Sorry about the third part of the blog title...I couldn't come up with anything so I just decided to make it the title of one of GWAR's albums. :P One of GWAR's albums is titled "Beyond Hell"'s pretty good...the story behind all the songs is travelling through Hell and killing Satan so GWAR can overtake Hell. :twisted: :P I'd LOVE to overtake Hell...then I'd be the DEMONIC OVERLORD...and my Four-Fanged Fire Demon would serve me for all eternity. :twisted: :P That reminds me...can you please listen to this song called "Go To Hell" by GWAR? :PI love this song! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Here's the link for it: this blog the Random Game: Part Three will finally end...but no one has answered my Epicly Cynical Questions and there's three of I'll leave them for anyone to have until tomorrow at 9:00 PM to answer them...and then I'll show you the scoreboard thingy and tell you who won. :D :P I mean...winning doesn't don't get anything...except maybe bragging rights. :P And then I'll talk about my life for a little while...I don't have much to really say...I made a blog two days ago. :P I guess I don't have much else to say in this I'll just get on with this blog. :P
Now I shall tell you the answer to my final question and criticize all the incorrect answers. :P Here it is... :P
A.) Cut the black wire. (You need to realize that this is MightyBFan25 you're dealing with...and the wires are colored...the one that defuses the bomb is probably one that's a color MightyBFan25 doesn't like. :P And...MightyBFan25 likes the color's Satanic! :twisted: :P )
B.) Cut the red wire. (Same as is a Satanic color and MightyBFan25 likes it! :twisted: :P )
C.) Cut the blue wire. (Uh...this answer is wrong...MightyBFan25 likes the color blue as's supposedly the color of Satan! :twisted: :P )
D.) Cut the white wire. (MightyBFan25 attends BLS...BLS's colors are white and purple. :P MightyBFan25 takes great pride in attending BLS. :P Need I say more? :P )
E.) Cut the purple wire.(Same as D. :P )
F.) Cut all the wires! ( :P You need to realize that MightyBFan25 likes all the colors that the wires no individual wire will probably do anything. :P So this is probably a trick. :P But...MightyBFan25 left scissors right next to the de-detonator she wanted you to cut the cutting them would be doing what MightyBFan25 more than likely wants you to don't cut any of them! :P So this answer is wrong! :P
G.) None of the above... (This is the right answer...but you had to tell me what you would do instead to get credit for the answer. :P You were supposed to cut NONE OF THE WIRES, duh! :P MightyBFan25 put the scissors there FOR A REASON...cutting the wires is what sets off the bomb! :twisted: :P Still wanna cut any of those wires? :twisted: :P )
So G was the right answer...but to get credit you had to tell me what you would do instead...and no one got the question here's the scoreboard thingy. :P
Girlygirl24: 14 Points
Larxenerabbit: 13 Points
Speckledorfed:10 Points
Spongegirl1029:4 Points
FZeroBoyo: 1 Point
Katywishing100: 1 Point
And that is the current scoreboard...but a winner shall not be determined until Friday night at 9:00 PM. :P Why? :P Well...9 is my bedtime. :P And...I have three Epicly Cynical Questions that no one answered yet and they're worth a lot of points so anyone could still win. :P are the Epicly Cynical Questions...if you wanna answer I need an answer by Friday at 9:00 PM. :P
EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: What is my favorite New Vestroia Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll get 10 points added to your score. :PI'll give you a hint...Mylene has used this Bakugan before in a brawl. :P Okay...fine...I'll give you an easier Epicly Cynical Question as well... :P
SECOND EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: This is another Bakugan related question but this one is multiple choice. :P What's my favorite attribute of Bakugan ever? If you get this right you'll score 6 points...not 10...this one is easier...and it's 6 because 6 is an evil number and there are 6 choices. :twisted: :P
A.) Pyrus
B.) Sub-Terra
C.) Haos
D.) Darkus
E.) Aquos
F.) Ventus
THIRD EPICLY CYNICAL QUESTION: Since no one is answering my Bakugan Epicly Cynical Questions I'll add another one. :P There's no real right answer to it so if you just give me a response to this you'll get 6 points...I don't really care...I just want to see bigger numbers on the scoreboard thingy. :P Okay...what do you think of MightyBFan25 as the villian in the Random Game: Part Three plotline? Just give me a response and you score 6 points. :P
So there are my Epicly Cynical Questions...if you plan on answering any you needs to tell me your answers before Friday at 9:00. :D :P Now it's time for the end of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!! :D :P Here is Part Sixteen of Sixteen of THE RANDOM GAME: PART THREE!!!!! :D :P
You first think that the wire that will defuse the bomb is the one that is the color that MightyBFan25 hates the most...and as you think for a realize that MightyBFan25 likes all the colors that the wires are so you don't know which one to cut. You are about to cut a random wire...not knowing what will happen. With this next move you could destroy all of humanity! The fate of the world is now in your hands! But...then you stop yourself. You realize that MightyBFan25 had scissors placed conveniently near the wiring of the de-detonator of the bomb...almost as though she WANTED someone to cut one of the wires! You realize that MightyBFan25 tricked you! Cutting any one of those wires would detonate the bomb...the detonator that she carried with her onto the stage wasn't real! You decide to cut none of the wires, thinking that this is possibly what could save the planet! At exactly 6:00 PM...nothing happened! The bomb didn't go off! Then you go up to the podium and tell everyone about MightyBFan25's cynical plans to blow up the planet. They are absolutely shocked by this. Everyone decides that it would be best to throw MightyBFan25 in prison for life! You form an angry mob with the crowd of people who gathered around to see what MightyBFan25 was up to and you surround MightyBFan25.
