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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #305 / RG3 Continues / Right Now I Feel Absolutely Terrible...

I'll tell you all why I feel so terrible soon. But...right now I'm just going to fake being in a good mood so I don't make anyone who reads this blog depressed or something...I wouldn't wish what I feel upon my worst enemy...yeah...that's how bad I feel right now. So...for most of this blog I shall fake being in a good mood for your sake and then towards the end of the blog I'll tell you why I feel absolutely terrible. Let's just say that Dan didn't completely go bye-bye but I want him to...and last night I couldn't really go to sleep so...I did something I'm honestly not proud of. I told my mom about it...I hope she doesn't make me see a therapist or something. this blog I'll take care of all the Random Game: Part Three crap and then I'll talk about yesterday a little...and then I'll get to why I feel like crap. I don't even want to listen to metal...I'm listening to some non-metal crap on my iPod that's rather depressing. I know I should stop listening to it but I can't help it. Well...let's get on with this blog...and I'm sorry I'm ridiculously upset at the moment. my last blog I had five questions and they were worth a total of 8 points. I guess I should tell you the right answers and criticize all the wrong ones.

1.) What is my favorite metal band ever?

A.) Testament (This band is of the best thrash metal bands I've ever heard in my entire's not the best band I've ever heard. :P )

B.) I The Breather(LOVE THIS BAND as well...but...I prefer more of a thrash/power metal sound...they're more heavy/death metal...they're amazing and I love this band...but they're not the best band I've ever heard. :P )

C.) Iced Earth (ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! :twisted: :P This band reigns supreme in my sick and twisted mind! :twisted: :P This is the right answer. :P I hope you got this right...when I talk about metal I believe I mostly talk about Iced Earth and how epic Barlow's highs are and stuff. :P )

D.) Metallica ( no...Metallica is a good metal band but in my mind they're kinda weak and they're not even close to the greatness that is Iced Earth. :P Besides...they were around during the 80's...that's old. :P )

So for this question C was the right favorite metal band EVER is Iced Earth! :twisted: :P I'll update the scoreboard at the end of all this stuff. :P

2.) What subject am I best at in school?

A.) History (WHAT?!?!?! :P Hell no! :P I SUCK at's my worst subject! :P )

B.) Math (This is the right answer. :P I'm amazing at Latin and Science too but I'm primarily a math geek and I'm absolutely in love with math. :P )

C.) Latin (I'm a Latin geek too but...I get A's in Latin...I get A+'s in Math. :P So there...this answer is wrong. :P )

D.) Science (Same as the comment about Latin. :P I get A's in Science...I get A+'s in Math. :P )

So I'm best at math...I'm a math geek. :P B was the right answer. :P

3.) What is my new favorite number?

A.) 666 (Key word here is "new"...meaning it's within the context of the story and not my actual personal preference. :P In this story I'm evil and I could possibly be working for Satan...of course I'm gonna be in love with the number 666. :P )

B.) 25 (This is my legit favorite number...but in the story 666 is my favorite number. :P So there! :P )

C.) 2500 (This is my legit second favorite number...but 666 is my favorite number in the story because I'm evil. :P )

D.) Phi (If you don't know what Phi is...Google it. :P ) (LOVE THIS NUMBER!!!!! :P This number represents the physical manifestation of Satan! :twisted: :P Phi is roughly equal to 1.618...but...I prefer rational numbers to irrational numbers...although this is my favorite irrational beats e and pi. :P )

So for this question A was the right answer. :P You know...making this blog is putting me in a bettermood actually. I still feel like crap but for a few moments I forgot about it.

4.) What is the best metal song ever?

A.) Distorted Lives (This song is's a mix of heavy/thrash metal with a strong downbeat and an almost deathcore-like's not the most epic metal song ever. :P )

B.) Something Wicked, Part Three (Haha, I put this here to throw you all off! :twisted: :P You might think this is the right answer...but it isn't! :twisted: :P There's something better than this! :P )

C.) Coming Curse (I love this song too...more metal bands needs Egyptian-themed songs. :P But...this doesn't beat the most epic metal song ever. :P )

D.) Forgiven (This is I The Breather at their's not the best metal song ever. :P

E.) None of the above. (If you answer this you need to give me your alternative answer for this question.) (This is the right answer! :twisted: :P And this question was worth 2 points...that's where that hidden point's because it had two parts. :P The most epic metal song ever is "Dante's Inferno" by Iced Earth. :P )

So E was the right answer...but to get both points you needed to tell me the real best metal song ever, which is's 16 minutes and 30 seconds of sheer epicness provided by the most epic metal band ever, ICED EARTH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm feeling a little better as I type this blog. :P

5.) What will I be doing after you take this quiz?

A.) Giving you a prize. (I will be giving you a prize...but this isn't the right answer... :twisted: :P )

B.) Sending you to Hell. (I will be sending you to Hell...but this isn't the right answer... :twisted: :P )

C.) Blasting metal. (I will be blasting metal...but this isn't the right answer... :twisted: :P )

D.) Playing in the mud. (I will be playing in the mud...but this isn't the right answer... :twisted: :P )

E.) All of the above. (This shoulda been obvious. :P I'm doing all those things! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Although...I'm most serious about doing B and D. :twisted: :P )

So E was the right answer for this question. :P And now I shall update the leaderboard...keep in mind that question 4 was worth two points...and if you got all the letter answers right you got 2 bonus you coulda gotten up to 8 points...but no one did. :P Oh, and Speckledorfed got my Epicly Cynical Question right...she left out two things that I wanted someone to know but...I'm just surprised someone actually knew what the heck a dodecahedron was so I don't care...I'm adding 6 points anyways. :P In case you wanna know...a dodecahedron is a 3-dimensional geometric figure that has twelve faces, each face has five sides and forms a pentagram. has a correlation to Satanism...but I won't bother to get into that. :P Now I shall update the scoreboard thingy. :P

Larxenerabbit:9 Points (I know you didn'te answer every question but you said you knew the last one was E so you needs to get a point. :P )

Girlygirl24: 10Points (I'm surprised you didn't answer my Epicly Cynical Question...I thought wizards were familiar with the concept of a dodecahedron. :P )

Speckledorfed:9 Points (Just curious but did you Google what a dodecahedron is or did you legit know what it was? :P )

Spongegirl1029: 1 Point

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point (I think I'm gonna change around my answers in future questions so C isn't the right answer at all anymore. :P Kidding. :P )

So there...that's the scoreboard and the right answers to previous questions and crap. :P Now for the next part of the story... :P It's time for Part Six of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P

You answer all of MightyBFan25's multiple choice questions correctly. MightyBFan25 walks closer towards you, still holding her pitchfork. You begin to get nervous, not knowing what she will do next. What if she is angered that you answered all her questions correctly? What if she decides to kill you anyways?

MightyBFan25 says, " managed to answer all my questions...I guess you really do know a lot about me. I think you know too much about me. You claim you know nothing of my master plan...butI cannot risk anyone finding out about it! you want to know what your prize is?!"

You answer, "Uh...yeah...I would like to know what I've won for answering all these questions correctly. What did I win?"

MightyBFan25 pauses for a moment and mumbles something in a language you can't understand. Maybe it's Latin?

Then MightyBFan25 stops talking in what you believe is Latin and says, "You really want to know what your prize is?! Hahahahahah!!! It's a one-way trip TO HELL!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

You try to run away, but MightyBFan25 stops you from doing that by putting her pitchfork against your throat. You feel that it is made of some kind of metal, and it's really sharp and would definately kill you. Now you realize that MightyBFan25 has no good intentions! She's planning something sinister, and you need to stop her!

MightyBFan25 says, "Now...foolish mortal, stay right there! You will be awarded your prize six six!"

Suddenly a portal to Hell appears right behind you! MightyBFan25 pushes you inside it with her pitchfork! Then you hear her say something in Latin and the portal're trapped in Hell! You suddenly black out...


MightyBFan25 goes back to her office and starts blasting Iced Earth music. Her publicist walks into the room in the middle of a conversation on the phone.

She asks, "Emperor Of Ze World, can you please lower the volume on your radio? I'm in the middle of a conversation trying to secure you that interview with a news crew."

MightyBFan25 lowers the volume on her radio. A few moments later her publicist finishes her conversation on the phone and says, "Emperor Of Ze World, you have an interview to go to downtown in a few hours."

MightyBFan25 answers, "Yeah yeah...more interviews. How fun!"

Her publicist responds, "I know you don't like interviews...I'm sorry about that. Oh, and you need to get your hair done before you go to this interview."

MightyBFan25 says, "WHAT?!?!?! I don't want my hair done! hair's getting kinda long...I haven't gotten it cut in a while..."

Her publicist says, "Come're a teenage girl. I would think you'd actaully like to look nice for once in your life."

MightyBFan25 responds, "You dare address the Emperor Of Ze World in this manner?! You're not my mother! That's it! Let me tell you something...I'm not going to this stupid interview...I'm getting my long hair CUT OFF...and I wish to play in the mud!!!"

MightyBFan25's publicist says, "I'm sorry...but as your publicist I want what's best for you. Please...just go to the interview though. You can get your hair cut if that's what you really want...and you can play in the mud. Just go to the interview!"

MightyBFan25 says, "Perfect! Now I need to somehow set up a mud pit in my office...I'll get to that now. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Exactly 6 hours, 6 minutes, and 6 seconds after MightyBFan25 pushed you into the portal to Hell and you blacked out, you awake from a deep slumber and find yourself in a dark forest. You're somewhat scared. Then you question if this is what Hell really is. You need to get out of here somehow. What will you do?

A.) I'm just gonna wait here until there is some form of divine intervention.

B.) I'm gonna come up with a plan to kill that freak, MightyBFan25!

C.) Hmmmmm.....MightyBFan25's sword is here for some odd reason. Maybe I should use it to commit suicide if I'm not already dead...

D.) I'll just wander around here for a while. *looks around* Ooh, a squirrel! No...I don't have ADD...I can focus! :P

So just choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Now I should get to my life I guess... Now depression will slowly settle back in... Well...yesterday was pretty good...I did some productive stuff...and other than that I cleared my mind a little bit, I got to see the new Degrassi episode with Jenna, and I got to play in the mud. :twisted: :P was a pretty good day. :P But...that mind was racing and I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if Dan ever took over...if Alicia went farewell forever. I'm honestly scared...I know nothing would change with everyone around me...but...I would change forever...and I'm scared...Dan is part of me...a part I never want to see again. I am afraid of him...I'm afraid of part of myself... Last night I felt that maybe I could get rid of Dan...or scare him I dressed up as Dan...and I took this pocket knife I have...and...oh Zeus...I can't believe I did this... And now I'm starting to get teary eyed...I don't want to cry at the moment. I'm such an idiot! I'm letting Dan take over...he's getting to me! Well...I hate to say this and I'm not proud of this at all and I can't believe I did this but last night I dressed up as Dan and took this pocket knife I have...and I cut myself...multiple times. I was trying to destroy Dan...or at least scare him away...I'm scared of Dan...I don't want to be Dan...I want him to leave me alone! This morning I woke up early and told my mom about first she didn't believe me...and then I showed her the she probably thinks I'm crazy and need therapy. Oh Zeus...I'm such an idiot...I'm letting Dan win...he's controlling me...he made me do this! No...he's not part of me...I did this because I'm an idiot! Oh Zeus...I'm so sorry about this...I'm apologizing to myself (wether that be Alicia or Dan), and I'm apologizing to all of you. I already apologized to my mom...and I told Jenna about this too...she's coming over later today to make sure I'm okay. Oh Zeus...she's so nice and such a great girlfriend...I don't deserve her! I'm a freak! I don't even know if I'm a guy or a girl and I'm physically hurting myself! Later today when my mom comes home from work she's gonna take anything I could possibly hurt myself with (like knives and lighters and matches) and is locking them up somewhere in the house. That's probably for the best...I don't want to hurt myself...I didn't want to while I was doing it...and it was all so misguided. I think until Jenna comes over I'm gonna listen to more depressing music and cry in my bedroom. I should throw away my pocket knife so I can't use it to harm myself ever again. I don't have much else to say in this blog...and I'm so sorry for all of this. I'm such an idiot...I'm a freak...I don't deserve to live! I want to hurt myself! If there is a "God"...I think I was a mistake...I'm a freak and I don't deserve to live! Oh I'm crying... I need to end this blog...I'm so sorry about all of this. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I'd put in a name...but...I just can't...I don't even know if I'm Alicia or Dan right now...)

