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MightyBFan25 Blog

One Day Left!!! / There Will Be A Blog Party Tomorrow... :D

Yep...the title's correct...and it actually applies to a few things. :P Tomorrow is gonna be my birthday, the day of my Biology presentation, the day of my Declamation (it got pushed back to Thursday), the day of an epic History test, and the last day of school before Christmas Break!!! :D So...tomorrow's gonna be pretty epic. :P that I've explained the title...let's get on with this blog... :P

Notmuch has really been going on. Everything at home and school has been fine. Everything at BLS has been winding down. Today was overall pretty good. In Biology we just watched some presentations, in Math we took a test on Quadratics...which was ridiculously easy. :P In English some peoples did their Declamations. In History we played Jeopardy to review for the test tomorrow. In Italian we presented our dialogues. And in Latin we did some extra credit stuff to make up for the test yesterday that no one finished...not even me...and I'm AWETHUM at Latin. :P I got home at around 3:30 and did some stuff because I had no homework and now I'm on this site, making a blog. :P Now all I haveta worry about are my Biology presentation on Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and my Declamation which are both tomorrow. The History test will be really easy I think...learning about the five world religions really clicked with me and I understand everything about that perfectly...which is wierd because History is the one subject where I usually feel like an idiot and nothing makes sense but I miraculously manage to get a B+. :P And after tomorrow I will be on Christmas Break!!! :D

Now...tomorrow's gonna be really good and bad...for a few reasons. :P I mean...I have two presentations tomorrow and an epic History test which kinda sucks. And I haveta get all dressed up for my Declamation which is annoying because I can't stand getting all dressed up and I know all my friends who are tomboys are gonna let me have it because all this week and last week when they have had to declaim all I've been doing is laughing at them and stuff. :P So...I kinda deserve I don't mind that...but getting all dressed up sucks...and having your friends torture you (even though it is just jokingly) doesn't help. :lol: :P But...tomorrow is also my birthday, the last day of school before Christmas break, and we're gonna be having Christmas parties in half of my classes. :D Oh, and the term closes as I don't need to worry about screwing up my grades and not getting Approbation With Distinction after tomorrow. :P I honestly can't wait for tomorrow's gonna be AWETHUM no matter what in my opinion...and I'm usually rather optimistic and I plan on staying that way. :P

Oh, and I never got to the second part of this title. Tomorrow I will be having a blog party and I'll make it the second I get home from school and it'll last for about a week and a half. You can do whatever you want and trash my house and cause as much destruction as possible as long as you don't break my Bakugans or my glasses or my flute...if you do that I will be mad. :P That's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

It's Snowing For The First Time This Winter... :D

Yep...the title's correct...right now it is snowing for the first time in Boston this winter and I'm really happy about that! :D I's just an inch or two so we won't have a snow day (the lucky peoples from Cape Cod get one though! :P ) but at least it's snowing. :D But all this is doing is getting me even more excited for my birthday on Thursday and Christmas on Saturday which I don't need because I'm already excited enough as it is. :P's just a few days away and I only have three days of school left before I go on Christmas Break. :D Now let's get on with this blog and hopefully it won't be THAT long. :lol: :P But if it just love reading these things so much, don't you? :twisted: :P Yeah...I don't think so. :P But you're in my world now so you must read this blog. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P

Today school was pretty good. Nothing that special really happened aside from one thing but I'll get to that later. In Band Ms. Dougherty was actually happy with our preformance and congradulated us today and we got a new song called The Maelstrom (I probably spelled that wrong. :P ) and I personally like the way it sounds. And even though it's more of a fast-paced, high-energy song, it has this almost raging emotion behind it which I like. :P I's hard to get in an angry mindset while playing the flute but I can and when I'm in that mindset and I have that music and my flute ready to go...I suggest you don't mess with me. :twisted: :P In Math we're reviewing stuff about Quadratics which is really easy. :P In Latin we had a lesson on the story of the last king of Rome, Tarquinus Superbus. In Biology we had a test on genetics that everyone said was ridiculously hard on but I know I got an A on it. I loved learning about's interesting and it's all organized and math...which I'm really good at. :P In Italian we had a vocabulary quiz and we're working on making a dialogue to present to the class on Wednesday. In English some people declaimed today and they did one in particular did exceptionally well in my opinion. :P And in History we watched a movie about Islam and it's impact on was boring but's better than reading that crap from a textbook. :P Then I got home and I didn't have that much homework at I did it and was done before 4. Then I just practiced The Maelstrom on flute for a while and watched some TV and now I'm on this site...making a blog. :P

