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First Viewing: Inchon (1982)

Well folks, here is the new episode of First Viewing with a 1982 bomb that you may have heard of at least once or this might be the first time you have ever even heard of the title. Inchon.

Yes people, THAT Inchon. If you know about the history of this film along with its overall loss of $40.8 million (and that's not including inflation), it probably goes without saying that this movie really can't be found on home video for anyone curious to see if it really is as bad as many say it is. You might think a Korean War epic starring Laurence Oliver as General Douglas MacArthur would have some elements of success, but it would seem that a lack of promotion for the film along with many actors regretting their roles later on it doesn't seem to be the case.

So is this movie really all that bad? If you have a half-hour to kill, here is my reaction to the movie:

Also if you want to see the movie for yourself:

That's what I have for today's view, if you have any suggestions, please feel free to send a PM or leave a comment about what I should do. I'll try and respond to the suggestion about whether or not I've seen it or it would be fit for a video.

That's the news from Myviewing as of November 9, 2011.

Wow, I wasn't kidding

It's finally happened guys, I have returned with another blog. Basically if you want to know where I've been, there's two things that's caused me to slow down in blogs. The first thing was that my workplace has been dragging me in at the most inconsistant times that made me unable to think of anything to talk about. Second reason is becuase it caused me to get really tired and unable to get around to doing anything in terms of getting a topic to bring up on my blog.

I'm not sure if this counts as another reason, but I've been a bit stuck in terms of what I would like to do on a consistant basis. I do have a fair number of games and I'm currently playing Skyladers: Spyro's Adventure and even getting some reading in at along last. Amidst that I've been unsure what to and what to write about because I felt a bit tired of just writing about upcoming releases (Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim coming out FTW BTW).

Ultimately after a little bit of wodnering, I have actually managed to find out what to do, seeing that I have been inspired by the main series of He11sing920. If you know him, he has been doing a series called Reaction and Review where he watches a movie for the first time and gives his reactions and his initial review on the movie. After giving a bit of thought, I have decided to do my own series of my reactions to movies I'm watching for the first time. If you're wondering where, I'm not on Youtube because of several reasons: A.) The community is only good for watching drama these days. And B.) The time and size limits are a bit constraining for the stuff that I'd like to do. So as a result I am posting these videos on my Viddler page. If you check out the website and upload videos on there, you'll probably find a lot of benefits to it over Youtube in terms of video flexibility. If you're wondering my username, you don't have to use a whole lot of imagination:

So far I have two entries in my series thus far, one on a good movie, one on a bad movie. That's just my evaluation on the two and if you're curious about my thoughts on any, check them out if you have a half hour to kill.

The very first episode, Howling III: The Marsupials
The episode to follow, Night of the Living Dead

If you haven't noticed, I've got episodes in line for a Halloween theme and I hope that these manage to add to your sugar enduced entertainment for this part of the year. I also have some further episodes planned and I hope that I might be able to cover some films that He11sing920 hasn't done and offer my own warnings or reccomendations. I'm not sure if I'll be as entertaining or as good of a reviewer, but at least I'll be able to do something as a major ongoing series.

So far I have another three films I'll be doing that I have planned:

Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

Those ar the films I have planned to do, however I would like to be able to do some things for you guys just so I don't stay within some realm of my own personal interests. It might be able to let me check out movies I haven't even heard of, though I will try and follow a bit of a criteria. I will try to do movies I have little knowledge of and ones that I may have only seen once and don't remember a whole lot of.

So to help for further episodes, If anybody who is reading this has any suggestions for what I should do, please feel free to send a PM or leave a comment on any blogs I have in the future about what I should do. I'll try and respond to the suggestion about whether or not I've seen it or it would be fit for a video. I hope to at least get a few, I'm not sure if I should do the Amazon wishlistthing thatHe11sing920 does, but if anybody really wants to do that I probably will make my wishlist public. Otherwise I'll probably find other ways of getting around to seeing them.

