I'll tell you all why I feel so terrible soon. But...right now I'm just going to fake being in a good mood so I don't make anyone who reads this blog depressed or something...I wouldn't wish what I feel upon my worst enemy...yeah...that's how bad I feel right now. So...for most of this blog I shall fake being in a good mood for your sake and then towards the end of the blog I'll tell you why I feel absolutely terrible. Let's just say that Dan didn't completely go bye-bye but I want him to...and last night I couldn't really go to sleep so...I did something I'm honestly not proud of. I told my mom about it...I hope she doesn't make me see a therapist or something. Well...in this blog I'll take care of all the Random Game: Part Three crap and then I'll talk about yesterday a little...and then I'll get to why I feel like crap. I don't even want to listen to metal...I'm listening to some non-metal crap on my iPod that's rather depressing. I know I should stop listening to it but I can't help it. Well...let's get on with this blog...and I'm sorry I'm ridiculously upset at the moment.
Well...in my last blog I had five questions and they were worth a total of 8 points. I guess I should tell you the right answers and criticize all the wrong ones.
1.) What is my favorite metal band ever?
A.) Testament (This band is EPIC...one of the best thrash metal bands I've ever heard in my entire life...but...it's not the best band I've ever heard. :P )
B.) I The Breather(LOVE THIS BAND as well...but...I prefer more of a thrash/power metal sound...they're more heavy/death metal...they're amazing and I love this band...but they're not the best band I've ever heard. :P )
C.) Iced Earth (ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! :twisted: :P This band reigns supreme in my sick and twisted mind! :twisted: :P This is the right answer. :P I hope you got this right...when I talk about metal I believe I mostly talk about Iced Earth and how epic Barlow's highs are and stuff. :P )
D.) Metallica (Dude...no...just no...Metallica is a good metal band but in my mind they're kinda weak and they're not even close to the greatness that is Iced Earth. :P Besides...they were around during the 80's...that's old. :P )
So for this question C was the right answer...my favorite metal band EVER is Iced Earth! :twisted: :P I'll update the scoreboard at the end of all this stuff. :P
2.) What subject am I best at in school?
A.) History (WHAT?!?!?! :P Hell no! :P I SUCK at History...it's my worst subject! :P )
B.) Math (This is the right answer. :P I'm amazing at Latin and Science too but I'm primarily a math geek and I'm absolutely in love with math. :P )
C.) Latin (I'm a Latin geek too but...I get A's in Latin...I get A+'s in Math. :P So there...this answer is wrong. :P )
D.) Science (Same as the comment about Latin. :P I get A's in Science...I get A+'s in Math. :P )
So I'm best at math...I'm a math geek. :P B was the right answer. :P
3.) What is my new favorite number?
A.) 666 (Key word here is "new"...meaning it's within the context of the story and not my actual personal preference. :P In this story I'm evil and I could possibly be working for Satan...of course I'm gonna be in love with the number 666. :P )
B.) 25 (This is my legit favorite number...but in the story 666 is my favorite number. :P So there! :P )
C.) 2500 (This is my legit second favorite number...but 666 is my favorite number in the story because I'm evil. :P )
D.) Phi (If you don't know what Phi is...Google it. :P ) (LOVE THIS NUMBER!!!!! :P This number represents the physical manifestation of Satan! :twisted: :P Phi is roughly equal to 1.618...but...I prefer rational numbers to irrational numbers...although this is my favorite irrational number...it beats e and pi. :P )
So for this question A was the right answer. :P You know...making this blog is putting me in a bettermood actually. I still feel like crap but for a few moments I forgot about it.
4.) What is the best metal song ever?