By the my last blog I mentioned that when I got to my mom's place I was probably gonna snap and go play in the mud. :P Well...I actually managed to not do that and I'm gonna wait a little longer...I know I can live without it for more than a month now...which is good I guess...but I just think it's strange because I didn't think that I'd last for more than a week. :P And don't worry...staying away from mud puddles hasn't turned me into some snobby girly-girl so don't worry about that. :P That'll never happen unless I'm epicly pranking you. :twisted: :P But I think I'm gonna end this before my birthday just because I've already proven to myself that I can live without playing in the mud and that's good enough for me. :P Oh, and I was thinking of some way to epic prank you all again on some of my blogs but nothing that I can think of can top the epicness of my epic prank when I was faking quitting being a tom-boy forever. :P Oh well...I'll come up with something...but first on the agenda is the epic prank to get back at my older cousin on Christmas! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

Now getting to this strange thing today. Well...I'm not gonna get into too much detail talking about this because I honestly feel a little awkward and embarrassed to mention it but there's this girl in my History class (You can probably already see where this is going...considering everything about me...) and she's really nice and all but I actually never knew her before this year and she hasn't talked to me once all year until last week and now she is and she's from East Boston (which is really nice because not many people at BLS are from Eastie...and I am from East Boston so it's nice to know other kids from the same part of Boston as you) and we're talking with each other after History class and she moved to my table for lunch and we have taken the train home a few times and you would think: "Okay, this is just another new friend...that's nice." but I seems kinda wierd because it's not likea usual friendship and I think she's either being put up by some of those popular jerky kids to mess with my head OR she really is sincerely being nice but is mistaking me as a lesbian and even though right now we're just just seems awkward and I can see where this is going and I don't like the idea of it. But...I'm gonna just see what happens. I don't wanna really talk about this too much though and if you do plan on commenting about this in this blog...please don't say anything ridiculously mean.

That's about all I haveta say in this blog. Tomorrow I probably won't be able to go online too much...I'm gonna be kinda busy with school was just a laid back day which hardly ever happens at BLS. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

How The Holiday Concert Went...

I was meaning to make this blog on Saturday or on Friday night but by the time I got home on Friday I was exhausted from the concert and on Saturday I was too lazy to really do anything. :P But...anyways...the Holiday Concert was on Friday and all the bands at BLS preform along with some of the chorus groups and it went pretty good. The Band I'm in (Junior Band) played The First Noel, An Irish Rhapsody, and The Magnificent Seven Theme. We did really good I guess and I'm so happy because we worked so hard with all those rehearsals and all that practicing and that takes a lot of comitment. :D AND...for the Magnificent Seven theme Mr. Harper (Our old music teacher) came to watch us preform and the concert was dedicated to him. :D AND...he came up and conducted our last song...and he took it slightly above normal tempo but we did really good and we played it at that tempo with no problem. :D I was so happy to see Mr. Harper again because I really missed him...along with pretty much everyone else in band. :P And the head of the music department even gave Mr. Harper a silver baton to conduct us with but he didn't use it at all...he never did conduct us with a baton. :P It was a little sad though because that'll probably be the last time that we'll ever see him and it's the last time that I'll havea good band conductor until I'm a Junior and I'll be in the Symphonic Band. :P But...overall it went really good and I was pleased with the results. :D I can only imagine how good we'll be come time for the Spring Concert... :D And it's even better because us Woodwind players did reallygood despite everything with Mr. Dougherty hating woodwind players. :D So...we showed her that we're just as good as everyone else and that we care just as much as everyone else. :D So...haha...we showed her! :twisted: :P Oh, and when the music from the concert gets uploaded to I'll put the links for it on one of my blogs so you can see how good we really are. :D And uh...yeah...that's about it. :P

Everything at school and at home's been going pretty good now. :P With school all I haveta worry about now are a few term tests, my Biology presentation about Osteogenesis Imperfecta, and my Declamation and then I get outta school on Thursday (my birthday) and then I can enjoy my Christmas Break! :D So...I'm almost there. :P And so far everything today's been pretty good. I haven't really done much besides go online, watch TV, read some comics, and do a little writing. :P In about two hours I'm going home to my mom's place but I'm not too upset and I don't dread it anymore like I used to because lately my mom's been kinda sorta nice to me and well...there's no fighting or anything and I'm hoping that it stays that way. :P I'm not planning on doing much else for the rest of my day. :P I just can't wait for my birthday, Christmas, and Christmas all comes at once so it really is epic. :D That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph... :P

PLEASE READ THIS PART IF YOU PLAN ON IGNORING EVERYTHING ELSE IN THIS BLOG: Okay...I will be having a blog party starting on December 23rd. :P Why...? :P Because it's my birthday. And it'll last for about a week (maybe a few days extra...I dunno... :P ) and it'll be for the purpose of celebrating my birthday (I'll be turning 15), Christmas Eve, Christmas, and Christmas break. :D So...yeah...just show up even if you don't normally comment on my blogs. :P Just remember to not forget about that. :P And bring destructive are free to trash my place and cause as much destruction as possible as long as you don't break my Bakugans. :twisted: :P