So there's my introduction to the series, I'm not sure if I'll stay with the title "Reaction" I might try and change it to something like "First Viewing". I hope that this manages to entertain a few people and I will be able to establish a new series.

I'm not sure if anybody still reads my stuff, but if there are anybody who does, hi again and I hope you enjoy my new series. I will try and get around to writing more often and maybe find something else to talk about. So Happy Halloween and a good night.

That's the news from Myviewing as of October 31, 2011.

Vacation Time This Time.

Hello Gamespot, what has been happening? This is pretty much the day before I begin my trip to Virginia so I thought I'd type something. I've mostly been playing Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3 lately, I forgot how fun a Dynasty Warriors game could be. They are repetitive as all crap I will not deny it, but clearly they are just the kind of game somebody either loves or hates. I of course fall under first category, this game has the fun of a Dynasty Warriors game and a ton of Gundam fan service. For me the game could only be better if Mark Hildreth was Heero Yuy again, but the new guy is close enough. I also saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows: Part 2 a few days ago. Excellent conclusion for the series, but it leaves me with one question, "What am I supposed to look forward to for my annualized sequels now? Star Wars re-releases? Again?"

So did anybody like the whole thing I had discussing Operation Rainfall? Yeah I thought so. I actually got a letter back from Nintendo of America a few days ago from the letter I sent. It's pretty much just a diplomatic way of saying, "Your input is important to us, thank you for contacting. We have no new information on these games at this time." Maybe if we can get several thousand more letters in, NoA might begin to notice some pattern, it is worth trying at least.

In other news Capcom did something that I certainly found quite mean even as a non-fan myself. Early before the 3DS was released, they announced that Megaman Legends 3 was in development, a sequel that a ton of people were looking forward to for the longest time. I don't really care what anybody has to say about any developers they like to use as punching bags nowadays, but I don't recall anybody announcing a long awaited game with such a loyal following only to pretty much scoop it back away at the last minute. That's right, another 3DS game cancellation with Megaman Legends 3 being the game. Sega may be willing to admit they aren't willing to try Shenmue 3 because they feel it wouldn't sell well, but at least they don't announce it and then decide to cancel it at the last minute. I don't know if I really have enough material to do a whole rant on Capcom as it is right now, but this last act is not going to have people look at them favorably.

So this pretty much narrows my list of games I'm looking forward to from Capcom to Resident Evil: Revelations. I was thinking about Mercenaries 3D but I expecting more content that what was in it even though I might still get it but get other 3DS games first, I'm not too sure about Operation Raccoon City considering the developer, Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Street Fighter IV are constantly getting re-released in stores with just a few more things that could have been DLC so I'm never sure if I should consider buying the games at all, and I'm not exactly excited for DmC either for an obvious reason and because of the developer again. Maybe Dragon's Dogma and Asura's Wrath have a chance of being good, but again I'm just not too sure.

That's what I have to share today, but I do plan on posting videos on my viddler when I find things to record on my trip to Virginia. See you guys next week.

That's the news from Myviewing as of July 21, 2011.

So I'm a Rain Drop

If you're wonder about the title, this is pretty much me admitting my part in moving along with Operation Rainfall. I don't know if anybody hasn't heard of this operation by now, but in layman's terms it's a big effort to convince Nintendo of America to localize the following three games to the Nintendo Wii: The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, and Xenoblade Chronicles. I'm not really typing this up with the intent of attracting new attention and potential participants, but I thought I'd get out what it means to me.

Game exclusive only to Japan and me wanting to play them is not really a new scenario for me. In fact it's been something that I've been displeased with since I first got into RPGs in my Playstation 1 days. There was this one game called White Diamond which if anybody can find information on the game that doesn't just confirm its name, I will personally salute you for your many days scouring google for something on it. Even though I didn't know anything about it, I wanted to get as many RPGs for my system as I could and it didn't really please me that there were some games people like me in the U.S. couldn't get. It only made sense that games sell better in America and more often than not better than Europe and Japan combined. At least that's what I had in mind, I was thinking pretty black and white at the time.