EDIT: I would make a new blog but at the moment I don't really feel like doing that. :P So...I'm just gonna put an edit in this blog to save myself some time because there's only one thing I really want to say...and that will probably take forever...but...whatever. :P So...on Monday night I had dressed up as Dan and I cut myself in hope of destroying him. At the time it seemed like a good idea.I was somewhat scared of Dan...that he might take over someday. I was worried that if he were to take over everything would change...and I'm somewhat scared of change. Yesterday after talking to my mom and Jenna and a few of my friends from BLS...and all of you for that matter...I realized how wrong what I did was. I even knew while I was cutting myself that it was wrong and I shouldn't have been doing it...but I really thought I could destroy Dan. And...after the reactions I got from everyone when I told them about this...I could tell they were shocked...and somewhat upset...and then I realized that I had not only hurt myself or Dan...I had hurt everyone who cares about me...and I didn't want to do that. I guess at the time it seemed like a good idea because I was scared of Dan...I kept all my fear of him taking over inside me. was wrong and I was being so stupid. I'm so sorry for this entire thing...I didn't want to upset anyone when I did that. I shouldn't have done it...the entire thing was so misguided. I'm just really sorry for this all and I hope that I can be trusted again and that things can go back to normal. While I was talking to everyone close to me about what happened...I realized that if Dan did take over...nothing would really change aside from my gender...and with that I would be I guess my sexuality would change too. But other than that...not much would change. And I realized that Dan has pretty much everything in common with me...Dan is a part of me...not a crazed alter-ego...and if he's part of matter how muchI might not like it...I need to accept it and face my fear. He might take over someday...and that's okay...I'll still be myself no matter what. :D So...where do I go from here? I think I need to earn back my parents' trust, make sure my mom doesn't think I need therapy, apologize to everyone I Know for the emotional turmoil I put them through...and then I want to put this whole thing behind me and move on. Hopefully as time goes on I can accept Dan as a part of me...well...I already accept that he's part of me...I need to accept the fact that he might someday take over...but it's okay because nothing will really change. I think I can do that KNOW I can do that eventually. :D So...gaining my parents' trust will take a long time...and it will be a slow process...but right now I need to apologize to everyone I know for tihs...and I need to cope with the fact that Dan is a part of me and could take over in a better way that hurting myself. And hopefully the cuts on my arms will heal soon...if any of them leave a scar it would be a reminder of how stupid I was. :P I should call all my friends from BLS and apologize to them for this...I already apologized to my parents. I forget if I already apologized to all of I haven't...I'm really sorry for putting you through this...I shouldn't have cut myself...I should've dealt with things in a better manner. After I apologize to my friends from BLS...I need to apologize to Jenna...when she came over yesterday I actually didn't apologize to her...I feel like such a jerk for not doing that. I'll go over her place later today and apologize. I hope she doesn't hate me for this...but...I don't think she will...Jenna's not the kind of person to hate someone for something like that. Of course...if I ever EVER cut myself again...THEN she'd want to kill me! :P Well...I should get to those phone calls... And then I want to go in my room and blast metal...and maybe later today I should go play in the mud...I wanted to do that yesterday but I was too upset to do that. :P I guess for me this was an all time low...this is the worst thing I've ever done...and even though it might not seem THAT really is...I'll never let anything like this happen again...I'm going to fix things and get better at dealing with Dan. :D I still feel terrible because of this whole thing...I hope I can forget about it soon. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I can't put in a name but...I guess it's not a real problem. )

Blog #304 / RG3 Continues / A Confession I Need To Make...

Well...before I go anywhere with this blog...there's a confession I need to's something that's been bothering me for a while and I realized that I should just tell you in a blog and hopefully you won't all hate me for it. already know a lot about know I'm a know I'm a know that I live in Boston, know that I go to know that my parents are know I'm know I'm addicted to even know that I'm somewhat scared that I might be a transgender know I've chosen not to have anything to do with religion...but...that not having anything to do with any form of religion...that's something I used to cover up for what I'm about to tell you. I actaully do follow a form of religion...I worship Satan...I'm a devil-worshipper. I've kept this hidden from my parents because they're both somewhat religious but they'll probably eventually find out about this...especially when they find out that I've been gone all day. Later today I need to go and preform the sacred rites at our is Lammas Day, one of the holidays we celebrate. So...I won't be online too much. I'm sorry I lied to you peoples by saying that I didn't follow any religion and had nothing to do with it anymore...I didn't want to tell you what I am a devil-worshipper...I was worried you might all hate me for it because all religious people seem to think negatively of it. I don't know why though...people worship "God" and think nothing of it...why is it so bad if I worship Satan?! So...I do have something to do with religion...I'm a devil-worshipper. I hope you all don't hate me for this. I should get on with my blog......

Before anything else...hahahah, I'm almost certain you fell for this! :lol: :P I got this idea during another conversation with someone on this site and I just had to do this! :lol: :P I'm sorry...I couldn't help it. :P All that stuff I said in my first paragraph about being a devil-worshipper isn't true. :P I really have nothing to do with religion. :P I mean...devil-worship DOES sound fascinating but I promised myself I'd never have anything to do with religion for the rest of my life a while ago and I don't feel like breaking that promise and contributing to more barbaric crap like the Crusades. :P Sorry about the prank...I just couldn't help myself. :lol: :P And I bet you all fell for it...I'm sure you wouldn't find it surprising if I did worship Satan. :lol: :P I should get on with all the Random Game: Part Three crap...and then I wanna ask my Epicly Cynical Question again...and then I shall talk about my life. :P Sorry about that prank...if you fell for it...and if you didn't...sorry I wasted your time. :lol: :P

Now...getting to THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P So...first I'll tell you the right answer to my previous question and criticize all the wrong answers. :P

A.) I'm gonna run away...MightyBFan25's crazy and evil...she'll probably kill me with that pitchfork! (This answer is WRONG!!! :P If you try to run away MightyBFan25 will know that you're up to something and kill you with the pitchfork...she is a fast runner. :P )

B.) I'm gonna turn off that horrible Iced Earth music right now! (Uh...what?! :P If you chose this answer HOW DARE YOU TURN OFF INFERNO!!! :twisted: :P For that YOU SHALL PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P This answer is WRONG...if you turned off the music MightyBFan25 would probably kill you. :P )

C.) I'm gonna take out a knife and stab MightyBFan25. (This answer is WRONG!!! :P First of all...I don't feel like being stabbed. :P And second...I haven't done anything wrong yet...if you killed me you'd be put in jail. :P )

D.) I'm gonna stay and talk to MightyBFan25. Hopefully she didn't see me spying on her... (This is the right answer...mainly because it's the only one that doesn't involve immediate death or getting put in jail. :P )

So...D was the right answer. :P And now I shall update the scoreboard thing. :P And I think I'll rearrange the names just so you know who has the most points and crap. :P

Larxenerabbit: 8 Points

Girlygirl24: 7 Points

Speckledorfed: 1 Point

Spongegirl1029: 1 Point.

Yay...peoples are actually getting points. :P Now for the bonus question from my blog that no one answered. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is a dodecahedron? Be very specific OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...if you leave out something you won't get all 6'll probably get 4 or 5. :P So...if you get this right you'll get 6 points. :P I just want you to tell me what it is, how many faces it has, how many sides each face has, and how it relates to Satanism. :P I read it ina was in the same chapter with the "Cube Of Truth" and the isoahedron. :P

Now...time for Part Five of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE. :P Here it is... :P

You decide to stay and talk to MightyBFan25 as she approaches you. She pretends to ignore the fact that you were spying on her and goes on a walk with you. You decide it would be best not to ask her too many questions.

MightyBFan25 asks, "By the way, what did you see in my office? I know you were looking inside it."

You answer, "Nothing. Just some computer monitors and the strange clothes you're wearing right now. And I know you were blaring metal in your office."

MightyBFan25 says, "Good. You don't know anything of my master plan. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 continues walking with you and then stops you for a moment to say, "You know...we've known each other for a while. I want to ask you five questions about myself. If you get them right you win a prize!"

So MightyBFan25 begins asking you these five multiple choice questions. How will you answer them? You know it's crucial to answer correctly...if you don't, MightyBFan25 might kill you! Here are the questions. Answer them accordingly.

1.) What is my favorite metal band ever?

A.) Testament

B.) I The Breather

C.) Iced Earth

D.) Metallica

2.) What subject am I best at in school?

A.) History

B.) Math

C.) Latin

D.) Science

3.) What is my new favorite number?

A.) 666

B.) 25

C.) 2500

D.) Phi (If you don't know what Phi is...Google it. :P )

4.) What is the best metal song ever?

A.) Distorted Lives

B.) Something Wicked, Part Three

C.) Coming Curse

D.) Forgiven

E.) None of the above. (If you answer this you need to give me your alternative answer for this question.)

5.) What will I be doing after you take this quiz?

A.) Giving youa prize.

B.) Sending you to Hell.

C.) Blasting metal.

D.) Playing in the mud.

E.) All of the above.

