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MightyBFan25 Blog

Blog #265 / Spring Break!!!!! :D

Oh's just AWETHUM to finally be on Spring Break! :D I get an entire week to just relax and do whatever the heck I wanna. :P Which is probably gonna be a lot of sleeping and working on my Declamation for English class and then a lot of random unproductive crap...oh, and I plan to spend a lot of time with Jenna. :D :P So...yeah...Spring Break is finally here for me and I'm gonna enjoy it! :D I'm so happy...this week has been total insanity for me...I've been SO BUSY with school-work and projects and quizzes and tests and studying and homework and...well...everything. :P It's been about a week since I last made a blog and I won't talk about every day...nothing special really happened this week because I've been so busy. :P But...before I get to my day...

BLS JUNIOR BAND WON BRONZE AT MICCA FESTIVAL!!!!! :D WOO HOO!!!!! :D Last Sunday BLS Junior Band went to Micca Festival and we placed Bronze which is just AMAZING!!! :D We were the only Junior Band there and therefore the youngest band and we were "competing" against bands that belonged to ridiculously rich schools and bands that had been playing with each other for over 10 years...and that's just insane! :P And we managed to place Bronze "against" these bands! :D The thing about Micca is get graded on your preformance as a band and you're not compared to other there could be like 7 gold medal bands and 10 silver medal bands, etc... :P But place Bronze at something as popular as just makes me feel proud to be part of the best Junior Band BLS has had in over 10 years! :D It was a crazy day but well worth it...and I didn't haveta spend time with my homophobic dad. :P

Speaking of that...BLS is doing something called the "Day Of Silence" on the Thursday that we get back from vacation. I know that the national day for the "Day of Silence" is today but my school is doing it the Thursday after vacation so I'm gonna do it then. Yes, I'm doing the "Day Of Silence"...I can go a whole day without talking...I've actually done that before...I used to be very shy before I came to BLS...if you can imagine that. :P And's like...why shouldn't I? I am a lesbian after all and I have a girlfriend, why not? What it basically does is support the LGBT peoples who can't speak out. And it's basically like by doing the "Day Of Silence" and not're advocating this message...and I personally think it's very cool and I'm all for it. :D I'm actually convinced all my friends to do this as well...and it worked because I'm really persuasive when I wanna be...and of course...a lot of them would've done it anyways. So...the Monday after vacation I'm staying after school to sign up and then it takes place that Thursday after vacation...I'm actually looking forward to that to be honest...and it's likethe "Day Of Silence" came atsuch a good time too. And it'll be interesting to put myself in kinda sorta that's easier for me than most because I know my dad probably won't accept me being a lesbian and because well...I am a lesbian. Ooh...I just thought of an idea! :P

RANDOM REQUEST: If the school you go to does something like the "Day Of Silence" you really should do it...if you did I actually would appreciate it. :D I don't haveta...but it's not really for my's for the sake of the LGBT peoples who are afraid to speak out because the society around them would shun them. I honestly don't think I could live like that and not be able to openly have a girlfriend and say how I really feel...I think I'd lose it...and by "it" I mean my sanity. was pretty unproductive. In Latin we just did random crap and watched movies and stuff. :P In Biology we watched a movie...well...we TRIED to watch a movie but ended up having a random conversation that turned into Ms. Stone trying to convince us all to do the "Day Of Silence" because she's for that kinda stuff and wants us to do it. She actually said that anyone who has her that does the "Day Of Silence" gets extra credit in her class...I was gonna do it anyways, regardless of extra credit, but it's more reason to I guess...although...I don't feel that I should be rewarded for standing up for what I believe in...but...whatever...I'll take the extra wouldn't hurt. :P (By the way...the second I told Jenna about it today in History class she said she would do the "Day Of Silence" too. I was really happy about that! :D ) In English we watched a movie and had a vocabulary quiz thingy...I got a 100 on it...I knew everything. :P In History we finished our DBQ essay on the Aztecs in the computer lab. In Italian we had a substitute and did some work...and we got to listen to our ipods so I was just sitting down, doing my work, blasting Iced Earth music like I normally would. :P Then I had a study and since I had no work I just got a pass and went to Ms. Baker's room to hang out there...Jenna and I decided to go to that room because Ms. Baker lets us stay in her room if we have a study so we just hung out in that room until we had to go to our next class. :P In Math we had a was really easy and I know I got a 100 on it! :D If I didn't get a 100...I'm gonna be an emotional wreck because I felt really good about that quiz and all my grades haven't been so good in Math this term...and I actually stayed after school a few days for help in Math...which is somewhat degrading to me...getting extra help makes me feel really does...and I hate feeling stupid...especially when being smart is kinda my thing. :P After that my day was over and I went home. :P Now I'm at my dad's place... :P

At around 7 I'm going over Jenna's place...we're just gonna spend some time together and watch that new Degrassi episode at 9. :D It's nothing special...but it's nice to just spend a few hours with my girlfriend. I mean...we're gonna be spending a lot of time together during Spring Break...and a lot of time will be at my mom's place. Apparently my dad has this week off from work but he says it's fine if I go back to my mom's place so I'm just gonna go there and my little brother is staying at my dad's place for the week...and my mom has work so we'll have the entire place to ourselves for a bunch of hours every day all's gonna be AWETHUM!!! :twisted: :P Kidding...we're not gonna do anything evil...we're gonna actually be doing some school work...we're helping each other out with our Declamations...we're both REALLY good declaimers but it's good when you have someone else who is just as good as you criticing helps a lot actually so this time we'll both get A+'s on our Declamations! :D

