Im sure it will be a great game but i won't be getting it as pro evo 10 and AC2 top my list, plus i have plenty great shooters i have barely played such as rainbow 6 vegas 2, 007 solace plus i still havnt got modern warfare 1 aswell as world at war
Ofcourse it will, uncharted 2 is an un-established fake tomb raider franchise with a weak predecessor. Personally neither are my most anticipated games to come this fall.
I dunno I am not much into the whole "This happend for real!" theme of the ads. By no means does it mean it's bad, I however prefer this when it's all in-game footage and gives the consumers a taste of what's waiting them in the game:
You are a deluded sonyfan boy. That is the only way someone can seriously prefer that indiana jones trailer to one of the epic greatness of ODST.
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