By the way...I think I mentioned this in my last blog but for that time that I was depressed because of the issue with my dad (this was a few weeks ago) I realized that I didn't play in the mud at all and that I probably could live without it for a certain amount of time so after that I decided to see just how long I can last without playing in the mud. :P It's actually been going pretty well...I've lasted about two weeks but I know that I'm probably gonna snap before my birthday...I honestly feel like I'm gonna snap today. :P Later today when I get back to my mom's place I probably will end up playing in the mud (I've technically lasted a month without that...the two weeks that I was depressed and did nothing evil and then two more weeks where I've actually had to fight off this urge. :P ) later today...and then I'll start thinking of evil ways to get back at my older cousin on Christmas. :twisted: :P If you care I'll make and EDIT in this blog and tell you what happened...but I'm sure you know what's gonna happen. :lol: :P I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Today's Been The First Non-Insane Day Of School In A While... :P

Yeah...for the past few weeks it's been kinda sorta insane at my school with all the work and projects and tests and everything but now everything's beginning to calm down and for the first time in a while I'm done with all my work for today before 6 and I have enough time to make a blog. :D It's kinda wierd...I haven't made a blog in the middle of a week for a while. :P Well...I might as well get on with how life's been since the last time I made a blog... :P

Like I already said, everything at school's beginning to calm down and I have all my projects and studying and homework and everything else under control. All I really haveta worry about is the Holiday Concert which is tomorrow, my Biology presentation on the genetic disorder Osteogenesis Imperfecta on Monday, and my Declamation on Wednesday...along with all my homework and studying...of course. :P Then I get outta school on Thursday (my birthday) and I can finally enjoy myself! :D So...of course I'm in a ridiculously happy mood right now. :D Everything at home's been fine and nothing like the issue with my dad about three weeks ago has been brought up or mentioned or anything. Now let's get on with my day... :P

My day was pretty good...nothing crazy or wierd or interesting happened really. :P I finished all my homework at around 5:30 and now I'm making a blog. :P After this I plan on doing nothing for the remainder of my day...I'll probably just be watching TV or taking a nap...I am ridiculously tired. :P Oh, and in Latin class today my group finally presented the story of Servius Tullius, the sixth king of Rome, to the class and our group was the group with the least amount of people, we had the most complex grammatical stuff to work with, and our story was the longest...but we did AWETHUM!!!!! :D Ms. Foley even said that and said that despite all that we did a really good job...and hearing that from my Latin teacher really means a have no idea how happy that made me. :D That's about all I haveta say about my day... :P

One other thing that I would like to mention is...NAT AND CAT WON THE AMAZING RACE!!!!! :D I was watching it on Sunday night and I REALLY wanted Nat and Cat to win but I also woulda been happy if Brooke and Claire won because with either of those possibilities an all-female team would have won the Amazing Race for the first time ever...but when Nat and Cat crossed the finish line I'm sure the neighbours like 20 houses down coulda heard me screaming. :lol: :P After they won my mom just made me go to bed...probably knowing that that'd get me to shut up. :P Well...they won with their superiorintellectual abilities and PHD's...just like I said they would. :D I wanted Nat and Cat to win from the beginning because they were an all-female team and they are both doctors. :P

Yesterday in school we had to fill out Teacher Evaluation forms in every class for about 10 minutes which was so boring but I'm hoping that it'll change some things for the better in my classes...ESPECIALLY Band...but I'm not counting on anything in that class because Ms. Dougherty is stupid and probably won't be able to interpret the constructive criticism. :P And in Italian class while we were in the middle of filling out these forms my Italian teacher, Mr. Forina, said that when I was done filling out my form I need to talk to him. And I was nervous, thinking that I was somehow in trouble even though I didn't do anything. Then I passed in my form and walked up to his desk and he was flipping through his copy of our Italian textbooks and I was then thinking that maybe I failed a test and he wanted to point out something with me and have me stay after school for extra help (highly illogical...I know...I'm about half-Italian, and good at Latin so Italian should just come. :P And I AM good at Italian so I dunno what the heck I was thinking at the time. :P ) but he flipped to one page at the end of Lezione Sei (lesson 6) and there was some picture of an Italian girl riding a moped and he said: "See the resemblance?". And honestly...maybe looked like girl in the book did look like me minus the glasses but ah...not really. :P Then I just kinda laughed and went back to my seat and that was that. :P

Okay...I'm ALMOST done making this blog. :P I'm just doing this to torture you, aren't I? :twisted: :P Well...maybe not...but it seems that way. :P English we're reading the play "A Raisin In The Sun" and it's pretty good and for the beginning of the novel my favorite character was Beneatha who is basically this young woman who's going tocollege and plans on going to Medical School and becoming a doctor and she's pretty cocky and full of herself but takes pride in her intellect and loves throwing her intelligence around the can see why I'd like that kinda character in the novel. :P Well...after her friend, Mr. Asagai, comes to visit her (He's from Africa by the way) and calls her an assimilationist of her African culture and gives her these African clothes and then leaves, Beneatha goes through this whole identity crisis thing and trying to prove that she's not an assimilationist and whatnot and it's just annoying in my opinion because now she's just a stupid annoying character who's weak-minded and actually gives a crap about what people thing of her. least it's just a play... :P

RANDOM QUESTION: (I'm almost done with this blog, by the way. :P ) Do you think I should have a blog party starting on December 23rd (My Birthday) and it'll last throughout Christmas Eve, Christmas, and a few days after that? I personally think it's an AWETHUM idea but I won't do it if no one will comment so I figure the smart decision would be to ask ahead of time.

