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Mr_Jenkins Blog

Day 3: Gaining

This is late. I got 303 posts yesterday. It ended at 3611. If I continued at the same rate I'd end with 1992.

As of right now I'm only a bit away from 1000. :D

Day 2: Momentum growing

We started at 2861.

After day one I got 180 posts and ended at3041.

After day 2 I got 297 posts and ended at3338.

If I got 297 on the rest of the days I would end with 1962 posts. Which is better. :)

Okay so I'm not near my goal rate, but I can do this! Plus I have the weekend!

Day 2 of the Marathon!

Ready for the update? I'm now at 3041. I started at 2861. That means I made 180 posts. If I continue at this rate I will only make 1260 posts. Pretty pathetic right? I'll have to step it up! I have knocked all History homework out for the week which means I have almost nothing standing in my way! I'm ready for action!

And the Chaos Begins!

Okay! This week I'm going to have a posting marathon! Wanna know what my goal is? 5000 posts in one week. That's right.

Okay so let me break it down.

1st Place: 5000 Posts

2nd Place : 3000 Posts

3rd Place : 1000 Posts

Anything Less: Fail.

I have until 3:00 Monday next week to finish.

Starting Line: 2861

Finish Line: 7861

Cheer me on! I make updates at 3:00 daily!

Ready!? Go!!


Hey everyone long time no see! If you haven't seen my epic music video you should watch it. It's at this link. Anydangway it's time for todays topic. Advertisements. I've been running into a lot of references to them lately, and of course...a lot of themlately.

Let's start by explaining how all this began. Me and twilight were talking on messenger when I come upon a disgusting ad. I'm sure you've all seen it. It's got someone who is obviously photoshopped to be extremely fat, then they mystically transform into a normal person. A line of text reads, "One rule to a Flat Stomach: OBEY" Then it'll have some story under that like "I lost blah blah blah pounds in blah blah blah days!" I wrote to twilight, "Ugg! I hate these ads!" Eventually I say, "Advertisements suck. (That's the moral of the day!)" Which twilight then convinces me to put as my facebook status. ;) Another irritating one is the one where people are trying to get white teeth or huge muscles. These ads only send you to ridiculous articles that tell you to mix drugs together. Great. Ad. Vice. *no pun intended* I cannot imagine who would want to advertise this unless they were making money off it right? I can only assume that this is an ad made by the makers of the drugs to get people to buy more. I can only imagine someone in the office going, "HEY BOSS! LET'S MAKE ADS THAT TELL PEOPLE BUY TWOOF OUR PRODUCTS AND BUY THEM AT THE SAME TIME!! HUR HUR HUR! THAT WON'T CAUSE DANGEROUS SIDEEFFECTS WILL IT!?" Anyways, ads are stupid.

The next place I ran into Ads was my US History AP **** We were learning about the '20s. Guess what was invented then? Ads. It wasn't necessarily invented, but it definitely became a new profession. New products were being made like cars, vacuums, and radios and advertising became the way to put them threw. Of course television and radio created new ways to advertise. Soon advertising...advertised everything, from buying bonds to the new ankle watch. (All a lady has to do is raise her leg really high to read the time - Actual slogan for ankle watch :lol: ) Anyways my history teacher Mr. Hadley said that mass advertising was the worst thing that America ever invented. He is very patriotic so this was quite surprising to hear. Advertising is designed to make you feel bad about yourself because you don't have a certain thing is a basic synopsis of what he said. Advertising also made people begin to buy things on credit, which was only used to buy homes before this. America was put into a perpetual debt.

I've received a cell phone and an ipod just because "everyone else had one." "Everyone has one" is indeed a form of advertisement. It's like someone holding a drink or eating in front of you. The first thing you say is "Oh that looks good." You mumble about how you wish you had one. You then, most likely, buy one. The same goes with advertising. That cool lady driving in that new shiny black car? You might not find yourself going out and buying one, but you probably will say to yourself, "That's cool, wish I had one." You have to wonder how many people went out and got a beer because of that hilarious Budweiser commercial. Children are especially impressionable to these ads. It's not like they're spending the money. Anything on the television that's FAST AND COOL AND SHINY is automatically on the Christmas list or the "whine about it until I get it" list. Thanks god they banned cigarette commercials, I wonder how many people would smoke if they still had those on.

