Well...now we're only five blogs away from The Random Game: Part Three and I still can't wait for it to start! :D :P It's gonna be AWETHUM...the plotline is epic...and the villian in the entire story is like...the most AWETHUM person ever! :D :P If you don't know who the villian in the story will be...I shall describe that person for you. :P Okay...the villian in the story is someone you know on this site, loves metal and deathcore (so...that would make her/him a total metalhead or headbanger or whatever you wanna call someone who loves metal. :P ) , is a lesbian, wears glasses, goes to Boston Latin School, plays the flute, knows Latin and Italian, tortures her parents, and...a bunch of other stuff. :P Wait...that sounds a lot like me. :P No...it couldn't possibly be me! :twisted: :P I hope you figured it out by now or you shall perish! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P
Now...getting to the second part of the title...what I said is a question and it is kinda bothering me now. This morning when I went on tv.com I logged into my account but then by around 10 I couldn't log into my account anymore for some odd reason. And I've been trying to do so at different times during the day so far and I just tried to a few minutes ago but I can't seem to log into my tv.com account. It's really annoying...and I've tried to on different internet browsers and stuff too but it hasn't worked. Oh, but when I try to log into my old account as MightyBFan2500 (the one I got banned on for being a troublemaker. :P ) I can log into it perfectly fine. It's just really bothering me and I know it hasn't even been a day yet but...I really like tv.com and I'm just hoping it's a stupid glitch or something...because this actually has happened to me a week or two ago as well. I'm hoping this glitch or whatever it isis fixed by tomorrow so I can go back on the forums and answer my PM's and whatnot. Oh, and if you wanna know how the heck I'm actually on this site...I'm logged onto my gamespot account which is linked to my tv.com account. :P I learned that little trick when I first got suspended on my old account. :lol: :P Now that I think about it...the first time I got suspended on tv.com...Girlygirl24 had gotten suspended as well...I guess we got a bunch of TOS's for being off topic on the Mighty B! forums or something. :P Oh well... :P Oh, and if any of you peoples have any idea why I can't log into my account on tv.com at the moment or know how to fix it or are experiencing the same problem I'd really appreciate it if you told me. :D Oh, and that reminds me, if any of you are wondering why I haven't or might not answer any PM's or go on the forums...it's because I need to be on tv.com to do that and at the moment I can't seem to log onto my tv.com account. So I truly apologize for that and I hope you don't mind too much.
Aside from being annoyed by the fact that I cannot log onto tv.com at the moment...today's been pretty good. :D :P I didn't really do much...I just practiced the flute for a while, studied Latin vocabulary, took a shower...and that's about it for productiveness. :P Other than that I've just been watching tv, online, playing video games, blasting metal music, etc... :P I'm at my dad's place and since I've been here I've been going out of my way to annoy him so much because I don't like him that much anymore! :twisted: :P And I plan to annoy him to death ALL WEEKEND LONG!!! :twisted: :P So...that means...lots of cynical pranks, lots of remarks that a flaming homosexual should be making (THAT should be fun! :twisted: :P ) , lots of blasting metal music either on my radio, the tv, or the computer, I'm going to completely trash the place, and...some other stuff. :twisted: :P Oh, and I'm hoping that my dad can see Jenna and I kiss (I'll tell Jenna about it...she'd like to annoy my dad probably. :P ) ...and that and the remarks that basically scream "I'm a lesbian" are to annoy him...but also to see if he's actually fine with knowing that his daughter is a lesbian! :twisted: :P I know my dad's been tolerating it but I wanna know if he can actually accept it...and I can tell if he seems disgusted by any of it or if he hates me really easily...I can read peoples' expressions quite well actually...dunno why though. :P So...that's all I've done today and this is my AWETHUMLY Satanic plan for this weekend! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P
RANDOM QUESTION: Oh, today one of my friends on this site did send me a PM and said that there was this quote and when he heard it...it apparently reminded him of me for some reason. :P Now...what is that quote...I guess I'll say it. :P The quote is: "Heaven doesn't want me and Hell is afraid I might take over"...or something very similar to that...I can't be certain though since I can't log into tv.com at the moment and check my message box. :P So...I found that quote very interesting...and I have never heard it before. I guess it would somewhat apply to me...when I die I won't go to Heaven...and that's for a fact...so I'd go to Hell...but...I could seriously picture myself taking over all of Hell...and I'm sure Hades wouldn't like that too much. :lol: :P Okay...getting to an actual question now...do you think this quote applies to me at all? And don't say "no" just to be nice...I'd rather you be brutally honest with me and be like "Yeah...it does apply to you." if that's what you really think. :P And I won't take any offense if you say that. :P I'm just curious and would appreciate an answer. :P
SECOND RANDOM QUESTION: I actually have an idea for a blog that I might make before the Random Game: Part Three begins...so it would be Blog #299 probably. :P I was thinking that I could make a blog that's just total stream of conciousness...which means that I'll just honestly type whatever the heck pops into my mind as I'm making the blog. :P So...that will make for a ridiculously long blog about absolutely nothing...but I think it would be kinda interesting...you'd get to see what the heck actually goes through my mind. :P My question is what you think about something like that? If you don't like the idea you can just say so and I won't bother with that. :P Maybe my mind is too dark and scary and complex for all of you anyways. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P
RANDOM REQUEST: LISTEN TO THIS SONG OR PERISH!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P It's called "Distorted Lives" by Testament, from their album Demonic. :P Here's the link for it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CKiMfoJebo I LOVE this song...it's so heavy...it's definately a mix of thrash/heavy metal with such a strong downbeat and such epicly disturbing lyrics and the singing gives it an almost deathcore-like sound. :D :P Of course...I guess you haveta bea real metalhead/headbanger to appreciate this kinda music. :lol: :P
I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I hope I can log into my tv.com account again soon...I REALLY wanna get back on the forums and answer my PM's and stuff. :P Hopefully this glitch or whatever it is will be fixed by tomorrow. :D That reminds me...I wanna go play in the mud and get filthy...I haven't done that for a while. :P I guess I'll do that tomorrow...it's kinda late where I live...and I already took a bath (I took a shower...I don't take baths anymore...but for me the two words are interchangeable. :P ) earlier today and I don't feel like taking two baths in one day. :P And I REALLY wanna get out of the house and spend some time with Jenna if she's not too busy tomorrow...I'll call her tonight and ask her if she wants to do anything with me tomorrow. :D Oh, that reminds me...I FINALLY found a metal band that has a female lead singer called Clandenstine! :D LISTEN TO THEM ON YOUTUBE OR SOMETHING...THE BAND IS EPIC!!!!! :D :P Here's a link for one of there songs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKAsBU74Icc I doubt Jenna would like this band...she doesn't like metal so she's not too fond of any of my music for the most part...but I'll ask her to listen to Clandenstine...maybe she'll like them. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
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