Outside of White Diamond, there were games I looked up and found for the Super Nintendo that looked really cool and wanted to play as well when I found the website back in the day. You can click here to find this website called that hasn't been updated in the past seven years, but still has stuff to read on there. This game called Seiken Densetsu 3 looked epic and that was just based on the sprites, but behold it just wasn't released in the U.S.

Nowadays there are some games that I have been interested in playing but haven't had a chance to play because they weren't localized. Some of them are anime licensed games like Bleach: Versus Crusade developed by Treasure (Sin & Punishment: Star Successor), and wouldn't even be released in the U.S. probably because Shattered Blade wasn't that well received. The number of anime licensed games being released in the U.S. isn't too surprising though since the sales have pretty much dropped significantly since last gen, just look at the sales of Dragon Ball Z: Budokai compared to Dragon Ball: Raging Blast even on the Playstation 3 (Vgchartz is source in this case as always).

What do all of these games have in common though? It's pretty much this: A number of people wanted to play them, maybe more than just me, but in the end nobody really cares about whether or not they are localized. There aren't that many campaigns and rallies to convince developers that they should release their games outside of Japan even if they might have the chance to sell really well. I probably missed them though, I mostly had been hoping that enough people would rally to petition bringing games like Mobile Ops: The One Year War or Mobile Suit Gundam: MS Sensen 0079.

When it comes to that however, Operation Rainfall not only has momentum, but also has the intention of bringing over games to the U.S. that I want to play greatly. The Last Story is a product of Mistwalker Studios that created Blue Dragon and Lost Odyessey, the latter being one of my favorite games this gen. Naturally it's only so great because of the creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's efforts and when I heard he was making an RPG for the Wii in the same vein as Final Fantasy, I was willing to set down the money as soon as I would a Legend of Dragoon 2 and whatever system it would be on.

Unfortunately it had to be published by Nintendo and some guys at Nintendo of America think that Americans don't want the game. When I heard this it was pretty much one of the last straws I would have with this kind of attitude NOA was adopting. Disaster: Day of Crisis, I was disappointed but wasn't too let down by it not being released. Fatal Frame 4 was a bit more of a letdown, and just to let more salt in the wound America still got Ju-On: The Grudge for the Wii. If you want an idea of what this was like, it's like if Capcom decided not to bring Monster Hunter Tri to the U.S. and all we would be stuck with is Valhalla Knights: Eldar Saga.

I decided to wait until E3 of this year to find out whether or not I could look forward to seeing The Last Story or Xenoblade being brought to the U.S., and I was let down again. I was pretty sad, but it seemed like immediately after this lack of an announcement that Operation Rainfall began to really make itself known. A number of Nintendo fans were finally able to stand up and say, "Hey! We want these games!" Not to mention it actually introduced me to another game that I didn't hear of before, Pandora's Tower. This game also looked epic and entertaining, and the Operation's goal is to send enough complaints to Nintendo of America and say that we actually want The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles, and Pandora's Tower.

I would have liked to see something of this magnitude happen before in the past, but I can finally say that it would seem like this movement has momentum. It actually might NOA think twice about their decision to localize these three games.

I don't know if I'm just caught up in the moment or something, but it could be a possibility that this will affect something. Of course going in, I know that there is a chance that this whole thing could just be a "treadmill project" as the great NovaFeenix would describe. Basically a project that seems to be up and running, has support, has momentum, but in the end it never goes anywhere. I don't know if anybody was on Youtube to witness the rise and fall of the "Gamer's Union" and the drama that went on around that time, but you can probably still find videos regarding it. There's the chance Operation Rainfall will probably just be one stormy night for NOA and they'll get over it and just not bring over the three games. It's sort of pessimistic, but every bit the possibility as convincing Nintendo of America to think again on the games. Another example is that there was this one survival horror game called Winter that was only looking for a publisher, and more than about 10,000 people signed a petition begging for the game to be published by somebody, but I can't exactly pull out a copy of Winter now can I?

