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Mr_Jenkins Blog

Er...Happy 3 days after my supposed 1 month anniversary?

Marrium1: Hello everyone and welcome to my-

*hits Marrium1 over the head with a spork then steps on him repeatedly*

THIS IS MR_JENKINS! I'm sorry, I got either way we're having this anniversary whether you like it or not! WHAT!? YOU FORGOT TO GET ME AN ANNIVERSARY GIFT!? *steals twilight's catchphrase* Sorry. I'm a bit on edge. Either way Marrium1 is dead. old self is dead...:P

SPIRIT TRACKS! It comes out Monday, but the wonderful world of Utah gets everything 1 day late, so I get it on Tuesday. Huzzah! *confetti followed by a pinky twirl* You have NO. CLUE. how good it feels to type again. I'm pretty good at typing. Here,I'll type the next paragraph with a dishtowel over my eyes. How exciting. :P

Dishtowels smeell really good. Mm...essence of dishes past washed. So haas anyone noticed my absense? I didn't get any concerned PMs about it. I did get mail from Rikusgirl which got a follow up nevermind PM. Rikusgirl is pretty cool, you should all bombard her with friend requests. :P So...I haven't been playing any games lately as I've been gronded, but Tekken 5 is quite cool. I would pick it up if I were you. ;) What's you faavorite game t the moment? Seriously, put it in your comment. Oh and Courtney, I would love if you posted one of those awesome cakes in you comments. :P know what's funny? Las Vegas was founded by Mormons. XD It's more funny for me...because I can't escape Mormons in Utah...but I still think it is hilarious.

Okay I'm not blindfolded anymore. It looks like I did pretty okay...I'd prefer not knowing the meaning of...smeell though...or gronded...

Well that was interesting. You know what is sad? I've wanted to play Monopoly for almost 5 days now and no one will play with me. :cry: Do you guys like Monopoly? It seems everyone either hates it or likes it. Enough about me though...tell me about yourself. *pause* That's wonderful. :P

List of people who I'm excited about reading their comments: Mprezzy, Courtney, Fur, Aidan, Rikusgirl, Dragon, pspitus, desulated, and paggigalo.

List of people who I'm NOT excited about reading their comments: ...that stupid Blue. Talk about a real irritating person. (Inside joke)

Umm...In this conquest of surviving a whole 30 days I've...done...nothing except draw that awesome banner and make that awesome sig. Oh...and I made a truce with my ex-rival ikitikiti. He still bugs though. (Honestly you couldn't pay me to believe the IQ incident.) Dragon makes me laugh a bit. He avoids almost any topic run my ikitikiti in his own union. :P His union is very chaotic, but I think it's coming into it's stride. The Magical Cafe for those who don't know. I give it an 8.5/10.

BONUS QUESTION!: What is the capitol of Niue? That's an island. I tried to learn it's language (Niuean) but my attention span wasn't up to the challenge. I still know a bit. Hello: Fakalofala Atu. XD

This is quite the random blog...I wish I had a crazy awesome video like Aidan, but I can't find the camera charger. I have cool hair. Just saying. :P It's a fohawk or wild just woke up spikes. I change it weekly, not sure why, just turned into a habit.

What is your favorite genre of music? I love Alternative Rock! Bands: The Killers, Muse, Oasis, Foo Fighters, The Postal Service, and Radiohead.

You know what I hate? That song everyone loves. Fireflies by Owl City, they totally stol The Postal Service's sound, plus the lyrics are so...fruity. *shudder* Speaking of which what is your favorite fruit? I like plums. :)

I wonder if I've been tagged while I was gone...I didn't get any PMs...either way it was a good thing to avoid.

Okay I'm done. Bye. :P

Mr_Jenkins, signing off 10:00 PM Utah.

