I think it must have been Sonic The Hedgehog 2 on the Sega Megadrive. That was the day I gave up any chance of ever having a social life and gave in to the call of the console.
NeoMerlin's forum posts
I'm one of those people who still can't see what was wrong with Fallout 3. I can see how in some ways it doesn't feel the same as Fallout 1 or 2, but isn't that a good thing? It shouldn't feel the same because it isn't the same game.
I loved Fallout 3. It was exciting, captivating and quirky. I've been looking forward to Fallout: New Vegas ever sinse it was anounced. But I hope it's not coming out too soon. Fallout 3 was really let down by the bugs in it and they're never going to be resolved. They can really ruin the experience and I hope the team on New Vegas take a little more time to make sure the game is all shiny and good.
I'm trying really hard to think of a game that should have a sequel and the only one that comes to mind is Psy-Ops. The game didn't actually finish and I want to know what happens next. Everything else had a nice "The End" feel to it and doesn't need a sequel.
Maybe we could have a sequel to Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist of The Roses except instead of making up an entirely new system for the card game, we use the perfectly good one that's been in place sinse the game was created and have a proper Yu-Gi-Oh! game on a console. And to link it to the last one... It can be about the crusades or first world war or something.
Fat Princess is my first suggestion if you're looking for multiplayer. It's plenty o' fun. Unfortunately I don't think you can split screen it for local play. Instead if you want multiplayer on the one console you can go for Burn Zombie Burn. As far as fighting games go Marvel vs Capcom is just okay.
If you're looking for single player my big suggestion is Braid or, if you want to go a little grander, you can get the whole Siren Blood Curse off the PSN. There's also plenty of great PS Classics you can download like the Final Fantasy Games, someone suggested Silent Hill already. These can be pretty good for single player and retro gaming if you're into that.
One in particular that gets a dishonourable mention is Megaman 9. Do not waste your money on this game. I did and I regret every cent of it and it's not even that expensive.
Shield not keeping you from being on fire? Here's my suggestion.
Step 1: Take off your armour. It's slowing you down. Don't wear anything heavy ever. You can really feel the difference.
Step 2: Move towards the fire bomb throwing enemy until he starts to telegraph his attack.
Step 3: Hit the dodge button or roll back so the bombs hits the ground harmlessly.
Step 4: Get in close and make your enemy dead.
The lesson here is master the technique of rolling. It saves your life. Much more than armour does.
Red Dead Redemption. The world needs more Spaghetti Western games. A lot more. So make it a proffitable game to entice other studios towards the idea.
Right now it's an inFamous theme I got off the PS Store that was cheap as free. I only just changed it from the Mirror's Edge theme. I really like the Mirror's Edge colour scheme so I had it for a while. I change my theme depending on my mood. Mostly it's video game related though.
I still listen to and love the FFVII sound track. It's one of my favourites.
But just to be different, I'm not going to pick it. I can't believe no one has said Shadow of The Colossus yet! That's my pick. Great soundtrack in that game.
I was about to throw my hands up and agree while pining for the days when Resident Evil wasn't a lame action game and actually tried to be a survival horror like it was intended.
Then I remembered I gave up caring within the first hour of playing Resident Evil 5. I don't know what Capcom were thinking but maybe if they do something really amazing in the future I'll start paying attention to them again.
Yes they do.
So do Zelda games, for that matter.
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