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Broken Xbox - Day 15

Now that I have vented all of my anger out on my last wall post, I can finally talk normal again. The days are getting longer. It's been two weeks without my xbox. My days are becoming boring when I'm at home or not with my friends. Everyone says to go on live and play Halo but I can't.

I haven't played my Wii at all even though I have a couple of games to play:

Resident Evil 4 (beat it on Gamecube)

Super Mario Galaxy (need 20 something stars)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (waiting to go to my cousins house so I can copy my file from his so I don't have to restart it from the beginning)

Super Smash Brothers (my brother is at school so can't play multiplayer)

Metroid Prime 3 (beat it though)

Four and something days until my scheduled delivery - hopefully nothing is screwed up. I'm in a bad mood still, thinking that my console was supposed to come in yesterday. But whatever, I'll play some cards, watch a movie, Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire tomorrow so that's a plus. Anyway - i'm bored.

Broken Xbox - Day 13

Wow SCREW THIS! Well my xbox won't be coming tomorrow as they said. For some reason my package never left Mexico till today........and the repair facility is in Texas. I don't understand how my damn package got there! So it took three days to get out of Mexico and it has now left Texas. So I won't be getting it until next Wednesday! i'm really pissed right now and won't be returning to GameSpot until after the weekend. This is a crazy world I'm telling you.....and I hate it with a passion.

Broken Xbox - Day 10

Ok well my xbox has been shipped today but no info was available with the tacking # so I'm guessing they'll ship it out tonight but great news!

Broken Xbox - Day 9

Well the console has been repaired yesterday (saturday) and I'm guessing they will be sending it back on monday and it will return to me thursday/friday. I am really happy right now! :D

Also - anyone beginning to fall in love with BioShock Infinite? I watched that 10 minute demo and fell in love.
You guys looking forward to this game?
Did you play the original BioShock (not 2 since I was very disappointed)?

Broken Xbox - Day 8

So - my xbox was being repaired when I called yesterday. Now when I called about 5 minutes ago they say it is still under repair and it should take 2-4 weeks to get my xbox back. Wow

Broken Xbox - Day 4

Well I shipped my xbox out yesterday and it should arrive at the repair center on Thursday 9/23. Does anyone know how long it takes to repair a 360? I would hope they would repair it on Friday or Saturday and then return it on Saturday and I would get it that Wednesday.......good estimation or no?

And Halo: Reach cam in today - I'm going to go and play it...........oh yeah I forgot

Getting Angry

OKAY - so after waiting 24 hours and not receiving my shipping statement that I NEED to send out my 360, I called Xbox Support and they are going to send me another shipping statement in the next . . . . . . 24 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'm about to go insane right now. My plan was to ship it TODAY but they never sent it so now I have to wait til Tuesday since tomorrow is Sunday and Monday no one is home. This repair system BETTER be worth it because if this doesn't work I'm going to go balistic. Maybe if I bang on my console it will start working again.........ugh. Anyway I got my Halo: Reach today, I can't wait until I can play it.......yep only 2 or 3 weeks left (5 weeks if I have to drive to the repair station myself).

Good news and terribly upsetting news

Good news: I sucked it up and ordered Halo: Reach YAY!

BAD NEWS: Well I was playing Modern Warfare 2 today and the game freezes but it froze differently this time. I turn it off and turn it back on again and saw what I never wanted to see when I first bought the console. Yep the red rings of death