It probably is cheap for what it is. However, that just means the technology isn't where it really needs to be with regard to price / performance in order to see mainstream adoption. The Tesla S is surprisingly cheap for what it is... But that's still $75,000.
Saying something is 'cheap for what it is' couldn't possibly have any less meaning or value, in the grand scheme of things.
I would have been willing to throw out $250 - $300 for one of these, but $600 is just way out of the range I'm comfortable with, especially considering the not at all cheap peripheral hardware necessary to support it and, what I'm sure will be the case, a lack of broad support from games for quite some time.
I think I'll wait until this either comes down in price, or goes the way of the VirtualBoy.
I never played the second one, but the first one on the original Xbox was a weirdly entertaining game, sexualized content aside. The volleyball tournaments were actually amusing, and so were some of the other mini-games.
@jinzo9988: "all that stuff undermines a legitimate argument in defense against an accusation of sexism"
This is the problem with the whole issue - No, it doesn't undermine anything. Sexualization != sexism, despite people like Anita Sarkeesian convincing themselves and others that it does.
I'd bet a Bill Gates' sized fortune that while women like her rail against something like DOAX3, they will sit in a movie theater and lust after Jason Momoa in a loincloth, and probably convince themselves it is different.
There is absolutely nothing wrong or sexist with making titillating content meant to appeal to sexual fantasy, for either gender. It simply needs to be more evenly distributed for broader sex appeal to account for the growing mass of female gamers.
I love Mass Effect, it is one of my favorite (if not actually my favorite) video game series of my life time.
However, $75 for me is a bit much on a blind gamble. If Loot Crates had more of a past performance that indicated they were more worthwhile, I'd take the chance. '$150 value' is one of the most meaningless marketing phrases to ever have left an underwear skidmark on the consumer world.
I'd almost rather grab anything I was interested in later when it inevitably appears on ebay, because even if I pay more then, I actually know what I'm getting.
"Of course, but because you use your conferences to showcase your most important projects, I'm wondering if the absence at these events suggests Sony is slowing down the handheld side of the business?
Hmmn, well it's always about the choice of content. We could have used the event to talk about our new online services. Or the PS4's new system features. There are many things we're working on that we didn't have time for. I mean the conference we had was already at 90 minutes, and that is as much as people will be able to kind of stay focused. So we really wanted to prioritise on games we have on PS4 and PlayStation VR.
But still, great games are still coming out on Vita. I can't wait to play a game called Severed, by DrinkBox studios, they are one of my favourite indie developers. And there's Nuclear Throne, by Vlambeer, and Volumeis a great game that I'm waiting to come out on Vita. I'm also really looking forward to Dragon Quest Heroes 2, the first one just came out on PS4 in the west but the sequel is coming out on PS4 and Vita too, so Square Enix and Japanese publishers are almost increasing their support."
That's the longest way to answer 'Yes' to a question that I think I've ever had to translate from PR doublespeak.
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