@madmartigan117 Actually, yeah. Bale would be able to change his voice under mask to add to the dramatic effect of hacking something under pressure. I can hear it now, "WHERE IS IT? WHERE DID HE PUT IT!". $126 million opening weekend.
@Rave215 @Rifleman22388 @SoNin360 You're buying a product without realizing that there is a major flaw with it. Also turning a blind eye falls into the category, since many people know this games faults yet won't acknowledge them...
@krbrown10 The community, the SAME glitches, the SAME cheats, the SAME problems. They refuse to fix things that cater to the wrong part of the community.
Digital games haven't reached the price point they need to be at for most people to just forget physical media. In the mind of the normal consumer paying a certain price point (most likely $49 to $55) for a digital version of a game, no disc, no case, no ability to return it, no selling or trading, you lose all of that with console digital downloads. If they match Steam then it may take off but I bet that will never happen because of the developers crying.
@erMonezza Nah, it's not a bad game. But they hit the nail on the head, it feels restrictive and like they left something out that you can't just point out yet. Good for the 12 hour romp, but bad if you're thinking you're going to get into some open world fun. The community is what will make this game live on.
@Fitcherman @Earthen80 There's going to be a SMG, a Shotgun, and a LMG that will be massively overpowered. There will also be a UAV, Helicopter, and some form of singular air attack killstreak. There will also be much headglitching, lag switching, and wall bangers.
Moegitto's comments