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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #255 / Blog Party!!!!! :D

Yep...finally reached blog #255. :D So...this blog is the hopefully epic blog party. :P But...before the blog party begins...I wanna apologize again that I pushed it back and before I get to the blog party itself...I wanna talk a little bit about how things have been going for the past two days because well...I didn't make a blog yesterday. :P Yesterday wasn't the best day in the world...and to put it simply...I felt like crap. :lol: :P I had a terribly headache (I mean...headaches aren't a big deal...I get at least 2 or 3 headaches a week and that's a good week for me. :P I mean...I'm a teenage girl...I'm used to headaches...just take some aspirin and I'm all set...but this was a terrible TERRIBLY headache. ) and it lasted pretty much all day...and I also felt kinda sick yesterday...but that I think was because of a dream that I had that night. In the dream I was once again, about 30 and doing quite well for myself but along with being a doctor of some sort...I was taking up photography as a hobby and for some reason I organized this photo shoot...and well...I'd rather not describe what the heck I organized in the wasn't too nice. :P And I remember that I couldn't remember organizing such a thing and couldn't bring myself to take any pictures because I felt that it was wrong but one of my assistants (this assistant was VD for some odd reason) was yelling at me and forcing me to do so and I said to her: "No, I can't take these pictures, it's wrong and I know that the second I do something bad will happen to all of us."...or something along those lines. But then she forced me to do so and after the photo shoot...some guy with horns wearing a business suit and carrying a briefcase, contract, and small pitchfork came up to me with this evil grin on his face. The guy looked like how I drew Satan in my story...not like some monster with red skin or whatever...more like a human who was well-dressed in a white suit with a tail, small horns, a small pitchfork, and a briefcase. And he pulled out this contract and I apparently had to sign myself over to the Underworld so I took out a red pen and was about to sign it. Then I woke up. This dream made me feel sick to my stomach for a while and I think it could explain why I felt terrible all day...I know it sounds ridiculous but I dunno...I feel that at least a few of my dreams have some deeper meaning or something... :P Anyways, when I woke upI just felt terrible and the headache came shortly afterwards. So I was basically in bed all day either taking a nap, lying down and listening to some music, or reading Inferno. You know...I bet Inferno would explain all these dreams...yeah...well...I don't really care and nothing will stop me from putting down that book because I feel that it's worth readng. :P Jenna did call me so I talked to her for like 15 minutes...she didn't wanna bother me because she knew that I felt terrible and didn't wanna keep me on the phone for a long time. :P That's about all I did yesterday...nothing special AT ALL because I felt like crap...but I did get a lot of reading done...I'm on canto 31 in L'Inferno now. :D That's about all I haveta say about yesterday. :P

Today I feel much better than I did yesterday. :D And I didn't have any disturbing dreams! :P I went to bed at like 8 and woke up today at about that's 14 hours of sleep. :lol: :P I'm lucky if I get half of that during a school night. :P I was just really tired and passed out. :P Today I'm probably gonna finish Inferno and finish chapter one of that story...I started it but I never got around to finishing it yesterday because well...I felt terrible. :P I'll probably call Jenna later...I felt bad that we didn't talk to each other that long yesterday because I felt sick. :P I mean...I don't feel completely better but I am much better and won't be in bed all day today. :D That's all I haveta say about my day today. :P

Before I get to the blog party though...I just wanna mention that although this book is probably partly responsible for giving me disturbing nightmares...I am really enjoying reading Inferno. :D :P I mean...I's just really interesting...the story is very interesting and the structure of Hell and the types of punishments and the people he meets there with their stories to tell really could catch anyone's attention in my opinion. And I's not like Inferno just ends with the you get all the literal facts and the plot and characters and you're all done...that's not the case. Then you can try to piece together the deeper meaning behind it all and that is the fun part in my opinion. :D I mean...when reading any book or watching any show or movie or even with my crazy dreams...I like to think critically about them and try to find some deeper meaning behind them and when I think for a little while about Inferno...I am able to find some of these deeper meanings...probably not all of them and at times I'm probably wrong but I dunno...I just enjoy being able to think that much about a book and get some extra information from it. :P Besides...I better be able to do so, I read about 200 pages of backround info on Inferno. :lol: :P I really feel like I could talk for hours about the first 30 cantos that I've read so far. When I finish the book I'm probably gonna look into reading Purgatorio and Paradiso...or at least Purgatorio...that one sounds really interesting. Paradiso seems kinda crazy though. :P Well...since I'm crazy I'd probably enjoy it. :P And some of the punishments were kinda what happens to the flatterers in the second ring of the eigth circle of Hell. :P That's about all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P

Now that all that talking about nothing is out of the way, it's time for the blog party!!!!! :D Okay...I have a few rules for this blog party...which I'm expecting everyone to break within the first ten posts. :lol: :P

1. First of all...this is NOT a DWTHYW's a BLOG don't call it anything else. :P

2. You are not allowed to come in here if you are: A wizard (although I could make an exception for one wizard... :P ), a vampire, a pirate,a zombie, a member of the Mafia, a Russian spy (sorry...they're not allowed. :P ), Masquerade from the show Bakugan, a mechanical Bakugan, my evil reading teacher from the seventh grade, my evil math teacher from the seventh grade, my stupid English teacher this year, Portia Gibbons, Ms. Gibbons, Gwen Wu, VD, any bully in general who would wanna kill me, etc... :P Jeez...that's a long list. :P But I doubt any of you fall into any of those categories so you can all come. :D

3. Do NOT break my Bakugan or my flute or my piccolo OR ELSE!!! :twisted: :P

4. Do NOT call my mom and get me in trouble for having a party while she's a work...even though her phone number is on the counter in the kitchen. :P

