@plasticreality Half the reason why I'm an ass when I go into Gamestop, it's not the employees I'm mad at because that's their job. It's the developers, how can you downgrade a game and sell it at full priced? Let alone promising one thing and delivering another, for $60 I can fill my truck up past 3/4th's. In order to protect ourselves we have to be selective on an almost obsessive degree, it's why I don't buy Capcom games anymore and why I'm selective on EA games.
@Dom_Hawk_basic @Moegitto @hotpugz I've been gaming since 1984, and gaming then used to be about creativity. Hell, even Mega Man improved each game. Ever since games got mainstream it's been nothing but an opportunistic cash grab, that's what Xbox Live has proven. People will pay $60 on top of what they already pay just to play online games, and most of the time those games are Madden or COD. Not saying Nintendo or Sony haven't done anything stupid like that, but my point is that consumers will buy what they want regardless of any common sense involved. In one of my economics classes the teacher said this, "You don't speak with your mouth in business, you speak with your money". As long as enough people buy it some company is going to make it. We gamers only represent a small amount of people that buy these systems, we can't account for the moms, dads, grandparents, little kids, or people that want a system but don't play certain types of games that play Kinect/PS Move/Wii. As long as they buy it then the companies will make up the slack somewhere. Sad really, because to some people paying $700 for an iPad doesn't seem like a bad decision and those are the ones that end up putting us in bad situations.
@Dom_Hawk_basic @hotpugz Uh-Oh...IT'S ON!!!! FIIIIIIIIIGHT, lol. Seriously, I think he is just tired of hearing all these rumors that make it look like the next generation is going to be nothing but poor decisions. I know I'am, I doubt Microsoft will force always online on us and I don't think either systems will block used games. Some people just need to learn to not react to EVERYTHING they see.
No EA title will really come to the Wii U, Nintendo told EA to eat shit and didn't want to force their users to use Origin. So EA pulled support for Mass Effect 3 and we probably won't see a lot of EA games on the Wii U because of that.
Sony is like EA, they lost touch with the gaming community. There are many problems PSN and Vita wide that can be easily fixed but they continue to ignore any information given to them. I just bought the 500GB Assassins Creed 3 PS3 bundle, which came out the same day as the Assassins Creed 3 Liberation PS Vita Bundle. Damn near same price, $300 for the PS3, $250 for the Vita bundle. 500GB for the PS3, 4GB for the Vita. It's not working out anyway you think it. The Vita needs a price drop, it took them almost a year to bundle a memory card with the system. If they would listen to people then they would move more units, they are charging an asshole amount for a class 3 memory card. Sony really needs to stop being so "federal" like and actually run their departments better. Focus on gaming more than suing hackers and attempting to stop hackers but ultimately failing and wasting money developing tech that just gets overworked.
@Mifflinite45 Kick off? Borderlands 2 already has been demolishing peoples free time for a while now. This is only the beginning, we still have to make it the CoD, AC3, MoH, Wii U, and Halo 4 releases. If this is impressing you then your head will explode before winter!
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