@peptide101: so false equivalence abounds in this one, yet another fallacy.
When are you going to stop employing fallacies and start reasoning?
My agreeing that the right does this too is a statement of fact and proof I am reasoning with a clear view of reality.
The fact that the right does this too has no relevance on my statement that the left has gone too far in this case. Either they have and it’s valid, or they have not and logical fallacies can not be used to prove invalidity.
Whether or not I support Republican values does not make me a Republican, even if I’m a Republican it does not mean I support Trump, even if I support Trump it does not mean I support insurrection. Your reasoning is not valid and is not sound.
I wish the best for you going forward. I think you’ve got a good head on your shoulders once you learn to correctly deploy logic you would be an excellent lawyer.
I said it in the context of a Star Wars actress losing her job after making a statement.
That statement received a well-documented reaction from those on the political left.
They largely committed the fallacy of false equivalence in asserting she made racist and anti-Semitic remarks, you have parroted that position in your comments here.
It was almost certainly the pressure put on Disney from those leftists on social media that led Disney to take action.
Just like in your example, Donald Trump caused a mob to raid the Capital building on January 6th. The mob would not have raided the Capital otherwise.
You can correctly trace causation in one instance and not the other?
One of us is missing something...
Cancel culture is the idea that you can ruin someone’s existence through social media campaigns aimed at destabilizing their economic or social foundation. It is very real and very effective. Both sides have used it effectively, the right did use it to target Kaepernick by boycotting the NFL and its sponsors. In that case, the right went too far.
In this one, and in many others, the left has. In this instance it is unusual because if you consider the content of the post she did not deserve it.
That’s my opinion. It’s grounded in logic. It’s sound and it’s valid and it’s too strong for you to tear down with your dim-witted fallacy.
@peptide101: yes, exactly. You finally get it. I am on here saying a Star Wars actress was “cancelled” and it isn’t right.
As far as her past racism or anti-semitism I’ll take issue with you because I haven’t seen any. What I have seen is people using fallacies such as yours to misrepresent what she did say and then people who struggle to comprehend logic and reasoning...much like yourself...becoming incensed and parroting those same falsehoods.
Things I haven’t made a statement or position on:
My political affiliation
My stance on Donald Trump
My views on right wing cancel culture
My views on Colin Kaepernick
My views on BLM.
My views on January 6th.
Any and every time you have raised those issues you have done so with an assumption of my view I have not shared and, as I stated previously, you suck at guessing.
I have to add too you seem to be very intelligent in a sense so I don’t think you’re stupid, you just could really use a Critical Thinking course.
@peptide101: when did I make any claim to being a Republican or supporting Trump?
You misunderstand what a straw man is. It’s when you invent a conclusion or premise your opponent doesn’t claim to support and then attack that instead of the conclusion or premise your opponent presented.
I’ve made my conclusion clear. The left has gone too far in support of cancel culture. Saying that insurrectionists and murderers and traitors and blah blah blah is in no way related to the validity of my statement.
Blaming the right is called Tu Quoque, which is a way of saying “your conclusion is false because this person or group also does it.”
My point is either valid or not in spite of the validity of your statement, which, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve yet to refute.
And last but not least, I didn’t think I would have to explain that my position is in regard to the article this is the comment section for.
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