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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #335 / Only GWAR Could Make Penguins Appear Evil... :P

Sorry about the title...but I couldn't come up with a good title to be I just made a stupid title. :P The meaning behind the title? :P Well...let's just say GWAR has a song called "Penguin Attack" from their album Carnival of Chaos. :P The song actually gave me a nightmare a few days ago to be honest. :P I was listening to the song before I went to bed some day earlier this week and I had a nightmare that I was being chased by an evil penguin who wanted to kill me with a chainsaw made out of flames. :lol: :P Yeah...I shouldn't go to the Carnival of Chaos anytime soon...I'll be killed by evil penguins. :lol: :P Remind me to never go there...I'll probably forget. :lol: :P Kidding. :P There are no evil penguins...and I doubt any penguins are in Boston...aside from maybe some in a local zoo...but I don't even know about that. :lol: :P Anyways...if you wanna listen to "Penguin Attack" my's the link for it: absolutely love this song...GWAR is like a sub-genre of metal in itself...they're so epic...only they could make penguins appear evil. :lol: :P Oh, but...don't listen to the song if you think it will give you gave me nightmares. :lol: :P But that might just be because I have a disturbing mind. :lol: :P Okay...I should get on with this blog...I have a lot to say...I haven't made one since last week...I've been so busy all week...and yesterday I was just completely tired and upset...if not I would have made a blog...but...I'll get to that later. :P Here's a quick summary of my week... :P

Monday: How fun...back to school! :P Monday wasn't that bad...I was done with all my homework by around 8 so I had some time to relax, but I got assigned a History project...which sucked. :P My day at school itself was pretty normal from what I can remember and nothing special really happened. :P Yeah...not much to really say... :P

Tuesday: It was Open House at my school so my mom went to it and got to meet all my teachers. :P She liked most of them...although she hated Ms. Hausey (my Prose teacher), and she found Mr. Veiga (my Advanced Geo. teacher) very wierd. :P I also got assigned a lab report in fun! :P I had a ton of homework and I stayed up about an hour past my bedtime to begin working on my lab report...I was so tired the next morning...everyone around me could tell. :P

Wednesday: Since I stayed up pretty late on Tuesday night, I was tired on Wednesday...even in the morning Jenna met me at my locker and said: "You look pretty tired...when did you go to sleep last night?". :P My day was pretty normal...and after school I went to the Extracirricular Fair with Jenna and a few of my other friends (even though Jenna is my girlfriend...I would also consider her one of my best friends. :D I mean...we were friends before we started dating after all. :D ) and I signed up for GSA along with Jenna and my other friends...I can't wait for our first meeting. :D I'm actually very proud of myself for doing this...I feel very strongly about this kinda stuff and I feel that this year we can manage to continue the fight against homophobia. :D And...we can also learn a lot of stuff about the LGBT community, meet some new friends, and have fun. :D :P Apparently in GSA we also play random games like Twister...that should be fun. :lol: :P Oh, and then I filled out my after school tutoring forms and turned them into the main office at BLS...I'm also gonna be an after school Math/Latin tutor this year. :D I'm such a nerd. :lol: :P I think Jenna's doing after school tutoring as well...but I think she's tutoring Latin and History...she's amazing at Latin and History...she's good at all her subjects...but she's best at those two and English. :D Anyways, when I got homework I was doing homework for a while and I stayed up past my bedtime again to finish my lab report. :D :P And then I passed out. :P

Thursday: I was tired on Thursday as well. :P My day was pretty normal but I had pretty much no I decided to start working on my History project and went to the Museum of Fine Arts after school with a few of my friends...we had to do some project on Renaissance art and we had to go to the museum. :P It was pretty fun and I did everything that I needed to and then we took the train home. :P When I got home at around 5 I did my homework and then I stayed up until about 10 (an hour past my bedtime) to just do my entire History project. :P I regretted it the next day when I was really tired. :lol: :P Oh well... :P

Friday: Yay...almost done with the week! :P My day was pretty normal and I finished all my homework by 7:30. :D :P thing kinda got to me. I'd rather not get into much detail but I got into a big fight with my mom. I'm really upset about this...I was starting to have a good relationship with my mom and then this's like she hates me all over she did about a year ago. And I'm disappointed that I didn't restrain myself or try to just end the fight...I let my anger get the better of me...and I've been trying to control my quick temper for years now...I've gotten better...but sometimes I just can't help it. I really hate my sickens me to be angry. I wasn't a physical fight...I would never let things get that was just a verbal fight...but it was still horrible. What was this verbal fight about? mom has a boyfriend now (it sickens me...I don't understand what she sees in that guy...and I still feel somewhat protective of my mom...I don't understand why she would make herself vulnerable to some guy...I don't want something like my parents' divorce to happen again...that hurt me so much...and I know it hurt my mom...I don't want her to get hurt again...and I don't want something like that divorce to ever happen again. ) and I've met him a few times and he occasionally comes over and he's gonna be moving in soon apparently. The thought of it sickens me...I don't know why...I just feel this need to make sure that my mom will be okay and I just get bad vibes from this dude...I guess I do feel this way though about a lot of females who mean a lot in my life...I have this feeling that I should protect them...I guess it's either a lesbian thing or maybe this is just Dan's feelings...I dunno. But...he was over on Friday...and whenever he's over my mom seems to care so much about him and I feel like she kinda ignores I'm a second priority...and that irritates me...I don't feel like I should be second to some dude my mom's only been dating for a couple months...I'm her daughter...or son...I still don't really know my gender for reals. But...whenever he's over my mom doesn't want me making my snarky remarks because she thinks that he'll find them's like she wants me to change so much about me just because this guy will be moving in soon. I'm so sick of it...I shouldn't haveta change who I am just because some random *ss guy who I don't even give a crap about is gonna be moving in soon! I don't even want him moving in...if I had a say in things he wouldn't ever come over AT ALL...I hate the dude! But...I finished my homework and went on the computer and heard them having a conversation so I just jumped in and made a sarcastic mom got really p*ssed off for NO REASON (it's only because that guy was over. If I weren't already a lesbian this could definately me some event in my life that would make me hate men and make me become a lesbian. Of course...that's not the case...I'm a lesbian and I know that already) and just started yelling at me. I got upset (I've been pretty tired and stressed out all week...when that's the case I'm quick to get angry and upset) and I started crying and went in my room so I just started blaring GWAR music and drawing pictures of myself killing my mom's boyfriend (I drew such an epicly Satanic one of myself dressed in a black hooded robe and holding a pitchfork while ripping the dude's heart out of his chest! :twisted: I LOVE that picture...I'm hanging it up on one of my bedroom walls! :twisted: ) and then I went back into the living room and asked my mom if I could take a nap until my dad came to pick me up because I was really tired. She said no because she "didn't wanna wake me up when he came". I was so ticked off...all I wanted to do then was just forget about that small fight and take a nap...I was SO TIRED at that time and it was only about 8:30. Then I just got really upset and angry...I wish I could have controlled my emotions better but then I just got really's like anything and everything that has ever upset me justcame back at once and I just started to get kinda teary eyed and I don't like having anyone see me when I start to cry so I went in my room and I was also very angry so I slammed my bedroom door shut. My mom immediately came into my room and yelled at me and started saying a lot of mean stuff to me...then I just got really angry and then the fight began. I'm really upset about all of this...I'm hoping I can forget about this...but I doubt I'll be able to...I never forget about this kinda stuff. Shortly after my dad came to pick me up and I went to his place and unpacked my stuff and passed out at around 9. I'm still really upset about this and I wish I could forget about this but I doubt I'll be able to. I should probably talk to my mom on Sunday when I get home about how I feel about this whole thing...I really don't want some guy moving in to ruin my relationship with my mom. And I feel like 50% of that argument was my I should probably apologize for what I did. Oh I'm starting to get a little teary eyed...I should end this paragraph. Let's just get to today...

