@doccobb: Actually the gamers who spend money on stuff like that are the reason companies charge for everything in the first place. They LOVE to get ripped off while gaming, so it's not a slap in the face. It's giving them even more of what they love.
@guitarguy243: Plus implying that you could get them at a reduced rate if you bought them before made no sense. Nintendo never does that, and I doubt that they will suddenly start that with a batch of games that people have been begging to pay full price for.
@Gravity_Slave: There's no need to be so accusing. There are many reasons someone wouldn't like him. For example, fans of progressive rock or heavy metal often prefer songs not to be so simplistic, and musicians to actually be skilled at what they play, and don't hear the difference between Nirvana and any other catchy band that got trendy for a while.
I liked him personally, but I was bored by most of the Nirvana rip-offs that followed. And I would understand if people didn't like him if they blamed him for crapping up the early 90's rock scene.
@silv3rst0rm: All that customizing cars and cell phones and stuff... Yet I'm guessing that if you equip new armor, you still don't see your guy wearing it, right?
Right now they are excited about ideas such as, "What if we make a game you can only play on your TV with the base game, then sell DLC that lets you play it while walking around outside, "
NaturallyEvil's comments