So...please answer all these questions when you comment on this blog. :P This is the perfect opportunity to get 8 points...1 for each letter answer, and if you get them all right you get 2 bonus points. That makes 7 points...the last one...well...I'm not telling you how you get that one! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P That is actually a hint though...there's a hidden point that you can earn and I'm NOT telling you how to get it. :P It must mean something. :P're all smarticle peoples...I know you can figure it out. :P

Now I shall talk about my life. :P Well...I just made ablog yesterday so there's not too much to talk about but what I do have to talk about is actually somewhat interesting. :P Well...I met Jessica at that coffee shop at around 3 and she said she had something important to tell me. I did thank her for talking to her friends who were giving me a really hard time and told her that nothing bad has happened for about a week. She was glad to hear that actually. But...the important thing she had to tell me was that she is pretty sure she's a lesbian. I kinda thought that was what she wanted to tell me...but I didn't wanna jump to irrational conclusions like an idiot. :P After that I said: " do you know for sure that you're a lesbian?"...and she said something like: "I don't know for sure. But...I can just kinda tell. You should know what I'm talking about."...and of course I knew that feeling...when you just know it...and for me it all made perfect sense after Jenna and I started going out. Then I was thinking that maybe she had a crush on me or something but...that shouldn't be the case...I'm a nerd. :P And I asked her who she had a crush on. It wasn't me (THANK ZEUS!!! :P )...she said it was a girl who she goes to school with. And then I said: "Wait...if you're a come you had a crush on Dan?". She said that this was a very very recent revelation. So...that would explain a lot. :P And she said that it wasn't because of Dan either and that it wasn't my fault or something like that. So...I was really glad to hear that. :D summarize...apparently Jessica wanted to tell me that she's a lesbian and it's not because of Dan or any of that ordeal...and she doesn't have a crush on me and she knows I have a girlfriend. So...yeah...I'm actually pretty happy for her and I'm glad she managed to know this already as well...I know for some peoples they don't know this stuff for certain until they're much older.And then we just talked about random stuff for a while and then we left at around 4. Then I went back to my dad's place and shortly after that he brought me and my little brother back to my mom's place. My mom's "friends" were coming over apparently and I had absolutely no idea until they had already come over. :P This paragraph is too long...I'll make a new one right now. :P

Well...when I got back to my mom's place I called Jenna and told her about the thing with Jessica. At first she seemed a little surprised but then she said she was fine with it (I was relieved...I mean...Jessica is just a friend but...I would never wanna risk a break-up with Jenna) and she wanted to come over my place later for a little while. So I got back to my mom's place and unpacked my stuff a little after 5 and Jenna came over my place shortly after that. She seemed kinda angry at me actually. She wanted me to come in the backyard with her and told me to take off my glasses. (I was so scared she wanted to kill me at the time. TRUST ME...Jenna could easily beat me up...I think anyone could to be honest...I wouldn't really bother to fight back...I never did when I was bullied at my old school. :P ) Then she pushed me in the mud pit in the backyard and started laughing (no...not evil laughter like I do. :P I prefer evil's evil. :P ) and then I said: "So before you kill me you want to get me filthy and laugh?". Jenna then said she wasn't angry at me at all and it was just a prank. :P (Oh Zeus...I really thought she was angry at me. :P ) And then we got kinda carried away...and we both came back inside the house filthy...and my mom came up to us and said: "Go get cleaned up now! My friends will be over soon." or something like that.:P If I knew her friends were coming over I woulda went out of my way to get even more filthy. :twisted: :P Then we got cleaned upand my mom's friends came over shortly after that. Before that we were just in my room talking about random stuff and I was trying to persuade Jenna to listen to "The Common Good" by I The Breather on my iPod. :P Then when we heard them come inside we just had to talk to them! :twisted: :P So we talked to my mom's "friends" and told them that before they had come we were playing in the mud and then we were making out (which was the truth...we can't lie to them. :P ) and then we mentioned how gay marriage is now allowed in NY and Jenna threw a party to celebrate that...and then it was time fora massive rant on homophobia. :twisted: :P Oh Zeus...we tortured them so much! :twisted: :P (Jenna's good at torturing mean peoples like them actually. :P ) But they're lucky...if we wanted to freak them out we coulda started making out in front of them...but...neither Jenna nor myself would want some straight couple making out in front of we decided against that idea. :P mom's "friends" left a little while later...I think while I was blaring "Burnt Offerings" on my radio. :lol: :P Then Jenna and I continued our conversation and were talking about some of the teachers and classes we'd be taking next year and stuff. :P Jenna left at around 8...her mom came to pick her up. When Jenna left my mom didn't seem mad at me for making her friends leave...she was actually nice to me. Maybe she just likes me or something...or she's glad Jenna and I made her homophobic friends leave. :P I think it's the second one. :P I should call Jenna later today and thank her for helping me torture my mom's friends. :D :P Oh Zeus...I love her so much! :D

Later today I don't have much to do. :P I'm just gonna be on this site a little...and I'll practice the flute, go on a walk (this time I won't be playing in the mud...I just did that yesterday with Jenna. :P I doubt I'll ever get rid of that habit. :P Oh well... :P ) and I'll be over Jenna's place to see the new Degrassi episode ( I don't need to call her...I can thank her in person. :D :P ) and there's some other stuff that I needs to do that I wrote down. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P I should probably get started on that to-do list I made for myself. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: Well...I'm kinda bored at the moment so I might as well edit this blog and talk about other stuff. :P I might as well say that I really enjoyed playing in the mud with Jenna (don't ask why...I'm wierd and I'ma lesbian...that should speak for itself. :P ) but the whole thing kinda threw me off guard. :P I mean...I remember after the first time she said that it was okay but she'd never do it again. :P I should ask her when I go over her place later today what was up with I'm kinda curious. :P Oh Zeus...tonight when I go to bed I'm gonna be thinking of some sick and twisted things...I haven't been able to stop so far today...I'd rather not say what...but I'm ridiculously smart, a lesbian, I'm in love with a girl, I'm wierd, and I have a dirty mind...I'm sure you can figure out the kinda crap I've been thinking about. :P Oh well...I'm an impulsive teenager...I can't help it. :P Oh, and I'm working on forgetting about the possibility that someday I might go down the path of a mom came home a little while ago and I told her about my fear of that...she immediately hugged me and said that no matter what happens she just wants me to be happy and she'll still be accepting and supportive of me no matter what happens. :D Oh Zeus...I'm SO GLAD she's my mother and will love me even if it turns out someday that I am a transgender...that's all I could ask really relieved me and now I can know that no matter what it'll be okay. :D That's all I could ever ask for...and now I can put that issue somewhat to rest and just forget about'll only get brought up again if need be. And Jenna already knows of my fears of that...I remember when I first told her she immediately kissed me and said that it didn't matter. Well...I'm just glad if it ever were the case everything would be okay. :D But...I don't think Dan shall ever come back. Oh Zeus...I feel like such an I was explaining my fears to my mom I was getting teary eyed...I hate crying...especially when I'm in front of people...I dunno why...I just don't like to. :P my mind is somewhat cleared of that issue and I'm really glad about it. :D And I'm seeing Jenna later tonight. :P I really wanna see her and thank her for helping me torture my mom's "friends. :D :P I really appreciated it. :D :P I can't think of anything else to say in this edit...although I would love to play in the mud later today...but I shouldn't...I just did that yesterday...and I already took a shower earlier today...I don't feel like getting clean twice in one day. :P I THE BREATHER IS SO EPIC!!!!! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

SECOND EDIT: Sorry...I got bored again. :P I don't have anything to really talk about but right now I have such an urge to play in the mud and I think I'm going to do that the second I'm done on this site! :twisted: :P I'm sorry...I just can't help myself...I don't care if I need to take my second shower today afterwards...I just really feel the urge to goplay in the mud and get completely filthy. :twisted: :P I'll never kick this bad habit of mine. :P I needs to go outside NOW! :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #303 / RG3 Continues / Someone Answered My Epicly Cynical Question!!! :P

Yay...someone FINALLY answered my Epicly Cynical Question...and there shall be many more of them to come! :twisted: :P But...I needs to add 6 Points to someone's score now...I think Girlygirl24 got it right because she's obviously a wizard and can read my mind. :P Ooh...I just thought of another epicly cynical question...but...this one shall NOT be multiple choice! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm having fun doing this Random Game: Part Three stuff...I'm sure you can tell. :twisted: :P Sorry...I'm not Satanic if that's what you think I might be Satanic...I listen to metal. :lol: :P Anyways...I made a blog yesterday afternoon so I don't have much to really talk about. :P So I shall do all the Random Game: Part Three crap...and I have another Epicly Cynical Question...and then I wanna talk about my life...and something that's bothering me...and a wierd dream I had last night. :P I'm hoping this will keep me busy until about 2:30...then I'll start going to that coffee shop to talk with Jessica...she called me earlier today and said she was kinda busy today so she'd meet me there at I'll leave 30 minutes early and I'll probably get there early but I'd rather be early for something than late. :P paragraph... :P

Now for all the RANDOM GAME: PART THREE crap. :P So...what was the answer to my last question? :P I shall tell you the right answer and criticize all the others. :P

A.) I'M GONNA GO BLAST METAL!!!!! ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! *devil horns* (Although I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this's wrong. :P If you just go home and blast metal the story isn't gonna go anywhere. :P And I doubt you peoples even like metal. :P )

B.) I'm gonna go assassinate MightyBFan25...she's crazy and evil...she should be killed! This shall be like ze assassination of Julius shall be by means of a conspiracy!!! He he he! :twisted: (Dude, if you picked this answer you must have something against me! :P Kidding. :P It seems like a good idea to kill me before I go mad with power but I haven't done anything wrong yet...and then all the survivors who like me as Emperor OF Ze World might wanna kill you or something. :P )

C.) I'm gonna go home and sleep for two weeks... (What would this accomplish? :P NOTHING!!! :lol: :P Sleep is great...but the story won't go anywhere. :P )

D.) I think I'll go on a walk... (This seems boring but this is what continues the story and doesn't get you arrested or in major trouble. :P So...this is the right answer. :P )

So...D was the right answer. :P And I needs to update the one got this question right in my last blog but...Girlygirl24 got my Epicly Cynical Question right so now I needs to update it...and I wanted to be Satanic and like I said the Epicly Cynical Question was worth 6 points and I have another one to ask and it shall also be worth 6 points. :twisted: :P

Speckledorfed: 1 Point

Spongegirl1029: 1 Point

Larxenerabbit:7 Points (I thinks you read my mind to get this question right too...I thought you'd all be foolish mortals and pick Coming Curse because the words are in the lyrics. :P )

Girlygirl24: 6 Points (I still thinks you read my mind because you're a wizard. :P )

Now for Part Four of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!! :P Here is the next part of the story followed by a multiple choice question worth one point and then another Epicly Cynical Question worth 6 points. :P

You decide to use the first few moments of your two weeks off from work to go on a walk. You walk through the city and all the citizens recognize you as the official Vice-Emperor Of Ze World. They are all happier than ever and glad to see you. Then on your way home you pass by City Hall. You see MightyBFan25's office and look through one of the windows out of curiousity because you have never seen her office before. As you look through the window into MightyBFan25's dimly lit office, you see MightyBFan25 sitting in front of a bunch of computer monitors, and you can faintly hear the song "Dante's Inferno" by Iced Earth playing. You know MightyBFan25 is blasting the song in her office. She is wearing a helmet, armor, and a cape. MightyBFan25 is also holding a pitchfork and a wierd crossbar is placed through the shaft of it. She looks at one of the computer monitors, laughs demonically while making the sign of the horns, and turns around to see you spying on her. She closes the window blinds and draws the curtains, leaves her office, and walks outside. She begins to approach you, still holding that menacing pitchfork. What will you do?

A.) I'm gonna run away...MightyBFan25's crazy and evil...she's probably kill me with that pitchfork!

B.) I'm gonna turn off that horrible Iced Earth music right now!

C.) I'm gonna take out a knife and stab MightyBFan25. (Oh Zeus...please don't stab me...I don't wanna die! :P )

D.) I'm gonna stay and talk to MightyBFan25. Hopefully she didn't see me spying on her...

