money to buy one but now I don't haveta I guess. :P And it was the exact same one that I was planning on getting...I dunno how my mom coulda figured that one out... :P She probably just was looking through the internet history on the computer and found that. :P But's AWETHUM and I'm so glad that now I own my own instrument and I'm gonna learn this on my own time outside of school and I already kinda sorta know what I'm doing because it's VERY similar to the flute...and it's another thing to put on a college application in a few years from now...and I know that some bands won't use flutes and will only use now I could do either. :P And the piccolo that I got it this metallic red and gold color that I personally like because it's's not a regular silver colored one. :P And it's all metal...not a metal head-joint and plastic body like some of them. :P Anyways...I was just really happy and that night I went to my dad's place and now I'm here for a few days with my little brother and I'm gonna be in my room all day probably playing Sonic Colors and Pokemon Heartgold and occasionally playing the piccolo because the weather outside sucks. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog but just for the sake of writing more I wanna mention how I ended up playing the flute in the first place...because I'm sure that a lot of you can't picture someone like me playing the flute. :P Well...during the summer before I would be going to BLS for the first time...I got these music forms in the mail and I read them over and the way that they worded things made it seem like you had to take some form of music at BLS and that was basically either chorus or an instrument. :P I didn't know that you didn't haveta take music at the time...but I'm glad I didn't know that now. :P Anyways...I figured that since I couldn't sing to save my life I'd take an instrument and see how that went. :P So I looked through the list and I didn't know much about any of those instruments because there were no music programs at my old school. :P So I just randomly put down the flute as my first choice, the violin as my second choice, and the clarinet as my third choice. And I ended up getting the first choice and then I started playing and liked it and band and music class so I just stuck with it and I still have because even now when I have a terrible music teacher/band conductor...I like playing the flute and being in a Band at BLS and I'll stick with it no matter what. So...that's why I'm playing the flute. :P And you already know why I'm learning the piccolo. :P

And now if you wanna listen to the music from the Holiday concert at my school you can go on and under "resources" click "multimedia". Then click on 2010 Holiday Concerts which will be under music. Then just scroll down to the December 17th Holiday Concert and go under Junior Band and then just click on whatever song(s) you wanna listen to. My Band played The First Noel, An Irish Rhapsody, and The Magnificent Seven Theme (with the Symphonic Band). So...yeah...go on that site and listen to my Band! :P And that's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

My Birthday/ Last Day Of School/ Blog Party!!!!! :D

Yep...that's's my birthday and I am now fifteen years old. :D I's not really a big deal though...I don't feel any different...if anything I'm just smarter than I was last year and maybe a few inches taller but that's about it. :P And it is also FZeroBoyo's birthday so I would like to wish him a happy birthday as well on this blog! :D Today was my last day of school before break and it went pretty good. :P I had my Biology presentation on Osteogenesis Imperfecta which went well, my Declamation which went AWETHUM (I got an A+!!! :D ), and a History test. :P But in every other class we just had parties or talked with our friends. :P It seems like in EVERY SINGLE CLASS peoples knew it was my birthday and just had to sing the birthday song for me! :P And because I had my Declamation and had to dress up all nice all my friends who are tomboys who I saw today just had to let me have it. :lol: :P I know I deserved it and I honestly didn't care. :P And now I'm home doing nothing and enjoying my Christmas break. :P And we're about to celebrate my birthday soon and I know that I'm gonna get epicly pranked so I'm a little paranoid but it's fine. :P I'll be over it the second I get pranked. :P Now...since I don't have much else to say in this's time for a..........

..........BLOG PARTY!!!!! :D Okay...I mentioned this before but today's the day that my blog party starts! :D It starts today as of right after I submit this blog and ends next Saturday at 9...because that's my bedtime. :P And feel free to cause as much destruction as possible and completely trash the place as long as you don't break my flute, my Bakugan, or my glasses because I'll be angry. :P Other than that...cause as much destruction as possible and please feel free to torture my mom! :twisted: :P's what is at this blog party:

Cookies...but please don't steal can have as many as you want. :P

Cake...but don't throw it at others...ESPECIALLY me!!! :P


A soda machine that contains Mountain Dew and you can have as much as you want for I don't wanna hear that we ran outta mountain dew. :P

Dr. Pepper...but don't take the Diet Dr. Pepper from the monkey. :P And I KNOW that we was here at the last blog party...but he came back and I can't do anything about it! :P

And root beer because even though I personally hate'll keep a certain wizard happy...if that wizard can get through the wizard proof barriers I have guarding the house! :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Don't worry...mere mortals can get through easily. :P

And that's everything at this blog party...feel free to bring anything else including but not limited to: Baseball bats, swords, flamethrowers, fire extinguishers, etc... :P You get the idea. :P Well...what are you waiting for...come to this party already! :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: And uh...the reason there's no images on this blog is because the site's acting stupid and won't let me make the blog with pictures on it. :P So...just ignore that. :P