you must be playing rdr on ps3 because it has the best open world graphics this gen besides mass effect 2
Nawshus' forum posts
Theres no point, its not a very good game, Xbox already has crackdown
A few games missing for me such as Mafia II, all in all looks like a very good E3 for 360
Sony obliterated the competition for 2 generations. While Microsoft has yet to see what first place is like ON top of that while this is most certainly a humbling generation for Sony they have clearly shown a superior 1st/2nd party to Microsot and one that might not even rival nintendo at this point. I would argue they've made a strong enough case to say they are stronger in terms of Depth(as in more studios for Sony that put on a stronger console show). Sony still has a very strong legacy in gaming, and for all intents and purposes they have chipped away at the lead Microsoft has had for awhile. Microsoft was at a point where they had just gotten so much better than the previous generation. Just right now it feels like they are stuck in neutral. Hopefully Natal is what they actually need. jg4xchamp
Um what? We are allways hearing how sales don't matter to the 2cepts well 64, Gamecube and Xbox were all superior to ps1 & ps2 hardware no question.
lol @ kratos comparing to those two icons.
MGS wasn't an AAAAE neither was IV, as long as Microsoft keeps owning sony in sales the fanboys will continue to have something to talk about. I would say that out of 4 years PS3 finally has a year which its catalog is better than Xbox, thats why they're going mad.
I agree microsoft bought off alot of ps3 exclusives, not just this gen but last, great games like pes and gta. Sony isn't a big company compared to microsoft, if the game does well commercialy don't expect sony to be able to hold on
Sony fanboys in overdrive
Well i sold my PS3 and i have to say there is hardly any difference, certainly not 25% or 50%
I would agree that ME2 is game of the year
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