And this is the end of my ridiculously long blog. :P I hope you enjoyed reading it and if you're one of the people who comes on The Mighty B! forums to constantly bash the show and just randomly decided to read this because you checked out my profile page because you wanted to read it for the heck of it for some odd reason, I hope you hated reading this blog and go bye-bye and don't post on here. :P one who comments on my blogs does that. :D Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Finally Feeling A Lot Better... :D

Yeah...I'm finally feeling a lot better. It seems like everything's been patched up or worked out and now I'm fine. :D Everything's worked out with my dad now and I went there for the weekend for the first time in two weeks. Everything else at home is fine. All my big projects for school are taken care the first time in a while it seems like everything went well. :P And now I'm back to my usual self...not all depressed spending all my free time in my room playing the flute, writing, and drawing. Even though I like doing gets boring. :P And I don't feel like using up all my creativity so quickly. :P But anyways...I'll get on with this blog. :P

Like I already said...everything at home is fine and everything at school is fine. I just have some term tests and projects, my declamation and the Holiday Concert and that's about it. I just have two weeks of school left until Christmas break. :D And...two days before Christmas just so happens to be my birthday which I can't wait for either. :D So...those are my motivations to do good at school. And I'm on track to getting Approbation With Distinction (All A's) for my first time ever at BLS! :D I've always missed it by a B+ or two in History and some other subject but I have an A in History and I've maintained all my other grades. :D But...for the next two weeks I'll be fairly busy so I probably won't be able to go on this site as much as I would like to...but I can all but promise that I'll make a blog every day during Christmas break. :P I'm just glad that I'm feeling a lot better now and back to my usual self. And it felt good in Band to finally play some music just for the sake of playing and not to vent. And I'm gonna forget about that issue with my dad and move on.

The weekend at my dad's place has been pretty good...and even though I haven't bothered to mention this to my dad he has seemed to be a lot nicer to me so far. I dad usually is very nice...but nicer than he's going out of his way to do it. I didn't do much during the weekend...I just slept, watched TV, went much nothing productive. :P I was outside a lot yesterday but today it's rainy and cold outside so if anything I'll probably just go for a walk...I don't feel like catching a cold...I already feel like I'm coming down with something. :P At around 5 I'm probably gonna go back to my mom's place and then do nothing until 8. Then the Amazing Race Season Finale is gonna air and I can't wait to see it! :D Even if you haven't been keeping up with it just watch it and hope that either Brooke and Claire or Nat and Cat win because one of them could possibly be the first ever all female team to win the Amazing Race!!! :D I REALLY want Nat and Cat to win because they're both doctors and how could I possibly go against two people who have the profession that I want to have when I grow up...? :P So...yeah...just watch it when it's on. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P One thing that I've noticed is that for the past two weeks when I wasn't feeling too happy I didn't go outside that much and I didn't play in the mud at all...for two weeks! If I could live without that for two weeks...I'm gonna see just how long I can live without playing in the mud. So...don't's nothing major...I just wanna see for myself how long I can last without playing in the mud. :P Of course...I haveta tell my family that if I start to act like a complete snob for some odd reason that they have a right to throw me in a mud puddle...but I doubt that'll happen...the only time I've ever acted like a snob was during my epic prank...and that was just acting on my part. :lol: :P That's about it. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

I'm Hoping This Blog Won't Be Ridiculously Long But It Probably Will Be... :P

Yeah...I don't feel like typing for a long time at the moment but it seems like the second I come on this site and start making a blog I just keep finding stuff to talk about and then my blogs end up ridiculously long. :P I honestly can't help it...I wish I could but I'll try to make this blog as short as I can...which will still probably be pretty long. :P Well...I might as well start making this blog and stop talking about nothing. :P

My week at school was overall pretty good. Overall it wasn't too stressful and I didn't have too much work but I am starting to get assigned a fair amount of projects. I have a Latin project and a Biology project to worry about now and if you wanna know what I have to do exactly you can ask in the comments of this blog and I'll be glad to answer but I won't talk about them if no one cares. :P The Latin project is due on Monday and the Biology one isn't due until about two weeks from now but I'm starting that one. I'm just really stressed out about the Latin project but everything's under control and it's almost ready. Everything at home's been fine for the most part. I'm at my mom's place again this weekend and I'm gonna call my dad on Sunday morning and we're gonna try to talk things out and HOPEFULLY that will go over well...and if not...uh...I think I would have just lost the relationship I have with my dad. So...I'm kinda nervous and I hope that he won't be a complete jerk and yell at me and if he does I'm not even gonna bother working things out because it won't be worth it. I'd rather not bother with more verbal fighting...I can't stand fighting. But...hopefully that won't happen and everything will be fine. I'm usually an optimist so I'm gonna hope for the best, prepare for the worst and see what the heck happens. I don't have much else to say in this paragraph.

