The only solution to getting one is to reserve one. I learned with the Wii that people will buy that thing the first time they see it. I was able to walk in and get a 60GB PS3 when it first came out. I would love the opportunity to just walk into a store and pick up my WiiU without any of the battle royal black friday brings. All the people that can't get one would try to tell me it's sold out, I'll go to the counter and they would give me my reserved one. Walk out like a BO$$...
@vrajitorugaoz My sentiments exactly, you play multiplayer everyday because it's the same thing with slightly different variables. But if a single player game is good enough to make you play everyday then the team actually worked on it. Too many games are coming out where you beat the campaign in like 6 to 12 hours but there's more features in the multiplayer modes. I'm not saying mutliplayer itself is bad, but it shouldn't be tacked on. It should be a separate piece of the pie.
@craigprime There are no competitors to beat out. Both Sony and Microsoft said they won't even reveal their next systems until E3 2013. Nintendo just has to make enough profits and adjustments to make full use of that 6 month lead properly and not drop the ball. The WiiU is the N64 of the current generation, tons of potential but it's ultimately up to the developers if they make it successful or not.
The one saving grace for the WiiU is that it also uses the Wii control media. So if you still have a wiimote or Classic Controller Pro you can use it. That withstanding, I'm calling it. The WiiU will be priced NO more than $350 USD. They have to price it there to compete, especially since Microsoft plans to release the Xbox 720 at $299.
@joujou264 Sony is also considering blocking used games. Sony also recently patented in game commercials, I think Nintendo is the only one that get;s it...
@Tyberis1 Same thing I posted up above, it's not about the money of used game sales. It's about the money someone else makes on the used sales. It's all just a childish outcry at stores like Gamestop, we the consumers pay the price because they are mad another business is making money. Above 76% of the games on the market are utter crap, they don't deserve the income of a game that is worth $60. I don't buy too many used games because I do research and I know for sure I want a certain title before it comes out, but there were some times (Rage, Asura's Wrath, The Darkness 2, Halo:CE) where i either played a game and beat it in less than 4 hours or the game was just crap. Why should I be forced to hold on to a game I don't like? If I trade it in and some other person comes by and sees the game and they might like it, why should they be forced to pay full price when someone has already given up the title? Part of the main reason why I do store credit, giving back to the gaming community. Blocking used game sells will destroy the community.
@Tsuchikage I have nothing against your post but you have to remember that Microsoft is a company. They market stuff to people, think about it. How many people will buy a gaming console that plays games, allows access to facebook, has youtube, has MSN chat, Netfilx, Hulu, HBO, ESPN, and is a DVD player? That's a lot of markets covered in one product. Not only are you pleased because you can play Halo and Gears of War, but ALL the other people marketed get their way too. Remember, gaming companies really don't care about you personally, just you as a number.
With companies like EA conducting poor business etiquette, you expect me to stay console loyal and support your company if you deny used game use on the next-gen? Sorry, that makes no sense. Don't involve your customers in the beef between you and Gamestop/GAME/EB games and other stores. You already use online passes as a way to recoup those "used game" sales, why should I pay $60 and up for another game like Rage? If you make a game that's not worth $60 I should have the ability to pay the deserved price for it. Then you complain about the handheld market putting a dent in your sales, maybe because I can play a Dead Space game on my iPhone/Android Phone/Tablet for $6.99. Or I can play a completely fresh game like Shadowgun for $6.99? Or maybe I can get almost the same multiplayer experience as CoD in Modern Combat 3? If you make a game as astonishing as Max Payne 3 then hell yeah I'm down for paying $60, but some of the games you companies are putting out aren't worth the price of a free pizza...
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