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#1 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts


anyone who is in the beta can vouch for the gameplay, powerstrugle is amazingly fun and the game has a solid mp experience, its going to blow people away

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#2 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

[QUOTE="kevy619"]Sad thing is, Halo 3 >>> Bioshock.kevy619

true, bioshock was very dissapoiting.

Honestly though, who doesnt agree that the 3 year old Half-Life 2 still tops any fps on pc? Is Crysis even any fun, I know some people must have played the beta here.

crysis mp is great, my brother is on the beta(i was the one who accuatly got in but hes the one with the new rig =p) and i can say that the game is awsome, looking foward to it

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#3 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

When it comes to the topic of gaming PCs here, there is alot of arguments. Obviously all good gaming PCs dont cost 3000 dollars, but hermits always say you can build one yourself that can run everything for 600 dollars. Im sorry hermits, but the vast majority of people do not know how to build there own PC. Even semi savvy people like me, who have installed RAM and a new graphics card, would be baffled when it comes to choosing a new motherboard and a correct processor for it. You simply can not go out and claim OMG GAMING PC FOR 600 BUCKS.

I did not have to build my xbox 360 myself, so if you are going to talk about gaming pcs, you need to look at prebuilt ones for price, not just post 300$ graphics card off newegg link, 100 dollar ram link, and 200 dollar processor link. It doesnt work that way.



Bestbuy will assemble PCs for you, so failure.

Where in the UK? where for $600?

you don't have a hardware store in the UK? Here on the mainland you can ask any hardware store to build the pc for you and they will. They don't even ask extra money for it.

yep around here if you buy the same parts from the same place the guy will assemble them for free, or if you buy lets say, mobo,ram and a case the guy will put those thogheter for you. without charging

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#4 Mizarus
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Also when you build the computer for the first time, it takes more than an hour. It took me 4 hours when I built one from the ground up for the first time. It's not just snapping the parts together and then pressing power button. There is lot of room for error. My first time problems: 1. Installing the heat sink to the processor. A real hard job, the manual didn't offer any help, I broke a screwdriver on that trying to get those "claws" in the right place. It required more force back then. 2. There was an fsb lock on the motherboard that had to be removed by setting a jumper. 3. Forgot to put the GPU power cable in. My previous GPU's didnt require it. 4. Figuring out from the manual and the small images how those power buttons and leds are connected to the motherboard. 5. Memory stick was not all the way in so the computer wouldn't even start even thought it looked like it was there perfectly. And after the 4 hours of installing parts, begin the operation of installing the operating system and hunting for every last driver. Its not that easy for everyone.Drathyl

but you learned from your mistakes and next time you do it you will do it much faster and better, also vista does a great job automaticly installing Drivers for you, i just needed to install the most recent nvidia driver the rest was installed automaticly, but yeah driver searching can be annoyng, but most of the time you will have a Cd with the driver in it.

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#5 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

well most of the rigs i built, and upgrades i made ive kept my os installed on my hd so its not always that you need to go trough os instalation


How do you keep the OS installed? Are you just swapping out the same parts or are they different manufacturers? I've always had to re-install my OS unless I'm sawppingout the exact same part. I know it's possible but I find it easier to just reformat and perform a fresh install.

it's smarter aswell. With personal experience I've noticed that a fresh install with a new rig is much better than to have to deal with all the internal driver problems you get when transfering your harddrive to your new pc.

yea ive came across driver problems once, but its was easy to fix, and i know its better to have a fresh install but most of my upgrades arent that big to demand a format.

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#6 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

Or... buy something already made. Plug it in. It works. No research. No planning. That's time saved. In my world, time is at a premium.


Time is a premium, yet you find enough time to play extensively? Or is it that you do nothing more than gaming in your life?

Why does it have to be either one extreme or the other? I dont' remember ever saying I play extensively. If you could point out where I said that, I'll correct myself. As you can see, my gamerscore is well below 10k, so I'm behind the 1337 curve on XBL. I just don't see how that's "extensive".

I just play as time permits. And when it does permit, I can't be bothered to tinker around. I want to put in a new game and start playing within a minute. I take my spare time seriously.

I really don't undertand how someone can say spare time is precious and still use it for gaming. Yet claim a mere 1 hour (yes 1 hour, I can do it in 30minutes if I hurry) of building your own pc is wasting time.

You can get the components put together in less than 30 minutes easy but.......you won't have it up and running with the OS installed, updated and the game you want to play installed in less than 1hour. It takes Windows a while to finish its updates and that's if you're only performing critical updates. Not to mention you still need to install all drivers for your hardware. Granted it's a 1 time install process.

I have no problem building my own PC's. I've been doing it since the mid 90's but I can understand why someone that doesn't understand a thing about PC's would not want to even try. For them it's just easier to pick up a 360, Wii or PS3 plug it in, pop in a game and play.

Just playing devils advocate is all

well most of the rigs i built, and upgrades i made ive kept my os installed on my hd so its not always that you need to go trough os instalation

How do you keep the OS installed? Are you just swapping out the same parts or are they different manufacturers? I've always had to re-install my OS unless I'm sawppingout the exact same part. I know it's possible but I find it easier to just reformat and perform a fresh install.

i have 2 hd's 1 is for the OS's the other one for everything else, i only format the one with the OS if its needed(something happens to it etc etc) or if iam gonig to upgrade to another os(or downgrade in some cases) so i only really need to reinstall an os if i want to.

