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#1 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

then again, I ask you, why put a strong single player component in there to begin with?, you with a storyline, a plot?, why just not make Diablo 3 a multiplayer based game or a mmorpg to begin with?, I don't care about Auction house, I don't care about, I don't care about stupid tabards and achievements, that's why I play World of Warcraft to begin with, I care about the same thing I cared in both Diablo games, a fun single player action hack n' slash game in which I can customize my character with plettora of items and skills

Diablo 1 and 2 have had a strong single plaer component and they were praised because of it, you could choose to go online and play with your friends, but the whole game is based around "an army of one" and that's the reason the term "diablo-like game" was coined, it's the reason stuff like "well, it has a multiplayer feature that's played a lot" it's a mediocre excuse and it's the same one used by Call of Duty/Halo half brained monkeys


Diablo 1 and 2 have a strong SP component. That's screenshot worthy.

In case you haven't realized this, the fact that Diablo-clones have *****y multiplayer is the reason no Diablo clone has ever been as successful as Diablo.

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#2 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

you know what the best part is: Next time a console dedicated fanboy comes in with a new thread to troll pc gaming, the blizzard defense force will be among the first group to flame and vomit the usual crap about how pc gaming is the greatest. How we all get the ability to mod our fav games. How pc devs like blizzard and valve gives us total freedom and control over our games with no bullcrap drm andideas to milk their fanbase.

The hypocrisy is staggering.

Ubi did this and oh boy, did people flip, especially some of the defense force here. Now blizz pulls the same crap but with sugar coated words and asinine reasoning and they are like, "Oh well, it's blizz, they can never do anything wrong. They are not owned by a corporation, they do this because they are gamers for gamers. They are the true saviours of the pc."


You're the one using asinine reasoning if you can't tell that Diablo are MP games and you keep making comparisons between things that cannot be compared.

I had no idea there were so many people that have absolutely no clue about what Diablo games are meant to be before this outrage to be honest.

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#3 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

again, why not one of the online blizzard fangirls defenders answered my questions in the last page?, why the hell would you compare a big persistent mmorpg like guild wars to a room based hack n' slash game with no persistent world and as big as a single player game?Vlashkgbr

Because it works in the same way. There's a lobby and every game is istanced.

see, this excuse doesn't hold any water and it's the same ol' tired mediocre excuse used by CoD fanboys, if the game it's "all about multiplayer" then why the hell put single player in there to begin with?, why?, it's the focus it's multiplayer then they should make Diablo 3 a multiplayer based game or a mmorpg and be on with it, but they don't, they develop a game with a heavy single player component with a storyline and a plot and people, magazines and reviews haved judged their Diablo 1 and 2 games based on that alone, so they develop this great single player experience just to throw "well, it's 90% multiplayer you know" at people's faces? give me a break


CoD games have reached their success throughout the SP so I have no idea wtf are you talking about and I have no idea what has CoD to do with this, seems to me like you're trying to clutch at straws.

Diablo games aren't about the "heavy single player component with a storyline and a plot", they are about going through that together with other people and reap the loot in the process.

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#4 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

splinter cell conviction had a multiplayer component.


"Have" doesn't matter in forum talk. The focus they've put on it is what matters. You can barely hear anyone talk about SC:C's MP, Diablo games have always been all around the multiplayer.

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#5 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

The Diablo II skill system makes possible to players to build up to 6-8 viable variations of each character. The enemies in Hell are so strong that you need to fully synergize a small amount of skills to be able to fight those enemies. As you specialize your characters in limited areas, and the total amount of skills for each character is 30, this means that multiple character builds can be made in each archetype.

If a single build were able to use a dozen of skills with the same efficiency, there would be only 7 possible characters (everyone would use all skills).

In a rpg, if you have a character capable to do a lot of task (you have a character good at sword fighting, at masrksman, at picking lock and disguising and at casting spells) then you kill the reason to exist to specialiced characters, and the result is an universe with a poor offering of variants.

Making your Sororcess/Wizzard capable of throwing Frozen Orb + Blizzard + Frost nova + Fireball + Chainlightning doesn't improve the game, just reduces the replayability and number of builds.


It's the same thing as D2 had done except you can swap out at any time instead of rebuilding your character from scratch as I understand it.

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#6 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

And the forums run red with double standards. skrat_01

There's no double standard at all, it's just that people point fingers at two things that are completely different and assume that they are the same and should be treated as such.

And that is not the case.

You should analyze what you're reading better, not just point fingers and call double standards.

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#7 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

The auction house, a legitimate way of cheating brought to you by your very own Blizzard. You can't get past a part? Don't waste your time trying to get better and beat it, just buy better stuff!SF_KiLLaMaN

So...if the world is generated when you enter a game and it scales with your gear, how will that work?

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#8 Mograine
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My favorite video game series of all time is the Dynasty/Samurai Warriors series that continues to get lower and lower reviews and you say I can't make my own judgments?Nerkcon

High kudos for that. The Warriors series is one of the reasons I trashtalk critics at every chance I get, except for DW6 that sucked hard it's one of the best franchises in gaming (imo).

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#9 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

Odd then that you are a so vehemently defending a game that, by your own admission, "we have no idea," about. Break the 1-10 score, eh? Hypocrisy much?


"Odd"? So how do you justify this thread being 8 pages long?

Seems like a lot of people conveniently forgets this, but I'll repeat it again. Blizzard has scratched whole games because they didn't live up to their quality mark. Whole games.

Even both Starcrafts were scratched and remade from zero. Remember all those controversial hate bandwagons that kept popping up before Starcraft 2 was released? Similar things happened with the original one. "If it's anything like WC2 it will have 3 factions with units that are all the same", "the engine is dated", "the new online thing sucks". Now you can see the results for both of them.

Blizzard hasn't delivered one bad game since their affirmation in the PC market in the mid nineties. Why would anyone think they'd start now? "OMG ACTIVISION" turns out there isn't a single mention of Activision at all in Starcraft 2, and the WoW expansion released while under the name of Activision Blizzard turned out to be the best expansion they've made yet.

People is skeptical over nothing solid and assumptions.

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#10 Mograine
Member since 2006 • 3666 Posts

Oh, God. I just known that Diablo III has no longer skill points: every skill has only 1 level and they are unlocked when your character reaches the proper level. Then you can select 6 active skills and 6 passive skills to be running in the 9 slots. You can change those abilities, and that's all.

So, Blizzard Ripped off the 8 player support, the LAN and off line support, the runes (as they were in the past), the runewords, the free distribution of atribute points and now even the skill points! Is just insane! Is just like a kindergarten version of Diablo! Blizzard went crazy...


And we have no idea how the itemization works, no idea if any of that is final and no idea if they are changing anything else on top of the skill/character points system to balance it out.

It feels like I'm talking to a brick wall tho. I'll laugh so hard when Diablo 3 hits and its scores break the 1-10 scale :roll: