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Top 10 list Part 1

NOTE: This is not the full list only 10-6 and they are as follows:

10) Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty (PS2)

9) Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)

8) Final Fantasy X (PS2)

7) Fallout: 3 (360)

6) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Look for 1-5 tomorrow

My top 10 games of all time

Yes well it's coming to the end of the year but I decided to create my 10 favorite games of all time. NOTE: They are not in order from 1 to 10. I will be doing that in a couple of days. So here they are:

1) Fallout 3 - This post-apocalyptic RPG is full of intense combat, intriguing characters, and a story that will take you over twenty hours to complete. Plus DLC and a whole Washington D.C. to explore makes this 100+ hour game. Oh and VATS is awesome, am I right?

2) Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - Of course you were expecting this. The first installment in the Call of Duty series that brings us to modern times and oh boy does it deliver. An intense story mode that puts you in the footsteps of a couple of soldiers and fight off the enemy who want to destroy the United States. But one mission stands out the most - All Ghillied Up. Not only do you carry a supressed sniper but you lay down in a grassland as enemy tanks and soldiers walk right next to you. How the hell is that not suspenseful?

3) BioShock - Descend, down into a dream world where anything you want comes to life. I always dreamed of visiting an underwater utopea and BioShock gave me just that. Welcome to Rapture, except it isn't exactly heaven. The halls of Rapture are either collapsing or overrun by Splicers, the deadly enemies that want ADAM. Find a Little Sister, who collects the ADAM, and you will find a Bid Daddy, the guardians. You go near that little girl the Daddy's will push you back. If you leave them alone, they will leave you alone. But shoot the little b*tch, look out cause Big Daddy will kill you. Now there is a fantastic storyline in the walls of Rapture - care to see if you can unlock the mystery of Rapture?

4) Final Fantasy X - Beautiful graphics, excellent characters, perfect story and amazing gameplay are what lurks in Final Fantasy X. You play as Tidus, a blitzball player who runs into Aaron, the badass of the game, and finds out that something is terribly wrong. A terrible beast is fighting the world and it is up to you to destroy it. The story is full of twists that you have to keep up. The boss battles are amazing (expecially the Seymour battles - OMG!!!!). You meet a whole lot of characters in this game and find love, friendship, and trust in all of them. You must unite to destroy the creature of destruction.

5) Mass Effect 2 - After the laggy first Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 is brought to us and surpasses the it in almost everyway. You play as Commander Shepard from the first game who is caught in the attack of his ship. He saves the crew but is killed when his ship is destroyed. You are then brought back to life and take orders from The Illusionist (the brilliant Martin Sheen as the voice over).You meet familiar faces, that I will not say, and try to destroy an alien race that destroyed your ship. The story is fantastic. The twists are present in this story and the finale is amazing! The story might takes you between 15-20 hours to complete and that's not including all the exploring and side missions you can do. The gameplay has become a third person shooter with RPG elements that are tied in. It truly works. Everything works. This game is a masterpiece.

6) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - Humor, action, compelling story, and amazing gameplay is what Uncharted 2 is all about. It surpasses the first game by a long shot. You play a Nathan Drake, a treasure hunter, who is asked to find . . . well more teasure. Of course it isn't as easy as preferred. You are betrayed and left to be captured by the police. You escape . . . well almost. You meet familiar faces that will help you along you journey. But nothing is as good as the opening mission. You wake up, bleeding to death, and escape from a train car that is hanging over a cliff - what a way to start a game. There is humor, intelligent puzzles, excellent gameplay and addictive multiplayer. I'm sure you want to play this action experience.

7) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Well I had to add my favorite Nintendo 64 game. Oh boy does this bring back memories. Picking up the Master Sword and watch 7 years go by and BAM the undead are lurking, the castle belongs to Ganon and Hyrule is in ruins. Intriguing gameplay, along with the best bosses you will ever find, and amazing dungeons that will take an hour to complete - sometimes longer than that. And the final showdown with the King of Darkness is fantastic, the collapsing castle and the firey circle you are trapped in as Princess Zelda watches from the outskirts. It's time to save the world from destruction as Link, the hero of our lifetime.

8) Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Yes well Mario had to come into my top 10. The 3D Mario takes on Big Bowser you wants to create his own galaxy. He takes Princess Peach and you must bring her back safely. This time you have your own ship to navigate from solar system to solar system. The levels are big, challenging, and great fun. There are power-ups, fun bosses, and the feeling of rescuing a star is back. The first Super Mario Galaxy brought Mario back into my heart but SMG2 surpasses the first game by far.

9) Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty - Ah a game without playing as Solid Snake. This time you play as Raiden, an agent who is trying to find a Metal Gear device. With the help of Solid Snake, you will infiltrate a secret base and use stealth to get around. You want to be really stealthy in this game. If you don't have a silenced weapon, make sure no one else is around to see you, cause reinforcements will come. The story is fantastic as always and it was a great idea to make Snake the supporting role in this game. There are four games in total but 2 stands in my heart as the best in the sries.

10) Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening - I had to put Dante in. This is the third installment but actually a prequel to the first game. You play as young Dante, a demon hunter who gets an unexpected invitation from his twin brother and a huge amount of demons to kill. All of a sudden, a huge tower arises from the city streets along with a man in a blue overcoat and a samurai sword next to him. That is Vergil, Dante's twin brother. It's a true shame that Vergil is only in this game and not the others. Vergil maybe the best antagonist in all of gaming history (in my opinion). The battles with Vergil are fantastic (3 in total) and the final showdown between them is amazing. Even with Vergil saying Dante's name in a low, dark voice, you know he's a force to be wreakened with. This is one of the greatest games I have ever played. The challenging combat is satisfying, the cutscenes are astounding and fantastic boss battles back up this perfect storyline about the hatred of the Twin Brothers Dante and Vergil. The sons of Sparta collide and oh boy it is perfect. It is the best in the series, and Vergil is just a badass and my favorite PS2 game of all time.

So there ya have it! I will make my top 10 list (1-10) in a couple of days. Do you agree with any of these games?

Black Ops better than Modern Warfare 2???

Yes my blog's title is correct, no typos, no grammar mistakes, no nothing. I haven't made my final rating but it seems that Black Ops might be better than Modern Warfare 2. You need reasons why right? So here they are:

Single Player: How Black Ops is better than MW2

- Better Story

- More Explosive (but no EMP in Washington D.C.)

- Longer (MW2 clocks in at around 5 1/2 hours while Black Ops is about 7-8 hours) - NOTE: Black Ops is better paced than Modern Warfare 2.

Single Player: What they both have

- Intense fights that might last for five minutes

- AI (Both enemy and friendly) can be a little . . . . stupid.

- An action film feel to the campaign

Single Player: What Black Ops has problems with that MW2 didn't

- The game came freeze up for a couple of seconds or completely in intense fights

Multiplayer: Modern Warfare 2

- F***ing fun game modes

- Dual Weilding Shotguns (some overpowering) , Grenade Launchers (Noob tubes), One Man Army, Commando

- Killstreaks (Maxinum # = 25 - a Nuke)

- Basically everything else not mentioned was in MW

- Co-op = extra fun

- Prestige Mode

Multiplayer: Black Ops

- Wager Matches = a lot of fun

- NO MORE DUAL WEILDING SHOTGUNS, ONE MAN ARMY, COMMANDO, and grenade launchers don't count for killstreaks

- A Currency Mode that is fantastic. You get money for winning matches, getting kills, doing challenges, contracts (that change everyday)

- Killstreaks brought down to 11 - NO MORE NUKES!

