@kryten212 Only reason why I'm getting ghost is because I had extra store credit, BF4 was paid off in May. COD may be able to entertain for a month, but BF4 will go two years just like BF3 did.
@nickpeck36 Yeah, this law would do nothing at all because mom and dad would still buy little timmy his copy of COD yearly. It's the parent's that cause the main problems, followed by a relative that loans them the game.
@BrutalPandaX2 Because the gamers this generation are shit, all these people claiming the Xbox ONE has "more games" are laughable. I don't care what people do with their money but four exclusives isn't anything to brag about, neither is having the weaker system or weaker games. Buying a product for a high price and still being forced to take something you don't like proves just how dumb this generation has gotten. That and the Sony****** comments hows just how immature gaming has become.
@xukxj0nny @Yatsukiii This comment right here shows the most hypocritical view online right now. COD, which has a community known for using racial slurs, sexist comments, and unfair play methods, is considered "fun". Man you shills are a riot.
Moegitto's comments