Aside from having that fight from yesterday bothering me has been pretty good and it's been nice to just relax. Jenna and I did have some plans today but I called her and asked her if we could push them to tomorrow, saying that I didn't feel well today. Jenna said that was fine and she didn't ask why I didn't feel well. :D I owe it to her to tell her about the fight with my mom on Friday and that's why I didn't wanna go out with her today...I'll tell her that tomorrow probably...I owe it to her. We still haven't really figured out what we're gonna do to celebrate our six month anniversary...but we are going on a date tomorrow which should be nice. :D Today I haven't really done anything too special...just stuff that I would normally do when I have free time. :P I watched some TV, went on UR, went on this site, practiced the flute a little, studied some Latin vocabulary, and went on a walk...that was just to clear my head. Oh, and I would have played in the mud but I know my mom would probably find out about that somehow and then she'd be more ticked off at me than she already is...I don't want to be on her bad side more than I already am. I really wanna play in the mud though...I haven't for about a week and I've had the urge to since Monday...but I haven't had the time all week. :P Well...maybe on Sunday after I get home from my date and hopefully patch things up with my mom I can play in the mud and get filthy...I really want to do that. :P I'm hoping I can work things out with my mom...I don't want to lose the good relationship I've had with her for the past few months...I've really enjoyed it to be honest. I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can't wait for the GWAR's only about 3 weeks away now...October 21st...apparently that's supposedly "the end of the world" or something...I don't believe that. :lol: :P HAIL GWAR!!! :twisted: :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #334 / My Favorite Song Ever Has Been Ruined...

Okay...this isn't like a major crisis and I'm not depressed but I am p*ssed favorite song EVER has been ruined...absolutely ruined. What is my favorite song ever? "Dante's Inferno" by Iced Earth of course. I found out that Iced Earth came out with a new album called Dystopia (I am gonna go ahead and buy it soon...both the CD and all the songs on iTunes...I'll always love all Iced Earth music) and in that album they did a remake of "Dante's Inferno" and it's completely butchered...they took out the Gregorian chants which made the song epicly Satanic and the epicly fast paced riffs are no more and I just hate the wayStu does the vocals...only Barlow can pull off Inferno...he's the only dude for that job...he's the only one worthy of singing "Dante's Inferno"...I mean...Stu is good...but he's not close to as good as Barlow. Oh Zeus...I'm REALLY p*ssed off about favorite song ever has been ruined...I mean...the redone version of "Coming Curse" was great"...but this remake sucks. If you wanna know what I'm talking about...listen to these songs:

The new version:

The old (and EPIC) version:

Yeah...if you take the time to listen to both the songs you'll see what I mean...even if you don't like metal and know nothing about it. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the original version...the riffs are so much better and more fast paced and Barlow's vocals are just freaking amazing. Stu ruined my favorite song ever. I'll still buy Dystopia and listen to all the songs...but I don't think I'm gonna be listening to Iced Earth's newer stuff anymore...even Ripper was better than this dude. Well...I guess I shouldn't be too upset...I have tons of other metal I can listen to I guess... :P The other thing about the new version is that the riffs aren't really fitting for a song about the original "Dante's Inferno" the riffs were so fitting in my opinion.'s not like the original has gone bye-bye...I have the original version on my iPod and on the CD Burnt Offerings. :D Yeah...I guess I should just get over it. :P I'm still kinda upset though. :P Oh Zeus...this is random but yesterday I saw that new My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic episode and my obsession with the show has kinda gotten worse. :lol: :P Oh, and I was online and found this quiz thingy. :P You don't haveta listen to both versions of Inferno...and I doubt you will...but please take this quiz and tell me what pony you got: took the quiz and got Rainbow Dash...wierd...I kinda though I would. :lol: :P All my friends at BLS who watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic said that if I were any of the ponies I would haveta be Rainbow Dash. :lol: :P However...I'm not loyal to my friends...I'm loyal to SATAN!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Sorry...I HAD to say that. :P I was just kidding, by the way. :P Okay...I should probably get on with this blog. :P

I last made a blog yesterday night so there's not too much to really talk about. :P I still don't feel so well but I do feel a little better than I did sore throat went away and I don't feel as out of it or as crappy as I did yesterday. :P So...I guess that's a good thing. :D :P I haven't really done too much today...I've practiced the flute, gone on this site, played a little UR, watched some TV, and that's about it. :P Later today I wanna call Jenna and talk to her for a while and play some more UR...and then I wanna take a nap...I haven't gotten much sleep in the past few days...I keep waking up in the middle of the night after my medicine wears off and then I can't get back to sleep. :P I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P But...last night I did have a wierd and kinda creepy dream...probably because I had taken medicine which makes me pass out and probably effects my thinking a little...and before I went to bed I listened to "Sad But True" by Metallica and I was thinking about Dan. :P In the dream I was in some really dark room and I saw Dan and he walked up to me and most of the things he had to say were lyrics from that Metallica song and then he said: "Why are you hiding me?"...and then I remember the dream ended there. I think I know why I had that dream and I already explained it...and...I really do feel like I've hid Dan for the past few weeks...ever since I've been back at school I've almost forgotten about him...I've forgotten about my male counterpart...I've forgotten about the other half of myself...and why should I hide that part? Why can't I come to school as Dan? Oh Zeus...I'm sure a lot of people would think negatively of that but I really do wanna let Dan be in the driver's seat for a while...I really do. Maybe I will sometime in the near future...but I'd haveta think about that and really talk that over with my friends and family and Jenna. :D I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #333 / Two Hours Of My Life Have Officially Been Wasted... :P

Before you think I'm in a bad mood...I'm really not. :P I wasted about two hours of my life taking some stupid practice PSAT...which makes no sense because the PSAT is a practice test for the it's like we're taking a practice test to take a practice test. :P That makes no sense whatsoever. :P Well...I haven't made a blog for a week mainly because I've been either ridiculously busy or I've felt like crap. :P I've been busy all week and a few days ago I started to come down with I officially feel sick...I feel like crap at the moment. :P I wouldn't mind it that much if I didn't have the sore throat though...that's the one thing I absolutely hate about being sick. :P Well...I guess there's nothing I can really do... :P This week has been pretty boring and busy and tiring for that matter...probably because I haven't managed to stay asleep for the past few nights...I've kept waking up at like 2 in the morning and not being able to go back to sucks. :P Well...anyways...I guess I'll just get to today and what I plan to do tomorrow since this week was boring and I just took some night time medicine which will knock me out soon enough. :P Let's make this quick...hopefully. :P But that probably won't happen...because all my blogs are ridiculously long. :P

