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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #295 / Why Can't I Log Into we're only five blogs away from The Random Game: Part Three and I still can't wait for it to start! :D :P It's gonna be AWETHUM...the plotline is epic...and the villian in the entire story is like...the most AWETHUM person ever! :D :P If you don't know who the villian in the story will be...I shall describe that person for you. :P Okay...the villian in the story is someone you know on this site, loves metal and deathcore (so...that would make her/him a total metalhead or headbanger or whatever you wanna call someone who loves metal. :P ) , is a lesbian, wears glasses, goes to Boston Latin School, plays the flute, knows Latin and Italian, tortures her parents, and...a bunch of other stuff. :P Wait...that sounds a lot like me. :P couldn't possibly be me! :twisted: :P I hope you figured it out by now or you shall perish! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

Now...getting to the second part of the title...what I said is a question and it is kinda bothering me now. This morning when I went on I logged into my account but then by around 10 I couldn't log into my account anymore for some odd reason. And I've been trying to do so at different times during the day so far and I just tried to a few minutes ago but I can't seem to log into my account. It's really annoying...and I've tried to on different internet browsers and stuff too but it hasn't worked. Oh, but when I try to log into my old account as MightyBFan2500 (the one I got banned on for being a troublemaker. :P ) I can log into it perfectly fine. It's just really bothering me and I know it hasn't even been a day yet but...I really like and I'm just hoping it's a stupid glitch or something...because this actually has happened to me a week or two ago as well. I'm hoping this glitch or whatever it isis fixed by tomorrow so I can go back on the forums and answer my PM's and whatnot. Oh, and if you wanna know how the heck I'm actually on this site...I'm logged onto my gamespot account which is linked to my account. :P I learned that little trick when I first got suspended on my old account. :lol: :P Now that I think about it...the first time I got suspended on had gotten suspended as well...I guess we got a bunch of TOS's for being off topic on the Mighty B! forums or something. :P Oh well... :P Oh, and if any of you peoples have any idea why I can't log into my account on at the moment or know how to fix it or are experiencing the same problem I'd really appreciate it if you told me. :D Oh, and that reminds me, if any of you are wondering why I haven't or might not answer any PM's or go on the's because I need to be on to do that and at the moment I can't seem to log onto my account. So I truly apologize for that and I hope you don't mind too much.

Aside from being annoyed by the fact that I cannot log onto at the's been pretty good. :D :P I didn't really do much...I just practiced the flute for a while, studied Latin vocabulary, took a shower...and that's about it for productiveness. :P Other than that I've just been watching tv, online, playing video games, blasting metal music, etc... :P I'm at my dad's place and since I've been here I've been going out of my way to annoy him so much because I don't like him that much anymore! :twisted: :P And I plan to annoy him to death ALL WEEKEND LONG!!! :twisted: :P So...that means...lots of cynical pranks, lots of remarks that a flaming homosexual should be making (THAT should be fun! :twisted: :P ) , lots of blasting metal music either on my radio, the tv, or the computer, I'm going to completely trash the place, and...some other stuff. :twisted: :P Oh, and I'm hoping that my dad can see Jenna and I kiss (I'll tell Jenna about it...she'd like to annoy my dad probably. :P ) ...and that and the remarks that basically scream "I'm a lesbian" are to annoy him...but also to see if he's actually fine with knowing that his daughter is a lesbian! :twisted: :P I know my dad's been tolerating it but I wanna know if he can actually accept it...and I can tell if he seems disgusted by any of it or if he hates me really easily...I can read peoples' expressions quite well actually...dunno why though. :P So...that's all I've done today and this is my AWETHUMLY Satanic plan for this weekend! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Oh, today one of my friends on this site did send me a PM and said that there was this quote and when he heard apparently reminded him of me for some reason. :P Now...what is that quote...I guess I'll say it. :P The quote is: "Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I might take over"...or something very similar to that...I can't be certain though since I can't log into at the moment and check my message box. :P So...I found that quote very interesting...and I have never heard it before. I guess it would somewhat apply to me...when I die I won't go to Heaven...and that's for a I'd go to Hell...but...I could seriously picture myself taking over all of Hell...and I'm sure Hades wouldn't like that too much. :lol: :P Okay...getting to an actual question you think this quote applies to me at all? And don't say "no" just to be nice...I'd rather you be brutally honest with me and be like " does apply to you." if that's what you really think. :P And I won't take any offense if you say that. :P I'm just curious and would appreciate an answer. :P

SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: I actually have an idea for a blog that I might make before the Random Game: Part Three it would be Blog #299 probably. :P I was thinking that I could make a blog that's just total stream of conciousness...which means that I'll just honestly type whatever the heck pops into my mind as I'm making the blog. :P So...that will make for a ridiculously long blog about absolutely nothing...but I think it would be kinda'd get to see what the heck actually goes through my mind. :P My question is what you think about something like that? If you don't like the idea you can just say so and I won't bother with that. :P Maybe my mind is too dark and scary and complex for all of you anyways. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

