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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #275 / The Second DWTHYW Blog!!!!! :D

Yes...this is indeed the 275th blog that I have made and this is the second DWTHYW Blog!!! :D can basically just do whatever you wanna in this blog...I don't really care. :P Just don't ask me questions and call this blog a party to spite me! :P Feel free to break anything or randomly beat up the neighbourhood bullies for me...that would be doing me a favor...but I doubt you'll do don't seem like violent, evil peoples. :P Anyways...this blog is just to show my appreciation for you peoples and it's for your sake...not mine...I know you're all gonna torture me. :lol: :P That's about it...have fun...go crazy...break stuff...I don't really care. :D :P case you peoples actually care about what's been going on lately...nothing special really has happened since the last time I made a blog so I'll just quickly talk about today. :P In Latin we're working on translating Caesar's accounts of the Gallic War. In Biology we're learning about ecology and stuff. In English we're reading Romeo and Juliet. In History we're learning about the Crusades now...the dumbest part of all of History...using religion to start a war and kill a bunch of stupid... In Italian we had a substitute teacher and did nothing. :P Then I had a study and did my Latin homework. :P And then I had a quiz in Math and I know that I got a 100% on it! :D When I got home I legit had no homework so today I'm just gonna relax and start working on my Summer Reading a little to get ahead. I wish Jenna could come over but tonight she's kinda busy. I'm not gonna do anything special today...just a lot of reading...I might be on UR for like an hour but I dunno... :P

Oh, and for my Summer Reading, the first book that I'm reading is one from the optional books list and that book is Slaughterhouse Five...I'm over a third of the way done with it and it's a pretty good book actually...I care more about the alien abduction than the WWII crap though. :P I might finish it tonight... :P I remember I told someone on this site who wanted me to read this book that I would but I don't really have the time but now that it's on my Summer Reading list...I might as well. :D

Last thing before I end this blog... :P A few nights ago I had a terrible dream about a zombie infestation at BLS. I remember it was a school day and I was in Biology class and then an announcement on the intercom said that there was a zombie infestation and we all had to go to the library because it was safe there. So we went to the was a long way from the third floor to the basement...but we were all somehow fine. And then we saw that the zombies were trying to get into the library so me and a few of my friends decided to go to the music we ran there and barricaded the two doors that you could use to enter there and then we just kinda relaxed and talked in one of the music classrooms that we locked. A few days later we thought it was safe to go outside and we were about to but then BLS collapsed and we landed in some open area and the zombies killed us. The end. :P Yeah...not a good dream... :P And a few nights before that I had a wierd dream that I met Ielena of the Nightmare clan in Urban Rivals and for some reason she liked me (not as a friend... :P )...I honestly think she was mixed up about my gender or something. :P And I remember that one night we were talking to each other and I mentioned that I was a lesbian and then she realized that I was a girl and seemed really p*ssed off at me...and I thought that she was a I didn't know any better in the dream! :P Then she said: "Well...maybe you can still be of some use to me..." and she snapped her fingers, turned me into a monster, and I was then at her beck and call to serve the Nightmare clan in Urban Rivals for all eternity... It was a really wierd dream...Ielena was pretty...but'd rather be with Jenna than some hot vampire lady. :P

That's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Have fun at the DWTHYW Blog and PLEASE post on it if you wasted your time reading this blog! :D :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #274 / Most Unproductive Day Of School Yet... :P

Okay...before anything else...the DWTHYW blog will be coming sometime later this week and it will be the next blog that I make. :P So...I don't forget to post on that blog or you shall perish! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P one shall perish...but I would appreciate it if you posted on the blog. :D :P Besides...I know you're all gonna ask me questions and call it a party to spite me because I'm sure I've annoyed all of you a lot up until this point and will continue to do so. :P So...just post on the blog whenever I make it. :P

Now getting to today since I made a blog yesterday... :P The title's's just insane...I had no work to do AT ALL when I got home from school. :D It's kinda wierd to not be busy doing tons of work...I guess it's just because it's the slow start of term five... :P I kinda like it though...although I managed to get bored within like 30 minutes of doing nothing. :P in Math we went over logarhythms again and now I get it quite well and it's easy up to this point...I guess I just needed an extra day and some more practice to get it. It's just that it uses different rules and stuff that I'm not familiar with and usually I can just look at any Math problem and automatically know what to do but that wasn't the case at least I get it now...and I've heard that with logarhythms after you get the basics down the rest is easy so I'll be fine. :D :P In Latin we reviewed the story of Lucius Cornelius Sulla. In Biology...uh...I dunno what we did...something about ecology or whatever...we had a lot of off-topic conversations though. :P In English we got some backround information about Shakespeare and his sonnets and plays because we're gonna be starting Romeo and Juliet tomorrow (great...just what impulsive MightyBFan25 needs to be reading...Romeo and Juliet...yeah...not good. :P I'm gonna hate reading this book I bet...reading about foolish lovers who kill themselves...I just hope I don't fantasize random stuff while reading this book...that won't be good. :P ). I just think that this is like the worst possible time to be reading this book for myself. :P Well...whatever...I doubt anything will happen. I just hope that when we act it out in class we don't do the kissing scene and if we do...if I EVER had to kiss some guy...I'd just refuse to do it...I'd be like: "Okay dude...I'm a lesbian...I don't like you and I'mNOT kissing you!" and leave the classroom...I wouldn't care if Mr. Hanley failed me or something...I'd rather that than kiss some guy...the thought ofthat seems rather strange andcreepy to me.:P (I haven't ruled out the idea that I could be straight and like a guy someday but I don't think that's likely...andI honestly can't picture myself kissing some guy. :P ) Italian we had a test on the subjunctive that was really easy...I got at least an A- on it. :D In History we watched a movie on the Byzantine empire or was confusing and I didn't really get it...Jenna's gonna need to explain it to me tomorrow... :P Then I had a study and did my Math and Italian homework and I didn't have any homework or projects or anything in any of my other classes so that was about it...then I got home and did nothing productive all day. :P after school I just got ready for tomorrow, watched some TV, listened to some heavy metal music (that's all you'll catch me listening to now. :P ), went online (this site and UR), and I called Jenna. We didn't talk for too long though...Jenna actually had work to do tonight... :P I'm surprised she didn't wanna stay on the phone and procrastinate on her work and just talk to be for like three hours. :P Kidding...Jenna's not a procrastinator...and even though we would both love to just talk to each other for hours on end...we both have schoolwork to do. :P That's about all I've done after school. :P I'm probably gonna work on constructing my Nightmare/Sakrohm deck in UR for like 10 minutes after I log off this site. :P That's all I wanted to say in this paragraph... :P