So...just choose the best answer and tell me whatyou chose when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Oh, and now I have another bonus question that's worth 6 points. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is a dodecahedron? And you needs to tell me what it is, how many faces it has, how many sides are on each face, and how it relates to the Satanic pentagram. If you tell me all that you'll get 6 points...if you tell me part of it you'll still get some points but not all 6. :P And this is NOT multiple's open response...I needs to make this harder since soneone already got one Epicly Cynical Question right. :twisted: :P all I needs to do is talk about my life...that thing bothering me...and this wierd dream I had last night. :P

I just made a blog yesterday afternoon so there's not too much to really talk about. :P But...after I went to see Harry Potter and made that blog I did call Jenna and we talked for a little while. Then outside for a walk and then I got home and went into the backyard and I just had to play in the mud. :twisted: :P I'm sorry...I've been trying to get rid of this habit of mine for a little while but I doubt that will ever really happen...I mean...I went over a month without playing in the mud before...but...the weather outside has been pretty nice lately and I've just so happy because I can leave the house as Alicia (not Dan) and not be in constant fear like I was about a week ago. So...I've been working on getting rid of this habit...but I doubt that'll ever fully work...until I'm an adult at least. :P Even then though...I know I'm gonna be a strange adult...I can't really picture myself growing up actually...I can picture myself being extremely smart and successful and even getting married to a girl (maybe even Jenna...who knows?) but I really just can't picture myself growing up...I dunno why. :P I think I'll always remain somewhat immature and a kid at heart even when I am an adult...but...I'm only 15...that's WAY down the road. :P I haven't really done anything too special...I just practiced the flute, went online, watched TV, took a shower, and that's about it really. :P Later today I haveta meet Jessica at that coffee shop where she first met Dan because she wants to talk to me...after that I'll go back to my mom's place and then I'll probably call Jenna and we'll talk for a while if she's not too busy...and I wanna tell her about meeting Jessica at the coffee shop because she wanted to talk to me...I'd rather tell her than have her find's nothing bad...but I just feel like I should tell Jenna everything...I mean...she is my girlfriend...she has absolutely every right to know what's going on in my life if she wants to. :D And if not...I don't blame life is boring. :P And then I'll probably just relax and blast metal to annoy my mom. :P Don't get me wrong...things have been getting much better with my mom lately...and I'm having a much better relationship with her lately and I'm so grateful that she's been completely accepting and supporting of me ever since I came out but at times I just like to annoy her. :P And I love metal...I'm addicted to it. :P I guess I'd rather be addicted to metal music than something illegal though. :lol: :P Now getting to the thing bothering me...

Well...I was watching something on tv earlier today and it was on was very interesting and informative and got me thinking again. I mean...I'm pretty sure I'm not a transgender but...some people who are female-to-male transgenders said that when they were younger they were tomboys and then they thought they were lesbians but then they just knew it was something else...and...what if I go down that path? What if Alicia ever became no more? What if Dan took over again? I mean...I guess I shouldn't be too worried about it...I'm only 15...and if it did turn out that I really were a transgender...there's nothing wrong with it. I mean...I'm pretty sure I'm not a transgender though...but it just got me thinking. Well...right now Dan is bye-bye and I'm back...and I guess I won't know who will really ultimately take over until later on. I shouldn't be worried about it now though.

Now getting to this wierd dream I had last night. :P I can't give away too much of it because it actually was my mind recreating the entire plotline I've constructed for The Random Game: Part Three. :P The only major difference was I was the hero in the story...not the villian...Dan was the villian in the story! And in the end...I wasn't able to save the planet...but I found out that Dan (in case you don't know Dan was my kinda sorta alter-ego when I was passing off as a guy for two weeks) wasn't really blowing up the planet...he just wanted to kill me so he could take over! Oh Zeus...then Dan took a pitchfork and threw me on the ground...and he was about to jab me in the throat with the pitchfork...and then I woke up. Oh was just such a scary dream...but I can't talk about it without giving away the plotline and I won't do that...the only difference was that Dan was the villian, I was trying to stop him, and he ultimately didn't blow up the planet but killed me instead to take over. Dan, PLEASE GO BYE-BYE...I HATE YOU...I HATED BEING YOU!!!!! I just want Dan to leave me alone once and for all! I hate him and I hate what I did while I was Dan! I don't ever want him to take over again! I don't have much else to say in this blog...and this is really bothering me but I'm gonna try to just forget about it. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Oh Zeus...I can't fill in my real name again...Dan will be angered. Sorry. )

Blog #302 / RG3 Continues / Maybe I Should Stop Listening To So Much Metal...

...Or not! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah right...did you actually think I'd EVER stop listening to metal?! :twisted: :P I LOVE METAL!!!!! :twisted: :P I love the heavy, powerful, fast-paced riffs...I love all the high-pitched screams...I love all the Satanic lyrics...I just love everything about metal! :twisted: :P Why the devil emoticon? :P Well...metal is apparently Satanic...I read it in a book so it must be true. :P Kidding...I don't believe everything I read. :P I'm addicted to a bunch of metal bands and I can't stop listening to metal...I mean...there are so many good bands...Iced Earth, Metallica, Beyond Fear, Iron Maiden, Testament, Clandestine, Whitechapel, Suicide Silence, Carnifex, Trivium, August Burns Red, Anaal Nathrakh, I The Breather, Behemoth...and so many others! :twisted: :P Now that I'm done rambling on about metal like someone who should be in a cult of devil-worshippers...I should get on with this blog. :P I just wanna talk about my life which no one cares about, all the Random Game: Part Three stuff, andI know I did this in my last blog but...I just wanted to thank you peoples for not thinking any differently of me during this whole Dan thing and for still treating me the same way...I really appreciate it and even though I've never met any of you peoples in real's nice to know that even the peoples I talk to online care about me. :D So...thank you for that...I really appreciate it and even if it doesn't seem like a big really helped me out a lot...and I'm really starting to realize how much I appreciate it now that this whole Dan thing has died down. :D Now before I sound like I'm actually a nice person who doesn't deserve to go to the Abominable Sands...I'll end this paragraph. :P Next paragraph... :P

Now...The RANDOM GAME: PART THREE crap begins. :P So...what was the right answer to my last question? :P Here are the answer choices that I shall now criticize. :P

A.) Of course I'll help MightyBFan25, I want to help make the world a better place! (This was the right answer actually. Although B sounds fun...MightyBFan25 doesn't want another evil mastermind taking away from all her evil-ness. :P And abusing your powers are shouldn't do that...only MightyBFan25 can do that...and even then...she shouldn't be...but she's going to Hell it doesn't matter. :P )

B.) Yeah...I'll help MightyBFan25, then I can abuse my power. :twisted: (WRONG!!! :P Although this sounds like SO MUCH shouldn't be abusing your powers or taking away from MightyBFan25's evil-ness. :P And it's wrong to abuse your I already said. :P )

C.) I'm not helping MightyBFan25, she can take care of things by herself. (WRONG WRONG WRONG!!!!!! :P If you don't help MightyBFan25 you shall perish...either that or the story just won't continue...and that's BORING! :P Do you wanna be a boring peoples? :P )

So...A was the right answer is now I shall edit ze scoreboard thingy. :P Here it is... :P

Speckledorfed: 1 Point

Spongegirl1029: 1 Point

Larxenerabbit: 1 Point

Wow...only three peoples have scored so far. :P If you want lots of points ANSWER MY EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION!!! :D :P It's worth 6 points if you get it right. :D :P And no...I'm not being cynical when I say this...only the question is cynical...well...maybe I'm cynical too. :twisted: :P Here's the question again:

BONUS QUESTION: (It's my Epicly Cynical Question from my last blog that no one answered.:P ) "I am the one. I am your antichrist, destroyer of mankind. Forged in sacred flames, my power is divine. I am your coming curse, hellfire in my eyes. For your crimes on my kind, the human race will die." From what Iced Earth song do these song lyrics come from?

A.) Something Wicked, Part Three

B.) Coming Curse

C.) Framing Armageddon

D.) Burnt Offerings

And now for Part Three of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You tell MightyBFan25 that you would be happy to help her out as Vice-Emperor Of Ze World and she seems pleased by this and gives you your position. You start working together and within a few months of working with her, you have managed to turn the world into a utopia. All the survivors of the last ordeal are happier than ever. MightyBFan25 walks up to you after you have finished this major task.

MightyBFan25 says, "You know...I really appreciate all this work and how you've been helping me...I couldn't have done this without your help. I think you've been workingvery hard...and that's why I think you deserve a break...I'm giving you the next two weeks off from work...I can take care of your work until then."

At first you decline this offer and say, "MightyBFan25, you really don't need to do that. I don't need a vacation."

MightyBFan25 insists upon you going on vacation for a few weeks and you eventually say, "Fine, I guess some rest and relaxation would be good for change. I haven't gotten to do that for a while. Thank you, MightyBFan25."

You leave MightyBFan25's office and now you are free to do whatever you want to for two whole weeks. What is the first thing you shall do with this newly found time off?

A.) I'M GONNA GO BLAST METAL!!!!! ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! *devil horns*

B.) I'm gonna go assassinate MightyBFan25...she's crazy and evil...she should be killed! This shall be like ze assassination of Julius shall be by means of a conspiracy!!! He he he! :twisted:

C.) I'm gonna go home and sleep for two weeks...

D.) I think I'll go on a walk...

So...choose your answer when you comment on this blog. :P And...please also answer my Epicly Cynical Question...just tell me which answer is which so I don't need to guess. :P My favorite answer is A...ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! :twisted: :PI just forgot what I was gonna say...oh I I'm addicted to Anaal Nathrakh as well. :P LISTEN TO PARAGON PARIAH BY ANAAL NATHRAKH OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P Here's a link for it on Youtube... And the chick on the album cover is kinda hot...but I doubt she's a know...not every girl with short hairis a lesbian.:lol: :PThis band is epic too...although...Iced Earth still reigns supreme in my mind...and it probably always will. :P Now I shall end this blog...but before that I wanna talk about my life. :P

Well...I made a blog on Friday so I don't have much to really talk about. :P On Friday I practiced the flute a little more and I went to my dad's place...then I quickly unpacked my stuff and went to Jenna's place and then we went on our date. :D It wasn't anything special...just dinner and then we went on a walk to that place that has the tower that we carved our names was a pretty nice night...oh...who am I kidding? I was an AWETHUM night!!! :D :P I got home really late that night and my dad and little brother were both asleep...glad I took the house keys with me. :P And I did call Jessica when I got home...she was still up and answered my call...I thanked her for talking to her friends because it worked and the whole Dan thing was dying down. :D The said it was no problem and was glad things were getting better. :D Oh, but she said she had something to tell me and that she wanted to meet me at that coffee shop on Sunday at around 2:30...I wonder what though... I know Jessica isn't that's probably help with summer math work or something. :P Or it could be something serious but she has no clue about...I've kinda noticed that ditzy peoples like her can sometimes jump to conclusions about crap they don't even know she could wanna tell me that she's a lesbian because "she had a crush on me as Dan" or something. :P I doubt that's it though. :P I guess I'll just haveta see. :P I didn't do anything too special...I just watched some TV, went online, played video games, oh...and my dad took me to see that last Harry Potter was REALLY good. :D And I practiced the flute for a little while and I've been listening to metal and that's about it. :P Later today I'll call Jenna, go on this site a little more, blast metal, and I might go play in the mud...I know I just did a few days ago but oh Zeus...not being able to go outside while not in constant fear for over a week was driving my ABSOLUTELY CRAZY and I'm just SO GLAD I can go outside and I'm just in such a good mood and I just wanna thank everyone for being so nice to me and thank the universe for letting this whole thing die down so quickly and I just wanna go outside...of course...I could just go on a walk or go to the park...but if I go to the park I'm gonna get filthty anyways. :P Yeah...I'm gonna go outside and play in the mud and get absolutely filthy right after I'm done typing this blog! :twisted: :P Oh, and I know I've been trying to get out of this habit and I managed to go over a month without playing in the mud but right now I just can't help it. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P LISTEN TO ANAAL NATHRAKH!!! :twisted: *devil horns* Vale, foolish mortals! :P -MightyBFan25 (Emperor Of Ze World!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Fine...I'll put my real name too...but I'll include my last name to be cocky. :P Alicia Summa. )

