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Naomz very own 2009 video game award show!

I have decided to list my own personal winners of my best games of 2009. I played a good amount of the games that came out this year. So ive got a few categories. Here goes. I also havent nominated any cuz I already knows who wins! :P Here goes!

Best First Person shooter of 2009:

Call of ... hehehe Just Kidding. Id never do that


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Best RPG of 2009:


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This game didnt get much credit. But I absolutly loved it. Im a big Star Ocean fan and this game did not disapoint at all. The characters, battles and story were all very good. So it wins! Ha!

Best Handheld Game of 2009:


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This game is a must have for any Kingdom Hearts fan. Its perfect for the DS too. I felt it was one of the best games for the DS this yeah. Close runner ups are Scribblenauts and Professor Layton. I almost gave it to Professor Layton cuz I think he's sexy... I dont know why.

Biggest Let Down, but still really good gameof 2009:


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It wasnt that I disliked this game. In fact, I loved it so much!! It just was really short and It wasnt exactly what I thougth it was gonna be. I loved the story, the characters and Jack Blacks voice acting was fantastic. I justfelt that the game was lacking in certain areas. I cant quite put my finger on it though. I guess I was just hpoing for something more.

and last...

Best Game that nobody else seemed to like, but I loved of 2009:


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I absolutly loved this game. I loved the soundtrack, the gameplay, the characters... everything. I am a HUGE Quentin Tarantino fan and this game just felt to me like one of his movies. For that, I really enjoyed it. And Rubi Malone is one bad ass chick.

This has been my little (very little) awards ceremony. I just wanted to give the games that I thought were great this year there dues. I feel like they will all be shoved aside since Uncharted 2 and Moder Warfare 2 will sweep the boards for best game and such.

Im sure there are more games I could add. I just cant seem to think at the moment. Anyway, Happy Holidays!!


Goodbye Final Fantasy XI, Hello Golden Sun

Im done with Final Fantasy XI, after just a week of playing it. I was a red mage ...It was fun playing with my buddies, but I just dont have the time to play an MMO. I have a family and stuff. So, I am gonna return it and just get something else. Its totally not worth $12 a month. Ive played better free MMOs.

Guess what everyone! Guess what I got today

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Yup! I got Golden Sun on GBA. I also got the 2nd one, Golden Sun The Lost Age. I was super happy to find them both. They were super super cheap too. I started playing the first one. I really like it. I like the characters and the battle system. I also enjoy the psynergy stuff. Im very much lloking forward to playing these two games.

I also picked up a game that ive been wanting to try for a while. Its called Summon Night: Swordcraft Story.

SummonNight-SwordcraftStory.jpg Summon Night - Swordcraft Story (GBA) image by KnightOTruth

There is a sequel too. Ill get it next if I enjoy this. It seems super cute and awesome.

So, today I got 3 more games for my GBA collection. YAY!!!

Thats how happy I am! :P

Now that I have a ton of GBA games. I find them really hard to store. Like, They are so awkward. I have this really big DS Case so I keep all of my GBA games in there. The problem with that is, if I drop the case, and its open (which it usually is) they all fall out and scatter. I always think I found them all, but then a week later ill find a game in my couch. Just a few days ago, my brother came over and the first thing he did was hand my Monster Rancher Advance, he said "I found this behind our couch". I didnt even know I was missing that one... SO I guess Im gonna have to write down all the ones I have and then just read off the paper if I drop em all. ... So, what do you guys do with your GBA games? I need some organization ideas :P

Well, time to go cuddle in bed with my DS. Golden Sun awaits. :P

Happy Holidays everyone!!!


GBA game mania!!!!!

