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Mean people, Brutal Legend and swearing!

Ok so earlier today I was on Gaia Online. I get on there every now and then to... I dont know. Just browse around I guess. I like dressing up my avatar!! Anyway, remember last week when I posteda blog that I pierced my lip? I posted a forum topic on there describing the same thing. Everyone on Gaia got on saying that I was an idiot and a dumbass. I was so hurt when I saw that today! I did a really good job and Its all healed and looks really good. I just want to say that ILOVE all my Gamespot friends and I want to tell you that I really appreciate how kind you all were. I hate Gaia and am no longer a member... Thank you all for being so kind! :)

BRUTAL LEGEND IS AWESOME!!! I have only one complaint about the game thus far. A mini map in the top of the screen would be awesome!!! I find myself having to check the map way to much, cuz the little beam of light you are supposed to follow to your objective is hard to see when the sun is shining. Other than that, the game is great! I have been having a blast playing it. Its so funny! My boyfriend even started to play it and all he plays are those boring war shooters!

And last but not least, I was playing Zoids: Legacy on GBA yesturday at work. I started a new game. I like it. Its a Zoids RPG, I love Zoids. Anyway, I got into my first battle and i chose an attack. The main character then said "Die, mother f*ckers!" on the screen. I was in shock! I continued to just stare at it! The game is rated E!!! I looked through all the menu trying to find if maybe there was a place where you could enter in what you said in battle. I thought that maybe it was leftover from the person who played it before me. I didnt find anything... Anyone know anything about that!? I am buying it later todat and will post a picture of the text. Its crazy!

Dark Cloud 2, Final Fantasy VI and shots

Hello everyone. I want to start off by saying that yes, my user picture has changed yet again. I also want to say that it will continue to change depending on the game or character I love at the moment. :P I made a perminent banner with like 30 games on it so I dont have to change it anymore. Anyway, right now I am playing Dark Cloud 2 again. It is by far one of my favorite games of all time. It isnt really a direct sequel to the first one, not at all actually. New characters, new story, new world and everything. It also adds like a ton of new features and is just overall a better game than the first. Andthe first onewas fantastic. Im 15 hrs into Dark Cloud 2 and i havent even defeated the second boss yet.

I am happy to annouce that after tons of searching and waiting i finally got a copy of Final Fantasy VI on the GBA. Im really not a huge Final Fantasy fan or anything, its just that i borrowed this game once and thought it had one of the best Final Fantasy stories and main characters (Terra) of all and I havent been able to find it. I even looked for the Final Fantasy Anthology on PS1 and REALLY couldnt find that. I would have prefered the GBA version anyway and im super happy I found it. And good find for my collection always makes me happy.

Also this morning my daughter had a doctor's appointment for her 1 year check up and had to get 3 shots. On top of that they had to take her blood. She screamed and screamed. As soon as it was over she stopped but anytime a doctor or someone in a lab coat walked up to her she got all tense and cried. It was sad :( and I hated to have to put her through that. Especially the blood taking. That took like 5 min, so all Zoe did was scream the whole time :(

Also, at the doctors office that had this cool robot that transported blood from one area to the hospital to the other. It was neat to see and al, but wouldn't a PERSON do that better? and quicker? i walked faster than that damn robot. Sh*t, Zoe crawls faster. So why waste all that money on an expensivemoving box with wheels that says "you have a delivery". It looked like a copy machine. I dont know about that...

Brutal Legend .. TOMORROW!!!! F*CK YEAH! :D

Over and out - Naomz

Stuff stuff stuff

This bothers me a wee bit

The 1st one is the dragon in the start up screen for the free online mmo Ether Saga. And the 2nd of course is the blue dragon from Blue Dragon on 360. The 1st one is a total rip of of the 2nd. I know this because Ether Saga came out after Blue Dragon. And true they are both just blue dragons but come on. Look how similar they are!!

AND, i just pierced my own lip! Yay! I took a needle and just shoved it through, it didnt hurt that bad but its gonna hurt like 8b*tches on ab*tch boat in the morning. I now have 2 lip rings and 9 earrings. Yay! I have tattoos too but i prefer piercings. I pierced 4 of the ones in my ears myself.