Blog #301 / RG3 Continues / Now Addicted To Another Metal Band... :P

Sorry I'm still counting the number of blogs I make...I just enjoy doing it and it's convenient...then I know when I'm approaching a really special number and I needs to do something special with a blog. :P All those special numbers are multiples of 25. :lol: :P Now...I last made a blog on Wednesday and today is Friday so I have a little bit to talk about concerning my life...I doubt anyone cares though. :lol: :P My life isn't that interesting. :P this blog I just wanna do all the Random Game: Part Two stuff, ask my Epicly Cynical Question again since no one answered it in my last blog, and then talk about my life and then about metal. :P And if I get off topic I might start talking about that book I finished reading on Wednesday with all the math and biblical stuff. :P paragraph... :P

And now...Part Two of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P First...which answer was right...? :P I shall tell you...and criticize the wrong answers while I'm at it. :P Who should you have voted for? :P

A.) Deval Patrick (WRONG! :P This is like...the worst answer you could've picked. :P In case you don't know...Deval Patrick is MA's governor and from what I've seen (I live in Boston, MA...I would know. :P ) ...he's done absolutely NOTHING productive. :P I don't mean to talk about politics but if he were Emperor Of Ze World...we'd all be doomed. :P )

B.) MightyBFan25 (This should have been so obvious. :P This is the correct answer. :P I'm the major villian in the story and you should realize that I'm going to hold a high position of power during most of the story. :twisted: :P I even gave you a clue when there was that glitch and I replaced my name with "MightyBFan25: Soon-to-be emperor of ze world". :P )

C.) Matt Barlow (Oh Zeus...I would love it if Barlow were Emperor Of Ze World...METAL WOULD DOMINATE THIS PLANET!!!!! :twisted: :P But seriously...the only reason this isn't the right answer is because I'm supposed to be Emperor Of Ze World in this story. :P )

D.) Tim "The Ripper" Owens (This is wrong for the same reason C is wrong. :P )

Oh, and Barlow and Ripper are both singers for Iced Earth if you didn't know. :P So...B was the right answer and now I'll start my scoreboard thingy. :P I won't put anyone's name on this until you get a point though...I don't feel like wasting my time typing something like "MightyBFan25: Points - 0. ". :P So...this is the official scoreboard as of right now:

Speckledorfed: 1 Point

Spongegirl1029: 1 Point one else got that question right. :P What do you peoples have against me being Emperor Of Ze World?! :lol: :P Kidding. :P here's the next part of the story:

You finally decide to vote for MightyBFan25 and she gets the title of Emperor Of Ze World. When MightyBFan25 realizes this, she walks up to a podium on stage.

MightyBFan25 says, "Wow...I really didn't expect this. I'm probably supposed to have a speech ready or something but I don't. Well...I promise that as Emperor Of Ze World I will turn this planet into a utopia! But...I will need lots of help from all of you. It will be challenging...but I promise that this planet will be a utopia...and it will be rid of all poverty, ignorance, and war. So...this will be challenging, but we can do this! And now I need to recruit some specific people who I'll need to work with this entire time. And the next time I talk to you all...I will actually have a speech prepared."

MightyBFan25 steps down from the stage, laughing at the last thing she said. Then she notices you and remembers you, the hero who saved the world from the evil wizard with her knowledge of Bakugan brawling. She walks up to you.

MightyBFan25 says, "I remember you, you're the person who saved the world from the evil wizard with my help! I really liked working with you. Would you like to be my second-in-command, or...Vice-Emperor Of Ze World...or whatever it would be called? I'd really appreciate it...I could use the help."

And here is where you're left with your next decision. Will you agree to help MightyBFan25, the new Emperor Of Ze World? Choose the best answer...

A.) Of course I'll help MightyBFan25, I want to help make the world a better place!

B.) Yeah...I'll help MightyBFan25, then I can abuse my power. :twisted:

C.) I'm not helping MightyBFan25, she can take care of things by herself.

This time there are only three answer choices and I think the answer is obvious. :P So...just answer the question. :P And now...since no one answered my Epicly Cynical Question inmy last blog...this time I'm making it a bonus it is:

BONUS QUESTION: (It's my Epicly Cynical Question from my last blog that no one answered. :P ) "I am the one. I am your antichrist, destroyer of mankind. Forged in sacred flames, my power is divine. I am your coming curse, hellfire in my eyes. For your crimes on my kind, the human race will die." From what Iced Earth song do these song lyrics come from?

A.) Something Wicked, Part Three

B.) Coming Curse

C.) Framing Armageddon

D.) Burnt Offerings

If you get this bonus question right you'll get an extra 6 points added to your score...I said 5 in my last blog but I think 6 is a better number...this is a cynical question is 6 is a cynical number. :twisted: :P I'm hoping someone can get this question right. :P The answer is there if you look at the lyrics closely. :P

Now this is the part where I start talking about my life. :P I last made a blog on Wednesday so...I have some stuff to talk about. :P Well...on Wednesday I did say that I was gonna go outside for a while and I was in a much better mood. :D I did go outside to go on a walk and nothing bad happened to me and I didn't get sent any scary messages either. :D And then when I got home I just had to play in the mud. :twisted: :P Then I went over Jenna's place to see the new Degrassi episode and it was really good. :D Nothing bad happened when I went to or from her place. :D Other than that nothing special happened on Wednesday. :P Yesterday I didn't do anything special either...I just practiced the piccolo, went on this site, watched TV, took a shower, and that's really about it. :P Oh, but I couldn't go over Jenna's place yesterday night...she was kinda busy that night...but we did both see the new Degrassi episode and we called each other during the commercials to talk about it. :P And I didn't get sent any scary messages and nothing bad happened when I went outside...I mean...I was just in the backyard drawing disturbing pictures...but still... :P As for today... :P I haven't really done much yet...I've just been on this site, taken a shower, practiced the flute...and that's about it...I woke up at like 10:30 this morning and it's now noon. :P After I'm done making this blog I should practice the flute a little more and pack up my clothes because I'm going to my dad's place this weekend. :P I really don't feel like going there... Oh well... :P And later tonight Jenna and I have some plans...we're going on a date...and I'll be at her place at around 6. :D I can't wait for that. :D I don't have much else to say in this paragraph. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog but...this whole Dan thing is dying down pretty quickly...I's been about two weeks since Jessica found out that I was really Dan and now everything's pretty much back to normal. :D I'm really glad about that. :D I should call Jessica and thank her or something. :D And...I guess this whole thing did reveal who really cares about parents, my friends at BLS, Jenna, and all the peoples I've met on this site. :D I'm really glad that this whole thing hasn't changed any of their opinions of me and they all still care about me just as much as they did before. :D So...I just wanted to thank all you peoples on this site for not thinking any differently of me and still being nice to me even while this whole Dan thing was coming back to haunt me and I felt terrible. :D Oh I'm getting kinda teary eyed...I needs to end this paragraph...I don't feel like crying at the moment. :P

Oh, and I found out about this new band called I The Breather and they're a mix of heavy and death metal and they just sound AWETHUM in my opinion!!! :D :P My favorite song by them is called "Forgiven"'s a link if you wanna listen to it: LOVE this band and they just sound AWETHUM!!! :D :P Listen to the song and tell me what you think of it...and if you hates metal...just say you hated it and you don't even haveta listen to it and I'll think you actually did listen to it. :lol: :P That's all I wanted to say. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #300 / The Random Game: Part Three Begins!!!!! :D

Yes...indeed this finally is blog #300 and this is the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three!!!!! :D And the plotline was taken care of weeks ago...although I have made a few changes so that hot demon lady from the cover of Iced Earth's album Days Of Purgatory can somehow be in the plotline...and a few other things. :twisted: :P But...I shall say no more of the matter because the story is already commencing. :P I remember when I did part two of this last summer I put all the Random Game stuff at the end of the blog...I'm thinking it's a better idea to but it first in the blog after my stupid intro paragraph where I ramble on and on about absolutely nothing. :lol: :P Oh, and this blog won't be NEARLY as long as my last blog...I just have Random Game: Part Three stuff, then I'm gonna talk about random stuff that no one cares about, and then I haveta find the symbolic meaning behing the song "Stormrider" by Iced Earth for a certain wizard who I met on this site. :P paragraph... :P

And now...THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE shall finally begin!!!!! :D :P All the Random Game stuff will come right after my stupid introduction paragraph in each blog. :P And on each blog I'll first give you the answer to the previous question and criticize all the other answers. :P Then I'll do that scoreboard thing I did last time...and then I'll tell you the next part of the story. :P And then they'll be a multiple choice question at the end of it and you needs to choose the best answer. :P And if there's a choice that says "None of the above." need to tell me the right can't just choose that one. :P I wanna make things hard this time. :twisted: :P Since there was no previous part of the story or is Part One of 16 of The Random Game: Part Three!!! :D

The year? 2068, exactly three years after the last world crisis, and six years after the one before that. After you defeated the evil wizard once and for all, the world was saved, and the survivors began to come together and rebuild society to the best of their abilities. Three years later, you and the other survivors have rebuilt a blossoming, self-sufficient society. notice that there are constantly small disputes, and there is no centralized government of anykind. You realize the need for a leader, someone to take control of this society to help it rebuild at an even faster pace, someone to help stabalize society, someone to provide a centralized form of government. You tell everyone of this idea, and they agree. An election is held to vote for someone to hold the title "Emperor Of Ze World". Everyone has voted, except for you, and the number of votes for each candidate is even. You basically are about to decide who is Emperor Of Ze World. You walk into the voting booth and look at the ballot. You see four names, and you are to check a box next to only one of the ballots, deciding who shall be Emperor Of Ze World. Which person shall you vote for?

A.) Deval Patrick.

B.) MightyBFan25.

C.) Matt Barlow.

D.) Tim "The Ripper" Owens.