Oh, and today in Homeroom Alice and I had a conversation...the one I was planning to have with her actually. (Yeah...I didn't say to myself: "Never mind...I can't bring myself to say something like this to Alice." :P I felt the need to just tell her that I have a girlfriend and that I like her as a friend but I would appreciate it if she gave me some space. ) So...I basically told her everything that I needed to...she seemed fine with that to be honest and she's not gonna like stop being friends with me...she is one of my friends...but now she'll just give me some space. The thing is...I'm just really glad that I managed to say that and that she was fine with it. :D Besides...I don't get how any lesbian girl would like me makes zero sense if you ask me. :lol: :P Maybe I'm a better person than I give myself credit for... :P Oh, and if you're wondering...Alice is a lesbian...or at least is more than likely a lesbian. But that is all I will say about the matter because it's none of my business to be talking about that stuff on this site. I can talk about my own life as much as I want but...not with other peoples. :P So...I'm just glad that that issue was worked out. :D Hopefully now she'll leave me alone and stop talking to me constantly in English class... :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Just curious but does anyone else on this site play UR (Urban Rivals)'s this MMO card game's pretty fun actually and I got hooked on it over Spring Break actually. :P So...if anyone plays it or has even just heard of it or seen the banner with Kenny on it...please mention it in ze comments. :P

Oh, and if you're wondering where that quote from my last blog came's from the song "Your Time Has Come" by Beyond Fear. :P Such a good song...and the message might seem wierd but if you think about makes some sense. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P One thing though...if you do by any chance ask me questions on the DWTHYW blog...don't ask anything personal like my last name, address, phone number, etc... And don't ask about my password for UR or something like that either. :P And uh...please don't ask too many questions involving my can ask some questions that are approperiate but honestly...if your question is just for the sake of being a jerk or making me feel embarrassed or something or it's just WAY too personal...I won't answer it and if you're being a total jerk I'll report you. But I doubt we'll have that problem because you peoples are all AWETHUM. :D :P Not much else to say... :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #273 / Not As Busy As I Though I'd Be Today... :P

Before anything else...the DWTHYW blog will be sometime later this week probably and it's blog think I can make one more blog sometime this week and thenmake the DWTHYW blog over the weekend. :P So...start planning stuff to do to make the DWTHYW blog interesting if you please. :P Just don't forget to comment on that's not for's for all you peoples. :D :P That's all I needed to say in this one... :P

I'm not sure if I mentioned this in my last blog but on Saturday afternoon I had a lot of fun on my date with Jenna in case you're wondering. :D It's hard to explain but I just really like her a know what..."like" is the wrong word...I think I love her...but it's hard to explain and I don't know how to describe how I feel...I've never felt this way before because well...I've never liked any guy in that wayand for the longest time I ruled out the possibility that I could be a lesbian (I really shouldn't have...and I did suspect that I could be a lesbian forawhile actually...but I guess I needed some proof. ) so...yeah...I'm new to this whole process. :P I'm sure later I'll be able to more clearly figure out my feelings though. I'm not really worried if Jenna likes me...I know she does (no...I'm not being cocky...I can just tell that she likes's hard to explain but I can just tell. ). And uh...I do apologize if I've wierded out anyone on this site by talking about how I feel about this matter. :P Anyways...other than that my Saturday was pretty normal and I did nothing productive. :P

On Sunday I didn't really do anything too special either. :P I just watched some TV, went online, listened to some music, drew a picture (it was a of the worst things I've drawn in months! :P ), threw out the picture when I finished drawing it, practiced the piccolo a little, and I watched the Amazing Race. :P Oh, and I called Jenna and we ended up talking with each other for about an woulda been longer but I had some stuff I needed to do. :P Oh, and since the weather is finally getting nicer outside...I get to play in the mud again! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Not NEARLY as often as I used to though...but I'm still gonna play in the mud occasionally because I feel like it...and I did just that on Sunday. :twisted: :P Not much else to say about Sunday... :P

Getting to today now... :P Back to school and the start of term much fun, isn't it? :D :P I'm being sarcastic. :D :P In Latin we did group work with the story Lucius Cornelius Sulla. In Biology we're learning about classifying different animals and plants and stuff. In English we watched a movie. In History we're learning about cultural diffusion in the Americas or something...I dunno...I wasn't really paying's hard to think with heavy metal music stuck in your head you know! :lol: :P In Italian we just reviewed the subjunctive and crap. :P Then I had a study and got some work done. And finally I had Math and we're learning about logarhythmic functions or something...I don't know how to spell that word properly. :P It's kinda confusing and I don't get it too well...I'm probably gonna stay after school for some help on it later this week...I hate asking for help in's degrading if you ask me...I'm a tomboy...I'm naturally good at's just kinda my thing! :P I can't wait for Ms. Chadwick to leave so I can get Math again and get my A+ without even trying again. :P When I got home I didn't have too much homework so I finished my Math project which took me about an hour and I was done with all my work at around 6:30. Then I took a shower and had dinner and whatnot and now I'm on this site making a blog. :P Oh, and if you're wondering why I've been willingly taking baths lately...well...maybe I'm getting somewhat out of the phase of playing in the mud and getting filthy to spite my mother...if that phase even exists...maybe it exists only for MightyBFan25 because I'm AWETHUM like that. :lol: :P And I dunno...I just feel that I should still play in the mud occasionally but not as often...and well...I have a girlfriend...the least I can do is take a shower and NOT be filthy. :P That's all I needs to say in this paragraph... :P

