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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #285 / Finally On Summer Break!!!!! :D

Yes...I am indeed finally on Summer Break and I'm SO HAPPY about that...I've been looking forward to over two months of no school since I've went back to school after last Summer Break. :D :P Before I get on with anything else...I think I should just reflect upon this school year. I honestly don't know where to much has happened this's hard to keep track of it all. :P But...I remember that during the eigth grade I was in Sigma Cluster (the "easy" cluster where all the band geeky peoples go. :P ) and since it was easy, I thought that I would be screwed for ninth grade, my first year of high-school. I thought it would be really hard to juggle six major subjects instead of just five and I thought I wouldn't be able to manage my time with only two studies every six days as oppose to the seven studies every sixdays I had during the eigth grade. I thought that it was going to be really hard and that my grades would go down and I would just be struggling a lot. But...I felt that Band would be my escape from it all...and then when I found out that Mr. Harper was retiring and Ms. Dougherty was taking over, Band would no longer be my escape from the stress of BLS. After just the first few days of school I felt really stressed out and didn't think I could manage this year. But...after a month or so...I got back into the swing of grades were better than they had ever been at BLS, I was managing to stay on top of all my homework, projects, papers, and flute practicing and studying and whatnot. :D I was just doing better at BLS than I had for the first two years and I was really glad about that. :D times I would slack off and I did get too cocky and then my grades would slightly go down...but then I would work even harder and get them right back up to where they were! :D This was definately the hardest I've ever worked during a school year...and I accomplished so much because of that. :D I actually got Approbation WithDistinction for the first timeever at BLS...and Ididn't get it just once...I got it twice this year! :DBut...this year I also did something else that didn't involve schoolwork and studying and stuff. :P I managed to finally come to terms with myself...mainly my sexuality...which I was wondering about ever since when I was 12 (yes...even then I had my suspicions)...but at that time I never really bothered with it andI just pushed it aside and felt that I was too young to be concerned withthat kinda stuff. I really began wondering about it and having my suspicions of it last year...but this yearI finally got an answer! :D This year...I finally knew that I was a lesbian (you have no idea how happy I was to just finally know my sexuality), and I managed to accept myself and then come out and tell everyone I knew. :D And...what more? I got to meet Jenna and we're going out! :D Oh, and I got addicted to heavy metal music...I'm glad about that as well! :D :P So...overall...I worked really hard this year, did well, got good grades, found out that I'm a lesbian, fell in love with Jenna, and got addicted to heavy metal music. :D :P Sounds like a good year if you ask me! :P I could go into even more detail and make this paragraph ridiculously long but I won't do that...I'll leave this sappy reflection at this. :P

Now...before anything else...LISTEN TO "ATTILA" BY ICED EARTH OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P It's's the link for it: LOVE this song...amazing riffs and great lyrics...and chorus is epic, and well...who doesn't like Attila The Hun?! :D :P So...LISTEN TO IT OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P "Hell awaits behind Gaul's gates. The Romans stand only to fall. They will die by his sword. The barbarian lord. Attila hears victory call." I love this chorus. :P And now I'll just give you a quick recap of the past few days and then get to today. :P

I last made a blog on Saturday if I remember right. :P The sleepover at Jenna's place was actually pretty nice. :D We didn't really do anything special...just typical sleepover stuff...watching movies, board games, talking about nonsense, video games, etc... :P We did play truth or dare...that say the least. :P I'd rather not say one of the things Jenna made me do but I know you'll probably get a kick out of it so...she made me wear a pink dress for an hour (if she made me do that for any longer that dress would have been getting thrown in the mud. :P ). :P I HATED THAT SO MUCH...but I know she got a kick out of seeing me like that. :P Later on in the gameI got her back. :lol: :P I had this evil grin on my face before I even said of course she knew I was gonna do something. :lol: :P So...let's just say that tomorrow when Jenna comes over my place she's going to play in the mud with me. :twisted: :P Of course...if she would rather not...I will not make her...I could never do that. :P But...I doubt she would back out of something like that...she's not a girly-girl. :P Anyways...I managed to stay up until midnight...mainly because one of my friends said that I couldn't because I have a bedtime of 9 on school nights. :P But...I managed to stay up past midnight and then annoyed my friend so much. :lol: :P Oh, and at midnight Jenna and I went into the backyard and we kissed. :D We all went to bed at like 2 in the morning. :lol: :P The next morning when everyone else leftI stayed at Jenna's place to help her and her parents clean up from the sleepover. During the rest of Sunday I didn't really do much productive. :P Monday and Tuesday were not productive AT ALL! :lol: :P They were my last two days at school...and half days for that matter. :P So I got home at around 11:30 and then just relaxed and did nothing productive because...well...there's no schoolwork to worry about. :P On Tuesday after school I took the train home with a few of my friends and one of my friends brought a confetti gun. :P I kept bothering her to fire it off on the train and right before she got off at Park Street she fired it off and confetti went EVERYWHERE!!! :lol: :P Now I'll get to what happened yesterday. :P

So...yesterday was my first day of no school. :P I slept until about 9, then I did some random stuff, practiced my flute, studied some Latin vocabulary, took a shower, and stuff like that. :P Then I just kinda did nothing for a while and then I called Jenna. :P We stayed on the phone and talked about random stuff for about two hours. :P At around 3 I finally began my epic prank! :twisted: :P It's honestly ridiculously easy! :D :P Just a few minor changes and going by the name of Dan and I easily passed off as a guy and will continue to do that for two weeks! :D Yeah...I think I'm crazy. :P Well...I'm not a transgender if that's what you're wondering...I'm just a tomboy and a lesbian and this is just an epic prank on society. :P I just spent some time outside on a walkand went to a coffee shop. The wierd thing was that while I was outside, NO ONE shot me any wierd glances or cast me any dirty looks like I sometimes get when I go outside...I probably normally get those glances because those peoples know that I'm a girl and they think that I'm a total freak. :P But...when I was glances like seemed like I just fit in perfectly and no one thought I was a freak or anything like that. But...I'll save this for my little rant that I'll do when this entire prank is will be over next Sunday. :D Oh, and in case you're parents know about it and Jenna knows about it and my mom thinks I'm crazy and my dad thinks I'm acting like a freak but they seem fine with it. :P Jenna really doesn't care either...she actually said it was brave of me to do something like that for the heck of it. :D She just said that when I'm Dan...if she sees me she is NOT kissing me...and that makes sense and is perfectly understandable. :D :P So...anyways...when I was in the coffee shop...some girl who looked like she was about 15 (my age) came up to me and started talking to me. She actually gave me her phone number and said that I should call her soon so we can go on a date or something. :lol: :P If you ask me...that girl was a total slattern...just throwing herself at me and giving me her phone number when she had only talked to me for like five minutes. :lol: :P Well...I have her phone number...but I am NOT calling that girl...I already have a girlfriend and uh...she's straight and thinks that I'm Dan. :lol: :P Other than that...nothing special really happened yesterday. :P

Now getting to today. :PI haven't really done much...I slept until about 8, watched some TV, went on this site, practiced the flute, studied Latin vocabulary, and that's about it for productiveness. :P Later during the day I was going to play in the mud but since I knew I was going to do that tomorrow (that is why MightyBFan25 doesn't wear dresses...and anything that's the color pink, Jenna! :lol: :P ) I decided against doing that today. :P I'll probably call Jenna before I go to bed tonight. :P Once I'm done making this blog I'm going back to being Dan and going outside to do what I did yesterday. Hopefully I won't run into that girl again...I don't want to...I don't even know her name. :P That's all I haveta say about today. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can't wait until Jenna comes over tomorrow! :twisted: :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia...yes...Alicia is making this blog...not Dan...Dan will not be making any blogs. :P )

Blog #284 / Two Days Of School Left!!!!! :D

Well...before anything else...when I get to Blog #300 I will do something special...I dunno what yet and to be honest...I have absolutely no idea as to what I'll do. :P I'll come up with something though... :P If you have any ideas or suggestions for what the heck my 300th Blog should can mention it when you comment on this blog. :D :P And if not...oh well...I'll figure out something...or I could ask Jenna...she actually has common sense (for the most part. :P No BLS student has a ton of common sense if you ask me. :P ) and could probably help me think of something. :P Well...anyways...getting to other part of the title...I only have two days of school left!!!!! :D The last two days are half-days that not too many peoples come to. :P I come just for the heck of it and to get perfect attendance (I've been keeping up this streak for three years now! :D ) and most of my friends come to the last two days. :D :P So...I just can't wait to be out of school and the last two days are going to be a total joke so we'll end up just watching movies and playing card games and having parties and whatnot. :P paragraph now... :P

