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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #315 / RG3 Ends / Beyond Hell...

Sorry about the third part of the blog title...I couldn't come up with anything so I just decided to make it the title of one of GWAR's albums. :P One of GWAR's albums is titled "Beyond Hell"'s pretty good...the story behind all the songs is travelling through Hell and killing Satan so GWAR can overtake Hell. :twisted: :P I'd LOVE to overtake Hell...then I'd be the DEMONIC OVERLORD...and my Four-Fanged Fire Demon would serve me for all eternity. :twisted: :P That reminds me...can you please listen to this song called "Go To Hell" by GWAR? :PI love this song! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Here's the link for it: this blog the Random Game: Part Three will finally end...but no one has answered my Epicly Cynical Questions and there's three of I'll leave them for anyone to have until tomorrow at 9:00 PM to answer them...and then I'll show you the scoreboard thingy and tell you who won. :D :P I mean...winning doesn't don't get anything...except maybe bragging rights. :P And then I'll talk about my life for a little while...I don't have much to really say...I made a blog two days ago. :P I guess I don't have much else to say in this I'll just get on with this blog. :P

Now I shall tell you the answer to my final question and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) Cut the black wire. (You need to realize that this is MightyBFan25 you're dealing with...and the wires are colored...the one that defuses the bomb is probably one that's a color MightyBFan25 doesn't like. :P And...MightyBFan25 likes the color's Satanic! :twisted: :P )

B.) Cut the red wire. (Same as is a Satanic color and MightyBFan25 likes it! :twisted: :P )

C.) Cut the blue wire. (Uh...this answer is wrong...MightyBFan25 likes the color blue as's supposedly the color of Satan! :twisted: :P )

D.) Cut the white wire. (MightyBFan25 attends BLS...BLS's colors are white and purple. :P MightyBFan25 takes great pride in attending BLS. :P Need I say more? :P )

E.) Cut the purple wire.(Same as D. :P )

F.) Cut all the wires! ( :P You need to realize that MightyBFan25 likes all the colors that the wires no individual wire will probably do anything. :P So this is probably a trick. :P But...MightyBFan25 left scissors right next to the de-detonator she wanted you to cut the cutting them would be doing what MightyBFan25 more than likely wants you to don't cut any of them! :P So this answer is wrong! :P

G.) None of the above... (This is the right answer...but you had to tell me what you would do instead to get credit for the answer. :P You were supposed to cut NONE OF THE WIRES, duh! :P MightyBFan25 put the scissors there FOR A REASON...cutting the wires is what sets off the bomb! :twisted: :P Still wanna cut any of those wires? :twisted: :P )

So G was the right answer...but to get credit you had to tell me what you would do instead...and no one got the question here's the scoreboard thingy. :P

Girlygirl24: 14 Points

Larxenerabbit: 13 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:4 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Katywishing100: 1 Point

And that is the current scoreboard...but a winner shall not be determined until Friday night at 9:00 PM. :P Why? :P Well...9 is my bedtime. :P And...I have three Epicly Cynical Questions that no one answered yet and they're worth a lot of points so anyone could still win. :P are the Epicly Cynical Questions...if you wanna answer I need an answer by Friday at 9:00 PM. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score. :PI'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

THIRD EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: Since no one is answering my Bakugan Epicly Cynical Questions I'll add another one. :P There's no real right answer to it so if you just give me a response to this you'll get 6 points...I don't really care...I just want to see bigger numbers on the scoreboard thingy. :P Okay...what do you think of MightyBFan25 as the villian in the Random Game: Part Three plotline? Just give me a response and you score 6 points. :P

So there are my Epicly Cynical Questions...if you plan on answering any you needs to tell me your answers before Friday at 9:00. :D :P Now it's time for the end of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!! :D :P Here is Part Sixteen of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P

You first think that the wire that will defuse the bomb is the one that is the color that MightyBFan25 hates the most...and as you think for a realize that MightyBFan25 likes all the colors that the wires are so you don't know which one to cut. You are about to cut a random wire...not knowing what will happen. With this next move you could destroy all of humanity! The fate of the world is now in your hands! But...then you stop yourself. You realize that MightyBFan25 had scissors placed conveniently near the wiring of the de-detonator of the bomb...almost as though she WANTED someone to cut one of the wires! You realize that MightyBFan25 tricked you! Cutting any one of those wires would detonate the bomb...the detonator that she carried with her onto the stage wasn't real! You decide to cut none of the wires, thinking that this is possibly what could save the planet! At exactly 6:00 PM...nothing happened! The bomb didn't go off! Then you go up to the podium and tell everyone about MightyBFan25's cynical plans to blow up the planet. They are absolutely shocked by this. Everyone decides that it would be best to throw MightyBFan25 in prison for life! You form an angry mob with the crowd of people who gathered around to see what MightyBFan25 was up to and you surround MightyBFan25.

MightyBFan25 gets up and says, "Oh, you want to throw me in prison for life?! I don't think that's going to happen! I must visit my master at once! And you have not seen the last of me...I AM THE ANTICHRIST AND I SHALL DESTROY HUMANITY!!!!!MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 then says a Latin spell and is suddenly teleported to an unknown location. You believe it could be Hell. Jamie is gone as well; she probably went wherever MightyBFan25 is. You are scared about what MightyBFan25 could have in store for you and the rest of humanity someday, but for now the world is saved and you deserve a break. The people make you the new Emperor Of Ze World! And the Earth is saved...for now!

And that is the end of The Random Game: Part Three! :D :P Yeah...I left it open for The Random Game: Part Four which I might make in a few months or something...and MightyBFan25 shall return as the epic villain who plans to destroy humanity! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog but I do wanna talk about my life for a while. :P I might as well make a new paragraph for that. :P paragraph... :P

I just made a blog on Tuesday so there's not too much to really talk about. :P Yesterday my mom took my shopping so I could get back to school was pretty boring. :P I mean...I'm glad I got some new clothes and new sneakers (even though I just got new sneakers about a month ago. :P ) and my school supplies and stuff but it was just boring being in that store for over an hour. :P I will admit that clothes shopping was amusing though...let's just say that I don't plan on dressing up like a total girly-girl anytime soon...I never have since I could dress myself. :P Oh, and I was also glad that my mom didn't seem awkward about being with me as Dan in public...I was glad about that. :D I mean...I just feel that if I can accept myself as mom should be able to do that as well and not feel awkward about being around me as Dan in public. :D And...she's been so accepting and supportive of me during this entire thing...and that's all I could ask for. :D And...I was gonna go back to being Alicia last night...but...I realized on Wednesday morning that I was enjoying myself and I shouldn't haveta stop being Dan if I like I talked things over with Jenna and my parents and they're fine with my remaining Dan for the rest of the week...and I'm so glad about that...I really appreciate it...especially because I know that this whole thing probably has been hard on my parents and Jenna. :D I will admit that I'm a little upset though...I'm starting to realize that my Summer Break is coming to an end and I really like being on break from school...I don't wanna go back. :P But I know that I'm a nerd and the second I go back I'm gonna fall in love with school again. :lol: :P Today I don't really have any plans. :P I just wanna go on this site, play UR, watch some TV (including the new Degrassi episode), practice the flute and piccolo, study Latin vocabulary, and I do want to go on a long walk and get some coffee afterwards...but not until later today. So...yeah...I don't really have any plans for today. :P I might call Jenna tonight after the Degrassi episode though. :D I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Dan)

EDIT: Okay...I just wanted to make a quick edit because right now I am RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY!!! :D :P Okay...a few minutes ago while I was doinga Sudoku puzzle thingy in my bedroom I started thinking about metal and then I got "The Locust" by Machine Head stuck in my head and I already had "Go To Hell" by GWAR stuck in my head so both were stuck in my head at the same time. :P And then I started thinking about the Random Game: Part Three plotline and then in my mind I started developing the lyrics to a metal song...the chorus sounds like the epic part of"The Locust" with slow breakdowns like in "Go To Hell" by GWAR and the song is all about the Antichrist's view of the planet and how disgusted the Antichrist is by it and how a lot is going through his life and he's just sick of it all and wants to blow up the freaking planet becausehe's sick of it and sick of life! :twisted: :P In my head it sounds really good...but I only have parts...I have a few main stanzas and the chorus but...I need to write it down now and organize the stanzas and stuff...oh Zeus...I'm so excited about this...and it just hit me while I was doing a freaking Sudoku puzzle! :D :P I'm writing it all TONIGHT!!! :D :P And...hopefully it won't be that offensive like the last metal song lyrics I wrote...I never put those in a blog because even though I was so pleased with it...I knew it would be offensive...the title of the song was "Screw America"...yeah...I think peoples would find that offensive. :lol: :P I think this one shall be titled "Blow It Up"..."it" being the Earth of course. :twisted: :P And the Antichrist shall be talking in first person...the whole song is from his perspective. :twisted: :P Oh I am going to have so much fun doing this! :D :P And I shall put the lyrics in a blog that I make if they're not too offensive and don't contain too many swear words. :P I don't have much else to say in this edit...oh Zeus I'm just so happy and so excited. :D :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Dan)

SECOND EDIT: I'm not planning on making a blog until later tonight...probably around 9:00 PM so I can put an end to the Random Game: Part Three and tell you who won and stuff. :P I just wanted to make an edit because right now I'm in such a good mood! :D :P Okay...a few minutes ago I finished writing that metal song "Blow It Up" that I came up with yesterday and I'm so happy with the lyrics and the way it soundsin my head. :D :P It's freaking epic! :twisted: :P *devil horns* It's about the Antichrist blowing up the planet! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P My favorite part is the's just freaking epic...and the chorus is really good...and the first few main stanzas I wanted to sound very parts of "Diary" by Iced Earth and "Go To Hell" by GWAR. :P I'll probably post the lyrics in the blog that I make later tonight as long as they don't get censored or something...but I don't think they will...I didn't have any swear words in the song...unless you count "freaking" as a swear word...but I've said it on this site before and nothing's happened. :P So...I guess I just wanted to say that I finished the song lyrics...I'm so happy about this. :D :P Maybe I should stay Dan a little longer...maybe I can come up with more metal songs. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Dan)

Blog #314 / RG3 Continues / Dan's In Control!!! :D

Yes...Dan is in control for the next few days and has been in control since Sunday afternoon and things have been going quite well. :D Well...they were until this morning...nothing really bad happened...just something that happens every month and it just so happened to be at the worst possible freaking time! :P I actually am very p*ssed off about this. :P Well...other than that everything is going quite well as Dan. :D :P Oh, that reminds me...we're nearing the end of The Random Game: Part Three...there are only two parts left...and this is the last one with a question at the end of it. :P And this is the last day for you to try answering any and all of my Epicly Cynical Questions...when I make my blog tomorrow The Random Game: Part Three shall be officially over. :P So there! :P Oh...and I might as well say that as Dan I wish to be addressed as a male butI would prefer "Emperor Of Ze World", "Demonic Overlord", or "The Antichrist". :twisted: :P My favorite one is the second one...DEMONIC OVERLORD! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P But...I suppose MightyBFan25 would do as well. :P I don't really have much else to say in this introduction paragraph thingy. :P Now I suppose I'll just get to the Random Game: Part Three crap and then talk about my life. :P

Now I shall tell you the correct answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) I'm going to organize a mob that will attack MightyBFan25 and kill her! ( else is too scared of MightyBFan25 to do anything at the moment. :P It's all up to organizing a mob isn't gonna work out very well. :P )

B.) I'm going to sneak up behind MightyBFan25 and tackle her. It seems stupid because she could stab me with her pitchfork or her tigers could kill's worth a shot, right...? (This seems very stupid but this is the right're not killing MightyBFan25 because you need her to tell you how to defuse the bomb but you're still throwing her off guard so she can't hurt anyone else. :P )

C.) Screw this! I'm just going to kill MightyBFan25 and I'll probably be able to figure out how to defuse the bomb on my own! ( :P First of all...I don't feel like being killed. :P And're not gonna figure out how to defuse the bomb on your own! :P Only MightyBFan25 knows how to do that! :P

D.) I'm going to try to talk MightyBFan25 out of blowing up the planet. Maybe I can guilt-trip her...I mean...she just killed thousands of innocent people! (I don't think this will really work...I doubt you can make the Antichrist feel guilty aboutwhat she did! :twisted: :P And I doubt you'll be able to talk MightyBFan25 out of blowing up the planet. :P )

E.) None of the above. (WRONG!!! :P I'll just come right out and say that B was the right answer and I put this one here to throw you all off! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I know...I'm such an evil mastermind, aren't I?! :twisted: :P )

So...B was the correct answer to the question in my previous blog but no one got it right so I'll just show you the scoreboard thingy again. :P Here it is... :P

Girlygirl24: 14 Points

Larxenerabbit: 13 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:4 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Katywishing100: 1 Point

The scores at the top are very close and I don't feel like seeing a tie so here are my three Epicly Cynical Questions! :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score.:P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :PWhat's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

THIRD EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: Since no one is answering my Bakugan Epicly Cynical Questions I'll add another one.:P There's no real right answer to it so if you just give me a response to this you'll get 6 points...I don't really care...I just want to see bigger numbers on the scoreboard thingy.:P Okay...what do you think of MightyBFan25 as the villian in the Random Game: Part Three plotline? Just give me a response and you score 6 points. :P it's time for Part Fifteen of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P I can't believe the end is near already! :twisted: :P And when I say the end...I mean the end of all humanity except for me! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Here it is... :P

You decide that there's only way to stop the bomb from going off and not get killed in the process. You sneak up behind MightyBFan25 and tackle her! You then throw her in the mud and grab the detonator for the bomb!