Last thing before I end this blog... :P I'm still trying to come up with a way to get Alice to leave me along in English and History's really annoying...she's acting like she's into me or something and it's like: "Dude, I have a girlfriend and even if I didn't...can you just PLEASE leave me alone!". :P And you know...I would just rather she think that I was straight or something or be messed up about my gender or something...just ANYTHING to get her to leave me the Hell alone! I mean...she's not constantly bothering me but it's enough to get me annoyed...I like Alice as a friend but that's it...right now my heart is fixated upon Jenna. And you know...I'm sure if someone just randomly met me for the first time...they could be messed up about my gender...I could see that least if you didn't take a close enough look at me. :P Unfortunately Alice knows my name...maybe I could change my name. :twisted: :P Kidding...I personally like my name...I just hate it when peoples mispronounce it. :P Well...I think tomorrow in Homeroom I'm just gonna tell Alice what I need to tell her instead of some grand scheme of mine...those don't always end up good and they're too drawn-out and take forever. :P time I make a blog...I'll tell you how that went...I just hope I don't get slapped or something. :lol: :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Before I end this blog... :P "Is there justice in this world? Just look around you and tell me what you see. Out there, all around, there seems to be a problem. The world is not what it used to be." Where the Hell did MightyBFan25 steal this quote from?! :P If you can answer this question I'd me quite impressed actually...but I think only MightyBFan25 can answer this question. :lol: :P

I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Oh Zeus...tomorrow I won't be on this site too much...I'm probably gonna have A TON of work tomorrow! :P Not fun! :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #272 / Term Four Finally Over!!! :D

Before anything else...remember that blog #275 will be a DWTHYW blog and post on it. :D This blog isn't for my's for all you peoples. :P I'll probably put up that blog sometime next week...probably on Saturday or it's coming soon. :D :P So...just remember not to forget about the DWTHYW blog and if you do forget just pretend that you remembered about it. :lol: :P

Anyways...I'll just shortly tell you how my week's been since I last made a blog. :P On Thursday was the Day Of Silence...of course I participated in it because I personally like the message that it conveys...and I'm a just feel that I probably should...especially when I feel strongly about this topic. I was quiet for the ENTIRE DAY...all 24 hours! :D Not one slip-up...not one word at school or at home...I actually can't believe I managed to do that considering that I'm a teenage girl and I never shut up. :P I felt really proud of myself for doing that and I'm glad that I did it. :D Jenna managed to not say anything for the entire 24 hours as well which I'm glad about. :D I'm just annoyed that she wasn't tempted to talk to me...I mean...I am her girlfriend after all! :P Kidding...I could never be mad at my girlfriend. :P Other than not talking at all and having a few of my friends trying to get me to talk and having some jerky peoples call me some mean was a pretty normal day. :P I don't have anything else to say about Thursday... :P

On Friday it was just a normal school day and I didn't have any homework. :P Jenna came over my place because she was gonna meet up with her parents at BLS for Music Night. So we just kinda relaxed for a while and then I had to get dressed up all nicely for Music Night and we took the train to BLS. We met up with my mom and both of Jenna's parents and they all went to the auditorium and got seats and I went to the music wing for Junior Band's last rehearsal before we were on for Music Night. Before I left for the music wing though, we did kiss. Of course my mom and both of Jenna's parents saw that...the thing was...I'm sure they weren't happy about that and felt kinda awkward but they seemed fine. :P I's not like her parents said: "Alicia, we don't want you going out with Jenna ever again!"...and her parents like me. :P Then I had my rehearsal with Junior Band and then we preformed The Great Escape, Salvation Is Created, and Toccata...we did really good...we sounded better in rehearsal and Salvation Is Created wasn't that good...our other two songs were MUCH better...but we still did really good. :D (Salvation Is Created was actually our downfall in Micca...if it weren't for that piece we probably woulda scored Silver. :P ) After we preformed and our band left the auditorium I went back to the Music Wing toput away my flute and sheet music in the Instrument Storage room and I actually found Jenna in the Music Wing...I'm sure she knew I was gonna be there. :P We went back to the auditorium and listened to a few of the BLS bands after that and then we left. Before we did Jenna and I planned to go out later today and Jenna's parents shook hands with me and whatnot. Then I got home and went to bed. :P Oh, and I think my mom is fine with me going out with mom did say that Jenna seems really nice and smart and whatnot. :D Oh, and when the MP3's from Music Night are on I'll tell you so you can listen to BLS Junior Band which I happen to play in! :D

Today has been pretty good so far and I haven't done anything too special. :P I woke up at around 7 and took a shower and packed up my stuff. My dad came to pick me up at around 9:30 and shortly after that I had a dentist appointment...I HATE THE DENTIST!!! :twisted: :P I swear...the dentist dude hates me or something! :lol: :P Luckily my mouth doesn't kill me like it normally does after I leave the dentist...although it still hurts a lot. :P Oh well... :P After that I've just been doing nothing productive all day. :P Jenna and I are going out at around 5 so I won't be on later should be fun to spend more time with her. :D And I haveta return the favor of her going to my Music Night and listening to all my nerdy band geek talk yesterday somehow. :P Other than that I'm not doing anything special today. :P

Right now I'm in such a good mood though because I found another heavy metal band that I already love! :D I only have a few songs by them on my iPod but I'm gonna be getting more songs on my iPod later today. :P The name of this epic heavy metal band? :P This band is Beyond Fear...their music sounds AWETHUM...I mean...I just love heavy metal but's really good music. :P Listen to this song by them on YouTube called "Scream Machine"'s the link so laziness is no excuse for not listening to this epicly AWETHUM band: know I've been telling you to listen to random heavy metal music that I like so if you don't like heavy don't haveta listen to it. :P I just don't see why peoples don't like heavy metal... :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Okay...I personally LOVE heavy metal music...but I legit wanna know why peoples don't like it so if you don't like heavy metal can you PLEASE give me a legit reason...I really wanna know why so many peoples hate this genre of music. :P

Oh, by the way, I've seen stupid posters on the train saying that "Judgement Day" is on May 21st or something like that. :P I personally don't believe in any of that crap and I doubt "Judgement Day" is real and if it is...I don't wanna be with "God" for all eternity...I'd rather stay on this planet and put up with "The Apocalypse". :P Seriously...I don't believe any of that and I could care less about it. :P If you actually believe in that...sorry if I have offended you but this is just what I personally believe. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I guess I'm just gonna relax, play some UR, listen to Beyond Fear, and then I needs to get ready for my date with Jenna at 4 so I can be ready for the date at 5...I seem to take about an hour to get ready and look somewhat nice for this kinda stuff. :P And I need to come up with a way to get Alice to leave me alone! :P Honestly...if she is a lesbian and into me that way (I hope not...I mean...I have no problem if she's a lesbian...I would think that's cool. But I hope she doesn't like me! Why would she even like me anyways?! And she should know that I have a girlfriend. :P )...I would rather she think that I was straight even though I'm not. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #271 / Not Coming Online Tomorrow...