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I actually mentioned to my dad that I'm doing the "Day Of Silence" and it actually seemed to throw him off a little...I really don't think that he'll accept that I'm a lesbian if he doesn't even get why I'm doing the "Day Of Silence" the best he'd only put up with me being a lesbian. I'm still hinting at this around him and acting like a stereotypical lesbian around him...he seems annoyed with me. I think on Sunday once he drops me off at my mom's place I'm gonna tell him that I'm a'll be safe because I'll be at my mom's place and if he hates me at least I don't haveta see him for a week.'ll do that next Sunday...if he hates me for being a lesbian and I find out this Sunday it'll ruin my entire Spring Break...I'll just wait the extra won't kill me. I'd love to just tell him and have him accept me...but I don't think he will...he's not open-minded. I'll admit that I wasn't open-minded until a few years ago...coming to BLS really changed a lot of my views on different things. And I'm glad I did become open-minded...if I didn't I'd be like my father...and I don't wanna be anything like him in that sense. Well...that's all I wanted to say in this blog. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #264 / Such A Crazy Week... :P

Well...this week has been crazy for me...but I'm used to the craziness of BLS and I actually somewhat enjoy it. :P But...before I go into any detail...I just wanted to mention that in my agenda book...each week has a certain value that you should focus on...I never really pay attention to those because well...I'm evil. :twisted: :P But...this week's value thingy was Appreciation...and I figured that since last weekend I kinda told you all that I am a lesbian and you all seemed fine with it and I really do sincerely appreciate that (Seriously...that was very nice of all of you. :D )...I haveta do something to show my appreciation...I dunno what you I would actually like some of you to give me an idea in the comments of this blog. I could be to have another DWTHYW blog ora blog party or something like that. I just kinda feel the need to show some appreciation for was very nice of all of you who read my last few blogs to be accepting of me being a lesbian and I really appreciate it. :D (How ironic that this week's value in my agenda book was Appreciation. :P ) So...yeah...just give me any ideas when you comment on this blog. :P

Now...nothing too special has really happened this week actually...I've been ridiculously busy with school work. :P I've had a TON of homework lately (I actually didn't have that much tonight. :P Thank Zeus...I wanna just relax tonight! :P And I must watch Degrassi. :P ) and I've had a Biology project, a History essay, an Italian project, my English Declamation, and Micca Festival to get ready for. :P I already did my Biology and Italian projects. My History essay isn't due until next Friday and it's a work in progress. :P I don't think it's my best work ever because I SUCK AT HISTORY!!!!! :lol: :P ...And it's boring. :P I'm doing quite well practicing my English Dec. and I don't need to present until after Spring Break. :D And Micca is this Sunday...I'm SO ready for it and I can't wait! :D And I don't need to spend my Sunday at my dad's place...I'm at his place just feels awkward being here and knowing that he's the ONLY person I see on a regular basis who doesn't know that I'm a lesbian and that Jenna's my girlfriend. I just feel kinda outta place's hard to explain. :P Well...this week's been boring and I'll just tell you how today's been. :P was pretty good...nothing special really happened. :P In Math we were learning about graphing rational functions or was really easy but the thing was that I had this complex question involving vertical asymptotes and Ms. Chadwick never answered my question! I asked politely too. :P And she said that it wouldn't show up on the homework but it showed up in THREE homework problems...I didn't get how to do them...two of my vertical asymptotes looked messed upand the third one looked like a parabola. :P I blame the stupid student teacher! :twisted: :P In Latin we did a work packet thingy because Ms. Foley was out. :P In Biology we were completely off topic all class and learned nothing. :lol: :P And we got new seats...I'm ticked off...I'm not sitting near one of my best friends anymore! In English we had some quiz thingy that was REALLY easy. :P In Italian we had a ridiculously easy quiz as well. :P And in History we has a test that was RIDICULOUSLY HARD!!!!! And it wasn't just me either...a few of my friends who are amazing at History said that it was really hard it wasn't just me sucking at History. :P Then I had a study and got a lot of homework done and I went to the library for 15 minutes to finish my Italian homework. Then I went to the music wing to get my flute and went home. :P Now I'm at my dad's place and I'm bored. :P At around 8:30 I'm going over Jenna's place to watch the new Degrassi doesn't air until 9 but we can pass the time talking about random crap. :P I can't wait for the new episode actually...Holly J. and Fiona will make for such a cute lesbian couple. :D I just feel bad for Adam...he'll probably get pushed aside and he really loves Fiona. (Yeah...I am this obsessed with Degrassi now. :P The best characters are Adam, Eli, Claire, Riley, and least in my opinion. :P Fiona's okay but I don't like Holly J too much...she's such a perfectionist...that's why I can't picture her being a lesbian especially because she has a casual thing going on with Sav...but I can picture Fiona being a lesbian. ) Other than that I don't have much planned for today. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog but I can't wait for Micca Festival this Sunday! :D Wish your nerdy friend, MightyBFan25, good luck. :D :P And if not she will summon a Shoggoth to kill you all. :P (Yeah...third person Julius Caesar! :P ) After Micca I'm going over Jenna's house for a while actually and we're just gonna hang out for a while which should be good. :D And I can tell her how Micca went. :P I'm sure she doesn't really care about music...she'll just pretend to care about it because she knows I'm an artsy person and I love being in band and playing flute/piccolo. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #263 / How My Weekend's Been...