Hello all!! Its been a few days since Ive been on. Ive has to work and such. Anyway, in the past 2 days I have got 4 new game boy advance games!! Yay!! This is what I got:

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Megaman Battle Chip Challenge

Shaman King Spirit Legacy (Wolf version)

Sword of Mana

Also, for the DS I picked up Lunar Dragon Song. I know its not to good, but it was cheap and ill probably like it :P

Has anyone ever played FF Tactics Advance? Its amazing! I played it a few years ago. I loved it then and I love it even more now. Rits is one of my favorite characters. Shes so cool. Also, its a great series. I know alot of people didnt like how the FF Tactics series went moe childish. But i really do love. Its probably my favorite GBA game...Im thinking I should redo my Fave Final Fantasy list. Ill do a top 20 instead. Cuz i dont think FFTA is in there :P

Here is Ritz

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I have been playing Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks too. Its really good. I dont know yet if I like Phantom Hourglass more or not. My favorite addition though, i gotta say is ZELDA!!!! Shes with you the whole time in Spirit Tracks. Shes soooo cute and so awesome. She has inspired mt to change my avatar yet again!! :P

Also, has anyone played Sword of Mana? I used to have it awhile back too. Its sooooo good!

Here are a few GBA games on my want list:

Onimusha Tactics

Golden Sun (1 and 2)

Legend of Zelda Minish Cap

Legend of Zelda Link to the Past

I used to have the Zeldas. I remember the day I beat Minish Cap after a test during school. That and Onimushe Tactics are on the top of my GBA want list :P

So, in the spirit of this GBA heavy blog. I will now attempt a top 14 GBA games!!!


14. DemiKids (Dark Version)

13. Super Robot Taisen

12. Monster Rancher Advance 2

11. Lunar Legend

10. Zone of the Ender: Fist of Mars

9. Yggdra Union

8. Riviera The Promised Land

7. Legend of Zelda Link to the Past

6. Tales of Phantasia

5. Final Fantasy VI

4. Sword of Mana

3. Legend of Zelda Minish Cap

2. Harvest Moon More Friends of Mineral Town

1. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

So, this has been a tiny update blog. I wish you all a happy and safe hoidays!!!

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Stupid #@%$ piece of %$@# crap

Uh... I just had to reformat my hard drive on my 360 because of Final Fantasy XI. All my friends at work are playing it, they started a few days ago. They asked me if I wanted to too and I was like sure. It sounded like alot of fun. I bought it and game home. I got the older collection, the Vand D'eil with the 4 expansions. Anyway, I go home, pop it in. Register with PlayOnline.... then everything has to install. It really took like 5 hrs to install completely! Madness I say. So when its done, I make sure its working, then i gjust go to bed. Its 2am at this point. Im tired.

This morning I awake, my daughter isstill sleep so I decide imgonna create a character and level upalittle. Before all the guys get on... Im the only girl in the group. Isnt that cute? Hehe.Anyway, the disc wont read. Im like what? Its new. I had heard of this happening so I want online to find some solutions. Apparently when I turned it off last night, I didnt exit out of the PlayOnline viewer and my dada is corrupt and I cant delete it. I tried to run matinence on the hard drive but it didnt work. My only solution was to format the hard drive and try again... I guess thats ok.. I recovered my gamertag. I just now have to play everything over again

hamtaro_s2_010.gif picture by Naomz930BANJO KAZOOIE!!!! STAR OCEAN NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, Im reintalling it all now... leasts its during the day. Ill get some house work done :P

lucky_cat.gif image by Naomz930I have one of these in my house... Luck was not on my side I guess. So lame. I dont blame you Lucky Luck Cat (thats what I call it). You are awesome.Also, another reason I had to reformat is because I have a 20gb hard drive and FFXI takes up 8 gigs... I was left with 1.6 gigs. And sine I couldnt delete it manually, I had to just start fresh... Sucks so bad. But its ok. Im over it. :P

sora.gif image by Naomz930Isnt this CUTE!!!

I think Im gonna play my PS2 today. I cant go wrong there. And I still gotta beat Kingdom Hearts 2.