Before I go on with this blog, however...I have something that I would like to confess to. It's nothing major (at least...I hope it's not. :P )...I just wanted to say that before I came to BLS...I wasn't the most open-minded person in the world...I was very closed-minded and I guess I couldn't accept certain things that weren't the "norm" because I had little experience with those things. And, of course, having my parents (mostly my dad) saying stuff that basically meant: "LGBT people are freaks" and whatnot doesn't help. And since I didn't have much experience with certain things...I relied heavily on stereotypes, which is a terrible thing to do in my opinion. Once I came to BLS, I managed to eventually get all those stereotypes out of my head, I think that took just a few months for me actually. That's really all I wanted to say...I wasn't always open-minded, and that was just out of my own ignorance. I'm honestly glad though that I managed to get out of that mind-set I used to have...and it really helped later down the road (like this year) and now I honestly don't care about a person's race or sexuality or anything like that, all I care about is that they're a good person and if they are then I will be nice to them, if not, needs to put up with me and all of my annoying-ness. :lol: :P But even then...I just love annoying peoples...and I still do make some jokes that involve stereotypes...but...those are just jokes and me being stupid. :P Well...that's all I really wanted to say...I hate the fact that I was so ignorant a few years ago but I'm glad that I managed to change some views of mine after coming to BLS. Next paragraph... :P still have something else to say. :P If it weren't for coming to BLS, I'm not sure if my views would have ever changed, and then I would have had a much harder time being able to accept myself when I finally knew that I was a lesbian and I would have had a way harder time coming out. So...I guess BLS has so far helped me out academically and is preparing me to go to some amazing college, but it's also helped my life outside of school. :D Okay...NOW I'll type the next paragraph. :lol: :P

The last time I made a blog was on Tuesday. :P In the meantime nothing special has really happened. :P I finished up my finals, did a History project, did a Math project, finished up my Summer Math Homework (Yeah...we have that and Summer Reading...isn't BLS wonderful?! :D :P That's sarcasm! :P ) , made Latin vocabulary flash cards, filled out forms and crap so I can rent my flute over the Summer, did my Latin Declamation, cleaned out my locker, and a lot of other boring school-related crap. :lol: :P I don't have much to say about the rest of the week...I was busy with school stuff. :P However, tonight I have some plans since I'm not busy with school stuff and I can't wait for later today. :D Oh, and I'm spending the weekend at my mom's place...mainly because right now I can't stand my dad lately. :P Oh well... :P Anyways, earlier this week I was watching this episode of My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic (Yeah...I'm officially addicted to it now. :lol: :P DON'T KILL ME!!! :lol: :P ) and it gave me this idea...probably the most girly thought I'll have in years. :P Anyways...I'd rather not go through my thought process, the point is that later today I will be going to a sleepover at Jenna's place...along with a few of our friends...not too many other peoples, there will be a grand total of anywhere between 8 and 10 of us...two peoples might not show up.:P We didn't want too many peoples there...if we did we would've invited half the people in our grade. :lol: :P Yeah...we know a lot of peoples... :P should be okay...the thought randomly crossed my mind thanks to My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic and I randomly brought it up in a conversation and Jenna actually liked the idea of it. :P should be fun...although somewhat girly...hopefully no one kills me later on... :lol: :P And I am NOT some evil, girly-girl twin of MightyBFan25 either...I am MightyBFan25...and my twin would be "good"...not evil...I'm the evil one! :lol: :P I don't have much else to say in this paragraph... :P I actually can't wait for later tonight. :D

Oh, I actually have a good idea for once in my life!!! :D :P No...I'm serious...I ACTUALLY have a good idea now! :D :P Starting on my 300th Blog I should start up another Random Game would be the third one I've made! :D Haha, yeah...I like that idea! :D :P Wait...maybe I can come up with another good idea...yeah...I should listen to more music by Iced Earth andget my radio and blast the music in a Church! :lol: :P YEAH RIGHT!!! :lol: :P The Church-goers would wanna all kill me and say that Iced Earth is "Anti-Christian" or something. :lol: :P Okay...I've run out of good ideas... :P And that epic prank I've been planning to do over the Summer shall begin this upcoming Wednesday! :D It should be fun...but I'll get into all the detail later...and after I'm done with this epic prank I needs to go on a massive rant about something. :D :P Oh, and my reasoning behind it? :P Well...if society can't really accept peoples like me, why the Hell should I listen to society's rules?! :P That's my reasoning behind it. :P

Oh, last night I had the dream where I was at the evil charm school again, by the way. :P This time, however, was a bit different. Okay, so I was sent off to the evil charm school and the evil headmaster there HATED me and thought I was going to be very hard to "fix", seeing that I'm a tomboy, a lesbian, and ridiculously smart. She took away most of my trading cards, my piccolo, my heavy metal CD's, and pretty much everything that actually made me happy. I had to dress up "nicely" every single day...the evil headmaster made me wear a dress! NO ONE puts me in a dress or a skirt...EVER!!! It's just like...against the law or something...I know it isn't but it's just SO WRONG!!! She made sure that I never got to see Jenna ever again and I couldn't even write letters to her or anything and she could never come to visit me. This headmaster lady even forced me to go out with some guy! That was the final straw for me in the dream...I decided to make this robot that looked exactly like me (Yeah...I was thinking about that Mighty B! episode Bess-E before I went to bed. :P ) but decided to make it act like some total girly-girl that was straight and not as smart (At the school they also tried to make me less smart) and then I escaped from the evil charm school and returned home. But...when I got home, the robo-me was already there! But now it was acting like me...only better than me at everything and less annoying and stuff. I was trying to convince my family that robo-me was a robot...but they didn't believe least...they didn't wanna believe me. I remember then I went to Jenna's house...and I asked her if she could convince my family that robo-me was not really the real me. She agreed to it. And then we went to my place but the robot was outside. Its eyes glowed red and then it said: "I SHALL DESTROY YOU!!!" and then I woke up. I didn't like that dream...I wish I was in that dreambending state...then I would've ruined that evil charm school or tested robo-me by saying something like: "You know...if you're really me, why don't you go play in the mud? I do that quite often. You're not worried about getting a little dirty, are you? I'm not a girly-girl...and it's not like you'll short circut or anything!". Oh well... I wish I could dreambend more's SO FUN when I get to do that actually! :D :P

Ooh...I just came up with something...I wanna ask you peoples a question. :P Don't's multiple choice. :P Okay...what song are these lyrics from: "Judge me not my shallow friend, lest ye be judged yourself. You abuse the words you preach, mold them for yourself. Brainwashed hypocracy justifies the life you lead. Forgive me Father, I have sinned, lay my head to rest again. Lay my head to rest." ? It's quite easy actually...if you don't get this right YOU SHALL PERISH!!! :twisted: :P Yes...Robo-MightyBFan25 has just hacked this blog!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Yeah right...there is no Robo-me. :lol: :P Here are the options for the question:

A.) "Diary" by Iced Earth.

B.) "Creator Failure" by Iced Earth.

C.) "Burnt Offerings" by Iced Earth.

D.) "Brainwashed" by Iced Earth.

E.) None of the above.

