Mizarus' forum posts
hm, i had the same issue but it was only on the first time i runned the game, are you on vista? if so run the game as an adiministrator it was what fixed it for me.
also ive been wondering how do we dual weild chickens?? or thats not avaliable on beta?
[QUOTE="Mizarus"]how many times do we need to go trough this, over 13million 8800's have been sold, thats a pretty big public that can run the game on high to ultra high settings
Its not that I doubt that number but where did you get it from?
somone posted a link here a few days ago, il look for it
[QUOTE="JiveT"]Why do you need it optimized? Can't you just buy a new video card?
lol almost sig worthy. Well would you like to spend 800$ upgrading ur comp to play, hmmm let me see 1 GAME!!! I know I wouldnt, I upgraded my comp around a year ago and its already out of date compared to crysis's requirements, I can run it smoothly on low and a a bit laggy but still playable on media, high ish. That kind of defeats the whole purpose of getting the game if you cant even play on high. I personally think crytek made a huge mistake making crisis, think about it. Realistically, not that many people have computers good enough to play it and make the game worthwhile. They will not make much of a profit and this might even discourage them from making a game like this in the future. If they waiting for a time when the requirements wernt so expensive to fulfill, then maybe they would do better.
how many times do we need to go trough this, over 13million 8800's have been sold, thats a pretty big public that can run the game on high to ultra high settings
[QUOTE="Reyes360"][QUOTE="Zero_Fate_"]Let me just go out and say from what I played the game totally has the potential to be awesome if it werent for theterrible it'soptimization (Yes I have passed the recommended requirements). Yes its still the beta but think about when Crysis is actually going to ship in stores.
Crysis releases on Nov 15 which is around 46 days from now until it actually releases and many remain skeptical on how its going to work out or just how much of a difference the actual retail version will be compared to the beta.
Interesting, this game could go one way or another between now and it's launch day.. Insert your thoughs.
you can run Crysis on Ultra High if you have a GTS in the year 2010.
that doesnt even make sence.....
well hes not lyng, a 8800gts can max the game now so theres no reason why a 8800gts woudnt be able to do the same 10years after that
there is cedega for linux that allows you to play games for windows on linux, there are lots of games for MAC's , pc gaming is not owned by microsoft but lately microsoft is being tryng to dominate pc gaming by imposing Vista and a few other perks, still they dont get money from people buyng 3rd party games.
ive also heard that dx10 cedega is pretty close to being complete, but the main reason why microsoft will never own pc gaming is simply because most pc gamers i know , pretty much hate M$ and their Os
[QUOTE="Mizarus"][QUOTE="tango90101"][QUOTE="Truth-slayer"]How about an easy one? Play against three other friends on the same TV. tango90101
i said the same thing, but the tc failed to live up to his promise...
as usual...:roll:
finnaly found it,
serious sam for pc suports 4 player split screen mode
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/serioussamtheseconde/news.html?sid=2813741 link
one? ONE game?
c'mon... do you REALLY think that's the same?
the point is if the system is or not able to suport this kind of game play, and this show that theres no reason why it cant, even tho developers dont invest in this kind of multiplayer for pc's, there are more games out there iam sure of it just not as many as on consoles, and it is betwen you and the tc if this should count or not i just brought the evidence over
[QUOTE="Truth-slayer"]How about an easy one? Play against three other friends on the same TV. tango90101
i said the same thing, but the tc failed to live up to his promise...
as usual...:roll:
finnaly found it,
serious sam for pc suports 4 player split screen mode
http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/serioussamtheseconde/news.html?sid=2813741 link
It was pretty telling when someone posted an article that debunked PC gaming myths recently and all the consolites started crying even though it wasn't even attacking them. It seems difficult for them to face anything that puts (or even tries to put) the PC in a good light. It's the same when any PC gamer here tries to hype PC games or defend PC gaming (or in this case, gamers). They're called arrogant and elitist, even though the rest of the fanboys around here do the exact same thing with their systems, and far more often since hermits are the clear minority around here. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
It's easier to simplistically label people as arrogant and be done with it, I guess. Resort to ad hominems because you have no argument. Weak stuff all-around, but expected.
yep here it is the link http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,1697,2188336,00.asp
read it out before continuing this and this myth debunking was made by a console gamer not by a hermit
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