So those are your choices and you needs to pick the best answer. :P And just tell me your answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P The next thing I wanted to do was talk about what's been going on in my life. :P Well...I just made a blog on Monday so there's not too much to really talk about. :P On Tuesday nothing special happened...I spent a lot of time inside reading a book on gematria, playing video games, on this site, watching tv, practicing the flute, and some other stuff that I can't remember. :P Oh, but I did go outside for a little while...just to go on a walk...and nothing bad happened. :D And...when I went to Jenna's place...the same thing. :D Nothing bad has been happening to me lately...Jessica did tell her friends to leave me alone and they have been doing that so far. :D I mean...I'm still gonna stay inside a lot but I'm not that scared to go outside now. :D I'm just so happy because of this right now! :D I mean...I haven't even been getting sent those scary messages anymore. :D Now I guess I'll get to today. :P I haven't done anything that special yet either...just practicing the flute, reading more of thatbook, and now I'm on this site. :P Later today I'm gonna go outside for a little while though...I wanna go on a walk to that place Jenna and I went before...the place with the tower that we carved our names into. I dunno why...I just feel like it. :P And then I'll be in the backyard for a while...probably either playing with my little brother or drawing disturbing pictures of myself in Hell. :twisted: :P And then I'll be going over Jenna's place to see the new Degrassi episode tonight. :D Oh, and I'm not feeling that sore from when I got beaten up on Thursday...and the cuts and bruises on my body are starting to go away. :D So...I'm hoping that this all really is true and everything's fine now and I can really put this whole Dan thing behing me! :D I just seems almost too good to be true...I was planning on not being able to leave the house for months. :P But...hopefully things will stay this way. :D Now I needs to find the symbolic meaning behing the lyrics to "Stormrider" by Iced Earth for a certain wizard who I met on this site. :P

Okay...first of all...there are two versions of the song "Stormrider" by Iced Earth. :P One version is from their album Night Of The Stormrider...the other from their album Days Of Purgatory. :P The one from Days Of Purgatory is the remake of the song and it's apparently better...but it's not as heavy...I like the one from Night Of The Stormrider better. :P are the links for both versions of the song:

"Stormrider" by Iced Earth from the album Night Of The Stormrider:

"Stormrider" by Iced Earth from the album Days Of The Purgatory:

Did you listen to both versions of the song yet? :P No? :P Well are you at least listening to them as you read this blog? :P You better be...and if I find out that you're not...YOU SHALL PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Now...can you understand most of the words of the song? :P If not because you're not used to listening to thrash metal as epic as are the lyrics:

As I travel through the astral plains
I see the break ahead
As though the sky has burst in flames
Before the storm I dread
Lightning breaks across the sky
Blackish blue at night
Riders ride on dismal clouds
I scream at heavens light

Storming demons travel through the night
The time is almost here
I lay in a jacket of steel
My scream no one hears

I can feel the storm approaching
The pain is its' reality
The death I breathe is in the air
I feel no more, no longer care

The trumpets sound as I break free
This vision I see just can't be me
What is this that I have done
Why am I the chosen one

Fight on, grab on

Now the rider rides through the night
The time is almost here
As I lay wrapped in steel
My scream no one hears

Help me, through this hell inside
My life's my own, it's my pride
Carry on my solid dream
Save me from this horrid scream

Fight on, grab on

So those are the lyrics to "Stormrider" by Iced Earth. :P But...I will say that the first stanza of lyrics is only in the version from Night Of The the other version they cut this part and just started with "storming demons travel through the night". :P Now...this is the hard part of this whole thing. :P Now...what is this song really about? :P I'm not entirely sure just sounds cool. :lol: :P But seriously...I'm thinking that it has something to do with someone who is about to die and then his shade is going to some place beyond and he is admitted into the good place but this storm and the demons are pulling him towards Hell. I'm not exactly sure...but that's what I got from the lyrics...and if this paraphrase means anything...I think it would symbolize people's doubts and fears before they die about what's gonna happen to them...that or the constant struggle to live...or the constant struggle between good and evil. Something like I sound smart. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: Sorry...I finished the book I was reading and then I practiced the flute some more and then I was blasting metal and then Googled random stuff and came up with a very cynical question. :P So...the book I was reading about mathematical crap in the Bible was interesting...but I don't believe that the Bible is true...the math is right in front of me but it's probably just dumb luck...or if not...every scholar back during the time the Bible was written knew about Gematria and probably did it on purpose. So...the book doesn't make me believe anything I was forced to learn at my old school in Religion. I still think it's all abstract and pointless. :P Of don't haveta agree with can completely disagree with me...I don't really care. :P Now...for something interesting... :P

Earlier today I was blasting metal and I found out about this band called I The Breather...and then I started listening to some of their songs...they sound like a mix of heavy and death metal and they're EPIC!!!!! :twisted: :P If you wanna hear them here's a link to their song "The Common Good": Googled this band and found out that their first gig was in a CHURCH BASEMENT!!! :twisted: :P Yes...I know! :P Heavy metal is apparently "the hymn of Satan" music. What is "Satanic music" doing in "The House of "God""...or whatever people call churches?! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P The cults of devil-worshipping metalheads like myself is expanding and slowly corrupting what little good is left on this planet! :twisted: :P Kidding...but I did find this fact interesting. :P As for the demonic question...

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: "I am the one. I am your antichrist, destroyer of mankind. Forged in sacred flames, my power is divine. I am your coming curse, hellfire in my eyes. For your crimes on my kind, the human race will die." From what Iced Earth song do these song lyrics come from? ANSWER CORRECTLY OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P's multiple choice. :P

A.) Something Wicked, Part Three

B.) Coming Curse

C.) Framing Armageddon

D.) Burnt Offerings

So...just try to answer the question...if you get it right you'll get 5 bonus points towards your score in The Random Game: Part Three. :P That's all I wanted to say. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #299 / Ze Blog Of Absolute Randomness... :P

Yes...this is indeed blog #299 which means that this is Ze Blog Of Absolute Randomness! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Now it's time for you to see what my sick and twisted mind is capable of! :twisted: :P And I shall be listening to every song from Iced Earth's album Burnt Offerings as I type this blog because Burnt Offerings is their most epic and demonic album EVER!!! :D :P Now...before I go on massive tangents of thought I might as well talk about what's been going on in the past few days. :P I haven't bothered to make a blog since I think Tuesday because I wasn't in a good mood AT ALL...this whole Dan coming back to haunt me thing was really getting to me...and it still is...but now I feel like I at least have things somewhat under control and I'm not depressed like I was a few days ago. :P So...this time...I'm not faking being in a good mood...I'm actually happy at the moment. :P So...I might as well talk about what has happened since I last made a blog... :P Next paragraph... :P

Hmmmmm.....if I were Emperor Of Ze World... :P I like using "ze" instead of "the"...the "z" makes the title look cooler. :lol: :P I SHALL BE EMPEROR OF ZE WORLD WHEN I AM AN ADULT!!!!! :twisted: :P all will fear my power and if you get on my bad side YOU SHALL PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I actaully put six exclamation points after that evil laugh first but then I changed it...I like multiples of five better than multiples of six...I dunno would think I'd like six better because six is the "devil's number"...or whatever you call it. :P Well...I do like the number 666...THAT number is Satanic and epic! :twisted: :P Did I ever make a blog that shows you the formula for figuring out the number for your name? :P I think I did...maybe it was on my old account...I still have the book on it...I think I'll post it again. :P Wait...oh Zeus...sorry...I just got MASSIVELY off topic...well...I guess this is what I'm supposed to be doing...this is Ze Blog Of Absolute Randomness after all... :lol: :P But I wanted to talk about these past few days first. :P Oh Zeus..."Last December" by Iced Earth is such an epic song...I think it's about Romeo and Juliet...but I dunno for sure. :P Focus, self! :lol: :P Okay...this past week... :P paragraph... :P Wait...I needs to leave for a moment and get that book... :P Uno momento... :P

Yays...I got ze book now! :D :P Wait...why did I get it just then...I should've gotten it later... :P lyrics just popped into my head... :P "Come to me my demon brother! Of us both and our father! A failure of creation...ABOMINATION!!!"...that's from the end of "Creator Failure" by Iced Earth...I LOVE this song! :D :P Okay...this past week...why do I keep putting this off? :P My mind is wierd I guess...too many random thoughts. :P Now if only I could un-memorize useless crap like the lyrics to "Last December" by Iced Earth and memorize useful crap like when the Magna Carta was made...then I'd actaully be doing well in History class. :lol: :P Okay...this past week...FINALLY!!! :P I'd rather not think about it too much because I hated all of last week but I feel like you peoples actually deserve to've been really nice and understanding during this whole Dan coming back to haunt me thing so far. paragraph... :P

FINALLY GETTING TO THIS PAST WEEK!!! :D :P THANK ZEUS!!! :D :P Wait...why am I thanking Zeus? :P I should be thanking HADES!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...that's right! :twisted: :P I'm in a cult of devil-worshippers! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P To me that's kinda like a religion and well...I'm against all religions...preferring one over another is what leads to fighting and eventually crap like the Crusades. That's why even thought I was brought up to be Catholic I'm never getting confirmed and I'm never stepping foot in a church as long as I live...and the same goes for any other sacred building that's specific to any other religion. Okay...stop it, self! :P This past week. :P Okay...well...on Tuesday night I went to Jenna's place and we were gonna see the new Degrassi episode...on the way there I ran into more peoples who knew that I was really Dan and they were just being total jerks and making fun of me and calling me all these mean things. After that I just walked away and went to Jenna's place and saw the new Degrassi episode with her. Aside from that nothing special happened on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday I was too scared to leave the house so I just stayed inside all day. Jenna was nice enough to come over my place and we saw the new Degrassi episode that night. Oh, and when my mom came home from work she showed me this note she found on the front was really scary. Then on Thursday I actually left the house to go on a quick walk just to be outside for a little while because I can't stand being inside all the time...I get crazy when that happens...well...more crazy than usual. :P I keep making so many typos as I'm typing this blog...I HATE using the backspace key to fix typos. :P I dunno why...I just hate it. :P Anyways...before I even left the house really I found another scary note on my front door and I got beat up by two of Jessica's ex-boyfriends. Then I went home...and I found out that I got a bunch of bruises and cuts on my body...I actually do still feel kinda sore from it all...and the bruises and cuts are still there too...well...most of them are anyways. "In the sixth hour of the sixth day of the sixth month, I was born into this world." Sorry...more song lyrics. :P It would be so scary to everyone else if I was born on June 6th at 6:00...and if the number of my name was 666...wouldn't that make me the anti-christ or whatever you'd like to call it? :P I'll just call it the Destroyer Of Mankind. :twisted: :P Well...I guess I'll do that anyways when I'm an adult. :twisted: :P Oh, anyways...after I got beat up I walked home and called my mom...she came home from work early to see me and make sure that I was okay. She talked to my dad and they both thought it was best that I stay inside for the next few weeks and if I get beaten up again or if things just don't get better within the next few weeks they're gonna talk to the police about it. Apparently I'm already the victim of a hate crime. That's terrible when you really think about it. Oh, and Jenna came over my place that night to see the new Degrassi episode with was very nice of her to do that. Then on Friday and Saturday I just stayed inside all day...and I got sent more scary messages. Then on Sunday I met Jessica at that coffee shop where she first met Dan and I apologized to her. She did accept my apology and is gonna talk to her friends who are giving me a really hard time. Then I went to Jenna's house that night because she was having a party to celebrate the whole gay marriage being allowed in NY thing and she wanted me to come (I would hope so...I am her girlfriend after all. :P Kidding. :P ) and the party was really fun and it helped me get my mind off this whole Dan coming back to haunt me thing. :D And nothing bad happened when I was going to and from Jenna's place either. :D So...that's all that's really happened in the past few days. :P Now I'll get to today... :P

Wait...before that I wanna see if I can remember all the lyrics to "Brainwashed" by Iced Earth... :P Okay... :P