MightyBFan25 gets up and says, "Oh, you want to throw me in prison for life?! I don't think that's going to happen! I must visit my master at once! And you have not seen the last of me...I AM THE ANTICHRIST AND I SHALL DESTROY HUMANITY!!!!!MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"
MightyBFan25 then says a Latin spell and is suddenly teleported to an unknown location. You believe it could be Hell. Jamie is gone as well; she probably went wherever MightyBFan25 is. You are scared about what MightyBFan25 could have in store for you and the rest of humanity someday, but for now the world is saved and you deserve a break. The people make you the new Emperor Of Ze World! And the Earth is saved...for now!
And that is the end of The Random Game: Part Three! :D :P Yeah...I left it open for The Random Game: Part Four which I might make in a few months or something...and MightyBFan25 shall return as the epic villain who plans to destroy humanity! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog but I do wanna talk about my life for a while. :P I might as well make a new paragraph for that. :P paragraph... :P
I just made a blog on Tuesday so there's not too much to really talk about. :P Yesterday my mom took my shopping so I could get back to school was pretty boring. :P I mean...I'm glad I got some new clothes and new sneakers (even though I just got new sneakers about a month ago. :P ) and my school supplies and stuff but it was just boring being in that store for over an hour. :P I will admit that clothes shopping was amusing though...let's just say that I don't plan on dressing up like a total girly-girl anytime soon...I never have since I could dress myself. :P Oh, and I was also glad that my mom didn't seem awkward about being with me as Dan in public...I was glad about that. :D I mean...I just feel that if I can accept myself as mom should be able to do that as well and not feel awkward about being around me as Dan in public. :D And...she's been so accepting and supportive of me during this entire thing...and that's all I could ask for. :D And...I was gonna go back to being Alicia last night...but...I realized on Wednesday morning that I was enjoying myself and I shouldn't haveta stop being Dan if I like I talked things over with Jenna and my parents and they're fine with my remaining Dan for the rest of the week...and I'm so glad about that...I really appreciate it...especially because I know that this whole thing probably has been hard on my parents and Jenna. :D I will admit that I'm a little upset though...I'm starting to realize that my Summer Break is coming to an end and I really like being on break from school...I don't wanna go back. :P But I know that I'm a nerd and the second I go back I'm gonna fall in love with school again. :lol: :P Today I don't really have any plans. :P I just wanna go on this site, play UR, watch some TV (including the new Degrassi episode), practice the flute and piccolo, study Latin vocabulary, and I do want to go on a long walk and get some coffee afterwards...but not until later today. So...yeah...I don't really have any plans for today. :P I might call Jenna tonight after the Degrassi episode though. :D I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Dan)
EDIT: Okay...I just wanted to make a quick edit because right now I am RIDICULOUSLY HAPPY!!! :D :P Okay...a few minutes ago while I was doinga Sudoku puzzle thingy in my bedroom I started thinking about metal and then I got "The Locust" by Machine Head stuck in my head and I already had "Go To Hell" by GWAR stuck in my head so both were stuck in my head at the same time. :P And then I started thinking about the Random Game: Part Three plotline and then in my mind I started developing the lyrics to a metal song...the chorus sounds like the epic part of"The Locust" with slow breakdowns like in "Go To Hell" by GWAR and the song is all about the Antichrist's view of the planet and how disgusted the Antichrist is by it and how a lot is going through his life and he's just sick of it all and wants to blow up the freaking planet becausehe's sick of it and sick of life! :twisted: :P In my head it sounds really good...but I only have parts...I have a few main stanzas and the chorus but...I need to write it down now and organize the stanzas and stuff...oh Zeus...I'm so excited about this...and it just hit me while I was doing a freaking Sudoku puzzle! :D :P I'm writing it all TONIGHT!!! :D :P And...hopefully it won't be that offensive like the last metal song lyrics I wrote...I never put those in a blog because even though I was so pleased with it...I knew it would be offensive...the title of the song was "Screw America"...yeah...I think peoples would find that offensive. :lol: :P I think this one shall be titled "Blow It Up"..."it" being the Earth of course. :twisted: :P And the Antichrist shall be talking in first person...the whole song is from his perspective. :twisted: :P Oh I am going to have so much fun doing this! :D :P And I shall put the lyrics in a blog that I make if they're not too offensive and don't contain too many swear words. :P I don't have much else to say in this edit...oh Zeus I'm just so happy and so excited. :D :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Dan)
SECOND EDIT: I'm not planning on making a blog until later tonight...probably around 9:00 PM so I can put an end to the Random Game: Part Three and tell you who won and stuff. :P I just wanted to make an edit because right now I'm in such a good mood! :D :P Okay...a few minutes ago I finished writing that metal song "Blow It Up" that I came up with yesterday and I'm so happy with the lyrics and the way it soundsin my head. :D :P It's freaking epic! :twisted: :P *devil horns* It's about the Antichrist blowing up the planet! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P My favorite part is the's just freaking epic...and the chorus is really good...and the first few main stanzas I wanted to sound very parts of "Diary" by Iced Earth and "Go To Hell" by GWAR. :P I'll probably post the lyrics in the blog that I make later tonight as long as they don't get censored or something...but I don't think they will...I didn't have any swear words in the song...unless you count "freaking" as a swear word...but I've said it on this site before and nothing's happened. :P So...I guess I just wanted to say that I finished the song lyrics...I'm so happy about this. :D :P Maybe I should stay Dan a little longer...maybe I can come up with more metal songs. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Dan)
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