Pretty much my general thoughts on this matter is that I'm glad to see that people are finally grouping together to convince Nintendo to localize these games. In fact I think this is an example that should go across all consoles to the point of where there are no games exclusive to Japan or vice versa, or exclusive to Europe and such. I think that everybody should be able to play whatever the other has, no questions. It's idealistic, but if anything we might be able to have some kind of first step.

This is pretty much what Operation Rainfall means to me, it's a great idea that I think deserved to be around for much longer than just now. Not just for the three games their pushing for, but for anything like Disaster: Day of Crisis, Fatal Frame 4, Zangeki no Reginleiv, or anything else that looks like it could appeal to a great audience. If anybody wants to participate in this Operation, you're best chance is to do what I did and that's write a letter to Nintendo of America in hopes that they might listen. There are websites that I would show, but I'm not sure if showing an address would be something against Gamespot rules.

Anybody feel that I wasted space or contributed anything? It's been on my mind for a few days ever since I sent my letter to Nintendo and at least I managed to get this out there.

That's the news from Myviewing as of July 12, 2011.

Happy 4th!

Creative title isn't it? The fourth of July is here and I have gotten off of work quite a few hours ago. And what better way is there to celebrate ones patriotism to America than a night of Transformers: Dark of the Moon? Epic movie, see it ASAP if you even remotely liked the first two movies.

Right now there's fireworks outside and it signals the 235th year of age in the founding of the United States of America. I was at work for most of the day, but after that I went out to see the movie and now I'm here. Just my day in a nutshell pretty much.

Yesterday I finally got around to buying my first XBLA games after all this time and mostly played free games that are available such as Harm's Way and Dorito's Crash Course. First three I got were Monkey Island 1 and 2 Special Editions and Moon Diver and I also got a ton of demos. Thanks to the free gold weekend I've been able to try out the Sonic Generations demo. It's pretty much the first stage of Sonic the Hedgehog 1 in HD graphics. Not a bad thing, but I was hoping to try out a 3D stage or so. There was also this one game I tried out called El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron, kind of like a Devil May Cry game with an emphasis on platforming. An interesting game, not sure if I would buy it though, I liked the idea and the plot was pretty neat, the gameplay though was pretty much just generic, maybe there's more depth in the final product. Here's the game subsection I thought I'd get out.

So happy birthday at 235 America. If we keep this up, we'll be able to wait for a few more centuries and eventually be one of the oldest nations the world has ever seen.

That's the news from Myviewing as of July 4, 2011.

So Here's What Went Down...

Hi people, I have managed to finally return from my epic journey. If you're wondering why it is I haven't been on in the past month or so, it's in part because what has been kept from the public ear is that the rapture did actually occur on May 21.

It became a very epic story. There is me, the folks at 3D Realms, GOD himself, Rebecca Black, and somehow we managed to get a horse named Ed in there. You see on May 21, GOD was planning to go ahead with the rapture and then all of a sudden I managed to get a face to face with him. We tried to work out the physics of the space time continuum with the fact that Duke Nukem Forever was supposed to be coming out this year and the world simply was no longer able to wait for the epicness it would inevitably be. And we know that the release of Duke Nukem Forever would supposedly cause hell to freeze over and many things of GOD's creation to begin contradicting itself. Simply put, the twelve years 3D Realms took in trying to develop what would be known as the greatest entertainment experience the universe has ever witnessed would be the sole cause of this.

So on May 21 when I had my meeting with GOD, it was agreed that in order for the universe to continue as it would, the game would be released but only so that it would cancel out the plans for GOD's decision to begin the rapture instead of causing all of creation to be turned upside down. And in order to assure GOD that we wouldn't just be delaying his plans but actually going ahead with it, we asked for a few weeks in order to find a proper "Focal Point of Failure" and directly insert it into Duke Nukem Forever's program. As me and the people at 3D Realms made our continuous search across the world (aka. The internet) we came across one youtube video that had at least two and a half million dislikes and was continuing to grow. It was like coming across a gold mine after a forty year search for just a few gold nuggets. So to extract the focal point of failure from the video, we needed to contact Rebecca Black and break the news to her that her "Friday" video had to be sacrificed in order for the universe to be saved.

