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#1 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts


IW and Crytek sucks while valve stopped being a contender in the fps genre a long time ago.

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#2 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts

[QUOTE="percech"] The sad part of this argument is that I have played almost every big PC game in the past decade.Lucianu

I don't believe you. But who gives a ** anyway. Neither of us know each other.

Am I wrong to feel so underwhelmed when I upgraded my pc into a gaming rig? Am I wrong to feel that with the money on new should fit to the standards? The fact is, they don't. percech

You have mods for that, they will take advantage of the hardware.

And if you still see the need to purposly not use them, and limit yourself, than what is the purpose of this thread since we all know that multiplats developed around consoles are what they are. And even vanilla multiplats, still look and feel significantly better than consoles.

This is the kind of guy that would play oblivion on PC at low settings, low resolution and with no mods just to claim the xbox 360 version is better.

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#3 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts


[QUOTE="percech"] What I said, however is not an's fact.percech

Wrong, it is a opinion, otherwise your posts wouldn't be so eronated as if you have never touched a PC game (which is what i would consider to be fact, judging from your lack of knowledge regarding PCs alltogether).

PC games looks vastly better than consoles.

The sad part of this argument is that I have played almost every big PC game in the past decade. Am I wrong to feel so underwhelmed when I upgraded my pc into a gaming rig? Am I wrong to feel that with the money on new should fit to the standards? The fact is, they don't.

What standards? your own?

I personally am disgusted when I see most console games, alot of PC gamers can notice the low rez and framerates. Also then there are are the PC exclusives, you act like the only reason to own a gaming pc, is to play multiplatform games.

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#4 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts

What I said, however is not an's fact.

Anything that begins with "What I said" is not a fact

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#5 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts

Those GTA shots are nice, but those are mods. So your argument is void.percech

Why shouldnt mods count? they are a clear example of how PC gaming is superior to console gaming. In a console fanboy's world gaming PC cost $5000, crash and have problems all the time, is full of pirates, doesnt look any better, has no games and there is no such things as mods.

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#6 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts

For me PC gaming is an easy choice

-offers a much better experience

- games are much cheaper ( I just got civ5 and the witcher 2 for 56$ a few weeks ago and the witcher 2 isnt even out yet.)

This is the only PC that I personally own, I use my PC has my multimedia center watching movies, shows, surfing the web, talking to friends and family.

The thing about console gaming its cheap enough to just jump right in, while pc gaming has to be eased into. However once most people go PC gaming they dont go back

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#7 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts

[QUOTE="mitu123"][QUOTE="edo-tensei"] It will be a cod clone, how is that balancinbg?edo-tensei
How will it be a COD clone?

perks, iron sights, probably cod console like killstricks. I do hope the pc version is "different as they seem to be claiming" This gen, I don't trust anything a dev says until the game releases.

Have you played BC2 there was no killstreaks in there at all

The perks in BC2 arent really perks but just extra equipment, you dont get ridicious stuff like last stand or martyrdom or any of that nonsense

The BF series had ironsights since BF2

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#8 NanoMan88
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[QUOTE="Sandvichman"] Hey if it wasnt for the consoles, you wouldnt have near those pre orders, just saying. But i get to play battlefield 3, dont really care if you can play it at a higher resolution. ;)Sandvichman

Along with 16(AA+AF),Better(textures+lighting+shadows+destruction+foliage+framerate),64 players and bigger maps.

Oh,and BC2 sold more on PC than the PS3 and 360:D

Yeah, but together those two platforms crushed the PC in sales, and that matters more to EA.

Where does it say that it "crushed" the platform, I would still wager that in the long run it still sold more than consoles but I doubt DICE would post this info because nobody cares about a 2010 game. Also why should 2 platforms gang up on one? Im sure DICE could not just port the 360 version to the ps3 but had to design it from the ground up, why should the PC version be any different.

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#9 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts


I love Bad Company 2, but we all know that its a poor mans Battlefield


How so?

Small maps, lacks jets, less players, less depth and minor things such as changing the firing mode of your weapon.

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#10 NanoMan88
Member since 2006 • 1220 Posts

First of all BF3 will not outsell COD, in fact I dont even think BF3 will outscore COD not with those activision $ paying gamespot and other reviewers. But it will still be the superior game.

Also BC2 sold more on PC than either console but probably not more than both of them combined, otherwise why would DICE bother to put so much time and money into the PC version. Also this was shortly after it came out, im sure it sold even way more in the longrun than consoles thanks to steam and other dd sales and console game sales degrading due to used copies.

Once the game is released on steam the preorders will explode.