...It's been quite well. :P Okay...end of blog...bye-bye! :D :P -MightyBFan25 Wait a minute! :P That's too short to be one of my blogs! MightyBFan25's blogs are always ridiculously long! :P Okay...I'll tell you WHY it's been quite well. :P Yeah...that'll make this blog much longer...then I can epicly torture you all! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P So...let's start with a new paragraph and talk about Saturday... :P dad actually didn't pick me up until Saturday at 10 in the morning because he was too lazy to pick me up on Friday. :P I woke up at about 6 in the morning and my mom was upbefore I was. I kinda took it as an omen to tell my mom that I have a girlfriend and I'm more than likely a lesbian. I've been planning on telling both my parents for a while...I had already told all my friends and now anyone who reads my blogs on this site knows. The second I finished saying everything I needed to she hugged me...I was waiting for her to yell at me and slap me or something because I thought she would hate me for it. But no...she hugged me and said that she was proud of me and that it was brave of me to come out and tell her that. :D She said that although she's not entirely for me being a lesbian she's not against it and that she'll support me and still loves me because I'm her daughter. :D That's the nicest thing any parent can tell their kid once they come out of the closet and say that they're gay/lesbian...and I REALLY wasn't expecting that! It was a pleasant surprise. Then I got kinda teary eyed and left the room...I didn't wanna cry in front of my mother like an idiot. :P After that my morning was pretty normal and then my dad picked me up and I went to his place. At 3 I started getting ready for my date with Jenna and left at 4. (Yeah yeah...I'm a tomboy and I managed to take an hour to get ready. :P I'm actually capable of taking a shower and putting on some decent clothes when I haveta. :lol: :P ) Our date was over at about 7 but before I left we ended up kissing! :D It didn't feel awkward or wrong or just felt's hard to explain...I just think that this is a sign that my suspicions really were correct and that I made a good decision (unlike all the bad ones I constantly playing in the mud to spite my mother...even though it is fun. :P ). After our date I went back to my dad's place and I was just on cloud nine for the rest of the day...and I still am...I'm just so happy right's like everything in my life is working out. :D

Today I haven't done anything too special. :P It's just been a normal day so I don't have much else to talk about. :P I woke up WAY too early today as well...which is kinda irritating. :P I took a nap for like 2 hours and Jenna called my cellphone a few times during those two hours. Yeah...hehe...not a good time for me to be napping I guess. :P I did call her at around 6 to apologize...we didn't talk for too long though...I had some stuff I needed to do so I had to get off the phone. Even though I apologized over the phone...I owe her an apology in person tomorrow at school...she said I don't haveta apologize again but I feel the need to. Later today I'm gonna practice my Italian Declamation a little more and watch the Amazing Race...Jenna's gonna be watching it too so we're gonna talk about it on the train ride home tomorrow. :D That's all I really haveta say about today... :P

Last thing...the only person who I haven't told that I'm a lesbian and have a girlfriend is my dad...I feel REALLY uncomfortable telling him in a straightforward manner...he ALWAYS makes fun of gay/lesbian people and calls them freaks and stuff....I'm just worried that he will stop loving me and not want anything to do with me when I tell him. I don't wanna pretend that I'm straight around anyone...I shouldn't haveta...I think that's wrong...I just wanna be able to come out and tell everyone that I know. Anyways...I am gonna tell my father soon...I'm just gonna hint at it around him for a few weeks. So that means that I need to change the way I dressa little whenever he sees me (not hard...and I don't need to try as hard because of the short haircut. :P I bet the haircut gave it away...that's how Alice found out... :P ) and I'm gonna act like SUCH a stereotypical lesbian around him! That means just act like myself but WAY over the top and say a lot of stuff "accidentally" when I'm watching something like Bad Girls Club like: "That girl is hot."'ll plant the seed in my dad's mind and then hopefully when I tell him it won't come as a huge surprise...and I can figure out better how he will react to knowing that is daughter is a lesbian. It should be fun and I'm looking forward to that! :twisted: :P That's all I wanted to say in this paragraph... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I'm just in such a good mood right now and I feel that I can turn my happiness into dilligence in my school-work...I am dilligent when it comes to school-work but when I'm in a good mood I don't mind doing extra work or studying for that extra hour. :D Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment...I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!! :lol: :P I'm sure if I tell Jenna she'll be jealous of my doctor. :P Kidding...she's not the jealous type...or else Alice would be dead because she's been bugging me a lot lately...and it's more in History than English class...which is stupid because my girlfriend is in my History class...not my English class. :P Translucent Ventus Alpha Percival goes rawr. :P I don't have anything else to say in this blog. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #262 / I Changed My Mind...I'm Leaving This Site...

...APRIL FOOL'S!!!!! :P Haha, I bet you didn't believe me though...I'm just untrustable on April Fool's Day...I'm like everyone who doesn't wanna me prank's worst nightmare. :twisted: :P Seriously...I'm not leaving, duh! :P I got some peoples really good today with some of my pranks though! :twisted: :P I woke up at like 3 in the morning, and woke up my mom and said that the house was on fire. Then she started to panic and whatnot and then I was just like: "April Fool's!". :P Then she just seemed p*ssed off at me and went back to sleep until like 5. :P My little brother was awake before I went to school so the second he woke up I said: "Hey, Nick, guess what?! It's a snow day! We don't have school!" because it was snowing this morning ('s snowing in freakin' April! :P ) and after I told him it was just a trick he thought it was kinda funny but then was p*ssed off that he still had to go to school. :P At school... :P In Band EVERYONE in Band (I was one of the brains behind this operation) sat in the wrong seats and switched instruments with someone else! It was HILARIOUS!!! :lol: Same prank we pulled on Mr. Harper last year! :P Ms. Dougherty did laugh a little...I saw it...but she tried to pretend that she was disappointed in us and said that we were immature and stuff. :P We all though it was funny though. :P In Italian me and a few of my friends organized this thing so at 12:15 when Mr. Forina turned around to write something on the board we all stood up and then when he turned back around we sat down. :P It was funnier than you think actually. :P The thing is...I like doing pranks by myself...but on April Fool's Day...I wanna get EVERYONE in class in on a prank and I'm one of the peoples who organizes stuff like that. :P Mr. Forina did laugh and was fine with it. :D Oh, and I did the same prank on a few of my friends. I dressed up today in all black and tried to act depressing around my close friends and pretending that I was going emo or something. :P Most of them fell for it. :P And I tricked some of my friends by saying stuff like: "Oh, did you remember to do that Math project, it's due today you know." and then they were like: "WHAT?!?!?! I must've forgotten about that!" and then I just told them I was kidding. :P As for Jenna...I tricked her my saying that I was going out with this other lesbian girl in my History class (her name's Alice, and she seems to kinda like me which bugs me but I'll get to that later... )...she legit fell for it! :P But she managed to trick me as well...a few of my friends tricked me and with others...I didn't fall for their pranks because they were lame. :P Other than day was pretty normal and I didn't have much homework when I got home and I managed to do it all in less than 30 minutes. :P Now I can just relax all weekend. :D That's it for today. :P I'm so happy...I pulled a lot of pranks on peoples. :twisted: :P thing that irks mom has this boyfriend who comes over quite often now...he's really nice and whatnot...the thing is that I feel bad for the guy because he has to put up with my stupid mother. :P And I dunno...the thought of my mom being with some guy just kinda sickens me...I dunno why though. It could be because I'm possibly a lesbian and the thought of a girl being with a guy seems wierd to me or maybe I just don't want something like the divorce to happen again or something...I can't tell...I just feel sickened by it. Second thing that irks me...there's this girl in my English and History classes...her name is Alice...and she seems to kinda like me...I'm pretty sure she's a lesbian...but I can't tell. :P I really hope she isn't planning on going out with me or heart is fixated upon Jenna at the moment. I mean...Alice is very nice and stuff but still...I'm going out with Jenna so I can't do the wrong thing that a lot of peoples do and go out with someone else as would feel wrong. So...screw Alice...not to be rude or anything. :P I just hope stuff like that doesn't happen again...and if that's the it that obvious that I'm possibly a lesbian? :P I bet the haircut gives it away. :P Kidding. :P Well...those are two things that irk me. :P