It was a very emotional day for Miss Black and the video was unfortunately unable to be quickly finished off for what the extraction process required. Because of that, the video had to be slowly killed off being cut off from the amount of fail it was continuing to suck in from the internet. Rebecca was very sad about this though because her video was just like the ugly baby that nobody wanted that only she could ever care for.

But in the process of extracting the fail from her video, we managed to successfully insert it into Duke Nukem Forever and made an agreement with GOD to release the game and the release would only as planned cancel out the rapture instead of screwing up the order of the universe. Then Duke Nukem Forever's suckage ended up sucking in all of the negative particle energies that began to work their way across the universe, and at the same time had GOD decide to agree not to rapture the people of Earth just yet. Then in the last moment of the games release, there was a giant atomic explosion that occurred on the Earth's moon directly above Rebecca Black's house. Go figure.

There you have it guys, the reason Duke Nukem Forever is as poorly reviewed as it is, the reason Rebecca Black's "Friday" video is no longer on youtube, and the reason why the rapture did not occur on May 21. If we can keep this up, hopefully we will be able to find a way to make sure the world can continue to survive beyond October 21.

You could go along with this story, or you could simply accept the idea that the world couldn't wait for Transformers: Dark of the Moon.

Hope this managed to satisfy the curiosity of some people. In all fictional terms, I have now obtained a Nintendo 3DS at long last! I got it a few days ago and so far I have three games for it: Dead or Alive Dimensions, Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Shadow Wars.

You can check out my unboxing video down below:

I've played a lot of them these past few days, Dimensions is what you would expect out of Dead or Alive and what's great about its story mode is that it encompasses the entirety of the saga in five chapters from DOA 1-4. Ocarina of Time 3D is what you might have guessed, essentially the same game as the original but with more polished graphics and 3D effects. Still makes it a fantastic game in every sense of the word because of that. I haven't played too many Tom Clancy games before, but I can say a tactical RPG is a unique turn for the franchise to say the least. It's like what you would expect from the genre, check it out if you want something to hold off on until a Fire Emblem 3DS comes along.

So far I have three of the games that I've been interested in getting from the 3DS' current library. I would like to get Rayman 3D and what's great is that Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor Overclocked comes out tomorrow. So far a good number of titles are out, and I am very happy to see Luigi's Mansion 2 was announced last E3. The original was never under my "It's about time this sequel came out" radar since I thought the original was just a random experiment Nintendo was going to do once and then never return to. I am thankful to be corrected.

I hope everybody has been doing well, I'm not sure what I'll be up to in the next few days. I have accomplished getting back into reading for my personal enjoyment and I have actually managed to start writing up a book that I have been brewing in my head for the past few years. Not sure if I will blog any further on that, but I might. If I can write up anything else, just be sure to leave a suggestion below if you have one.

That's' the news from Myviewing as of June 27, 2011.


*Falls over dead*

Well okay, not really. Yeah, it has been quite a while since I've been on, again. I've got news for everyone who thinks that graduation means being able to spend more time doing what you enjoy: It isn't. Ever since I graduated I've been working like crazy at my workplace, family stuff has been going on, and keeping me from doing anything, growing up is not an easy process to say the least. I am bored though, so I decided to just type this up. I don't plan on going hazelnutman just yet, not to knock on him pretty much leaving since his reasons are fully understandable.

Yeah, a lot of stuff has happened, my grandparents came to visit, my sister had a performance, I had my first interactions with a casino, I have mostly been playing Soulcalibur IV and Dissidia 012: Duodecim Final Fantasy these past few weeks, I saw Rio, and those are just a few of the things I can remember doing. Thankfully I do get days where I can get some sleep, I'm just as exhausted as you may be guessing right now. But I have other topics to go into, and thankfully gaming related.