It's quite an easy question...the answer is there if you look deep within the lyrics. :lol: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #283 / It Was Only A Test...Thank Zeus!!!!! :D

First of all...I'm sorry about the last blog I made...mainly because I felt like crap and thought that what Jenna had told me was actually true and then I came on this site all miserable and vented in my blog and probably made all of you somewhat depressed and feel bad for me and try to think about my feelings and whatnot. I apologize for that. But...I needs to tell you something right now...which gets to the title: IT WAS ONLY A TEST!!!!! :D What I had wished with all my heart had really been true...THANK ZEUS...I was so happy!!! :D I found this out on Sunday actually...Jenna told me then...she would have told me later but she saw that I was an emotional decided not to let me stay that way any longer. :P Well...when I heard that it just made my day...I honestly don't care about anything that I went through for that short period of time...I don't care...Jenna and I aren't breaking up and it was just a test (I apparently passed it with flying colors. :P Is that expression used anymore? :P I've heard it in a few cartoons before I think... :P ) Well...before I talk about today or Monday, I needs to tell you about Sunday... :P

But before that... LISTEN TO ONE OF THESE SONGS BY ICED EARTH OR PERISH!!!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Okay...I'll give you a choice of three songs my Iced Earth to listen to from their album Burnt Offerings and here they are with the links for them on YouTube:

"Brainwashed" : you immediately listen to this song because it's the first one...just keep in mind that this song might be somewhat offensive to some kinda bashes the corrupt Christian churches and hypocrites. If you don't mind's an AWETHUM song and I personally love it! :D )

"Creator Failure" : LOVE this song as well...although when I felt terrible and thought that Jenna had dumped me...I got some really disturbing images in my head while listening to it. :P I'd rather not go into too much detail but it made me think of Jenna in Hell being tortured and killed by demons. But...aside from that...I LOVE this song...ESPECIALLY when Barlow gets into like the flute register! :D )

"Burnt Offerings" : song is EPIC!!!!! :D :P I love the beginning...Barlow has this epicly demonic voice and the entire rest of the song is just amazing as well! :D Oh, and if you wanna know what the heck he's saying in the demonic voice it's: "I was betrayed. Look, what your god has done to me.".)

So...just pick one of those and listen to it and tell me what you think. :P I don't haveta...but I would love it if you did. :P Now getting to what the heck happened to me on Sunday... :P the morning I didn't get to sleep at all so I just got out of my bed at around 6 and went on this site and then after a little while I went onto the porch and had my radio and Iced Earth CDs and was playing music by them full blast and singing/screaming them (is there really a difference with some metal songs? :lol: :P ) and after I was done listening to music full blast for two hours I turned it off (the last song I listened to was"Creator Failure"...after that I couldn't even listen to music anymore) and I started crying and talking to myself about how much I missed Jenna and got yelled at by some random dude and went inside to cry in my bedroom until 1, when Jenna came over, and even then, I was too busy crying to let her inside, my dad had to let her in the house and then she came into my bedroom and caught me still crying, like an idiot. Then we had this conversation for a while and she told me that it was all a test and she isn't straight and isn't really breaking up with me and I passed the test...I guess she wanted to know if I really loved her. She promised she would never do that to me again though, but I don't really mind, I was just happy she is still a part of my life. :D And then we went on a walk and then we went our separate ways and I called her later that night and we had a somewhat long conversation. :P That's about all I haveta say about Sunday. :PI was just so happy when I found out it was only a test. :D When she first told me I thought it was a lie actually. :P Well...I shouldn't get into more detail...I wrote more about it in the SECOND EDIT of my last blog. :P

Monday was okay...nothing special really was just a normal school day. :P So...I'll just get to today. :P I got to miss English and History (AWETHUM!!! :D :P ) to take the Biology final, and then in PE we did nothing was just a free period and after that I got changed into my outfit for Latin Declamation (I had Latin Declamation today and I didn't wanna miss PE. :P ) and then in Math we did pretty much nothing...but we got assigned a "project"...we needs to graph a conic section! :P Yeah...that's gonna be SO HARD!!! :P And I'm's the easiest thing ever! :P Then in Italian we did nothing so I did my Math "project". :P In Latin I did my Declamation and then we did nothing. :P I did quite well on my Declamation actually...more peoples asked me if I was fluent in Latin. :lol: :P Yeah right...NO ONE is fluent in Latin except Latin teachers! :lol: :P And then in Biology we did nothing. :P was just so productive! :lol: :P That's sarcasm! :P Although...I did kinda annoy Jenna today. :P She had not seen me for the entire first half of the day and then she just ran into me when I was dressed up for my Declamation and didn't know that I had Declamation so she was a little freaked out...mainly because I don't dress up unless I haveta...I only dress up for presentations at school and I kinda sorta dress up for a date...but that's it. :P She said something like: "Are you my girlfriend's evil twin or something?'re the "good" one. Seriously...why are you dressed up like that? You have no presentations today.". :P My response to that was: "Oh, well...I don't have any presentations today...I just decided to dress up nicely today. I thought you would like that better...considering that you almost broke up with me a few days ago...I thought you would like this better.". :P That DEFINATELY threw her off (that's what I wanted to do...I like to annoy peoples. :P ) and then she said: "You're kidding, right?"...and I said I would tell her on the train ride home why I'm dressed up. :P So...on the train ride I told her that I had Latin Declamation and she wanted to kill me. :lol: :P Not really...I'm sure she knew it was a joke. :P Anyways...Jenna did come over my place after school (we took the train home usual.) and thenI had to basically explain what the heck I was doing when I felt terrible and was being tested...she was just curious and wanted to know what I was doing. I showed her that blog I made and my ridiculously angsting comments...when she got to the part where I first said that I deserved to get AIDs or some other fatal STD and die and then have the WBC would say that I was "cured". Immediately after she read that she felt bad for me and hugged me and said something like: "What the heck is this?! That's a don't deserve any of that!". And I had her listen to some of the music I was listening to and in the meantime (while we were listening to that music...I could tell Jenna hated the music...she doesn't seem to like metal. :P But she wanted to know what I was doing with myself. :P ) I was explaining what I was doing with myself when I was heartbroken. Then the last song I had her listen to was "Creator Failure" and told her about the image it had put it in my mind. I actually had not described it to her...I told her it put a disturbing and depressing image into my mind but I told her no more...I had her listen to the song. After the first stanza, she immediately knew what image I had in my head...and I knew she did. So then I kinda sorta described it and left it at that. I could tell she felt bad for me and knew I was a wreck at that time. :P She did apologize again but I told her she didn't need to and I was fine and over the way I had just felt and I was just glad it was only a test. So...that's over and done with and after I said I was fine Jenna seemed fine so...I was glad she didn't feel bad about what she did...I don't want her to feel bad about anything. :D's over and done with and we're just gonna leaveit at that. :D After that we just kinda did nothing because neither of us had any homework that night...I just was kinda screwing around on my flute for a while (so...just playing random crap and scales. :P ) and Jenna hasn't heard me play the flute in a while and in that time I've gotten much better so...she was impressed. :D :P Oh, and then at 6:30 Jenna was gonna leave but I wanted her to stay and watch something on TV with me. :P Wanna know what it is? :P Uh...I'd rather not but it's My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic. :P Yeah...I'm officially a if I wasn't one already. :lol: :P's an okay of my friends wanted me to watch it on Monday so I did and I actually liked it...I could I not? One of them is a prankster and Rainbow Dash is a tomboy. :P Rainbow Dash is the only cool one in my opinion...Pinkie Pie is okay...and Twilight is AWETHUM. :P Well...I made Jenna watch it...she found it wierd that I would be watching something like that but said that it wasn't that bad and might watch it again...sometime...but probably not. :P And when I told her that Rainbow Dash was my favorite and she realized that Rainbow Dash was a tomboy she said: " wonder you like Rainbow Dash.". :P So her mom came to pick her up at 7, and Jenna's excuse for having her mom come 30 minutes later than she would have was: "Yeah...I would have had you pick me up 30 minutes earlier but Alicia wanted me to watch My Little Pony, Friendship Is Magic with me because one of the ponies is a tomboy with a rainbow mane."...yeah...thanks a lot, Jenna! :lol: :P Kidding. :P After that she left and then I did some stuff and came on this site to make a blog. :P That's about it...I'll go to bed soon... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Oh, did you know that today is the longest day of the year? :P I did...because I'm AWETHUM like that, yeah! :lol: :P Don't believe me? :P is so don't doubt me! :P Well...anyways...sorry about my last blog and thanks for all of your concern but it was all a test and now I am over it and perfectly fine and I'm still together with Jenna and happier than ever! :D Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia, who only has 5 days of school left! :D )

Blog #282 / Right Now I Would Rather Die...