On Saturday I might not be online too much...Jenna and I have some plans. :D So...yeah...don't kill me if I'm not on too much! I'm just gonna be hanging out with my girlfriend! :P (It feels good to say that I do have a girlfriend though...I dunno just does. :P ) By the way...she did manage to prank me today. :P I was stupid enough to fall for it. :P Now...before I bid you a farewell...

LISTEN TO "FRAMING ARMAGEDDON" MY ICED EARTH OR PERISH!!!!! :P It's on's the link: so just copy and paste that into the web address bar thingy or whatever and listen to the song! :P It's only about 4 minutes long. And then tell me what you think about it. :P I listen to this kinda music on a regular basis actually. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P only took me about 20 minutes to type all this useless crap. :P Arrivederci...and Happy April Fool's Day! :D -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

EDIT: I was going to make a blog tonight but right now there's something on TV that I REALLY wanna watch and I'll make the blog later tonight. :P I just wanted to say that Jenna and I went on a date today (I'll go into detail about it when I make my new blog) and it was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...we had a really good time and at the end of the date we kissed! :D I mean...she's kissed me before but it's been on the cheek or something...never on my lips. And I wasn't awkward or anything...the kiss didn't feel wrong or anything like that. :D I think this is a sign that my suspicions were right... :P I'm just so happy right now...I'm like on cloud nine or something! :D And by the way...I didn't go to my dad's place until about 10 this morning...last night he was too lazy to take me to his place. :P And this morning I decided to tell my mom that I have a girlfriend (she's known of Jenna but not that she's my girlfriend)...I was gonna tell her soon and I was planning on it over the phone but I woke up early that morning and I took it as an omen to just tell her because she was up when I was. The second after I did she actually hugged me...I was waiting for her to slap me or something. She said that she was proud me and that it took a lot of courage to tell her that and that it was okay with her...she said that even though she felt that it's a little strange she would be supportive of me! :D I might tell my dad later a few weeks or something...I wanna hint at it around him just say stuff "accidentally" like: "Oh, that girl's hot." just to plant the seed in his small brain and see how he reacts to it. I's just been AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mom accepts that I'm a lesbian and then I had the best date ever with Jenna and we kissed! :D This is like a sign or something...I can just kinda tell. I just had to tell you all this...I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!! :D Now I must go...I wish to watch something on TV. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #261 / The New Math Teacher HATES Me!!! :P

I know you wish to hear of the title momento! :P I have other stuff that I wish to talk about before that. :P This week I've been pretty busy working on an Italian Declamation thingy and doing homework and when I haven't been busy with that I've been reading more of Jane Eyre...I personally love the book. :D And when I haven't been busy with that I've been listening to music by Iced Earth...this band is my new music addiction. :P It was Dishwalla before...then it was Alice In Chains...then Metallica...and now Iced Earth. :P Yeah...I doubt you've heard of any of these bands...except maybe Metallica. :P Only a few of my friends have heard of the other three. :P So...I've been kinda busy...and I've been perfecting my flute playing skillz (Yeah...that's right! :P I spelled it witha "z" because I'm AWETHUM like that! :P ) for Micca Festival. So...yeah...very busy lately. But I have everything under control now and I didn't have too much to really do tonight. :P But...let's go from a general overview of the rest of my week to a detailed description of my day... :P

Today nothing too special happened so I won't make it that long and bore you all. :P In Math today we just reviewed and was really easy and I was SO BORED in class actually. :lol: :P A few days ago we actually got new seats in Math and I'm in a smart group actually...of course...I'm the "math genius" at my table but at least I'm not at a table with a bunch of idiots like I was for most of the year. :P The only thing was that the student teacher in Math, Ms. Chadwick, kept hovering over my group...only my group too...and she was especially watching over me...which was annoying because it's like: "I know what I'm doing! Just leave me the Hell alone and let me do these math problems!" :P But...I'll get more into that in the next paragraph. :P Then in Latin we did translating and stuff. In Biology we watched a movie. In English we did a one-day group-work project thingy and I got put in a really good group and we did AWETHUM with our project and I think we'll geta REALLY good grade! :D In Italian...I dunno what we did...nothing's the most unproductive class I have... :P In History...uh...I think we learned something about the Mayan language or whatever...I don't know...I wasn't really paying attention...I was bored. :lol: :P And then I had a study and got some homework done. :P Then I got home, finished the rest of my homework, and that's about it for the most part. Then I had dinner, took a shower (Yeah...I've been managing to willingly bathe lately. :P ), and now I'm on this site, typing a blog. :P Now getting to Ms. Chadwick... :twisted:

Okay...for the longest time I've felt that Ms. Chadwick hates me...and I don't mean she doesn't like me...I mean she HATES me!!! :P I mean...the first day she started teaching us I felt the need to be somewhat annoying because I didn't like her and I felt like asking complex questions to throw her off and I went out of my way to make sure that I mastered the lesson during class just to come off as ridiculously smart and throw her off even more. :P So...yeah...I've went out of my way to annoy her since day one...but she wouldn't know one knows that actually...well...a few of my friends do but everyone else in my math class thinks that I'm just a ridiculously smart and good student. :P And Mr. McQuade probably told her that I'm smart. :P When we do classwork she CONSTANTLY hovers over ME and just watches EVERYTHING that I do like I'm some evil mastermind and I'm gonna blow up the world or something! :P I would never do that...well...maybe I would! :twisted: :P It just gets annoying...and after I solve a really hard problem she this very mean tone of voice: "Good. Now explain to me how you did this."...because sometimes I do work in my head and if I don't then I don't write down much work because I can do majority of the work in my head...I mean...writing it down on paper is easier but sometimes I just like to show off or challenge myself a little. :P I swear...she does it with the intention of seeing me mess up something and then she can correct me. She has corrected pretty much everyone else a lot so far...but not me. I don't even need help at all with anything. :P And in class when she messes up something I go outta my way to correct her. :P I swear...she just is waiting for me to mess up...she just can't stand that I'm probably smarter than her! :D I personally LIKE having her hate makes things interesting...I mean...I haven't gotten in trouble because I haven't done anything wrong...technically. :twisted: :P I honestly think I throw her off and make her kinda nervous. Oh, and I hate how she had like zero personality and is ridiculously boring. And the way she teaches is kinda hard to follow. :P Yeah...that's all I wanted to say about Ms. Chadwick. :P Next paragraph... :P

I can't wait for tomorrow! :D I shouldn't have too much homework tomorrow night so I can enjoy myself. I'm going over Jenna's place later that night to watch the new Degrassi episode with her.'s gonna be April Fool's Day! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P This is the PERFECT holiday for a prankster like me! :lol: :P I have some pranks in store for my mom, dad, little brother, some of my close friends, and I REALLY wanna play a prank on Jenna but I still haven't thought of the perfect prank! Jenna can be a bit of a prankster when she wants to...she did help me out with that epic prank on my mom and her stupid'm expecting to be pranked by her. :P I don't really care though. :P And I have a prank in store for a certain someone on this's not someone who reads my blogs so he wouldn't know. :P I'll tell you how all my pranks go tomorrow. :D

Now...before I bid you a farewell...I have a RANDOM REQUEST for you. :P I wish for you to listen to one of these five songs...only one...that is all I ask of thee. :P I just want you to get a sense of the kinda stuff I listen to...I doubt anyone will like this music'll never know unless you try. :P Here are the five songs:

"All Nightmare Long" by Metallica

"Cyanide" by Metallica

"Something Wicked, Part One" by Iced Earth

"The Clouding" by Iced Earth

"Framing Armageddon" by Iced Earth

You just needs to listen to one of these songs. :P I'd prefer if you listen to "Framing Armageddon" by Iced's my favorite one of their songs. :P And then tell me what you think about the song you listened to. :P Keep in mind that I like this kinda music a lot and I listen to it on a regular basis and then question my sanity and think that I'm a mentally insane freak if you wish to be mean. :P They're all on YouTube so you don't need to buy the songs on iTunes or whatever. :P That's all I wanted to say in this blog. :P One of my friends was talking absolute nonsense in Algebra 2 class today...I think I lost brain cells... :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #260 / Possibly Last Blog...

Sorry I haven't made a blog in such a long time. It's just that lately I've been pretty busy with all my school-work and some stuff outside of school so I haven't had much time to really make a blog...or if I did have the time I just forgot or didn't feel like making a blog. :P Nothing special has really happened in the past two weeks since I last made a blog. Well...okay...that's exaggerating...stuff did happen. :P My sleeping is finally normal again...I'm actually staying asleep until 6 in the morning when I haveta wake up for school. :D Yay...I get to sleep again. :P In English we're reading Jane Eyre's a really good book...I like it a lot...Jane and Mr. Rochester are the best characters. I'm about half way done with the book. I HATE the stupid student teacher in Math class now...she's just annoying and I think she doesn't like me either. :P I should make a blog that has an angry rant about her if I ever decide to make another blog. Oh, and in Band we're going to the Micca festival on April 10th...which is a Sunday. I'm glad about that...less time to spend with my dad. :D That's about it really involving school that's happened lately. :P I'm on top of all my work and everything...I just haveta focus on Micca right now which is good. :D And I turned in my course selection year I'm taking English 10, World History 2, Italian 3, Latin Prose, Chemistry 1, and Advanced Geometry. :D I'm gonna have a very strange schedule actually... :P Well...lately I've been very busy with all my school-work and stuff so I haven't had much time to go on this site and when I have I haven't been in the mood to really make a blog and I've just been going on the Mighty B! forums or something. :P Oh, and I got my report card a few weeks ago for term 3...I didn't do quite lowest grade was a B+...and I got a B+ in English and in History...I mean...I got Approbation...but not Distinction which annoys me...I got too cocky and slacked off a little bit in those subjects I guess. :P I'm just gonna work harder this term. :D