5. That's about it really...but the major rule is to break as many of those rules that I just listed as possible. :P Except the third one. :P

Now here's some of the stuff that I brought:

Mountain Dew (All the flavors...ESPECIALLY the red one because that's the best kind. :P Don't ask how I know this yet I'm not allowed to drink soda. :P )

Dr. Pepper (FINALLY...the stupid monkey left! :P )

Coca-Cola (This is better than Pepsi...and in Italy that say Coca-Cola in a very funny way. :P )

Cookies (Please don't steal. :P )


Cake (I should hide this until it's time to have cake...because I KNOW that someone's gonna throw this at someone. :P )

That's everything. :P Sorry for lack of pictures...I'm impatient and wanna finish the last four cantos of Inferno. :P When I grow up I'm considering making a shrine to Dante Alighieri in my house...that wouldn't be a bad idea. :P I want so much random crap in my house when I'm an adult like that, a hot tub, a giant television, a Gauntlet video game machine,a plasma ball thingy, etc... :P You get the point...random crap. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Sorry it's so long. :lol: :P I'm gonna finish Inferno and work on my story. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #254 / An Angry Rant...

Okay...before anything else I just wanna remind you all thatthe epic blog party will be tomorrow so don't forget to comment on that blog or my army of over 100 Bakugan will attack you all! :twisted: :P Last time I counted I think I had about 114 or something like that... :P Yeah...the collection's gotten kinda sorta out of hand. :lol: :P Oh well...I have ample space to store them. :P Anyways...don't forget about the blog party tomorrow. :D Now getting to the second part of the title...this blog shall contain an angry rant because well...I'm very much so angry with my little brother. But...I'll get to that after I talk about my day. :P far today's been pretty good. :P I must've slept until 11 in the morning...I was really tired apparently...I was up past midnight reading Inferno and got to the part where he enters the fourth circle where the greedy and avaricious are punished by pushing giant weights against each other...I didn't start that canto...I ended it there...I wanted to keep reading but I figured that I could just read more the next day and I should get to bed. :P So far the book is really good and I like it a lot. :D The only thing that I'm confused about is which beast that Dante meets on the hill of Purgatory REALLY represents the sins of Incontinence...I mean...the lion obviously represents the sins of violence but the other two...? :P I dunno...I think the she-wolf represents the sins of fraud just because it appeared last so then the leopard (or whatever it was) represents the sins of incontinence I guess...but I'm not entirely sure...I'll probably Google that when I'm done making this blog. :P I couldn't help but think of the story of Romulus and Remus when I found out that the last beast on the hill was a she-wolf and think that there could possibly be some coorelation to that is an allegory after all. :POh well...I shouldn't think this much... :P So...I'm either 5 or 6 cantos into the story and I like it so far...I'm probably gonna read a lot more of L'Inferno tonight...or later today. :P

Now that you know what I think about Inferno...I'll get to my day. :P Even though I've only been awake for 3's been okay. I mean...nothing special...I've just been watching TV, going online, I practiced the flute and my Declamation and that's about it. :P Later today I'm gonna read more of Inferno, take a shower, get my haircut (I'm getting my hair cut really short again because I can and I feel like it. :P If someone doesn't like it they're just gonna haveta deal with it! :P ), and go over to Jenna's house for a while. That's about all I haveta say about my day...nothing special's really happening so there's not much to talk about. :P Oh, I probably should work a little more on my story I guess...I need to finish the first chapter. :P I started it and then just randomly stopped and didn't pick up my red pen for the rest of the day...yeah...I'm doing anything involving this story in red color of rage. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...I just like using red pen whenever I can. :P That's about it... :P

...Now getting to the angry rant! :twisted: :P Well...I'm kinda ticked off at my little brother because I found out that he's been going on this site and reading all my blogs and junk and I'm really annoyedby that...I don't care who reads my blogs...I'm ticked off because he's not giving me any privacy and I feel that when I don't get any privacy...the person who's invading my privacy doesn't trust me and well...I don't see why I shouldn't be trusted. I's not like I'm doing anything bad on this site...and my blogs are just a place for me to talk about whatever I wanna and write whatever's on my mind. :P I should make a blog that it just me doing an English teacher's worst nightmare...writing on stream of conciousness. :lol: :P That would be an interesting can read EXACTLY what I'm thinking. :P That would mean a lot of nerd talk and words that make me seem like a smart a**. :lol: :P Well...I'll consider that blog. :P take care of my little brother reading my stuff I changed my privacy setting on this site so that only my friends can read my blogs. I mean...he can still read all my forum posts and profile page and crap...there's nothing new or special blogs are where I write whatever I wanna. :P more annoying little brother reading my blogs! :twisted: :P I'm really annoyed with him...not just because of's just that lately he seems like such a kiss up to our parents and it's just really annoying...and my mom thinks that whatever he does is just the best thing in the his stupid drawings of stick peoples who don't even have torsoes! :P Well...he's my little brother...I shouldn't be too harsh on him...but just keep in mind that I'm gonna be angry with him for a while.

