Mizarus' forum posts
another thread, no pc in the world can run crysis blahblahblah, get your facts straight people.
single core cpus will be able to run the game
lowest system requirements for GPU's are 6600 Series
if a pc can run FarCry on high it will be able to run Crysis on Low
4years old pcs will be able to run the game
[QUOTE="Swiftie101"]I have a Fx-60, 2GB ram, and 2x8800GTXs. I should be fine.iamanoobkillme
yeah you can run it but not max out . you need more ram and no gpu to date can max it out
lol they already said that a 8800gts 320mb can run the game on ultra high at dx10 settings
A computer can't go from being completely shut down to playing a high end game in less than thirty seconds.Tylendal
it can you just need to pull the PSU power switch if you want to be shut down instantly, or if you want in less then 30seconds Alt+F4, then shutdown normaly if you have a high end pc(you are playng a high end game after all) it should shutdown in betwen 10-20 seconds
Would you be able to pull off the same quick combos with the wii controls? As opposed to punching in buttons on a dualshock or gamecube controller?funnymario
yeah the wii scheme is pretty solid, but the learning curve is kinda steep, i coudnt teach some of my friends on how to play it, only a couple of them managed to keep up with my speed, but i own the game so i have an natural advantage over them.
also it can get frustating at first when the game dosent always recognize the special moves your tryng to pull, but once you get the hang of it, it will rarely happen.
hmmkay , people hyping killzone 2 i can get it, it sucked but if the sequel is done right it can turn out to be something good, but lair floped so bad that developers sent a "how to review lair" guide to reviewrs that alone should be enough for a game to be completely forgoten.
i highly doubt they are accuatly making a sequel, they arelady lost enough money on the first game
ive played both versions of the last interation and i can say that the wii control scheme makes the game way better then what it really is , id get it for wii with out a doubt
[QUOTE="Tasman_basic"]Boot a current full game off the disk.[QUOTE="UserFrenly_Noob"][QUOTE="Sooshy"]Play Heavenly Sword.iamanoobkillme
Yeah sure link me to your PS3 emulator. In 5 - 7 years sure I'll let you have it (IF your lucky in 5 - 7 years).
Hell show me a PS2 emulator that runs Killzone NOW.
you would need one monster powerful pc to run ps3 games u would need a mega fast net and a huge hard drive like 5 tb lol
erm no yu woudnt need a 5tb driver, the game size woudnt incresse.... but yes a ps3 emulator will take awhile to be developed especially because its really hard to convert games that have been optmized for the cell to the pc, a stable emulator might never come to exist.
[QUOTE="Mr_BillGates"][QUOTE="Rikusaki"]Its very hard to take your PC to your friends house everyday so you can play some games. I bring my PS3 in a travel pack and it is very convinient.
PCs also can't do all the things the PS3 does and be smaller than it. lol.
Yes it can. It's called SFF computers. Shuttle.com mini high-end computers.
Oh yeah? PCs can't do Ray-Tracing in real-time! (yet) The PS3 can! Hahaha i win!
pc can do it, remember that the game was developed on pc, just to make sure heres a link
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