So, I have a question. Im a 22 year old girl. Im an adult. Is it weird that I like Digimon? I was watching it the other day, and was like, this is so super awesome... then I was like OMG, I sound like a little kid. But then I thought about it more, I can like whatever I want. Even if it is for kids, I can like cheesy cartoons and dumb anime. Right? :P

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Impmon (my favorite)

Im not gonna do a list today, maybe tomorrow or something.But I will leave you all with this ( I love these cute tiny icon gif things!)

digimons.gif image by Naomz930HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!


Bayonetta Demo Woooo Hoooooo!

Yessssss! I remembered yesturday that the Bayonetta Demo was up on xbox live. So i ran to my 360 and downloaded. It only took like 7 or 8 min. I was on the phone with my mom, she had a hilarious story about her getting arrested a few days ago. Hehe. ... apparently she was with a friend who got arrested for a DUI and when they told her to get out of the car, she fell. So they arrested her for being drunk in public. Hehe. It really is funny. She had to stay in jail for 8 hrs then go home. Now I get to bust her balls...


souleater02.gif Soul Eater image by skydragon1117Soul Eater

Anyway, back to the demo. It was soooooooo good! It wasnt like perfect of anything. It had some camera angle issues and enemies getting in your way on screen. Other than that it was better than I thought it would be! Its so fast paced and cool. Some of the moves you can pull off are just super amazing. I cant wait to pick this game up in Jan 5th. Hopefully I have money...

I have a story now.

I was at work (Gamestop)the other day, Thursday night i believe and everything was going normal. Some people came in to trade in there 360. The dude said he wanted store credit. I was like ok, let me test it real quick. With all components in hand, I begin to plug it in. The dude had a corded controller so take plug it in and... What happens next:

a.) The system starts to smoke

b.) the system falls into a bunch of pieces

c.) it EXPLODES !!!

The answer is NONE OF THE ABOVE!! What happened was, when I went to plug in the controller and about four or five roaches crawled out of the system onto my hand!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!! I freaked, I didnt make a scene or anything, I just backed away. I looked up to see if anyone saw... Nobody did. Not even the nasty ass mother f*cker that brought it in.

I then decided to finish testing it. The disc tray didnt open. Thank god! I had to defect it. I guess roaches count as a defect too, but now it was really defective and i got to just put it in a garbage bag and put it in the back. It was soooo nasty. Ive worked in this store for 2 and a half years and nothing like this has ever happened. So gross....

I didnt tell the people trading it that roaches crawled out, i didnt want to embarass them... apon thinking about it, I think I should have. I dont know. What do you think?

Anyway, Im gonna leave you all with another list. Hmmm how about


11. Fatal Frame

10. The Legacy of Kain

9. Clock Tower

8. the Katamari series

7. Resident Evil

6. Final Fantasy

5. The Legend of Zelda

4. Kingdom Hearts

3. Tomb Raider

2. Silent Hill


This has been a blog full of randomness brought to you by Naomz. Everyone Enjoy your day!

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Uh... Im anime addicted! What happened to me!?

*sigh* I cant stop watching anime! I always said I wasnt a fan. I guess i am... I havent played a game in like 2 days. Well, I take that back. I played Professor Layton. Only to get pissed off and stop though. :P

My new favorite anime, and the one Ive pimped out my gamespot profile with, is Soul Eater

Its super total awesomeness! Look

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The fight scenes are the best, better than bleach I think. I also like the characters more than Bleach. I love finding an anime I can enjoy. Soul Eater has EVERYTHING that I look for in an anime. Its funny, actiony, death, dark storyand has a sweet romantic under tone. Anyone ever seen it?

I would go an and tell you what its about but, I really just dont wanna. Let me just say, the scythe that Maka (that girl) is using is actually a dude, named Soul. She is his technician. Her goal is to train him to be the new weapon of choice for Lord Death... Its a long process, blah, blah, blah. I could go on but well, you guys can watch it too :P has better quality episodes, ive been watching it there. :)

Anyway, enough about anime.

I hate Xmas time. I love cold weather but growing up we didnt celebrate it. I was a Jehovah Witness (VERY long story) until I was like 14. Those idiots dont celebrate anything!!! Christmas it full of tradition and stuff, I feel like when this time of year comes around that im missing the point. Like i just dont get it. I think im gonna have fun building christmas traditions with Zoe and Nick.