I don't have much else to say in this blog. The only thing was that last night I had the same terrible dream where I was in the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell but this time I saw that the figure had green eyes...I couldn't tell what shade of sight was all screwed up by seeing fireballs and flaming sand in a flaming desert but the figure in the purple hooded robe had green eyes...and I can't help but remember that my eyes are I supposed to be that figure...? Or my unborn twin...? I dunno...maybe I'll figure out more whith this recurring dream... Oh well... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #253 / Starting Inferno Tonight.... :D

Getting closer and closer to blog #255 which will be a blog party so sorry for being so repetitive but don't forget about it. :P Now getting to the title. :P Well...yesterday I finished that literary analysis of the Divine Comedy but it was President's Day or something so the library was closed. :P at 10 my dad drove my to the library so I could return that book and pick up I have it and I'm gonna start reading it tonight. :D That should be AWETHUM...I've been waiting for like a month to start reading it but I haven't had the time. :D But I wanna get through the 70 page introduction before I read Inferno itself because well...even though I read an entire 125 page literary analysis on the Divine Comedy...some more backround information wouldn't hurt and well...getting information from different sources is helpful. :P I'll finish the intro today and start the first few cantos tonight. :P So...tomorrow I'll make a blog and mention what I think about the book based on what I managed to read up until that point. :P I mean...I have nothing else to do with my time...well...maybe spend time with my family...ah...screw that! :P They all hate me anyways. :lol: :P Well...that's all I wanted to mention in this paragraph. :P

I didn't do anything too special today. :P I was in my room for most of the day doing some stuff. :P I managed to get about half way through the intro in the version of Inferno that I checked out from the library, practiced my Declamation (it's looking really good and I think I'm gonna get that A+ that has eluded me for so long! :D ), practiced the piccolo (I'm getting REALLY good at piccolo too year I really should try out for piccolo part. :D Go Magiccolo! :P You know...Magic Piccolo...? :P Never mind! :P ), created an even more powerful Pyrus Bakugan deck using the blue ability card "Quaking Phoenix" in combonation with the copper gate card "Lockdown", and continued working on my story while blasting Metallica music. :P By the way, I already have a lot of information about all the characters in the story. :P And I decided that one of the characters is the strange cloaked figure who was in my dream where I was in the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell for...well...I'd rather not say that again. :P But...until I get a chapter or two done and see how good or bad this story is...I'm not gonna bother you with it. :lol: :P That's about all I've done so far today... :P Later today I'll probably go on a walk, call Jenna, start writing the first chapter of that story, and get through that intro and a few cantos in Inferno. That's about all I haveta say about my day. :P Thank Zeus I didn't have any bad dreams last night. :P

Tomorrow I probably won't be too busy. :P I'll probably take a break from working on the story and I'll just practice my Declamation a little and read more of Inferno (I really should use the proper Italian name, L'Inferno...but I dunno...Inferno is easier to type. :P ), and I'm probably gonna go over Jenna's place for a little while later that day. Oh, and I haveta get a haircut too. I'm sick of making choices now...Corse Selection is stressful enough! :P Kidding...I'm like 95% sure that I'm gonna get my hair cut short again...I bothered my mom for a while about this over the phone and she said she didn't care after the conversation reached the 30 minute mark. :lol: :P So...I'm happy about that...I'll probably get my hair cut short again...unless Jenna somehow manages to change my mind. :P But I highly doubt that. :P That's all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P

One thing that I do wanna mention before I end this blog is that even though every teenager probably goes through this...I kinda feel detatched from my family...well...I always have but never as much as I have recently. I mean...I'm serious when I say that I'm NOTHING like anyone in my immediate family...the only person I can relate to is my older cousin but even then...she's not freakishly smart like me. :P I dunno...I just feel like I'm nothing like anyone in my family and I don't wanna me like anyone in my family because for the most part they're all dumb, unsuccessful, mean, ignorant, etc...or just a combonation of any of those things I listed. :P I really think it has something to do with the way I was born. And I know now that when I grow up I don't want anything to do with any of my family members and when I'm grown up and doing quite well for myself...I'm gonna pretty much sever all family ties and not bother with any of them anymore...I mean...yeah...they're my family...that doesn't mean I haveta like any of them. :P I mean...I'm probably just in a bad mood or something but that's just how I feel right now and I might change my mind so don't worry about that. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I'm probably gonna get through the rest of that intro to L'Inferno now... :P And since I'm ticked off at my family...I can imagine all of them about the ninth circle of Hell...their bodies completely submerged in ice...watching Satan devour Brutus, Cassius, and Judas. :twisted: :P I personally think that Judas didn't really betray Jesus like everyone would like to believe...their is a lot of controversy on that topic and some would like to believe that Jesus wanted Judas to betray him so that everything else could happen. So...I dunno...I wasn't there but there is controversy on that topic...and their is a gospel of Judas if I remember right...the Bible is just a censored book and they took it out...just like with the gospel of Mary. Well...I should shut up before I offend anyone's religion and if I did...I apologize for that little rant. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #252 / One Of My Best Ideas In A While... :D

Okay...before anything blog party is coming up soon and will be the 255th blog that I make for sure so don't forget about that. :P I'll be making a blog every day so this'll take place in a few days so it's not that long of a wait. :P Now...guess what...I ACTUALLY have a good idea...seriously! :lol: :P I mean...I do have a lot of good ideas but I have more bad ideas than good ones. :P Well...I remember in the third grade I started getting into drawing and I got better as I got older but then during my parents' divorce I was just really stressed out and angry and just stopped drawing...I turned to just angry music and reading graphic novels. :P And until last summer I kinda forgot about the talent that I had for drawing but then when I picked up a pen and some paper and tried to draw some stuff...I realized that I had a much more steady hand and I was much better than I ever thought I could be. :D As this school year has gone on I've been drawing in my spare time and I've gotten even better in this short period of time...I mean...I'm not doing anything special...just my random sketches in pen. :P Yeah...I draw better in pen because I do better when I embrace any mistake I make instead of erasing it. :P And recently I've made three AWETHUM drawings of characters that I REALLY like and I showed all these recently-made drawing to my friends and one of them said that I should write a story about these characters and well...I was bored today and decided to draw the most depressing thing that came to mind so I started drawing the ninth circle of Hell with these three characters in it and Satan was guarding the place and then it hit me...I SHOULD make a story...and it should begin in Hell. :P These three main characters will be referred to as the "forgotten warriors" who were never worshiped or celebrated or remembered for their heroic deeds because they did a lot of bad things to accomplish their missions and are now in the ninth circle of Hell for these bad deeds. They all talk with each other and plan to get out of Hell and go back to earth to use their powers for good and right all their wrongs. So...I'll probably start brainstorming stuff tonight before I go to bed and I'll start writing part one tomorrow. :P Also, I'll have some illustrations to go with the story that I'm gonna be sketching...I mean...I love drawing and writing stuff of this nature and this is the perfect thing to gear my efforts toward this break. :D So...that's my good idea. :D Why are you still reading this paragraph then...? :P Jeez...I don't have anymore good ieas! :P