And so we begin with another sun

The Earth enslaved with hypocrites

They lay their heads to rest at night

Just say a little prayer and all is right

Christ it's nothing personal

You've gotta see

They twist and turn your words

For their own needs

They're all brainwashed puppets

Their almighty crutch

Cowards of reality

Their undying love

Living life in total lies

Judging others

Believe what I say or burn in Hell

Bow down your head

You won't feel so bad

Do as I say or burn in Hell

Close your eyes

Look deep inside

Master of the ignorance

Master of the lies

Judgement Day is close at hand

Generate that blasphemy

Master of the damned

Now behind your reflection

Lies the one who knows the truth

Your conscience will condemn you

On Judgement Day you'll lose

It seems very odd to me

How you sin and feel so free

And all you have to do is say

Forgive me, I believe

Lies, foolish lies

Behind your brainwashed eyes

Lies, foolish lies

Behind your brainwashed eyes

Judge me not my shallow friend

Lest ye be judged yourself

You abuse the words you preach

Mold them for yourself

Brainwashed hypocracy justifies the life you lead

Forgive me father I have sinned

Lay my head to rest again

Lay my head to rest

Living life in total lies

Judging others

Believe what I say or burn in Hell

Trust in me

Say yes, I believe

Do it now or burn in Hell

Close your eyes

Look deep inside

Master of the ignorance

Master of the lies

Judgement Day is close at hand

Generate that blastphemy

Master of the damned

Haha, not too bad if I do say so myself! :D :P Here's the link for "Brainwashed" by Iced Earth...listen to it and see if I got every single word right...I bet I did. :twisted: :P I'll talk about today... :P So far I haven't really done much but I did check my front door and there was no scary message this morning which is probably a good thing. :D So far I've taken a shower, practiced the flute, played some video games, started reading this book called "Legal Tender"...and now I'm making this blog. :P After this blog I'm gonna continue reading that's REALLY good. :D Oh, and Jenna called me earlier today...she asked if I was ready to go outside for a while again and I said I would be ready if she was with me. Her response was pretty much: "Good. Do you want to go on a date later today. Then we'll go back to my place and watch that new Degrassi episode tonight." and of couse I said yes. :D around 6:30 I'll be going to Jenna's place and we're gonna go on a date and then we're gonna see that new Degrassi episode at it should be fun! :D I can't wait'll be good to get out of the house and spend some time with Jenna. :D And I'm looking forward to seeing that new Degrassi episode as well. :P I'll probably start getting ready for my date at around 5 and leave my place at 6:10. :D :P that's all I really haveta say. :P Now...what was I gonna do after this...? :P Oh yeah...the number for your name formula thingy. :P paragraph. :P

Oh, and tomorrow The Random Game: Part Three shall begin and I hope you all participate in it. :D :P And if you don't... I SHALL CAST YOUR BODY TO THE FLAMES OF HELL!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...that'll work! :lol: :P Someday I shall be Emperor Of Ze World...and I will make the world I perfect utopia and then I will destroy it... :twisted: :P's must be done. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P I wish I was born on June 6th at 6:00 and the number of my name was 666...that would scare EVERYONE!!! :twisted: :P "I am the one. I am your antichrist, destroyer of mankind. Forged in sacred flames, my power is divine. I am your coming curse. Hellfire in my eyes. For your crimes on my kind, the human race will fall." I LOVE those song lyrics! :twisted: :P Seriously...I know I'll never be Emperor Of Ze World...well...I could be...but it's highly unlikely. :lol: :P Random but somtimes I do wish that I could know for sure that all homosexuals won't go to Hell...or that Zeus would visit Earth for reals. I would just like to know my fate and if I'll really go to the Abominable Sands when I die...or even just which religion is "correct"...if any. I mean...I think that if there is any truth behind any religion it exists in either Buddhism of Hinduism...because they were the two first world religions made. I personally think Chrisianity has no truth to it and was made just to control the masses...and the same goes for Islam and Judaism...because they're all related. :P "Like a virus man will spread through the time continuum"...sorry...more song lyrics. :lol: :P Well...I don't think Zeus will be visiting us anytime soon...and if he did maybe he'd say that he actually likes homosexuals...who knows? :P I can't help but think that maybe even though we can't have children...we're somehow key to have in society? Well...I guess I'll never know...but I can't help but think maybe there is some greater purpose to having homosexuals in society. :P Oh well...I should stop with all this nonsense. :P What did I even wanna talk about...? :P Oh yeah...the number of your name crap. :lol: :P I guess I got off topic. :P

Okay...the number of your name crap. :P I was looking in this book that I have for it. :P So...all you haveta do is take the number values that coordinate with each letter in your name and add them up and you have the number of your name. :P Here are the values:

A: 1

B: 2

C: 3

D: 4

E: 5

F: 6

G: 7

H: 8

I: 9

J: 10

K: 20

L: 30

M: 40

N: 50

O: 60

P: 70

Q: 80

R: 90

S: 100

T: 200

U: 300

V: 400

W: 500

X: 600

Y: 700

Z: 800

So...there you go. :P And in the end you should get a three-digit number value. :P If your number is higher than 999 there's a different forumla you can use where A is 1, B is 2, etc... and it follows that pattern so each letter has an increased value of one...if that makes sense. :P So...Z would be 26 instead of 800 in that case. :P And if you wanna know some special numbers for giggles or whatever...153 if supposedly Jesus's celestial number. :P 666 is Satan's number. :P 777 is the number of the cross. :P 888 is Jesus's real number. :P And all of the names of Satan are multiples of 13, which is supposedly where people have the root fear of the number 13. :P So...if you take your number and divide it by 13 and you get a whole could have something to do with Satan. :D :P Yays...I've always wanted to know someone who does work for Satan. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P I'll do my number right now... :P Okay...I just did my first and last name and got the number 534...and it is NOT divisible by 13. :P I'll add in my middle name and see what happens... :P Uno momento... :P With my middle name I got 603...and that's not divisible by 13 either...I guess I have nothing to do with Satan...oh well. :P I thought I did...I am evil after all. :twisted: :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Can you PLEASE do this number of your name thing and tell me your number? :P I'd ESPECIALLY like to know if the number you get is divisible by 13. :P I might get a laugh out of it. :P Okay...what else did I want to talk about in this blog...? :P This book is actually really interesting...lots of math and stuff...I should read that instead of that other book I started...I'm only about 100 pages can wait. :P

Okay...I'm gonna make a Top 10 list of my favorite metal and deathcore song EVER!!! :D They won't be in any particular order though...I can't do that...I like too many metal songs. :lol: :P's the list... :P

1. "The Invalid" by Clandestine

2. "Philistine" by Clandestine

3. "Distorted Lives" by Testament

4. "F.E.A.R." by Testament

5. "Dangers of The Faithless" by Testament

6. "Scream Machine" by Beyond Fear

7. "Dante's Inferno" by Iced Earth

8. "Brainwashed" by Iced Earth

9. "Something Wicked, Part Three" by Iced Earth

10. "Coming Curse" by Iced Earth.

These songs are in no particular order. :P If it were all the Iced Earth songs would be at the top and Inferno would be number one. :P Wierd...I didn't put any deathcore songs on the list. :P I prefer metal over deathcore anyways...deathcore is kinda boring. :P The only song that I might consider putting on that list would be "Bludgeoned to Death" by Suicide Silence instead of "The Invalid" by Clandestine...but...whatever. :P If I could spend all day on this site I would probably make a massive list of all the Bakugan I own...that's well over 100. :lol: :P Maybe I should do would annoy you all to death. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Oh...I wanna talk about my ultimate team of Pokemon for the Battle Frontier in Heart Gold...I know this game is kinda old now but I started playing it again once I got bored because I had already won it but then I realized I could get Kanto badges and I hadn't caught all the legendaries yet. :P So...this will keep me busy when I'm inside for the next few days. :P I still needs to get the three roaming legendaries and I wanna beat all the frontier brains at the Battle Frontier. :P I'm hoping to do this with Salamence, Latios, and Metagross. :P I got them in Pal Park after transferring them from Emerald. :P I think they're good Pokemon...of course...if I come across a lot of Dark-type or Ice-type Pokemon I'm probably screwed. :lol: :P Yeah...let's rethink things a little... :lol: :P Kidding. :P Next paragraph... :P

I'm running out of things to talk about...I guess I should be...I've been making this blog for over an hour. :P Oh, I can't wait for The Random Game: Part Three to start tomorrow. :D :P The demon chick from the cover of Iced Earth's album Days Of Purgatory is HOT...she needs to be in the plotline somehow...she'll probably work for me somehow. :twisted: :P Oh, and I think the demon lady is a lesbian...I dunno why...I just kinda think so. :P Ooh...I just thought of the PERFECT way to work her into the plotline...when I come to visit the hero in Ze Abominable Sands I'll be talking to the hero in the story and use a Latin spell to send Virgil back to Limbo...and then I promise to guide you through the rest of Hell but then I see that demon lady and leave you on your own so I can talk to her. :P Yeah...that works. :P And then she'll come back to Earth with me. :twisted: :P Oh, and I'll give you a map of Hell before I leave. :P It'll just be in LATIN so you can't read it! :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P What? :P I'm gonna be the villian in the story anyways! :lol: :P I don't have anything else to really say in this blog and this has been complete stream of conciousness...which means that I've just typed whatever the heck has popped into my mind...and I'm sure that's pretty obvious. :P I'm gonna go read that book with all the biblical crap and math in it now. :lol: :P Arrivederci. Vale. Bye-bye. :P -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #298 / Okay...Now Dan Is Coming Back To Haunt Me...

Okay...before anything else I needs to remind you peoples that the next blog I made will be Ze Blog Of Absolute Randomness. :P Yeah...not really a good title but it's all I could think of for Blog #299 which will be where I type whatever the heck pops into my sick and twisted mind. :twisted: :P Yeah...that's mind is a very dark and scary place! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P And two blogs from now will be blog #300 and that will be the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three. :D :P So...don't forget about that blog...but if you're scared of my dark and scary and disturbed mind you might wanna forget about blog #299 or just remember not to read it. :lol: :P Kidding...I'll try to refrain from thinking of anything evil as I type that blog. :lol: :P So...that's all I need to say in this paragraph. :P And now I'll talk about yesterday which brings me to the second part of the title. And...if I seem like I'm in a good mood as I'm typing this's fake...I'm pretending to be in a good mood...I really feel terrible at the moment. :P Next paragraph... :P

Well...I made my last blog yesterday morning so I guess I should talk about yesterday. :P I didn't do much yesterday really...I just practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, I played in the mud...and then I obviously had to take a shower. :lol: :P But...other than that...nothing special or productive. :P That night though I did walk to Jenna's place (it's actually a pretty quick walk to her place from where I live) and we planned to see the new Degrassi episode at 9. By the way, I LOVED the was epic if you ask me! :D It was so interesting seeing Drew and Bianca involved in all that gang violence crap. At the end of the episode I thought Drew was gonna shoot Dave's father with the gun actually...I felt like an idiot when that didn't happen though. :P And I was really happy to see that Fiona did find a girlfriend...but they did put the breaks on their relationship because they did take things too fast...and that was pretty obvious...they had only known each other for a few days and then they're alone in Fiona's apartment and start making out...yeah...I think that's taking things a bit too fast. :P But...I wouldn't know much about that matter. :P Anyways...after the Degrassi episode I did tell Jenna who I ran into on my walk to her place and what happened. And after that we did talk for a little while and Jenna's mom gave me a ride home. Jenna did kiss me before I left though. I was glad about that and I know she could tell that Dan coming back to haunt me was really bothering me a lot. Now I guess I should say what happened. Next paragraph... :P

Well...on my walk to Jenna's place I kinda ran into VD and Jessica. How wonderful, right? (I'm being sarcastic in case you didn't realize it. :P ) I actually didn't notice them until VD called me by my last name and then they walked up to me. I asked VD why she called me by my last name. She said: "Well...I'm not really sure how else I should address you. If I try to call you by your first name...I don't know which one to use. Should I call you Alicia or Dan?!". I remember then they were just being total jerks and I'd rather not repeat anything that they said. And they did make a lot of mean "jokes" about transgender people. I tried to seem like it wasn't bothering me...and I think it worked because they eventually stopped and then I just continued walking to Jenna's place. Oh Zeus...I'm such an idiot for thinking that passing off as the opposite gender for two weeks was a good idea! These next few weeks are gonna be terrible if I choose to go outside and I don't think I'll live this down. I'm actaully afraid to leave the house...I'm worried that I'll run into them again or that more people might know and I'll run into those people. Or I could get beat up or something. I would deserve it...what I did to Jessica was wrong and she didn't deserve that. Today I'm not leaving the house except at around 8:30 to go to Jenna's place so we can see the new Degrassi episode at 9. Other than that I'm staying in my dark bedroom and I'll be blasting deathcore and death metal and playing video games. There's nothing I can really do to make things better...I guess I should just own up to what I did and I definately should apologize to Jessica...I do have her phone number after all. Maybe I'll do that later today. Or not...she'll probably just yell at me and hang up...or she'll just ignore my calls. This is just so annoying...after wondering if I was a transgender and then finally coming to the conclusion that I'm not and I'm ready to give up being all comes back to haunt me. I'm such an idiot. I don't have anything else to say in this blog. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I can't put a name in at the moment though. )

EDIT: I'm still upset at the moment and don't feel like leaving the house. But...I was watching the news a few minutes ago and I found out that starting on Sunday New York is allowing gay marriage. :D That's REALLY good news if you ask me...I can only imagine how happy the gay/lesbian people in New York must be. :D's not justa win for the gay/lesbian people in NY if you ask's a win for the entire LGBT's one more step towards equal rights and ending this war against homophobia. :D So...I'm still upset...but this has made me less upset. If I were actually in a good mood and Dan wasn't coming back to haunt me this would've made my day. That's all I wanted to say. Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Still can't put in a name...I wish I could but Dan's coming back to haunt me and I don't want to anger him.)