Thanksgiving, Halloween and like Valentines day arent tough to begin celebrating. Would you alll agree that Christmas is an especially important holiday? Its not to say that everyonr=e does something special and stuff on Christmas. I just feel its the hardest holiday for myself to get used to.

I know that in my last blog I discusses lists. So i think im gonna start making some here and there, here is one

Naomz' Super Duper Neato Frito Awesomeness List of Final Fantasy!!!! (in the order that SHE loves them)

(lowest) 15. Final Fantasy VII

14. Final Fantasy IV

13. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (the 1st one)

12. Final Fantasy I

11. Final Fantasy II

10. Final Fantasy VIII

9. Final Fantasy III

8. Final Fantasy Chocobo Dungeon (Wii)

7. Final Fantasy V

6. Final Fantasy X

5. Final Fantasy X-2

4. Final Fantasy XII

3. Final Fantasy Chocobo Tales (DS)

2. Final Fantasy VI

1. Final Fantasy IX (Best ever!)

Hope ya liked my blog!


*sigh* I hate list that I didnt make

Hello everyone...

Im mad at Gaminformers top 200 games of all time. Im a big Zelda fan but I wa svery disappointed to see that the original Legend if Zelda made the #1 spot. I agree that it was a good game, back in the day. Twilight Princess and even Ocarina of Time were far superior in gameplay and story.

Also on that list was the first Super Mario Bros. ant #2 and Tetris at #3. But then Half-Life 2 is at #5. I was confused. Is this a list of the most clas*sic games or the best games? I felt like all in all the list was just a dumb mash up of clas*sic, popular and well known games. I am mad because I dont feal the writers really made any effort onto making this list!!

At least Beyond Good and Evil made the list... at 200!... Grrrr

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I would make my own list but it would take a while, and of cousre it wouldnt be to everyones liking because wether or not a game is great or not is all opinion. Maybe nobody shoud make a list. Because who really is to say? Maybe had Gameinformer had taken a poll or something i would understand more. But thats just me.

Has anyone else read the lastest Gameinformer and seen this list? ... also, I hate there new layout.

On a happier note!!

I finished all 24 episodes of Lucky Star. Im gonna watch the OVA episode later... Yay!! I wanted a happy anime and that is definetly what this was!!! Its so super cute and I love the fact that its not really about anything serous.

Expect to see Konata and the gang appearing in my blogs. :P

Also I finished Samurai Champloo finally... Great anime, cant say that im happy with the ending though. kinda blah.

There are only 6 episodes of Murder Princess, Ill watch them next. It was only a 2 volume manga and I loved it!!!

I know I have said im not an anime fan. I guess I like it. But its more like in in an anime mood. I know me, this will pass and i probably wont watch an anime for 6 months. :P Hopefully not though. I gotta finish Bleach ...

I had to write clas*sic wierd because GS wouldnt let me spell it out normal... odd

Bayonetta makes glasses look cool!

This blog isnt gonna be like all about Bayonetta. Ive just been watching a bunch of videos on it and stuff and I think this game looks so cool! Im a big fan of the action "devil may cry" style of game play. And this game lloks even faster and more crazy! I love it! Also, like a bunch of that characters have glasses on! Yeah! Thats sweet! I wear galsses and have for almost my whole life, and never has there been a bad ass video game character with glasses. :P That makes me soo happy! And Bayonetta has crazy hair and guns in her shoes!! Thats 4 guns! The action that this gane is gonna deliver is gonna be out of this world!! :P Makes me wanna go play Devil May Cry 4 again... It releases on January 5th here in the US. Ill be getting it :P Anyone else?


So, also. I saw a game at work today called Chas Wars. Its a strategy game on PS2. Its only 8 bucks and it looks pretty good. Its got Disgaeas graphic look. I like that alot. Anybody know any tthing about it? Ill probably end up buying it anyway :P

Im hungry...