The new Mighty B! episodes aired this week as well and I saw all of them. They were all AWETHUM but my favorites were O Brother, What Art Thou and Stuffed Happens...they were epic. But I also loved It's My Way Or The Bee Way and Children Of The seemed like in those episodes Bessie finally had the guts to stand up to Portia and Gwen. In the first one Bessie was competing with Portia and actually had the guts to say some not-so-nice stuff to her for once (I mean...she has before...but not like that). And in the second one Gwen actually kinda betrayed Portia and teamed up with Bessie to find proof of unicorns and they were both doing it to spite Portia pretty much...and Bessie and Gwen got in a small fight and that was pretty epic in my opinion. But they were all definately worth watching. :D And I loved Old Bee And The Sea because those fish that captured Penny were supposed to be Italian and they were acting like they were part of the Mafia and it was hilarious...I mean...I'm about half Italian but I don't take offense to stereotypes and it was really funny. :P If you didn't see those episodes you needs to see them.

That's about all I haveta say right now. So far I haven't really done much with myself today. I'm still kinda depressed about the whole issue with my dad and I'm pretty stressed out with school and I think I'm starting to come down with something...I feel kinda sick. It's probably stress related. I'll probably just be in my room playing the flute or reading a book or listening to music for the rest of the day. So...yeah...I'm not acting like myself right now but I'm mind's just all over the place but don't worry...I'm okay. I don't have much else to say in this blog and I'm sorry that it's ridiculously long. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

I've Just Lost All Respect For My Dad...

Yeah...the title's right...I've just lost all respect for my dad. I SHOULD be at his place for the weekend but right now I'm at my mom's place...even though my dad picked me up on Friday afternoon. It's a long story and I'd rather not get into it but basically me and my dad got into a huge argument because my dad thinks that I was "disrespecting him" and yeah...I probably was a little rude and disrespectful on my part but to be dad was being very inconsiderate on his part and wouldn't listen to my reasoning at all and was just yelling at me. And the second he raised his voice to me I just couldn't stand it anymore...I can't stand fighting...verbal or physical (it was just a verbal fight) and I just lost all respect for him because a good parent should be able to talk things out with their kids instead of just yelling at them. I have no respect for anyone (even my dad) if they're gonna yell at me or put their hands on me. Yes...I was probably acting like a jerk to a certain degree...but he never bothered to stop and talk to me and hear what I was thinking or get to the bottom of things and that's what every good parent should do in my opinion. It was over something very stupid too...and then it got worse...I'm not gonna say what it was about though...I don't wanna even think about this. So at around noon I packed up all my stuff (all my clothes and my flute and all that stuff...very very heavy for a wimpy nerd like me. :P ) and walked to my mom's place. I got there at around 1 and that was that. It was a pretty long walk...and it was kinda cold even though I was dressed was still kinda cold and by the time I got home my chest felt really tightened up and it was very painful...but...I'm at my mom's place now and I'm fine. When I got here I just kinda I would at my old school if I escaped from a bunch of bullies without getting hurt at all...which hardly ever happened by the way. :P So...I just wanna forget about that and I'm not going to my dad's place next weekend of the weekend after that or the weekend after that until he apologizes. And I know it's not like me to hold a grudge like this...but honestly...after all that...I think I absolutely have a right to hold a grudge against my dad. So...I'm just gonna forget about him until he realizes that he's the one at fault and that I deserve an apology. And uh...sorry about this rant everyone...I just had to vent...and I don't wanna really talk about this anymore...I'm fine and this is a problem that I need to work out with my family.

Other than that my day's been pretty good so far. :D It was very nice of my mom to let me stay here this weekend and any weekend after this one until everything's better again. I mean...she didn't haveta do that...she coulda just let me stay at my dad's place but she let me come back which I thought was very nice on her part. Maybe my mom doesn't hate me as much as I think she does...but I'll try to behave better to thank her until things blow over with my dad. I've spent most of the day since that just watching TV or going online...and I've spent some time writing angry song lyrics that I plan to turn into flute music tomorrow. And now I'm on this site...making a blog. :P I'm not gonna go outside today's kinda cold outside (and if I'm must be REALLYcold outside...because I'm hardly ever cold) and I don't want my chest to get all tightened up again...that was one of the most painful things I've ever felt...and I got bullied at my old school for about three years or so. So uh...yeah...that's all I haveta say about today... :P

