@troll_eat_troll @FCT-Steve-O @Deadlysyns87 I'm praying you didn't know that was a joke, the joke being Gamespot gave The Last of Us a lower score than Spelunky. I'm PRAYING....
@Tangsta03 @MrYaotubo Only thing sales prove is that more people have consoles, easier to pick up and play. In order to get the most out of gaming on PC you have to spend more money, and most people aren't willing to continue to shell out more and more money just to have the honor of saying they have better graphics. Believe it or not, most gamers just want to play the game.
@robertcain I'm in the Beta, it does. Killzone Mercenary makes Resistance and COD on the Vita look like Track and Field on the NES, a bunch of WTF on a 8 bit cartridge...
@WICGuardian Neither is buying used games, but developers still see that as us hurting them and get mad enough to charge a online pass for a single player game...
@dre256x Sony has been out of the red since last November, and technically they were never in the red. They just didn't turn a profit, but they weren't in debt.
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