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Instead of buying $60 games all the time I decided to play two Ratchet and Clank games (or 1 1/2) Read my reviews for Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction and Quest for Booty. One is great, one is disappointing.

Prototype and Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

Last week, Prototype was released and I was kind of shocked with the scores it has been getting. Not bad but descent reviews (72 was the lowest thank god). I'm still gonna get it when I get the money but I'm afraid it's not going to be good. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune us for the PS3 and my brother decided to get it (and no inFamous). I must say that it is a very fun game. Challenging but a great movie/game storyline. Look for my reviews for both of these games (probably uncharted first) and state your opinions on both of these games.

Sony gives a huge surprise in their E3 conference, but a somewhat light surprise

Earlier today, I was watching Sony's E3 conference where they revealed a trailer for Final Fantasy XIII. And my brother and I were shocked, with our mouth's open, as the host announced Final Fantasy XIV that is also coming out in 2010. They showed a teaser trailer but our open mouths slowly shut closed as a subtitle said "Online" so Final Fantasy XIV will be a MMORPG, which means that it will follow Final Fantasy far. Only time will tell if we will have to pay for this MMORPG that recieved a very light applause even though it recieved many gasps and claps before the trailer. Hopefully, Final Fantasy XIV will be worth our monthly money IF they make us pay to play.

E3 is coming Monday

E3 is coming next week. I'm hoping to hear about God of War III and of course Final Fantasy XIII. But I hope there will be a demo of Bioshock 2 and Halo ODST. Give me a comment on what you guys want to hear about next week

Dead Space halfway review

Dead Space is a good game so far. It's kind of funny how this game is based on other horror games such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill and they turn it into a space adventure. I love the graphics in this game. The lighting of your flashlight as you aim your futuristic weapons at the creatures on this massive ship is stunning. The enviornments look excellent. The lights flashing on and off, the gas from the pipes somtimes blinding your vision gives you a fear of what is beyond the smoke. I love the gameplay in this game. It's just like Resident Evil 4's over-the-shoulder look but you can't quick turn and sometimes, when you don't even know it, creatures will silently sneek up on you. The only thing is that the curb stomp is too powerful as you smash a box without even hitting it. The monsters are great. I love the first five minutes of this game with a passion. You are the only one who is out of the room where the creatures are attacking then all of a sudden the doors open and monsters come out of the vents from above you. You have no weapons so you have to run like hell. The elevator part is great. You think you are safe when those doors close but then a creature opens the doors and tries to lunge at you. It pushed me back a couple of feet but then I saw the doors shut closed killing the creature. Just FYI I wan playing this game at night, the lights off (12:30 am) and no one was near me. Look for my review and give me your opinions on this game if you have played it before. Oh and yes this is an unique horror game.

The City of Rapture is coming back this fall!!!!

OMG I can't believe it but its happening. Bioshock 2 is coming out this fall!!! You guys have no idea how long I have been waiting for this game. It takes place ten years after the first and you play as a Big Daddy!!!!! So this is going to be a long summer for me. With Prototype comming out this summer, Bioshock 2 the fall and Final Fantasy XIII hopefully in the winter or early 2010, it will be a great year for gamers!!!!

Fallout 3 comes out with another DLC but still comes up short like Anchorage

The Pitt is a download that can be bought in the marketplace. This is the second DLC for Fallout 3 with Operation Anchorage being the first. Operation Anchorage was a disappointment and I must be honest in my review that The Pitt also comes out short. Just like Operation Anchorage you get a distress call from your Pipboy and you must find the location where the call came from. You find a man who came a "slave city" known as The Pitt. When you first enter the actual pitt, you are stripped of everything you have expect a weapon your friend gives you. You then must find a cure because a lot of people are sick and dying and turning into creatures that lurk in some places of The Pitt. Now this DLC also comes with two new weapons: The Auto Axe: a huge chainsaw like melee weapon and The Infiltrator: a silenced assault rifle that uses 5.56mm bullets. Now the assault rifle isn't that powerful in my opinion but the Auto Axe is actually a one shot one kill with the creatures when you use VATS. Now this is a disappointing DLC because it's only two missions (I believe) and I thought there could be more stuff you could do after completing it. But it was good to get out of the Capital Wasteland for a change. This DLC is 800 microsoft points and if you liked Fallout 3, I will recommend it to you but you will feel a similarity to Operation Anchorage. . . . disappointment. The Pitt recieves a 7.8 out of 10

Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage

So when I downloaded the new content for Fallout 3, I was surprised as they thought of an idea of using the outcast Brotherhood of Steel. If first starts with you receiving a emergency message on your Pipboy 3000 and go towards a location where you fight along the outcasts. After that, you enter their base and asked to enter a computer simulator to complete to unlock an armory. The simulation takes place in Alaska and I was a little mad when I kept on dying because you can't bring the stimpaks into the simulator and have to wait to find a health re-generator and an ammo dispenser to replenish your ammo. Yea you can't pick up weapons or anything. Now the cool part is becoming a Colonel and taking control of a team of any type of soldiers you want to take down the Chinese. This made it like Rainbow Six Vegas but a little bit simpler. Now a new weapon they give you is a Gauss Rifle that shoots one microfusion cell at a time (yes you can get it after the simulator). After all of this and it ended, I was thinking "Ok, what is worth the money?". I was a little bit disappointed with Operation Anchorage but still a lot of fun. Plus with two more DLC taking place in Pittsburgh and some more quests with the Main Quest coming up, Operation Anchorage is basically the Prologue to these extra downloads. I decided to give DLC a rating. Operation Anchorage is given a 8.3 out of 10.