Now getting to stuff outside of school... :P Well...I'm still not really getting along with my parents or my little brother...I don't want anything to do with them and lately I've been just ignoring them because I can't stand them. And I've also realized that since I don't really care for religion that I want nothing to do with it...even though I went to a private Catholic school for 8 years of my life and was brought up to be a parents feel that I'm old enough to make my own decisions involving religion and I've chosen that I want nothing to do with religion...I don't wanna get confirmed and I don't wanna go to church ever again. I don't want anything to do with religion ever again. I hope that doesn't offend anyone...I'm really not trying to and if I did I'm sorry. It's not just's any and all religions. And do you remember me talking about Jenna? Well...we're not just friends at the moment. We're going out now. :D I mean...this doesn't prove that I'm a lesbian or's just that I don't have a crush on a guy and I never really have and I like Jenna and she likes me and we just decided that we should start going out. :D Besides...I've had my suspicions about this matter for a while...and I think it's good that I start to "experiment". So...I hope the thought of me being a lesbian doesn't offend anyone either. At the rate I'm going I'm sure if I moved to Texas I'd get my head blasted off with a shotgun or something. :lol: :P Nothing against Texas...just a joke using stereotypes. :P

Now...why is this potentially my last blog ever? Well...this site is kinda dead and I dunno...I've just been pretty busy lately and I don't think I'll really have the time to make blogs. And I'm kinda worried now that since I want nothing to do with religion and that I'm possibly a lesbian that I might offend someone on this site or something. If I have offended anyone I think I should stop making blogs. If not and at least a few people on this site want me to continue making these blogs...I might consider it. If you do then just say something in the comments for this blog or something.'s not like I'll leave this site or anything...I still have stuff to do on the Mighty B! forums...I'd just stop making blogs. So...tell me what you think about that matter in the comments for this blog.

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Nothing special has really happened so far today. But later today at around 5 or soJenna and I are gonna get some coffee and talk about absolutely nothing fora while. We seem to talk about nothing for a long time quite frequently. :P's nothing special...just an excuse to get out of the house and spend some time with her. :D I don't have much else to say in this blog. So this might be the last time that I bid you farewell in Latin if this is my last blog. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #259 / BLS Is Trying To Kill Me... :P

Yay...Boston Latin School is trying to kill me!!! :D :P Yeah...I'm being's NOT a good thing. :P All week I've been RIDICULOUSLY busy and I've had so much work to do and I don't get it's the beginning of the term...the most laid back part of a term because there's nothing to worry about but all my teachers are assigning me a ton of homework every night. On Monday I was doing homework until around 6...which wasn't that bad. On Tuesday I was doing homework until around 7:30. On Wednesday I was doing homework until 8. On Thurday I was doing homework until 7. And on Friday I was doing homework until around 7. It's ridiculous in my opinion...I get home at 3 and immediately start me homework and I'm working for three to five hours...I happens to me a lot but never that many times in one week. I always have at least one or two laid back nights. So...because I've been so's been a rather boring week for me. :P The only exciting thing that happened was that on Thursday some guy who runs an upcoming music festival came to BLS to conduct our band and this guy (He was in his 60's) has so much energy and got so into the music and our band honestly did an amazing job! :D I wish he was our band conductor and NOT stupid Ms. Dougherty...that guy makes me hate her even more. :twisted: :P Oh, and on Friday I got to help throw furniture off of the back porch at my dad's place because he's getting new furniture today...the people delivering it are actually in the house right now. :P That's about all I haveta say about my week. Throwing furniture off of the back porch was fun. :D :P Next paragraph... :P

I don't have anything to really do with myself today because I did all my homework last night and started working on my Italian project thingy that isn't due for about two weeks...and I wanna have Mr. Forina proofread my thing before I go any further just because I wanna make sure that all my information and Italian grammar is accurate and stuff. :P So I don't have anything really productive to do with myself. :P I'll probably play that Bakugan video game again to get Maxus Helios...the ULTIMATE Bakugan battle brawling monster thingy!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Once I obtain it I'll be unstoppable.'s just a game. :P What else did I wanna say...? :P Oh, and I also wanna call Jenna and talk to her for a while, I wanna go to the park, and I wanna read more of Jane Eyre, and I wanna go play in the mud but I definately shouldn't because it's only 37 degrees farenheit outside. :P The second there's some nice weather outside I know what I'm doing with myself...unless I haveta see Jenna. :lol: P's gonna be a laid back day and I can just do whatever I wanna. :P I deserve a break...this week's been ridiculously busy. :P That's about all I haveta say about today. :P

Last thing...I didn't have any strange dreams this week but I keep waking up at 3 in the morning for some odd reason! :P It's really annoying and it kept happening to me all week...I go to bed at 9, wake up at 3 in the morning, and then stare at the ceiling in my bedroom for three hours before I get ready for school. Yeah...that's great, isn't it? :P You's hard to function on only 5 to 6 hours of sleep for five days in a it's six. :P I don't get what's up with my sleeping habits right now... :P I hope I get more sleep soon...I like sleep and I like my disturbing lucid dreams. :lol: :P Random but I should go to the movies with Jenna sometime soon...that would be a good idea in my opinion. Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #258 / Term Three Is Officially Over!!! :D

Sorry that I'm still counting how many blogs I've made...but I dunno...I enjoy doing that. :P And about the title...term three at BLS officially closed on Friday and I'm so happy! :D I mean...I honestly think that I got Approbation With Distinction again and if I did...that's just AWETHUM!!!!! :D Especially because this term was very stressful for the past few weeks. :P And I haven't made a blog for about a week. :P Nothing special really happened...just busy doing a lot of school-work and stuff. :P Oh, and I didn't go to my dad's place this weekend...apparently my dad was sick or something and my mom said that I didn't haveta go there if I didn't wanna and because I don't feel like putting up with my dad or getting sick, I've spent the weekend at my mom's place. :P On Saturday I didn't really do anything too special...just stuff that I'd normally do when I have nothing productive to do with myself. :P And I got more Metallica music on my iPod...I can't get My Apocalypse or Cyanide out of my head though. :P Well...I don't really mind...they're my two favorite songs that I got yesterday. :P That's about all I really haveta say about yesterday. :P