Today's been pretty good. :P I haven't done anything too special or gone outside at all aside from a quick walk just for the sake of getting out of the house. :P Today I finished that literary analysis of the Divine Comedy, practiced the flute, watched some TV, went online, drew some pictures, did more tinkering around with my Bakugan, and came up with the most AWETHUM idea ever!!! :D :P And I listened to some music and did some more reading about random stuff because I had the time to do so. :P And I called Jenna at around 2 and we talked to each other for about an woulda been longer but Jenna had to do some stuff apparently but I don't really mind it too much. :P Later today I'm gonna do some brainstorming for that story. :P Tomorrow shouldn't be too special...I'll probably be doing the same stuff that I've been doing so far. :lol: :P That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph. :P I really wish it was nice outside so I could just go to the park or play in the mud or something. :P

Before I end this blog I wanna talk a little bit about this terrible dream that I had last night. :P the beginning of the dream I was about 30 years old...and I was doing quite well for the dream...I was a lesbian and I lived in a very violent area. I left my house and was shot and went bye-bye. Then in the next part I was in the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell (What a surprise...I thought this would happen. :P ) but before my punishment truly began...some strange figure in a purple robe came up to me and went on this rant about how what I did (referring to being a lesbian) was wrong and disgusting and not natural and went against nature and therefore went against God and all this stuff. Then this figure said: "Too bad you never learned your lesson, you freak. If you repented your sins you could've eventually gone to the third sphere of Heaven, but now you're here and you must perish"...or something along those lines. :P But before this figure walked off, I demanded that he/she take off the hood of that robe...but this figure just snickered, snapped his/her fingers, and walked off. Then my punishment was about to truly begin but then I woke up. I KNEW that I was gonna have a dream like that on Sunday night...I KNEW it! :P Well...I don't really was a fascinating dream...even though it was scary. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I guess I'm probably gonna go back into my room, blast some music on my iPod, and start brainstorming some stuff for my story. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #251 / Wow...Today Was Acually Really Nice... :P

Before I say anything else I wanna apologize again for pushing the blog party back but it will be Blog #255 and I'm sure about that. :P And you are still free to post on the DWTHYW blog that I made. :P Now getting to the actually was a pretty good day for myself. :D I mean...the weather outside wasn't the best in the world so I was inside majority of the day and I spent majority of that time in my room keeping to myself...I've been keeping to myself at home a lot be honest...I feel cut off from my family and yeah...every teenager probably goes through this phase but ah...I's not the best feeling in the world...especially because I don't feel like I'm similar to anyone in my immediate family and well...I can name a few reasons as to why some people would wanna keep me cut off from my immediate family. :P Oh well...I don't really care...if my family members wanna be jerks and have nothing to do with me...that's their problem...I don't care...I have a life that I feel like making the most of. :D Anyways...I spent a lot of time in my room tinkering around with Bakugan, listening to music, reading, writing, drawing, playing the piccolo, etc... :P I'm a little annoyed that I can't seem to draw a picture of a flute because I REALLY wanna for this drawing I've wanted to do for like a month but haven't had the time's because of that dream involving Super Flute and Magiccolo if anyone can recall that. :P Oh, and today I just randomly went on a walk to get out of the house...I hate being inside all the's hard to describe but being inside all the time is just kinda depressing and boring. :P That's about all I did today aside from Phase Five of the epic prank...which I'll talk about in this next paragraph. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

Well...Jenna came over my dad's place (where I'll be for all of February break) at around 5 and my dad dropped us off at my mom's place at around 5:30. My mom's friends had already been over since about 4 I think and were trying to have more pointless conversations about current events and try to sound all smart and stuff...and I mean...I have no problem with that...but they had absolutely no clue as to what the heck they were talking about. :lol: :P But there was no time for me to be a smart a**...Jenna and I had some work to do. :twisted: :P So...after a while of just listening in on their conversation and seeing that they realized something was up because Jenna wasn't dressed up to fit the part of a "stereotypical lesbian" was time for our lecture...and we actually had been working on this lecture for a while...we had everything down in index cards and had a poster and we really looked like we knew what we were talking about...and we did. :D At first they seemed kinda skeptical and or just dumbfounded...our little lecture lasted about 20 minutes or so and we finished by basically saying that we're not lesbians and we played this prank on them to teach them not to stereotype people. When we were done they were just kinda silent for a while and didn't talk to me or Jenna for the rest of the time that we were what we did definately shut them up and even though they don't wanna admit it...I think they learned a lesson from this...and if not...that's their problem...but I hope that if anything...the next time they try to base their opinions on someone using stereotypes...they remember that epic prank. :D :P After that Jenna and I went into my room at my mom's place and were just talking for a while about random crap and how the epic prank went perfectly. :P At around 6:15 Jenna's parents came to pick her up and dropped me off at my dad's place again. That was about it...and I really feel that my mom and her friends learned at least something from that epic prank...and now I definately owe Jenna big time...I can only imagine what she has in mind. :lol: :P Oh, and I got my Bakugan that came in the mail and they're AWETHUM...I got a bunch of them so I won't bother to list them all out but my favorite is Pyrus Turbine Dragonoid at 710 G's. :P That's about all I haveta say about the rest of my day. :P Then I got home, watched the Amazing Race at 8, and now I'm making this blog. :P