Before anything #275 shall be a DWTHYW blog and I wants all of you to read and comment on it because I'm making the blog for you peoples...not myself...I know you shall all go out of your way to spite me. :lol: :P So...just remember about that blog andcomment on it...or else!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P And this time...I AM serious! :twisted: Kidding...I'm not one shall perish if they do not post on the DWTHYW blog...however...I will be somewhat upset if not that many peoples comment on it. :P Okay...that's all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P

This week has been good so far...nothing special has really happened. :P On Monday I had to go back to school and I had a lot of homework that night. :P On Tuesday I didn't have that much homework and I was done before 6 (that's early for me. :P ) and I had my English Declamation. Guess how I did on it... Did you guess...? No...? Okay...I shall wait for you to guess and then I shall tell you how I legit did. :P guessed now...? I can tell you. :P I GOT AN A+ ON MY ENGLISH DECLAMATION!!!!! :D I was SO HAPPY about this grade because on my other two English Declamations I got A's and EVERYONE has told me that aiming for an A+ on Declamation in Mr. Hanley's class is stupid because he doesn't give out A+'s even though he's an easy Declamation grader. :P But...this time I did an AMAZING job because I spent a lot of time over Spring Break working on it and Jenna helped me out A LOT and really helped me improve what I was already working on! :D So...the A+ was somewhat because of my efforts...but I really think it was due to Jenna's help that I got the A+ on Declamation in Mr. Hanley's class! :D After that I had History class and thanked her for the help and whatnot. :P That's all I haveta say about the past two days... :P

Now getting to today... :P was a pretty normal day actually and it seemed to go by rather quickly. :P Nothing special really happened except that Jenna had her Declamation for English class today (she has a MUCH harder English Declamation grader for English class than I do...but she still get A+'s on all her Declamations because she's such a good Declaimer) and she looked really nice actually...and she got an A+ on her Declamation as well! :D She always gets A+'s on her Declamations...public speaking is kinda her forte...I helped her out a little but she didn't really need my help too much to be honest. :P That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph... :P

Now getting to the other part of the title... :P Tomorrow my school is doing the Day Of Silence so I am not gonna be talking at all for the entire day...and I wanna take it a step further and not go on this site at all because it's still a means of communication and kinda like cheating if you ask me. So...I won't be on this site AT ALL tomorrow so don't ask where the heck I am and think that I'm dead or something...I'm just not going on this site at all! :P Tomorrow should be'll be much more quiet. :P And Jenna's doing the Day Of Silence as well which I'm glad about. :D

I can't wait for Friday night because it's Music Night at BLS so I get to go back to school and preform with the rest of Junior Band again like during the Holiday Concert. :D And a few days later the MP3's will be on and I can force you to listen to how AWETHUM BLS Junior Band is! :twisted: :P And on Saturday I'll be over Jenna's place for a little while. :P Oh, and she's coming to Music Night on Friday which should be AWETHUM!!! :D She's never went to a Music Night at BLS she's only going for my sake...which I think is rather nice of her to do. :D :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog and I needs to get off this site soon...even though I already did all my homework and it's not even 6 yet I have other stuff that I needs to do. :P Oh Zeus...and I needs Alice to leave my alone in English class! :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #270 / How My Date Went... :D

First of all...before I get to the second part of the title...this is indeed my 270th blog and once my 275th blog comes around...I have decided that it shall be a DWTHYW blog so you can do whatever the heck you wanna...I don't really care...just don't call it a party! :P I can't really stop you from saying that just to spite me though. :P So uh...just remember to comment on that blog when I make it and I think this upcoming DWTHYW blog will last for a week or so. It's really just to show some form of appreciation because most of you on this site are fine with the fact that I'm a lesbian and I really appreciate that and I wanna do something nice (Wierd...I'm not don't ever think that! :P I'm evil...and I'm hellbound! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P I doubt I'll end up in Hell...and if I do, ha!, it'll be SO worth it! :D :P ) just because I really appreciate it. :D I mean...I guess it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about me but I appreciate the fact that peoples accept me for who I am. So...just comment on the blog when I make's for you peoples anyways...not for me...I know I'm gonna be epicly tortured already! :lol: :P Okay...enough of this paragraph...just comment on the blog and now I shall end this paragraph! :P