RANDOM REQUEST: LISTEN TO THIS SONG OR PERISH!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P It's called "Distorted Lives" by Testament, from their album Demonic. :P Here's the link for it: I LOVE this's so's definately a mix of thrash/heavy metal with such a strong downbeat and such epicly disturbing lyrics and the singing gives it an almost deathcore-like sound. :D :P Of course...I guess you haveta bea real metalhead/headbanger to appreciate this kinda music. :lol: :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I hope I can log into my account again soon...I REALLY wanna get back on the forums and answer my PM's and stuff. :P Hopefully this glitch or whatever it is will be fixed by tomorrow. :D That reminds me...I wanna go play in the mud and get filthy...I haven't done that for a while. :P I guess I'll do that's kinda late where I live...and I already took a bath (I took a shower...I don't take baths anymore...but for me the two words are interchangeable. :P ) earlier today and I don't feel like taking two baths in one day. :P And I REALLY wanna get out of the house and spend some time with Jenna if she's not too busy tomorrow...I'll call her tonight and ask her if she wants to do anything with me tomorrow. :D Oh, that reminds me...I FINALLY found a metal band that has a female lead singer called Clandenstine! :D LISTEN TO THEM ON YOUTUBE OR SOMETHING...THE BAND IS EPIC!!!!! :D :P Here's a link for one of there songs: I doubt Jenna would like this band...she doesn't like metal so she's not too fond of any of my music for the most part...but I'll ask her to listen to Clandenstine...maybe she'll like them. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #294 / I Guess It's Time For My Massive Rant... :P

And now we're only six blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three. :D :P The plotline is already done so there's nothing to really worry about. :P Oh, that reminds me...Girlygirl24 made a blog and it basically tells you how to change your profile page thingy so it doesn't say your full name. :D I ended up doing that...I really don't care if people know my last name...I'll go ahead and say it now... :P My full name is Alicia Summa...well...I guess that's if you don't include my middle name...but...I'd rather not say my middle name...if you ask me that's a little too much information. :P Anyways...I changed my name and replaced it with my username and a stupid title that means nothing. :lol: :P But...I guess it's a bit of a clue when the Random Game: Part Three begins. :P you better not get the first question wrong or you shall perish! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P And this time you really will perish...and as you perish I will listen to "Burnt Offerings" by Iced Earth. :lol: :P Kidding. :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

Since I made a blog yesterday I don't really have much to say in this blog. :P I honestly haven't done too much today. :P So far I've just practiced the flute a little, finished reading Lights Out Tonight, took a nap (I didn't get much sleep last night either. :P ) and I went outside in the backyard for a while...just to get some fresh air (if that's possible in Boston. :lol: :P ) and do some thinking...and then I drew a picture outside...I felt in the mood to draw something involving Hell...or the concept of Hell. :P I ended up drawing something that scared myself...I just got carried away and wasn't even really thinking about what I was drawing...and I ended up drawing myself in the Abominable Sands...and in the Abominable Sands I was being tortured by demonic creatures that had pitchforks. Oh Zeus...that managed to freak me out a lot! Why did I draw that? I have no idea to be honest. I'm not gonna throw away the drawing...but I'm not hanging it up on my bedroom wall or showing it to anyone. Anyways, then I went inside for a while and relaxed and now I'm on this site. :P Later today I think I'll go outside for a's just so nice outside today and even though that drawing threw me off a little...I'm still in a very good mood. :D

Oh, and before I end this blog...I'm ready to just forget about Dan and I've already gone on my massive rant multiple times to multiple peoples. I really only have this site left to go on my massive rant. :P But...I might as well tell you peoples how I even managed to do it...even though I wanna forget about it all. Well...first of all...I didn't even haveta get a haircut before any of it began. Remember how I said about a year ago that my mom was finally letting up on me having my hair go down to my shoulders? Well...when I said I got my hair cut really short...I meant it...I got my hair cut as short as a guy would and I've kept it that way for about a year and plan on keeping it that way for a long time. As for clothes...I hate clothes shopping but it was easy and I didn't mind it that much. Oh, and the whole ordeal meant I had an excuse to get some new sneakers (even though I just got new ones a month or two ago. :P ) because well...just in case...I didn't want anyone to figure out what I was doing. :P Oh, and I pretty much acted the wayI normally would...just a few minor changes. And there were a few other minor changes...but I'd rather not mention those. :P So really...just a few minor changes and no one could really recognize me and I could easily pass off as a guy for about two weeks. It's really least...I thought it was. And it would've been easy for me to stay Dan shouldn't let that thought cross my mind again...