MightyBFan25 gets out of the mud and laughs demonically, saying, "You know...I had already taken a mudbath before I gave this speech. Oh, and even though you have the detonator, it won't do you any good! The bomb implanted in the Earth's core was programmed to go off at the end of my speech, at 6:00 PM, anyways, so the world is doomed! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Yes...I know you took the blueprints of my master plan...I noticed it shortly after you I suspected that you would try to foil my cynical plan...but that shall never shall never defeat shall never defeat the shall never defeat Satan! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! HAIL SATAN!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 then makes the sign of the horns with her left hand. You are getting so sick of MightyBFan25 and need to do something! You grab MightyBFan25's pitchfork and throw it away. Then you beat her up, demanding that she tells you how to stop the bomb from going off! You don't get an answer from her, so you then grab her by the throat.

MightyBFan25 eventually says, "Fine...there is a way to stop the bomb from going off! There is a de-detonator beneath the podium."

You then ask, "Well why don't you go stop it?"

MightyBFan25 says, "Oh no...that's not MY's YOUR problem! Figuring out which wire to cut is up to you! Don't cut the wrong one...if you do the world will blow up! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Right now you are very angry with MightyBFan25 and throw her on the ground. You really don't care if she's in pain at the moment, and if she is, she probably deserves it. You look beneath MightyBFan25's Satanic podium and find a strange device with a bunch of wires. You also find some scissors there. You take the scissors and are about to cut one of the wires. The fate of the entire world will be decided by this next decision! What will you do?

A.) Cut the black wire.

B.) Cut the red wire.

C.) Cut the blue wire.

D.) Cut the white wire.

E.) Cut the purple wire.

F.) Cut all the wires!

G.) None of the above...

So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P And if you choose G you need to tell me what you would do instead of the other options. :P Now that that is taken care of...I shall talk about my life. :P There isn't really too much to talk about...I just made a blog on Sunday. :P Oh, on Sunday though when I got back to my mom's place I went on the back porch and blared GWAR music on my radio! :twisted: :P All our neighbours were so p*ssed off at me! :lol: :P It was hilarious...and I'm glad I did it...mainly because GWAR at ridiculously high volumes is just freaking epic...and also because I love to torture people! :twisted: :P *devil horns* MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yesterday I didn't really do anything to special. :P I practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, took a shower, went on a walk, watched TV, went on this site, played UR, and read some comic books. :P I called Jenna last night after the Degrassi episode aired...we ended up talking on the phone for over an hour and it was pretty nice. :D Today I'm going to spend some more time outside than I did yesterday. :P At the moment I'm not in the best mood because I'm Dan and the thing that I mentioned in my intro paragraph is just annoying me. :P Well...after I make this blog I'll probably practice the flute, study Latin vocabulary, watch TV, play UR, blare GWAR, I want to go on a long walk just so I can be outside for a while, and I feel like playing in the mud. :twisted: :P And later tonight I'll watch the new Degrassi episode and then I'll probably call Jenna. Why am I not watching the episodes at her place? Well...Jenna's not really sure if it's a good idea for her parents to meet Dan...she's fine with Dan...but her parents might not want her dating me if they know about Dan...and we'd rather not risk that...and I honestly don't feel like going back until the end of this week. :P I personally enjoy being Dan. :D I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P Wait...that's a lie...I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Dan)

EDIT: At the moment I don't really feel like making a blog but I do feel like typing stuff on this site so I decided to just make a quick edit thingy. :P Today I'll admit that I was fairly busy so I didn't makea blog this morning like I normally mom took me shopping to get back to school stuff...including school supplies (I didn't need that much stuff...I have an entire bookcase in my room and it has four shelves...two filled with books...and two filled with school supplies. :P ) and some new sneakers (I know I just got new sneakers about a month ago but...ah...I just felt like getting some new ones. :P ) and then some clothes...when that part came around things were somewhat amusing. :P My mom got kinda p*ssed off at me because well...let's just say I don't feel like dressing up in a girly manner anytime soon...I never have ever since I was able to dress myself. :P And then I spent a while getting all that stuff put away and getting my backpack ready...I don't go back to school until after Labor Day but...I'm an anti-procrastinator. :P I'm glad I got to go somewhere with my mom as Dan...and I did watch my mom...she seemed to be fine with the fact that I was Dan and didn't seem awkward or anything like that...and I'm glad...I feel that if I can be comfortable with myself as Dan...she should be comfortable knowing that I could be a transgender...and she seems to be...which I'm really glad about. :D Oh, and she didn't seem to mind me blaring GWAR on my iPod before and after we were done shopping. :P That reminds me...I'm in love with the song "Go To Hell" by's freaking epic! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Here's the link for it: I ever journey through Hell like Dante did...I wish to have this song playing in the backround! :twisted: :P And then I'll reach Judecca and overthrow Satan himself and then I shall become the epic DEMONIC OVERLORD...THE RULER OF HELL!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...I wanna go to Hell now!!! :twisted: :P Come on Zeus, send me down to freaking Hell right now...kill me...send me to Hell...I'm either a transgender or a lesbian...I'm a bad person...I don't believe in you...SEND ME TO HELL!!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Apparently this entire album by GWAR is called Beyond Hell and it's all about going through Hell and killing Satan! :twisted: :P Sounds fun! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P You know...I'd rather take over Heaven's more fun to rule Hell! :twisted: :P Oh, and the lead singer of GWAR is possibly a Satanist! :twisted: :P I wanna be like him...I'm becoming a Satanist now! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Sorry about those last few sentences...I got carried away. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Dan)

Blog #313 / RG3 Continues / Today Dan Shall Start Being In Control... :D

Yes...the third part of the title is correct. :D Dan shall start being in control later today...probably a little bit before 5, which is the time when I'll be leaving to go back to my mom's place. :D Why a little before 5? :P Well...I want my dad to meet Dan...and hopefully that will go well...I mean...I've talked to this with him before and he seemed fine with it...and if he could accept Alicia being a lesbian hopefully he can accept Dan as the other half of myself that might take control someday. :D Why on Earth am I doing this? :P I dunno...I just feel that this might help me figure things out better and even if it doesn't it will probably at least help me cope with the fact that Dan might completely take over someday. :D So...I feel that this will help me out and that's why I'm doing this...and I had a dream where I met Dan and he asked me to let him take over for a few days to see how things would go a few days if the dream means does have a little something to do with this decision. :D :P To a certain degree I feel somewhat guilty about this because I feel as though Iam cheating society but...the people I care about don't think that and I shouldn't care about what society thinks...this is about me and how I this guilt will wear off. :D Oh, and I feel that I should be very open about this...I mean...I shouldn't just tell random people that I'm possibly a transgender (that would be stupid. :P )...but I want to tell the people I know about this...even though they seem very accepting and understanding I just hope that this could somehow help people not have as much fear of transgenders and stuff like that...and even though none of you seem to have anything against transgenders or are homophobs or anything like that...I still feel like being open about it and talking about how things are going as Dan might help. :D And it might help people realize what we go through mentally and realize how difficult it is. :D I mean...I guess those are some high expectations and they probably won't come true's something to hope for. :D :P Oh, and I don't want anyone to really treat this like it's a big deal...I you it might seem like a big deal but it really isn't. :P I mean...Dan's not taking over forever...only for a few days or a week at the very's not like Alicia is going farewell forever...and even if Dan ever did take over forever...Alicia would never completely disappear. :D And...Dan is basically the male version of's not like you're meeting a new're just meeting the other half of myself if that makes sense...I'm still MightyBFan25...I'm still myself...I'll just be going by the name of Dan for the next few days and I'll be dressing somewhat differently and stuff like that. :D :P to summarize all of this...? :P Well...Dan's taking over for a few days and it seems like everyone's fine with it. Hopefully if I'm open about this it could help some people, including myself. And nothing will really change...I'm still myself. :D :P So...Dan will still make ridiculously long blogs and still like girls and still play in the mud and still continue the Random Game: Part Three and make you all listen to metal and stuff! :twisted: :P Oh, and Dan will also be obsessed with GWAR! :twisted: ...And laugh evilly! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...I think this is a long enough intro paragraph. :P In this blog I just wanna do all the Random Game: Part Three crap and then I wanna talk about my life a little and talk about this scary lucid dream I had last night. :P TRUST ME...I was scared...I woke up at 3 in the morning and then I couldn't get back to sleep after that dream! :P I shall tell you the correct answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) I'm just going to leave and go back home...this is obviously a trick and there's nothing for me to gain by staying here. (This might seem like a smart thing to do...but...uh...dude...if you do absolutely nothing...MightyBFan25 is going to get away with blowing up the entire freaking planet! :P Yeah...we can't have that happen, now can we? :P )

B.) I'm going to stay here until MightyBFan25 leaves her office so I can take the CD with the blueprints on it! (This would be a safe thing to do...if MightyBFan25 was actually planning on leaving her office anytime soon! :P She's in the mud pit in her office and she's probably taking a nap or something...I doubt she'll be leaving her office anytime soon. :P )

C.) I'm leaving RIGHT NOW...this metal that this freak is blaring is HORRIBLE!!! (WHAT?! :P What do you have against metal?! :P Oh, and if you leave MightyBFan25 will get away with blowing up the planet...which is BAD!!! :P )

D.) I'm going to take the CD right now...this could be my only chance to get it and stop MightyBFan25! (This might not seem like a smart thing to do but this is the correct answer. :P Why? :P Well...this is the only one that will actually manage to get you the CD with MightyBFan25's blueprints for blowing up the planet on it. :P You might get killed in the process if this is a trap...but it's worth a shot...if she blows up the planet you're gonna die anyways. :P )

So...D was the correct answer to this question. :P Now I shall update the scoreboard thingy. :P Here it is... :P

Girlygirl24: 14 Points

Larxenerabbit: 13 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:4 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Katywishing100: 1 Point

If you ask me this is still too close for my liking. :P Here are THREE Epicly Cynical Questions...PLEASE at least try to guess the second one and if you just give me a response to the third one you'll get 6 points...mainly because there's no right answer. :P Here they are... :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score. :P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :POkay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice.:P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

THIRD EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: Since no one is answering my Bakugan Epicly Cynical Questions I'll add another one. :P There's no real right answer to it so if you just give me a response to this you'll get 6 points...I don't really care...I just want to see bigger numbers on the scoreboard thingy. :P Okay...what do you think of MightyBFan25 as the villian in the Random Game: Part Three plotline? Just give me a response and you score 6 points. :P

So there are my Epicly Cynical Questions...PLEASE just answer the third one and guess the second one! :P I want to see bigger scores! :P Oh, and now it's time for Part Fourteen of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You decide to steal the CD that has MightyBFan25's cynical blueprints on it. You press a button on one of the computers and it silently releases the CD. You take it and put it in it's case. You then put the CD stored in its case in your pocket. Then you approach MightyBFan25 and ask, "MightyBFan25, do you need me to stay here any longer? If not I have some work I need to do."