Oh, and before I tell you about how my date went (it was AWETHUM, by the way! :D )...last night I had a pretty wierd dream...and I didn't really sleep too well...I dunno why...I wasn't too tired but I just didn't stay asleep for more than one hour at a time. :P But...I did have a wierd was that recurring dream again. I was once again at my dad's place, and my little brother and dad were gone for some reason, and I was alone, on this site, making a blog or checking the forums or something, and then I looked in this wierd mirror again, and I saw the anti-me, who is apparently my unborn twin. This is actually the first time I've had that dream since I've known that I'm probablya lesbian, so...that made things kinda interesting. In the dream, we got into this epic fight with all this personal stuff, but then this anti-me brought up the fact that I'm a lesbian. Then I went on this massive rant, pulled the anti-me out of the mirror somewhat, kissed her (no idea why...maybe it was a way of spiting her...I have a strange mind...I'm not telling Jenna about this dream. :P ), threw this anti-me back into the reverse mirror world, and I picked up the mirror, and I was about to break it. Then anti-me said: "Fine, break my portal to this world, I could care less. But...just look at your own life, there is so much wrong with you, you should be ashamed of yourself! And now you're gay too?!" I said something along the lines of: "I don't care...I'm not ashamed of anything that I've done! I'm proud of all the decisions I've made in my life!" and then I broke the mirror. That was the end of the dream. I know I dream-bended it a little because I was in between sleep and being awake and that's when my dream-bending powers kick in...and I was so dream-bending that dream. I'm sure now I won't ever have that dream again...I managed to dream-bend it and finally give this recurring dream an end! :D I ended up waking up at around 6 in the morning (well...I got outta bed at 6...I didn't really wake up because I never really slept. :P ) and I went into the bathroom and just looked at myself in the mirror for a moment...I dunno why...I just felt compelled to do so. :P And I could look at myself know what...despite everything "wrong" with me...I'm happy with the way that I am and with the decisions that I've made in my life so far...I'm not ashamed of anything that I've ever done and I'm certainly not ashamed of who I am! That anti-me was wrong! And now...I feel even better actually because I had that dream and got to finally end it. :D Oh, and anti-me sucks at kissing apparently...that's what I gathered from my dream. :P That's all I wanted to say in this paragraph. :P Sorry my dream is so cliche...I'm just glad I ended it and won't have that disturbing cliche dream ever again. :D

Now...before I get to my date...I shall talk about today. :P (Yeah...if all you care about is the date skip this paragraph. :P ) I didn't get too much sleep last night and I did have that epic dream so even though I'm kinda out of it due to lack of sleep...I'm in a pretty good mood. :D I woke up at around 6 and just kinda relaxed and did nothing all morning. Then at around 10 my dad picked me up (I didn't wanna spend Friday night at his place. :P ) and I just kinda did nothing productive today. :P I did a lot of work this week even though I've had no school and now all my work is done so I can just relax. :D At around 1 I ended up taking a nap and didn't wake up until like I did get some sleep...even though I'm still kinda tired. :P After that I just took a shower, went online on this site and to play UR, watched some TV, and now I'm making this blog while listening to music by Alice In Chains (right now I'm listening to one of my favorite songs by them, "Man in the Box"...such a good song! :D :P ). So...I haven't done anything too special or productive today. :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P date? How did it go? Oh, quite well, thanks for asking. :P paragraph! :P Kidding...MightyBFan25 would never have a paragraph that short! :P I'll just tell you WHY it went quite well I guess! :lol: :P Well...on Friday at around 4 I took about an hour to get ready for my date (yes...I took an hour to actually take a shower and put on some decent clothes and stuff. :P ) and got at Jenna's place a little after 5. Her mom actually gave us a ride to the movie theatre and dropped us off. (I love the fact that Jenna's parents trust me around her daughter...her parents really do seem to like me...dunno why...all parents usually hate me. :P ) We got our tickets and snacks and everything and saw that movie Insidious. It was pretty good...I couldn't tell you too much about it though...I wasn't paying full attention to the movie. :lol: :P Yeah...don't ask what I was actually paying attention know quite well without me telling you! :P Anyways...Jenna's mom picked us up after the movie was over and brought us back to Jenna's place and we just hung out for a while. I got to talk with her parents a little more which was nice...her parents are very nice people...they are a little religious but they seem to know when to say: "Screw religion!" at the right times with certain stuff, like the treatment of LGBT peoples...thank Zeus too! Jenna doesn't deserve to put up with parents who don't accept her for who she is...and if she was in that position...I would feel terrible! And then we watched the Degrassi: In Too Deep season finale at 9. It was pretty interesting...I just hope Fiona finds a girlfriend soon because it's not gonna be Holly J. When the episode was over Jenna and I kissed again and then her mom offered to give me a ride I got home before 10. Then I went to bed shortly afterwards. :P It went quite well for a second date (ESPECIALLY when I'm still getting used to having a girlfriend. :P ) and we kissed again which I liked. :D So...overall...AWETHUM date with Jenna! :D I'm really happy about how things went. :D paragraph! :P

I actually forgot that even though I've told everyone who I see or talk to on a regular basis that I'm a lesbian a lot of my family still doesn't know about that. I don't feel like telling all of them to be honest...I'm sure my mom will end up saying something like: "Oh, hasn't Alicia told you that she's a lesbian". :P Kidding...I doubt my mom would do that to me. :P Seriously...I don't plan on telling most of them because they're all uptight snobs who think that they're better than everyone else and I'm sure that some of them will hate me and use the Bible to justify their hatred of me if they find out. I don't really care if they know or not though...I hardly ever see any of them. I'll tell my older cousin...she's awesome...she'll be completely fine with it. You know...I actually wanna tell all of those snobby family members of mine that I'm a lesbian! Yeah...why shouldn't I?! Okay...I'm telling all of them tomorrow when I go to my great-grandmother's house for Easter...I'll tell you how that goes. Probably not good but I don't care what they think because they're all snobs who hate everyone and their opinions don't matter! :D

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P This has been a rather long blog and I apologize for that if you actually read all of it. :P I just don't have anything else to really do with myself and I had a lot that I felt like saying in this blog. :P Well...I should stop making this blog even longer and just end it. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #269 / Finally Some Nicer Weather! :P