And now I guess it is time for my massive rant. :P I did all of that mainly to prove a point so I could go on this rant. But...I guess this whole thing only makes for a few maybe I didn't haveta go through that whole ordeal...oh well... :P Now I'll go on my rant... This whole thing is mainly why what Icall "gender expectations" are a load of crap and society is being unreasonable and wanting more people to be in the norm. Well...personally I think that what I call "gender expectations" are a load of crap and they're just overall a terrible thing. And what I mean when I say "gender expectations" is when most people in society will say something like: "Oh, you're a girl. You should like the color pink and be playing with barbie dolls while you wear this pink, sparkly dress." when peoples say that if you're a girl or a guy you need to do X, Y, and Z. Now...I personally think that it's very wrong of people to do that...and I think they do it because they're scared or anything and anyone that strays from the norm and dares to be a little different from most. Now...why is this entire thing wrong?'s like people don't want any diversity...the expect every single female or male to act the same way and like the same things and crap. With thinking like that...there is no diversity...and in my opinion that's a bad thing...because there needs to be diversity. But the big thing is that I think that for anyone, especially a teenager, being a little different will make them feel uncomfortable at times (and even though I hardly ever get embarrassed...sometimes I can feel a little uncomfortable about certain things like that) and having people breathing down their neck saying crap like: "You're different. You're a freak. Why can't you act NORMAL for a change?! Why can't you act like a girl/guy for once in your life?!" is going to make them feel even more uncomfortable and then they're gonna try very hard to change who they are. And NO ONE should haveta hide who they truly are! And if that person can't change or doesn't wanna...everyone will think negatively of them and try to make that person feel like a failure. If you ask me it's wrong to put people down like that for acting like their true self and it should be a crime or something. And honestly...times have changed...people should be more accepting of diversity and not rely on stupid stereotypes. You need to judge each individual by who they are, not stereotypes...and you need to look at each person individually...not compare them to others! And when you really think about it...what decides if you're a guy or a girl? ONE CHROMOSOME...which is in the gamete provided by your father during sexual reproduction! So...when you really think about it...that's NOT a big difference at all...and if people think it is and wanna let that one thing determine a person's entire life...they're very stupid and ignorant...and probably didn't pay too much attention when they were learning miosis in Biology class. :P Oh, and when you really think about it...with all of the modern medicine and surgery and stuff...gender doesn't even mean too much anymore. And...if I could manage to pass off as the opposite gender without that much effort...I think that proves my point very much so. So...overall...I just feel that "gender expectations" are terrible...they make no sense anymore and your gender shouldn't determine your way of life. And for those who are a little different and can't live up to those unreasonable's definately gonna make them feel terrible and put them down. I could go on forever about this stuff...but those are the main points in this rant. Oh, and you don't haveta agree with any of this...this is just my opinion. And I think I feel strongly about this because I myself have never managed to live up to many "gender expectations"...if's kinda hard to do that though when you're a tomboy and a lesbian give me a break. :lol: :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Oh, and I REALLY hope I didn't offend anyone with that rant of mine and if I did I'm REALLY sorry...I honestly don't mean for any of that to happen. And you don't haveta agree with any of my rant can tell me you hated it and virtually kill me or something. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #293 / Have Any Of You Noticed This As Well?

Well...before anything else we're now only seven blogs away from The Random Game: Part Three and the plotline is already done and whatnot so there's no need to worry about that. :D :P Oh, and the plotline is epic in my opinion. :D :P Before I go any further into this blog I will apologize if it seems kinda all over the place and I seem out of it or something...I couldn't manage to fall asleep last night so right now I'm functioning on pretty much zero hours of fun! :lol: :P So...sorry in's hard to function and think straight when you got no sleep last night. :P

Now getting to the second part of the title. I actually have a question to ask all of you. Have you noticed that when you go on someone's profile page (including your own)underneath the toolbars where it says what page you're on and stuff it says the user's full name? I'm just kinda curious about this and I wanna know if anyone else has noticed this. And I'm just curious if this is a glitch or something...but I don't think it's a glitch. :P Well...I don't really care too much if peoples know my last name...I have an AWETHUM last name and if you already know it...then you know why my last name is AWETHUM and why there were giggles when I scored Summa Cum Laude on the NLE's last year. :P Well...that's all I wanted to ask. Next paragraph... :P

Oh, I might as well say that yesterday Jenna and I went to the wasa lot of fun and I definately enjoyed spending time with her. :D Today I don't have much planned. :P I think I'm just gonna practice the flute for a little while, finish that book I started yesterday called "Lights Out Tonight", take a nap, and call Jenna later tonight. :P's not gonna be a really productive day...and I'm definately taking a nap later today...which is out of character for me because I usually have a ton of energy and never need to take a nap. :P The only reason I needs to take a nap is because I got no sleep last night. :P's gonna be pretty unproductive due to lack of sleep last night. :lol: :PI don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #292 / Random Game: Part Three Plotline Finally Done!!! :D

Before anything else...the Random Game: Part Three will not begin until Blog #300 like I've said before. :P I personally can't wait for it to start...the plotline is finally done...I finished it last night and I think it's epic! :D I hope you peoples will think the plotline is epic as well...and if not...well...sorry if the plotline disappointed you. :P So...that's about we're eight blogs away from the Random Game: Part Three beginning! :D Oh, and in the plot there's the most epic villian EVER...can you guess who that villian might be? It's someone you know. :twisted: :P paragraph. :P

