My Dead Space 2 review is now out. Please comment with opinions and anything else on your mind
NaturalXX Blog
Praise for Dead Space 2 - Game of the Year Nomination in Hand?
by NaturalXX on Comments
As you may have known, my review from the first Dead Space was mixed. It had great atmoshpere (though looked the same) and the necromorphs come out from usual spots. I gave Dead Space 1 an 8.5 as it was a great game.
Now Dead Space 2 has come and my god has it taken my breath away!
The story, the atmosphere, the scares, the action, the suspense is FANTASTIC! The story takes place 3 years after the first game and it is chaotic. The atmospheres vary and you feel like in an actual place. Necromorphs still come out from vents but sometimes through doors, lockers, the ground and from behind you. There were many instances where I jumped from my seat as I totally forgot about the "playing dead" technique they use.
If you didn't feel the first game had a lot of scares, buy this game anyway. It is truly magnificent. I am about 1 1/2 hours through (Chapter 3) and I am loving it. . . . . . . . but I hate the child necromorphs the little sh*ts.
No More Heroes 2, GoldenEye 007 and Dead Space 2
by NaturalXX on Comments
Happy New Year to everyone - I hope you got what you wanted for Christmas. Now new games.
1) GoldenEye 007 - My Uncle, the man that he is, wanted to get me a Wii game and I said that I like shooters (as you may have guessed) and he knew exactly what to get me. GoldenEye 007 - boy this brought back old times. Back on the 64 version, my cousins, my brother and I would play this over and over again because it was that good. Now I have the Wii (Daniel Craig) version of James Bond. The controls are dead on accurate and it is just plain fun. I found it a little hard at first to sneak around the areas but after getting use to the game, I have been sneaking ever since. The shootouts are awesome too and Bond controlling a tank . . . . ehhhh a little iffy that Bond would do such a thing but still awesome.
2) No More Heroes 2: Desparate Struggle - My brother (older and wiser) kept on telling me to get the No More Heroes games. Now I have played Killer7 on the Gamecube and I didn't want one of those games that would...........weird me out of playing it. But this game is SOOOOOOOOOOO much fun! You have a "lightsaber" and you slice people in half......what more could you get? The action is bloody and funny. Before you kill someone the guy would scream "Please No!" or "S**t!". Then all you hear are screams. It is hilarious!!!!!!!!! But fun - get it.
3) Dead Space 2 (demo) - Now I wasn't a big fan of the first Dead Space's horror. By three hours in I knew exactly where these bastards were coming out of. But Dead Space 2 has all of that but I was scared. I mean facing thousands of these killer baby aliens in a cathedral is just freaky and then regular Necromorphs come out of nowhere behind pillars and attack you. But I love the weapons, especially the nail gun. I don't know if that's what you call it but basically you stick them to the wall and electricute them. But it's freaky, that's for sure.
Game of the Year for 2010 Winner
by NaturalXX on Comments
Well I posted my nominations yesterday along with their memorable moments and now my mind has been made up. If you have looked at my "favorite games of all time" post then you already know who the winner is. So:
The nominations are:
1) Red Dead Redemption
2) Super Mario Galaxy 2
3) God of War III
4) Mass Effect 2
5) Call of Duty: Black Ops
6) Halo: Reach
and the Oscar goes to......
.............Mass Effect 2! Available on 360 and PC and will be on the PS3 in January of next year. So the sci-fi action phenomenon wins Game of the Year. And with this post I shall say Happy Holidays to everyone and I will talk to you in 2011.
The Game of the Year Nominations
by NaturalXX on Comments
Well here they are, the nominations for game of the year. It was a year of great sequels as most of the games on this list are sequels. NOTE: The listing is only the nominations and not the winners. What I have decided to do is list the game and give the memorable moment in that game. WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!!!!!
And here they are:
1) God of War III (Score: 9.8 ) - Well this was a great ending to the God of War trilogy. The story was excellent and the combat was as gruesome as we remembered it from the previous installments. The memorable moment has to be one of the boss fights. The Battle with Cronus - well facing Zeus' father is never easy. I mean he is the father of the God of Gods. The whole battle with this Titan is remarkable. The puzzle of climbing up this Titan and then gruesomely hurting him is just excellent. I mean who wasn't like "Jesus Christ this game is awesome" when you pulled out of his finger nails? Now all of the boss battles are fantastic but this one is the most memorable.
2) Red Dead Redemption (Score: 9.7) - I love westerns, who doesn't? F.Y.I. if anyone says that they don't like Clint Eastwood's western The memorable moment has to be the ending. You think you are free of the government, you return home and spend time with your family and then you are attacked by the government. The final stand does not save you this time as your revolver does not hold thirty bullets and you are shot down and killed while your wife and child disappear. A tragic ending indeed.
3) Call of Duty: Black Ops (Score: 9.7) - That ending was crazy. It's different from the other Call of Duty games and it works. You find out that you were brainwashed to kill John F. Kennedy and steal intel from the U.S. It is only after the final mission that we find out that it was the main character who really shot and murdered JFK. Wow.
4) Mass Effect 2 (Score: 10) - Well we have memorable endings but the opening scene is excellent. You are Commander Shepard who is trying to save his crew as his ship is under attack by an unidentified object. The Normandy (ship) is being blown to pieces and it is only after you save the pilot that you float into space and watch as you ship explodes and you burn up while entering a planet's atmosphere. And then you are recreated from the ashes...........HOLY CRAP. And that's the first ten minutes of the game.
5) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Score: 10) - Now this is gonna sound lame but I thought when Mario got control of the ship was the memorable moment. I know it's lame but this little guy becomes captain of a ship in the shape of Mario's head is excellent. Definately better than the first games ship. That's for sure.
