Red dead was supposed to be alot superior on the 360 but this morning i played it on the ps3 and i really couldn't notice a difference. Theres no huge gap, only to nerds who like to blow it up and validate their purchase, when i see a fanboy i basically see someone who isn't confident with what they've spent their money on.
I gotta lol @ fanboys who dissmiss ME2 and other ''oh you can get that on pc it doesn't count'' when we all know its about ps3 vs xbox its so pathetic as long as a game isn't on the other console it counts. who cares if you can play it on pc, guess what, every game is designed on pc and game be played on PC, PC is not a system. As far as 2010 being the year of 360, no i would give this one to 3cept fanboys since Xbox has had every year since 06
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