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Naomz Blog

An even more random blog ... cuz ive been tagged

Alright, I was tagged by CommonFable. So to stay true to this tagging thing im gonna list 10 things about me that you hopefully didnt already know. Normally by blogs are pretty random. But i think this ones gonna take the cake.

Here goes:

1. I absolutly HATE when people where skinny jeans. I hate them, i thinkthey look so bad

2. my number 1 fear is people in animal costumes

3. I only like the original Cheese-Its. I think all the other ones are super gross.

4. I hate cheese :P

5. My favorite bands are Disturbed and System of a Down

6. I think Seth Rogen is so sexy

7. I collect water globes with skulls in them

8. Im getting married in spring

9. I love the winter and hate the summer

10. I drink about a pot of coffee a day

Those are my 10 facts. I could list a bunch more, but ill save those for if I ever get tagged again :P

Oh, I gotta tag 3 more people, um... Kleeyook, duskmon12 and gingefails. I choose you!

(sorry, if you dont wanna you dont have to :P)


*sigh*... Ive a confession to make

I LOVE Naruto.

Kakashi is my favorite character. (he's so hot!)

*sigh* I used to be really into the manga like 4 or 5 yrs ago. I got Shonen Jump for years. I try and act like I dont like it andI feel like part of me doesnt want too. I dont know why. Today while at work I was looking at a Naruto game and remember how much I loved the manga, I love all the charactersand the story. I miss it.

So my problem is. With all these yearsof my trying to hate anime, I have missed out on SO much of this series. The manga too. I dont know where to begin. Id like to watch the series online if I could. But I dont know the best site for that. Also, Id like to watch it in japanese with subtitles. I hated Narutos voice in the English version.

So if anybody can give me any suggestions thatd be great! :)

And if you are a Naruto fan, and I have given you a smart ass comment about liking Naruto. I am so so so sorry.

Also, and last. I still think like 95% of the anime out there is crap. :P


What a good day!

Ah! Hello everyone! Ive been away for about a week. Ive been busy with work and mommy stuff. Thisis just a little update blog on how im doing and what not. ... Im good. Great even! Because while I was browsing xbox live yesturday I saw that Final Fantasy XIII has an official US release date! March 9, 2010! Wooo Hooo! And that is soooo much sooner than I thought it would be!!

final-fantasy-xiii-lightning-render.jpg Final Fantasy XIII image by ma4ever86

Yay to Lightning! Finally Final Fantasy has givin us one bad ass heroine! :P... Pink hair! :D

Also about my great day! I was baby free all day!!! Zoe's grandparents decided they wanted to spend time with her and stole her from me. :P So, I got to play a game all day without having to pause it every 5 min. hehe. I played Star Ocean The Last Hope all day. I had to start a new game cuz my data got erased. I wasnt like too far so it was ok. Im sorta almost where I was before. Its such a good game. I suggest anyone who hasn't played it and likes RPG's should definetly give it a try.

Thats Reimi. Shes my favorite character in Star Ocean. Shes the most fun to use in combat. I think so anyway. My second is:

Myuria. Shes just bad ass! And she had pink hair! :P

So anyway, that was just a short random blog. Yay Final Fantasy XIII!!! :P


My 31st Blog, a very cute pic and Borderlands!!

Yay to my 31st Blog! I guess 30 woulda been more significant but i forgot. Oh well. :P

I have beeen teaching my 13 mth old daughter how to use a DS. Check this out!

Capture.jpg picture by Naomz930

She of course doesnt know how to play but she likes to make things happen on screen. Its soooo cute. She makes a mommy pround *sniff*. In this pic she is playing Blue Dragon Plus. Lol :) Oh, and she can officially walk now! Hehe So, Yay Zoe!

Oh, I played Fairytale Fights the other day. I thought this game looked so cool. Cute + Gore = Great!... in my book anyway. It was so bad. Almost unplayable. It felt like it shoulda been an xboxlive arcade game. Not retail priced at $60. Good thing i didnt buy it. I just checked it out at work. :) It had a cute story and it was very funny but the controls SUCKED and the fixed camera angles SUCKED and fighting SUCKED. So sad when a game you think is gonna be good isnt good at all. :( But on to a lighter note!!