Internet advertising is probably the worst though. It isn't even advertising for a legitimate product half the time, usually it's for some stupid website with a virus on it. I know that the people at the website have to be paid but doesn't Gamespot get money from subscribers and selling games? One of the perks of being a subscriber is not having to see ads. Anyone remember those ads where you had to "click the duck to win an ipod!" or "catch the criminal to win a trip to Miami!" or "YOU'RE THE 1,000,000 PERSON! CLICK TO CLAIM PRIZE!" I remember when I actually used to click these. It was a bunch of stupid offers where you had to at least fill like 7 of them. By then the offers you filled add up to more than the actual product.

The subconscious effects of advertising are terrible. Ladies find themselves unfit and fat from society showing off a bunch of skinny blondes advertising a product. (This technique is called the "Sex Sell") Then the weight loss ad comes on and the same lady who feels much too large to be loved will quickly buy this product. Hooray for weight loss smoothies! (A change in diet and exercise might be necessary for any change to occur.) All those skinny guys who don't feel muscular enough will be all over that boflex that they'll use once. It collects dust very nicely though. Hey kids! Still have that last product we made? We have a new one! It's the same thing...but better! (*cough DSi XL*) Drinking tap? You'll die! Tap is bad! Drink our bottled water. Ads use our concern for our own wellbeing to sell a million products we never needed in the first place. Diet and exercise do work. You're genetics may be terrible, but they still work. Even if you're genetics are that bad, as soon as you're off that diet pill you're gonna gain it all back unless you use diet and exercise.

Some of the worst advertising is unconscious advertising. Remember the part on Superman with the Marlboro truck? Advertising. Sporting events have tons of advertising. The olympics has them along boundaries for ice rinks and skiing tracks. Nascar drivers advertise individual products right on their vehicles. I wonder how many of that product their fans have bought. The winner of the Super Bowl says the famous line, "I'm going to Disney Land!" If Payton Manning said it, we should all do it right? Apollo Ohno uses Dayquil? Quick! Someone go buy me some! I know I don't have a cold, but it's Apollo Friggen' Ohno.

I'm sorry if this was an absolute bore but ads really do bug me. Especially those pointless ads on the internet. If you agree please sign this petition. :P

I ____________ hearby hate internet ads.

Thanks for reading...if you did. Oh yeah, almost forgot! I'm starting The National AntiAd Party! We'll win the presidency, then the world!! Vote me in 2012! :P

Chapter 18: One on One...With Real Estate!

Characters Involved:

Courtney - Courtney

Red - Red

Jet E. Evil - pspitus

Michael - Michael


Courtney gazed out into the distance. She was ridiculously high up, she could see for miles over the North Dakota fields. She looked down, then quickly looked up.

"I think I'm going to be sick, " Courtney said.

"Why?" Jet asked.

"Just don't look down." Courtney said. Jet looked down instantly, his eyes widening as he saw the top C. E. A. R. so far down.

"What's so bad about that?" Red asked. Michael refused to look down.

"So. What do you guys do for fun?" Courtney asked.

"Real estate!" Jet said.

"Stuff." Red said.

"I like to go for long walks on the beach." Michael said. Courtney sighed knowing she probably wouldn't click with these people. She decided to try a spell and opened her book. The first spell she saw was called "Scan for Enemies" the description read if anyone wants to do you harm they will glow a bright red. Keyword: Look. This will also reveal allies with blue and civilians with green.

"Look." Courtney said, everyone else looked around. It appeared that Michael was blue and Red was blue-green. Jet was actually purple. That was odd how could one be an enemy and ally at the same time? Then suddenly she looked to her right. There was a red dot that was growing in size fast. It was a cyborg, silver with spiked hair. It's eyes glowed yellow. Everyone else looked over and assumed that's what Courtney meant by "Look" in the first place. The cyborg hit the wall and stopped.