Ladies and gents, today I present to you Part 4 of "It's About Time this Sequel Came out": Soulcalibur V. Last time, there was Elder Scrolls V, then The Darkness II, then Ace Combat Assault Horizons, and now at last another Soulcalibur is underway. So far there are these details: The main character will be a man named Patroklos, the son of Sophitia and will take place 17 years after the events of Soulcalibur IV. Thankfully it also turns out that Siegfried will be making an appearance in this game, my personal favorite fighter and character in the series. Expected to come out next year hopefully, do want.

Thankfully I've also been able to enjoy what the Youtube drama has been bringing me. You guys might remember the whole PSN drama that went down this past few weeks when it pretty much went down and wasn't able to do anything right? Everybody has been so sensitive about the situation and acting like there was a whole war based on this situation. Youtube community is pretty much in the crapper, so thankfully I am able to enjoy people trading videos with each other and acting like it's all a matter of life and death. This is pretty much the reason why Soap Operas are going under it seems to me, because I can just watch Youtube and enjoy watching people be this entertaining.

Some additional news, I have finally managed to find an Ethernet cable to connect my 360 to online, and I am able to log onto Xbox Live. I still have the month trial membership so I'll be trying this out for a while, and if you find a dude named SupplelyGrain3 on there, that would be me. I don't remember if I'm able to attach my gamertag nearby or somehow on this site, but I'll do so later when I get around to it.

That's the news from Myviewing as of May 16, 2011.


Hey guys, finally making another blog here. Don't really have any excuses other than just me being so effing busy with work. If you've guessed by my title though, yes I have finally graduated. After four years of attending college it's finally over and I can actually search for a full time job now instead of continuing the one that has been getting on my nerves every time I go in as of late. And Lent is finally over, so I hope everybody had a nice Easter, maybe the rabbit from Hop left a few jellybeans for you?

For future reviews, I've actually determined that the ones I've done so far are actually an account of the top ten favorite games I played last year, and Bayonetta was one of them of course. Of the two I reviewed last time, I dare you to figure out which one I picked for number 9. I'll do number 8 when I beat the game and Bayonetta is already there as number 7.

Also about a week ago, I saw Limitless. Pretty cool movie, it acted well and delivered on its concept and had a well tied story for everything it was covering. Only real complaint was that the ending felt a little too optimisitic, but it managed to make sense in the end, so there's not much else I can really complain about.

Also to stay tuned for E3 this year, Nintendo is officially going to be offering a demonstration of their console for next gen. Most I've heard about it is the following, the first that it will be backwards compatible with Wii games and there's supposed to be a new controller setup similar to holding a DS with the screens and might be used as a Wii sensor bar it seems. Also the graphics are supposed to be even greater than that of the 360 and Playstation 3, which probably means that we're either going to see another huge leap forward in graphics on competing consoles, or that we've hit the current maximum for graphics since most of the hardware components are not as expensive as they were back in the day.

There's also a question of what the current competitors will do in order to stay in the console business. For the PlayStation 3, I think it is possible that it could stick with the 10 year plan they say they will be following since on a hardware level it will definitely outlive the current competitors. If Microsoft wants to keep its place above Sony though, they will definitely need to update to the Xbox720 or whatever it will be called. I don't know if they can keep it, but at least they can try.

Also there's a bit of a dilemma with Kinect having been released only about six months ago (I think it was that long). Ten million units have been sold so far and I don't think that many adoptees will be happy to see they have to buy another console to play the newer games. Well this is considering the idea that some developers might want to develop more high end games for Kinect, for all we know they might just keep using the same technology since the tech prices won't be as high if tech prices do go any higher.