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#7 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

I built my first computer this summer. Choosing the parts might take some time. Go on forums, ask, search around. It's nothing hard to do. I built it in one day. While I did have some moments of frustration I managed to pull through and it wasn't THAT hard. Ir's also a nice learning experience.

By the way yes it is possible to make a 600$ PC that can buy Crysis on high. What people don't get is that a lot of the costs are from the monitor, case, keyboard, mouse. You can save a LOT of money by just buying cheap ones that work perfectly fine. Maybe your computer won't look super nice from the outside but you'll be playing crysis on max.


Lets say you get the cheapest keyboard, mouse, monitor ect... and spend the bulk of the $600 on the CPU, Vid and MB......No way are you going to be able to play Crysis on Max setting at a decent resolution, not at a stable frame rate over 30+.


I built my first computer this summer. Choosing the parts might take some time. Go on forums, ask, search around. It's nothing hard to do. I built it in one day. While I did have some moments of frustration I managed to pull through and it wasn't THAT hard. Ir's also a nice learning experience.

By the way yes it is possible to make a 600$ PC that can buy Crysis on high. What people don't get is that a lot of the costs are from the monitor, case, keyboard, mouse. You can save a LOT of money by just buying cheap ones that work perfectly fine. Maybe your computer won't look super nice from the outside but you'll be playing crysis on max.


Lets say you get the cheapest keyboard, mouse, monitor ect... and spend the bulk of the $600 on the CPU, Vid and MB......No way are you going to be able to play Crysis on Max setting at a decent resolution, not at a stable frame rate over 30+.

so , who is demanding you of being capable of running crysis at ultra high on 1900xxxx resolutions? a 600$ pc should be enough to run it at medium/high at least at 1024x768 or maybe even 1280x1024, you dont need to run the game at ultra high, crysis is one of the few games that will look that good for a while, most games wont require a hardware that strong, and playng it on medium/high will still look amazing

What???? Are you not reading everything? My response was to someone that said they have a $600 PC that can run Crysis on high. I personally don't think a $600 PC can run Crysis on high but that's just my opinion. I never said anything in anyone of my post that says you MUST run Crysis on high setting with everything maxed out.

My rig is 4400+ X2, 2gig ram, ATI 2900XT and Vista Premium 32bit and I don't think it'll run at max setting. My card is a $400 card so my point is that a $600 PC can not run Crysis at max setting.

crysis max settings are named ultra high, it will be able to run it at high, but iam no sure about ultra high, the guy never lied to you it should run at high

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#8 Mizarus
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Finally, the easy way to find out if somebody is an idiot and can't succeed in life: check if he/she can build a computer. By the way. I worked for a company that had almost everybody use a computer. And almost everybody was a really "noob" at computers. Except the tech support. And tech support guys were in the bottom of the payment pit. The got real far with their computer building skills. Congratulations. I bet the CO was really jealous. Okay, just think about it. You cant get anywhere in life if you can't build a computer? If you can't build a computer, you can't build stuff from lego blocks? Huh? Why do the computer repair shops have customers if the only customers you suggest are all retards that couldn't earn the money in a job because they couldn't even assemble lego blocks? People want to play games, not think about computer parts. It's much easier to buy that console or a packaged computer that supposedly plays games than build your own. They don't care. They WANT TO PLAY GAMES. Not to build computers. And I can't blame them. Drathyl

its the complete oposite, its so easy to build a computer that they underpay tech suport guys, you completely missed the point and proved ours

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#9 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

Or... buy something already made. Plug it in. It works. No research. No planning. That's time saved. In my world, time is at a premium.


Time is a premium, yet you find enough time to play extensively? Or is it that you do nothing more than gaming in your life?

Why does it have to be either one extreme or the other? I dont' remember ever saying I play extensively. If you could point out where I said that, I'll correct myself. As you can see, my gamerscore is well below 10k, so I'm behind the 1337 curve on XBL. I just don't see how that's "extensive".

I just play as time permits. And when it does permit, I can't be bothered to tinker around. I want to put in a new game and start playing within a minute. I take my spare time seriously.

I really don't undertand how someone can say spare time is precious and still use it for gaming. Yet claim a mere 1 hour (yes 1 hour, I can do it in 30minutes if I hurry) of building your own pc is wasting time.

You can get the components put together in less than 30 minutes easy but.......you won't have it up and running with the OS installed, updated and the game you want to play installed in less than 1hour. It takes Windows a while to finish its updates and that's if you're only performing critical updates. Not to mention you still need to install all drivers for your hardware. Granted it's a 1 time install process.

I have no problem building my own PC's. I've been doing it since the mid 90's but I can understand why someone that doesn't understand a thing about PC's would not want to even try. For them it's just easier to pick up a 360, Wii or PS3 plug it in, pop in a game and play.

Just playing devils advocate is all

well most of the rigs i built, and upgrades i made ive kept my os installed on my hd so its not always that you need to go trough os instalation

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#10 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"]If you can make toast you have the skillset to build a computer.Vandalvideo

No offense but thats BS, its very intimidating for newbies.

People who live in the real world understand that this an extreme exaggeration. My 4 year old niece can make toast, but she can't even read a full sentence yet.

So yeah... exaggeration.

Skill set, thats the important operative here. You have the inherent skills to build a computer if you can make toast. Can you stick something in something? YAY! Can you push a button? YAY! You have the skill set to build a computer.

4 year old might be a tad young, but i think you could teach a 8year old to build a pc without problems