MightyBFan25 opens her eyes and looks at you for a moment. Then she responds, "I don't need you here any longer...I have no need for you now. You may leave if you wish to do so. Before you do though, I wish for you to find Jamie and tell her to come back to my office."

You agree to this and start searching around City Hall for Jamie. You finally find her and say, "Jamie, MightyBFan25 wants you to come back to her office."

Jamie responds, "Okay. I'll be in her office in a few moments."

Jamie starts walking towards MightyBFan25's office. After seeing this, you leave City Hall and run home with the CD. Then you lock your house door and put the CD into your computer and look over the blueprints. You discover everything about MightyBFan25's master plan to blow up the planet! The master plan willtake place tomorrow at 6:00 PM! You decide it would be best not to warn everyone about this, knowing that it would lead to total panic and then MightyBFan25 would know that you took her CD and probably kill you. You decide to wait until tomorrow to stop her. It is starting to get late outside. You decide to go to bed, but you cannot manage to fall asleep, so you stay awake and begin to wonder what MightyBFan25 is up to at the moment and how you will stop her.


Jamie comes into MightyBFan25's office. MightyBFan25 gets out of the mud pit in her office and gets cleaned up. MightyBFan25 and Jamie start making out shortly after that. Later that night, before MightyBFan25 goes to bed, she says, "Jamie, I don't want you to come when I give my speech tomorrow. If something goes wrong I want you to be safe. And even though I'll die from the bomb, you need to stay here and then right before the bomb goes off you need to go back to Hell. Tell Satan that I gave up my life to destroy all of humanity."

Jamie responds, "I really don't want to lose you...but you are the Antichrist...I can't tell you what to do. I hope you'll be okay and I'll tell Satan what you just told me."

MightyBFan25 says, "Thank you, Jamie."

Shortly after that MightyBFan25 and Jamie go to sleep...

The next afternoon, MightyBFan25 has scheduled a speech that she will give to the public. She is scheduled to give this speech at 5:00 PM. At 5, she walks up to a black podium with a red pentagram drawn on it on stage. She is wearing a black hooded robe, her silver pentagram necklace, and holding a pitchfork. Her eyes are glowing bright red, and the Mark of the Beast on her left arm is glowing bright red as well, the thousands of people watching her speech can notice it glowing even through her black hooded robe and begin to grow somewhat suspicious. Her six tigers are also on stage with her, three on each side, and their eyes are glowing bright red as well. You are watching MightyBFan25 give her speech on TV at home because you fear what she plans to do as she gives this speech. You even notice that she is hiding the detonator for the bomb implanted in theEarth's core in her black hooded robe!For the first 30 minutes, MightyBFan25 just stands at the podium, not saying anything at all. Power metal is blaring, however. After 30 minutes the power metal stops. Then MightyBFan25 walks down from the stage and finds one of the cameramen and says to him, "I want you to stand on this stage with me for a moment. Do not ask why, just do it!"

The cameraman obeys MightyBFan25 and walks on the stage and stands off to the side, away from her six tigers. MightyBFan25 then bangs her pitchfork on the ground, which creates violent tremors. Suddenly the ground underneath the thousands of spectators watching MightyBFan25 collapses, forming a giant pit that no one can get out of. MightyBFan25 says a Latin spell to put a titanium cage over the giant pit trapping the thousands of spectators. Then she makes an odd hand motion with her left hand. A few moments later the entire pit is engulfed in flames! In a few minutes all of these spectators have turned into ashes! MightyBFan25 laughs demonically! Then she looks into the one remaining cameraman's camera and says, "Yes! I have just really killed all of those people! Since no one can really kill me anyways I might as well say that I work for Satan...I am evil...I am a freak...I am sick and twisted! I have am full of nothing but pure evil and malicious intent! I AM THE ANTICHRIST!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And the world shall blow up at exactly 6:00 PM today...enjoy your last moments, foolish mortals! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Then MightyBFan25 stabs the cameraman with her pitchfork, killing him! The camera falls to the ground, and now the viewers at home cannot see anything! Some people are walking to where MightyBFan25 is giving her speech just to see what will happen next. You are one of these people. You know you need to stop MightyBFan25 and make sure that bomb doesn't go over! It's all up to you're the only one who can stop MightyBFan25...everyone else is too scared of her to do anything! What will you do?!

A.) I'm going to organize a mob that will attack MightyBFan25 and kill her!

B.) I'm going to sneak up behind MightyBFan25 and tackle her. It seems stupid because she could stab me with her pitchfork or her tigers could kill's worth a shot, right...?

C.) Screw this! I'm just going to kill MightyBFan25 and I'll probably be able to figure out how to defuse the bomb on my own!

D.) I'm going to try to talk MightyBFan25 out of blowing up the planet. Maybe I can guilt-trip her...I mean...she just killed thousands of innocent people!

E.) None of the above.

So...choose the right answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P And if you choose E you need to say what you would choose instead of the other 4 options. :P Now I guess I shall talk about my life. :P There's not much for me to really talk about...I just made a blog yesterday. :P So far today I've just watched some TV, went online, practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, and that's about it. :P Later today I should probably take a shower. :P Oh...but aside from that not so special stuff...Dan shall be taking over later today which I'm really excited's only a matter of hours! :D I'm excited but nervous at the same time if that's possible. :P Wait...wouldn't that just mean that I'm feeling anxious? :P I think so. :P Now I feel stupid...this is why I get A-'s in English and not A+'s! :lol: :P I'm still addicted to GWAR as well...this band is so epic...I LOVE the album Bloody Pit Of Horror! :twisted: :P This band is just epic...they're so good...and every song is different but just as epic as if not more epic than the song before! :twisted: :P And this band uses swear words in their lyrics but I really don't care...they just sound so epic and...well...the lyrics are just so cynical and I love it! :twisted: :P The heavier the metal and the more sick and twisted the lyrics the more I love it! :twisted: :P Yeah...I probably sound like a freak saying that...oh well. :P That reminds me...what should be the first thing I do as Dan? :P I honestly don't know. :P I'll think of something. :P I don't really have much else to say about my life at the moment. :P Now I shall talk about my dream. :P

Well...last night I had a really scary dream...I don't remember too much of it so there won't be a ridiculously long description like you get with some of my dreams. :P All I remember was that I was travelling through the nine circles of Hell to visit Satan himself...I dunno the dream I just felt compelled to do so. :P So...I made it to Judecca in Cocytus and then I saw Satan. He had somehow managed to free himself from the ice in Cocytus and he asked me to work for him. He wanted me to be the Antichrist. I agreed to it. First before he let me go back to Earth he let me enjoy myself in Hell for a little while. :twisted: :P I won't say HOW he let me enjoy myself...but let's just say that in the dream he knew that I was a lesbian and strangely attracted to demon ladies. :twisted: :P Then he told me that he wanted me to free him from Hell but only I could do it! So I went back to Earth and started studying black magic and stuff and then I was eventually powerful enough to use a spell that would release Satan from Hell and he came back to Earth! Then I remember him coming to greet me and he said that he had no more need for me and was going to kill me! Then I woke up in the dream, but I was still dreaming, and I thought I was really awake because it was a lucid dream! So I thought I was awake, but Satan was there and had his pitchfork against my throat and I could've sworn that I could smell sulfur (apparently it smells like sulfur in Hell or something. :P )...and then I really woke up! Oh Zeus...when I had woken up in the dream I was scared out of my freaking mind! :P I thought Satan was really there and was going to kill me and all of that had really just happened! :P I feel like such an idiot for thinking that now but I'm sure you woulda been freaked out too. :P I don't have anything else to really say in this blog so I'll just end it. :P The next time I make one of these ridiculously long blogs I'll be Dan! :D Vale. -MightyBFan25

EDIT: the moment I'm somewhat bored so I feel like making an edit. :P I might as well come right out and say that at the moment I am Dan and I will remain Dan for the next few days or a week at most if I'm really enjoying myself. :D So...Alicia isn't gone forever...just for a few days...and Dan is here. :D I'm actually really glad about this and I'm in a really good mood at the moment. :D's not a big deal...Dan is basically the male version of Alicia so there's not much that's really changed...and I'm still myself no matter what. :D Oh, and this is what I really wanted to talk about. :P Okay...well...when I got back to my mom's place I went onto the back porch and got my radio and the CD Bloody Pit Of Horror by GWAR and was blaring GWAR music for about an hour! :twisted: :P Oh was HILARIOUS...some of my neighbours were SO P*SSED OFF at me! :lol: :P ESPECIALLY if they bothered to listen to one of the songs that I was blaring ridiculously loud and heard all the swear words ands stuff! :lol: :P Oh, and it was just epic to blare GWAR at ridiculously high volumes! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P During the entire time I was ridiculously happy and after just a few minutes I caught myself headbanging...I don't headbang on's just that whenever I listen to metal I just start headbanging. :twisted: :P I dunno why...I think it's just a metalhead wouldn't understand. :lol: :P After that hour of blaring metal I went back inside so no one called the police who could give me a fine for disturbing the peace or something. :lol: :P I think I should call Jenna later tonight and tell her about this...she might find it amusing. :P Oh...I just realized something...I admitted to being a headbanger...oh Zeus...don't judge me. :P Kidding...I don't really care. :P Fine...judge me...I WANT to hear your opinions about me! :lol: :P I don't really have much else to say in this edit. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I really shouldn't be putting in a name but at the moment I know that I'm Dan so I guess I can put down a name. Dan. )

Blog #312 / RG3 Continues / Can't Wait For Tomorrow! :D

Well...getting to the third part of this blog's title...I honestly can't wait until tomorrow...I'm excited but also somewhat nervous at the same time. :D I's hard to explain. :P I might as well say WHY I'm feeling excited but nervous. :P Well...starting tomorrow night I'm letting Dan be in control for a few days just to see how things go...hopefully this will help me figure things out better. :D I's onlyfor a few days so it's not like I'm saying farewell to Alicia...and I doubt I ever really would...Alicia is half of me...and Dan is the other half. :D And...from what I've read on this site it seems like everyone is fine with Dan taking over for a few days for the most part so as Dan I will continue to make my blogs. :D I actually can't wait for tomorrow night...I actually feel a little guilty about this though...I almost feel like I'm cheating society to a certain extent and that feels wrong...but...then I'm thinking that this isn't about anyone else...even though it sounds selfish (Satanism values selfishness...I should be a Satanist! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P )...this whole thing really is about myself at the moment...I need to do this to figure things out and I need to be happy. I know it sounds rather selfish of me to think like that but it really is true...and I don't really care what society thinks...if the people I care about hated it then I would really feel bad but they're all fine with it so I shouldn't worry too much. :P So...I'll keep making my blogs as Dan and tell you how things go. :D In this blog I just wanna do all the Random Game: Part Three crap and then talk about my life for a little while and that's about it...there's not much else to really talk about...I just made a blog yesterday. :P

Now I shall tell you the correct answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) This is a trap! I'm gonna stay outside and ask MightyBFan25 to talk to me out here! (If you don't visit MightyBFan25 she'll probably think you're plotting against you and kill you. :P So...this isn't the right answer...if you die the story ends and we still have four parts left. :P )

B.) I'm gonna run away and tell everyone what MightyBFan25's up to! (If MightyBFan25 catches you doing this she'll obviously kill you. :P Oh, and no one will believe you because you have no proof so they'll just think you're crazy or something and lock you up in an insane asylum. :P )

C.) I accept this offer. Maybe I can use this opportunity to find out about MightyBFan25's master plan! (This is the correct answer. :P It shoulda been obvious. :P You won't make MightyBFan25 suspicious and if you catch her off guard maybe you can find out what she's up to. :P

D.) I accept this offer. I want to kill Jamie...MightyBFan25 will be so devasted after she sees that happen! ( is still not over Jenna...if you kill the demon she's in love with at the moment she'll be devastated and kill you. :P )

So...C was the correct answer to this question and I believe everyone who answered this question got it right. :P Here's the updated scoreboard thingy... :P

Girlygirl24: 13 Points

Larxenerabbit: 12 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:4 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Katywishing100: 1 Point

If you ask me the scores are STILL to close for my liking and there's only four parts left. :P Here are my two Epicly Cynical Questions that no one has answered yet... :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score.:P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl.:P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

There. :P Now someone PLEASE answer these Epicly Cynical Questions...or at least try to answer the second one! :P Okay...that hasn't worked so answer the questions...OR PERISH!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P You dare question the authority of the Emperor Of Ze World?! :twisted: :P We'll see about that! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P's part Thirteen of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P

You stand outside of City Hall and think for a little while. You eventually decide to accept MightyBFan25's offer and walk into City Hall towards her office. You knock on her office door.