It's something, I'm gald to finally have a moments rest, I'm not sure what I'll be doing later on though. I do know that I will be trying to get back on track for gaming purchases since I still want a 3DS, and I know the battery life is weak, but I pretty much plan on getting one so I can trade my Pokemon between my game data and get the benefit of playing 3D games. I'm also pretty sure there will be a Pokemon game built from the ground up for the 3DS so I'll be able to get another one and trade again for the best results. That's just how I plan out everything I do anyway, it allows for my trainer to go through battles very easily. I also have been wanting to save up for a PlayStation 3, just haven't been as dedicated to it, but if the $100 price drop rumor is confirmed this E3, I'll definitely without question pick one up. There's still no Legend of Dragoon 2, but it does have a decent selection of games I would like to play at this point. That's what I have planned and might come to pass, enjoy reading.

That's the new from Myviewing as of April 25, 2011.

New Reviews

Man, it's practically been a year since I did these. I know that it's been quite a while, so I might be a bit rusty... again. So anyway, here's two of the best games of last year for me. I hope it encourages sales somehow, though I might overstate my importance a bit.

Kirby's Epic Yarn:
9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors:

I can't really say much about missing Sunday this week other than I msised it pretty much because I ended up watching Star Wars Episode III for the fourth time in a row over the last week. Yeah, that's what I've been up to that has been life note-worthy, I was apparently very bored over that week. Well the film is in my personal top five for a reason.

I think that might be enough to make up for missing Sunday Ramblings, but in reality I have pretty much decided that I won't be doing them every week at this point. Pretty much for the reason that I can't think of a whole lot to talk about these days. On the bright side, I've THIS close to graduation and I'm now able to search for a fulltime job sometime soon. Best case scenario: I'll be able to try doing more user reviews since I don't buy games at the rate I have been as of late. Probably might have been the reason that I didn't do as many reviews as I used to. Then again I was also trying to take up writing, though I might be able to complete something one day.

There you go, have a nice day.

That's the news from Myviewing as of April 13, 2011.

Sunday Ramblings: LULZ

Well guys, the fallout has come and gone from April Fools Day. I don't know how many people read my last blog, but yeah, that was just my contribution to the national holiday.

I'm not sure how many people fell for it, though I am pretty sure everybody who commented just played along with it like I did with several others. I played along with magiciandude where he pretended as though he had become a Sony fanboy and Cloud_765 where he claimed he was a unicron once and posted a picture of some guy in a unicorn outfit. Some of the other ones just said April Fools at the end and I just wished a happy April Fools or something along those lines.

And also just to answer luc11044, yeah White Castles are still open. Mostly in the Mid and South West, maybe some in California. I really ought to go to one of them again one of these days, I've always liked their burgers. There's something unique about the smallness and onion taste they have that I've always liked.

Bear this much in mind, this isn't the only big April Fools thing to happen either. A few days ago, there was this website that intentionally skewed its information to show that the PlayStation 3 had passed the Xbox 360 in terms of hardware sales. And when this happened, the PlayStation 3 fanboybase to paraphrase The Lonely Island, J***ed in their pants and went to bloat about it just about anywhere they could. When a few people actually managed to knock some sense into these people though, they all threw their hands back and replied, "Never mind..."

It's quite a hilarious scenario though just showing how schizophrenic fanboys can get. PlayStation 3 fanboys basically for the past few years tried to justify the low sales by arguing that sales didn't matter, and then all of a sudden they learn for a possible moment managed to outsell their long running rival and are happy over this. It happened when the Xbox 360 fanboys also claimed that the PlayStation 3 didn't have any good games for the longest time and then when Insomniac announced last year that they were going to be doing a game collaboration with Electronic Arts, they assumed this meant the 360 would be getting Resistance or Ratchet & Clank. And yeah, there are cases on the PlayStation side where they claimed the 360 didn't have any good games and then Mass Effect 2 gets announced and Sony gets praised for securing the rightsfor the game and it's pretty much happened agin with Epic Games saying they'd like to put the Gears of War series on the PlayStation 3 as well.

So yeah, both sides are pretty much losing ground at this point, not too surprising since this gen is pretty much going to be wrapping up in the next year or two. It was a funny day for me at least, I hope everybody else has enjoyed it.

That's the news from Myviewing as of April 3, 2011.