By the way, on Wednesday I'm taking the National Latin Exam (NLE) for the third time! :D I'm glad about that...I KNOW I'm gonna score Summa Cum Laude again because well...the NLE's are the easiest tests ever...well...that and the MCAS. :lol: :P And I did that course selection thing on Friday night. Next year I'm taking: English 10, World History 2, Italian 3, Latin Prose, Chemistry 1, and Advanced Geometry. (And Junior Band...yay! :P Ms. Dougherty again! :P I'm being sarcastic! :P )So...I'm taking some harder classes which means more work and more of a challenge but I like that and whenever I raise my expectations, I continuously manage to meet them. :D It's wierd...and it makes me feel like my mind has no limitations and I'm limited only by what I THINK I can do. :D Yeah...I'm such a nerd, aren't I? :P

Today I haven't done anything too special either. :P I'm probably just gonna do stuff that I'd normally do all day. :P And the weather outside is very nice so I'm gonna call Jennaand hopefully we can go on a walk or to the park or something...I really wanna go outside and well...I wanna see Jenna before Monday in History class. :P So...I don't really have much to say about today. :P I would say something else but well...I honestly can't bring myself to say's not anything's something that I'm glad about but well...I just don't wanna mention it because I'll probably offend someone or something or someone will think I'm an absolute freak. :P I don't have much else to say in this blog and it is rather short for one of my blogs which are usually ridiculously long. :lol: :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #257 / Actually Have Enough Time To Make A Blog... :P

Sorry about still saying the number of the blog that it is. :P I've kinda gotten into that habit and well...I kinda enjoy seeing exactly how many blogs I've made. :P So...sorry about that...if for some reason it annoys you and you cannot tolerate it I'll stop counting. :P And today I was doing homework until about 7 but that's not too bad and I actually had some time to go on this site and make a blog. :D Today wasn't really too special and neither was the first day back. :P I was just glad to be back at school and away from my family. :D Today I did have a fair amount of homework but it wasn't too bad. The thing that irks me is that I spent 90 minutes doing my Algebra 2 homework...math homework NEVER takes me that long...NEVER!!! I mean...we're learning how to solve polynomial functions using the rational zero theorem and synthetic division and all that's just takes FOREVER and we got assigned like 20 homework problems. And if it took me that long to do the homework...I can only imagine how long it took some of my friends...I mean...I'm one of the best at math in my Algebra2 class and I get A+'s on everything without studying or anything. :P I blame the student teacher...Mr. McQuade isn't teaching us's some student teacher lady and I don't like her at all...she's very confusing, gives WAY too much homework, and she's just not nice or anything. The only thing that I will say is that she's kinda pretty...but I don't care about that or anything...I'd rather a non-visually appealing teacher so I'd keep my head in my textbooks and not staring at teachers. :lol: :P That's about all I haveta say about today. :P Before I say that I hate this student teacher lady I'm gonna give her a a week or two before I judge her or else I wouldn't be giving her a chance and that's wrong. Oh, and I had Declamation today...I had to dress up all nicely and put up with a few of my friends torturing me. :P I did good though...I know I got at least a A. :P And I had gym clas R3 so I got changed out of my declamation clothes and didn't haveta wear them for the rest of the day because I declaimed R1. :P

One thing that I do wanna mention before I end this blog is that for the past two nights I've had some really strange wierd dreams. :P On Sunday night I had a very cartoonish looked like a cartoon and I got to see myself in cartoon form. (Yay! :P ) But it wasn't a happy dream...I apparently wasn't behaving "properly" and my parents sent me off to some wierd charm school so I got on the train and went there. Once I got there the lady who ran the place asked me to tell her a little about myself so I did and she had this look on her face like: "You have some serious issues". :lol: :P I remember it wasn't really like a charm school was more like a correctional facility. And the lady appointed someone to take care of me and she seemed really mean and stuff. She made me get outta my clothes and wear the uniform that they wore there. I wasn't getting the advanced education that I was getting at BLS...all the classes were dumbed down in a sense and I was so bored. And I couldn't listen to any Metallica or Alice In Chains music or anything like that. I couldn't play the piccolo. I couldn't play in the mud or play any sports or anything. And that lady who was taking care of me took away all my video games and Bakugan and trading cards and stuff. I was forced to have a sucky education, wear these stupid girly uniforms, play the flute for hours on end and if I didn't I was hit with a ruler or whipped (And I had to have "proper" posture and stuff...I usually kinda slouch when I play the flute and my tone quality is fine. :P It's better that most who sit up straight and play. :P ), and I also had to do all this girly activities. And if I wanted to draw any pictures...I was told what to draw! I couldn't draw depressing pictures or pictures of acts of violence or cartoon characters or anything! It was TERRIBLE and that would definately be my worst nightmare! I felt like something was up there and all the girls there were in the same position as me. I was like I was being forced to be "normal" and I couldn't stand it! And I felt like there was something up there...if it's a recurring dream or I have it again I haveta dream-bend it and make it so I completely screw up everything and go against my "training" and ruin everything for the ladies running the place and run away. I don't really get the point of that dream...but that tells me one thing...I'm NEVER being a normal person and I'm never gonna even attempt it...I never have but I never will. :lol: :P If being normal means that I haveta give up everything that I love doing...haha...that's never gonna happen! :twisted: :P Yeah...that was the message of that dream. :P

On Monday night I had a dream that probably occurred from watching Dawn Of the Dead a few days ago. :P So I was just going on a walk and I found out that a zombie infestation was soon to occur from some TV in a window so I went on one of the trains to get out of Boston and go somewhere less populated. The train went underground and continued going but then it stopped for some strange reason. And I remember a bunch of zombies came and were trying to flip over the entire train but just as they were about to, the power came back on and we got out of there. There wasn't much to the dream really...that's all I can recall. :P I wish I could recall more but I honestly can't except that a few characters from the show Degrassi were on the train. :P Yeah...Degrassi is kinda sorta turning into an obsession. :P PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!! :lol: :P

