This is blog that means that I'm getting closer to blog #249 which will be a blog where you can ask me whatever you wanna or just do whatever you wanna. :P And then blog #250 will be a blog party so don't forget about either of those things...and if you do when I make those blogs...just pretend that you did remember...that's what I do with some stuff. :lol: :P And I just took a nap at around 2 and woke up at 4...then I went online for a while and then I decided to go on this site and make a blog. :P And while I was taking that nap...I had one of the most vividdreams I've had in a long was definately a lucid dream...and it was AWETHUM!!! :D I was so happy when I woke up because the dream was over and didn't get cut off and it was the best dream that I've had in months. :P There isn't much of a story to the dream but basically I was ticked off at my family and got into this massive fight with my mom so then just to get away I decided that me and some of my friends would meet up at Government Center and take the green line to some amusment park that was there. So we got there and all my friends went but I saw some strange tunnel and decided to go in there...and I found this completely AWETHUM was like another world or another dimension but it was still like Earth. And I went there and some of the people there were shocked that I was there and I thought that I did something wrong. :P But it turns out that the people there were waiting for someone like me to arrive there and it was some kinda prophecy...but before they could be sure they had to test me...and I fit the prophecy perfectly. So then they made me their leader...and it was AWETHUM!!! :D The place was already perfect without me changing was like a place that I could only dream about ( was a dream. :P ). I mean...everyone was happy and there was no fighting or violence or crime or anything. All the people there played instruments as well and occasionally all of us would get together and play...and I would be their conductor. And all the people were into Bakugan as well. And then I remember that I heard my parents calling for me one day while I was having a Bakugan battle with one of my friends in this new world. And I didn't wanna go back...and the people said that I could go if I wanted to but I didn't wanna leave...I had everything I wanted there and I was really happy with everything I closed off the doorway to the regular world and we went back to doing whatever we were doing. Overall it was just an AWETHUM dream...even better than the one with me teaming up with Super Flute and Magiccolo to fight crime and defeat evil music monsters! :P I hope I continue to have nice dreams like this...I'm really enjoying it. :P And like I mentioned before...having lucid dreams like this are a sign of creativity and intelligence...and people like to call me creative and I consider myself to be very much smarticle. :P
RANDOM QUESTION: Sorry...I haven't done one of these in a while and I am kinda curious. :P any of you have lucid dreams and just crazy, random dreams like the ones I have? Just curious. And do any of you ever do what I call "Dream-bending" which is like when you're half-asleep/ half-awake and you try to alter your dreams in some way? That's all I wanted to ask. :P
SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: Do you like the idea of me having my 249th blog be a blog where you can ask or tell me anything and having my 250th blog be a blog party? :P I'm just curious...because if no one likes that idea I'll change it. :P
Now getting onto my day. :P Well...I haven't done anything too special today. :P All I've done is take a nap and have an AWETHUM dream, watch TV, go online, play the piccolo, listen to some music, tinker with some of my Bakugan...trying to make an AWETHUM Ventus deck...I have Pyrus and Darkus down...probably because I'm just AWETHUM with Pyrus Bakugan and I'm evil so I should be good with Darkus Bakugan. :P But I'm thinking that I should be good with Ventus Bakugan as well because I'm smarticle. :P It's going pretty well's just hard to find a good Copper Gate Card. :P All Copper Gate Cards have special abilities to completely alter a battle but I don't need that because I already have powerful Ventus Bakugan and cards. :P Oh well... :P And Jenna apparently called be while I was asleep like three I'll probably call her later and apologize for not picking up the phone. :P But I mean...I'm sure it won't be a big dealbecause I mean...I can't come to the phone if I'm asleep. :P And then we'll probably end up talking with each other for a while. :P And after that I dunno what I'll do with myself for the rest of the day. :P
That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P The only other thing that I haveta mention is that I won this ebay auction and let's just say that I have a ton of Bakugan coming to me in the main very shortly. :P That's about it... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
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