So far during Spring Break the weather has been kinda suckish. :P I mean...the weather on Monday was pretty good but on Tuesday and Wednesday it was just dark and dreary and stuff outside...I personally don't like that kinda weather. :P But...then again...if it weren't for days of sucky weather the few days of ridiculously nice weather in New England wouldn't seem as AWETHUM. :P Well...since today is such a nice day outside I'm probably gonna spend some time outside...even if I just end up going for a long walk or something or I'm in the backyard working on a new sketch of Zyminga (a character in this story I'm working on...I haven't done much writing yet...only a chapter or two...I wanna do all the drawings first. :P ) but in robot form...that'll look cool...Robo-Zyminga. :P The should have a character like that in Urban Rivals. :D could be a 6/3 card with some life-gaining ability for each point of damage if you win ze battle and he could be a member of the Sentinel clan...yeah...that's a good idea. :D :P Anyways...I'll just end this stupid intro paragraph and get onto my day. :P's only like 10:30 in the morning at the moment and I woke up at around 7 so I haven't done too much today. :P I mean...I took a shower, I worked a little bit on my Declamation, checked some stuff on this site, played UR for about 30 minutes (I only lost one battle...I'm getting better at UR...and I'll be even better once Kenny and Uranus are in my Nightmare/Sakrohm deck...then I'll be like unstoppable. :P ) and now I'm on this site making a blog. :P Later today I'm gonna work a little more on my Declamation (it's near perfection now! :D ), play some more UR, work on that sketch of Robo-Zyminga, and I needs to call Jenna today...she's not coming over but I promised that I'd call her today at around can't break my promise. :P That's about all I have planned for my day...not as productive as today but then again...I don't have as much that needs to be done or that I want to do. :P I can't wait for tomorrow...Jenna and I are going on a date. :D We're planning on seeing a movie (probably that movie "Insidious" because it seems interesting and even though Jenna is kinda girly she does like those kinda movies. ) and then we're going back to her place to see the Degrassi: In Too Deep season finale. :D'll be a good night. I just hope Fiona tells Holly J that she likes her and they start going out or something...I mean...Fiona is a lesbian and Holly J isn't feeling "it" with Sav and those two would make for a cute lesbian couple so...yeah. :P Degrassi needs a lesbian couple anyways...I mean...they have a gay couple, Riley and Zane. Anyways...enough about Degrassi before someone virtually slaps paragraph! :P

Well...I don't have much else to say in this blog but...before I bid you farewell for today...

RANDOM REQUEST: No...this isn't to listen to something by Dishwalla, Alice In Chains, Metallica, or Iced Earth. :P I just feel that since most of you on this site are fine with the fact that I'm a lesbian and can accept it...I should show my appreciation for that in some way. I asked this before but no one made any suggestions. So...I was thinking that blog #275 should be something special. Just suggest something that you would like and whichever thing comes up most often in the comments will be what I end up doing with that blog...unless it's something totally stupid and there's no point to it. :P So...if you want blog #275 to be a blog party or another DWTHYW blog, or a blog where you can just ask me anything as long as it's not something too personal like my last name, just say so. That is all I ask of thee for today. :P

Oh, and last night I had this really wierd dream...I'm not entirely sure what it was about but I can kinda piece everything together and figure out what happened. :P Okay, in the dream I was the Master Musician again with Super Flute and Magiccolo by my side. I remember that I wanted to keep my identity a secret and no one would EVER know that the Master Musician was me...and so far it had worked out quite well. But...then for some reason my mom got me and white rabbit as a pet (Oh Zeus...I just realized why it might be a white rabbit! Not good...not good at all! Go away Alice! :P ),and apparently this white rabbit was evil but I didn't know that and it only liked me. But I noticed that as soon as this rabbit was in my house, there was WAY more crime throughout all of Boston! And I remember that one night there was this evil music monster that embodied Toccata so I went to fight this evil music monster with Super Flute and Magiccolo. I won...and then I flew home on the radio waves produced by Magiccolo and his incredibly high-pitchedness. :P But...when I came into the house...the door was open and no one was home.I found a note and then I read it and went to some wierd castle (it looked like the Nightmare clan's realm in Clint City from Urban Rivals. :P ) and saw that my mom, dad, little brother, and Jenna were all chained to something...I couldn't tell what...maybe just the ground. And...I found out that the white rabbit had done all of this! I tried to free them all from their chains but the white rabbit pushed me on the ground and pulled out a shotgun and pointed it at Jenna and said: "Take one more step and your girlfriend is dead!". Then I said: "Please, just let them can kill me instead." and then I took off my mask and laid down on the ground. I could feel the barrel of the shotgun on the back of my head, and then I heard this loud sound (like a gunshot) and I woke up. Oh Zeus...I really didn't need to have that dream! And it was SO cliche. :P I'll probably tell Jenna about that...she seems to like hearing about my random, lucid dreams. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Just fulfill my random request or...YOU SHALL PERISH!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: and I'm NOT really shall perish this time! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Sorry...I had to say that. :P Just please do my random isn't that hard...just say what special thing you want me to do with Blog #275...I would appreciate that. :D doesn't matter how I bid you farewell...and I can only doso in three languages which is kinda the time I graduate from BLSI'm hoping I'll be able to doso infive different languages (English, Latin, Italian, Spanish, and Ancient Greek.I so wanna learn AncientGreek because I am about one-fourthGreek and Spanish will just be so seems likea lot of peoples in Boston are now's pretty cool actually...I just wish I knew it and could speak it and understand some of it. :P )-MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #268 / Most Productive Day Of No School Yet... :P

Yay...MightyBFan25 actually managed to come up with a title! :P No need to congradulate me though...the title still isn't the best thing in the world. :P Yeah...I'm actually being modest...for once in my life! :lol: :P has been pretty productive so far and I'm on track of doing everything that I planned on doing for today. :P I woke up at around 6 in the morning again and practiced Magiccolo (If you don't know what Magiccolo is I'm not saying it again! :P It's my piccolo's nickname! :P Wait...I just said it again...okay...this is the last time I'm saying what Magiccolo there! :P ) , I read some random biology-related book that I was planning on reading eventually (it wasn't that long and I didn't even read everything because I knew over half of the topics already. :P ) , I started practicing my Declamation, played UR, went on this site, took a shower...and uh...that's about it...and this was all before noon. :P Jenna came over my place at around noon and we were helping each other out with our English Declamations and we finished that drawing...all we had to do was trace everything that was in pencil with micron pen and then color it in (It took a while...I wanted to make the drawing of the Abominable Sands in the first place just to use some 17 by 20 paper that I've had lying around for some time and never bothered to use and I thought it would be perfect for a landscape-type thing. :P ). Once we were done with that drawing and I asked Jenna if she wanted to take it home she said something along the lines of: "It's's a good drawing but I don't hang up posters or anything on my bedroom walls. And this is mostly your work." I was surprised she didn't wanna take the drawing home because it would give her nightmares or something. :P But...she doesn't hang up any posters or anything like that on her walls either. :P My bedroom walls have posters, drawings of mine, and sticky notes everywhere. :P And now that drawing of ze Abominable Sands is up there too...the second she left I hung it up on one of my bedroom looks really cool actually and just like what I had in mind. :D :P After we finished the drawing we ended up just watching something on TV and talking about random stuff. :P Before she left at around 3 we planned a date for Friday night (Don't worry...we'll be back at Jenna's place in time to see the Degrassi season finale. :P ) and ended up kissing again. :D Then she left...and I watched a little TV and now I'm making this blog while listening to Metallica music. :P That's been my day so far. :P After this I'm gonna play some more UR and work on my Declamation a little...and then relax and do nothing. :P That's all I haveta say about today. :P