I started playing Viva Pinata again yesturday. I absolutly love Viva Pinata. The gameplay is so odd. Your basically the owner of this pinata garden where these ADORABLE pinatas are living creatures. You can name them and give them accessories and stuff. You garden levels up depending on how well you do and all the new things that happen. With leveling up comes new pinatas and bigger land. Also shovel upgrades and stuff. Its a very hard game to describe. Its not as bad as it sounds I swear! :P Also, on a side not, you can smash the pinatas with your shovel and they will die... :( and candy does fall out, that the other pinatas eat. Its one of those games, like harvest moon, that you cant describe to somebody to get them interested... cuz the description aways souns so weird. :P

Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise (sequel on 360) and Viva Pinata Pocket Paradise (DS) are also fantastic.

Well, this has been one of my short blogs. I could keep rambling on about games but I wont... I probably will soon but i dont feel like typing anymore... my hands are cold. And im hungry so Im gonna go eat! :P


Bleach vs. Naruto ... I have decided the winner ... and my xmas list

The winner is:

Was there some kinda contest? Thats what your thinking right? (I know your not, its ok :P) I have been watching both animes trying to decide which I liked more... And I definetly like Bleach more. I used to read the manga like back in 2005... I cant remember why I stopped. Anyway, I thought id give the anime a go and it is soooooo awesome :)

Ruki is my favorite character. Ive watched about 20 episodes and Im gonna watch more later... I love it! And thank you to all who recommended websites for watching anime. is the one I like the most :)

I do stll like Naruto, dont get me wrong. I know like 3 blogs ago I was like super crazy Naruto fan. I still am. :) I just like Bleach more, that makes me even more super crazy :D

As far as anime goes, If you all wanna recommend any thatd be cool. I like em funny, actiony, and full of heart. :) I look forward to your recommendations.

My Xmas List!!!!

These are the games I want, but will just have to get with the many gift cards im going to recieve... Nobody ever buys me games :P

Borderlands (360)

Bleach The 3rd Phantom (DS)

Chrono Trigger (DS) ... yeah, its older buti still want it

Dragon Quest V: Hand of the Heavenly Bride (DS)

Harvest Moon: Sunshine Islands (DS)

I want alot of DS games... nothing reallly coming out for 360 til Bayonetta that im really all that interested in. Or PS2... I just buy games for that as I go :)

Nick (my future husband) and I are getting Zoe a wagon full of big baby legos! Shell love it. We know she will love the wagon more, so thats why we are getting it. She can enjoy the legos in a few months when shes older :) itll be so cute to watch her wheel the cats around in a tiny pink wagon! ... ill try and get pics :P

Well this has been another random blog. I never really have anything important to say :P but thats ok ...

See all you awesome Gamespotters later!! But first...

Mwahahahahaha! No cheese!!!!


Ummm... ok. Ive been tagged again...

Hm. Well everyone. Lokks as though I have been tagged again. I was tagged yesturday! :( But like I said before, I will keep true to this GS tradition thing... so here is 10 more random facts

1. Im taking care of a friends cat until he can get his own apartment. Her name is Little Kitty. She is huge... that makes me have 3 cats, and Im not supposed to have any...

2. I plan on getting pregnant again in the spring/early summer so Zoe can have a sibling and to finish my family :)

3. I love Kakashi Hatake from Naruto. He is my favorite anime character. and hes hot

4. I still dont like cheese

5. I once had Strawberry Peanut butter M&Ms. They were super delicious... i cant find them any more

6. I have worn glasses since I was 5. I love wearing them.. im almost blind in my left eye

7. I am the oldest of 4.

8. I wish a zombie apocalype would really happen ... I really really do

9. purple is my favorite color

10. My 2nd favorite anime character is Jet from Cowboy Bebop

I didnt plan on writing a blog. I will sometime this week. So with these facts outta the way I will bid you all farewell for now. :)

Hmmm.. 3 more people huh...

theunloved, mufujifi and little-kitty. I choose you! :P