Since I just made a blog yesterday I don't really have much to talk about. :P Today I haven't really done much...mainly because I didn't wake up until like 10 today...and that's sleeping in for me. :lol: :P Later today I just wanna practice the flute a little and start reading this book called Lights Out sounds really's about a sociopath lady in the theatre business who eventually murders a bunch of peoples or something. :P It sounds interesting and like something I'd read. :P And tonight Jenna and I have some plans...nothing major...we're just gonna go see a movie...I have no idea which movie...over the phone we just figured we'd see a movie...I honestly don't care what movie it is as long as it's not one I've already seen...but...I doubt that'll be the case...I haven't been to a movie theatre in a while actually. :P So...I honestly can't wait for later tonight. :D And since I don't have much planned for the rest of the day until tonight...I'll have a fair amount of time to relax...which is good...even though I slept for over 12 hours last night. :lol: :P I don't have much else to say about today... :P

Whoa...this is actually a really short blog but I don't have much else to really say so I guess I just haveta end it now. :P In my next blog or the one after that I hope to go on a massive's the whole reason I went through the two week long ordeal. :P That reminds me...I want to get a new icon...probably one of Spawn because Spawn is AWETHUM. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #291 / Finally Managed To Come To A Conclusion... :D

Now we're only nine blogs away from the beginning of the Random Game: Part Three...and I can't wait for that to start up! :D I can laugh at all you peoples for your lack of Bakugan knowledge. :lol: :P Kidding...I'll try not to have many Bakugan-related questions...and if there are any they'll probably be bonus questions or something. :P Oh, and I'll be sure to have questions concerning some of my favorite music as well...they'll be bonus questions as well! :twisted: :P Yeah...NOW I bet you wish you were a metalhead like me! :lol: :P Kidding...I doubt anyone will get those questions right. :lol: :P The plot is coming along quite nicely actually though...I'll probably start majorly working on it later tonight...or I could read a on a plot for the Random Game: Part Three...or read a book about a sociopath who murders someone...I think I'll read the book about the sociopath who murders peoples. :lol: :P Kidding...I'd MUCH rather work on the plot. :D :P And if I finish early I can start reading this book I've been wanting to read. :P paragraph... :P

Well...I might as well say that yesterday I had an AWETHUM time at the carnival in Winthrop with Jenna! :D We stayed there until around 8:30 (By then we had done everything we wanted to) and then Jenna's mom came to pick us up and she dropped me off at my place. The carnival was actually really fun...some of the rides were actually pretty cool...which I wasn't expecting. :D Oh, and let's just say that I'm amazing at that game where you need to throw the darts and pop balloons. :P It's like a hidden talent of mine...I've always been good at that game...dunno why. :P And...those skills helped me out and I managed to win a giant teddy bear and gave it to Jenna. :D It sounds cliche...I the time it didn't seem nearly as cliche. :P I remember when Jenna's mom came to pick us up and she saw the giant teddy bear she was like: "What the hell?!". :lol: :P So...yeah...overall...pretty good day. :D Oh, and when I got home I had a talk with my parents...which leads me to the next paragraph... :P

Well...when I got home that night I had the conversation that I was planning to have with my parents...about the whole issue that came up during my epic prank as Dan. Before I had even talked to my mom I knew that I'm not a transgender and I was ready to give up being Dan. I just talked things over with my mom. She was definately surprised by that...but after I said everything that I needed to...she hugged me and said that it was okay and she wasn't mad at me for feeling the way I did and stuff like that. That was the nicest thing she could have done...and I really appreciate it...especially when no parent expects that to happen or even come least...I don't think they do. mom advised me not to tell my dad about it...mainly she was worried about what he would think and that he would hate me. I did tell my dad despite her warnings though...and my dad definately was surprised by what I had to tell him...but he was okay with it and wasn't angry at me for what I felt. So...once everything was all talked about and I thought everything through...I decided that Dan is going bye-bye was just an epic prank to start off with and that's all it ever was...I guess I had my judgement blinded by how fun it was. So...Dan is officially gone forever...I can't entirely say I'm entirely glad about it but I'm glad all that confusion is finally gone and that it's over. :D

So far today I haven't really done much. :P I've been been relaxing for a while, then I studied some Latin vocabulary, practiced the flute, took a shower...and that's about it. :P Later today I'll probably work more on that plot for the Random Game: Part Three, work on the website a little...and read some of that book. :P That's about it for the day. :P Oh, and I might go ona walk. :P That reminds me...I should call Jenna tonight... :P Yeah...that's about all I haveta say in this paragraph and I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #290 / Carnival Tonight!!! :D

And now we are only ten blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three. :P That means I legit haveta start working on the details of the plot...I've been busy with other the website and practicing my flute and...actually...that's pretty much what I've been using tons of time doing. :P I wouldn't say the time has been wasted...far from that...a few of my friends on the Mighty B! forums and I are making a website and the flute practicing is going amazing...I have my B Flat Major, E Flat Major, F Major, and Chromatic scales all I just need to work on my C Major (scary...this one's THREE OCTAVES!!! :P ) , G Major, A Major, and D Major scales...those are gonna be a pain...the sharp scales...I've started them but it's not going that well...they're kinda tricky actually...especially when they're double octave. :P Well...I guess I'm boring you all to death with my band-geeky talk...I'll put and end to it. :lol: :P I get to think of the plot for the should be fun. :D I have a random question to ask you all... :P Next paragraph... :P

