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#1 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

As with any other game, if it's good enough then I'll pay the fee either monthly or to buy it or both. That's just how the world works. You may not like it, but, oh well. If it's not worth it to you, then don't pay.

The good news is that developers are starting to see the consumer doesn't like a monthly fee as much as they'd like us to. More and more games are leaning towards much better alternatives and by better I mean looks cheaper for the player. Dungeons and Dragons Online is a wonderful little game and a good example of finding new ways to get our money.

Anarchy Online has also gone in new directions for getting its funding and allowing people to play. But until this is the rule and not the exception, games need to have their development covered and that price on the boxed game is what's doing that. I don't see it going away any time soon.

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#2 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

PS3 controller is my favourite. It's the same design as the PS2 controller for the most part but it's got more weight to it than the PS2 did and that helps. It feels like there's something more than air in my hands and I'm not likely to crush it.

I can play my PS3 for hours and not get sore. It's been that way sinse the PS1 and the controller hasn't changed much sinse then. If your hands hurt maybe you just need better hands? :P

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#3 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

Eh... Once upon a time I would have been thrilled at the idea. But after watching the direction Square Enix has gone after FF10, no. I don't want them to lay a single hand on it.

The only way it'd work is with a graphical upgrade. Everything else would have to be left... Although, maybe some new translation wouldn't go amiss. No voice acting, though. Voice acting would mean an english dub was required and I don't want to hear Barret talking like Mr T any more. Advent Children was painful enough.

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#4 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

I like the action figures. Comics are cool too. If the soundtrack is worth listening to on it's own, such as in a game like WET, then that's a nice addition but I can't say that for most games. Bonus in game items are okay but what's even better is bonus game! Extra levels. I love documentaries too. Those are always fun. Artbooks? Yeah, they're okay as a nerdy coffee table book.

Mostly, though, it's the documentaries and action figures. I think they're the best things you can put in a collectors eddition box. The metal cases actually just annoy me.

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#5 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

But seriously, you cats. I can't really say I'm interested in the motion senser technology as it is. But this is all new stuff and out little baby wii-mote is still trying to find its place in the world. The technology is a little lacking and insensetive but nothing is perfect when you first try it out. Think about it, you say you don't want to be flailing around but the moment motion sensing wands are combined with recent 3D visual technology and you're having a lightsabre battle with Darth Vader reaching out of your TV, every one of us here will be nerdgasming all over the place.

Motion Sensing has some maturing to do, but so does anything new. What I'm frightened of in terms of "the direction of gaming" is that it has no direction at all. I'm afraid that the gaming community and game critics accept too much mediocrity and support safe, generic stuff like Halo and another Super Mario Bros and it's sending the message that we want games to stagnate and stay where they are instead of evolving. The video games and the technology need to keep evolving and there's nothing wrong with that.

So bring on the motion sensors and bring on the interactive drama. Bring on the cinematic, bring on the hard core and the casual. Let's see some new IPs and let's reinvent some old ones. Next time there's a Call of Duty, let's make it about fighting Aliens with severe allergies to haggas. We'll play as scottish soldiers launching sheeps guts out of new, experimental, haggas guns at giant, insectoid alien creatures and watching them explode. The levels can start us off in the middle eastern desert and take us to a boss fight INSIDE the queen alien as we deliver haggas straight to her digestive system.

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#6 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

I agree! I'm completely terrified by the idea of new things and will make as much noise as I can in hopes that I can stand in the way of technological advancement. There's no reason for new things to come out ever and if, by some chance, they do then I want them to be perfect!

Whose with me? When you take an innovative step forward, you better make sure that's it's gone through at least two generations of trial to make sure it works perfectly or I want nothing to do with it!

Now let's all put on our angry consumer face and demand that things stay exactly as they are! No new technology and definately no new games either. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go play 'Generic First Person Shooter: Guns and Grenades 12' because this is how the world is supposed to be. Safe and familiar!

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#7 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

Right now? This very moment? Nothing. I'm browsing Gamespot forums. What game am I involved in presently? Two.

White Knight Chronicles. It's generic and sometimes it makes me want to revisit Final Fantasy 9. That was more interesting but White Knight has more exciting combat, even if it is easier. I like the idea of the White Knight but otherwise the game is average.

Assassin's Creed 2. This game annoys me. The first one did too and I knew this would. But it was there so I'm playing it and I intend to see it through to the end. The stealth system seems improved, but there's still a distinct lack of doing Assassin things in this game. Oh and the characters annoy me. The ones outside the Animus, I mean. The ones inside don't have enough personality to make me feel either way about them.

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#8 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

It'll be a company with Lucas in the name that has the final say on where the IP goes. I think Bioware is making the MMORPG so it looks like they presently hold the rights to develop the franchise.

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#9 NeoMerlin
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KoTOR 1 had a great twist but otherwise the story was pretty average. KoTOR 2 was far superior and the game, in general, was more memorable. It's difficult to pick one game that has THE BEST story. So I'm going to say this and I'm surprise I'm the first to throw it out.

Heavy Rain is the game that tells its story the best. It may not be the greatest story ever told in a game but it tells it the best.

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#10 NeoMerlin
Member since 2009 • 85 Posts

To date my favourite game is inFamous. Last generation it was Final Fantasy 10. The generation before that it was Final Fantasy 7. Prior to that my favourite game was... Earth Worm Jim? Going back a ways now. But today my favourite game is inFamous.

So I guess that's the best game ever for me.