I know I just made a blog last night but right now I really need to make this blog...I'm so upset right now...heartbroken actually. I might as well just say that I did enjoy last night with Jenna, we went to seea movie and I didn't come home until about 11 (Jenna's mom picked us up and dropped me off at my dad's place.) and then I went to bed. I didn't get much sleep last night and I woke up at around 6 in the morning. I'll probably end up taking a nap later tonight or crying myself to sleep. Anyways, at around 10 this morning Jenna called me and apparently had something important to tell me. She said this as nicely as she could but it didn't help...nothing that anyone could do would have made me feel better about the news she told me. She thinks that she is straight and is breaking up with me...well, she already has. When I found this out this morning I was in my room crying for a while and then just staring at the ceiling and thinking that it is somehow all my fault and that I don't deserve to be happy or to even see her again. After a while I decided to come on this site and make a blog. I'm sorry if I seem very depressed and I've put any of you in a bad mood already, I can't help it to be honest at the moment, I'm lucky I'm not crying as I'm typing this blog, but I'm on the verge of tears right now.

To be honest, I'm thinking that I never deserved to be with her. I never deserved to have a girlfriend. I never deserved to be in love or to have a girlfriend who loved me back. I never deserved to be happy. I didn't even deserve to be born. All I deserve is to somehow get AIDs, die a slow, painful death, and then have my shade rot in the Abominable Sands for all eternity...that's all I deserve! I'm such an idiot. I never deserve to see Jenna again as long as I live...I don't deserve to be in the same room as her. I don't even deserve any of you to care about the fact that I'm heartbroken and upset, I deserve to get beat up and killed...that's what I deserve. I can't help but think that I did something, or that the entire thing was my fault. And I'm not angry at anyone either, it was all my fault, and I'm just upset...I probably managed to screw up somehow.

Right now I'm just completely upset and heartbroken. I mean, I'm glad that Jenna probably won't have to face the harsh judgement and persecution that LGBT peoples inevitably need to face and that she will go on to lead a pretty normal life, but that doesn't mean that I like breaking up with her. Before we even started going out, we were great friends and she was the one who wanted to go out with me actually, and it's because of that that I got to "experiment" and come to terms with myself. If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have known that I was a lesbian and when I did find out I don't think I would have been able to accept myself as quickly and I would have had a harder time coming out. She was probably the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, when we were going out I was the happiest I've been in years. And now she's gone, pretty much removed from my life, and I know she probably hates me and wants nothing to do with me. To her I'm probably just some homosexual freak and she would rather forget about me and the thought of ever possibly being a lesbian.

I hate this! Why did I ever have to fall in love?! Why am I such an idiot?! I don't want to feel this way, I'd rather be dead and be a shade rotting in Hell, then I would be in too much physical pain to think about my emotional pain! Right now I feel worse than I did during my parents' divorce or when I found out that I wasn't supposed to be born. I don't want to leave the house today, I don't want to go outside, there's light outside and people are happy. I don't want to see those people, I just want to sit in my dark room and wallow in self pity and cry until I die. I don't even want to finish this blog right now. I wish I was dead, or I had some STD and was on the verge of death (an STD would be a fitting death for me, I'm a homosexual.) then I wouldn't be concerned about being heartbroken. I can't even finish this blog...I'm too upset. I'm gonna go in my room and cry, I'm on the verge of tears right now. I hate life right now and I do not want to wish you farewell, I'm not trying to be rude, I just can't. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: I couldn't get to sleep and I've been trying at it for over an hour now but it hasn't worked. So I decided to come back on this site and headbang to the most angsting Iced Earth music I can and edit this blog. In case any of you actually care (which you shouldn't...none of you should care about my life anymore, I'm a worthless dumb*ss who doesn't deserve to live...and I'm not even worth talking to anymore, I'm an emotional trainwreck...) at around 8 I called Jenna and wanted to talk to her for a little while. She actually agreed to talk to me. Just the thought that she would even want to hear my voice again made me happy (which I don't deserve...I deserve nothing but death and eternal damnation) and maybe she doesn't completely hate me. She could tell that I was upset over the phone...I told her that she shouldn't even care about how upset I am and that I deserve it. But she said that tomorrow she will come by my place at around 1 and then we'll do something, as friends. I don't deserve it...I don't deserve to see her ever again...I didn't even deserve to hear her voice again! I really just will be happy to see her and be with her again one last time, even though I don't deserve it, or to be happy. I'm so selfish...I'm so upset and busy feeling sorry for myself and wallowing in self pity that I can't even be happy that Jenna won't lead a life of harsh judgement and persecution that LGBT people have...but I can't even bring myself to do that. I'm pathetic. I really wish this was all just a nightmare and I would wake up, or that this was some test that Jenna had planned for me to see if I really cared about her...but neither of those are true. I wouldn't even care if the second one were true...I would love that...I wouldn't care about any of the emotional pain that I have been through so far...I could easily forget about that to be with her again. Well...I don't think I'll be able to get to sleep tonight, I'll just be in my bedroom listening to angsting Iced Earth music (right now I'm listening to "Diary" by Iced Earth) and once I'm through with that I think I'll just cry until I hopefully fall asleep. I don't even deserve to get any sleep...I don't deserve that...maybe an eternal slumber and then having my shade go the Abominable Sands though... Well...I hope Jenna will actually remember about me tomorrow at 1 and the sight of her doesn't make me even more of an emotional trainwreck than I already I am. Well...I need to end this blog...I'm on the verge of tears again and I'm going to go in my bedroom and cry now. I personally hate crying and letting down my guard and I hardly ever cry but right now I don't care...I can't even help myself now...I need to cry. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

SECOND EDIT: I don't feel like making another entire blog today so I am just going to edit this one. I have something important to tell you actually. Well...last night I didn't get any sleep, I couldn't fall asleep at all and ended up "waking up" (really, just leaving my bedroom) at around 6 and decided to come on this site. After I did a few things on this site I took my radio and a few Iced Earth CD's and went outside on the porch and blasted music as loud as I could, singing all the lyrics to the most angsting songs I know by them. I would have went on the roof, but I'm not allowed to go up there. I spent about two hours doing this. The last song I listened to outside was "Creator Failure"...fitting...I felt like a total failure at the time. After the last few lyrics of the song which were: "A FAILURE OF CREATION...ABOMINATION!!!"...I turned off the music and started crying and talking to myself about how much I missed Jenna. One of the next door neighbours was on his porch doing laundry and said something along the lines of: "Shut up, you freak!"...I didn't bother with him, even though the comment was offensive, it's understandable that he would be angry at me, I was probably annoying him with my ridiculously loud angsting Iced Earth music and crying. Then I took my stuff and went into my bedroom to put it away. Then I took a shower and got dressed up somewhat nicely and went into my bedroom to cry. The only reason I bothered with dressing up somewhat nicely is because Jenna would be coming over my place later that day (she promised she would come over my place at around 1). After that I was just in my bedroom crying, waiting for her to come over. It felt like an eternity. However, I managed to lose track of time like an idiot and when she came over my place my dad let her in the house and she came into my bedroom without me even she caught me crying like an idiot. I couldn't even look at her...I just had my head buried in my pillow and I apologized for acting the way I was. Then she asked me why I was so upset, and I told her that I still was far from being over breaking up with her and that I missed her and everything else. Jenna said something along the lines of: "You don't need to be upset about that. I wasn't going to tell you for a few more days but you seem to be taking this much harder than I thought you would. The whole thing was a test. I'm not straight and I'm not really breaking up with you." I didn't believe her...I thought it was all a lie and it was too good to be was just my mind playing tricks on me. But...she really was telling the was a test...I thought it could have been but I didn't think Jenna would do something like that to me ever. She did apologize for what she did to me and the emotional turmoil I went through in that short time. I of course accepted her apology...and I wasn't upset at her at all, I could never be angry at her, I'm just happy that I don't haveta go through my life without her, at least for now.:D The only thing I did tell her was something along the lines of: "You didn't haveta test me to know that I love you. You know I love you and that my heart is fixated upon you. Please just take my word for it. And promise me that you'll never do anything like that to me again." She promised she wouldn't, which I was glad about. I really don't care thought that she testedme and unintentionally put me through all that emotional turmoil...she promised she would never do it again. And to be honest, I can understand why she would be curious and want to test me and see if I really love her. I'm just glad it was a test and I apparently passed it and none of that was real ( was...but it was all a test so it kinda sorta wasn't) and we are together again. :D After that...well...we went on a walk back to that area with the tower that we carved our names into. We left and went our separate ways for the day at around 2:30 and then I came home at around 3 and I'm back on this site. Jenna did say that she felt bad about what she put me through...I told her not to worry about it and that I was fine now. I really am to be honest...I knew I would be if it were just a test. I need to call her later tonight. And now I'm going to log off of this site and go play in the mud...I haven't done that for a while and right now I'm too happy to just stay inside. :D least now I feel better than I ever have before...I don't think I realized how much I loved Jenna until I thought she had left me...I took my relationship with her for granted, but I won't do that ever again! :D I'm just sorry if I really annoyed any of you with my depressing mood yesterday and this morning or made you feel upset because of it...I really couldn't help it I guess. Now at least I know how I will act if she ever really dumps me for reals...hopefuly I'll never haveta feel that again though...or at least for a while. I must bid you all farewell and go play in the mud. :D :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #281 / 7 Days Of School Left... :P