6) Halo Reach (Score: 9.4) - I thought the most memorable moment was the story itself. You are a soldier who will suffer a painful death in the end of the game. It feels like you are wasting your time and fighting a loosing battle and later lose the battle. That's some deep s**t if you know what I mean.
So there ya have it. I'll announce my winner tomorrow.
The Most Disappointing Game this Year
by NaturalXX on Comments
Well before I give my final nominations for my Game of the Year, I wanted to tell you guys what my most disappointing game this year was. And the winner is:
BioShock 2 - Ten years after the first game, you play as the first Big Daddy ever made. But you are more human than the other walking machines and your mission is to find a woman who was your Little Sister ten years before.
Now that the story is out of the way lets talk about it. Yes it was a HUGE disappointment. As you may know BioShock came in 3rd place on my all time list and I was expecting a lot from the sequel. What did I get? Well, more of the same. Now the same works for Fallout: New Vegas because it gives you a new storyline, a different wasteland, brand new characters and more fun. If there is one thing I remember from the first BioShock is entering the city. Taking that shuttle through the ocean, looking at the fish swim past you as you move. But when you reach the floor of Rapture, the lights are out, a man is murdered by a woman with claws, you knew some terribly wrong went in here.
BioShock 2 doesn't have the suspense, in fact it is just the opposite. There was nothing different about Rapture. Besides the Big Sisters and a new antagonist, Rapture didn't really change. Rapture worked in the first BioShock because we never saw anything quite like this before. BioShock 2 uses Rapture as a hook to lure in the fans of the first game to buy and play this game.
2 also does not have an awesome story, actually it doesn't even have a decent story. You don't care about the Big Daddy, the antagonist seems like she was pasted on to give a plot. There is no twist in this story (that I can remember) that made the first game such a success. That twist was magical (won't spoil just incase anyone hasn't played the game).
But I will give 2 some credit for giving us better gameplay. Hacking is easier this time around and the combat is more satisfying even though it's sort of odd that Big Daddys don't use plasmids but you do. The Big Daddy fights are now mini-bosses and the Big Sisters take the role as Boss. Now there isn't a big boss fight at the end (go figure) so the Big Sisters is the closest you will get to one. They are fast, jumpy, and use guns and plasmids. But even the Big Sisters have problems. They only appear after you find every Little Sister in the area so the element of surprise is non-existent. And they are kindof easy to kill since you have plasmids. Now you can protect the Little Sister as she draws adam from the dead bodies. You fight off waves of enemies until she finishes her collection. It's fun at first but after the second or third time doing it, you won't have to do it anymore.
I can go on but you guys get the point. BioShock 2, my most anticipated game this year, was a huge disappointment. I gave this game 7.4 and give it the winner of my Most Disappointing Game of the Year award.
Game of the Year Nominations
by NaturalXX on Comments
Well this is just to recap my Game of the Year nominations:
1) Red Dead Redemption - Score: 9.7
2) Mass Effect 2 - Score: 10
3) Halo: Reach - Score: 9.3
4) Call of Duty Black Ops - Score: 9.7
5) Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Score: 10
6) None yet
So I'm still deciding on the final nomination on my Game of The Year list. I need some recomdations that is, "excellent, brilliant, beautiful" or something that will literally make me play it non-stop (Black Ops as an example).
Note: Getting Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood for my Birthday so any others. Anyone play GoldenEye 007 or Sonic Colors. I would like a Wii game because Mario can't win this on it's own!
Top 10 List Part 2
by NaturalXX on Comments
Ok, this is the final part of my top 10 list. If you would like to see 10-6, look at the previous post. But without further ado, my top 5 favorite games of all time are:
5) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - The Game of the Year for 2009 had to be in the top 5. Not only does it have an action movie feel, it is also very good. Smart script, intense battles, suspension within the missions and a fantastic storyline to back it up. Indiana Jones would be proud!
4) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - The Game of the Year of 2007 and it is amazing. Like I said before, All Ghillied Up is one of the best missions evert created and looking down the scope of a .50 caliber sniper rifle, trying to fight the wind in order to hit your target from a mile away is awesome. Intense campaign and the multiplayer that redefined team work makes this game one of the best First Person Shooters.
3) BioShock - The Game of the Year of 2008 and it made Rapture come to life. Not only is this place magnificent to look at, but the creepy atmospheres, the writings on the wall and a storyline to show Andrew Ryan's climb to power is basically awesome. This is the game you must play, whether you like First Person Shooters or not. BioShock will win you over again and again . . . . . and again
2) Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - Well this didn't win Game of the Year but still my second favorite game of all time. As I said before, Vergil is the best antagonist in gaming by far. His badass look, his quickness with a sword and being the twin brother to Dante is great. He is truly a man who is willing to do anything for power and the final battle with him is the best. Even the first battle on top of the tower, rain and lightning all around you is fantastic. But enough about Vergil, let's talk about Dante. He's a badass. Whether he uses a guitar as a weapon or runs down the tower, doing acrobatic stunts in mid-air is reason enough to play this game. You will not be disappointed.
1) Mass Effect 2 - While this hasn't won Game of the Year . . . yet the perfect storyline, the RPG elements wrapped around the third person perspective makes Mass Effect 2 the best sci-fi game of the year and maybe the best in history. The good and bad karma truly make your character. Some can go to extremes like kicking someone through a window or stopping one of your allies from killing another man. It can get that heavy. But brilliant graphics and a finale unlike any other game makes this game an awesome adventure.
And there ya go. My countdown is finally complete!!
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