This Wednesday and Friday I'm gonna probably stay after school for two assemblies on course selection so I can have even more help making my choices for next year. I know I'm taking Chemistry but I'm still considering Latin Prose and Advanced Geometry. I'll probably take both but I wanna go there to get a sense of what the work load would be like and what's expected of me in those classes. And uh...I did wanna say one other thing but I honestly don't think I should...I don't wanna offend anyone on this site or have anyone think I'm even more of a freak than you think I am. :lol: :P If you wanna know you can PM me but even then...I might not reply to it. :P And last thing: today I took the train home with Jenna and I did mention to her that I do occasionally play in the mud (never mentioned it before...not a big deal but well...I felt that I might as well mention it. :P ) and she had no problem with that under a few conditions: I don't track mud in her place ever, If she comes over my place she doesn't wanna see the place a complete mess, and she doesn't want me to ever try to persuade her to do the same. Understandable...I don't really mind. :P Besides...I've noticed that even though it might just be the cold weather...I haven't played in the mud for well over a month now and well...I'm hoping that I can lay off that when spring comes around...I mean...I obviously still will but hopefully not as often as last year...or the year before that...or the year before that...etc... :P That's about all I wanted to say in this blog. :P I can't wait for spring to come now! :D The first day the weather's nice outside I know that I haveta play in the mud...unless I plan on seeing Jenna. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Blog #256 / Back To School Tomorrow... :D

Before anything else...even though I have made a new blog you can still post on the blog party. :P And I can't wait until I reach 300 blogs...that'll be quite an accomplishment. :D That's the next thing to look forward to on this site. :D Well...that and the fact that there's actually stuff happening on the Mighty B! forums. :P And tomorrow I do go back to school so I'm probably not gonna be able to make blogs every day like I have been all of this week. :P I'm kinda upset because February Break is over...I wish it was longer so I could spend more time doing whatever I wanna. :P But I'm so happy to be going back because being busy with school means spending less time with my family. :D In case you don't know...I'm really ticked off at anyone and everyone in my immediate family right now. :P I really feel like I'm nothing like anyone in my family and I can't relate to anyone and honestly...I don't think they really care about me. I don't really care though because I only haveta put up with it until I'm a doctor...then I'll be well on my way and I'm gonna move out of Boston if not MA...I'm considering going somewhere in Europe...or I could just move to Colorado...that's a nice state... :P Anyways, the point is that when I'm an adult I don't want anything to do with any of them because I can't stand them. I won't get into all the details but I realized something else...majority of the peoples in my family are hypocrites. I can't stand hypocrites...they're some of the most irritating peoples in the world! I mean...I'll admit that I'm far from a perfect person...but I'm not a jerk like them and even if I don't agree with someone's beliefs or a part of someone's life...I'm not gonna be a jerk about it. I'm not really too concerned but as of right now when I grow up I want ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with anyone in my immediate family. Now...let's get on with my day after that little rant. :P By the way...sorry about that...I really needed to vent in this blog and even though you might not think helps. :P

Well...before anything else...yesterday was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...I didn't do anything special until around 5. Until 5 I was just drawing (not pictures for my story...just random pictures...I'd rather not say what though... :P ), practicing the piccolo, going online, and I spent a ton of time playing Bakugan: Defenders Of the Core on my Nintendo DS...I mean...I got the game on Christmas but I never had the time to play it but now I do and it was a really good game. I actually managed to win it was kinda hard but ah...not too hard. :P The best Bakugan to use is Master Ingram...he's ridiculously fast and can fly and has the best ability cards. :P And I loved the song that played when the end credits were rolling...I haveta get the song on my iPod... :P around 5 Jenna called me and said that her parents wanted me to come over so they could meet me...understandable...I mean...I have been over their house a few times and Jenna's been over my place a few times as well. I mean...I met her parents but I never had a conversation with them...usually Jenna and I would just go into her room and talk about whatever or watch TV or something. Her parents were really nice actually and I enjoyed talking to them...and I dunno...I felt like they were really wasn't that fake nice that people act like when guests are's hard to describe but I could tell that they're really nice people...and Jenna told me that too. So I ended up talking to her parents for about 30 minutes and they asked me about school, what classes I was taking, how my flute and piccolo playing was going, etc... Her parents think I'm some kinda genius. :P Then Jenna and I went up to her room to just talk about random stuff for a while which was enjoyable. I ended up leaving and walking home at around 7. Her parents offered me a ride home but I wanted to walk home...I just wanted to get some fresh air and clear my mind. After that I didn't do anything too special for the remainder of the day. :P

Today nothing special has really happened. :P I'm probably gonna back up my stuff and go back to my mom's place at around 5 and get ready for school tomorrow. I can't wait to go back and me with my friends again and get back to work and away from my family. :D You know...I don't think I can even use the word "family" family got separated...I should think of another term... :P Anyways...when I get back to school tomorrow I'm definately gonna be busy...I'll have an English presentation, a Math term project to work on, I haveta do final preparations for my Declamation on Tuesday, I need to pass in my poster on cloning for Biology that I finished before break even started, and I haveta plan a meeting with my guidance counselor to discuss course selection stuff...because if I'm gonna be going into Advanced Geometry and Latin Prose, I wanna make sure that I'm ready for it...I checked with my teachers and they think I should but my guidance counselor gets the last say...well...I get the last say...but she's the last one who could change my mind. :P Yeah...I'm gonna be pretty busy. :P I don't care...I'm organized and a hard worker and good at school so I'll be fine. :D

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry it's ridiculously long and talks about absolutely nothing. :P You know...I really should make a blog that's just entirely stream of conciousness...that'd be could read exactly what I'm thinking...a lot of things would haveta be cut out mind isn't the best place in the world. :P Vale. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)