Borderlands!!! I havent had the moolah to purchase it. So I have been waiting for us to have extras at work. Weve only seemed to have like 1 copy since the game released! Anyway, I was at work yesturday and was had quite a few! I was happy! So I took home a copy and finally got to play it! It was everything I was expecting and more! :) If I had a gold membership I would play with some people, but sadly i am stuck with a silver right now. I keep forgeting to buy it! :P

Also, I have been in a very Dragon Quest mood. Im playing IV on DS and VIII on PS2 right now. I also have Dragon Quest Monsters Joker. I have been playing that alittle too. :) I love Dragon Quest!!

Anyone know if Infinite Undiscovery on 360 is any good? :P I have the strategy guide (I got it for free) and it looks pretty ok. It got like average reviews and stuff. Idk. I think im gonna get it, but I wanna know what y'all think. hehe

This blog is ova! -Naomz

Some more non-artist stuff

I call it non artist stuff cuz... well im no artist. Hehe. But I do love to draw cutsie little cartoon pictures. If you read my blogs regularly, you have seen my Alice in Wonderland pic. Now I will show you the next two I just did. I like to draw cute cartoon chibi versions of characters I love. These next two are of Zola from Blue Dragon. Shes like my favorite female character of all time! Shes so awesome. And shes a pirate! (for the most part)

I know that I am no artist. But isnt it enough to just love to draw, regardless of the outcome? :P

Zola23.jpg picture by Naomz930

ZOLA123.jpg picture by Naomz930

They are both a bit different. Duh. I like the 2nd one more. In the game Zola never really portrayed a sweet loving side. I wanted to show that. Shes so obviously in love with King Jibral! Hehe.

Though, She has an awesome rack. Cartoon or not. I had to make sure that stayed in both pics. Hehe :P

I think ill do Dante next. I love him. :oops:

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to look at my kindergarden like pictures. :P

My 1st mulitple photo blog -My Pirate Daughter

This is my beautiful daughter Zoe in her 1st Halloween costume ever! Im so glad she didnt take the earring or bandanna off! I swear, its soooo hard to take a picture of a mobile 1 yr old! :P Enjoy these!

PIRATEZOE3.jpg picture by Naomz930

PIRATEZOE1.jpg picture by Naomz930

PIRATEZOE4.jpg picture by Naomz930

PIRATEZOE2.jpg picture by Naomz930

I like this whole picture thing. If you notice, I have been adding more photos to my blogs. I plan on using more pics. :P

Anyway, Everyone have a safe and happy Halloween!!

Hey look!

I am NOT an artist but i LOVE to doodle. I used to get in trouble at school and everything for it. Anyway, I just now doodled this while at my computer desk with just a pen. I colored it too (on Paint). And I love it!

You all know ive been in a very Alice in Wonderland mood lately. Hope you like it. I know it looks like a 5 yr old drew it and that its all messy and gritty. Thats how I wanted it. Im quite pleased how my litttle doodle turned out. :)

If I cant have American McGee's Alice.. Then Ill make my own grim version! Hehe :P

Alice in Wonderland

I LOVE Alice in Wonderland! The book, Alices Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll is like by far one of my favorite books od all time. And its my favorite of the classic Disney movies. I am also looking forward, verymuch so, to the new Tim Burton adaptation of the story. I really hope its good, his take on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory keeps me a bit worried but im very very optimistic!.. I drink my coffee out of a Cheshire cat coffee mug... :P

I only go on in this random rant because I an in desperate need of a game, American McGee's Alice... for some reason just yesturday it dawned on me that I NEED TO HAVE IT! Im like obsessesd with getting it now. And its SOOOO expensive online... :( Im talking like the cheapest I saw it was $50. That crap is crazy! Its a 9 yr old PC game. I am on a hunt! Hehe. My mommy works in a used book store. They also sell games and DVD's. Shes on the look too. Shes probably my best bet for finding it cheaper. ... I hope anyway

I love anything thats all like Grim Fairytale.Which is also why I caant wait to play Fairytale Fights!!! I know its not like all dark or anything but its like super gorey!!Yayto gore!!