RANDOM QUESTION: In The Random Game: Part Three, who do you think is going to be the major villian in it all? :P I'll tell you right now that it's NOT going to be the evil wizard again! :P It's someone you know...and who you left with the Dragon Proudia in The Random Game: Part Two... :P I think you know who it is... :P far today I haven't really done too much and I haven't gone outside as Dan at all...I don't wanna be Dan least...I think I don't wanna be...or I'm just willing to give it up. I'm still gonna talk things over with my mom when I get home from the carnival tonight and with my dad over the phone after I'm done talking with my mom...I think it's good that I tell an adult about my feelings even if I think that everything is sorted out in my mind. far as I'm concerned...Dan is going bye-bye forever. :D I'm a little upset about it and being Dan was fun but...that's not who I am and it was like I was lying to society and well...I hate lying. Well...aside from coming to that conclusion...nothing special has happened today really. :P I'm going back to my mom's place at around 5 and unpacking my stuff and at around 6 Jenna's mom will be picking me up and dropping us off at the carnival in Winthrop for a few hours. :D Then she'll come back at around 9 and drop me off at my place. It was honestly very nice of her to offer to do that for us. :D So...I guess once I'm done on this site I should take a shower and get dressed up somewhat nicely...I's only a carnival...but...I'll be with Jenna...I might as well look decent. :P That's all I really haveta say about today. :P Oh Zeus...I can't wait for's gonna be so much fun! :D

I don'thave much else to say in this blog because I made one yesterday. :P Oh, wait...I do have one last thing to say...over the weekend I kinda got addicted to deathcore music. :P If you wanna know what the heck deathcore is...listen to this: song is called "The Diseased And The Poisoned" by Carnifex...pretty good song...I still would much rather listen to power or thrash metal over deathcore's pretty good. :D :P Yeah yeah...I'm crazy because I have such a wierd taste in music...I've heard it before. :lol: :P Okay...NOW I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia (Yeah...I can FINALLY put my name back in! :P ) )

Blog #289 / Now I Have A Lot Of Thinking I Need To Do...

Well...sorry for being so repetitive but now we're 11 blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three and I'm still working on the plotline...I have the basic plotline down but I need more detail in order to make a story. :P The story shall be ready in there is no need to worry about that. :D :P Hopefully you'll like the plotline...and I'm hoping to have at least 15 questions in total that will be asked over the course of 15 blogs. :D Of course...there could be random bonus questions and some hard questions might be worth more than one point. :P But...I'll worry about the Math at the should be easy...I'm good with numbers...Math is my best subject. :P Anyways...that's all I wanted to say in this paragraph...I guess I'll get to the second part of this title in this next paragraph...

Well...I'm not sure if anyone on this site read my last blog but now I have a lot of thinking to do. During my epic prank as Dan...I've kinda realized that I really like being Dan...and the epic prank is supposed to end tomorrow but I'm not really sure if I'm ready to give up being Dan. I know that when I started this I said to myself: "I'm not a transgender and I probably never will be. This is only an epic prank on society to later use as evidence so I can go on a massive rant and prove a point." but now I don't feel like I can really say that to myself. I seriously like being Dan...I'm not sure if it's just that I like the fact that I'm epicly pranking people and they don't know it (because I do get a kick out of that) or if I really do like being Dan...but usually when I get a kick out of a prank I don't feel the way I have been lately. And's not that bad when I'm Dan...I don't get any dirty looks from people when I'm outsite like I normally would and it seems like my behavior is somewhat more acceptable and seems like the people I've met as Dan have been nicer to me than normal peoples usually would be to me. And I'm thinking now...maybe it's not my personality and sexuality that are off...maybe it's my gender...but...I dunno...that's what I'm thinking about. But...I know that if I were a transgender and stayed as Dan forever...Jenna would break up with me, when other people found out about me I found face constant persecution (because it seems like being a transgender is much less socially acceptable than being a lesbian) and I know both my parents would probably hate me. Oh would I even know that being Dan were the path that I'm supposed to take?! I've been Alicia for...well...since I was born...and everything has been pretty good I guess.'s not like I've ever had a problem with being a female or felt that something like that was "wrong". Oh Zeus...I'm still not sure. But...I think that I should just stay the way I am...I've been perfectly fine being Alicia for 15 years and I'm fine with that...I'm a tomboy and a lesbian...if people like that...well, so what? I'm sure if I were a transgender it would have been obvious and would have been obvious many years ago probably. Yeah...I think that's actually a good conclusion...that's what I've been thinking but seeing it all typed out makes it seem more official and stuff. :P I think I just am reluctant to give up being Dan because it was fun and I felt like I fit in more with society...not because I'm a transgender. Oh Zeus...that's good to know! But...I'm gonna talk this over with my parents a little sometime tonight or tomorrow. I know it's gonna be very awkward for them to talk about this...they probably never would have seen this coming. :P Well...I guess now that I have some stuff sorted out in my mind I should end this paragraph. Oh, and sorry if any of what I just said freaked you out a little...that's not what I'm meaning to do and if that did happen I'm very sorry.