Today I didn't really feel too well so I didn't go outside at all...I just watched some TV, went on this site, listened to metal, practiced the flute a little, played some UR (not as much as I would have liked to. :P ), studied some stupid Italian monologue thing that we need to present on Monday (I have it memorized and I can say it with only a few stumbles and pauses...I'll get it to near perfect by Monday...hopefully... :P Screw you, Tillmanns, you ruined my freaking weekend! :P )...and wasted two hours doing a practice PSAT thingy. :P It wasn't that hard to be honest...and I scored above the average for the PSAT's actually...and that's impressive...considering that I didn't study at all and I'm just beginning my sophomore year. :lol: :P Jenna and I were gonna take the practice PSAT together but I don't feel too well and I really don't want to get her sick so I called her and asked her if it was okay if I just stayed home. She said she would come over my place instead but I insisted that she not see me...I REALLY don't wanna get her sick...I'd feel horrible if I did that. Oh, and as for coming up with a way to celebrate Jenna and I dating for about six months...we're still completely clueless as to what to do. :P It needs to be something epic...something special...six months is a big deal...and I guess to a certain degree it's a good thing that I'm sick and we can't make any plans this gives us more time to come up with something. :D :P Oh Zeus...that reminds me...I should write that idea for a song on flute I've had in my head for the past few days...and I should write down those ideas for metal songs that I've come up with this past week... :P I don't wanna lose those ideas. :P Well...that can wait...I'm about ready to pass out now. :P Maybe I'll actually stay asleep tonight. :lol: :P If not I'll be online at like 3 in the morning playing some dude who lives in Japan on Urban Rivals or something. :lol: :P Oh, and I apologize if this blog is all over the place and I seem more crazy than usual...I haven't gotten much sleep in the past few days and I'm completely out of it...and being kinda stressed out with school work and having an Italian monologue stuck in my head along with GWAR music doesn't help...and the daytime medicine I take makes me crazy...and the nighttime medicine makes me pass out. :P Yeah...sorry if I'm all over the place. :lol: :P I can't seem to focus on one thing for more than 30 minutes actually. :lol: :P I can't wait until I feel better and am no longer so easily distracted from whatever the heck I'm trying to do. :P

I don't have much else to really say in this blog. :P Tomorrow I just really wanna sleep in and do nothing. :P I should call Jenna tomorrow though since I'm not seeing her this weekend...I feel bad that I'm sick...I wish I wasn't and we could do something this weekend. Aside from that I should work on that Italian monologue, practice the flute a little, and I wanna play more UR. :P Oh Zeus...I'm about ready to pass out now. :P I should go to bed. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #332 / Kolos Is Destroying Clint City At The Moment... :P

Okay...before you think that there's some major crisis somewhere on the planet called Clint City...sorry if I scared you. :P I couldn't come up with a real title for this blog so I just made a stupid title. :P I was kinda obsessed with UR all weekend...I got Ghumbo during the week and even though I got to occasionally play Urban Rivals and got to use the monster dude...I didn't get to as much playing with the new addition to my deck as I would have I played UR a lot during the weekend. :P I mean...I wasn't in front of the computer all weekend...just a lot of hours...probably an accumulated time of 8 hours or something. :lol: :P Yeah...I should get outside more...for stuff besides playing in the mud. :lol: :P Oh well... :P But...I shall explain the title...Kolos is basically the OHKO master of Urban Rivals (aside from General Cr...but you could argue that it's Kolos...because Kolos doesn't need a clan bonus to OHKO...General Cr does. Besides...Kolos fights for the best clan in the entire game: NIGHTMARE!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Sorry...I love the Nightmare clan...they're me...and they have the coolest monsters in my opinion...and it's such a good clan for beginners and masters of the game. :P I played Nightmares primarily ever since I started playing UR...and then I kept playing them...but got better cards to upgrade my deck. :P I should end this little's turning into a paragraph. :P Sorry about that. :P ) and he's this epicly powerful monster dude that can destroy buildings and eat cars and stuff. :P He was originally some experiment-gone-wrong and was at first an egg...and he fell out of the back of a truck or something...and Ielena took him and then brought him into the Nightmare clan and then he transformed into the almighty Kolos. :P So...yeah...he could destroy Clint City on his own...and I don't think anyone could stop him...maybe Bob Joby. :P Kidding...he's like the worst card in the game...aside from Nobrocybix...and I'm sure there are other sucky one-powered cards that I haven't heard of yet. :lol: :P No one can defeat Kolos! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P He's the only Nightmare card (aside from the Cr's...which I'm not really interested in getting because they're not that good and cost over 100,000 clintz each. :P ) that I'm missing that's good...I have all the other good ones...and all the sucky ones...aside from Dieter and someone else who I can't remember at the moment. :P Okay...I should probably stop talking about UR at the moment because none of you probably know what the hell I'm talking about and probably want me to shut up. :lol: :P Next paragraph... :P If I could have come up with a real blog title this paragraph would have been non-existant. :lol: :P Oh well... :P

I just made a blog yesterday so there's not too much to really talk about. :P But...I should tell you how my date yesterday went. :P I told you that I had no idea where Jenna was taking me or what the heck we were gonna do (I had no idea...Jenna came up with the plans for this date and refused to tell me until we got there...I dunno why. :P )...and I probably should give you a general idea of what the heck we did...if you actually care. :lol: :P It wasn't anything too special...but it still was a pretty interesting night...and I remembered something. :P Well...we went to see a movie (we didn't really pay much attention to the movie...hehe. :P And I shall not explain that any further. :P I prefer using "shall" over "will" sounds more fancy...I even use it in my Latin translations. :P ) and then we went to get something to eat...and after we left and were taking the train home...Jenna mentioned that we've been dating for about 6 months now (neither of us remember the exact date that we started dating...but we did start going out in about the middle of March if I remember correctly) and we should definately do something special for that sometime in the near future. :D Of course I agreed with that...we definately should...I mean...most high-school relationships don't last for more than a few months...six months is a big's so wierd too because neither of us had been in a relationship with anyone before know I might be over-exaggerating or something...but I think that we have something special...and we should definately do something epic to celebrate the fact that we've been dating for about six months. :D Oh's been the best six months of my life. :D We don't really have any ideas for what we'll do though... :P Hopefully I can think of something...or she will...or we can collectively come up with something... :P If I get any ideas I'll mention long as the ideas aren't stupid...I don't want you to laugh at me and my horrible ideas. :lol: :P After I got home I relaxed for a little while, played UR, and then went to sleep. :P Today I haven't done anything too special...just stuff that I normally do with my free time. :P And I did get to play in the mud...which I've wanted to do for a while...a few days is too long of a wait in my opinion...I'm too impulsive with certain things...and playing in the mud happens to be one of those things. :lol: :P That's all I haveta say concerning my life at the moment. :P

Okay...this is completely random and this has NOTHING to do with the six-month anniversary thing...but I definately should ask Jenna if she'd play UR. :P I doubt she will...but that would be nice if she did...we could create our own guild (I'd haveta drop my current guild. :P Oh well... :P ) and whatnot. :P I doubt either of us would have the time for that though. :P Besides...I'm sure she has better stuff to do with her free time besides play an MMO card game. :lol: :P Yeah...bad idea... :P I can't get "School's Out" by GWAR out of my head. :P It's annoying...I love the song but it's not fitting AT ALL...I just went back to school. :P That reminds me...I have an Italian quiz should be easy...I'm not studying for it...I'm gonna get an A+ on it without even trying. :lol: :P Tomorrow I have all my regular classes and Health...great...I'm gonna learn that I shouldn't do drugs. :P I KNOW THAT...Oh Zeus...if I didn't I'd probably be a freaking junkie by now...I AM a metalhead after all. :lol: :P Yeah...I know drugs are bad...and alcohol as well...and smoking. :P I'm never gonna do any of that stuff. :P Oh, I noticed that today I kept coming up with random song lyrics and they're really good but after listening to "Hail Satan" by Phr0zen...they all seem to come out ina way that it almost sounds like rap but with a metal sound...I don't want that...I want a freaking hard-core, bad-*ss metal sound! :P The lyrics are really good...I just need to play them in my head in a way so it doesn't sound like a mix between metal and rap...I hate rap...I'd hate myself if I mixed metal with rap...mixing the best genre of music with one of the worst. :P Well...when I work on that and write the song lyrics...I'll post them in one of my blogs...maybe I can work on them a little bit tonight...or I can play UR...what should I do? :P I think I'm gonna play can wait...I play the flute...that's my contribution to the musical world for now. :lol: :P I should write a song on flute or piccolo... :P Somehow I feel that this might be an idea of some sort...for something important...but what? :P Oh just slipped my mind. :P Kidding...I shall write a song on flute! :D :P Just not now...great music takes time. :P I should go get forms tomorrow morning so I can be a math tutor after school this year...and I wanna join GSA...I gotta figure out when they meet after school...I don't want it to interfere with math tutoring...GSA is more important to me but...if I could do both with no interference...that would be epic. :D I don't have much else to say. :P But I shall leave you with this song..."School's Out" by GWAR...even though it's not fitting at all. :P haveta tell me what you think about this song after you listen to it. :P I don't have anything to say in this blog now. :P Vale. Wait...I have an Italian quiz works. :lol: :P -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #331 / I Want To Apologize For What I Said...

