The inherent competitive divisiveness of using a real world currency shop for in-game items is clear: you get first and foremost access to items that would normally be very difficult to obtain otherwise, possibly requiring days/weeks of playing for normal users, while improving additional characters through the same system becomes a breeze for people willing to go the extra step; generally, as a paying customer, you'll always be one step ahead and ten times as faster and more likely to get the best equipment than the majority of the dedicated 'free 2 play' crowd ( if you're at least moderately dedicated yourself ) -- again, it's the very definition of a pay 2 win model; even if a few from the hardcore crowd will manage to keep up, you're still going to have to work harder to compete than those with real word money; it doesn't have to mean that you're not going to be able to keep up at all.
Bringing up the ( vanilla ) video game currency-based trading system is a non-argument. You're never going to find the same selection of items being sold in gold when there's a market for them in real-world currency. Basic vidya game economy 101.SkyWard20
All I read here is that you completely lack a gaming ethic and just assume everyone is willing to shell out cash as if it grows on trees. "Assume" being the keyword.
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