MightyBFan25 hears you knocking on the door and says, "Come in...if you dare! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

You are somewhat scared for a moment but realize that MightyBFan25 is more than likely just trying to scare you. You open her office door and walk inside, unsure if this is a trap or not. You find MightyBFan25 sitting in a black and red chair covered with spikes. She is looking at her computer monitors, maybe blueprints of some sort.

You ask MightyBFan25, "Why do you want me here?"

MightyBFan25 answers, "Oh...I just wanted to talk to you for a while. I feel that you might be of some use to me but I know you would refuse to work for the Almighty Satan so I just want to talk to you."

You ask, "What about Jamie?"

MightyBFan25 responds, "Oh...I really like her...but I feel like talking to you at the moment. Jamie is looking around City Hall...she's never seen a place like it before. Now...I just wish to talk to don't even need to say anything to me...just listen."

MightyBFan25 begins to ramble on and on about useless stuff. You realize that this is getting you absolutely no where and she just wants to annoy you. You tune out what MightyBFan25 is talking about and begin looking at some of the computer monitors behind her. MightyBFan25 doesn't seem to notice. As you continue looking at the computer see the blueprints for a giant bomb implanted in the Earth's core that will blow up the entire planet! You are absolutely shocked by this and you know that you need to get these blueprints and warn everyone of MightyBFan25's plan before it's too late!

After a while, MightyBFan25 stops rambling on about useless stuff and says, "You I'm rather bored. Is it okay with you if I go into the mud pit in my office? Oh...I take that back. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks...I'm Emperor Of Ze World! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 puts down her pitchfork and puts her silver pentagram necklace on a shelf and says, "Oh...before I do that I wish to listen to GWAR music! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 takes the CD Bloody Pit Of Horror by GWAR and puts in her radio. She turns up the volume and suddenly GWAR music is blaring. You really hate this horrible music and want to leave soon just so you can get some peace and quiet. MightyBFan25 then goes into the mud pit and says, "You know...that reminds me. YOU'RE the fool who made me Emperor Of Ze World! you're the one who gave the Antichrist this position of absolute power! Wouldn't that make you the False Prophet, the third part of the Satanic trinity?! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Of course...I know you would fail to realize're too good to admit that you gave the Antichrist total power over the entire planet!"

Ignoring this, you say, "MightyBFan25, you're such a sick and twisted freak! What pleasure are you getting out of this?!"

MightyBFan25 answers, "Oh...I know I'm sick and twisted! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That's why God rejected me...Satan was the only one who would accept me! And I'm getting much more pleasure out of this than you can ever imagine! Oh, that reminds me...that song by GWAR "Sick and Twisted" is on this CD! How convenient! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Very disturbed by this you say, "You're such a freak! The only reason Jamie likes you is because you're the Antichrist! And why do you need to be in the mud as you talk to me?!"

MightyBFan25 answers, "I know I'm a freak! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And Jamie likes me for who I am...being the Antichrist is just a bonus! Oh, and I don't need to be in the mud as I talk to you...I just want to be in the mud pit at the moment. Why? Let's just say that if cleanliness is next to godliness...I want to be a far away from "God" as possible! I would rather be filthy! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Besides...what do you care?! I'm the Emperor Of Ze World...I can do whatever the heck I want to! Now...would you stop bothering me? I wish to close my eyes for a while and relax."

You feel that MightyBFan25 might be trying to trick you but you think that this might be your only chance to get the blueprints of her evil plan! What will you do?

A.) I'm just going to leave and go back home...this is obviously a trick and there's nothing for me to gain by staying here.

B.) I'm going to stay here until MightyBFan25 leaves her office so I can take the CD with the blueprints on it!

C.) I'm leaving RIGHT NOW...this metal that this freak is blaring is HORRIBLE!!!

D.) I'm going to take the CD right now...this could be my only chance to get it and stop MightyBFan25!

So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P

Now I shall talk about my life. :P I jsut made a blog yesterday so there's not much to really talk about. :P I haven't really done much today besides watch TV, go online, take a shower, and practice the flute. :P Later today I'll probably go on this site for a little while and I feel like blaring metal. :twisted: :P Oh, and right now I'm listening to "Sick and Twisted" by's such an epic song! :twisted: :P *devil horns* PLEASE listen to it! :P Here's the link for it: Pit Of Horror is one of my favorite metal albums EVER...maybe even second to only Burnt Offerings! :twisted: :P Oh, later today I'm gonna call Jenna and we'll probably end up talking for a while if she's not busy. :P During this upcoming week I need to go shopping with my mom for back to school crap...that's gonna be a ton of fun...and I'm being sarcastic. :P Anyways, as for this whole Dan thing...he's taking over for a few days starting on Sunday night and I actually am excited about it. :D Oh, and I can easily accept Dan as a part of me and I honestly think that if he were to take over someday I wouldn't really mind it too much. :D I'm glad I can cope with this much better now...a few weeks ago I was cutting myself, thinking that THAT was the answer to my problems. :P So...right now things are going quite well. :D I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I know I really can't put a name at the moment but I want to and I probably will be able to soon. :D )

Blog #311 / RG3 Continues / Bloody Pit of Horror...

Sorry...I couldn't come up with anything cool for a title of this all you have is the blog number and the fact that the Random Game: Part Three is continuing and I can't come up with a title. :P I just thought of a good title...and it makes no sense so it would freak you all out. :twisted: :P Hmmmmm.....I shall change it. :twisted: :P Hopefully I'll be allowed to change it. :P And the third part of the title (if I changed it and it worked) is the name of one of GWAR's albums...actually my favorite one by them. :twisted: :P Oh, and this is random but today I learned about this cool religion thingy called really looks cool...not as cool as Satanism but pretty cool. :twisted: :P They use Satanic pentagrams! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Oh, can you listen to "Zombies March"by GWAR? :P It's epic and my favorite song by them. :D :P Here's the link for it: favorite part is the introduction with the epicly cynical "Welcome once again to the bloody pit my friends. We're so glad you could attend. Come and die...come and die..."! :twisted: :P This band actually dresses up like monsters when they're on tour and play in concerts and stuff. :P If I were in a metal band I'd wear a black hooded robe and a silver pentagram necklace and I'd dye my hair black and red. :twisted: :P I'd also get two of the Satanic pentagram on my back, and one of the number 666 on my left arm! :twisted: :P And when I wasn't playing I'd be walking around with a pitchfork! :twisted: :P Oh Zeus...get me in a metal band NOW!!! :P Kidding. :P I'd rather just listen to metal. :P In this blog I don't have much to talk about since I just made a blog yesterday so I'll just get to all the Random Game: Part Three stuff and then talk about my life. :P

First I shall tell you the answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) A sword (This isn't a mythological weapon so even if you could hit Satan with wouldn't do this weapon sucks and is worthless in a fight against Satan. :P Therefore, this answer is wrong! :P )

B.) MightyBFan25's pitchfork (I don't think you'll be able to kill Satan with this. :P And I doubt MightyBFan25 would even part with her pitchfork...she seems to really like that thing. :P And I doubt you even know how to use a pitchfork! :P )

C.) A gun and some silver bullets (Now...this would be great if you were trying to kill a werewolf...NOT SATAN!!! :P )

D.) A crucifix (WHAT?! :P Hell no! :P First of's probably not a real's probably the Satanic cross because if MightyBFan25 even touched a religious artifact she'd probably burn or something. :P And...even if it were the real thing...MightyBFan25 would immediately burn it with her pitchfork, leaving you absolutely defenseless. :P )

E.) None of the above (This is the right answer actually. :P You were SUPPOSED to take MightyBFan25's spellbook, duh! :P If you chose E you got a point but if you also said you'd take the spellbook instead you got 5 more points...which made this question worth 6 points. :P )

So E was the right answer but no one got it right. :P Here's the scoreboard thingy again. :P

Girlygirl24: 12 Points

Larxenerabbit: 11 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:3 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Katywishing100: 1 Point

And now here are my two EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTIONS. :P PLEASE answer them...or at least try to guess the answer to the second one! :P Here they are... :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score. :P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice.:P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

Now it's time for Part Twelve of Sixteen (We're getting to the end! :D :P ) of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You decide that none of the weapons MightyBFan25 has offered you would work so you tell her, "MightyBFan25, I don't want any of these weapons. I want your spellbook!"

MightyBFan25 hands you her spellbook and says, "Good luck using it, it's all in Latin, which you don't know! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 takes her pitchfork and destroys the other weapons, laughing demonically. Then she bows down before Satan and walks to the edge of Cocytus, saying to herself, "I'm bored at the moment. Maybe I should beat up some of the pathetic shades partially encased in ice here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Then a female demon named Jamie walks past MightyBFan25 and says, "What are you doing here? You're not a're not supposed to be here."

MightyBFan25 turns around and notices that this demon looks like the one on the cover of Iced Earth's album Days of Purgatory. She responds, "In case you didn't know...I AM supposed to be here! I'm the Antichrist."

Jamie says, "Wow...I knew the Antichrist was coming but...I didn't think it was a teenage girl."

MightyBFan25 responds, "I know. It's one would ever suspect it. Now...if you don't believe me I can show you the Mark of the Beast on my left arm."

Jamie says, "No...I believe you. I can sense the one can fake that."

MightyBFan25 says, "Okay. Wait...why are you here? There is no need for any demons in Cocytus."

Jamie answers, "Well...I'm usually in the Malebowges torturing the panderers and seducers...but I'm on break at the moment."

MightyBFan25 asks, "And you're here...why...?"

Jamie says, "I feel like it...just like you feel like being here at the moment. Now...I already know something about you without you even mentioning you like to go on a date?"

MightyBFan25 says, " already knew that...? That's wierd. So're a lesbian and want to go out with me? I accept this offer...I like this idea. Wait...I have a better about you come back to Earth with me?"

Jamie says, "I've never seen Earth...I was up in Heaven for a while but then I followed Satan down here and I've been here for the longest time."

MightyBFan25 says, "Don't worry...I can show you around Earth quite well. There's not much to really see anymore. And I have total control of Earth...I'm Emperor Of Ze World there and I'm the Antichrist here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Jamie asks, "Why the horizontal rod through the vertical shaft of your pitchfork?"

MightyBFan25 responds, "It represents the Satanic cross and devides the vertical shaft at a ratio of one to phi, which is the physical manefestation of Satan."

Jamie says, "So you're smart as well?"

MightyBFan25 says, "Hell yes! I'm smarter than everyone on Earth...that's why I'm Emperor Of Ze World!"


You have MightyBFan25's spellbook and you came up with the idea to just encase Satan in his icy chamber once more. You flip wildly through the book, looking for ice spells. Then you find an ice spell that works specifically on Satan! You say the Latin spell, encasing Satan in his icy chamber once more. MightyBFan25 notices what you have just did and walks to the center of Cocytus. Jamie follows her. You hand MightyBFan25 her spellbook.

MightyBFan25 says, "Good work. You may be useful to me in some way."

MightyBFan25 mumbles something in Latin and snaps her fingers. Suddenly, you are out of Hell and back on Earth, in front of City Hall! MightyBFan25 says, "I want you to come into my office so we can talk for a while. Be in there in a few moments."

MightyBFan25 and Jamie go into City Hall and enter MightyBFan25's office. Meanwhile, you are outside of City Hall, not knowing what to do next. Should you talk to MightyBFan25? Could this be another trap? Maybe you can use this opportunity to stop MightyBFan25. Well...what will you do?

A.) This is a trap! I'm gonna stay outside and ask MightyBFan25 to talk to me out here!

B.) I'm gonna run away and tell everyone what MightyBFan25's up to!

C.) I accept this offer. Maybe I can use this opportunity to find out about MightyBFan25's master plan!

D.) I accept this offer. I want to kill Jamie...MightyBFan25 will be so devasted after she sees that happen!

So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Now I shall talk about my life. :P

Well...I just made a blog yesterday so there's not much to really talk about. :P Yesterday Jenna and I went on a date...we saw a movie and then we got some coffee and went back to her place to see the new Degrassi episode. :D It was pretty fun and I'm glad I could spend more time with Jenna. :D Today I don't really have any plans. :P I might call Jenna in a few hours and ask her if she wants to come over my place and translate some more Pliny. :D And in the meantime I'm gonna take a shower, practice the flute, pack up my clothes, and watch some TV. :P In a few days Dan will be in control...not forever...just for a few days to help my figure things out better. :D I'm actually somewhat excited about it. :D Next week I need to go shopping for back to school crap with my mom...that will be fun. :P I'm being sarcastic. :P And I'm not going over my dad's place next weekend...I persuaded my mom not to make me go next weekend because I'm smarticle like that! :twisted: :P Now I really wanna go play in the's nice outside...I think I will once I'm done making this blog. :twisted: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I still can't put in one name... :P )

Blog #310 / RG3 Continues / New Computer!!! :D

Okay...I tried to make this blog yesterday but it didn't work...I dunno why. :P Wait...that's a lie...I do know why it didn't work...this site was made years it was made to work with older internet mom just got the new computer on Tuesday so we have a very new internet browser that has some problems with this site...that would explain why I couldn't made my blog yesterday. :P So...I have this site on compatability view now which fixes any and all of those problems...I am just so smarticle, aren't I? :D :P Seriously...I had to do this with this site on my dad's computer as well. :P Anyways...getting to the third part of the title now that I have apologized for not making a blog yesterday...we got the new computer at my mom's place and it's freaking amazing! :D :P Okay...I'm not good with this kinda stuff at all so I don't even know the name of the computer. :P But it's runs so quickly and everything is in the computer monitor itself so we don't need the tower thing and the computer screen is like a touch screen but you can also use the mouse (I'm just using the mouse...if you ask me a touch screen computer is AWETHUM but a bit too crazy for my liking...and eventually if we keep up this kinda crap robots will eventually take over the universe. :P So there...I'm not using the touch screen thingy. :P ) and the keyboard and mouse are all wireless and it's just AWETHUM!!! :D It runs so quickly and playing games on this thing is amazing as well...and the speakers are I can blare more metal! :twisted: :P *devil horns* ALL HAIL ICED EARTH!!!!! :twisted: :P Oh, and this thing will be good for all my school work has tons of programs and stuff that I'll be needing for my schoolwork. :D So...I love the new computer and it's just AWETHUM!!! :D there is something that I want to tell you all...somethingactually somewhat serious. paragraph. :P

Well...I've thought about this for a few days and this dream convinced meto do this even more. What the heck am I talking about? a serious decision on my own part...I really want to let Dantake over for a few days starting next week...I want to see how things go and maybe this will help me figure things out better...or just help me cope with things better...I dunno...I just feel that it will helpme out in some way. :D And...I would love to blog every day and say howthings are going as Dan...but the thing is...I'm worried that I might offend someone on this site or freak them outor something andI REALLY don't wanna do that. So...I just really wanna knowif everyone on this site is okay with Dan. If notPLEASE tell me...I'd rather you be brutallyhonest with me than just say the nice thing to make me feel good or something. :D And...if anyone would be offended by this whole thing...I probably won't be making any blogs as Dan to avoid that but I guess that's not too big of a deal. :D Anyways, I already told my parents and Jenna and my close friends at BLS about this and they're all fine with it...they might not completely like it...but they're all fine with it...which I really appreciate...that's all I could ask for. :D And now I shall tell you the correct answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) I'm gonna wait around and see if anyone comes to visit me here... (Even though this might seem like a stupid idea and a total waste of time...this is the correct answer. :P You have no idea how to get out of Hell or what you're supposed to do need someone to help you out and tell you how to get back to Earth! :P )

B.) I'm gonna kill Satan right now! I mean...I don't have a weapon but I can do this, right...? ( can't kill Satan! :P First of all...he's it's impossible to kill him. :P And second...if you try to attack Satan...he'll just kill you. :P And third...even if you did kill him...when MightyBFan25 finds out she'll probably be angry at you! :twisted: :P )

C.) I'm gonna go visit Ugolino and watch him eat someone. (Even though this sounds fun...watching cannibalism unfold won't help you get out of Hell in any way, shape, or form. :P )

D.) I'm gonna go beat up some of the shades here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: (Same as C...this sounds like super evil epic fun but this won't help you get out of Hell either. :P Sorry. :P )

So...A was the right answer to this question. :P And now I shall update the scoreboard thingy and then I have some Epicly Cynical Questions to ask all of you! :twisted: :P Here it is... :P

Girlygirl24: 12 Points

Larxenerabbit: 11 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:3 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Katywishing100: 1 Point

If you ask me the scores are still too close for my liking so here are two epicly cynical questions...feel free to answer both. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score.:P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl.:P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

Now for Part Eleven of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You decide to wait for someone to visit you, not knowing what to do next. You wish you could leave Hell, but right now you would like to be anywhere else in Hell. Cocytus is horrible! You are really cold at the moment, and you are beginning to get a headache from listening to all of the shades howling in horrible pain. You sit down on the freezing cold ice and wait for a while...


MightyBFan25 has been watching you on her computer monitors and says, "Wow...that is impressive. Our pathetic little hero has managed to traverse the final two circles of Hell without Virgil or anyone else's help! Our her could be of some use to me. I shall go congradulate our pathetic little hero! Our hero is probably freezing to death in Cocytus as I speak! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

Then MightyBFan25 grabs her pitchfork and spellbook. She says a Latin spell and arrives in Cocytus. She approaches you and says, "Congradulations. You have managed to traverse the last two circles of Hell on your own. What you have done is rather impressive that I might not leave you to rot here for all eternity! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You might actually be of some use to me. But...before I take you back to must prove your must defeat my master in a fight! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

You ask, "So...who's your master?"

MightyBFan25 answers, "Oh...I'm sure you have heard of him. I doubt you will manage to defeat my master though...he is quite formidable...Zeus is such a coward...encasing my master in this icy chamber for thousands of years like this!"

MightyBFan25 takes her pitchfork and turns a dial on it that is located on it's shaft. MightyBFan25 points the pitchfork at the ice surrounding Satan. Flames shoot out of the pitchfork, melting the ice and releasing Satan from is icy clumber.


MightyBFan25 responds, "He is my master, you fool!"

Satan awakes from his icy slumber and says, "Why have you awakened me before my time?"

MightyBFan25 responds, "Almighty Satan, this foolish mortal has challenged you to a fight. Please defeat him, my master. And do not call me by my sacred number at the moment, this mortal knows nothing of our master plan."

You ask, "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON?!?!?!"

MightyBFan25 says, "You honestly don't have a clue? really are stupid. No wonder fight for the side of good. You're pathetic! Well...I'll fill you won't live to tell anyone of our plan anyways! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! After I found out that Jenna had died, I felt that I had no reason to live. I wanted to get back at the world for it...I wanted to get back at Zeus for doing this to me...and I wanted to get back at humanity. I felt that if Jenna died everyone should die...including myself! One night Satan transported me here, in this exact spot...and asked me to serve for him. I accepted his offer...he promised me that I would rule Hell alongside him and I would not go to the Abominable Sands. So...I work for Satan! He bestowed his sacred number upon me. That number is...666! It has been burned onto my left arm by the flames of Hell!!! So...I work for Satan...I worship him...he is my god...and I AM THE ANTICHRIST!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! The pain of these wretched souls gives me my power!!! Satan gives me my divine powers!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

You are absolutely shocked by this. You know that you need to defeat Satan in this fight. You know that you need to get back to Earth and warn everyone of MightyBFan25! She is going to destroy all of humanity somehow! You need to stop her! But, you are even more shocked that you are looking at Satan and the Antichrist right now!

MightyBFan25 says, "I see you seem rather shocked. I guess it is a lot to take in for someone as stupid as you! You see...I was meant to do this...I was perfect for this! And I live to serve Satan! Now...choose your weapon to fight Satan! You can have any of these four weapons or anything else lying around doesn't're dead anyways!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I love torturing these pathetic mortals!"

So...which weapon will you choose? Choose wisely...this could be the difference between life and death!

A.) A sword

B.) MightyBFan25's pitchfork

C.) A gun and some silver bullets

D.) A crucifix

E.) None of the above

So...choose the right answer. If you choose E you need to tell me what you would choose instead. :P If you get this question right you'll score 6 for the right letter answer and 5 for something else that I won't tell you! :twisted: :P I shall talk about my life. :P

I last made a blog on Monday but I really don't have too much to talk about. :P On Tuesday I just did stuff that I've been doing all Summer Break. :P Then on Wednesday it was pretty much the same thing. :P I have some plans with Jenna. :D She's coming over my place at around 6 and we're gonna go see a movie and get some coffee. Then we're gonna go back to her place and see the new Degrassi episode at 9. It should be fun. :D Other than that today I just watched some tv, went on this site, practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, and listened to metal. :P I can't wait for tonight. :D Oh, that reminds me...I should start getting ready for my date with Jenna at around 5. :P After I'm done typing this blog I think I'm gonna go play in the mud. :twisted: :P Oh, and this is completely unrelated but next week I haveta go shopping with my mom to get stuff for when I go back to school in a few weeks...that's gonna be fun. :P And I'm being sarcastic. :P It's gonna be torture. :P Oh, but one good thing will take mom will haveta be seen in public with Dan! :D :P That's good in my opinion...hopefully my mom will be okay with that...but I think she will be. :D One last thing before I end this blog...I was listening to this song called "Zombies March" by GWAR and it's such an epic song and I really wants you all to listen to it! :twisted: :P Here's the link for it on YouTube: you listen to it? :P You did? :P Wasn't it EPIC?!?!?! :twisted: :P *devil horns* I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25