Other than that...I haven't really been up to much today. :P I've just been at home most of the day online or watching TV and I don't have any plans for tonight. I haven't bothered to go outside as Dan...I don't wanna do that anymore...I don't think I should ever be Dan ever that I think about it...being Dan was almost like lying to was...and I hate lying...I was pretending to be something I'm not. Well...I don't really have much to say about today because I didn't do much. :P Tomorrow night Jenna and I are going to that carnival in Winthrop and I can't's gonna be so much fun! :D I know there's something else I plan to do tomorrow but I can't remember what it was...I just had it in my mind and now I forget it...oh well... :P I don't have much else to say in this blog and it's actually one of the shortest blogs I've made in a while...mainly because I just made a blog yesterday. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Still don't wanna put a name in's not guaranteed that Dan's going bye-bye forever yet. )

Blog #288 / I Wish I Never Did This Prank Now...

Before anything else...we're only 12 blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three. :D I haven't started coming up with a plotline yet...some other things have been keeping me busy. :P should be pretty easy...I have a main idea so far yet...I just need to write down some more detailed stuff. :P Lately I've been busy with practicing sharp scales on flute, studying Latin vocabulary, starting that website that I've mentioned on the Mighty B! forums before (yeah...I'm FINALLY working on it! :P ) and well...I have a lot of thinking I need to be doing now. So...I've been kinda busy...but I promise that the Random Game: Part Three will have an epic plot! :D paragraph... :P

The last time I made a blog was on Wednesday so I guess I should talk about how Thursday was... :P I didn't really do much and it wasn't my most productive day but my nana took me and my little brother out for a little while and we went to get some ice-cream. My nana lives in Winthrop and while we were driving to the ice-cream place I saw that there is a carnival in Winthrop (Winthrop is close to East Boston) and it will be there starting tonight at 6 and on the weekend starting at noon. :D I needs to take Jenna there if she's not busy for these next few days. :D Anyways...aside from that...nothing special really happened yesterday. :P I just worked on some stuff I've been working on and went outside for a little while as Dan ahd that's really about it. :P

Today it's the morning where I live and I actually just woke up a little while ago. :P I don't have any real plans for today...I'm gonna work on that website fora LONG time today...I'm giving myself a due date...I wanna get it up and running by Sunday before I go to bed. :D And when I'm not working on that website I'll go over my Latin vocabulary, practice my sharp scales on flute (they're gonna be a pain...double octave with random sharps...I HATE dealing with sharps...they're so uncommon on flute and piccolo...we usually deal with flats...but...I have a little trick that I'm sure most musicians know...something like D Sharp is the same thing as E Flat, etc... So...that will definately be a lot of help...THANK YOU CHROMATICS!!! :P ) and I needs to call Jenna and ask her if she's not too busy to go to the carnival with me on Saturday or Sunday. :D So...I have a pretty busy day ahead of me. :P I won't have any time to be screwing around as Dan today I guess... :P

The last thing I wanna mention before I end this blog is like I said I have a lot of thinking I needs to do...but it's mainly because of that epic prank that I began last week. I wish I never did it to begin with. What's bothering me is that now I kinda like being Dan's really wierd, I know...and I think that's actually managed to freak myself out a little. Before I even started the prank I said to myself: "No...I'm not a transgender and I probably never will be. This is just an epic prank on society and after it's over I'm going to use it to prove a point and go on a massive rant." but now I know that this entire thing needs to come to an end on Sunday night and well...I'm actually upset about that...why does it need to come to an end? Why must it stop on Sunday? Why can't I just stay Dan for the rest of my life? I would actually enjoy that. But then I'm thinking...what am I doing?! Why do I feel this way? I should just stay the way I am...if either of my parents knew that I were a transgender they would probably hate me for it and I know for a fact Jenna would break up with me. I'm a tomboy and a lesbian...I should just leave it at that...that's who I am. But...then again...maybe it's not my personality and my sexuality that are "wrong"...maybe it's my gender. Oh Zeus...I never thought I'd be thinking about this! I wish I never started this prank! I have a lot of thinking I need to do. can wait until I'm done with the website...that's my main priority at the moment. I don't have much else to say in this blog and I'mREALLY sorry if what I've just said in this paragraph has freaked you out at all...I'm sorry about that...I'm not trying to do that.Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Here is where I would put my name...but...right now...choosing one over the other seems I'll just not put either of my names here. )

Blog #287 / When Will I Be Able To Come Up With A Good Title Again? :P

I really hope I can come up with a title for my next blog...I hate making blogs that don't have a title so I justt make up stupid titles and I needs to have a good one soon. :P Well...I'm sure I'll eventually make a blog that has a good title. :D :P Oh, and before I forget...even though it's two days late...I hope that all of you had an AWETHUM Forth Of July...but I'm sure you all can you NOT enjoy the Forth Of July? :D :P The last time I made a blog was on Saturday night and now it's Wednesday morning where I live so I guess I have a somewhat long blog to make. :P paragraph... :P