A.) Distorted Lives (This song is EPIC...it's a mix of heavy/thrash metal with a strong downbeat and an almost deathcore-like sound...but...it's not the most epic metal song ever. :P )
B.) Something Wicked, Part Three (Haha, I put this here to throw you all off! :twisted: :P You might think this is the right answer...but it isn't! :twisted: :P There's something better than this! :P )
C.) Coming Curse (I love this song too...more metal bands needs Egyptian-themed songs. :P But...this doesn't beat the most epic metal song ever. :P )
D.) Forgiven (This is I The Breather at their best...but...it's not the best metal song ever. :P
E.) None of the above. (If you answer this you need to give me your alternative answer for this question.) (This is the right answer! :twisted: :P And this question was worth 2 points...that's where that hidden point was...it's because it had two parts. :P The most epic metal song ever is "Dante's Inferno" by Iced Earth. :P )
So E was the right answer...but to get both points you needed to tell me the real best metal song ever, which is Inferno...it's 16 minutes and 30 seconds of sheer epicness provided by the most epic metal band ever, ICED EARTH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...now I'm feeling a little better as I type this blog. :P
5.) What will I be doing after you take this quiz?
A.) Giving you a prize. (I will be giving you a prize...but this isn't the right answer... :twisted: :P )
B.) Sending you to Hell. (I will be sending you to Hell...but this isn't the right answer... :twisted: :P )
C.) Blasting metal. (I will be blasting metal...but this isn't the right answer... :twisted: :P )
D.) Playing in the mud. (I will be playing in the mud...but this isn't the right answer... :twisted: :P )
E.) All of the above. (This shoulda been obvious. :P I'm doing all those things! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Although...I'm most serious about doing B and D. :twisted: :P )
So E was the right answer for this question. :P And now I shall update the leaderboard...keep in mind that question 4 was worth two points...and if you got all the letter answers right you got 2 bonus points...so you coulda gotten up to 8 points...but no one did. :P Oh, and Speckledorfed got my Epicly Cynical Question right...she left out two things that I wanted someone to know but...I'm just surprised someone actually knew what the heck a dodecahedron was so I don't care...I'm adding 6 points anyways. :P In case you wanna know...a dodecahedron is a 3-dimensional geometric figure that has twelve faces, each face has five sides and forms a pentagram. And...it has a correlation to Satanism...but I won't bother to get into that. :P Now I shall update the scoreboard thingy. :P
Larxenerabbit:9 Points (I know you didn'te answer every question but you said you knew the last one was E so you needs to get a point. :P )
Girlygirl24: 10Points (I'm surprised you didn't answer my Epicly Cynical Question...I thought wizards were familiar with the concept of a dodecahedron. :P )
Speckledorfed:9 Points (Just curious but did you Google what a dodecahedron is or did you legit know what it was? :P )
Spongegirl1029: 1 Point
FZeroBoyo: 1 Point (I think I'm gonna change around my answers in future questions so C isn't the right answer at all anymore. :P Kidding. :P )
So there...that's the scoreboard and the right answers to previous questions and crap. :P Now for the next part of the story... :P It's time for Part Six of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P
You answer all of MightyBFan25's multiple choice questions correctly. MightyBFan25 walks closer towards you, still holding her pitchfork. You begin to get nervous, not knowing what she will do next. What if she is angered that you answered all her questions correctly? What if she decides to kill you anyways?
MightyBFan25 says, "Impressive...you managed to answer all my questions...I guess you really do know a lot about me. I think you know too much about me. You claim you know nothing of my master plan...butI cannot risk anyone finding out about it! Well...do you want to know what your prize is?!"
You answer, "Uh...yeah...I would like to know what I've won for answering all these questions correctly. What did I win?"
MightyBFan25 pauses for a moment and mumbles something in a language you can't understand. Maybe it's Latin?
Then MightyBFan25 stops talking in what you believe is Latin and says, "You really want to know what your prize is?! Hahahahahah!!! It's a one-way trip TO HELL!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
You try to run away, but MightyBFan25 stops you from doing that by putting her pitchfork against your throat. You feel that it is made of some kind of metal, and it's really sharp and would definately kill you. Now you realize that MightyBFan25 has no good intentions! She's planning something sinister, and you need to stop her!
MightyBFan25 says, "Now...foolish mortal, stay right there! You will be awarded your prize in...five...four...three...two...one...six six six!"
Suddenly a portal to Hell appears right behind you! MightyBFan25 pushes you inside it with her pitchfork! Then you hear her say something in Latin and the portal closes...you're trapped in Hell! You suddenly black out...
MightyBFan25 goes back to her office and starts blasting Iced Earth music. Her publicist walks into the room in the middle of a conversation on the phone.