Blog #309 / RG3 Continues / I'm Not Taking A Break From This Site... :P

Yeah...I know in one of my previous blogs I said that the computer at my mom's place wasn't working because the hard drive broke or something like that but my nana is letting us borrow her laptop until we get the new'm still gonna be on this site until we get the new computer. :D :P Aren't you so glad about this?! :D :P I am...I get to torture you all even more with my ridiculously long blogs. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Seriously...this site is kinda dead...I doubt anyone would miss me too much for a few days anyways. :P Besides...I'm annoying...I'm sure you'd all be glad to get rid of me for a few days. :lol: :P mom's gonna be getting the new computer on Tuesday and it will probably be set up by Wednesday night at the latest...I know I'll probably end up helping my mom set up the computer...or at least help her out with a few things...even though I suck with computers for the most part...I'm okay with certain things...any my mom thinks that since I'm a teenager I should be good with computers. :lol: :P I'm lucky if I press a key and the thing doesn't catch on fire or something. :lol: :P But seriously...I'm okay with computers and I helped my dad set up his computer...I actually did most of it...I really only needed my dad to help move the ridiculously heavy stuff. :lol: :P I said before...even though we're gonna be getting a new and ridiculously AWETHUM computer...I'm still not planning on being on this site as much as I have been lately. :P I mean...I'll still be on this site and I'll still make my ridiculously long blogs because we need to finish The Random Game: Part Three but I won't be checking this site for my PM's and comments on my blogs and stuff as much...I'll do it a few times a day but not as often...I want more time to just be by myself and think about this whole Dan thing...I actually had a wierd dream involving Dan a few days ago...but I'll talk about that later. :P Right now I shall get to all the Random Game: Part Three stuff and then I'll talk about my life and then I'll get to that wierd dream I had last night and how things concerning Dan are going. :P

Now I shall tell you the right answer to the question in my previous blog and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P

A.) I'm going to try and save Virgil! ( should be worried about saving yourself from MightyBFan25 at the moment. :P Never mind Virgil...he's safely locked inside a cage suspended in the air. :P )

B.) I'm going to run away so MightyBFan25 doesn't kill me or make me go into the Abominable Sands. The Abominable Sands look scary! (Running away is no way to solve your problems. :P If you even try to run away MightyBFan25 will probably kill you. :P )

C.) I'll run through the Abominable Sands...MightyBFan25 won't follow me there! (Uh...she's probably working for Hades and is dressed up like a devil-worshipper...she would follow you into the Abominable Sands...MightyBFan25 probably enjoys the pain or is immune to it somehow. :P )

D.) I'll just talk to MightyBFan25 and see what she wants. I mean...her eyes are glowing bright red and she has a pitchfork against my throat but maybe she means well or she's just stressed out from being Emperor Of Ze World. (Even though this might seem like a very stupid idea this actually is the right answer. :P And this is the only one that probably won't get you killed by MightyBFan25. :P )

So D was the right answer to my last question. :P Now I shall update the scoreboard thingy... :P

Larxenerabbit: 11 Points

Girlygirl24:11 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:2 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

These scores are ridiculously close and I don't feel like seeing a tie for first in the end of this whole thing. :P Here's my epicly cynical question that's worth 10 points... :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score. :P I'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P

SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever?

A.) Pyrus

B.) Sub-Terra

C.) Haos

D.) Darkus

E.) Aquos

F.) Ventus

There...are you happy now? :P If you get it right you'll score 6 points. :P If you get the first one you'll score 10 points...and you can answer both just so you know. :P Now it's time for Part Ten of 16 of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You decide you ask MightyBFan25 what she's doing in the Abominable Sands.

MightyBFan25 responds, "Well...I saw that Virgil was helping you this journey through Hell and back to Earth. I wasn't expecting that and I thought that was making thingsmuch too easy for you. But...I was okay with that...because you would have one final test to face at the end of your journey that Virgil couldn't help you out with. But then I saw that you were about to walk AROUND the Abominable Sands. I won't stand for that! I want you to walk through the Abominable Sands with me...I want to watch you experience the pain that my shade will feel for all eternity once I die! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Oh, and now I shall dispose of your pathetic little friend. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

You have no idea what MightyBFan25 will do to Virgil and you wish you could do something but she is still holding her menacing pitchfork against your throat and will more than likely kill you if you try to run away and help Virgil. MightyBFan25 says a Latin spell and suddenly Virgil has disappeared! You then ask MightyBFan25, "What have you done to Virgil?!"

MightyBFan25 says, "Oh...nothing...I just sent your little friend back to Limbo. He's perfectly fine. He just won't be helping you out anymore! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I shall be your guide for the rest of your journey through Hell! Now...I want you to walk across the Abominable Sands with me or I will kill you right here and now! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Make you choice...I don't have all day!"

You respond, "I guess I have no choice...I'll walk through the Abominable Sands with you, you sick and twisted freak! What pleasure are you getting from this?!"

MightyBFan25 answers, "Oh...I shall get a lot of pleasure from watching you in pain and agony! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

You begin walking across the Abominable Sands with MightyBFan25. You are in a lot of pain during this entire walk and the place is very scary. The sands are ridiculously hot and there are dark clouds looming over you. Fiery flakes are falling from the sky and they are very painful as well. You now begin to regret agreeing to do this with're in so much pain that you would rather just have her kill you at the moment. And you would like MightyBFan25 to shut the Hell up because she's going on a massive rant about don't know what haven't been paying attention. Maybe it's somthing about how unfair this punishment is for being a homosexual... That would make sense...

As you reach the edge of the Abominable Sands you ask MightyBFan25, "What happened to that girl you used to like, MightyBFan25? What was her name...? I believe it was Jenna..."

MightyBFan25 immediately stops walking and puts her pitchfork against your throat again! She says, "HOW DARE YOU MENTION HER IN MY PRESENCE!!!!! NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN!!!!!"

You notice that MightyBFan25 is about to cry and you realize that something is wrong. You ask her, "Are you okay? Did something happen to her?"

MightyBFan25 says, "Yes...something did happen to Jenna...the girl who I loved with all my heart. Three years ago she died...during that series of natural disasters! It was terrible...I'm still not over it...I'll still love her...and she's dead! She's probably somewhere her in the Abominable Sands. I was hoping to find her but...I couldn't! I have no reason to live...Satan will hate me for doing this but..."

MightyBFan25 reaches for something tied to her ankle. You don't know what this is and you think it might be another weapon. You see that she has a knife in her hand now. You think she's about to kill you! However...MightyBFan25 hands it to you and says, "Satan will be most displeased knowing that I did this but...I just handed you a knife. I want you to kill me with it! I have no reason to live...Jenna's gone!"

You are really surprised by this and are about to stab MightyBFan25 with the knife but then you stop and say, "No...I won't do this to you. You want me to kill you...that's what you want! I'm not letting you get what you want! I think it's more of a punishment to let you live in this state of emotional pain that you're in than just let you die! But if you want me to stab you so badly..."

You take the knife and stab MightyBFan25 in the arm. Then you throw the knife on the ground.

MightyBFan25 approaches you and says, "All I want to do is die and now I can't even do that! YOU SHALL DEARLY PAY FOR THIS, FOOLISH MORTAL!!!!!"

You say, "I don't really care, you freak. How about you stay around here and look for the shade of Jenna...or you can just stay here and cry all day! I don't really care. I have a planet to save from YOU!!!"

You leave the Abominable Sands and continue on your journey, leaving MightyBFan25 in the Abominable Sands. She is probably crying at the moment. You think it is pathetic that she would be so upset over a girl and that she actually wants to die. You have no idea what MightyBFan25 will do now...probably nothing good!


MightyBFan25 is still in the Abominable Sands and is upset at the moment. After about an hour she says a Latin spell and returns back to Earth, goes back to her office, and continues watching you on her computer monitors in her office. She puts on a new black hooded robe and puts bandages on her arm in the place where you stabbed her with the knife.

After a few more hours of travelling through Hell, you reach Judecca in Cocytus and see Satan himself! What will you do now?

A.) I'm gonna wait around and see if anyone comes to visit me here...

B.) I'm gonna kill Satan right now! I mean...I don't have a weapon but I can do this, right...?

C.) I'm gonna go visit Ugolino and watch him eat someone.

D.) I'm gonna go beat up some of the shades here! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted:

So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Now I shall talk about my life. :P I just made a blog yesterday so there's not much to really talk about. :P I haven't done too much so far today...I just practiced the flute, took a shower, went on this site, watched some TV, and that's about it really. :P Later today I'll be going over Jenna's place so we can translate more Latin stories and then we'll see the new Degrassi episode. :D We should go on a date again soon...maybe tomorrow if she's not too busy or something. :D Oh, and last night I had a really wierd dream. :P the dream I met Dan and we were having a conversation about some random stuff and then Dan said: "Wait...before you go, can I ask you something? I want you to put me in control for a few days and see how things work out. Trust's not a bad thing. And I won't take over unless you want me to." guess I should let Dan take over for a few more days before I go back to school...maybe sometime next week...I should probably tell everyone I know what I'm doing before I even start so no one's freaked out or something like that. :P I'm actually not too worried about letting Dan take over for a few's not like it's a bad's probably a good thing actually. :D And maybe this will better help me accept the possibility that I might be a transgender eventually and deal with Dan...he doesn't deserve to be locked up somewhere forever. I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I still can't put in a name but that's okay for now. :D )

EDIT: I thought I'd be able to come up with something to talk about when I made an edit on this blog. :P I guess I can' I'll just type a pointless paragraph that means nothing because I'm bored. :P I guess this EDIT is just a test...I remember yesterday I tried to make a blog but it didn't work for some reason...maybe it's the new I put this site on compatability view...maybe the computer is too new for this site or with that on hopefully this edit will post...and if it posts maybe I can make my new blog today. :P Hopefully...but that logic seems to make sense...and if not I can still blog from my dad's place. :P Yeah...I'll see if this edit works...and if you're reading it...compatability view worked. :P -MightyBFan25 (I still can't put in a name. Oh well... :P

Blog #308 / RG3 Continues / It Looks Depressing Outside Today... the weather where I live sucks. :P It's just really dark and rainy outside and I hate's depresing outside and I doubt either of my parents will let me go outside today...they'll probably think I'll just get sick or something. :P I don't get it...they let me play in the don't...I just do that on my own without any permission and then my parents want to kill me. :lol: :P Never mind. :P Well...I won't be going outside today for the most part...I might go over Jenna's place later today though if it stops raining so we can translate more Latin stuff...I still owe her about 25 hours of my time or something. :lol: :P Anyways...I don't have much else to ramble on I'll just get to all the Random Game: Part Three stuff and talk about my life and stuff. :P I shall tell you the answer to my last question and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) I'm gonna turn around and leave. This IS too hard! (Dude, this answer is the worst one...if you don't get past the Gate Of Dis you're stuck in Hell for all eternity and then MightyBFan25 can blow up the planet or whatever she's planning! :P You can't let her get away with that! :P )

B.) I'll leave and come back with religious artifacts to scare those demons away! (Uh...dude, you're stuck in can't leave to go get religious artifacts. :P And who's to say they'll even work. :P This answer's wrong. :P )

C.) I'm gonna stick around and wait for some form of divine intervention. (This is the right answer. :P Even though it seems stupid this is how Dante and Virgil got into the City Of Dis and continued their journey in Dante's Inferno. :P So there! :P )

D.) I'm gonna wait for a while...I could use a nap. *passes out* (In this entire story sleeping has never been the answer to anything and it isn't the answer this time either. :P )

So C was the right answer to my previous question. :P And now I shall update the scoreboard thingy. :P

Larxenerabbit: 11 Points

Girlygirl24:10 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:2 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

If you ask me this is still ridiculously close. :P Before the next part of my's an Epicly Cynical Question that's worth 10 points. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What's my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 10 points because it's really hard since there are so many NV Bakugan. :P There must be like 100 or something. :P But...I'll tell you that it is a Bakugan that Mylene used in a duel once. That might help you out if you know something about Bakugan. :P for Part 9 of 16 of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P Here it is... :P

You decide to wait in front of the Gate of Dis for some form of divine intervention to let you into the City of Dis. Suddenly, a ray of light shines through the pitch black clouds hovering over the City of Dis. You don't know what's going on. You think this could be a trick, and you ask Virgil, "What's going on?"

Virgil responds, "We are on a divine quest and Zeus has realized this so he is letting us pass through the Gate of Dis I believe. Just wait a few moments and see what happens."

A few moments later, the Gate of Dis opens. You and Virgil continue on your journey. After some time, you arrive in he inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell, the Abominable Sands.

