Ok so earlier today I was on Gaia Online. I get on there every now and then to... I dont know. Just browse around I guess. I like dressing up my avatar!! Anyway, remember last week when I posteda blog that I pierced my lip? I posted a forum topic on there describing the same thing. Everyone on Gaia got on saying that I was an idiot and a dumbass. I was so hurt when I saw that today! I did a really good job and Its all healed and looks really good. I just want to say that ILOVE all my Gamespot friends and I want to tell you that I really appreciate how kind you all were. I hate Gaia and am no longer a member... Thank you all for being so kind! :)
BRUTAL LEGEND IS AWESOME!!! I have only one complaint about the game thus far. A mini map in the top of the screen would be awesome!!! I find myself having to check the map way to much, cuz the little beam of light you are supposed to follow to your objective is hard to see when the sun is shining. Other than that, the game is great! I have been having a blast playing it. Its so funny! My boyfriend even started to play it and all he plays are those boring war shooters!
And last but not least, I was playing Zoids: Legacy on GBA yesturday at work. I started a new game. I like it. Its a Zoids RPG, I love Zoids. Anyway, I got into my first battle and i chose an attack. The main character then said "Die, mother f*ckers!" on the screen. I was in shock! I continued to just stare at it! The game is rated E!!! I looked through all the menu trying to find if maybe there was a place where you could enter in what you said in battle. I thought that maybe it was leftover from the person who played it before me. I didnt find anything... Anyone know anything about that!? I am buying it later todat and will post a picture of the text. Its crazy!
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