She asks, "Emperor Of Ze World, can you please lower the volume on your radio? I'm in the middle of a conversation trying to secure you that interview with a news crew."
MightyBFan25 lowers the volume on her radio. A few moments later her publicist finishes her conversation on the phone and says, "Emperor Of Ze World, you have an interview to go to downtown in a few hours."
MightyBFan25 answers, "Yeah yeah...more interviews. How fun!"
Her publicist responds, "I know you don't like interviews...I'm sorry about that. Oh, and you need to get your hair done before you go to this interview."
MightyBFan25 says, "WHAT?!?!?! I don't want my hair done! Actually...you know...my hair's getting kinda long...I haven't gotten it cut in a while..."
Her publicist says, "Come on...you're a teenage girl. I would think you'd actaully like to look nice for once in your life."
MightyBFan25 responds, "You dare address the Emperor Of Ze World in this manner?! You're not my mother! That's it! Let me tell you something...I'm not going to this stupid interview...I'm getting my long hair CUT OFF...and I wish to play in the mud!!!"
MightyBFan25's publicist says, "I'm sorry...but as your publicist I want what's best for you. Please...just go to the interview though. You can get your hair cut if that's what you really want...and you can play in the mud. Just go to the interview!"
MightyBFan25 says, "Perfect! Now I need to somehow set up a mud pit in my office...I'll get to that now. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
Exactly 6 hours, 6 minutes, and 6 seconds after MightyBFan25 pushed you into the portal to Hell and you blacked out, you awake from a deep slumber and find yourself in a dark forest. You're somewhat scared. Then you question if this is what Hell really is. You need to get out of here somehow. What will you do?
A.) I'm just gonna wait here until there is some form of divine intervention.
B.) I'm gonna come up with a plan to kill that freak, MightyBFan25!
C.) Hmmmmm.....MightyBFan25's sword is here for some odd reason. Maybe I should use it to commit suicide if I'm not already dead...
D.) I'll just wander around here for a while. *looks around* Ooh, a squirrel! No...I don't have ADD...I can focus! :P
So just choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Now I should get to my life I guess... Now depression will slowly settle back in... Well...yesterday was pretty good...I did some productive stuff...and other than that I cleared my mind a little bit, I got to see the new Degrassi episode with Jenna, and I got to play in the mud. :twisted: :P So...it was a pretty good day. :P But...that night...my mind was racing and I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if Dan ever took over...if Alicia went farewell forever. I'm honestly scared...I know nothing would change with everyone around me...but...I would change forever...and I'm scared...Dan is part of me...a part I never want to see again. I am afraid of him...I'm afraid of part of myself... Last night I felt that maybe I could get rid of Dan...or scare him away...so I dressed up as Dan...and I took this pocket knife I have...and...oh Zeus...I can't believe I did this... And now I'm starting to get teary eyed...I don't want to cry at the moment. I'm such an idiot! I'm letting Dan take over...he's getting to me! Well...I hate to say this and I'm not proud of this at all and I can't believe I did this but last night I dressed up as Dan and took this pocket knife I have...and I cut myself...multiple times. I was trying to destroy Dan...or at least scare him away...I'm scared of Dan...I don't want to be Dan...I want him to leave me alone! This morning I woke up early and told my mom about it...at first she didn't believe me...and then I showed her the cuts...now she probably thinks I'm crazy and need therapy. Oh Zeus...I'm such an idiot...I'm letting Dan win...he's controlling me...he made me do this! No...he's not part of me...I did this because I'm an idiot! Oh Zeus...I'm so sorry about this...I'm apologizing to myself (wether that be Alicia or Dan), and I'm apologizing to all of you. I already apologized to my mom...and I told Jenna about this too...she's coming over later today to make sure I'm okay. Oh Zeus...she's so nice and such a great girlfriend...I don't deserve her! I'm a freak! I don't even know if I'm a guy or a girl and I'm physically hurting myself! Later today when my mom comes home from work she's gonna take anything I could possibly hurt myself with (like knives and lighters and matches) and is locking them up somewhere in the house. That's probably for the best...I don't want to hurt myself...I didn't want to while I was doing it...and it was all so misguided. I think until Jenna comes over I'm gonna listen to more depressing music and cry in my bedroom. I should throw away my pocket knife so I can't use it to harm myself ever again. I don't have much else to say in this blog...and I'm so sorry for all of this. I'm such an idiot...I'm a freak...I don't deserve to live! I want to hurt myself! If there is a "God"...I think I was a mistake...I'm a freak and I don't deserve to live! Oh Zeus...now I'm crying... I need to end this blog...I'm so sorry about all of this. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I'd put in a name...but...I just can't...I don't even know if I'm Alicia or Dan right now...)