I don't have anything else to say about my day. :P I do have a few things that I'm gonna do tomorrow and they are: Finally manage to draw a flute, finish reading that literary analysis book on the Divine Comedy so I can start reading Inferno, make a new ultimate Pyrus Bakugan deck, and uh...I dunno what else...I think that's about it. :P Oh, I also wanna figure out how to use the ripcord for Pyrus Turbine Dragonoid. :P So...tomorrow should also be pretty productive. :P

One thing that I wanna mention before I end this blog is that I am gonna start reading Inferno either today or tomorrow but before that I'm gonna finish this literary analysis book on the Divine Comedy becuase well...I'm doing this by myself and I don't feel like using Sparknotes and I wanna have some backround information before I start reading the book. :P One thing that does kinda annoy me about the Inferno from what I know right now is that Heretics are severely punished which I feel is wrong...I get that religion was very important back then but even though the Heretics didn't believe in God...they didn't harm anyone else so I don't think their punishment should be that bad...although being put it a flaming coffin is fitting for someone in that position I guess... :P And I feel that it's also wrong that Sodomites get punished so harshly...I mean...come on...a flaming desert with fireballs coming down from the sky?! That's wrong...even though it's against what nature intended...they didn't really harm anyone or do anything evil...and well...I guess if thinking otherwise is just as bad...I'd be going to the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell as well...and if I was a lesbian that would happen to me as well. :P I think I'm probably gonna have a nightmare involving something along those lines tonight and I probably will...I can usually tell when I'm gonna have a nightmare as bad as that but I don't really care. :P I'll describe it when I have it tonight. :lol: :P

That's about all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Sorry it's so long. :P Oh well... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #250 / Blog Party's Being Pushed Back A Few Days...

Yeah...I finally FINALLY reached the epic blog #250 and I'm am so happy about this! :D However...I'm pushing the blog party back until blog #255 because I think it's a little ridiculous to have a blog party and a DWTHYW blog going on at the same time so I'll just push it back a few days...I's not a big deal because I'm on February Break so I'll be able to make a blog every day this week. :P So...sorry about that but it'll only be pushed back a few days. Hopefully Nohbdy on this site wants to kill me...well...I don't think Odysseus is still alive or owns a computer. :P Sorry...stupid joke...but I had to say it. :P I'd like to thank anyone who commented on the DWTHYW blog and feel free to still comment on it as long as it's still on my profile page. :D That's about all I wanted to say involving this let's get into all the useless crap that no one cares about. :P

Well...I'm finally on February Break which I'm very happy about. :D This week wasn't really too special...I was just really busy with projects and papers and stuff but I don't have anything to really do over break at least. :P I just haveta practice my English Declamation and worry about Course Selection stuff. :P I pretty much have it figured out...I'm just having trouble with one choice. :P I year I haveta take English 10, World History 2 (yeah...that'll be so much fun...and I'm being sarcastic...if I have Dr. Niery I'm screwed...or Dr. Foreman. :P ), Italian 3, Chemistry 1 (I had the choice betwen Chemistry or Physics but I'll text Chemistry next year, Physics in the 11th grade, and then AP Biology along with Chemistry 2 or Physics 2 in the 12th depends upon which one I like better. :P ), Latin Prose (It's just advanced Latin 4...My Latin teacher really thinks I should take Prose and I really wanna so I have the option Junior year of taking Greek or AP Latin and the only way I can leave my options open is to take Latin Prose. :P ), and then PROBABLY Advanced Geometry...I'm not sure if I should stay in regular math or honors math...all my friends are saying that I should and I really wanna because regular math is boring me...I'm getting A+'s without even trying at an advanced school for nerdy peoples which is ridiculous but I need to challenge myself and going into honors would be perfect. My Algebra 2 teacher thinks I should take it as well so I probably will but I'm still considering it. :P I mean...Math is just one of those subjects that if you have the "it" for it (meaning that you're just naturally good at it and it comes to it does for myself) you'll be fine no matter what math course you take. :P So...yeah...that's about all I haveta do over the break. :P The term closes the week we get back from break so it'll back to stress after February break but I don't really mind. :P Also during the break I'm gonna be reading Inferno and I'm gonna start that on Monday...I checked out a book from the library which is a literary analysis on the Divine Comedy and I felt that I should read that first so I have some backround information before I read the first book of it. I'm about 2/3 of the way done with it and it's really I wanna read the book even more than I've wanted to for a month...if that's even possible. :P So...during this break I'm gonna seem kinda obsessed with Inferno and just the concept of the underworld in't let that disturb you too much. :lol: :P Tomorrow at around 5 Jenna and I will be going to my mom's place for Phase Five...which is just teaching my mom and her stupid friends their can dress up like she normally would this time. :P I REALLY hope they learn a lesson from this and if not...well...I don't really care because at least I got to epicly prank them with the help of one of my friends. :P And I'll get to pick up my Bakugan that should have come in the mail by that point. :P Now that I think about my mom and her friends even deserve to be taught this lesson by myself and Jenna or are they unworthy of it? I'm legit serious about this...well...I shouldn't get too crazy...I think they're worthy of being taught this lesson...well...they're barely worthy of it. :lol: :P I'll tell you how Phase Five went tomorrow when I make a blog at around 7 or 8. :D

