Alright, I was tagged by CommonFable. So to stay true to this tagging thing im gonna list 10 things about me that you hopefully didnt already know. Normally by blogs are pretty random. But i think this ones gonna take the cake.
Here goes:
1. I absolutly HATE when people where skinny jeans. I hate them, i thinkthey look so bad
2. my number 1 fear is people in animal costumes
3. I only like the original Cheese-Its. I think all the other ones are super gross.
4. I hate cheese :P
5. My favorite bands are Disturbed and System of a Down
6. I think Seth Rogen is so sexy
7. I collect water globes with skulls in them
8. Im getting married in spring
9. I love the winter and hate the summer
10. I drink about a pot of coffee a day
Those are my 10 facts. I could list a bunch more, but ill save those for if I ever get tagged again :P
Oh, I gotta tag 3 more people, um... Kleeyook, duskmon12 and gingefails. I choose you!
(sorry, if you dont wanna you dont have to :P)
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