First of might seem somewhat far away but once I get to blog #300 I haveta do something special...but not a blog party or DWTHYW blog...maybe I'll write the entire blog in Latin or Italian...or maybe in a coded numerical message...yeah...the third one sounds like a lot of fun and NO ONE will be able to solve it unless you know what my favorite number is. :P Gee...I wonder what MightyBFan25's favorite number is...? :P I will tell you that I absolutely love the number five and any multiple of it is AWETHUM...but my favorite number is 25 because it's 5 it's like 5 acting upon itself which is just cool...and multiples of 25 are SO EASY to work with in Math. :P Wait...I just gave it away...oh well...I doubt you'll's only in my username after all... :lol: :P It'll still be a pain to figure out what the heck I'm saying though...I'll be sure of that! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

Anyways...I only have seven days of school left and things are finally starting to calm down at BLS...which is always a good thing. :D :P I haven't made a blog all week though...I guess I've been to lazy to do so. :P make things quick this week hasn't been that bad or ridiculously busy. :P I did my Biology presentation and did quite well, I have my Italian dialogue memorized and present with SA on Monday (can't wait to not bother with her again...I now HATE her...and I'll tell you why when I talk about today in more detail), and we got assigned a Latin Declamation...I already have mine memorized and present it on Tuesday. This week I took my Italian, Latin, and History finals and they weren't that bad. Next week I have Math, Biology, and English finals...which will be RIDICULOUSLY EASY! :D :P That's just a quick overview of the week...everything else has been quite boring and uneventful aside from a few things that I will now begin talking about. :P

Today was pretty boring and seemed to take forever to go by. :P I missed Band and Math to take the stupid History final (Yay...miss Band and Math to take a History final...yeah...just what I wanted to do! :P ), in Latin we did some survey things, in Biology more people presented their projects on specific STD's, in Italian we "worked on our dialogues". I had already written our dialogue and I have all my lines memorized by heart now so in class SA andI had nothing to do so she was talking with her stupid friend who had to work with my friend, MV, who I honestly feel bad for...SA's friend is such an idiot...and she's nothing to stare at either...I doesn't matter to her...she's straight...but still... :P SA was being so annoying and instead of practicing the dialogue with me she wanted to just talk with her friend and clean out her backpack...there was so much trash in there...I don't get it...your backpack is where you keep your books, not makeup, tampons, a hairbrush, mirror, eyelash curler, perfume, candy bar wrappers, etc... :P SA and her friend were having such a stupid conversation anyways...they're total idiots if you ask me. :P SA is definately anti-me. :lol: :P Oh, and she asked me this question that basically was: "If I were a lesbian, would you wanna kiss me?". My response to that was: "No for three reasons. You're not my type, you're not that pretty if you ask me, and I already have a girlfriend.". She did that just to p*ss me off and I know it. Oh, and during their stupid conversation if they were talking about something they thought was lame or stupid they would say "Oh, that's so gay."...I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE SAY THAT!!! I'm sorry but I hate that SO MUCH...why would you say something is gay when you really mean that it's lame or stupid? That's like basically saying that being gay/lesbian is lame or stupid and to be honest...I really take offense to that. If someone thinks that something is stupid...they should just say that it's stupid. I so wanted to slap SA for saying that but I didn't and I didn't say anything. I know she did it on purpose to...she probably knows that I'm a lesbian...that's why she asked me that question. Apparently everyone eventually finds out about this kinda stuff...oh well...she can think whatever she wants to and she can continue to be one of the many people who hate LGBT people...I don't care...I can't wait to get done with the project and never bother with the likes of her ever again. Anyways, in English we watched a movie and in History we watched Deadliest Warrior which was AWETHUM!!! :D :P

Then I took the train home with Jenna today and she came over my place for a while...she didn't feel like walking to her place from the stop she gets off of on the train and my mom was fine with her coming over. :P On the train ride I told her all about the stuff with SA in Italian class...she got so ticked off at her and I could was obvious. I was ticked off as well when SA said all that crap. Then we were talking about some plans for the weekend and tomorrow since we have no school because it's Bunker Hill Day. Oh, and on the Blue Line some lady seemed to not like least...she did when she heard Jenna use my name in a sentence anyways. :P Oh well...I don't really care. :P When we got to my place we had some random conversations and then I told her about my evil plan that will take place over the course of a week or two during the Summer. She was fine with it...although she does not want to see me as Dan and if she does she will not kiss me (understandable...and I'm actually glad about that too...I'd rather she refuse to do shows that she really is a lesbian and likes me the way I am...although I don't get how that ever happened...I'm an evil mastermind bent on world domination...who would ever fall for me?! :P ). Oh, and she turned it into a bet actually...she doesn't think I can go for two weeks passing off as a guy...she apparently doesn't know just how boyish I can be from time to time. :P Of course...if I win (which I will...obviously. :P )...I wouldn't do anything to be honest. :P That's probably one of the wierdest things ever...I'm having a bet with my girlfriend that I can't pass off as a guy for two weeks during the summer. :P Oh, and I know I could probably go on at least one date with a straight girl...but I wouldn't do that...I can just say that I already have a girlfriend...which isn't a total lie because I do have a girlfriend. :P Anyways...Jenna left at around 6 (her mom came to pick her up) and I've been doing absolutely nothing since then because well...I had no homework tonight. :P

Okay...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can't wait for school...I get to sleep in! :D I'll probably be somewhat wouldn't hurt to practice my flute and work on my Italian Dialogue and Latin Declamation... :P Oh, and a few nights ago I had this cartoony dream...cartoony-me was an emotional train-wreck and apparently wanted to take it out on everyone on the planet (I dunno what happened to make cartoony-me an emotional train-wreck...although I do know that breaking up with Jenna would do that to me), and so cartoony-me began to run for Emperor Of ZeWorld and won the election and made the world this AWETHUM utopia. But then the backround went all black and there were flames as well and cartoony-me came back decked out in this crown/helmet thing, a sword, cape, and some really intimidating-looking clothes. All the items were either maroon, violet, gold, or silver. And cartoony-me laughed evilly and left. I dunno what happens after that...probably nothing good and now I really needs to stop listening to power metal. :P Oh well... :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #280 / 11 Days Left...But That's Gonna Take Forever... :P

Yes...this is indeed my 280th blog. :P When I eventually get to blog #300 I feel the need to do something special...maybe I'll write it all in a coded numerical message...or at least part of it...I that point I'll be out of school...what else am I gonna do with myself? :lol: :P Anyways...getting to the second part of the title...I only have 11 school days week is a four-day week because I get Bunker Hill Day off, then I have a full week, and then two half-days and I'm out of school for two months! :D :P But...that's gonna take forever...seeing that I'll be ridiculously busy for those eleven days. :P Oh well... :P I haven't made a blog all I might as well just go through my entire week...which has been boring and ridiculously busy. :P

Monday: Nothing special happened... :P I had a ton of homework and started working on my Biology project on the sexually transmitted disease Granuloma Inguinale (it was the most obscure one I could find...and Ms. Stone was somewhat impressed because no one else in all of her classes had heard of it.Yeah...I'm AWETHUM! :P ). Then I practiced the flute and went to bed...I didn't really have time for much else... :P