On Sunday nothing special really happened. :P I just did stuff that I've been doing for my past few days of Summer Break and I spent a lot of time outside as Dan. I actually just went on a long walk and on the way back I stopped back by that coffee shop I've been to for the past few days and I actually didn't run into Jessica at was kinda wierd actually...I thought I would run into her again...but I'm glad I didn't. :P Oh, one really interesting thing did happen when I got back to my mom's place on Sunday afternoon actually. :P Well...when I came back to my dad's place at around 5 so he could take me and my little brother to our mom's place, I was still Dan...and I figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal and if I stayed Dan when I came home my mom's friends (I knew they were coming over...they haven't for a while...they've probably been too busy being dumb, snobby, homophobic jerks and were scared of coming over and seeing me. And I'm sure they've been mean to my mom because of me...which I actually feel somewhat bad about. ) were already over and well...they got to see Dan! :twisted: :P It was pretty interesting...they didn't even bother to ask me what I was of them just said something to my mom along the lines of: "Great. First your daughter was a tomboy, then a lesbian, and now she's a transgender! Why is this freak always up to something she shouldn't be?!". Of course then I knew they didn't know it was a prank and legit thought I was a my mom's "friends" are such jerks...I decided to play along with it and annoy the heck out of them! :twisted: :P After about an hour they had left because they had apparently had enough of me. :lol: :P I was glad I did what I did to be mom's "friends" are jerks and they immediately thought that I was a transgender and didn't bother to ask me...they just went on an assumption...which is stupid if you ask me...I have a wierd mind...I could be thinking and doing anything. :lol: :P After that the rest of the night was normal...but I did try convincing my mom to get some better friends than those jerks...she seemed to be listening to me...even if she tried to come off like she weren't listening to me.I hope it worked...mainly for her sake... :P Next paragraph. :P

Monday was the Forth Of July and I honestly had an AWETHUM time! :D We went to my great-grandmother's house (She's doing quite well if you're wondering) and it was pretty much like a giant party if you ask me...we could go anywhere in the house or go in the backyard or the patio or anywhere we wanted to. :P It was pretty fun...and because I could go anywhere I wanted to...I didn't really run into any of the snobby adults in my family. :D :P Oh, and during this entire time I was NOT Dan...I wasn't planning on being Dan for the 4th Of July and if I was mom would have probably wanted to kill me. :lol: :P Oh, one thing that was kinda bothering me when I was at my great-grandmother's house was that I wasn't sure if I had already told my older cousin about my sexuality yet...I was pretty sure I had but I couldn't recall doing so. :P So...during around noon I brought her into one of the small side rooms in the house that no one uses or goes into for anything and told her. She seemed like she had never known this (she did seem surprised) and actually seemed a little angry at me. She went outside for a little while...probably into the backyard...and then she came back where I was and said: "This is how I deal with homosexual freaks like you!" and then she picked me up, went outside, and threw me in a mud puddle in the backyard. :P She actually had me really nervous there for a while...I thought she was actually angry with me somehow. :lol: :P My older cousin said that she seriously didn't care if I am a lesbian and all that matters is that I'm still the same person she's always known. :D And then she told me that she had already known that I was a lesbian anyways and just wanted to mess with me. :P After that we went back into the house and I took a quick shower and got changed into a spare change of clothes that I brought (I'm not an idiot...I always bring at least two spare changes of clothes to the 4th of July. :P ) and then went on with my day. :P Oh, and I did find out a little something more about myself...when I went out on the patio my mom and nana and a few other family members were up there and my mom and nana were telling stories of me when I was a baby...oh Zeus...I hate it when adults do that... :P nana told me to stay for a little while because there was one story that she actually thought I would like to hear. So I stayed up there for a little while. :P I found out that when I was a baby (even when I had just been born) I was apparently very focused and I loved it when people would read to me (I would apparently point at every word and want someone to repeat it to me and then say it back to myself a lot). I also was talking earlier than most babies would be talking and I took WAY longer to start walking than most babies. :P I guess that reveals a lot about myself right off the bat...I was more mentally developed than physically developed (I'm still more brains than brawn...WAY more brains than brawn actually. :P ) and when I get into something I'm pretty much hyper focused on it and like to learn. And a few of my nana's friends apparently said when I was a baby that I would grow up to be ridiculously smart (I don't get how early speech and delayed walking and being hyper-focused on certain things is a true sign of it...or if it even is a sign though...I should Google it or something... :P ) and that turned out to be true. :P Kinda wierd if you ask me...I was even a freakish brainiac baby! :lol: :P Anyways, later that night we went to watch the fireworks and they were AWETHUM. :D That's all I haveta really say about that paragraph... :P

Yesterday wasn't really that special. :P I slept in for a while...until about 10 I think. :P And then I just studied some Latin vocabulary, practiced the flute, took a shower, went on this site, and other stuff that Ihave been doing lately. :P I actually finished writing my song yesterday and the lyrics are AWETHUM if you ask me...although some people might find them somewhat offensive so I won't post them on this site unless some peoples actually ask me. :P I spent some time outside but I was actually Dan all day...I decided I might as well also stay Dan at's not a big deal...and I honestly like being Dan...hopefully nothing is wrong with that... :P Oh Zeus...there probably is something wrong with that's not that big of a deal and well...if people think I'm a freak...they can continue to think that. :P Other than that, I didn't really do anything that special and I had a nice, somewhat productive day. :D :P