My day was pretty good today...I didn't really do anything special...just a lot of reading, writing, listening to music, drawing, flute playing, Bakugan deck creating, and Declamation practicing...oh...and I called Jenna and we talked about nothing for like 2 hours. :lol: :P In my be able to talk with someone about pretty much nothing for that long shows that you get along with that person quite well. So...I've spent majority of the day in my room keeping to myself doing whatever I've felt like. :P I'm glad that no one's really bothered me...I'm kinda upset because it was in the 50's or 60's on Thursday and Friday but today it's not even in the 20's (I'm talking about the temperature. :P ) and that kinda upsets me because now I can't go to the park or go outside or anything...and I've managed to not play in the mud for a long period of time and I've been really busy lately or the weather has been suckish so I've been inside a lot and now when I'm not busy the weather sucks again. It really annoys me...when I grow up I know one unusual thing I'll be installing in my house now. :twisted: :P Ooh...I'm not gonna tell you what that thing is...I'd like you to guess. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'd just like you see what you think I'm thinking of. :P And it's not the weather that's getting too much to me...I'm still ticked off at my little brother and my dad because of a few things he's said really got me p*ssed off and I don't wanna say what it was...I was nothing mean to me but what he said offended me. And I've gotten ticked off at so many family members and other peoples that now I've noticed that it's just best that I ignore them. :P Well...that's all I wanted to say about my day...I enjoyed it so even though I seem kinda angry...I'm really not...if anything I'm more annoyed and disappointed. :P Oh well... :P Now I have two random questions to ask you:

FIRST RANDOM QUESTION: I mentioned earlier...what do you think that unusual thing I'll have in my house when I'm an adult is? :P

SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: This one I'd actually like a kinda-sorta helpful answer. :P Do you think I should go into Advanced Geometry next year or stick to regular Geometry? Keep in mind that I have a think for Math and it just comes to me. :P

THIRD RANDOM QUESTION: I doubt anyone can really answer this but what do you think my favorite Bakugan is? :P I'll give you a is a New Vestroia one and I have like 6 of them because I like the Bakugan so much. :P And related to that...what is my favorite attribute of Bakugan? :P This one's easy. :P

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P It's past 10 where I live now so I'll just end this blog and go to bed now. :P Everyone else in the entire neighbourhood is probably passed's so quiet outside so I might as well go to bed like everyone else. :P Buona sera. (That is "good night" in Italian. :P ) -MightyBFan25

Blog #249 / The Second DWTHYW Blog!!!!! :D

Yep...this is the 249th blog that I've made so far with my account on this site. :P And even though it's not really a significant number...I wanted this blog to come right before the blog party...which will be my 250th blog. :P So...this is my second Do-Whatever-The-Heck-You-Wanna (DWTHYW) Blog you might can do whatever the heck you wanna. :P You can ask me any questions (As long as it's nothing like my address or last name or something like that because I won't tell you that information. :P ), say whatever you want, or do whatever you want, WITHIN REASON!!! :lol: :P Kidding...just do anything...I don't care. :P So...yeah...that's about all I want to tell you about the point of this blog. :P But this blog alse serves for another purpose...I wanna tell you about my day and how Phase Four of the epic prank's get to that, shall we? :P's was pretty good...I was Valentine's Day and even though I personally don't care much for Valentine's Day...I don't dislike it like most peoples I know. :P The only thing that does annoy me is that a bunch of my friends sent me carnations with stupid message cards and stuff...sometimes it wasn't even a of the cards just had a picture of a dinosaur on it. :P Yeah...I do have some strange friends. :P Well...I honestly don't really care...I have the carnations in a vase that's on the coffee table in the living room right now. :P 6 of those are from Jenna...which is wierd because I sent her 6 as well...and we never talked about that at all. :P And I sent a fair amount of carnations to me close friends...just to annoy them with random messages on them. :lol: :P My day at school was pretty good actually and I didn't have that much homework. :P I finished my homework at around 6, had dinner, took a shower, practiced the piccolo, worked on my English Declamation, and uh...that's about I'm making this blog. :P I'm probably gonna call Jenna before I go to bed. :P I haveta congradulate her on her work with the epic prank...she helped me out majorly and I haven't thanked her yet. This Sunday is the easy we're gonna tell them that it was all a prank and give them a lecture that will hopefully teach them all a lesson! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Well...that's all I haveta say about my day really. :P It was pretty good...and I wasn't as busy as I thought I would be. :P

Now getting to Phase Four of the epic prank! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...well...on Sunday at around 5 my mom's friends came over again (Why? :P I dunno...maybe they like talking to me or something. :lol: :P Kidding. :P ) and I was at my mom's place by then and I unpacked my stuff and Jenna came over at around 5:45. Before she had come over I was already torturing my mom's friends. I mean...I noticed that they seem kinda scared of me...or at least...some of them do...and I mean...I don't get it...I mean...maybe they don't like homosexuals...but I'm not a this point I don't think so...maybe I'll find out in the future that I'm wrong about that but well...we'll see about that when the time comes. And guess what...being homosexual isn't contagious. :lol: :P Jeez...they really are stupid. :P I mean...I could tell that they were nervous around me...and you know what...if I wanted to...I could keep this up and let them stay all scared around me...lucky for them I hate being feared because at my old school I was in constant fear majority of the time and I hated it and don't wanna make anyone else feel that way. But...anyways...when Jenna came over we just stayed in the living room where my mom and her friends were and were just was a staged conversation that we were faking to give them all the wrong message. :twisted: :P Yeah...they fell for it! :twisted: :P It worked out perfectly and I noticed that three of my mom's "friends" seemed disgusted by that. :lol: :P After we planted that seed in their mind we went into my room and we talked about nothing for a while and then I continued showing Jenna my Bakugan from where we left off last time and it's wierd but she doesn't mind me talking about Bakugan and seems kinda into it...not the show...just the might just be because of me but I'm not really sure. :P Oh well... :P To get a girly-girl into Bakugan is an honor in my opinion. :P Anyways...Jenna left at around 7 and my mom's friends left at about 8. After Jenna left one of my mom's friends (the "leader" again...the one who's the worst of them all) said something along the lines of: "So I guess you are a lesbian after all and you do have a girlfriend." And I remember saying: "Yeah...that's right. Do you have a problem with that?" Then my mom's friend refused to answer me, turned away, and left the house. I heard her say that I was a freak under her breath but I didn't bother with that remark...although it really does anger me that people can be so mean and ignorant! I mean...honestly...people who are gay lesbian, bisexual, doesn't matter...the point is that they're not freaks and they're human beings just like straight people and they deserve the same amount of respect and deserve to be loved and treated fairly like everyone else! And I'm gonna bring that up during their lecture this upcoming Sunday and guess who the teachers of this little lecture will be...? :P None other than myself and Jenna. :twisted: :P Maybe they'll finally learn their lesson! That's about all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P

