Yep...the title's correct...and it actually applies to a few things. :P Tomorrow is gonna be my birthday, the day of my Biology presentation, the day of my Declamation (it got pushed back to Thursday), the day of an epic History test, and the last day of school before Christmas Break!!! :D So...tomorrow's gonna be pretty epic. :P that I've explained the title...let's get on with this blog... :P
Notmuch has really been going on. Everything at home and school has been fine. Everything at BLS has been winding down. Today was overall pretty good. In Biology we just watched some presentations, in Math we took a test on Quadratics...which was ridiculously easy. :P In English some peoples did their Declamations. In History we played Jeopardy to review for the test tomorrow. In Italian we presented our dialogues. And in Latin we did some extra credit stuff to make up for the test yesterday that no one finished...not even me...and I'm AWETHUM at Latin. :P I got home at around 3:30 and did some stuff because I had no homework and now I'm on this site, making a blog. :P Now all I haveta worry about are my Biology presentation on Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and my Declamation which are both tomorrow. The History test will be really easy I think...learning about the five world religions really clicked with me and I understand everything about that perfectly...which is wierd because History is the one subject where I usually feel like an idiot and nothing makes sense but I miraculously manage to get a B+. :P And after tomorrow I will be on Christmas Break!!! :D
Now...tomorrow's gonna be really good and bad...for a few reasons. :P I mean...I have two presentations tomorrow and an epic History test which kinda sucks. And I haveta get all dressed up for my Declamation which is annoying because I can't stand getting all dressed up and I know all my friends who are tomboys are gonna let me have it because all this week and last week when they have had to declaim all I've been doing is laughing at them and stuff. :P So...I kinda deserve I don't mind that...but getting all dressed up sucks...and having your friends torture you (even though it is just jokingly) doesn't help. :lol: :P But...tomorrow is also my birthday, the last day of school before Christmas break, and we're gonna be having Christmas parties in half of my classes. :D Oh, and the term closes as I don't need to worry about screwing up my grades and not getting Approbation With Distinction after tomorrow. :P I honestly can't wait for tomorrow's gonna be AWETHUM no matter what in my opinion...and I'm usually rather optimistic and I plan on staying that way. :P
Oh, and I never got to the second part of this title. Tomorrow I will be having a blog party and I'll make it the second I get home from school and it'll last for about a week and a half. You can do whatever you want and trash my house and cause as much destruction as possible as long as you don't break my Bakugans or my glasses or my flute...if you do that I will be mad. :P That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)
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