Okay...before I say anything else in this blog...if you didn't read the edit in my previous blog...I want to apologize for what I said in my previous blog concerning 9/11. I didn't mean to offend anyone's beliefs and I'm really sorry if I did...I guess I don't really understand how so many lives were effected by this event and how devastating it really was...I thought maybe I did know...but I don't...and I probably never will be able to understand that feeling. My views are different from those of most people...and most people wouldn't agree with my views on certain I should just keep my opinions on certain matters so I don't offend anyone. I did feel very bad about what I said for a while...and I still do to a certain degree...but I have forgiven myself for what I did...and a few people on this site have forgiven me as well...I still don't feel like I truly deserve to be forgiven that easily...but hopefully I can put this behind me soon. But...this isn't about how I's about the fact that I said some majorly offensive things...and that was wrong...and I'm really sorry about that. I hope you can accept my apology, if it means don't have to...I would deserve it if any of you hate me for what I said in my previous blog. But...anyways...I really just want to put this all behind me (if that's okay with all of you) and try my best to forget about it. I hate it when I offend other peoples' beliefs...I know it annoys me when people talk about religion and say stuff about religion or quote scriptures or whatever...and it really annoys me when people think negatively of LGBT really bothers me...I know there will always be some people who will hate LGBT people but I just kinda wish they wouldn't make it known. So...I guess it would be best that I keep any of my offensive opinions to myself as well. I should get on with this blog...

Not much has really happened this week...I've been ridiculously busy with schoolwork. :P And nothing special has really happened...aside from a few things. :P In Band we finally got our instruments and are playing music...and so far it's fun...I'm a first flute...but we needs to play scales for Ms. Dougherty before our seating is final...but I'll be fine...all my scales are pretty solid...and we're not even doing sharp scales...I spent over a month working on those over Summer Break! :P Oh could help with Junior District or something... :P History, English, and Italian have been pretty easy and normal so far. :P In Advanced Geometry...Mr. Veiga is kinda confusing at times...but he is it's not that bad...and he's pretty easy so far...but I miss Mr. McQuade's class so much...I'm so jealous of all my friends who have him for Adv. Geo...I wanted to have him again. :P In Latin Prose everything is pretty easy so far...although Ms. Hausey is's not even her though...she just gives us a ton of random papers on easy crap like how to form the subjunctive...which we learned in the eigth grade. :lol: :P And her voice is annoying as well. :P As for Ms. Markiewicz in Chem...I'm still waiting for my perception of her to change...she's apparently evil from what I've heard but she seems really nice and Chem is really fun and interesting...we got to turn a freaking penny into gold! :lol: :P It doesn't really work...alchemy isn't real...although it is the first chapter in our Chem book. :P And I think Ms. Markiewicz likes seems like all the "evil" teachers like's wierd... :P Oh well...I'm glad I'm on Markiewicz's good side. :P Oh, and we had an assembly on Wednesday...I got an award thingy called the Modern Prize...for getting at least A-'s in all major subjects and B-'s in all minor subjects...I got at least A-'s in ALL my subjects last year. :D :P Yeah...I feel so smarticle... :P No need to applaud me...I got applause at the assembly...along with many other peoples...a lot of them in my Adv. Geo. class... :P Oh, and there's a girl in my Chem class who I find very cute...I can't help it...but I'll try not to stare at her and I'll work on focusing on the teacher so no one kills me. :lol: :P I probably shouldn't tell Jenna...besides...this girl who I find cute isn't even a lesbian from what I know...and Jenna is way cuter than the girl in my Chem my opinion anyways. :P Oh...that reminds English class on Monday we did some stupid activity where we just met a bunch of peoples...I already knew pretty much everyone in my English class. :P For part of the activity thingy I had to meet this one girl in my English class who absolutely hates me...we were supposed to introduce ourselves and then talk about something for a few minutes...the girl immediately said: "I hate you and you're a flaming homosexual."...I hated that remark and at the time I wanted to do something I find it kinda funny...I wish I had said: "Yeah...what was your first clue?"...or something like that. :P I still find it offensive...but...I'm not gonna bother with thinking about that...that girl hates me anyways...she hated me before I had even come out...she hated me since sixie year. :P Oh well... :P I don't have much else to say concerning school... :P Next paragraph... :P

Today I haven't really done anything too special. :P I've watched some TV, been on this site, played UR, studied Latin vocabulary, practiced the flute, took a shower...and that's about it. :P I'm going on a date with Jenna soon and I honestly can't wait...this was Jenna's idea and I have no idea where we're going or what we're doing. :D :P Yeah...that doesn't sound like a good thing...but...I don't really care...I just wanna be with her. :P Oh, and the weather outside is so nice right now...its's in the low 60's and it feels like it's autumn...I love that kinda weather. :D I wanna go play in the mud...maybe later tonight...or tomorrow morning... :P I shouldn't do that before my date with Jenna...she'd probably be ticked off at me. :P Tomorrow I don't really have anything special planned...I think I'm just gonna relax...I deserve some rest...I was working like mad all week. :P Oh, that reminds me...I absolutely love this new metal band I found out about called Phr0zen and I would like to make you listen to my favorite song by them...but...the title of the song is "Hail Satan" doubt anyone wants to listen to it. :P I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P I should probably finish getting ready for my date... :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #330 / 9/11 Anniversary...

Even though I did write a metal song that completely bashed America and I'm not too pleased with the current state America (that's just my personal opinion don't haveta agree with it)...I have not forgotten that this is the 10 year anniversary of 9/11. I was only about 5 years old when that I don't remember much...all I remember is that my mom seemed pretty scared and we got early dismissal at school. :P I actually had to write a paper for History class this weekend about 9/ was pretty easy...and now I actually know what REALLY happened...all the details and numbers and names and stuff...which is wierd...I'm bad with remembering that kinda stuff. In my opinion what happened was never should have happened and if I could change it I definately would. I kinda blame religion for this though...apparently this happened because Osama bin Laden wanted revenge on America becausethey interfered with a war in the Middle East...and then bin Laden waged what he called a "holy war" against the US if I remember correctly. He organized this and planned those attacks because of religion...religion is what drove those planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center...religion...nothing more...just the abstract belief in some "god" who might not even exist...2974 people died that day because of religion. It's so stupid and barbaric in my never should have happened. I kinda wish people didn't talk about 9/11 so much though...if it's such a bad thing why do you wanna remember it? To me it just makes no sense...I want to forget about all the bad stuff that's happened in my life so far and I usually just have it in the back of my mind and never wanna bring it up. Anyways...I remembered Testament has a song from one of their newer albums about 9/11 called "The Evil has Landed"...if you actually want to listen to's the link...I thought it might be somewhat fitting: love the way the song sounds...but don't listen to it if you think you might be offended by the lyrics or something. Anyways...let's get on with this blog. I'd rather not spend all day thinking about 9/'s too depressing. And it's 10 years in the past anyways. I'm not trying to belittle what was a huge deal...thousands of people died...that's terrible...but I'd rather not talk about it anymore. Next paragraph...