Tuesday: On top of the Biology project...I got assigned an Italian dialogue! How fun! :D :P Not sucks. :P And we didn't get to pick our partners and I actually had to work with this b****y girl, SA, anti-me, total slattern in my opinion. :P I personally hate her...I'm sure you could've figured that out by the way I described her. :P class that day we got nothing accomplished so I did the entire thing at home. :P And on top of that I had a ton of homework and I had to stay after school for about an hour to start working on my Biology PowerPoint and I had to practice the flute when I got home. :P Yeah...of course I was p*ssed off. :P SA should go somewhere nel'Inferno (in Hell) in the afterlife...somewhere lower than the Abominble Sands...maybe ze Malebowges...or Cocytus...what other options are there...? :P Oh...I'll answer that...NONE...because a long time ago being a homosexual was totally unacceptable because people were ignorant...and some still are for that matter... That reminds I'l typing this I'm listening to Dante's Inferno by Iced Earth...MOST EPIC SONG's sixteen minutes and thirty seconds of pure epicness! :D :P

Wednesday: Not much happened in any of my classes aside from Italian. :P Since I had finished our dialogue Mr. Forina proofread it and then SA wrote down her lines for the dialogue and then her and one of her friends who was working with one of my friends, MV, were having a conversation and SA's friend was trying to do her Math wasn't going was something about ellipses. :P I hadn't learned it yet but I took out my Math textbook and taught it to myself in about five minutes and then explained it to her. :lol: :P Conic Sections are EASY...and fun for that favorites are circles and ellipses...fancy parabolas are okay...hyperbolas are okay as well but they're my least favorite. :P Anyways...then they were just carrying on their conversation so I started drawing a picture...I was just drawing whatever I felt like...I ended up drawing a more detailed version of the final form of Ielena of the Nightmare Clan in UR...hehe...yeah...I'd rather not show that to anyone...EVER! :P Anyways...I stayed after school to finish my Biology PowerPoint (it's due on Monday. :P ) and I had a little homwork to do and then I practiced the flute and actually got to relax. :P Oh, and then I memorized my lines in the Italian was easy actually. :P

Thursday: Nothing special was just ridiculously hot outside and I legit had no homework that night. :P Wait...I lied...something somewhat interesting happened...Jenna came over my place...she had no homework that night as well. :P The thing is that she lives in East Boston as well and she takes the Blue Line home but she has a much longer walk home from the stop she gets off on the train than I do from Suffolk I called my mom and asked her if it was okay and she was fine with it. :P Then at around 8 Jenna's mom came to pick her up (It woulda been earlier...but then there was the severe weather it was the perfect excuse for her to stay longer. :D :P ). work and nothing to worry about and Jenna got to come over...nice day. :D I enjoyed it. :D It woulda been even better if I had Dante's Inferno stuck in my head that day, I was crowned Emperor Of Ze World, and I had Sudokus that I could have solved after Jenna left. :P Oh, and I had the first part of my Italian final...I did well...I think... :P

Friday: Oh wait...that's today...yay...we're almost done! :P Uh...hmmmmm.....what have I done today...? :P In English we did stupid worksheets, in History we did stupid worksheets, in Math we finished learning Conic Sections, in Italian we reviewed for finals, in Latin we took part one of our final, and in Biology we watched a video about the development of the end they show a live birth...that'll be interesting when we see the end... :P That's about it. :P I had no homework...tonight I might call Jenna for a while and then I'm gonna eat candies, listen to Iced Earth music, and draw a picture...I'm drawing some Orlok-ish vampire boy because it would be a perfect opportunity to do a little experimenting with the shape of the's something I haven't done yet so I'll do it in pencil...not red pen like I normally do. :P Yeah...that's about it. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P The only thing is that I had that really wierd dream where I was at an evil charm school was such a terrible dream. I hope I have it again this night...I don't have school tomorrow because it'll be Saturday...that means I can stay in bed and drift in and out of sleep and in that state of being in between sleep and being awake I can dream-bend...and I'd LOVE to be able to dream-bend that dream! :D :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Do any of you peoples do what I call "Dream-bending" which is when you have some dream and you're in the phase of in between being asleep and awake and you take that dream and twist it around and make it better? Just curious. :P

Now that I cut off that paragraph where I was gonna say farewell...this won't be a paragraph...more like two sentences.:P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #279 / All Hell Shall Now Break Loose At BLS... :P

Yes...indeed it will...all Hell shall soon break loose at BLS because it is the last month before we get out of school...which means that it's our teachers' last chance to torture us and make us ridiculously busy and stressed out before we get to enjoy ourselves for two months. :P Lately I've just been really busy with work so I haven't done anything special. :P I guess I'll just give an overview of the past few days and then talk about today and my plans for the weekend. :P Yeah...that sounds like a good idea while I'm waiting for an email about my Latin paragraph. :P

Well...for the past few days I have been ridiculously busy and stressed out and I just wanna pass out. :P I've had to keep up with my flute practicing because I haveta play my full, three-octave chromatic scale for Ms. Dougherty in two weeks (It's getting there...almost...I just need a few more days. :P ), I've been working on this major 200 point Latin project (which I've been doing most of the work on. :P Curses, group members! :twisted: :P ), I've still had to keep up with all of my homework, and I need to start studying for finals...just History and Italian really. :P I don't need to study for the English final because it's the easiest thing ever, and I never study for Math, Latin, or Biology and I get A' the final shouldn't be any different. :P With Italian I know most of the material...I just need to review a little because well...I forget some things from time to time. :P And History...well...I need to study or I'll fail because well...I such at History. :lol: :P It might not seem like that much work and I've had times where I've been MUCH busier at BLS and I've gotten used to the stress doesn't make it any easier. :P So...since I've been really busy lately...I haven't had time for much else in the past two days...or today for that matter. :P On Tuesday I had a ton of homework and I spent FOUR HOURS working on a stupid Latin project! I didn't get to bed until about midnight...and I was doing homework since 3 that day. On Wednesday I didn't have as much homework but I spent another two hours working on the Latin project. I finished all my work at around 6 and then I practiced the flute and whatnot. :P Oh, and during the night since there wasa tornado warning I called Jenna and we talked on the phone for a while...I just wanted to make sure that a tornado didn't kill her...I think I'd wanna die if that happened. Now let's get onto today... :P

Today I had to stay after school to help my group work onour poster for the Latin project for about an hour. I didn't get home until 4 and I finished all my homework at around 6 because I didn't have much of it. :P I practiced the flute for a while and then I did some other stuff and now I'm online, waiting for an email concerning my Latin project and in the meantime making a blog because I don't know what else to do with myself online while I wait. :P Maybe I'll call Jenna later tonight...we should plan to do something with each other during the weekend. :D I dunno what...and I don't really care...I just wanna get out of my house and be with Jenna. :D I haven't had History for the past two days because of MCAS which also upsets me because that's the only class I have with Jenna...and I didn't see her at MCAS because she's in a different homeroom that's far away from mine...I'm in an obscure, low-numbered homeroom off to the side of the third floor. :P Well...MCAS is over and I'll see her in History tomorrow. :D Oh, that reminds me...tomorrow I have fun! :D :P And I'm being sarcastic. :P

Oh, I also remembered something else...soon I'm gonna haveta do a Math group-work project and I'll havea Latin Declamation, my Chromatic Scale to play for Ms. Dougherty, and finals. Yeah...these last few weeks of school aren't gonna be fun but I see a light at the end of the tunnel and I can't wait to be out of school. :D Right now my immediate concern is my Latin project though...but that's almost done...the only other reliable person in my group is doing the formatting for our master copy as we speak and then we're all gonna print out copies of it for our presentation...we don't present until Monday...but we're expected to be ready tomorrow...and we shall be ready. :D Now that I think about it...this has been my hardest and most stressful year at BLS so far...and I'm almost done with it and I've done quite well. :D But...I'll save the reflection of my ninth grade year for when it's my last day of school. :P