Oh, and on Friday when those snobby relatives came over it was HORRIBLE and I hated it! :P Oh, and apparently my older cousin gave my mom a pink skirt and told her to tell me to wear it on Friday! So...of course I didn't wear it...I have nightmares about that kinda crap! :P I just threw it in the back of my closet and called me older cousin to have a word with her. :twisted: :P Of course when she knew it was me she was laughing and said that that was the prank she played on someone on Thanksgiving and that's why she wasn't as disappointed as me when the prank on her mom failed...she had a prank to play on me. Of she's gonna get it on Christmas...calling me a stereotypical flute player and then making my mom tell me to wear a pink skirt. :twisted: :P least I didn't haveta wear that stupid thing...I'd feel so girly in that's bad enough at my old school we had to wear a uniform (it was a private Catholic school...sowe had to wear dress shirts, plaid jumpers, dress shoes, and those stupid knee socks and I hated it. :P )...I felt ridiculously stupid wearing that thing every was so girly. :P If I ever did haveta wear something like that I'd probably either be thinking of plans to kill myself afterwards or plan on playing in the mud every day for like a month...probably the second one. :twisted: :P Anyways...the relatives that came over were so boring and uptight and snobby and I personally hated them. It was pretty normal and boring so I don't have much to complain was just boring and my mom wouldn't let me go outside to play in the mud! :P Oh well... :P

I don't have much else to say about my day. When I'm done typing this blog I'm gonna go in my room and start imagining what my perfect world would be like...I've already started working on that on my walk to my mom's place (Oh...and I had to walk to my mom's place because my dad kicked me out and refused to drive me home). That's about it...I'm dreading going back to school on Monday because I'm gonna get slammed with term projects and declamations and it's gonna be insane. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

I Know It's A Day Late But... :P

...I hope everyone on this site had an AWETHUM Thanksgiving!!! :D It's a day late...I was gonna make a blog yesterday...but I got home at around 9 and then I just went into my bedroom and fell asleep...I was gonna make a blog when I got home...but I was tired by that time. :P Sorry about that...hehe. :P Thanksgiving was pretty good...nothing too crazy happened...for once. :P I family went to my great grandmother's house at around noon and me and my little brother just wnet downstairs to play some card game and stuff for a while...just to get away from the snobby adults upstairs (mainly because they're snobs but also because most of them were smoking cigarettes...which I can not stand). Then at around 1 my older cousin (You of the very few AWETHUM older females in my family... :P ) came over and then we were just talking to each other for a while and we had a pretty good conversation...I won't say what we talked about though...mainly because it was more personal stuff. :P Then more of our family members came my two little cousins came downstairs and then we were playing for a while...mainly card games and Bakugan battles and then some occasional roughhousing...which I honestly don't mind...I enjoy stuff like long as it's not with malicious intent and no one gets hurt...which is why I can't stand bullies. :P Then after that me and my older cousin planned a prank to play on her mom (cuz we epicly pranked my mom last time we did something like's always a prank on one of our parents or an epic prank war... :P ) didn't work for some odd reason which was rather pranks ALWAYS work!!! :twisted: :P But...I could've just been bad luck...or maybe I've lost my evil-ness...but I think it was just a bad day. :P I'd NEVER lose my evil-ness! :twisted: :P After that epic fail it was time for dinner which was very good. :D I'd describe it but I don't wanna think about food for a month... :P Then I decided to play a few songs on my flute for everyone which was good...everyone liked it...they better...I'm an AWETHUM flute player and a lot of peoples hate me for being a tomboy and the flute is one of the few girly things that I do...but even then...I don't consider playing the flute girly...I enjoy it so it can't be. :P Then I just went upstairs to watch some of the football game on TV and to play with my nana's cat, Oreo. He got a lot bigger since the 4th of July...and he enjoyed playing with me for some odd reason. :P I dunno why but animals have always loved me...I dunno why...maybe it's just that I like animals and they can sense that or something but I just find that rather odd...I guess animals know who's really a good person and who isn't...most animals hate my mom. :lol: :P Then I just played some card games with a few of my cousins and then my older cousin wanted to get on my nerves because of the flute concert thingy (you can probably guess what she said. :P )...but by that time it was about 8 and time for me to go so I said I'd make her pay for that on Christmas. :twisted: :P He he he! :twisted: :P I dunno what I'll do...but don't worry...I'll think of something...I haveta do something epicly evil to anyone who calls me a stereotypical flute player!!! :twisted: :P Then we went home and I got there and unpacked my stuff at around 9 and then I went to bed. :P It was a pretty good day overall. :D

Now I really really REALLY wish my older cousin was at my house today!!! A few snobby relatives on my mom's side of the family are coming over and one of them just had twins and I can't stand hearing babies cry and I can't stand snobby peoples! And I'm sure you're thinking: "You have a younger should be used to it." little brother was actually a very quiet baby...thank God too! :P But...since I know that if I'm around them for more than five minutes I'll probably be ready to kill myself...I'm gonna spend that time in my room reading some comics and working on an ultimate Sub-Terra Bakugan deck and blasting my iPod so I don't haveta hear anything. :P day's gonna be enjoyable until about 2 when they come over...then I'm gonna go in my room for a while and then my dad's coming to pick up me and my little brother at around 5 or 6. :D Other than that nothing too special's going on today so I don't have much else to say. :P

