Hey guys, I just finished watching a movie called sicko. It shows the health care in the USA and to say the least I am shocked. I knew before the movie that the health care is not free in america but i was shocked what the richest country in the world does to people who cannot afford it. I would recommend you watch the whole movie and here is a little trailer showing the movie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlDAUKSh9CQ
I currently live in England and here there is a free health care for people, free education and many other things that the country provides for their people. I go to college here in england, i don't have to buy anything, I can get free bus pass and free lunch if I cannot afford it. I also get paid by the goverment £30 a week thats about $45 a week to go to college. If I get sick i get free health care and this means I don't have to pay for any medicine or anything and if you work and you get sick you can take weeks of and get paid fully.
Anyway you guys, especially americans need to watch this movie to see how other goverments in europe work and how they actualy care for poor people. In USA they trow you out of the hospital if you are not insured. Man the richest country in the world let people die because they don't have health insurance. I really don't see what americans are so proud of their country, I would personally be ashamed.
Anyway I don't wanna sound like some kinf of anti-american person which I am not but really what are americans so proud of? By the looks of it here in most european countries democracy is leaps and bounds better.
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