EDIT: I would make a new blog but at the moment I don't really feel like doing that. :P So...I'm just gonna put an edit in this blog to save myself some time because there's only one thing I really want to say...and that will probably take forever...but...whatever. :P So...on Monday night I had dressed up as Dan and I cut myself in hope of destroying him. At the time it seemed like a good idea.I was somewhat scared of Dan...that he might take over someday. I was worried that if he were to take over everything would change...and I'm somewhat scared of change. Yesterday after talking to my mom and Jenna and a few of my friends from BLS...and all of you for that matter...I realized how wrong what I did was. I even knew while I was cutting myself that it was wrong and I shouldn't have been doing it...but I really thought I could destroy Dan. And...after the reactions I got from everyone when I told them about this...I could tell they were shocked...and somewhat upset...and then I realized that I had not only hurt myself or Dan...I had hurt everyone who cares about me...and I didn't want to do that. I guess at the time it seemed like a good idea because I was scared of Dan...I kept all my fear of him taking over inside me. But...it was wrong and I was being so stupid. I'm so sorry for this entire thing...I didn't want to upset anyone when I did that. I shouldn't have done it...the entire thing was so misguided. I'm just really sorry for this all and I hope that I can be trusted again and that things can go back to normal. While I was talking to everyone close to me about what happened...I realized that if Dan did take over...nothing would really change aside from my gender...and with that I would be straight...so I guess my sexuality would change too. But other than that...not much would change. And I realized that Dan has pretty much everything in common with me...Dan is a part of me...not a crazed alter-ego...and if he's part of me...no matter how muchI might not like it...I need to accept it and face my fear. He might take over someday...and that's okay...I'll still be myself no matter what. :D So...where do I go from here? I think I need to earn back my parents' trust, make sure my mom doesn't think I need therapy, apologize to everyone I Know for the emotional turmoil I put them through...and then I want to put this whole thing behind me and move on. Hopefully as time goes on I can accept Dan as a part of me...well...I already accept that he's part of me...I need to accept the fact that he might someday take over...but it's okay because nothing will really change. I think I can do that eventually...no...I KNOW I can do that eventually. :D So...gaining my parents' trust will take a long time...and it will be a slow process...but right now I need to apologize to everyone I know for tihs...and I need to cope with the fact that Dan is a part of me and could take over in a better way that hurting myself. And hopefully the cuts on my arms will heal soon...if any of them leave a scar it would be a reminder of how stupid I was. :P I should call all my friends from BLS and apologize to them for this...I already apologized to my parents. I forget if I already apologized to all of you...so...if I haven't...I'm really sorry for putting you through this...I shouldn't have cut myself...I should've dealt with things in a better manner. After I apologize to my friends from BLS...I need to apologize to Jenna...when she came over yesterday I actually didn't apologize to her...I feel like such a jerk for not doing that. I'll go over her place later today and apologize. I hope she doesn't hate me for this...but...I don't think she will...Jenna's not the kind of person to hate someone for something like that. Of course...if I ever EVER cut myself again...THEN she'd want to kill me! :P Well...I should get to those phone calls... And then I want to go in my room and blast metal...and maybe later today I should go play in the mud...I wanted to do that yesterday but I was too upset to do that. :P I guess for me this was an all time low...this is the worst thing I've ever done...and even though it might not seem THAT bad...to me...it really is...I'll never let anything like this happen again...I'm going to fix things and get better at dealing with Dan. :D I still feel terrible because of this whole thing...I hope I can forget about it soon. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I can't put in a name but...I guess it's not a real problem. )
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