I actually liked Zidane.
MischiefmAker's forum posts
I have yet to play it, but considering the developer, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if it has this year's best story.
honestly i like them both the same. if they wanna make a lego version, then more power to them. i just hate when people start a rock band vs guitar hero war. theyre pretty much the same. it just depends which songs you like more. starwarsjunky
This is truth.
I actually don't see how you can be offended by the Track Packs. Like others have said, they're basically just an alternative to DLC. Harmonix started them to give PS2 and Wii owners more songs (since RB1 on the Wii didn't have DLC). I think it's even supposed to be somewhat cheaper to get them in Track Packs then individually too (though I'm not sure about that). They're not even advertised and sell for only $30, hardly full-fledged titles.
But, then again, this entire thread was started by somebody wo took offense to Lego in Rock Band.
With all this talk of not being able to pause in Demon's Souls, am I the only one reminded of the scene in Southpark of the boys playing when when Cartman yells, "Mom! Bathroom!"
Oh, so the idea is to make it a kid's Rock Band. I've known about this for a long time, never really understood the point of it though. I guess it should have been obvious...
Well, at least I can say I was never offended by it. :P
Actually, though it's another game I haven't played, I'd like to see Sega take another shot at Samba de Amigo with M+, since it's only real problem was said to be the inaccuracy of the Wiimotes.
That doesn't prove anything
Straight from the article...
"If there is another version in the works out there for another system, we certainly aren't aware of it."
So they're saying AS FAR AS THEY KNOW it's an exclusive.
They have no idea if it is or not
Wow.... you are impossible.edit: Let me elaborate.... first you make post after post saying that this game isn't Wii exclussive WHEN IT CLEARLY IS, even when GI RECOMFIRMED this you still had to disagree with it. You even started a thread on system wars that is just blatant flame bait. Than you start bashing the concept of this game saying it's stupid and Micky is only for todler. Why even make a post about Epic Mickey, is this your latest "hate-bandwagon" game or what?
He keeps it fun though. :P
Actually, if you want to update your Wii console, all you have to do is first go to "Wii" icon in the lower-left hand side. Then go to "Settings". Then go to the third page, and click on "Update Wii System Menu" or somethin' like that. It'll update your console to the newest firmware, and you'll be able to play any game you want.:)
Be cautious, though, because I heard that some Wii consoles become pretty much useless after updating to the current firmware update (4.2). I don't think there's any chance at all that it'll happen to you, but just wanted to warn you:P
He already knows about 4.2, and he doesn't have broadband yet. Give the man some credit. :P
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