Multiplayer is what I could honestly care the least about, so overall it looks like a good package for the money, especially since I never got about to Halo 4.
It's also fun reading the occasional One review. Seems like a lot of stuff lately has had something of a Sony slant. Seeing the almost Pavlovian conditioning of certain people when a Sony/MS article is posted does make for great, if predictable, fun.
I'm actually glad he included the tidbit at the end... That's literally why I would have picked this game up in the first place, so it is good to know it is viable in that sense.
That's especially important to me, since Unity apparently lacked strongly in that regard.
I'm still somewhat flabbergasted at the number of people that will make direct parallels trying to compare a generalized computing device (a PC) and a specialized one (a game console).
It's why my PC is far more costly (and also far more powerful). If I bought the parts used in a console and built a PC out of them, it would limp well behind the consoles because of the architecture and the fact that it is designed to function well at tasks outside the scope of video games.
Yes, we all know that, money being no object, a PC will run circles around a console. It doesn't mean I'm any less impressed with what developers are able to get out of consoles, or that consoles don't have a useful place in the home.
I generally like adventure games, though I've admittedly missed quite a few. From what I've gathered, both you (Kevin) and Jess seem to really dig the Longest Journey games, so I guess it is finally time to dig them up. :)
Yes, I'm one of the consumer suckers that these studios are marketing re-releases to. Unapologetic-ally so.
If I enjoyed a game enough to play it a second time, I'm more than willing to kick out some bucks for an improved version, ex. Last of Us, Tomb Raider Definitive. If they released remasters of the Mass Effects, Dragon Age, Old Republics, Assassin's Creeds... my wallet would happily open once more.
What can I say? I owned the Star Treks on tape, DVD and then blu-ray. If I love something and there is an improved version of it, I'm not ashamed of diving back in.
I'm somewhat more satisfied with the PS4 offerings this month. Mostly, I'm just curious when enough time will have passed that we'll start seeing last year's launch titles showing up finally.
It looks fairly identical across the board, which is ideal for a cross platform title. It makes the choice more about whether you need the game in a higher resolution or with mods, or you want to simply plug and play on the big screen from the couch... Though as a PC gamer for the last nearly 25 years, there have always been some games that I'd simply rather enjoy with a controller from my couch. At 55" and 8' away, the resolution and texture differences (even on prior gen consoles) wasn't really enough to detract from my enjoyment of a game.
I actually hadn't been paying any attention to this game. For the most part, Lord of the Rings games have been fairly 'meh' for me. This actually looks quite fun, like someone wasn't just trying to cash in on the popularity of the movies.
Naquada's comments