Oh, and I can't wait for the summer either. :D I'm probably gonna volunteer at the library a little to start earning my community service hours outside of BLS, I wanna practice the flute and piccolo so I can try our for Junior District next year, I wanna relax and enjoy myself, and I'm hoping that Jenna and I can take up some kinda hobby...not sure what though. :P Oh, and for one or two weeks I have an evil master plan. :twisted: :P Once it's over...I'm going to go on a massive rant about a topic relating to what the heck I was doing with myself over that period of time...but I'll save the rant for then...not now...I don't really have the time for anything like that now. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I guess I could talk about this dream I had last night but there wasn't much to it...I had a tea party with a bunch of stuffed animals that came to life and a few of my friends were there. :P The wierd thing was...nothing else happened...the stuffed animals didn't try to kill us or anything like that...and I ALWAYS have disturbing dreams! :lol: :P The only thing that I have to say that I hated about that dream was that I was wearing a dress for some odd reason. I haven't worn a dress since I was like 5 and my mom still forced me to wear whatever she wanted me to. my old school we had uniforms and had to wear skirts...I HATED that...and the uniforms weren't comfortable at all for that matter either. :P Well...if that counts...I haven't worn a dress since I've left my old school...not even for Declamation...I dress up nicely...but I shall never wear a dress or skirt as long as I live ever again...and that I swear...and I've sworn that since I left my old school. :P Not much else to say in this blog... :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #278 / Memorial Day = No School!!! :D

Indeed it is Memorial Day...which means that I don't have school today! :D I'm pretty glad about this actually because this is the first day I've had off from school in all of May and even though May has been going by rather quickly and I haven't been too stressed out...I need a day to just relax. :P That reminds me...May is almost over...I only have one month of school left! :D :P Oh, and I haven't made a blog in over a week...I guess I've been to lazy to make any blogs lately...sorry about that. :P I doubt you care though...I'm sure you find reading my ridiculously long blogs annoying anyways. :P Well...I'll get on and talk about this past week... :P

I won't spend too much time on this paragraph because well...last week I didn't really do anything too special. :P I mean...I've just been keeping up with all my schoolwork, reading, and practicing the really too special. :P In Biology we had to do group presentations and my group's presentation was on Ecology and we did quite well...I got an woulda been an A- but our group did a study guide which bumped up our grades by five points so it went up to an A (a 96 to be specific. :P ). :D Not my best grade but ah...I'll take's not necessarily bad...and to be honest...I've been getting A's in Biology all year...I've never gotten an A+ for some odd reason. :P Oh well... :P And in Latin we got assigned a group work project and we haveta make a vocabulary list and summary/translation and comprehension questions on some Latin passages from Caesar's Commentaries Of The Gallic War. It's really easy actually...and my group is actually pretty good. :D I mean...we're on top of everything and we already have most of our vocabulary list done and most of the translation. The project isn't due until Thursday and we're gonna get time in class to finish up our work. If we have some time we might make a poster board with pictures related to our passage and captions to get extra credit. :P Aside from that I've just been reading, practicing the flute, doing homework, and whatever else I normally do with myself when I have spare time. :P Oh, but Sunday I had an AWETHUM time...and I'll explain why soon...but right now I shall talk about how today's been going so far. :D

Today's been pretty good so far actually. :D I was kinda annoyed because I had a hard time falling asleep and then I woke up at around 3 in the morning (And wasn't because of "dead time" was because my leg was bothering me and I needed to put Cortaid on it. :P I'm just glad I didn't wake up my mom...she woulda been ticked off at me. :P ) and then I couldn't get back to sleep so I was just kinda staring at the ceiling for three hours and listening to Alice In Chains music. :P After that I went on this site and checked some stuff and played UR for a little while (I won all my matches which I was happy about. :D ). Then I read my last Summer Reading book called "The Piano Lesson" and finished taking notes on it (I took notes so I don't forget any of the information on the books because I need to write a timed essay on it on my first day back to school in English class. :P ) and now I'm done with all my Summer Reading...and I still have a month of school left before my summer even begins! :lol: :P That's anti-procrastination for you! :P One less thing to worry about. :D :P Then I re-translated the first small passage for my group-work Latin project because our first translatin was okay but it didn't completely make sense and wasn't as detailed and accurate asI would have liked it to be. So I re-translated it and now it's much better. :D Then I just relaxed for a while and now I'm on this site making a blog. :P Once I'm done making this blog I should probably practice the flute a little (My full three-octave chromatic scale is coming along quite nicely, by the way. :D I can play it quite well and hit all my notes at a pretty good tempo. :D I just have a hard time with the last three notes, double high B flat, double high B natural, and grand C...they use wierd keys that I've never had to use before and I really am having a hard time moving my fingers to them...I just need practice though and I'll get better. :D I still have two weeks before I need to play it for Ms. Dougherty. :P ) and I should probably take a shower for that matter. :P I needs to go over Jenna's place at arount 2:30...we don't really plan to do anything because the weather outside is kinda sucky so we're probably just gonna do nothing special. :P We'll probably end up watching TV, talking about random stuff, doing something Bakugan-related, or playing Monopoly. :P If we play Monopoly I can't be cynical like I usually am when I play. :P Yeah...I AM cynical when I play Monopoly. :twisted: :P So...aside from that I don't plan to do much else with myself today. :P I'll come home and just watch TV and take a nap or something...I could use the extra sleep seeing that I woke up at 3 in the morning. :lol: :P

Oh, and I watched those two new Mighty B! episodes yesterday. :D I LOVED Bang The Drum Timely because it was really funny. :D I wish we found out the jerk carrying around the hook. :P And Public Enembee was quite AWETHUM as was very suspenseful and still pretty comical. :D I loved how Happy was looking for the person who pulled the fire alarm at the Rec. Center with Bessie dressed up as a mime and then they walked in on a wedding and two guys were getting married. :lol: :P I found that HILARIOUS...I mean really...that was just funny...ESPECIALLY when the show takes place in San Francisco! :lol: :P I'm surprised NN hasn't gotten sued yet and if they have...I wouldn't be surprised. :lol: :P Overall...both those episodes were AWETHUM but my favorite of the episodes that have recently aired is still Gorillas In The Midst and my favorite non-special of Season Two would have to be either Bad To The Bee or Dirty Happy. But...either way...all Mighty B! episodes deserve a 10/10. :D

Now I guess I shall tell you why Sunday was AWETHUM. :P I don't feel like getting into too much detail just because well...I don't me...I doubt you'd care anyways and that means that I don't feel like wasting more of your time than you need to. :P But...on Sunday Jenna and I went to Belle Isle and went ona walk (I met her at her house before hand and we just did nothing for a while. :P ) and we went to this tower that a lot of people carve their names into (I'm sure you can see where this is going and how cliche it is the time it didn't seem cliche and stupid. :P ) and we were just looking at some of the names and noticed that no gay/lesbian couples had carved their names into the tower yet so we decided to be the first lesbian couple to do so. :D And you know what...if people read that...I don't care what they think...and neither does Jenna. :D And while we were walking we were just talking about stuff and we were holding hands. Then I posed the question: "What would you think if anyone saw us holding hands?" Jenna said one of the best things anyone possibly could and that was: "Whoever sees us can think whatever they want to." That's just awesome in my opinion...she doesn't care what other people think about us and to be honest...neither of us should. :D And I know that I don't care about what other people think...I never have. :P I would go into more detail but I'd rahter not. :P The point is that I had an AWETHUM time and so did Jenna. :D

Now...before I end this blog...I might as well mention that I have an evil plan for a week or two during the Summer! :twisted: :P I won't completely give it away but I shall give you a pretty good clue as to what I'm doing. :P Let's just say that with a few minor changes and going by the name of Dan...I could easily pass off as a guy for a week or two. I shall say no more of the matter though. :P I just wanna see how many people will actually believe me and fall for it and see how it's not what I would call an "experiment" (I'm not a transgender. :P ) but it's more of just an epic prank for my own amusment. :P I would love to be able to trick someone like VD...although that might be kinda risky. :P Well...I have plenty of time to plan it all out so I'm not too concerned. And now I guess you have good reason to call me crazy. :lol: :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog so I guess I shall just bid you farewell. :P Vale. Arrivederci. Bye-bye. It doesn't matter which language I say it in...they all basically mean "farewell". :P -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #277 / Today's Supposedly "Judgement Day"... :P

Before anything else...if you haven't already posted on the DWTHYW blog and still wish to do so you may...just keep in mind that it will only be around for a few more days...if even that long. :P So...yeah. :P I'm peoples didn't torture me as much as I thought you would. :P Well...that's a good thing I guess. :P Not much else to say in this paragraph... :P