That's all I wanted to really say in this blog. :P I can't wait for these new Bakugan I got online to come in the mail (it wasn't was another site...but I can't remember the name of it...I wrote it down somewhere so don't ask. :P )...they're gonna come in either this Friday or Saturday...I can't wait for Pyrus Hylash and Pyrus Turbine Dragonoid to come in the mail. :D They'll be a good addition to my Pyrus deck. :P And I'm planning on getting Ventus Turbine Helios, Pyrus Orbit Helios, and Haos Moonlit Monarus, and Aquos Dual Elfin Revolution sometime soon as well...probably Aquos Dice Thrower Mystic Elico as well...but that's later on. :P Well...I should go and call Jenna and thank her for helping me out with the epic prank so far...I know she hated dressing up like a tomboy and not all girly like she normally does for those two times she met my mom and her friends...I owe her big time. :P Well...vale...and don't forget to do whatever you wanna on this blog. :P And don't ask me a bajillion questions about...well...I'm sure you know what I do not wish to be asked about. :P -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #248 / It's Been A While Since I Last Made A Blog... :P

Okay...just to remind everyone...the next time I make a blog it will be the DWTHYW blog and the blog right after that one will be the hopefully epic blog party so don't forget to comment on those blogs or at least read them or something or I'll send my massive Bakugan army to attack you! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'd never do anything like that...although if I could I know a few peoples who I'd legit wanna send my Bakugan to attack. :P Oh well... :P And it's been about a week since I last made a's just that all of this week I've been fairly busy between projects, tests, quizzes homework, and flute/piccolo practicing. :P's now the weekend and I did all my homework yesterday and now I have nothing to do so I figured I might as well make a blog. :P Well...nothing special really happened this week so I'll just get right into what happened yesterday. :P

Yesterday was an AWETHUM day! :D The first one in a while actually... :P In English we watched a movie, in History we took this ridiculously easy test (Wierd...History seems a lot easier lately...I'm not complaining but my grade in History has gone up like 7 points since first term and I have an A instead of a B+ like I normally would. :P ), in Latin we had Friday Funday presentations which! :P In Italian...I dunno what we did but we certainly didn't learn anything...I don't even know what we're doing anymore...all I know is that I come to class, do mindless busy work, go home, study, and get A's. :P In Math we're learning more about Polynomial Functions which is really easy. :P And in Biology we got to go to one of the labs on the third floor and do this experiment which was AWETHUM!!! :D I got to extract DNA from a strawberry plant. :P It was AWETHUM and now I can say that I am the master of DNA collecting! :lol: :P Of course...this turned into a lab report that's due on Tuesday but I worked on it on Friday and it's already done. :P Then at 9 I watched the new Degrassi episode that was on and when it was over at 10 I called Jenna and we ended up talking about that new episode for about 30 minute or so and then went over all the details for Phase Four of the epic prank. Then I went to bed at around 11 and that was my day. :P Anyways...overall I thought that the new Degrassi episode was pretty good and was definately worth watching. I don't have much else to say about yesterday. :P

Today I haven't really done anything too special. :P So far I've woken up, had breakfast, took a shower, watched some TV, went online, and memorized the rest of my Declamation piece for this term. I found the PERFECT piece and I can't wait to declaim it! :D :P We had to find a poem that was related to the Odyssey and I thought I wouldn't find anything good but I found the perfect piece and I already have it committed to memory...and Declamations aren't until after February break. :P So now I have ample time to get it perfect and get the perfect score that I've aimed for but never gotten on a Declamation...I always miss a perfect score by a few points...never less than five actually. :P Later today I'm probably not gonna do anything too special...just stuff that I'd normally do with myself. :P One thing that I'm kinda upset about though is that on Friday I had a music sectional but Ms. K. wasn't there and apparently she's being replaced by some random lady from BC who is primarily a flute player...I mean...that shows that Ms. Dougherty cares about us and I know that I'll learn more from her...but I don't like this lady from BC...she's not nice or funny or anything and she's WAY too uptight and making music and Band used to be my escape from the stress of BLS during the school-day but's just as bad as any other class. I'm very upset about that and I know that at the moment if something else bad happens to me I'm gonna be very upset. I'm just gonna try to forget about that and focus on that epic prank...

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P But before I end it I just wanna say one thing that really annoys me. I hate it when my mom says something along the lines of: "I brought you into this world and I can take you out."...or something like that. :P It just irritiates me because duh you brought me into this world...but that's no excuse for murder or guilt-tripping or anything like that...even though guilt-tripping is fun. :P And it's worse when my mom says it ME because well...she didn't even give birth to me on her own...I might've mentioned this before but I was pretty much a test tube baby and there was only a 50% chance that I'd be born (probably why my would-be twin wasn't born) and know my opinion my mom didn't give birth to me...I was born thanks to science and modern medicine so she has no right to say that to me...maybe my little brother...but not me. Oh well...what can I do? :P I bet the way I was born is part of the reason as to why I'm ridiculously smart and I'm nothing like anyone in my immediate family. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #247 / Finally Finished Reading the Odyssey...

I actually feel like the blog part and DWTHYW blog are coming up soon...a few days ago it seemed like some impractical goal but ah...I'm getting there. :P Blog 249 will be a DWTHYW blog and blog 250 will be a hopefully epicblog party so DO NOT FORGET ABOUT THEM!!! :P And I finally finished reading the Odyssey over the weekend because well...I was bored and too ticked off at my little brother and my dad for that matter as leave my room for the most part. :P But...I'll get to that later. :P But now that the Odyssey is over and done with and I'm ahead of everyone in my English class with my reading I'm gonna start reading Inferno now because I might as well...and I've wanted to read it for about a week...or about a week. :P Anyways...overall the Odyssey was okay at first and I thought that I would like it but it turned out to be rather boring and repetitive...I mean...I can understand wanting to stick with a simple plot line but the plot in my opinion was WAY too simple and was too long and stretched out and repetitive at times which kinda annoyed me because I felt that Homer thought that his audience were all idiots or something. :P least I'm done with that book now...I mean...I still have work to do in English class involving it but at least I don't haveta pick it up again. :D :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

Overall my weekend was pretty good. :P On Friday night I had a ton of homework which kinda annoyed me but it was a good excuse for not bothering with anyone else. :lol: :P I really haven't been in the mood lately to bother with any of my family members...especially my little brother...he's being such a brat and a kiss-up to my mom and dad lately which kinda irks me and then they think that he's this like perfect child and I mean...I don't care but you mom and dad don't haveta rub it in my face and make me feel bad...I mean...I don't really care but at the same time I don't need to put up with that the rate I'm going I'm gonna need psychiatric help when I'm an adult...and lots of it. :P Oh well...I can already kinda picture how I'm gonna be when I'm an adult and overall I see myself being quite successful if I keep up all my hard work but I can see myself having a harder time than most coping with the past. Anyways...the weekend itself was okay. I mean...I didn't do much...I just stayed in my room for the most part to play the flute and piccolo, read, write, draw, play video games, nap, listen to music, etc... :P The point is that I didn't leave my room unless I wanted to go online or watch TV. :lol: :P I got back to my mom's place earlier today at around 5 and I unpacked some of my stuff and now I'm online. :P Today my mom's friend would be over but after Phase Three...they're all kinda scared to come back again and put up with me. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Seriously...that shows that they're homophobic or they just all have ridiculously big egoes and don't feel like being corrected by a teenage girl who just so happens to be smarter than all of them. :P Oh well...I have no problem with that and they're coming over next weekend so that's when Phase Four begins...and it's actually the last phase before the end of the prank when we admit that it's a prank and teach them the moral of this whole thing. I honestly can't wait for that because I feel like I actually could teach them to be more open-minded and not to judge peoples. :D

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Tomorrow shouldn't be that bad...I'll probably finally have Italian Declamation (Yep...still haven't had it yet because Mr. Forina's ridiculous and wants this to take up all the space in my short term memory! :P ) and I'll have Band which should be good. :P On Tuesday me and one of my friends are gonna finish up this project I have to do for Biology class. :P I dunno what I'm gonna do later today...I don't really feel like watching the Super Bowl...I don't care for the Packers or the Steelers. And I don't like the Patriots either even though I'm from MA...I like other teams (Falcons, Bengals, Seahawks, Bears, Lions, Titans). :P Well...that's pretty much all I wanted to say. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #246 / Another Snow Day That I Put To Good Use... :D

Before I get to anything else blogs 249 and 250 are coming up soon so just remember that blog 249 will bea DWTHYW blog and blog 250 will be a hopefully epic blog party. :P So...remember that because they'll be coming up very shortly. :P Now getting to the second part of this I had yet another snow day...I think it's the fifth of sixth one I've had this school year which is ridiculous. :P And that word comes from the Latin word "rideo" which means to laugh...or something like that I think... :P I'm just starting to notice all this connections between Latin and English. :lol: :P And I've been taking Latin for over two years now. :P Anyways...I managed to put today to good use. :P I didn't read anymore of the Odyssey as I planned but I practiced the flute and the piccolo and started working on this Biology project about the Boston Harbor. Then I just created the ultimate Ventus Bakugan deck and watched Saw: The Final Chapter again because it was on On Demand and my mom never saw it and wanted to see it because she didn't go to work today because of the suckish weather. :P It was pretty good and I enjoyed seeing it again...I just hated how Bobby's wife died because HE couldn't complete the final task at hand...that was just wrong. Oh's not real. :P The rest of my day's been pretty good and unproductive. :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

Later on today I might read a little more of the Odyssey but I don't think so...I'm already almost done with it and way ahead of the rest of the class with my reading and it's kinda boring's so repetitive. :P So...I'm probably just gonna watch TV for a while, stay on this site for some time, call Jenna, and get ready for school tomorrow. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Overall today was nothing special. :P I'm just very glad that there's activity again on the Mighty B! forums...I mean...I like making blogs on this site but gets boring and the whole reason as to why I made an account on this site in the first place was to comment and write stories on The Mighty B! I'd like to actually do that. :P And I was considering leaving at least for a little while...but I don't think so for now. :D That's about all I haveta say in this's definately not that long which kinda irks me because I like writing ridiculously long blogs. :P Oh well... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)