then again, I ask you, why put a strong single player component in there to begin with?, you with a storyline, a plot?, why just not make Diablo 3 a multiplayer based game or a mmorpg to begin with?, I don't care about Auction house, I don't care about, I don't care about stupid tabards and achievements, that's why I play World of Warcraft to begin with, I care about the same thing I cared in both Diablo games, a fun single player action hack n' slash game in which I can customize my character with plettora of items and skills
Diablo 1 and 2 have had a strong single plaer component and they were praised because of it, you could choose to go online and play with your friends, but the whole game is based around "an army of one" and that's the reason the term "diablo-like game" was coined, it's the reason stuff like "well, it has a multiplayer feature that's played a lot" it's a mediocre excuse and it's the same one used by Call of Duty/Halo half brained monkeys
Diablo 1 and 2 have a strong SP component. That's screenshot worthy.
In case you haven't realized this, the fact that Diablo-clones have *****y multiplayer is the reason no Diablo clone has ever been as successful as Diablo.
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