"That was close." Michael said.

"I'm not sure if it's going to give up that easily." Red said. Suddenly the cyborg whipped it's fist into the wall, which let out a blue ripple. Suddenly it started swinging limbs like laffy taffy and growing new ones and doing the same. It swung it's legs too. He hit all over the walls created a blue ocean on the wall until finally it went to static like on a T.V. then disappeared all together.

"Push!" Courtney shouted and stuck out her hand, the cyborg was pushed back a few feet, but resisted the bulk of the attack. Mr. Evil stood up and pulled out a clipboard from a backpack that Courtney had not noticed before. He then pulled out a hammer, a wad of cash, an instruction booklet, a pamphlet titled, "Timeshares, and you." , and a water bottle.

"This'll work!" He shouted. The cyborg flew back into the room and Jet threw the water on him. It didn't do anything. The cyborg wrapped Jet in an arm like a burrito, then whipped him out so he flew out of the room.

"****" Red swore as he looked down.

"Pull!" Courtney shouted, then pulled on an invisible rope. Jet was back up in a few seconds. The cyborg was beating on Michael holding up a clipboard now.

"Fire." Courtney said and shot a blast of flame at the cyborg. It jumped to a lofty height, then flew at Courtney with his spikes toward her. Courtney barely dove out of the way. The cyborgs spikes had stabbed through the floor, but it swung a leg at a wide arc at Courtney who was tripped by it. She fell to the floor, inches from the edge. the cyborg got up. It walked over to her ready to make the final kill. Then a backpack of junk flew at the cyborg's head. A nasty sound was made as it tumbled off the edge. Courtney got up and walked back to the other side of the invisible room .

"Who threw that?" Courtney asked.

"Me." Red said.


Jet reached his hand over the edge and shouted, "NOOOO ALL MY REAL ESTATE WAS IN THAT BAG! RED! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!!" Jet turned around to face Red, when the cyborg swung a kick from hundreds of feet down. It hit Jet in the back who flew and hit the opposite wall. The cyborg was back.

Courtney flipped through the book to the last page. There was one spell that might work. Acting on a whim, Courtney shouted, "DISMANTLE!" the cyborg was taken apart piece by piece until it was scrap metal.

"Teach me that!" Michael said.


The strange cyborg in space glowed purple as it did a series of hand motions. Upon putting them together what looked like strange purple coils whipped out and snatched Aidan. Then it hurled him down to Earth. Everyone left gasped. The same thing happened to Nicole, then Leon. Squirrel was the only one left. "Shi-" The coils shot out, but Squirrel used the gravity gloves and rose up above them, then flew at the cyborg. She hit it to the face with a knee. Squirrel heard a crunching sound and was pretty excited, until she realized that it was her kneecap that had made that noise. The cyborg punched Squirrel in the helmet which broke. Squirrel should have instantly imploded, but the suit repaired itself instantly. Squirrel noticed that someone had dropped something. Aidan's sword was about to hurtle toward Earth, but Squirrel took off her gloves, caught it quickly, and flew back to the cyborg. The cyborg tryed to kick Squirrel, but the suit took the blow and repaired. Squirrel drove the sword through the cyborg's head as hard as she could. The cyborg exploded and a purple gas released everywhere. The satelitecorroded instantly. The suit was repairing itself, but wouldn't last long. Squirrel put gravity gloves back on then flew to Earth, stopping herself as she reached the surface.

XBOX LIVE!! (caps)

Okay! I finally got Xbox Live! Wanna be my friend? Of course you do! :P My name is waytogo24. Add me and we can play Borderlands...or other stuff...but mostly Borderlands...:P

Plus I wanna talk to...some...of you. Seriously though, tell me you gamertag and we can talk and play games, it'll be fun. :)

Anydangway, I'm having a lot of fun in Oblivion. Did you know the Count and his wife talk about mud crabs as the first conversation of the morning? I was about to steal a priceless ring when they woke up, looked at each other, then began to talk about mudcrabs. XD That was a wonderful moment.