Anyway, this was just a small blog about whats going on at the moment. Ill have a new one up to tell you all how my Halloween went! Yay!

Halloween and My Lil Bro

Im a HUGE Hello Kitty fan. My boyfriend cant stand it, hehe. So from myself and Hello Kitty. Happy Halloween!!

Speaking of Halloween, I have FINALLY decided what to have my daughter be for a fun night of Trick and treating! A Pirate! Arrrgh. I was having trouble finding a panda costume. An I saw this cute pirate bandanna and shirt at the store last night and it just dawned on mt that that would be perfect! I love Pirates and she will too, cuz im writing a childrens comic book for her about a little pirate girl and a side kick cat. I know it cheese-tastic but i think shell think its sweet ( its been in the works for over a year).

I have been watching a bunch of the Masters of Horror movies on Netfilx. Awesome! I love cheese-tastic horror films. Yay!And theMasters of Horror ones have twists at the end, kinda like an episode of Law and Order. I really like that!!

Also, you all know how i love Blue Dragon ( game NOT anime). Anyway, I told my little brother, Malachi (16) that he had to try it. That was 3 days ago. He beat it... It took me like 3 weeks. Granted, I got alot more accomplished but still. I hate letting him borrow games. He has dont that to, Brutal Legend ( in 1 sitting!), Star Ocean 2 ( like 2 days) and Final Fantasy IX. I guess he does NOTHING else. I am a bit jealous though. I with I had the drive to complete a game. hehe. Oh, and I was stuck on a boss in Mana Khemia so I let him borrow that since I was done for the moment. He blazed right through it, boss and all.He has Eternal Sonata right now. Hes one skilled gamer... He gets it from his big sis though. Haha :P

I feel like this is kind of a boring blog.

I will have a better one in a couple of days. I promise. :oops:

Lemon Poppyseed Muffins

I love Lemon Poppyseed muffins. A store near where I live has them and I buy them many times a week. They are soooo good and I have been having them for breakfast alot lately. Mmmm, with a hot cup of coffee. Delicious!

The Holiday season is right around the corner. Uh! Brace yourselves video game retailers! This is gonna suck total balls! The price drops of all the major consoles is gonna make this a horrible x-mas for me and my tiny Gamestop! They have been discussing holiday hours and crap at work so its been on my mind. Ew.

Halloween is almost here!! :lol: Halloween is my favorite time of year, I love the weather and the merchandise that comes with Halloween! I have a fascination with skulls so this time of year is perfect for me! My daughter gets to dress up and I get free candy! And I collect skull water globes (you can only find then easily during halloween)so I get to buy more! I currently own 5!

I got the Fallout 3 GOTY edition the other day. :DI cant... stop... playing... it!!! I just finished the Point Lookoutstuff (it was AWESOME)and in on my way to Mothership Zeta! I hope I find some new cool energy weapons! Im sure i will. I need to reach Level 20 and 30 with bad karma. Thisll be fun!! Mwah hahahaha! Im so excited about Fallout New Vegas! I hope it does come out next year like it supposed too. Oh, and speaking of post apocalyptic games, Borderlands comes out tomorrow! That game looks sweet! And I watched a video the other day for Rage, that game looks awesome too! I gotta say, Im a fan of this post apocalyptic theme in games, I hope it doesn't go to overboard. it probably will. :P

Oh and one more random thing: I am taking a pollof what game I should play/buy next! What ever game gets the most votes I will dedicate my time to (after Brutal Legend and Fallout 3). If I dont own it, I will buy it. If I have it, I will finally play it. The choices are:



Enchanted Arms

Silent Hill Homecoming

Anyway, this has been yet again another random blog. I swear sometime illl have a serious one. ... I probably never will though. :P