Chapter 17: The Whole Plan

Characters Involved

Nicole - Twilightlullaby

Leon -Desulated

Squirrel - Slyfur

Aidan - Aidan

Courtney - Courtney

Jet E. Evil - pspitus

Red - Red

Michael - Dragon


Nicole gazed down at the folder in her hand. The information about the terrible people causing all this trouble was written on the documents inside this file. She reached in and looked upon the title. "Information on R.E.A.P." R.E.A.P. apparently stood for Ripple Effect Anamatronic-like People. Nicole thought it must have taken forever to find a clever name for the acronym. She didn't know what the ripple effect was, but it was luckily the first thing on the page. In fact the first page was dedicated to decoding the acronym.

The Ripple Effect is defined as the harvesting of a person's spirit repeatedly in order to utilize it for other purposes. In other words no matter how many times a person who has ever been turned into an experiment by R.E.A.P. dies, their spirit will always be taken to a new body. This creates an imprisonment inside our world for whoever falls victim to this organization, and disallows them from passing on to the next life (see Experiment X-19 for more details on the next life.) The person's spirit will be recycled repetitively and will gain a new body every time, usually a cyborg one. The spirit will pass through their own body for a split second, and will be killed immediately upon gaining their old body back. This is usually done with DSF or Deadly Sound Frequency, a particular amount of hertz and decibelsof sound that cause the brain to shut down and the heart to go haywire.

That's absolutely horrible, Nicole thought to her. She glanced at Fur wondering how many times she had died now. She then realized this meant Ben hadn't died. Technically, he had just been turned into a cyborg once again. This was bittersweet. It was good to have their friend still alive, but for him to be an "anamatronic-like person" again, which she could only assume meant cyborg, wasn't such a good thing. Sure enough the next sentences touched upon this subject explaining that this was in fact a way of saying cyborg, while still fitting the acronym. They sure do like the name REAPNicole thought rolling her eyes. The next few pages showed some schematics of machines that they had developed that Nicole couldn't make heads or tails of. One was the DSF room though which she gazed at for a bit. Apparently the only material that survived this frequency was cheap glass. Weird...

R.E.A.P. has twelve known experiments at the moment. The two most recent have escaped captivity, but unfortunately one was murdered soon after. The death of the person known as Ben was caused by an assassin from R.E.A.P. known as Lio Warren. This person is known to have several mental disorders creating a thirst for blood and the need for the death of others around him. The other experiment, Squirrel, was supposed to be killed at this incident, but escaped unharmed. The rest of the experiments are at large, but have laid lower than the two escapees and have yet to be destroyed once. One experiment named Ichor has recently been seen at large and appears to be R.E.A.P.'s next terrorist. He seems to be trying to find and kill The Chosen Three (refer to data sample 74311-Z093.)

Nicole read this last sentence then closed the folder and gave it back to Leon.

"I don't think I need anymore knowledge from here." she said. The fact that she was being hunted right now was very unsettling.

"Did you read about the Ripple Effect and the experiment known as Ichor?" Leon said, "Those are the main points you need to know."

"Yes." Nicole said with a nod.

"Good." Leon said, "We have recently found another experiment tampering with satelliteswithin the Earth's orbit. This is making it very difficult to track Ichor. We need to go up there and stop whoever they are. I can only take three of you with me."

Squirrel shouted, "Me!" so fast it made Aidan's head spin, the next one say it. Squirrel needed some action.

"Okay I'll take you," he said pointing to Nicole, "Squirrel and Aidan. The rest of you will have to stay here."

"Oh it's okay, I'm a little tired of all this anyway." Courtney said, sitting on a white lounge chair. The room seemed to create furniture at will. Mr. Evil, Red, and Dragon sat too, talking about some real estate pyramid scheme.

"We'll see you soon," Nicole said to Courtney as they stepped into the elevator. They had assumed they would go down to some room with a space shuttle in it, but Leon suddenly pushed his hand onto the clear, left side of the elevator. A blue ripple radiated out from where he had pressed. Suddenly four advanced space suits seemed to appear on everyone in an instant.

"We use magnetic technology to make over one billion nanochips form a spacesuit in 41 milliseconds flat." Leon said. No one argued, they couldn't think of any other way it could happen. The invisible elevator continued to go up. Everything at C.E.A.R. seemed to be made in some dreamlike, imaginary world where anything was possible, because before all this, no one here except Leon would have thought this was possible. They suddenly went through the ozone layer and were now in the endless fathoms of space. Leon pressed more invisible buttons on the wall and the elevator started moving to what seemed to be left.