RANDOM REQUEST: Listen to this song and tell me what you think about's the link:'s "The End of the Line" by Metallica...from my favorite album by them. :P It's such a good song...I'm listening to my ipod as I type this blog andI had to listen to this song three times in a row...dunno's just such a good song. :P But then again...I absolutely love Metallica and I know that a lot of peoples don't care for heavy metal music...Jenna doesn't like Metallica either...I'm fine with that because at least she listened to a few of their songs for my sake. :P So...that's all I ask of you once you're done with this on ze link and listen to the song! :P Why are you still reading this I'm just ranbling on about nothing important. :P

I doubt anyone cares but on Monday I was on one of my favorite websites for online games and I came across a link for some MMO card game called Urban Rivals so I clicked on the link and made an account and stuff and it's a really fun game actually. :D I mean...I guess you could say UR is kinda dorky but I don't really's fun and it gives me something to do over Spring Break when I'm not busy doing legit work. :P So...I'm probably gonna be talking about stuff relating to UR that no one has a clue about for a while until the semi-obsession wears off. :P Until then just tolerate me and my nerdy Urban Rivals talk...just like you tolerated my nerdy Bakugan talk. :P Bakugan isn't AWETHUM anymore in my opinion...the anime began to suck when New Vestroia came out but now it just absolutely sucks and I don't even keep up with it. And I'm not a fan of the new Bakugan either...they don't look as cool as they did before and it's just that everything's changing about used to be more about strategy but now it's just about having the Bakugan with the higher G-Power which is just kinda boring and lame if you ask me. :P And Bakugan is one of the easier strategy games that I've played too...deck construction was SO EASY in my just need to be good at math and planning combos...oh, and you needed to be a good shot before too. :P So...I'm not anti-Bakugan anymore but I'm not obsessed with it like I used to be. :P

Oh Zeus...that reminds me...WHEN WILL THE NEW MIGHTY B! EPISODES EVER AIR?!?!?!?!?! NICKELODEON NEEDS TO FINISH SEASON TWO!!!!!!!!!! I used to be absolutely obsessed with the Mighty B!, hence the username, and I still love the show's hardly ever on and no new episodes have come out in months. :P I guess I'm not the most loyal Mighty B! fan ever but I really want the new episodes to air...if they ever air. :P Well...I won't let that get to me too much...I'm sure they'll air soon. I should just be happy that everything in my life is going quite well lately because that hardly ever happens. :P I don't have anything else to say so...Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #267 / Can't Come Up With A Title...AGAIN!!!!! :P

Sorry...I'm just really having writer's block when it comes to titles for my blogs lately. :P So...sorry that the title is stupid and the only real information you can gain from it is that I have blog-title-making writer's block and that this is my 267th blog. :P I guess you could also say that means that I have no life'd be wrong in saying that...even though it might seem that way because I'm a nerd. :lol: :P But...before anything did things go when I told my dad that I'ma lesbian? I guess you'll just haveta read the next paragraph and see for yourself... :P Yeah...I'm evil like that...I'm trying to make this suspenseful! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P I'm not as evil as you may think I am. :P paragraph... :P

So...on Sunday when my dad dropped me off at my mom's place I told him that I am a lesbian before he left. At first he gave me this look that I could basically read as: "You're kidding, right?"...I didn't say anything because I'm not kidding around when I say that I'm a lesbian and I feel that it's best that my dad knows about it. After that short amount of time (which seemed like an eternity to me)...he said that he basically thinks it's wierd knowing that his only daughter is a lesbian and it's gonna take some time for him to get used to that. It didn't seem like he was really angry with me...I mean...he didn't hug me or anything but at least he didn't kill me...that's better than what I was expecting! :D :P time I think he'll get more used to the thought of that and accept me more...until then he's just gonna try to put up with the fact that I'm a lesbian and he doesn't hate me. I don't know if he'll really support me though or if he'll just be indifferent towards me. Well...either least my dad doesn't hate me and my mom and all my friends at school (and most of you on this site actually) support me. So...I'm really glad about that...I don't really care if my dad's for me being a least he's not against it and that was pretty much the best thing that I was expecting to happen from that ordeal. :D I don't have much else to say in this paragraph...I'm just really happy that now everyone who I see on a regular basis know about this and I don't need to hide the fact that I'm a lesbian from anyone...that's the best thing that's happened to me in such a long time actually...probably one of the best things in years aside from that acceptance letter into Boston Latin School. :D Youhaveno idea how much that means to me...the fact that I don't needto hide that I'm a lesbian from anyone. :DOh I'm getting teary eyed...I must end this paragraph before I start crying like an idiot... paragraph! :P