Pink Hair

I was noticing the other day that some of my favorite characters have pink hair

I dont know what it is. I just absolutly ADORE pink hair. I want pink hair! But I got f*cking crazy hair instead. Think the lead singer of Coheed & Cambria. Yeah, that bad.

Anyway, I just wanted to share that I love pink hair and characters with pink hair.

And the funny thing, I hate that color!

Happy Day ... and stuff

Guess what everyone. My daughter turned 1 on Sept 30th. Her Daddy and I made her cupcakes and got her a few presents. She LOVED the cupcakes, but she has the attention span of a squirrel so the toys didnt catch her intrest as much. :P I also went an visited my parents. They live like 1/2 a mile away and I go over there every week anyway, so I guess thats nothing new. Brutal Legend will be out in less then 2 weeks. Yay! XD

Also on that day I picked up Kindgom Hearts 358/2 Days on the DS and its really good.

I am mad that the Fallout 3 GOTY edition comes out the same day that Brutal Legend comes out. Im not gonna have money for both! But I have played the crap out of Fallout 3 anyway so I guess another week or 2 of waiting wont hurt right? Hehe :P

I hope and wish that they come out with a Blue Dragon 2. I love that game. Also a new Tales game on the 360 would be super and so would another Kameo. Also, a new digimon game. Ive had those games on my mind lately.

And my kitty cat Chihiro is a pain! EVERY morning she wakes my up by laying on my face and licking my mouth. Its really starting to drive me crazy. Shes just a kitten and she longs to be near you. Its real sweet Just not first thing in the morning.

Anyway, thats the stuff thats been on my mind. Nothing special really excepy my daughters Birthday.

Ta ta for now! XD

Just some stuff

Ive had alot on my mind lately. I have had to work alot more and it has me wore out. Its hard to work full time then take care of a baby when you get home. I dont know how people do it with more than one kid. Ive been going to sleep at like 11pm now. Thats so early for me! So thats bothering me.

On top of that I got yelled at at work the other day. This stupid f*ck wanted to return a game that was outta the return policy and I told him no and he basically went off on me. Im still mad about that sh*t cuz the other manager on duty went on and gave him the refund! I was sooooooo pissed!

Also, I am in a conflict with myself over a DSi. I want one but dont at the same time. I like my DS Lite cuz it plays GBA games ( I own like 20) but want the DSi for all its other features. Not that I need another camera, mp3 player or internet browsing device. Its just cool. And id have to buy another GBA SP to play my GBA games. So anyadvice on that would be cool

I also dont like paying for MMO games. I like them enough but they never keep my interest for more than 2, maybe 3 weeks. I have just downloaded Neo Steam from Atlus, it seems cool enough but I havent tried it yet. I just wanna play one I can really get into thats free to play. Ive tried Dream of Mirror, Luna Online, Ether Saga, Nostale, Fiesta and Flyff just to name a few. I liked them ok, the cute graphics is what I liked the most. Luna is my favorite of those. If anyone has any suggestions for a f2p mmo that looks similar to the ones i mentioned let me know. thanks

And last, I hate waiting for games to come out. I have this cool Brutal Legend Standee in my room I see all day and It makes me want that game so bad. Also right now Im wearing a Borderlands T-shirt... I wanna play it too. *sigh* Come on October, i need your games and your haunted houses!

I love Halloween

Oh also, the SAW game looks kinda fun!

How I got into gaming and Brutal Legend

I would like to first start off with a thank you to MarioGirl64 for the wonderful idea for this blog. Thank you! :P

*Brutal Legends early access demo is downloading while I type this*

It all started when I was 15. I had always had a slight interest in gaming but never really persued it. I had a sega genesis for a while but only ever played Golden Axe, Sonic and Super Hang On (they were all on one cartridge). Oh, and a little Street Fighter 2. Anyway I didn't play much. On my 16th birthday I got a playstation 1. Yes folks, the 1st playstation, lets keep in mind that that was only like 6 years ago... my parents were not up to date. I thought it was sooooo awesome. I got Parasite Eve, Tomb Raider 3 and Legend of Dragoon. I was soooooooo hooked! I fell in love. I think I forgot to eat for like a whole day. Nothing in my life up to that point had ever held my attention and kept me so enthralled. ( I have ADD... I really do, but I dont take f**king pills cuz thats so f**king dumb)...