I did make an edit in my previous blog and if you read that you probably think I'm a freak. If not...I might as well say that last night I had a "wet dream" over my girlfriend and I'm pretty embarrassed about it. I did Google it and it's a thing that guys more commonly have but girls can have it as well so...I guess I'm not a total freak. I'm sorry...but I need to type this and tell a few people...then it will be out of my mind and I can hopefully forget about it. I hate this feeling...I'm so embarrassed because of this...and I hardly ever get embarrassed...I hate this feeling. A little while ago I walked over to Jenna's place (I wanted to tell her...I felt that if I didn't tell her eventually I wouldn't be able to see her without feeling embarrassed and I probably wouldn't be able to think about her without feeling somewhat embarrassed. I know how my mind works. ) and even though I was nervous (REALLY nervous to be honest)...I told her about that...even the fact that the dream I was having was about her. Oh Zeus...she is so nice...she said that it was okay and she wouldn't tell anyone else and that even though it might seem strange...that kinda stuff is perfectly normal. :D I know the third part was just to make me feel isn't normal...but it did make me feel better...and I'm so glad she doesn't hate me for that or break up with me or think that I'm a freak or something...I was expecting that to be honest. :D :P After she said that she said something like: "You had me worried there for a while. I thought that when you came here you wanted to break up with me or something." to her it didn't seem like it was a big deal...or maybe it was and she was just saying all this to make me feel better. But it doesn't seem like that...she didn't act any differently around me and she would never do that to me...besides, she did kiss me before I left. :P So...yeah...I'm still pretty embarrassed about this whole thing...but at least nothing with Jenna has changed. :D That's all I really care about...I love her so much. :D I should call her later today... :P Oh Zeus I love her so much...I think any other girl would have been scared and immediately broke up with me probably. :D I guess I am a freak though...that shouldn't happen to's not that common. :P I guess I'm wierd and have a very messed up mind... :P Well...everything's okay so now I'm just gonna forget about this and hopefully it will never happen again. :D :P Oh, and now I can look at and think about Jenna without feeling embarrassed...which is good. :P Next paragraph... :P

Aside from that little issue last's been pretty good so far. :P I haven't done anything too special...I've just watched some TV, went on this site, played UR, practiced the piccolo (I had to turn in my rental flute on Friday...I get a new rental flute on Tuesday though. :P ), studied Latin vocabulary, and that's about it. :P Later today I should probably go over the first lesson in my Advanced Geo book...I have a quiz in Geo tomorrow and I wanna do good and make a good first impression on Mr. Viega. :P Besides...I'm the only white female in my Advanced Geo section...I needs to do well to show that I'm just as good at math. :lol: :P And I should also call Jenna later today...and pack up my stuff...I'm going back to my mom's place at around 5...and then I should get ready for school. :P I should take a shower for that matter... :P Oh, and later today I'm getting creds on UR...can't wait to get Ghumbo. :D :P My last major purchase was Glorg...after Ghumbo...the only card left for my ultimate Type 2 Deathmatch Nightmare deck is Kolos...and even then...I don't really need him that badly...he can wait...unless I get him in a pack or something...then he can't wait. :lol: :P Then I'd haveta immediately unleash the power of Kolos...well...after I level him up that is... :P That could take a while...he's a5 star card after all... :P Okay...enough with my nerdy UR talk... :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I am in a much better mood than I was this morning...I was just really worried about what happened...everything's okay and now I'm in a much better mood. :D Hopefully that won't happen again... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: Well...I want to apologize for what I said at the beginning of this blog. I was reading all your comments and realized that what I said was really offensive and insensitive, considering what happened. I should have actually thought before I typed that paragraph...I should have known that I might have offended some people. That's the last thing I want to do...I don't want to judge anyone based on their beliefs...and I don't want to offend those beliefs either...even if I disagree with them. I guess I don't really understand this whole thing...I don't feel the same way about certain things as most people do...I just don't...I don't know why...if I could change it I probably would so I could understand this better...but I can' to me a lot of the stuff going on just seems illogical. I can't understand this...I don't know why people want to remember it...I just think it would be better to forget it and not feel anymore pain and sadness over it. But...I do know that people want to remember it...and that people feel certain ways about certain things. I doubt this makes any sense to you. But the point is that I don't have the same feelings about this that other people do...and I should have known that...I should have realized that people feel strongly about this and I shouldn't have offended anyone's beliefs while discussing that tragic event. So...I'm really sorry about what I said...I do regret it after realizing that it offended others. I didn't mean for that to happen. I doubt the apology means anything to you...the damage is done...but hopefully at least you don't hate me completely for this. Although I would deserve that for what I did. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

SECOND EDIT: Sorry I'm making another edit to this blog...but I have something I wanna say...and I don't have the time to make a I'm just making another edit. :P I am in a somewhat better mood that I was a few days ago...I realize that what I said was wrong...and I'm disappointed in myself for saying what I did and for offending some people...but...I'm hoping that since it doesn't seem like anyone completely hates me for what I did...I can forgive myself for what I did and move on. :D I usually have a hard time doing that...forgiving myself is the hardest thing I can do personally...but...hopefully I can do that sometime in the near future and then forget about this. :D Anyways...the last few days of school have been pretty good...I've been somewhat busy but I've enjoyed it and I'm doing perfectly fine. :D :P Oh, and I got some academic award thingy today...I earned it last year for getting all A's as my overall grades in all my subjects or something. :P I'm proud of myself. :D :P Yeah...just what I need...something else to increase my ego. :lol: :P Not much else has really gone on at school yet... :P I guess I'll get into more detail about everything later on...maybe Friday night when I have the time to make a blog... :P Yeah...that works. :P I don't have anything else to say in this edit. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #329 / Finally Get To Relax... :P

Okay...before anything else...I'm sorry...I know I said I wouldn't talk about metal as much in my blogs anymore and I made that promise. I'm working on it...but I stopped talking about Satanism...kinda...maybe some comments have just kinda slipped. :P I will admit why I did that (if you actually care) and why I felt that there was no point in me being good anymore. Well...I while ago even though I don't believe any religion I felt that since I'm a matter what I do or how well I behave myself I'll go to "Hell"...or whatever the name for the place where all the "evil souls" go...and if that place doesn't exist...neither does a "Heaven" then there's no don't get rewarded for being just felt that no matter what I do it wouldn't matter and well...I was being an idiot and felt that if me acting good won't get me anywhere...I might as well just jump off the cliff that I mean that I might as well just be completely evil. :P It was stupid and there was no logic in that thought...and I realize that even if me acting somewhat good might not get me anywhere in the afterlife (if there is one)...I shouldn't just be a total jerk...the least I can do is enjoy my time and not be a total jerk to the peoples I care about. :P So...that's why I'm not talking about that stuff as much anymore...especially still interests me one else probably cares about it and I don't feel like being a jerk. :P It is part of who I am though and I'm proud of it...and if I someday am a Satanist...I don't give a crap. :D As for metal...I can't help but talk about it from time to time...especially when my friends and I are going to a GWAR concert at the Palladium on October 21st!!! :D HAIL GWAR, you are my freaking gods of metal!!! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Wait...what was I talking about? :P Oh...I was apologizing and explaining all that crap because I wanted you to listen to this song as you read the rest of this blog or whenever you have the time or something. :P Here's the link: song is called "Escape From the Moose Lodge" by GWAR. :P I love how on this album cover it says "Parental Advisory: Explicit Lyrics". :lol: :P Like that'll stop me from listening to metal. :lol: :P And my mom can't even decipher the lyrics to any of the metal songs I listen to that have explicit lyrics. :P Thank Zeus too. :lol: :P Anyways...tell me what you think about the song if you listen to it. :P Now I guess I should get on with this blog... :P Next paragraph... :P