Meanwhile, MightyBFan25 has been watching your journey through Hell this entire time and says to herself, "This is impossible! I cannot believe that our pathetic hero got through the Gate of Dis and is already in the Abominable Sands! The Abominable Sands...where I'll go when I die...nothing I can do about it... It's all because of Virgil...I need to get rid of him! Wait...what is this?! They're going to walk around the Abominable Sands! I won't stand for this...I wish to have our hero experience the pain and suffering that my shade will feel for all eternity once I die! I guess I need to leave my office and stop playing in the mud to do that...oh well. I guess I shall pay our hero a visit! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 gets out of the mud pit in her office and gets cleaned up. She changes into a black hooded robe. As she is doing this she notices a scar on her left arm that is the number 666. She doesn't seem surprised by this, she just laughs demonically. She puts on a silver necklace with a pentagram on it and grabs her pitchfork and spellbook. She says a Latin spell and suddenly arrives in the Abominable Sands. She says another Latin spell and Virgil's shade is locked in a cage suspended in the air in the Abominable Sands. You turn around and see MightyBFan25. You're somewhat creeped out by the outfit she's wearing, and wonder what she's up to. You notice that her eyes are glowing crimson and wonder what's up with that.

MightyBFan25 says, "You seem somewhat intrigued by me at the moment. Is something wrong?"

You answer, "Well...why are you wearing a black hooded robe and pentagram necklace and holding a pitchfork?'re eyes are glowing bright crimson. Are you okay...?"

MightyBFan25 responds, "Oh...I've never felt better in my entire life. This place...all if gives me my powers...I'm right at the source of all my power! I feel amazing right now...I feel so close to my master right now...I can sense his power...but you wouldn't understand."

MightyBFan25 approaches you and puts her pitchfork against your throat! What will you do now?

A.) I'mgoing to try and save Virgil!

B.) I'm going to run away so MightyBFan25 doesn't kill me or make me go into the Abominable Sands. The Abominable Sands look scary!

C.) I'll run through the Abominable Sands...MightyBFan25 won't follow me there!

D.) I'll just talk to MightyBFan25 and see what she wants. I mean...her eyes are glowing bright red and she has a pitchfork against my throat but maybe she means well or she's just stressed out from being Emperor Of Ze World. :P

So...choose the best answer when you leave a comment on this blog. :P Now I shall talk about my life. :P

I don't really have much to say about my life at the moment. :P I just made a blog last night and I don't plan to do much today. :P I'm probably just gonna be doing stuff that I normally do and if the weather clears up a little I might go to Jenna's place so we can translate more Pliny. :D :P And if not I might just go on a walk to p*ss off my mom because I know she won't want me going outside when it's raining. :P Jenna and I need to go on another date soon...we haven't gone on one for a while and I enjoy going on dates with her. :D Anyways...for the next few days (until next Friday) I might not be online at all because the computer at my mom's place isn't working and she's planning on getting a new computer since the one we have has been having some problems lately and my nana's letting us use her laptop until we getthe new computer but if it doesn't work for some odd reason I won't be online at all until next Friday. And even if it does work I won't be online as much as usual...I think I need to spend more time thinking and figuring out this whole Dan thing...I'm lucky I have the opportunity to learn this stuff about myself now at this point in my life and I don't feel like wasting it or just casting it aside. :D So...this might be the last time you hear from me for the next few days and if not I won't be on as much but don't worry...I'm not dead or something. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (I want to put in a name so I'll just put in both my names. Alicia/Dan. I can't pick one yet...hopefully I can soon though. :D )

Blog #307 / RG3 Continues / I Might Take A Break From This Site...

Before anything else I might as well get to the third part of the title. :P I might be taking a break from this site for a few days and I'll explain why. On Friday the computer at my mom's place (We've had it for a while now and it's occasionally had some problems) wasn't working and apparently the hard drive isn't working or something and my mom could get a new hard drive but she's thinking now that we might as well just get a new computer since it's been having some problems lately. I the meantime my nana will be letting us borrow her laptop and hopefully that will work. In case it doesn't for some odd reason I probably won't be on this site until the next weekend when I'm at my dad's place. And even if the laptop does work...I am considering taking a long break from this site (by a long break...I mean about a few weeks or until school starts again or something)...I mean...I like this site but I just think it would be good for me to take a break from this would give me more time to think about this whole Dan thing and hopefully I can come to terms with myself sooner. But...this is just an idea...and I won't be taking a break starting tomorrow or something...I'd haveta think about it and in the meantime I'll still be making my ridiculously long and annoying blogs. :P I mean...we needs to finish The Random Game: Part Three, don't we? :P

Now...before I get to the Random Game: Part Three crap...I have something I need to tell all of you if you don't already know. Don't's nothing bad. :P I just wanted to say that Girlygirl24 is doing something where you can PM questions about anything you want to ask her (as long as it's not too personal) and she's gonna be making the blog tomorrow night. :D And...if you didn't already know this...if you want should send her some questions. :D I wants her to have a ridiculously long blog to make on Sunday night. :P And Girlygirl24, if you're reading this paragraph...I'm sorry I was being annoying and asked you like 60 questions and am asking other peoples to ask you questions...I just wants to see you make a ridiculously long blog. :P Wait...when I asked you to send her questions...that sounded nice...too nice...I'm evil! :P Send those questions OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P better not get on the Emperor Of Ze World's bad side! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P I should get to all the Random Game: Part Three crap and then I shall talk about my life. :P

First of all...I shall tell you the answer to my last question and criticize all the wrong answers. :P Here it is... :P

A.) Screw this offer! It's probably one of MightyBFan25's tricks! She wants me to go to Hell and I'll probably rot there for all eternity! (Although you might think you were being smarticle when you picked this's wrong. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P else will you get back to Earth without Virgil's help? :P You'd be not smarticle to decline this offer. :P )

B.) I accept this's better than sitting around in this dark forest. Maybe I can get back to Earth and stop MightyBFan25! (Well duh this is the right answer! :P It's the only way to get back to Earth! :P And then you can indeed try to stop MightyBFan25...but I doubt you'll be able to do that! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Besides...she's getting send six tigers that could kill you or something. :P )

C.) This is probably just a mirage or something...I'm gonna take a nap. Go away mirage Virgil. *passes out* (Okay...sleeping is no way to solve your problems and Virgil isn't a mirage. :P He's the only way to get you back to Earth. :P )

D.) I'm gonna take MightyBFan25's sword and kill that stupid She-Wolf! ('re an absolute idiot if you chose this answer! :P You can't kill the She-Wolf...sword or not! :P And...why would you just take my sword anyways? :P was irresponsible of me to leave it on the edge of Hell but don't take it...I needs it to behead peoples! :P )

So...B was the right answer to my last question. :P And here is the updated scoreboard... :P

Girlygirl24:10 Points

Larxenerabbit: 10 Points

Speckledorfed:10 Points

Spongegirl1029:2 Points

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Wow...three peoples are tied for first place. :P It doesn't matter...the one with the most points at the end doesn't get anything besides bragging rights anyways. :P But that is rather strange in my opinion. :P I needs to come up with an Epicly Cynical Question soon... :P Ooh...I gotit...something Bakugan related! :P Yeah...I'll ask it later though. :P

Now here is Part 8 of 16 of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE. :P Here it is... :P

You tell Virgil, "I accept your offer. Now how do we get out of here?"

Virgil answers, "Like I said, the path will be much harder but it will get you back to Earth. My friend, we will be travelling through Hell. It won't be easy, but I will guide you through this place of eternal pain and suffering."

Virgil takes you down what was before an unseen path in the woods. You easily travel through the Vestibule and the first five planes of Hell. You have seen the torment and suffering that these sinful shades are put through for all eternity. You are somewhat scared of this place and you almost feel bad for these shades. But Virgil assures you that these are the punishments they deserve and they deserve absolutely no pity. They chose their own fate. They chose to spend all eternity here. You continue travelling with Virgil by your side...


MightyBFan25's publicist walks into her office and says, "MightyBFan25, it's almost time for you to get your hair cut. We need to go now. And those tigers you wanted will be coming here in a few hours. Wait...why are you still playing in the mud?"

MightyBFan25 says, "You dare question my authority?! I think I can make my own decisions!"

MightyBFan25's publicist says, "But you can't just go outside like that!"

MightyBFan25 says, "Fine...I'll get cleaned up."

MightyBFan25 leaves her office and gets cleaned up and puts on her cape and helmet and grabs her pitchfork. She meets her publicist outside of City Hall.

Her publicist says, "Wait...what is this?! I can somewhat understand the cape and helmet but...a pitchfork?! Never mind...let's just get your hair cut and go to this interview."

MightyBFan25 gets her long hair cut off but then starts walking back to City Hall.

Her publicist stops her and says, "Wait...where are you going?! You got your hair cut and you got the mud pit in your office like you wanted. I even ordered you six tigers! Please go to the interview, MightyBFan25!"

MightyBFan25 takes her pitchfork and puts it against her publicist's throat and says, "I am tired of you questioning my authority! From now on you shall only address me as Emperor Of Ze World or call me by my sacred number...which you don't Emperor Of Ze World will do! And if you question my authority one more time I'll kill you with my pitchfork! Now...I suppose I'll go to this interview since you seem to care about it so much anyways..."

MightyBFan25 goes to her interview and comes back to her office about an hour later. She takes off her cape and helmet and turns on the computer monitors in her dimly lit office. She sees that you are now approaching the City Of Dis and says, "This is impossible! How could that foolish mortal already be approaching the City Of Dis?! Wait...that creep Virgil is helping out our pathetic little hero. I'll put a stop to this...but not now...not until a little later in our hero's journey through Hell. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 goes back into the mud pit in her office. Her publicist walks into the room and says, "Why are you playing in the mud again?! Oh, and those six tigers you wanted are here. Do you want to see them?"

MightyBFan25 responds, "Of course I want to see my six tigers! And I'm playing in the mud because I feel like it...and I enjoy being filthy...and I enjoy annoying you. So there! I'm Emperor Of Ze World...I can do whatever I feel like!"

MightyBFan25's publicist brings the six tigers into her office. Suddenly, MightyBFan25's eyes start glowing bright red, and the six tigers' eyes start doing the same. Then, the tigers attack MightyBFan25's publicist and kill her! MightyBFan25 laughs demonically as she sees the tigers killing her publicist and then continues watching you on her computer monitors.


You and Virgil have reached the Gate of Dis. However, the demons guarding the City Of Dis will not let you by. Virgil says that you should just be patient and wait for a while. Or, if it's too hard, you can turn back and leave. What will you do?

A.) I'm gonna turn around and leave. This IS too hard!

B.) I'll leave and come back with religious artifacts to scare those demons away!

C.) I'm gonna stick around and wait for some form of divine intervention.