But before I end this blog I just wanna say why I don't like snobby peoples.'s probably obvious but I mean...they're just so uptight and boring and never wanna have any fun or do anything interesting or exciting and I only get to live once...why wouldn't you wanna make the most of it and have some fun and throw caution to the wind every once in a while...? And I'm serious about this. It just annoys me that they thing they're above having fun and think it's childish and immature. And in my opinion they're just throwing their lives away...because pretty much no one in my entire family really is the least you can do is live life to the fullest...which they refuse to do. I mean...I would hate to grow up and look back and regret the fact that I never enjoyed myself or had any fun being a kid...that would be very sad in my opinion. And I'm not sure if I'm saying this and have this viewpoint just because of the way that I am...or maybe it has something to do with the fact that I enjoy myself every day...or maybe it has something to do with the fact that I wasn't technically supposed to be born...but I personally feel this one else has to agree with me...but I just felt like mentioning why I felt that way about most of my family members who are very uptight and snobby. And they're also very annoying and hate me and I'll never ever get along with them. :P There's a bunch of other things like this that I can't stand either...but I won't get into that...I could go on and on about this kinda stuff all day...but I don't feel like typing all day long. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P One thing that I'm really glad about is that I wasn't born a long time ago when women had almost no rights...I probably woulda been driven mentally insane by this point...I actually had a dream about that a few nights ago and it was very scary and I hated it. :P That's about it...arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Today Was The Most Pointless But Best Day Ever... :P

Yeah...the title's was the most pointless day of school ever but also the best day of school ever. :D :P may ask. :P was spirit day at my school and it was a half day so we only have three classes and then we get dismissed at 10:33 exactly. :P I had English and all we did was watch a movie. Then I had History and we played this game called " Two Truths And A Lie" and I stumped everyone when it was my turn. :twisted: :P one in my History class besides me is in Band and they all know that I take an instrument but never bother to ask which one so I never bother so say which. :P lie was that I play the clarinet. They all thought that that one was true and that one of my truths (That I got an A+ term one in Algebra 2 without even really trying. :P ) was the lie. :P Hahahah! :P I fooled all of them. :twisted: :P Then I had PE...and we always have that class in the upper gymnasium...but the upper gymnasium was taken up during first and third periodfor the pep PE class had no where to go for class so our teacher just let us see the pep rally. :D It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D ESPECIALLY because I'm a ninth grader and I'm technically not allowed to see the pep rally until next year...hehe. :P So...that made it even better and alot of my friends were pretty jealous...and they should be because the pep rally was AWETHUM!!! :D I mean...the football band was there playing, the members of multiple organizations and sports teams were there, the cheerleaders preformed, and the step squad preformed...along with a bunch of speeches and what not. :P was pretty good overall and I enjoyed it. :D And uh...just to let you know...before you think that I'm the kinda person who's against school pride and stuff...I'm not...I'm completely for least...ever since I've come to BLS. I mean...ever since my first day there in the seventh grade I took pride in being a student there and being part of the band (my old school never even had a band! :P ) and doing good there and I've always been proud to say that I'm at Boston Latin School student and I'm kicking a** there. :P've probably noticed that just by the fact that I always talk about school in my blogs and brag about how smarticle I am and that I play the flute and stuff. :P That's about all I haveta say in this paragraph... :P

So...I got home at around 11:30 and so far I've been doing nothing special. :P Just working on this Italian dialogue that's due on and my partner have everything written out...we just need to make a few grammatical corrections, memorize it, and present it on Monday. :D The only thing that I hated about the whole thing is the dialogue has to be all about fashion because our books have an entire lesson mainly about fashion in Italy. :P Well...after the dialogue...a lot of prissy girls in my Italian class are gonna hate me and my partner. :lol: :P Oh well... :P Later today I'm probably just gonna watch TV, go online, practice the flute, read some comics, and probably go outside for a's nice out...and I would go play in the mud as well but I just have a feeling that if I go outside and play in the mud I'll get sick...I dunno why...but I should listen to my instincts. :P Oh, and I just wanna mention that I'm also really happy with Band now. :D We're playing this song in Band called "The Magnificent Seven" which is a song that Mr. Harper would ALWAYS have his Junior Band play during the Holiday Concert so the song's gonna be to honor him and out band and the Symphonic Band's gonna be playing. :D AND...Mr. Harper's gonna conduct it!!!!! :D WOO HOO!!!!! :D FINALLY!!! :DA good conductor for a least one song! :P And Ms. Dougherty will be playing the flute in that song! :lol: :P She was playing along with us during the sectional and she was HORRIBLE!!! :lol: :P She was so outta pitch...WAY too sharp! :P AND...and she fell behind the test of the band because she couldn't count the long rests correctly! :P Hahahah! :P And her fingers were like a mile away from the keys...and her posture was horrible. :P And she's the one that's been cracking down on us flute players for having poor posture (which is annoying because I have poor posture no matter what...I always slouch...and posture's not that important in my opinion with the flute...I would be if I was playing the trumpet probably...but not the flute. :P ) and always says that we should keep our fingers closer to the keys for when the music gets faster and more complex. :P Mr. Harper woulda killed her if she saw Ms. Dougherty playing the way she was. :twisted: :P I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT!!! :twisted: :P Yes...I am somewhat sadistic at times... :P That's about it... :P