Today was pretty good. :D I got to actually relax for the first time in a few days which felt really nice. :D And I got to see Yu-Gi-Oh!...I can't believe 5D's beat team New World...that was epic! :P Sorry...I'm addicted to Yu-Gi-Oh! now...the old ones and the new one. :P Other than that my morning was pretty normal...I organized all my school stuff (like my binders and stuff...I didn't have time for that during my first two days of school. :P ) and now I'm ready to get to some real work on Monday. :P How fun! :P And I went on this site, listened to GWAR music (I'm already pumped for GWAR...even though it's about six weeks away! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Already got the tickets online! :twisted: :P ), watched some TV, and then I got ready for my date that I had today. :D To be was AWETHUM!!! :D And...I honestly haveta say that I love it when Jenna takes charge (sometimes in my mind I feel like I shouldtake chargeall the time...but that might be Dan talking. :P Besides...someone with no common sense shouldn't be in the driver's seat too often. :P Bad analogy though...I'm 15...I can't drive. :P About 4 more months and I can start learning though. :P )...on the train ride home yesterday she came up with all the plans for our date (like where we'd go and when and all that stuff. :P )...and she wanted to pick me up at my place (I honestly would have rather met her at her place...I can't help it...I guess I have more of a guy's mindset in the fact that I wanna kinda protect Jenna and take care of her...but I know that mindset is wrong and I shouldn't listen to my mind when it comes to that. :P Especially when I know Jenna probably feels that the same way about me at times. :P ) and walk me home...which was really nice of her and it was a nice change. :D It's slightly more often the other way around (Jenna has walked me home before and picked me up before a date...a bunch of times actually... :P )...but that's usually just because I insist. :P Anyways...the date was really nice and we had a good time. :D And...even though we already knew each other's schedules and was nice to REALLY catch up with each other about our first two days of school. :D And...after Jenna walked me home before she left, we did make out...which was also quite enjoyable. :P I got home a little while ago and I felt like making a blog. :P I'll probably call Jenna tonight if she hasn't already called me so we can talk for a while. :D I really love Jenna so much...I can't describe it but it's just that whenever I'm around her everything is perfect...words can't describe it...even though I'm ridiculously smart, none of my fancy English vocabulary can describe my feelings for her. :D I think we've been dating for almost 6 months...we started dating in the middle of March if I remember correctly...we should do something special to celebrate that...most high school relationships don't last longer than a few months. :D :P I'm hoping ours can last for a long time...if that's what Jenna wants, of course...if she wasn't happy being with me for some odd reason anymore then even though I'd be upset I would haveta end the relationship...I would never want Jenna to be unhappy...even if it meant that my heart would be broken. Well...let's stop with this...nothing's gonna happen...everything is perfect. :D

I don't have much else to say in this blog but before I end it I will say something that you might find interesting. :P Okay, have any of you ever watched that show Codename: Kids Next Door (when it still aired on CN)? :P Well...there was one episode called "Operation F.O.O.D.F.I.T.E" and there were two songs in that episode that were both originally written and sung by none other than GWAR! :P Yeah...I'm serious...Google it or something. :P When the songs were made for KND the lyrics were changed so they would fit the episode and NOT be innaproperiate...because GWAR's song lyrics are about crack and prostitution. :lol: :P The two original songs are "The Private Pain of Techno Destructo" and "Gor-Gor"...I like Techno Destructo slightly better...Gor-Gor's a little too repetitive for my liking. :P So...GWAR is even in children's cartoons. :lol: :P Yeah...Google it if you don't believe me. :lol: :P That reminds me...the weather is getting's in the 60's in MA...I love this kinda weather...that's why I love early Spring and anytime during Autumn. :D :P I like cooler weather...I dunno just feels better...and during the Spring everything just feels new andit just makes me feel happy...and during the Autumn I just love the weather...and playing in the leaves after someone rakes up a giant pile of them. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: I know it's only the morning where I live and I just made a blog last night so I shouldn't have anything to talk about but...something happened last night that I'm really embarrassed about. I hardly ever get embarrassed...and I absolutely hate the feeling. I'll tell you what happened...but please don't judge me or laugh. If you will do that I'll just say that it was nothing bad...just something embarrassing that woke me up in the middle of the night. Even though I'm absolutely embarrassed about this...I need to say this and tell Jenna later today or I won't be able to forget about it...and if I don't tell Jenna I won't be able to look at her without getting this feeling of embarrassment again. I know how my mind works...I just need to say it. Okay...please don't laugh or judge me...especially when this is a thing that more commonly happens to guys. Well...last night I had what some people would call a "wet dream" over my girlfriend.I did Google this a little while happens more often to guys but females can have them at least I'm not completely messed up. I'm so embarrassed because of this...I can't even control my bodily functions...or...I couldn't last night. I need to tell Jenna or else I won't be able to look at her without feeling the way I do right now. I'm so sorry I had to mention this and you probably think I'm a total freak because of this but I won't get over it unless I mention it to some people...then I can forget about it. I hope Jenna doesn't hate me for this... Oh Zeus...I'm such a freak...if she were to break up with me I'd probably deserve it... Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #328 / First Two Days Of School...

You wanna know why I didn't make a blog yesterday? Well...I'll tell you why! I'm stressed out of my freaking mind! I have the WORST possible teachers in the ENTIRE SCHOOL! Oh Zeus...I'm SO SCREWED...and I have two advanced classes and band and I'm gonna be so freaking busy with work...this is gonna be by far my hardest year yet. Oh...and you wanna know something else? I JUST TRICKED YOU!!! :lol: :P I'm sorry...I HAD to do that. :lol: :P Everything's fine...aside from my evil Chem teacher...but that's no real problem...I've dealt with evil teachers before. :P So...everything's fine and I enjoyed my first two days of school. :D I will admit that I didn't make a blog yesterday though because I was really busy doing homework and signing my syllabi and crap. :P Now...I guess before I get into detail about all that crap I'll tell you about my teachers for everything. :P Oh, and the blog party's over now. :P Thanks for all your comments. :D :P

College English 10 (I have no idea what's up with the course title...I'm a sophomore in high school. :P ): I have a new teacher named Mr. Beyer and oh Zeus...he seems so nice. :D I really like his class...we don't have assigned seats and a ton of my friends are there which is AWETHUM!!! :D :P Oh, and this is the first English class ever where I don't need a binder...which I LOVE...I hate carrying around binders...they take up too much space in my backpack. :P So...I like this class already and love my teacher. :D

Latin Prose (Go super smarticle nerdy peoples in Prose! :D :P We don't have Mr. Fo-fo! :P Hahahahahah! :P ): I have Ms. Hausey for this class...I'm so surprised I dodged a HUGE Latin Prose bullet and didn't get Ms. LeDang...Ms. Hausey is apparently easy...she's just annoying from what I've heard. :P I don't really care...I can deal with annoying peoples...I mean...I'm annoying after all. :lol: :P I noticed that a few of my ridiculously smarticle friends arethere and some people who I've never met before...but some are in Advanced Geo with me. :P Oh...and get this...along with a bunch of random peoples I don't know and a lot of my ridiculously smarticle ridiculously smarticle girlfriend is there! :D Yeah...JENNA'S IN PROSE WITH ME!!!!! :D WOO HOO!!! :D I was so hoping we'd have at least oneperiod together and it would be Latin! :D We can help each other out with the work too...we work quite well together at translating Latin and stuff...oh Zeus...I hope we do projects where we can work with a partner or something! :D So...I LOVE this's gonna be fun, challenging (but fair), and I'm gonna get to see the love of my life. :D Sounds pretty good... :P

Italian 3 (I feel special...I'm in the only Italian 3 class. :P ): And...I DIDN'T GET MR. FO-FO!!! :D :P Yeah...I dodged Mr. Forina. :D :P I have some new teacher named Mr. Tillmanns. :P He seems really nice and I like him. :D Oh, and he sounds like the Terminator when he talks in English. :lol: :P I like the Terminator. :P I should watch that movie... :P And Yu-Gi-Oh! tomorrow morning...if I actually wake up. :lol: :P Anyways...same Italianpeoples as last year and I don't like most of the people in that class but a few of my closest friends arethere and I like Italian and have a good teacher so it's worth it. :D Besides...all the kids who I don't get along with are stupid anyways. :P And by stupid I mean not as smarticle as me. :P Hahah! :P Screw you, can torture my friends in REGULARS LATIN!!! :lol: :P Hahahahahah! :P