"This experiment has a strange energy level that leads me to believe they have a new weapon that we have never seen before, " Leon said. A satellite was coming into view. A strange silver being was flying around in many directions extremely fast, putting wires in different places.

"It's worse than I thought, they aren't destroying the satellites they are using them for their own use, " Leon said, showing concern in his face. Suddenly strange yellow gloves appeared on everyones' hands.

"These will help you control gravity," Leon stated simply. Then the elevator disappeared. It felt more like the floor had been taken out from under them, because the whole thing was invisible anyway. Everyone except Leon immediately hurtled toward the Earth.

"Point your palms up!" Leon shouted over everyones' screams. They all complied and soon were where Leon was, "Fists to stay where you are," They all clenched their hands. The silver being looked over. Long, wavy hair went down to the cyborg's thighs. It had high cheekbones, and was obviously a woman. It looked strangely calming, everyone lowered their guard. Suddenly the experiment flew straight at Nicole and shot a punch at a speed that threw Leon's sensors off. Nicole miraculously dodged, her quick reflexes really coming in handy. She reacted by uppercutting the cyborg to the face. This, unfortunately, did nothing but hurt Nicole's hand a lot. The cyborg was much too hard for a punch. Leon blasted it with a cannon. The experiment backed away slightly, but only looked mildly phazed. Aidan took out the sword that was still on the outside of his suit. This, however, opened his fists slightly, and his gravity went in every direction. He spun around several times until he finally got his hands back into fists. A sword would not be usable with these terribly designed gloves. There was no time for discussion about this however as the cyborg was glowing. It had turned strange color of deep purple, giving an eerie and mysterious feel. The cyborg did a couple of hand motions until she finally put her hands together. Then all hell broke loose.


It's good to be back. ;) Well I think that was a pretty interesting chapter. ...I wrote it though so...:P

Shoutout: Thanks Courtney for saving my sig from the depth's of Aidan's recycling big! :lol:

Mr_Jenkin's first tagging

Hi everyone! This is Mr_Jenkins of Blogged Up News. Does your kitchen have an awful, moldy smell? Recent studies have shown that 9 out of every 10 houses is positive for mold. How can we stop this epidemic? Find out later.

In other news I have been tagged by a young mercenary named RikusGirl8. This renegade is on the FBI's most wanted list, and will be taken into custody once she is found. If you have any information that may lead to the uncovering of this criminal please call your local police station at once.

First on our report tonight we take a look at the recent sightings of the clues that may lead to an understanding of the man you all know as Mr_Jenkins.

1. The first clue, reported by The National Foundation of Science, will be brought us by Bob Bill. Bob?
Me:I'm sorry Bob but did you just say two cats?
Me: Everyone knows that already.
Bob: Well Jenkins our news station is running out of ideas and our rates are low so why don't you just go-

2. Bob has been taken off our news crew and will never be seen again. Our next case will be shown to us by Susan Suzette. Susan?
Susan: ...
Jenkins: Is your mic working Susan?
Susan: *mouths a couple of words but none are heard*
Jenkins: sum it up...I have been on Gamespot since age 11, starting with waytogo24, up until now. This adds up to a total of four years.
Susan: MR_JENKINS...HAS....4...YEARs. This is a great achievement in the world of gam-
Jenkins: That's great Susan. Just...great.

3.An incredible sighting was spotted yesterday, as a slightly larger lady called in and told us this appallingfact. ApparentlyMr_Jenkin's...well...I have an oldersister named Aurora who is going to have a baby. She just found out yesterday that this child will beof the male gender.
Jenkins:...Thank you Susan.

4. Now our health adviser will tell us about a new diet to help us get fit and good looking. We'll go to Vita Myn with our health news. Vita?
Vita: Well it appears that a man named Mr_Jenkins has started a new diet called "Eat anything and gain no weight"this apparently only works for him, because of his high metabolism.
Jenkins: So you're saying that have a high metabolism?
Vita: Yes.
Jenkins: Great.