Tomorrow I'm going to my great-grandmother's place along with most of my family for Thanksgiving which should be good. My AWETHUM older cousin's gonna be there so I'll have someone to talk to for a while and to help me pull some kinda epic prank on my mom...unless we're too busy doing something else...and that always happens. :P And then on Friday a few snobby relatives on my mom's side of the family are visiting and that's gonna be annoying. I'll probably just spend that time in my room drawing pictures of Bakugan and dragons and stuff... :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)

Wow...This Is The First Blog I've Made All Week... :P is...which it a little shocking considering the fact that I always make blogs all the time and they're always ridiculously long because I always have a lot to say. :P least today's Saturday and I finally have some time to make a blog. :P Now I can torture you all with my talking on and on about absolutely nothing! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P But this blog probably will end up absolutely torturing you so if you don't plan on reading it just comment and pretend you actually did. :lol: :P getting on with this blog... :P

I don't have much to really say about my week...nothing special really happened. :P It was just a normal week in which I was ridiculously busy. :P Today's been okay so far. The only horrible thing is that I missed the two new Mighty B! episodes because I had an eye doctor's appointment. And I had the TV set up so that the episodes would be recorded for when I got back...but for the past few days random power outages have been happening around where my dad lives and one happened right before 11 and then the settings reset and the episode never recorded and I'm so p***ed off right now. But ah...I guess I shouldn't be...they'll air again on NN...HOPEFULLY...and if not I'll buy the episodes when they come on iTunes and watch them then. It's just annoying that the one time I actually wanna record a TV program something stupid has to happen. :P Other than that I slept until about 10, went for my eye doctor's appointment, that at around 1 I had to go to the dentist (even though I went there a few weeks ago) to get the last of my teeth sealed so now that's taken care of. I feel fine by the teeth don't hurt at all. :P And my eyes are fine too...they pretty much stayed the same...ever since I've had glasses my eyes have only gotten slightly better every year...never anything I'll probably wear glasses all my life...unless I want contacts...which I don't because glasses are AWETHUM and contacts sound painful. :P Then I got home, did some unproductive stuff and now I'l typing this blog. :P Later today I'm probably just gonna read a book, practice the flute for a while (I don't need to but I'm trying to play the piano part of the "Requiem For A Dream" theme on flute perfectly cuz I can. :P ), and then since it's nice outside I might go to the park...hopefully on the way there I won't run into anyone I know...because usually when that happens it's not one of my friends...just a bully. :P I don't have much else to say about my day. :P Right now I'm just kinda bored and I don't know what to do with myself besides what I just mentioned... :P Usually that's bad when I'm left with nothing to do...that's when I do evil, stupid things. :twisted: :P Oh, and tomorrow I'm going to a comic book convention. :D Not ComicCon...another one...not a big and well known...but I like the less crowded ones better. :P

This is random but sometimes I really feel like my life could be made into a TV show. :P I mean really...think about it and how cliche my life seems at times. Have you thought about it yet...? How about now...? Now...? have...? So you probably have noticed that, huh...? Well...I honestly think that at times. :P I my old school I was pretty much that smart, quiet nerdy kid who had my head buried in books all the time to avoid talking to people outside of my small group of friends and I was always bullied and made fun of and whatnot. Then I go to BLS and I meet a bunch of friends and fit in a lot better there and realize that I actually have social skills but I just never had anyone nice to socialize with at my old school. I get good grades there and everything's fine at school. But at home my parents are divorced and I live with my mom who I absolutely hate because she doesn't accept me for who I am and I pretty much do everything in my power to spite her and torture her and her snobby friends. And in Band at school I used to have this AWETHUM music teacher and then he retired and we're left with this evil music teacher who hates all woodwind players like me because I play the flute and soon to learn how to play the piccolo. So...just think about that for a while...doesn't all of that seem very cliche...? :P And all those scary lucid dreams that I have and my plans for when I grow up and whatnot. And some other things. Wierd, huh...? :P And I've just began to notice this too. Well...I can't help least my life's interesting...hehe. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can only imagine if I had a twin sister though...(I actually was supposed to but she died before she was born...if that makes sense)...that would've went one of two ways. She probably woulda either been a tomboy like me and we'd be twice as worse when it came to torturing my mom and we probably woulda been good rivals when it came to academics...or she woulda been a girly-girl and we'd be at each other's throats all the time constantly arguing and stuff. :P Either way I probably woulda enjoyed that...even the second one...I probably woulda enjoyed that way more actually...I love getting on prissy girls' nerves and making them hate me. :twisted: :P It's so funny. :P Oh well. Arrivederci. -MightyBFan25 (Alicia)