Chemistry: (Kill me... :P ) Oh crap...I got the one Chem teacher I was dreading: MS. MARKOWICZ (or however you spell it. :P ) and I've heard stuff like she's evil and has made some kids who have had her cry and stuff like that. :P Yeah...I've had evil teachers like that before...but I've never cried at school...the last time I cried over something real was the thing with Dan and I was cutting myself...and before that was after Jessica found out that I was Dan and I got beat up...I didn't cry until I got home though. Well...let's forget about's in the past after all and I don't give a crap about History because I suck at it. :P Anyways...the teacher actually seems pretty nice and apparently we do a lot of group work and stuff which sounds fun. :D be honest...she seems challenging but fair...I mean...I feel that if I try hard and do all my work and stay on top of crap I'll be fine. :D :P So...yeah...I got unlucky and wound up in her only Chem period but...whatever...I can take it...I have a mind wired for science anyways. :P

Advanced Geometry (I feel so smarticle right now! :P I'm in advanced maths now. :P ): I got the teacher I didn't want for Advanced Geo. :P I have Mr. of the "three amigops". :P Wonderful...just wonderful! :P Kidding...he's the least bad of them and honestly...he doesn't seem that bad...he has an accent but I can understand it pretty well and he seems pretty laid back for an honors teacher and Geo is easy. :D Also...we have an old book and I think that means we might get away without learning proofs...which are apparently the hardest part of Geo. :P I can't wait for this...I love math and some of my friends are in this class and it just seems like I'm gonna enjoy myself. :D Yeah...I'm SUCH a math geek. :P

World History Two: (Oh Zeus...please don't get Neary...please don't get Neary...) OH ZEUS...I GOT NEARY...I'M DEAD!!! Kidding. :lol: :P I got one of the easiest teachers for History in the entire freaking school: Ms. Gomez! :P I'm SO HAPPY about this...I can deal with two advanced classes, band, and a harder Chem Italian, English, and History teachers are all easy. :P So...I'm gonna be focusing on the subjects I love...which is what I want. :D I love this period...a few of my best friends are there and I just met a new friend there as well. :D So...I'm so glad I dodged the big freaking Neary bullet...I was SO SCARED that I would get him...History is my worst subject and he's the hardest History teacher in the entire freaking I'd fail him. :P One of my friends who's really smart but has a mind wired like mine almost failed him.

Band: Yeah yeah...nothing special...still Ms. Dougherty and still Junior Band until I'm a Junior. :P Need I say more? :P

PE: I don't really care about this but I have Ms. Jamal and she's really nice. :P I had her when I was a sixie and actually kinda sorta liked I just absolutely hate it. :lol: :P Sorry...I'm a nerd...can't help it. :P Need I say anything else? :P

So...aside from Chem I have pretty good teachers who I like...and even then...I can deal with Markowicz. :P She's evil...I'm evil...we'll probably get together and form an evil alliance or something. :twisted: :P I should work on my evil laughs. :P Oh wait...I don't need to! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P But I do think I'll get along with her...I get her...she's not evil...just strict and has high expectations for us. :D :P Would you ever expect less from BLS? :P Oh, and she's getting nationally certified this year or something. :P Yeah...I forget to mention that before. :lol: :P Ms. Stone is too. :P Uh...I doubt you care though...I'm probably boring you...this is only interesting to a BLS student. :lol: :P first day of school was pretty good but I didn't make a blog because I was really busy doing homework until about my bedtime...and then I had to have dinner and take a shower and stuff and then I just passed out. :P Sorry about that. :P Today I wasn't so busy and I was only doing work until about 5:30. :D And...on the train ride home I took the train home with Jenna and she didn't have that much homework either and she told me about her day and her teachers and stuff (she has pretty good teachers actually and I'm glad for her...she has no horror-story teachers. :D ) and I liked hearing about it. :D And...I asked her if she would like to go on a date with me that night...she said she would love to but she'd rather we do that on Saturday because she wants to anti-procrastinate and get all her work done that night. :D I love her so much...and she has a type-A personality too. :D So...before we went our separate ways we did kiss (I'm sure some people hated to see that. :P Oh well...straight couples make out in public too. :P If they didn't we wouldn't either...but...we should and can do whatever we want and we's not like we're embarrassed about our relationship. :D ) and we made some plans for tomorrow. :D I can't wait to just spend a lot of time with her. :D And I wanna play in the mud sometime tomorrow...I've worked my butt off this week...I deserve a break to go play in the mud and get filthy. :P Oh, and I will say one thing (I guess I can since none of you know this person in real don't even know his name)...earlier today one of my friends since sixie year, AC, saw me after school (our lockers are pretty close so we can talk at the end of the day and before homeroom. :P ) and told me that he is gay and I'm honestly perfectly fine with that...I should be...I'm a lesbian and a transgender after all. :D :P So...yeah...I'm happy for him that he managed to figure that out already and he has come out to his parents who are both fine with it. :D I know that coming out is the scariest thing that I ever did...I was so worried that people would hate me and reject me and my parents would want nothing to do with me and I'd lose a lot of my friends and you'd all hate me and I'd haveta leave this site and stuff...that was luckily not even close to the way things turned out. :D I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Oh, and don't listen to this if you're easily offended by dirty song lyrics but... LOVE this song...I'm getting this on my iPod NOW!!! :P It's freaking epic! :twisted: :P HAIL GWAR!!! :twisted: :P *devil horns* Oh yeah...that reminds mom is gonna let me go to the Palladium with some of my friends to see the GWAR concert as long as it's not on a school night and she's gonna work things out and stuff but she's letting us go! :D I'm SO FREAKING HAPPY!!! :D HAIL GWAR!!! :twisted: :P *devil horns* They are my freaking gods of thrash metal and dirty lyrics! :twisted: :P And...Satan's like the pope...and Barlow is somewhere in that madness. :P Kidding. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #327 / Starting School Tomorrow...

Before I say anything else in this can still post on the blog party if you wanna. :P It's the third most recent blog on my profile page now. :P And you can post on that blog until Friday night at 9:00 PM EST...then you can't post on it anymore...the party's over then. :P Why? :P Because it's my bedtime, duh! :P Yeah...I'm 15 and I have a bedtime, deal with it! :P Kidding. :P I don't like having a bedtime but...I guess it's good...I need sleep or I can't function...I can barely function as it is. :lol: :P can still post on the blog party if you wanna. :P And before I get to the second part of the title...I was on YouTube a few minutes ago (sometimes I go on there to blare music in the computer if I don't have it on my iPod yet. :P ) and I was listening to some GWAR music and I found out that GWAR will be playing at The Palladium in Worcester on October 21st...and...guess what? :D :P Worcester is in Massachusetts...and I'm not too good with geography but I think it's kinda sorta close to Boston. :P Oh Zeus...that's just freaking epic! :twisted: :P *devil horns* I haveta ask my mom if she'll let me go with a few of my metalhead friends! :D :P Hopefully she'll say yes...and even if she doesn't at first...a little persuasion never hurt anyone. :twisted: :P And I need to convert one of my metalhead friends to GWAR if my mom says I can go...I only have a few friends who are metalheads and one of them has never listened to GWAR from what I know. :P I've made all my other metalhead friends listen to GWAR and of course they loved them...what metalhead doesn't love GWAR?! :twisted: :P Oh Zeus...I hope my mom says I can go...and if so that's something to look forward to. :D If not I'm gonna go on a massive killing spree. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...I'd never do that...for now! :twisted: :P Kidding...I doubt I could ever kill anyone even if it was someone I hated and I had the perfect opportunity to do so and could easily get away with conscience would be nagging me like mad. :P I don't have anything else to say in this paragraph. :P Next paragraph. :P