I haven't really been doing anything too special yesterday and so far today. :P Yesterday Jenna came over and we were helping each other out with our English Declamations, she ended up helping me with that landscape-type sketch of the Abominable Sands...I thought she would...I actually asked her to help me. :P It's not quite done yet...all the sketching is done but tomorrow we must work on coloring it and stuff...I'd do it today but Jenna isn't coming over today (She has to do something that's somewhat important...I forget what though so don't ask and make me feel stupid. :P ) so we're gonna finish this drawing tomorrow. :D Don't ask why I wanted to sketch the Abominable Sands...I have this sketch pad thingy that has really big paper in it and I thought it would be good for a landscape-type thing and then I decided that I'd do something involving Hell (because Hell is awesome. :P ) and then I chose the Abominable Sands because well...that's where I'm going if Hell exists! :twisted: :P Yeah...don't worry though...I'm fine with going there when I go bye-bye if Hell's a small price to pay for standing up for what I think is right. :D :P Anyways...yesterday was pretty unproductive aside from that sketch and Declamation practice and stuff. :P Today I haven't been doing anything too special either. :P So far I've been online on this site and playing UR, listening to Alice In Chains music (they're such a good band! :P ), watching TV, working on my Declamation, practicing the piccolo...and uh...yeah...that's about it really. :P It might seem like a lot to do in a few hours but I woke up at 6 in the morning...I can't manage to sleep in so far! :P At least it's better than waking up randomly at 3 in the morning and then not being able to fall asleep for three hours and then completely out of it that day at school. :lol: :P That's all I haveta say in this paragraph. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P And so you don't ask me...UR stands for Urban's this card MMO game thingy that I randomly stumbled upon when I was online on Monday...I made an account and I've been on that site a lot today actually. :P It's a really fun game in my opinion. :D If you wanna check it out and make an account or whatever here's the link to the site:, and don't say anything mean about UR Dan or you shall perish!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P And on that note...don't say anything mean about Dan (Danma) Kuso or you shall perish! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P And this time I'm NOT kidding...I'm serious! :twisted: Seriously...I'm just one shall perish...but leave UR Dan alone. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #266 / Can't Come Up With A Title... :P

I REALLY can't come up with a title for this blog to be honest with you...I'm hoping I can come up with one by the the of this blog. :P And if not...sorry about the sucky title that just states how many blogs I've made so far. :P Anyways...I guess I'll talk about how yesterday was for myself. :P little brother went out to do some stuff with our grandparents on my dad's side of the family (I personally hate them and they didn't ask me to go with them so...I doubt I would've been welcomed if I went where ever they went.) which meant that I had to spend a lot of time with my homophobic father. It wasn't fun...all day I just felt kinda awkward because of just feels wrong to hide the fact that I'm a lesbian from him...and even though I'm afraid of what he'll think...I'm gonna come out and tell him today after he drops me off at my mom's'll be safest that way. Anyways...I couldn't take being in his house for more than a few hours so after that I called Jenna and we ended up talking on the phone for a LONG time...I bet my father overheard the conversation. He didn't ask who I was talking to on my cell phone for over an hour and if he did I would've just said: "I was just talking to my girlfriend, Jenna." and left. :P But...overall yesterday was pretty boring for me...I didn't get out of the house too much and I didn't have any real plans. :P Today...of MUCH different! :twisted: :P Now let's get to today... :P

Today so far I haven't been doing anything too special. :P I woke up at around 10 and I've just been in my room working on a depressing picture...I'm trying to draw a landscape-type thing of ze Abominable Sands...I have this vision in my head but I can't get it exactly right on paper! It's so annoying...I'm really good at drawing...but if I had a little more artistic ability I bet I could draw my vision perfectly...but I can't at the moment. :P I bet Jenna can help me out with it actually...she's not an artsy person but she has managed to give me ideas for drawings and stuff before...and they've been good ideas too...if she could draw as well as me she would be much better than me because she has better ideas. :P After that I just put away the sucky drawing of ze Abominable Sands and started blasting Alice In Chains music...they're such a good band! :D :P Now I'm on this site making a blog and listening to Metallica music. :P After I'm done making this blog I'm gonna start packing up my stuff so I can get back to my mom's place and really start enjoying my vacation on Monday morning! :D And then I'm gonna play some random stuff on my flute...Magiccolo has gotten too much attention from me lately...Super Flute deserves some timewith the Master Musician now. :P (I'm referencing this random dream I had months ago. :P ) And once my dad drops me off at my mom's place...before he leaves I'm gonna come out and tell him that I'm a lesbian...I really sick of having him think that he has this perfectly normal, straight daughter when I'm really a lesbian and I like's been annoying me more than you think actually...I hate hiding stuff like that from peoples. So...I'm telling him once I'm already at my mom's place because I feel that it'll be a little safer...just in case something happens and he hates me for being a lesbian. I honestly don't want him to hate me...he's my father...I still want him to love me no matter what...and he should, wether I'm a lesbian or not. Oh Zeus...if there is a Greek goddess of lesbian peoples...she better be helping me out now! :P I doubt there is one never know. :P Anyways...I'll tell you what he thinks about me being a lesbian and if he accepts me later tonight if I put an EDIT in this blog or tomorrow when I make a blog. I'm really nervous about this actually...and I wasn't nervous when I told anyone else...except my mom but even then...I wasn't as nervous as I am now. I'm gonna call Jenna later today actually and she's gonna be coming over my mom's place at 5...when I'm just getting back from my dad's place. I'm hoping my dad will just accept me and actually wanna meet Jenna since she is my girlfriend. And if not...I don't want my dad even seeing Jenna...Jenna doesn't deserve to see my dad if he's gonna be a total homophob. I hope my mom's stupid friends aren't coming over tonight...I don't want to see them. But...I'm hoping my mom has realized that they're all homophobic jerks and that they shouldn't be seeing me and my girlfriend anytime soon! :P Oh Zeus...wish me luck when I come out and tell my dad that I'm a homosexual!

One last thing before I end this blog... :P Well...last night I had this wierd was actually such an AWETHUM dream to be of the few nice dreams I've had in a while! :D It was wierd because Jenna was in my dream though. I almost never have dreams with peoples from school in them. I mean...I guess it's different because Jenna's my girlfriend and I see her outside of school quite often (I'm so glad she's from Eastie too...that makes it WAY easier to see her outside of school! :D ) but's wierd that she would be in one of my dreams. I'm not was nice to have her in one of my dreams. :D I won't say what the dream was about'll think I have issues probably...and even if you didn't think that...I'd just rather not say what it was's kinda personal. :P I'm actually gonna mention it to Jenna over the phone though...I'm sure she'd like to hear that she was in one of my dreams...let alone a good dream and not one of my crazy, apocalyptic dreams! :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I'm so nervous about telling my dad that I'm a lesbian...I'm really hoping that he'll accept me but I don't think he will...everyone else so far has and there's always that one person who won't accept you for who you are and will put you down...I have a feeling that this time it's my dad. I hope not'm just gonna hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and I won't be surprised with anything in between. Yeah...I forget where I heard that though. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)