*Brutal Legend is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Anyway, I went to the store for games like all the time. I had Dino Crisis, all the Tomb Raiders, Final Fantasy VII and VIII and later IX (which is my favorite) Soul Reaver , Chrono Cross and like a ton more. I still have em too. I started getting magazines and strategy guides out the ass. I knew from that moment that I had to get a job to support this newly acquired addiction. I did... McDonalds. I quickly got a Gameboy Color and Zelda Oracle of Season (love it!)

Within 6 months I had a PS2 and a Gamecube and like 30 games. I was definetly keeping busy. A couple monts later I got an Xbox and a GBA SP. Another 30 games. I played my SP soooo much in school. I think it got confiscated like 8 times or something. It was crazy. A couple years passed and they announced the Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3, YAY!

I saved up money for 4 months to get a 360. I got it November 2006, I remember the first game i got too. It was Condemned. And I still have the same copy ( if you knew me you'd think that was AMAZING). Up until 8 months ago I had the same Xbox 360 too. Red Ring... :(

I had a PS3, didnt like it but plan on getting another when The Last Guardian and God of War III come out. Also Ive had 2 Wii's but got rid of them cuz I got bored. I plan on getting another one of those too when the new Zelda releases in like forever from now. I have a DS and want a DSi... I dont know why though... Its not like I need it...

Anyway, Ive only been a hardcore gamer for like 6 years and I feel like I have accomplished alot. I think one of the only things I missed out on was the ****cs. The NES SNES and stuff like that.

I am sorry this story is like weird. Im sure you all have alot of questions now cuz i cant write. Hehe

GOTTA GO PLAY BRUTAL LEGEND NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!


I am a Scribblenaut!

September 15th will be forever known to me as Scribblenauts day! I had to open the store that morning so it was up yo me to get all the new releases and reserves put away, On top of Scribblenauts like 10 other games came out too like Marvel Ultimalte Alliance 2:roll: , Wet :D , Need for Speed Shift :roll: and a BUNCH of crap. So I got to it, I put everything away and opened the store. I had my rooster hat on for a little bit, it just really wasn't very comfortable. I had Scribblenauts on reserve and kept looking at the case. I wanted to play it so bad! I was talking to customers so much about it I got one lady tobuy 2 copies for her children!

Anyway, a friend can in who also worked there and he asked to play a copy of scribblenaus. I said sure and he sat on the floor near the counter and played. I could here him laughing and he kept saying "come here and look at this!" Uh, I wanted my lunch hour to come so bad! I wanted to play it! Finally it did, I grabbed my copy and my DS and went to the back to play. I didn't even eat a lunch! The game was soooooooooooooooo awesome! It didnt disappoint my VERY high expectations for it at all. After my lunch I was sad to put it down. I wanted to go home and play it some more. I had so many words and ideas floating around in my head I wanted to write down. The day finally ended and I went home. I told my boyfriend all about scribblenauts and how he should play it. He rolled his eyes, he didnt care. I sat on the couch and picked up my DS. I was just playing with the title screen and I told my boyfriend to come look. I showed him how it worked then just handed him the DS and said " here, please just try it"

I had alot of trouble getting my DS back. He was even wearing the rooster hat.

Greatest Hero Bracket

I am livid! Livid I say! First of all how the hell did Marcus Fenix lose the 1st round?! To Duke Nukem!!!!!!!!!!! Huh? How! I hate this stupid bracket thing! Also Dante is currently getting beat by fu*king Pac-Man! Uh! I had Dante and Marcus in the Final Round! I am so mad! So mad!!!!

Zombie Loan

I am not a huge anime or manga fan by any means. In fact I find most of it to suck. I love the anime lookalot though so I try to find stories that can hold my interest. I like action, comedy and for there to be some good twists and turns. Let me tell you ladies and gentlemen. I have now found my all time favorite!

Im not gonna explain what its about. Its sorta complicated. So go here:

Anyway, its super totally awesome and action packed and I love it. It is also really funny and im axious to know whats gonna happen. I can't wait for the anime to release in America. And for Vol. 7 to be in stores ( Oct 27th ).

Anyone else a fan?...