It's been about a week since I last made a blog. Not much has really happened in that time to be honest. :P Last Sunday was pretty good...which I'm glad about. :D I got to see thenew Mighty B! episode and spend some time with Jenna. I mean...the weather outside was terrible and I wasn't feeling too well so Jenna and parents insisted that we just stay there and watch a movie and stuff so we was enjoyable. I was just glad to spend time with her. :D The week wasn't that exciting...I've still been feeling kinda sick and I've been really busy with this Biology project, flute practicing, and reading stuff. So...I don't have much to really say about the week so I'll just get to today now... :P paragraph... :P's been pretty good so far actually. I'm at my dad's place and so far today I've been practicing the flute for about an hour (I'm working on playing my full chromatic scale...all three octaves...from low C to grand C...and it's going quite well. :D I actually looked at myself in the mirror while I was playing just on a whim and it's impressive to see how fast my fingers can move when I'm playing my full chromatic's kinda scary. :P I can freak out a bunch of my friends and be like: "Hell yeah, I'm a flute player, my fingers move like mad!" and then laugh evilly. :P ), I spent some time online, some time watching TV, and I've spent a few hours reading my fourth summer reading book called "Nemesis". I'm about 65 pages into the book and it's really good was hard for me to put the book down and get on this site...but I forced myself to do so and make this blog. :P I'll probably get past 100 pages before I go to bed long as the medicine I'm taking doesn't make me pass out before then. :lol: :P Yeah...I'm still feeling kinda sick but the weather's finally nice outside and I'm in such an AWETHUM mood and I'm feeling much better than I did a week ago...I'm hoping I'll be better in a day or two. :D I have any plans for later today? Of course I do! :P Those plans that Jenna and I had last week...well...we're gonna do those plans today since we couldn't last week because I was feeling like crap and she and her parents insisted that I do not go outside. :P After I'm done making this blog I'm gonna start getting ready for my date and go over her place at around 4:30. We're gonna go see a movie (it honestly doesn't matter to me which movie we see...I'll be too busy staring at her to watch the movie anyways. :P ) and then we're gonna go out for'll be fun. :D Then when I get home I'll come on this site and annoy all you peoples again! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...I'm looking forward to tonight! :D for "Judgement Day" (I really hope I don't offend anyone with any comments that I make and if I will please don't read this paragraph and if I did I apologize because I do not mean to offend anyone or their religion)...apparently "The Rapture" is gonna take place at 6 PM...I'll be on my date with Jenna and we'll be at the movie theater at that time. :P I honestly don't think that anything will happen and if something does happen...I will be uneffected...I'm a bad peoples...I was never confirmed and I never will be (I'm a bad Catholic...I doubt I'd ever be considered one if I was never confirmed and am not planning to be... :P ) and even if I was...haha, I'm a homosexual, I go against nature and therefore go against "God" so therefore all that is worthy of me is the inner ring of the seventh circle of Hell, The Abominable Sands! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P So...yeah...I won't be going to the good place. :P But honestly...I doubt anything is going to happen...and if it does...I wouldn't be blind to the facts...I would be surprised...but I would accept it if I had proof of the matter. Well...whatever...nothing is probably going to happen so I'm not concerned. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P If nothing happens when I get home from my date I might just make an EDIT in this blog and say something like: "Ha, nothing happened! :P "...yeah...that seems like something I would do for the heck of it. :P Oh, and do you remember that Mighty B! episode that aired last Sunday? It gave me an evil idea for a sinister plot that I shall carry out for a week or two during the Summer! :twisted: :P But...I shall say no more of the matter...although you can try to guess what the plan is. :P I can't wait for the new Mighty B! episode tomorrow. :D I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #276 / Can't Wait For Tomorrow... :D

Before anything else...if you still wish to do so you can still post on the DWTHYW blog...peoples can probably still post on it for another week or so...or whenever I decide to make two more blogs...which could be a while. :P can still post on the DWTHYW blog if you want to but you do not have to. :P

It's been a few days since I last made a blog but in that time not much has really happened...just stuff that normally happens to me. :P So I'll just talk about today in this paragraph. :P I didn't really do anything too productive today...I finished reading A Farewell To Arms, my second summer reading book. I'm hoping that if I keep this up and continue to not be so busy I'll be done with all my summer reading in a few weeks or so. :D And I practiced the flute a little, went online (this site and UR), watched some TV, and I drew a random picture...I'd rather not say what it was of though...but it was something that my sick and twisted mind dictated my hand to draw. :P And I called Jenna a little while ago...we didn't talk for too long...but we did plan to see each other tomorrow...I'm gonna go over her place and from there we have some'll be fun. :D That's about all I haveta say about today really...nothing special. :P

Tomorrow is gonna be AWETHUM though! :D Okay...first of noon...A NEW MIGHTY B! EPISODE IS FINALLY GONNA AIR!!!!! :D I'm so glad that Nick didn't forget about the show and they're gonna continue airing the rest of Season Two on NN so I'm just really happy about that and I can't wait for the episode Gorillas In The Midst to'll be interesting...especially because Bessie is apparently gonna disguise herself as Ben and do all these challenges for him so he can join the'll be an interesting episode. Although I can't picture Bessie dressed up as Ben... :P At around 2 I'm going to see Jenna and we have some plans so it'll be good to get out of the house for a while and just spend some time with her. :D Oh, and when I get home I'm getting more music by Beyond Fear on my ipod so that'll be AWETHUM as well...and then I shall force those who do not like heavy metal to listen to it! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm bound for Hell anyways since I'm a lesbian...not being evil isn't gonna help me why bother being nice? :P So...yeah...I'm just really looking forward to tomorrow... I just hope Jenna doesn't wanna kiss me or anything...I'm starting to feel kinda sick and I have a sore throat (No...I don't have allergies either...I've never had allergies in my entire life and a few of my friends have had a sore throat and other stuff lately so I probably caught that from them. :P ) and I REALLY don't wanna get Jenna sick...I would feel absolutely terrible...I would feel terrible if I did anything to harm her in any way...even if it was something minor...I would feel terrible... for the end of the world...doomsday is supposedly 12/21/2012. "Judgement Day" is supposedly May 21st. I know so many peoples who are getting that mixed up. :P for "Judgement Day"...I can't wait for May 21st just so all the religious peoples will freak out and be all like: "Holy crap...nothing happened?!" and then peoples will actually begin to question their faith and start to deny the abstract concept of one dude who created everything and controls everything. Oh, and if it is real (which I highly doubt it is) I'm not being taken up to Il Paradiso...I'm evil...and a homosexual. :P So...go to Il Paradiso? Me? Hell no...all that is worthy of me is L'Inferno...and I shall be in the Abominable Sands when I die...and I'm fine with that actually. :P So...if "Judgement Day" is real...I'll still be here. :P But I doubt it'll be real...and if it isn't I can't wait to see all the extremely religious peoples all freak'll be funny. :P

You know...I just realized something a few moments I am probably what some would consider a foolish lover...or something of the sorts. :P I mean...I honestly think that I love Jenna but it's hard for me to tell because I have never loved anyone in that way before and I'm only 15 so what would I know about such an abstract concept as love? And then that gets me thinking that maybe I'm not even a lesbian entirely...maybe I just love Jenna. Or maybe I don't love her at all and I just really like her and it's all in my head. I dunno...I'm only 15 and I'm "experimenting" but I just kinda wish that everything could be sorted out in my head and I could know more about this confusing, abstract concept that is called "love"...but I'm sure I will eventually and things will make more sense. Well...for now Jenna is my girlfriend and I really like her and I'll just accept that for what it is and enjoy my time with her. Yeah...that seems fine I don't entirely lack common sense... :P If I did I wouldn't have come to that conclusion probably. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P After this I'm probably just gonna draw more pictures that my mom would wanna kill me for if she found any of them ( :P ), and I'll probably play Urban Rivals for a little while. I'm on a secret mission in that game...I'd tell you what the mission was...but it's a secret...and only skilled Nightmare players know of it. :P And if I complete the mission within the given time frame...I receive something special...but I shall say no more of the matter. :P Speak nothing of this, foolish mortals, and I shall not have to brainwash you all! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Vale. Oh, that reminds me...I scored Maxima Cum Laude on the NLE and I'm gonna get a silver medal. So...not as good as last time and there were no giggles about my last name and getting Summa Cum Laude but...whatever...I still get a medal and stuff. :P You know...I don't think Jenna's realized that my last name's a Latin word...I should tell her tomorrow...I bet she would find that interesting...she kinda sorta likes Latin...well...she would if she had a teacher who wasn't a total jerk. :P Vale...again. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)