- (Co-op) Zombie Mode - Can play as JFK if you want :)

- Shotguns are not overpowered at all

- Prestige Mode

And that's MOST of the content I can come up with. Don't get me wrong, I love MW2 as much as the next person but Black Ops feels so good. And after the disappointment of World at War, it is safe to say that Treyarch's game will be in my Game of the Year list. It is a true contender to Mass Effect 2, Red Dead: Redemption, Super Mario Galaxy 2, and Halo: Reach. Look for my review sometime next week.

Surprised results for Black Ops

Now this is praise for Call of Duty: Black Ops. After being sadly disappointed by Treyarch's last call of duty game, I was really surprised when I entered the world of black ops. First of all I think this storyline is the best in the series. Now I still believe that Call of Duty 4's story was more gripping and suspenseful but the actual story of black ops is so original. The way they show the main character in the present and then flashback to the past is just brilliant. This might be a hit or miss to some of you guys but there are a lot of explosions. It seems like this is a Michael Bay movie where the action is just explosive. Explosions go off everywhere in the story and I only done a couple of missions and boy I'm loving it. Having said that I feel the multiplayer isn't as fun as ModernWarfare. Maybe it's because of the currency they give you in order to purchase the weapons and perks. I'm not a big fan of that yet but maybe I'll change my mind. Oh I'm loving "One in the Chamber". It's a wager game that basically gives you one bullet in a gun. I'll explain it in my review but so far I'm loving Black Ops. It might be a contender for my fifth spot on my Best Game of the Year nominations. But still anything can happen. Look for my review sometime in the next week.

And I sort of stopped New Vegas for a little while but look for that review in the later month. Happy Veterans day guys!(It's early I know)

Praise for New Vegas

At first I thought New Vegas was okay. Now it is far better than what I said before. While the story isn't as gripping as Fallout 3's, I am still having a great time with it. I'm also loving the weapon attachments of items. For a bolt action rifle I know have a night scope which makes the enemies appear easier at night. I guess it has night vision but anyway - I'm also doing what I haven't done for a long time since fallout 3 - playing it 3 hours a day. It is really fun even with some of the bugs still in place but HEY - doesn't bother me.

Fallout: New Vegas (First couple of hours)

Well . . . this game is more of the same. I'm kindof wondering why they didn't call it Fallout 3: New Vegas. It has all its strong points and weaknesses. The framerate is still choppy, the AI isn't that much different from Fallout 3 and the graphics are the same. But great gameplay is still present and only time will tell if the story will be a highlight of the game.

Wasteland and Game of the Year nominations

Well I'm ready for Fallout: New Vegas - how about you? Fallout 3 was my favorite game of 2008 - won my Game of The Year. It was a fantastic open world game and V.A.T.S. won my heart. Great storytelling, great graphics (even if there was some slow time) and gameplay that was just perfect. I pre-ordered my copy over the weekend so I'll let you know about my opinions in a week or two.

And this is something I'm doing new this year - since we are getting to the last part of the year I decided to give the nominations of 2010 so far for Game of The Year!. And they are as follows:

1) - Red Dead Redemption - Score: 9.7

2) - Mass Effect 2 - Score: 10

3) - Halo: Reach - No Score yet but definately better than Halo 3 (haven't finished the game yet)

4) - Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Finished it but didn't review it for some reason - Score: 10

And those are the nominees so far. Look for my 6 nominations early December - but let's talk about the games. What did you guys think?

Repaired Xbox - Final Day

Well this is the last post about my xbox (unless it breaks again). My console came in today and I tried it out and it works great. But for some reason the eject button on the console itself doesn't work but that's okay since the dashboard allows me to eject and it works from there. Halo: Reach works and I'm happy to say that it looks beautiful and it seems really cool. But look for my review when I get to it in a month or so.

Broken Xbox - Day 16

Well good news from UPS - it seems my delivery date has changed from Wednesday to tomorrow (Monday) so it looks good. I'm not getting over excited since it say In Transit but doesn't say In Transit - On Time so I'm not getting my hopes us. . . after all they screwed me up already.

In other news - Gears of War 3 won't be coming out this April, lame.