D.) I'm gonna wait for a while...I could use a nap. *passes out*

So...choose the best answer and tell me what you think it is when you leave a comment on this blog. :P

EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: Okay...I know I mentioned this once before in a blog so I think it's a fair question but it is hard so if you get it right it's worth 10 points. :P What's my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? I doubt anyone will get this right! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah...that's why this question is epic and cynical! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Now I shall talk about my life. :P

The last time I made a blog was on Thursday so I have a fair amount of things to talk about. :P Well...on Thursday I didn't really do anything special but I went to Jenna's place at 6 and we were goofing around for a while. :P Then we ended up translating Pliny (A Latin author) for the heck of it and I found out that this is how I will be making up most of the 30 hours of my time I unofficially owe Jenna. :P I know it sounds nerdy to be translating Latin just for fun but we both really like Latin and we're both really good at it...I will admit that Jenna's better at Latin than I am and gets better grades than I seems like if I get an A she'll get an A+ or if I get an A- she'll get an A. :P Oh well...I'm WAY better than her at flute-playing...mainly because she doesn't play an instrument...she's not in Band. :lol: :P I'm sure she'd be better than me if she played an instrument. :P Anyways...I didn't really do anything special on Friday...just stuff I would normally do...but I didn't see Jenna that day so I called her. It seems like whenever I don't see her I either call her or she calls me. :D I've just played the flute, watched TV, gone online, studied Latin vocabulary, I went to the park for a while, and that's about it. :P At around 6:30 Jenna's coming to my place and we're gonna go get some coffee and then we'll go back to her place to translate some more Pliny...we're blazing through these translations...Pliny is so easy! :D And I still owe Jenna about 27 hours of my time...not that anyone's counting. :P Wait...I'm counting. :P I actually want to owe her more of my time. :P Oh well... :P That's about all I haveta say about my life at the moment. As for the whole Dan thing...I'm still thinking a lot about it but I can accept that Dan's a part of me...probably about half of me actually...and I'm perfectly fine with that. I realize the possibility that I might be a transgender but it's still a little hard for me to accept it...but I think I'll be able to do that soon. :D I mean...if I could accept myself as a tomboy and a shouldn't be that hard to accept myself as a transgender...I mean...I know it's different but it shouldn't be too hard. :D I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Well...I still don't know which name to put...hopefully I'll be able to soon. :D )

Blog #306 / RG3 Continues / Things Are Getting Better... :D

Before I go ANYWHERE with this blog...I have something that I need to tell all of you just in case you didn't read the edit in my last blog. I just want to apologize to all of you for what I did a few days ago...I was being really stupid when I did that and I didn't mean for any of this to happen and I didn't mean to have any of you worried about me or something. What I did was wrong...and I'll never do it again...I'll never hurt myself again. And after talking to some people I realized that no matter how much I may not like it...Dan is a part of me and could eventually take over someday. I just need to accept it. And I realized that if Dan took over...not much would really change and the people I care about wouldn't judge me for it.Not much would really change if Dan took over also because Dan is a part of me...not a crazed alter ego or something like guess Dan is basically the male version of myself and if he took over...nothing would change for the most part. I mean...I'd dress up a little differently, I'd be considered a transgender, I'd be straight, and I'd go by the name of me those just seem like minor details. After this realization I apologized to everyone I know for this whole thing and for the most part everyone seems fine with it as long as I never hurt myself again. I hope to slowly earn back my parents' trust. I don't think my mom thinks I need therapy... :P for the most important thing...I just need to accept Dan as a part of me...and I've already done that. I also need to realize the possibility that Dan might eventually take over...I'm still trying to get that through my head...but I'm working on it...and honestly...if Dan takes's not a bad thing because nothing will really change. So...once again...I'm just really sorry for this whole ordeal but I'm trying to make things right and I'll never let this happen again. Now...before I get to The Random Game: Part Three...I guessI should talk about my life and how things are going...right now to me that's more important than The Random Game: Part Three...mainly because I'm still going through a lot even though things are getting better.

I last made a blog on Tuesday morning so I have a fair amount of things to talk about. :P So...on Tuesday I had told my parents that I had cut myself on Monday night, in an attempt to destroy Dan. During that entire day I was so depressed and angry with myself and I was just in a terrible mood. After talking with some people (especially Jenna and my mom) I had realized that what I did was terribly wrong and I had not only hurt myself...I had hurt the people I care about...and that's just terrible. And I also realized that if Dan took over nothing would really change and no one would judge me for it...and that Dan is a part of me and could take over and I just need to accept it. And I found out that my parents didn't really trust me and some people were angry with me and my mom had locked up anything I could possibly hurt myself with. Then on Wednesday I was in a somewhat better mood and after I had realized how wrong hurting myself was...I felt thatI should apologize to everyone for what I did and everyone seemed fine with it as long as I don't hurt myself again. And my mom probably doesn't think I need therapy...she even said that she was okay with what I did because I realized that what I did was wrong and I'll never do it again. The last person I apologized to was Jenna actually. I went over her place last night (about an hour earlier than usual...she wanted me to come over her place about an hour early) and I remember I was about to apologize for what I did but before she let me do that she did let me have it...she was telling me that what I did was wrong and it wasn't the way to solve my problems and stuff of that nature. After that rant I did apologize to her and (I knew Jenna would say this) she said that it was fine as long as I never do anything like that ever again...then she'd be p*ssed off at me. :P But...then she said something like: "Even though you apologized...I'm not letting you get off the hook that easily. For now...I am a police officer and you're on "probation" and owe me 30 hours of your time.". :P I found that I'm on "probation" and owe Jenna 30 hours of my time. :P After that we did kiss and then we had a random conversation and then later that night we saw the new Degrassi episode. :D So...I guess things worked out pretty well. :D :P I'm just so glad everyone I care about understands what I'm going through and can be so forgiving...I really appreciate it all. :D Oh, and just to be clear...Jenna's not a police officer...and I'm not really on probation...and I don't officially owe anyone my time. :P But...I'm sure you already knew that...and if a book or something! :P that you're caught up with how things are getting better...I should get on with what I plan to do today... :P'll save that for the end of this blog. :P Now I'll get on with The Random Game: Part Three crap. :P Oh, and just so you know...I'm in a much better mood now...I mean...I'm still somewhat disappointed with myself for what I did on Monday night and I still have a lot going through my head with this whole Dan thing but...I'm feeling WAY better than I did on Tuesday. :D

Now for THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE crap. :P That reminds Ineeds my notebook. :P *leaves and comes back with a notebook* Okay...NOW I'm ready. :P Now I shall tell you the correct answer to my last question and update the scoreboard thingy. :P

A.) I'm just gonna wait here until there is some form of divine intervention. (Even though this might seem like a good's wrong. :P Dude, haven't you read Dante's Inferno?! :P The pilgrim wanders around in the dark forest and THEN he meets Virgil! :P )

B.) I'm gonna come up with a plan to kill that freak, MightyBFan25! (WHAT?! :P Why do you want to kill me?! :P What the hell will this accomplish?! :P I'll answer that...NOTHING!!!!! :lol: :P You need to get out of Hell first...THEN you can kill me! :P Wait...I don't like that idea...I don't wanna die! :P )

C.) Hmmmmm.....MightyBFan25's sword is here for some odd reason. Maybe I should use it to commit suicide if I'm not already dead... ( no. :P If you kill yourself the story doesn't continue. :P Although it might bea smart idea to take the sword with you just in case something stupid happens. :P )

D.) I'll just wander around here for a while. *looks around* Ooh, a squirrel! No...I don't have ADD...I can focus! :P (This is actually the right're supposed to wander around the dark forest until you reach the hill with the three beasts and you can't pass the she-wolf. Then you meet Virgil. :P I added the ADD thing to throw you all off...usually stupid answers aren't the right one. :twisted: :P Yeah...I WANT you to get the answer wrong! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P )

So D was the right answer to my last question...but I don't think anyone got it right. :P I'll just show you the leaderboard thingy again anyways. :P

Girlygirl24:10 Points (By the way...I get're not a wizard. :P are some sort of magical being...I just can't figure out what it is. :P )

Larxenerabbit: 9 Points

Speckledorfed: 9 Points

Spongegirl1029: 1 Point

FZeroBoyo: 1 Point

Now that all that is taken care's time for Part Seven of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE. :P I say that in all caps so it gets your attention if you're absent reading this blog because it's so long. :P Here's the next part... :P

You decide to wander around the dark forest and look for a way out. You are still questioning if this is really Hell or if MightyBFan25 was just bluffing when she said that. Maybe this is just the edge of Hell? With all these thoughts racing through your mind, you eventually find a clearing and in that clearing you see a hill that leads to the sun, but the path is blocked by three beasts, a Leopard, a Lion, and A She-Wolf. You manage to by the Leopard and Lion, but the She-Wolf stops you from getting to the top of the hill and reaching the light. You realize that you are now exhausted and any future efforts at this would be pointless so you then leave and sit at the bottom of the hill, waiting for something to happen. Maybe the She-Wolf will fall asleep or something of the sorts.

Meanwhile, MightyBFan25 has gotten the mud pit in her office. Her publicist walks into her office and says, "MightyBFan25, come on! We need to get you ready for that's going to take place in a few hours."

MightyBFan25 says, "A few hours?! We have tons of time...we have 3 hours. I don't need that much time to get ready. I'm only being interviewed. And I'm Emperor Of Ze World...I can do whatever I feel like."

Her publicist responds, "Fine. But you need to keep in mind that you should dress up somewhat nicely and you have to get your hair cut in two hours."

MightyBFan25 says, "That's better. Wait...can you get me six tigers? I would like at least one to be a white tiger."

MightyBFan25's publicist says, "Why do you need six tigers?"

MightyBFan25 says, "You dare question my authority?! Just get the six'll know my reasoning behind it soon enough!"

MightyBFan25's publicist leaves the room and makes some phone calls, trying to get six tigers to City Hall as soon as possible. As she is doing this, MightyBFan25 takesa remote control and turns on all the computer monitors. She sees you still in the dark forest and says, "Hahahah! My plan is working perfectly! Our pathetic hero shall never get out of the dark forest and even come close to the Vestibule! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! And while I'm at it...I should just go into the mud pit to annoy my publicist. Why did I even hire her...? Maybe those six tigers she orders will eat her. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

MightyBFan25 continues watching you on the computer monitors and goes into the mud pit she just put in her office.

Meanwhile, a few hours have passed in the dark forest. You begin to wonder if there is even a way out of here or if this is just a cruel trick that MightyBFan25 is playing on you. Suddenly, the poet Virgil appears and says, "I see you've been trying to get up this hill and reach the light. You cannot get up the hill...but there is another way, it will be much harder. You will have to journey through all nine circles of Hell. I will be by your side the entire time. Do you accept this offer?"

So...what will you say to Virgil? Choose the best answer.

A.) Screw this offer! It's probably one of MightyBFan25's tricks! She wants me to go to Hell and I'll probably rot there for all eternity!

B.) I accept this's better than sitting around in this dark forest. Maybe I can get back to Earth and stop MightyBFan25!

C.) This is probably just a mirage or something...I'm gonna take a nap. Go away mirage Virgil. *passes out*

D.) I'm gonna take MightyBFan25's sword and kill that stupid She-Wolf!

And now that the Random Game: Part Three stuff is taken care of...I guess I should talk about what I plan to do today. :P Well...I don't have anything special planned...I just wanna go on this site, watch TV, practice the flute, study Latin vocabulary, blast metal, I might play in the mud, and I need to come over Jenna's place at around 6 today...I dunno why...she called me this morning and told me to be at her place by 6 tonight. What does she want me to do with her that takes 3 hours? :P It's not a date...if it were a date she would tell me so I'd actually dress up somewhat nicely. :P Oh well...I guess I'll find out in exactly 5 hours and 39 minutes. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (I really can't put in a name but...hopefully I will be able to do that again eventually. )

EDIT:I might as well say why Jenna wanted me to come over her place at 6 yesterday. :P first we were just goofing around and stuff but then she went online for a little while to look for some Latin stories that we could translate just for the heck of it...we could use the practice...we're both going in Latin Prose next year (I still think Jenna did that for me...she could have done perfectly fine in AP Virgil...she's better than I am at Latin...and I got A's with Ms. Foley who's really hard...Jenna got better grades than I did with Ms. Miller, the hardest and most feared Latin teacher at BLS. :P ) and we ended up translating Pliny for about 2 hours until the new Degrassi episode came on. :P Pliny is SO EASY. And I know it might seem like a very nerdy thing for me to be translating Latin for the heck of it with my girlfriend was fun and I really like's my third favorite subject at school...second being science and first being math. :P Anyways...I might make a blog later today but I don't really feel like making another ridiculously long blog at the moment. :P Later today I wanna practice the flute (I got some new practice books so I'm REALLY happy about that...this will take my playing to the next level...and it's good to learn new stuff to help me get better when Ms. Dougherty doesn't teach us anymore...she just yells at us and crap. :P ) and the piccolo (What I learn will apply to piccolo as well. :D ), I wanna blare metal, I wanna draw a picture (I'd rather not say's not good. :P ), and I wanna go outside for a while...I probably won't play in the mud...I might...but I just really wanna go outside. :P I needs to go outside NOW! :P I should finish typing this edit thingy. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (I still can't put in a name and probably won't be able to for a while but it's not a big deal. )