@n0matter: cancel culture is a social media led phenomenon in which people act or are offended by political/social messaging that doesn’t conform to an arbitrary threshold and encourage each other to shame, humiliate and disassociate with the target.
Fake News is a term popularized by Trump to describe anyone who disagrees with him.
@peptide101: so what this woman said was the Nazi propaganda machine had to build up public support with the Germans which started out small but eventually led to the holocaust.
It’s not difficult to understand she’s not equating the holocaust with what is happening now to right wing speech. She was using the slippery slope argument to warn people that catastrophic things can start small and seemingly harmless.
After having a small back-and-forth with you and seeing how quickly, foolishly and thoughtlessly you apply fallacy in making your arguments I can see what the problem is.
You think you’re smart. you think you get it. And you think you have something to explain to me. I strongly suggest you research logic and reasoning and especially the sections on fallacies.
You probably still think Tucker Carlson invented the term strawman. Why don’t you look it up and then re-read your own posts before responding?
It sounds like you all agree with me that the left has gone too far but you feel like they have to because the right also goes too far.
So are we in a race to the bottom? If that’s the case are you alright with that so long as your “team” scores points for you on the way to national destruction?
And if you think there’s a better way can we ALL agree to stop letting stupid little shit bother us so much because it looks like we’ve built a pretty big fire based off years of listening to the radicals on social media teach us how to overreact.
@rasterror: again: the “republicans do it too” is an example of the Tu Quoque logical fallacy and is not an acceptable argument.
I said “the left has gone too far” and you either agree with me on that point or you disagree and can provide a premise that doesn’t include “but Republicans.”
@peptide101: so your first mistake is assuming I’m a Republican.
“straw man” and some of the other terms that made no sense to you are from University level Logic and Reasoning courses.
What lies have I posted?
What led you to call me an Insurrectionist?
What makes you think I support Trump?
This post of yours is full of hate, judgement, mischaracterization and fear.
You don’t know me and you replaced that lack of knowledge with a lot of guesses and one thing I now know about you is you suck at guessing.
I made the claim that the left has gone too far and you’ve yet to bring any level of reasonable debate to that point. And this nonsense that suffices as a thoughtful response in your eyes tells me perhaps you could use some education in Logic and Reasoning yourself.
@rasterror: I’m talking about Liberals going crazy doxing people with opposing political views and you bring up Republicans?
That is a fallacy.
Does Republicans reacting to Liz Cheney voting to impeach Trump have any bearing whatsoever on the validity of whether or not liberals are going crazy punishing those with political views?
It’s a red herring AND tu quoque fallacy.
You want to talk about that NEXT? Let’s stick with what I said and not go down your dimly lit road.
@peptide101: what are liberals going crazy on? Opposing political thought. First dismissing it without admitting the underlying philosophical difference and debating it, then by mocking the straw man they invent as the cause of their outrage, then any ad hominem attacks they can pile on the person in order to shame and ridicule.
You actually committed all three in your response so thank you for the illustration for anyone following.
Bothsideism creeps in as well as a last resort because hypocrisy is the easiest defense for one’s own bad behavior but Tu Quoque is also a fallacy.
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