Today it's the morning where I live and I don't really have any plans for today. :P I doubt I'll be Dan for the entire day...and I know I won't be Dan when I call Jenna today. :P Maybe we can do something today...I haven't been over her house or went on a date with her for a few days. :D Yeah...that sounds like a good idea...I'll call her later today at around noon. :D And in the meantime I'll just practice the flute, study Latin vocabulary, and relax. :P Wow...I actually had a good idea for once in my life. :lol: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #286 / Can't Come Up With A Title For This Blog... :P

I know I just made a blog yesterday but I got kinda bored and I feel like making another one for the heck of it. :P Sorry I couldn't really come up with a title for this blog...I literally spent five minutes trying to come up with one while listening to Iced Earth music but I couldn't come up with anything. :P So...sorry about that...hehe. :P Anyways...I think that for my 300th blog I'll start the third part of the Random Game (you know...that stupid thing I made up where I tell you parts of a story and ask you questions and stuff and you get points and then the winner gets absolutely nothing? :P ) and I'll call it...The Random Game: Part Three...yeah...I's just SO CREATIVE. :lol: :P But...if you have any other ideas or something you would rather have me do instead, you can just say that when you comment on this blog or PM me or something. :D :P That's all I really haveta say in this paragraph. :P

Oh Zeus...I just found another AWETHUM Iced Earth song and I'm ridiculously happy about that! :D :P It's called "Slave To The Dark"'s the link for it on YouTube if you actually wanna listen to's should...come know you want to! :twisted: :P Here's the link for it: would never make you listen to it if you didn't wanna...that's not how I act...but...LISTEN TO IT OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P's thrash/power metal...I doubt you'd like it...don't listen to it if you're not a metalhead like me. :lol: :P I know this song will give me some ridiculously scary nightmare tonight. :P Oh well... :P Next paragraph. :P

Now I guess I'll get to today since I just made a blog yesterday. :P Today was pretty good actually. :D I woke up at like 10 (THAT'S sleeping in for me. :P ) and then I just practiced the flute, studied some Latin vocabulary, and then I did nothing productive for a while. :P My little brother was visiting a friend's house so I had the entire place to myself all day. :D :P Jenna came over at around 2:30 (a little past that time if I remember right. :P )...we didn't really do anything special for a while, just watching some TV and talking about random stuff. :P (Oh Zeus...I just found a song MORE EPIC than "Slave To The Dark" called "Violate"...THIS will be what gives me that nightmare tonight! :D :P) Then at around 4:30...well...that game of truth or dare on Saturday night came back to haunt her. :twisted: :P But...before we even went into the backyard, I told Jenna that she didn't haveta play in the mud with me if she didn't wanna (I could never force that upon anyone...especially not her) but she said that she didn't really mind and would do it anyways. I was actually surprised by that...I mean...I know that Jenna isn't a girly-girl but surprised me. :P So...yeah...then we played in the mud and went inside and got cleaned up. :P Oh, and Jenna did say that it wasn't as bad as she thought it would's good...kinda sorta...I guess. :P I doubt I could get her to ever do that again and I won't try to. :P Jenna's mom came to pick her up at around 6:00 and shortly after that my dad came to pick me up. In the meantime I got dressed up as Dan and packed up my stuff. After I got to my dad's place and unpacked my stuff,I left and went on a walk back to the coffee shop I've gone to for the past two days, as Dan. But...I'll get into detail about that in the next paragraph. :P Then I came home at around 8:30 and now I'm on this site, making a blog, and I'm not Dan anymore in case you're wondering. :P

Now I guess I'll tell you how my epic prank as Dan is going. :P You already know how the first day went, I felt like I was fitting in much better and I didn't get any wierd glances when I would walk around and some crazy slattern girl gave me her phone number. :P Yesterday I did pretty much the same thing that I did on Wednesday and the same thing happened. :P Only, that girl was at the coffee shop again and she was talking to me and saying that we should go on a date and stuff...she actually made me feel uncomfortable to be honest...she was too crazy and seemed to like me a bit too much...I'm sure part of it was knowing that she was straight and knowing that she thinks I'm Dan. :P Oh, I did find out her's Jessica. I'd rather not think about her at the moment though...just the thought creeps me out a little. :P After a little while I said that I had to leave and go help out my mom with something and left. Today I spent some time outside as Dan, but I didn't go back to that coffee shop, I didn't wanna run into Jessica again. :P Nothing special really happened as Dan today. :P For the next few days I plan to spend more time outside as Dan. Oh, and I plan on calling Jessica and telling her that I already have a girlfriend (which really isn't a lie when you think about it...I DO have a girlfriend, I'm just a lesbian. :P ) and hopefully then she'll leave me alone...that is...if I run into her again. :P Maybe if I tell her it'll be safe for me to go back to the coffee shop. :P I don't have much else to say about this epic prank... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I think I'm gonna go to bed's kinda late where I live and I'm starting to get a little tired. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)