Blog #297 / Hopefully This Glitch Will Be Fixed Soon... :P we're only three blogs away from the beginning of The Random Game: Part Three and it shall be epic! :D :P I honestly can't wait for it to start...the villian in the plotline is the most epic person ever! :D :P Oh...and I'll tell you that modesty isn't my's more of my mezzo-piano. :P Yeah...nerdy joke involving dynamics in music...get used to them...I'm a Band geek. :lol: :P Getting to the second part of the title...I still can't log into for some odd reason on my account but I can on my banned account and on the other one I randomly made to torture someone but I never did. :P So...if this glitch isn't fixed by later today I think I'll use that other account when I go on the'll know it's'll be a Mighty B! related username with the number 25 in it. :lol: :P But...I'm gonna keep blogging from gamespot on this account because I'm almost at 300 blogs and I don't feel like losing all that progress. :P Besides...the Random Game: Part Three MUST begin when I get to blog 300! :P Hey...I just realized something...that's kinda cool...Part Three will begin on the numbered blog that's the 100th multiple of 3. :D :P Yeah...that's AWETHUM!!! :D :P Glad I thought of it! :lol: :P paragraph. :P

Okay...well...on Saturday night I had my date with Jenna and we went to see a late movie. :D My dad drove us there which was very nice of him to do...we were just planning on taking the train to Boylston...because the movie theatre is right there when you get off the train stop...but...getting a ride is quicker. :D :P Anyways...the movie was pretty good...but I was paying more attention to...other things...yeah...that works and it doesn't give away the fact that I was staring at Jenna throughout the entire movie. :lol: :P Yeah...never mind...I just gave it away. :P Fine...I was staring at Jenna for a long time. :P Are you happy now?! :lol: :P Anyways...after the movie my dad came to pick us up and drove Jenna home. I decided to walk with Jenna to her house but before she left and went inside her place...we did kiss. :D It wasn't a big deal because we've done that many times before but...doing it more and more times doesn't take away how much I enjoy it. :P And I think my dad did see it though. After we got home I went to bed. :P Then that brings me to Sunday. :P Well...I didn't really do anything special on Sunday. :P But...I did talk to my dad a little before we were going back to my mom's place and asked him if he saw Jenna and I kiss. He said that he did see that and he does realize that I love Jenna and she loves me and that I definately am a lesbian (that shows that he did have some doubt before...but...whatever. :P ) and he's perfectly fine with that. So...does my dad approve of it yet? No. But...can he accept it? Yes! :D Oh, and after I got to my mom's place I did call Jenna and asked her if she wanted to come over my place on Monday to watch the Degrassi season premiere. She said that she would love to but she would rather have me come over her place because that's what usually happened with the last season of Degrassi. :P So...of course I agreed to that and tonight I'm going over Jenna's place and we're gonna see the Degrassi season premiere at 9! :D I can't wait for that and it's gonna be AWETHUM!!! :D paragraph... :P

Now getting to today. :P I don't have anything to really say about today because's about 1:30 where I live and I woke up at 12:30. :P Yeah...I slept for 15.5 hours last night. :lol: :P So...I guess later today I'm gonna practice the flute, study some Latin vocabulary, take a shower, clean up my room a little (Hah! :P Yeah right! :P My mom wants me to but I don't feel like it so I'm not gonna. :P ) , and that's about it for productiveness. :P I've done pretty much everything I've wanted to do over the Summer so far...I just need to really work on my flute/piccolo practicing. :D :P Oh, but before I take a shower I should probably play in the mud. :twisted: :P Yeah...that sounds like a good idea. :twisted: :P And then at around 8:30I should go to Jenna's place. :D Now...I would get dressed up and stuff...but this isn't a'm not dressing up...and I know Jenna won't either. :P Oh Zeus...I REALLY wanna see the new Degrassi episodes right now...all the commercials are driving my crazy! :P Who are those peoples that wanna kill Drew? What's gonna go wrong at graduation? Who is that girl Fiona's in the dimly lit room with? :P There are so many other questions but I care most about the third one...Fiona NEEDS to get a lesbian girlfriend. :P And she's one of my favorite characters in the show. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Wait...I have one last thing. :P I'm actually a little nervous about going outside to go to Jenna's place...if Jessica really does know that I was Dan a lot of peoples probably already know this and going on that walk I will probably find out about some people who already know. I'm kinda dreading that. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #296 / Can't Wait For Tonight!!! :D

And now we're only four blogs away from The Random Game: Part Three beginning. :D :P I still can't wait for it to start and I already have the entire plot figured out and stuff. :D :P And by this point you should know who the villian in the story will be. :twisted: :P It's someone you know! :twisted: :P Who might even be the person typing this blog right now! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P What?! :P You you really think that I'M the villian in the story?! :P Just because I laughed evilly and all the signs point to the major villian in the story being me doesn't mean anything! :lol: :P Anyways...that's all I wanted to say in this paragraph...we're only four blogs away and I hope none of you peoples forget to participate in The Random Game: Part Three. :D :P Next paragraph... :P

So far today I haven't done that much for productiveness and I don't really plan to...I've been too busy torturing peoples and being a troublemaker and stuff. :lol: :P In the morning I practiced the flute and piccolo for a while and studied some Latin vocabulary and that's all I've really done for productiveness. :P Then I went on this site for a while and after that I called Jenna...I called her on Friday night and she said that she wasn't busy and would do something with me on Saturday but after that we got off topic and we never figured out what the heck we should do on Saturday. :lol: :P So I called her today after I was done on this site in the morning and we decided to see a late movie at around 8. :D I don't really care what the movie is...I won't be paying too much attention to the movie anyways. :lol: :P Oh, and in the conversation over the phone I told Jenna about the thing with annoying my dad...she said that maybe I should go easier on my dad and just talk to him to figure out how he feels about me being a lesbian and if he can accept it now and not just tolerate it. Of course...since Jenna told me this I thought it was a good idea and I listened to it. After that we spent a little more time on the phone and then...well...we finished our conversation on the phone. :P A little while after that I took my little brother to the park and we were playing basketball. The wierd thing was that I saw Jessica (that girl who was kinda flirting with me when I was Dan) there and she actually walked up to me and said that I looked familiar. She went on saying thatI "kinda looked like this cute boy she met named Dan"...she said the hair and face looked very similar aside from the fact that I had glasses but it was obvious that I couldn't be Dan because I'm a girl. I was nervous during the entire conversation but my response to it was basically: "Well...that must be a freak incident or something. I don't know anyone named Dan.". After that we did talk for a little while (it was a pretty normal conversation) and then she left. :P Oh Zeus...I was SO NERVOUS during that ENTIRE conversation...I was worried she would realize that I was really Dan! She had the connection right away...and she even recognized my face and haircut! Thank Zeus during that whole ordeal I dressed WAY differently than I normally would (I do dress up in a boyish manner on a regular basis though. :P ) so she didn't recognize the clothes and could tell I was a girl. :P Oh Zeus...but even then...that was SUCH a close call! Glad she was too stupid to realize that Dan really WAS me! Anyways, after that we went home and my little brother went upstairs but I went into the backyard to go play in the mud. :P And then I went upstairs and took a bath. :P But...I had remembered what Jenna said and asked my dad if I could talk to him afterwards. So...we went into my bedroom and I asked him if he was really okay with the fact that I was a lesbian because I know he's been tolerating it since he's known but I'm not sure if he really accepts it or approves of it. My dad said that he still doesn't really approve of it and he's still getting used to the fact that his only daughter's a lesbian but he can accept it now and is still getting used to it but he can accept it and doesn't mind it at all. So...I'm really happy about that. :D Then we had a little conversation and he hugged me. So...Jenna was right...I guess I should've just talked to him instead of annoying him to death. :P I needs to thank Jenna later...and I definately owe her a kiss now. :P After that I haven't really done much else today. :P I've just been blasting Clandenstine music and drawing disturbing pictures. :twisted: :P What?! :P No! :P I'm not a freak just because I blast Clandenstine music and draw pictures of myself in Hell being tortured by demons! :P Well...maybe I am...I passed off as a dude for two weeks. :P Yeah...I think I am a freak...oh well...I guess you'll just haveta put up with me. :lol: :P Other than that I haven't done much else today but I can't wait to see that movie with Jenna at around 8. :D Oh, and I did tell my dad about the date...he offered to drive Jenna and I to the movies and pick us up. :D In the meantime I guess I should get ready for my date and just relax for a little while. :P That reminds me...I needs to bring my iPod and headphones and have Jenna listen to Clandenstine music...I'll ask her to listen to "Philistine"...that song INSTANTLY made me fall in love with this band! :D :P This paragraph is REALLY long...I guess I should end it. :P paragraph... :P

RANDOM REQUEST: LISTEN TO "PHILISTINE" BY CLANDENSTINE OR PERISH!!! :twisted: :P THIS SONG IS EPIC AND GOT ME HOOKED ONTO CLANDENSTINE!!! :D :P I'M MAKING JENNA LISTEN TO IT LATER TONIGHT! :P THE LEAD SINGER OF THIS BAND IS A GIRL WHO HAS REALLY COOL HAIR! :P WHY AM I TYPING IN CAPS? :lol: :P I didn't even use caps lock to type that all. :lol: :P Yeah...I type in a wierd manner. :P can you listen to the song if I don't give you a link for it? :P Sorry about's the link for the song: me what you think about Clandenstine. :D I think this band is SO underrated. :D :P

RANDOM QUESTION: After listening to "Philistine" by Clandenstine, what do you think of the song? :P Oh, and while I'm at you think the lead singer girl has cool hair? :P I think so...and she's kinda cute if you ask me...but...I'm a lesbian. :P And...I guess Jenna should never know that I think she's cute...but if she knew I'm sure she wouldn't mind...Jenna's not like that. :P

That reminds me...I can't wait for Blog're finally gonna see what I randomly think about...I'm just gonna go on total stream of conciousness and type whatever the heck pops into my sick and twisted little mind. :twisted: :P Yeah...that's mind is dark and sick and twisted and demonic and everything like that! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Oh, and I apologize again that I haven't been on the forums or answered any PM's yet...I STILL can't log into which I'm kinda ticked off about but...I guess it's not that big of a deal...I hope I can log on again soon and that it's just a glitch. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)