Well...I last made a blog on Monday so there's not too much to really talk about. :P Yesterday I didn't really do anything too special...I just did stuff that I would normally do. :P The only thing that was annoying was that it was rainy outside so I couldn't leave the house...well...I guess I could have if I wanted to...but I didn't wanna go outside...I hate being outside when the weather sucks...I don't mind the rain...I just hate how dark it is when it rains and it makes me somewhat depressed...kinda like the winter always makes me somewhat depressed after my birthday and Christmas come around. :P Oh well... :P Today I'm not really doing anything too special either. :P So far I've gotten all my stuff ready for when I start school tomorrow, watched TV, did some UR tourneys, went on this site, practiced the flute, went over Latin vocabulary, and that's about it really. :P I've had the entire place to myself so far today and it's been pretty nice...I could blare metal without anyone yelling at me. :lol: :P Later today I might do another UR tourney or two (Why all the UR tourneys? :P Well...I've gotten bored because since most of you are already at school I don't have anyone to really talk to on this site during the day so I've moved to UR during the day when I'm online. :P And...I'm busy saving up Clintz to get Ghumbo...I already have Glorg. :P I'm getting kinda close actually. :P And...then MUCH later when I buy more credits I'll get Kolos. :P My mom won't let me get credits at the moment...she doesn't want more stuff charged on her credit card. :P Oh well... :P ) and I should take a shower. :P And of course before I go to bed I need to call Jenna so we can talk for a while. :D I'm kinda nervous about going back to school...I think she might be too...talking for a while might help both of us...and if least we had a pointless conversation before going back to school. :P That's all I really haveta say about today. :P

I will admit that even though I'm a ridiculously smarticle nerd and academics is my forte...I am somewhat nervous about going back to school. :P I know I shouldn't be and I know that everything will be fine but I can't help but worry...I'm only gonna have one study every six days...that one less than last year because of stupid health class (Why must we take health class? :P Honestly...all I learned in health class in the eigth grade is that you shouldn't do drugs. :P )...and I'm taking advanced geometry and Latin prose.So...this year will be harder than last year and I'm kinda nervous...but I know I'll do fine. :D I just hope I don't get Dr. Neary for World History 2...if that's the case I won't be able to transfer out of the class because I have a wierd schedule with advanced classes, Band, and Italian. :P But...I know that everything will be fine and I'll manage. :D Besides...the first few days are never that stressful or BLS the first term isn't that bad. :P All the other ones are freaking crazy though. :lol: :P Oh, and after I get home and do all my homework and get my syllabi signed by my mom and all that stuff I'll be sure to make a blog and tell you my teachers and all about my day and how it went and stuff. :D I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P Oh's gonna be so terrible to going back to waking up at 6. :P I hate that so much...the only time I'll get to sleep in now will be on the weekends. :P So...I guess this is farewell to tons of sleep and relaxation and back to sleep deprivation and tons and tons of stress! :P How fun! :D :P I'm being sarcastic! :D :P Well...I've dealt with it for three years...I think I can deal with it for three more years. :D Besides...sixie year was the worst schoolyear ever. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #326 / I Just Watched All The Twilight Movies...

Yeah...well...I didn't just finish watching them...I finished watching all the Twilight movies yesterday. :P be honest...I really liked them...the Twilight movies are the AWETHUMEST movies ever...better than the freaking Saw movies. :D I don't get all the crap that peoples said about them...I mean...I admit...the whole vampires sparkle in the sunlight was kinda stupid...but Bella wasn't that shallow like people might say and she wasn't a total idiot. And honestly...I learned something from watching the movies...the whole vampire thing is a chick magnet. :P So...yeah...I hate to admit it but I really liked all the Twilight movies and I watched the first one on Saturday night and the other two yesterday. :P So...yeah...I really hope you don't hate me for thinking that. :P I know Jenna's gonna slap me once I tell her this... :P Oh, and uh...just because I made a new blog doesn't mean that the blog party is over...the blog party won't be over until this Friday at 9:00 PM you can still post on the blog's still under my recent blog posts on my profile page thingy. :D :P Now I guess I should get on with this blog... :P

Before anything else though...I might as well say that the only reason I just watched all the Twilight movies and told you that I liked them is because I was dared to do so. :lol: :P I doubt you believed that I'd actually ever like Twilight though. :P Seriously...Twilight sucks...and I can say that even more now that I've seen the movies for myself. :P I bet they destroyed some of my brain cells or something. :lol: :P Now...I haveta tell a few other peoples what I just told you and I'll be done with Twilight. :P I think Jenna's gonna slap me or something...she hates Twilight. :P I'm NOT looking forward to that. :P Oh well...I'm sure she hits like a girl. :lol: :P I'm sorry...I had to say that. :P Now...uh...I might as well get on with this blog. :P I last made a blog on Friday I I have some stuff to talk about. :P Next paragraph. :P

Well...on Saturday I didn't do anything too special. :P I did want to go on a date with Jenna and asked her if she would if she wasn't too busy but...she was kinda busy with stuff (I didn't bother to ask what at the time). :P So it was just a pretty normal day and I just did stuff that I'd normally do...I practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, watched TV, went on this site, went on Urban Rivals, blared metal, and watched the first Twilight movie. :P I guess that was kinda abnormal behavior for myself though...I shouldn't be watching Twilight. :P Yesterday was pretty much the same. :P Although I watched the other two Twilight movies (How? :P Well...let's just say drinking coffee during both movies helped me NOT fall asleep. :P )...and Jenna called me to apologize about the day before. I said it was fine and I understood that she was busy...and honestly...I was fine with it...I see her a lot anyways and I know I can be busy at times as well. :D But...she did say that we need to go on a date before school starts and she's not gonna be busy today so...I have a date withmy girlfriend tonight which should be fun. :D Maybe I should ask Jenna why she was kinda busy...maybe I could help with whatever it is if it's not completely taken care of... :P Yeah...I'll ask. :P So far today I haven't done anything too special either...I'm still at my dad's place and I go back in a few hours and then I have a date with Jenna...I should start getting ready soon. :P Oh Zeus...what should I wear? :P I give a crap. :lol: :P I don't really have much else to say in this paragraph...nothing special has really been going on. :P

Oh, but I am going back to school this Thursday (yeah yeah...I know it's late...but I didn't get out until June 28th. :P ) and I already know my homeroon. :P I won't get my schedule until the first day of school though. :P I'm gonna be in homeroom 208...I have no idea who the teacher in room 208 is...hopefully no one crazy or mean. :lol: :P And...don't worry...I'll be sure to tell you all about my first day back to school. :D :P I'm hoping Jenna is in my homeroom or at least has a homeroom close to mine so I can see her in the morning every schoolday. :D Oh, and I found out something about's kinda serious actually...I hope you don't hate me for this. I am a transgender. Now...before you say anything...just read this. :P It's not serious...I was just kidding. :P I found out the definition of a "transgender" doesn't just haveta be someone who passes off as the opposite gender for their entire lives 24/7 and undergoes gender reassignment're apparently considered a transgender just for dressing up as the opposite'm technically a transgender...I've dressed up as a guy and passed off as a guy who goes by the name of Dan from time to time I'm a transgender...but knowing this changes nothing. :P Wow...I'm a lesbian and a transgender...that's wierd anyone else on the face of the Earth like me in that sense? :P I really doubt just seems really wierd. :P Oh well...I'm wierd...I wouldn't expect anything less from myself. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)