5.New statistics show that am the complete opposite ofthe state I live in.According to a new personality test...well...we'll let Ninava Nina take over. Ninava?
Ninava: Indeed, this 100 question personality test says that thestate that is least like Mr_Jenkins is Utah itself! He seems to be much too extroverted to be alike the average citizen of this state.
Jenkins: Is that right?
Ninava: Indeed.
Jenkins: Hey that's my line!

6. We'll be back after this 60 second commercial break.


Jenkins: We're back. I'm getting sick of all this spiel so...I'll get right to it.My favorite cereal is CocoaKrispies followed by Apple Jacks.

7. Now it's time for theweather! We'll go to ourweatherman Avl Lanche! Alv?
Alv: Thanks Jenkins. It appears some hot air will be settling over the air local area. It appears this is caused by Mr_Jenkins incessant talking which he seems to have a knack for.
Jenkins: Is that so?
Alv: Ye-
Jenkins: Okay you're donenow.

8. It appears that Jane Commonname has a report on the best thing ever. Jane?
Jane: The best thing ever is one word.Sushi. It appears Mr_Jenkins has a strange liking to the food and since he owns this news station we automatically have to say this.
Jenkins: Wow. That was so correct I'm surprised we didn't just cause several people to question their religious beliefs.
Jane: that then...


10. To end our broadcast we would like to end upon a happy note. Jenkins is very friendly and has actually walked up to strangers and said, "Do you want to be my new best friend?" before. This works surprisingly well, as he used to just do it as a joke...but it...worked...O_o


Wow...that was super irritating to write! XD I'll make a new story chapter soon. ;)

*Ahem* Check it out.

I drew that banner! Except for the part that says Dr.Pepper and the word Power...those didn't show up well when they were scanned. I also used a cartoon effect to make everything darker so it's easier to see. I think it turned out quite well! Comments? Well it's 12:43 and I'm tired. Sorry for events...:P


P.S. I just made this sig too.

Thanks to my friend Aidan the text look much better! Thanks! ;)


WHAT!? I just got this wonderful message.

To prevent flooding no user can post more than 20 messages within one hour.

WHAT IN THE HELL!? Is this new? I know I used to do this on Marrium1 all the friggen' time! I hate my life. :cry:

Just kidding, I don't hate my life.


OH! Welcome to Mr_Jenkins first blog! In case you haven't noticed yet, this is Marrium1. So, to start everything off I will explain why I hate the name Marrium1 so much.


Back when I was waytogo24, I introduced my cousin to Gamespot. She has an Islamic name (Whatever that is) because she is Muslim and it was Marrium. Marr was pronounced like Mare. Anyways she wanted that to be her account name, but Marrium was already taken. Thus the 1 was born. :P Anyways she used it like...twice...:roll:

The story of waytogo24 is a sad tale. He was quite the popular guy. :P I had my little gang like I do now, but they were much cooler. :lol: I'm kidding. Just to sum things up really fast, I spoke like...that know...the one that uses no capitals or periods. All of my friends went inactive. It made me cry bunches! One time when I left for a long period of time, they made a waytogo24 memorial thread, so they did care a lot though. :D So pretty close to the end of all my friends, some Mod found out I was only like...11 back then. I got banned. Just to avoid conflict now, I'm 15 in the present thank you.

So then I just stole Marrium1. I was quite self conscious of the name and even put


in my sig. Then I thought of the brilliant plan of making it seem like it was supposed to be pronounced Mar like bar. I eventually became a charter member in Catz Clan and ever since then I've had the most wonderful friends in the world. :D In real life and on here. Odd coincidence. Anyways someone called me a girl one day, so I made Mr_Jenkins. It was bugging me for a while before that anyway. Don't say, "I LIKED THE OLD ACCOUNT BETTER!!!" I really won't care. Honestly.

So I noticed that I never finished my countdown of friends on Marrium1. I will post the people who definitely would have been on there.

Slyfur, Aidan, Courtney, twilight, Red, Dragon, and koopa in no particular order. Des and Pag if I redid the list I would have put you higher.

That's all I've got. :P