Okay I'm not good at making long blogs so...BE MY FRIEND PLEEEEEEEEEEASE! Just put you name in your comment. Seriously...

Eyesight Improved!

That sign says STOP!? I always thought it said START!

Okay so I went in for an eye exam because I found myself leaning forward and squinting while playing video games. Guess what I found out? I AM TERRIBLY NEARSIGHTED! (I can't see things far away) I got contacts and they feel pretty alright. I never knew things were so well defined by lines! I always thought everything faraway had a blurry aura, no matter what, and that everyone saw it! It's amazing how long someone can go without knowing they are inferior to someone else in a sense. It makes me think, what if someone was colorblind, and they were taught that blue was yellow and yellow was blue, and they went their whole life thinking that, only to find out when they are 36 that they had been wrong the whole time! I got my eyes dialated when I went in so now the computer is really...burning my eyes. XD Well not burning, but my banner looks like a flashing seizure warning. :lol: Oh that's better, I truned the brightness down. :) Anydangway, putting contacts in sucks the first time, but now I'm pretty good. I was a blinking mess for a bit though. I never knew I could blink like...a 100 times a second. XD

Okay on to more interesting stuff. I LOVE BORDERLANDS! It's the only shooter game I have found fun! Halo wasn't fun because everyone was better at it and I felt like the controls were clunky. (not sure why) Gears of War wasn't fun because I felt like I got sniped from miles away...WAIT! I FOUND OUT WHY THEY WEREN'T FUN! In those games you fight other people, in Borderlands you fight withother people. I find that a lot more fun, plus it has a more RPG/MMO feel to it. Plus it's really fun to fight skags. XD

Oblivion...I haven't had time to play it. It seems all anyone wants to do is watch TV or play Borderlands. Rude, who doesn't want to watch me play a game all by myself where they can't do anything at all? XD I am in the thief's guild though. Stealing stuff is hilariously fun. (probably because I wouldn't have the guts to do it in real life) I also like finding ingredients and exploring random caves. (stealing horses is fun too)

You know what is really fun though? TEXTING! I've never had a cell phone before and I really enjoy texting someone, it's a lot like foruming...but with people I know. :P

Time to say hello to some people.

Hi Red!

Hi Courtney!

Hi Twilight!

Hi Pag!

Hi Aidan!

Hi Fur!

Hi MPrezzy!

Hi AlmightyMax!

Hi Ikitiki!

Hi Pspitus!

Hi Lexie!

Hi Dragon!

Hi Desulated!

Hi Cloud!

Hi Bruno! (not like you'll read this)

Hi Deception!

Hi LittleGreenDog!

Hi Rikusgirl!

Hi...I'm out...OH WAIT! Hi Out-Of-Ammo!

Hi Tomatoes!



hi rawfan.

Hi...okay now I'm really out of people I can remember. :P

Sorry for that, I just like it when I'm mentioned in blogs, so I feel obligated to mention people in mine. :P

Next time I might make another chapter in my story. See ya! ;)

Edit: Hi BlinDShot! Hi KairiKH!

Another Christmas Blog

Hello everyone! My internet was down the week after I got ungrounded. Sorry. ;) BUT WHO CARES THIS WAS THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVA!!

I got a cell phone. :D YEAH! *dance* It's not a great one, but having a crumb is better than having no food at all right?

I also got: Guitar Hero 5, Oblivion, and Borderlands! *dance* I like to just wander around in Oblivion and see what I can see. XD I'm a thief, with a cool hood and everything! Borderlands is pretty fun to play with someone, but I got kind of sick of it after...4?...hours of playing it. Guitar Hero pretty self explanatory...It's fun. ;)

I'm not in the mood to type a lot so...done. :P

Xbox Live Account: waytogo24