@NovahJCMP Gotta remember to go NVIDIA if you want to seriously game, more stable graphics processor and most of the developers use it to make the games. AMD isn't bad for a budget but thye have more problems in the long run.
@Sun-Tzu-GE Both systems use an almost PC like architecture, they already know how to develop on the PS4 to it's limits. The problem is the PS4 and the Xbox ONE have different limits, this generation it's going to be like developing a game that works on an AMD chip and an NVIDIA chip, all in the coding.
@devild0ogwhite They already are offering the Xbox ONE at a "discount" if you sign up for the Xbox Live program again. They just never announced what the price for THAT would be.
@Tixylixx Actually, everytime something positive appears on the news for the Xbox ONE the Xbox fans rush online to troll the PS fans. I play on PC too but I'm just saying the truth...
@liandrikonflict @Sun-Tzu-GE HEY! I enjoyed having dragons fly around me but never land so I couldn't fast travel and had to walk almost all of the way from Riften to Solitude.....wait a minute?
@DarkSaber2k Cleaning their bathrooms talking to themselves, the weird, nonsensical mutterings of a janitor can be surprisingly intelligent sometimes...
Correction: Battlefield and Call of Duty as they are NOW should NOT exist. Both series may sell but they left their heyday a couple of years ago. Both series developers refuse to listen to their fans and they abandoned everything that made them great.
Only one of those negatives can be REALLY considered negative. Artistic design is one thing but come one. Don't knock points off of a dungeon brawler because of story, the point is to ram faces into your weapon and collect loot. And complaining about character design's you can completely avoid is pointless when some games have nude females all over the place.
@wickedsc300 You don't need this though, you can already buy a capture device and record Nintendo games for cheap. What do you need to capture on the Xbox ONE? You character in a hamhock bikini on Deadrising 3?
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